THURSDAY, JUNI 4, 1874. Time at Hid f tray. UIL Fast.... 4.50 p. Jo West 1:36 a. i 8:15 a. East.. IIIIHI 6:40 p. m. : Lodge, a. t. m. i meeticcs of Elk LoJgs, No. at their hall, oorncr of Main i-cts, on the second and fourth Inch month' D. B. DAY, Seo'y tates ef Advertising. One column, one Tear - $75 00 J " ' 40 00 I 25 00 " " " 15 00 Transient advertisements per equare of eight lines, one Insertion $1, two inser tions, l.oU, three insertions, $2. llusmess cards, ten lines or less, per year t. Advertisements payable quarterly. Killed. Last Saturday a Swedo named Peter Johnson, in the employ of W. H. (Jsterhmit. whitn nonlinn- Vmrlt ar Coot Jack, waa almost insiaotlv illed by the falling of a tree. He leaves a wife and child. An exchange having said, "spend your idle time in the garden," the Girard Preis frankly responds: "That advice just suits us, for it there it any time that we like to be idle, it is when we are in the garden." UHANQE OF J. 1MB. XiaiUS HOW (depart from the llidgwav station as Follows. GOING EAST. Mail, 5;05 p. m. ccommodation, IU:Uoa. m. I GOING WEST. Mail, Kccommodation, Z.-3U p. m. 8;05 p. m. Toe '-infalible" Gene, of the Elk femocrat, in his last weeks issue, calls s stupid, and intimates that our judg ment is none of the best, and all because ve mentioned the fact that it was re- 'cr'ei that Bromley had been cap urea, u is too oaa tnat we were so tivpia as 001 to asK tnis astute editor s ' . 1 1 i-1 . 1 . lidvice, in the matter, and our judgment Vp poor that we published a "report" r . J 1 it . 11 rr ana simpiy as a "report. t irst cast out the beam that is in thine own eye Jbrotber Gene, erst thou attempt to die cover the mote in ours. The new legislative apportionment Imakcs the following Senatorial Districts: Twenty-fourth district, the counties lot Lyctming, Montour, Suliivau aud jColumbia. Twenty-fifth district, the counties of JTioga, Potter and M'Kcan. Twenty-sixth district, the couutics of Susquehanna and Wayne. Twenty.seventh district, the counties (let Union, Snyder and Nothuuiberland. I . Thirty-eighth disrict, the countks of j I Cameron, Kile, Clarion and Porcst. Thirty-fourth district the counties ol fClinton, Clearfield and Center. There will be fifty Senators elected ,:n all. List of instruments entered in the air iiooK, in tne rrotnonotarr s omce, or record, during tne past two weeks: Satisfaction of Mortgage James M . Mortgage J. he Allegheny V alley 1 J road (Jo. to Jobo 1 . JjVod ana Lhas, 1869, to secure S10,U0U,0UU. Deed Charles R. Larley, treasurer of Elk county, to Horace Little, dated June 10th, 1872, for warrant 2523, 900 acres in Millstone township. Assignment Horace Little to Lewis Watson, dated May 8th, 1874, Little's Interest in above 000 acres. k Assignment A. C. Allen to B. F. lien, dated May 22d, 1874, undivided h ne-half interest in piue timber on war rant 4dU5 xudgway two. Consideration $200. Deed Reuben Winalow and wife to James D. Whethara, dated March 31st, 1865, for the undivided one-half of lot of land in Jay township, containing two hundred acres. Consideration 82,000. Assignment James D. Whetham and wife to Reuben Winalow. dated 7 fcf VfiH, 1071 aI .U.. AnnA jjjny iulu, iuii, vi auuvc uccu. vuu sideration $1,000. Deed Adam Jesberger, guardian etc, to James Rogan, dated April 24th, 1872, for number 7, bzt acres land in I Benzinger township on Benzinger road. , Consideration SolZO. Deed S. P. Johnson and wife to Levi Elethrope, dated April 28th, 1874, for northeast corner of warrant 3786 in Highland township, containing 97 j acies. Consideration 8390. Deed Joseph Wilhelm and wife to Michael Miller, dated Angust 11th, 1 1873. for part of tract 5032, in Jay ' township, containing one hundred acres. Consideration $1500. Deed Charles R. Earley. treasurer of Elk county, to William James, dated June 10th, 1872, for 1000 acres land in Highland township, warrant 37o3. Tax and cost SS38 ov. Deed William James and wife to Levi Elethrope, dated June 3d, 1874, for 50 acres land in Highland township. Consideration $175. Assignment R. M. Bennett to T. J. Bennett, dated February J.4, 1874, on mortgage recorded in mortgage book B page 398. f Deed Elias King to John Miller, dated November 7th, 1872, for 976 acres land in warrant 2743. Deed Samuel Fowler and wife to EliasjKing, datedJNovember 12th,1871, 1451 acres, being part of warrants ' 3225 and 2743. Consider ation $45 0 and exchange. Weston fell oeventy miles shott of making Lis five hundred in six days. Tax following are the legal holidays designated on the statute books of Pennsylvania: New Year's day, Wash ington's Birth Day, Good Friday Deooration day, Fourth of July, lhanasgtving day, and Christmas, Thr Corry Republican says that J. W Blair, of Clymer, formely of Corry, was literally cat in pieees, on ths 25th, by coming in contact with the knife of the Shingle Cutter at his mill at Cly mer Station. One of his legs was cut off once and the other twice, besides other injuries. He died in a few min- utes. - The Norristowo Herald is authority for the, Mowing. "A man who was seen coming ont of a Texas newspaper omce with his nose split open, one eye juged out and an ear chawed off, ex plained to a policeman that he was not a subscriber to the paper he had sim ply entered the office to ascertain if the editor was in. "And he was in, he iQrnfully added." To Contractors. Soaled proposal for the contract for building a M. E. church in Ridgway, Pa., will be received at the office of the Secretary of the church building-committee, until June 8th, when the contract will be given to the lowest and best bidder,the committee reserving the right to reject all bids. Full plans and specifications of the proposed cuurcn can oe seen at tne dental rooms of J. D. Fullerton in Ridgway. J. O W. Bailey, Sec'y. Ridgway Pa. May 25th '74.-t3. Gov. Dix, of New York, has signed the bill which compels parents and guardians of children between the age, of eight and fifteen years to give them, in school or at home, at least fourteen weeks regular instruction every year in reading, writing, arithmetic, English grammar, and geography. It prohibits the employment of children within the ages named at any labor during the time when the district schools are op- J J 1 1 1 fY . eucu, anu me scnooi omcers are given authority to see that it is enforced. The Fish Season. The abundance of fish in the Susquehanna during the present season seems to have been al most unprecedented. The Havre de. n I?- .. . . uiate tnjiuoiictin says tnat aurin" several days of last week, such immense schools of shad and herring came ud the bay that the fishermen had to slacken up and make lewer hauls than usual or they would have taken more than they had capacity to handle. As it was, the Philadelphia and Italtiujoro u.t.u ... glutted with fresh shad, and everything available for striking heritg was utilized, 1.1 . r . . ana tne stocu oi salt and barrels ex hausted in putting them up. Fatal Accident. Friday morning last, at 10 o'clock, the portable saw mill of Mr. Lafayette StuhlmaD, on Mill Creek, Eldred township, was blown up and completely demolished. Mr. S. was thrown up into the air a distance of some seventy feet, fall in 2 through and lighting in some birch brush. His injuries wero shocking, his body terribly mutilated. Mr. Jos. Wilson, an, em ployee on the mill, was also severely in jured, his left arm being terribly mashed, necessitating amputation; he also receiv ed internal injuries. David Summer- ville, a young man employed on the mill, recrived very severe injuries, and his case is thought seiious. William ueer escaped Dy running lrom tne building, imagining that he had been thrown about seventy feet in the catas- trophy. The boiler was torn to pieces and parts of it were thrown many yard distance. The cause of the explosion seems to have been in a measure lack of care in its management, being out of order and carrying too great an amount of steam. Drs. McKnich and Hunt were summoned, and attended the suff erers. Brookville Republican. Compulsoky Education. Senator Stewart, of Nevada, has proposed an ammenainent to tne constitution as follows: Article 16. If any State shall fail to maintain a common tchool system, un der which all persons between the ages of five and eighteen years, not incapaci tated for the same, shall receive, free of charge, such elemementary education as Congress may prescribe, the Congress shall have power to establish therein such a system, and cause the same to be maintained at the expense of suoh State- This is one of the most important amendments that has ever been sub niitted to Congress, soys the New Yoik Herald. The constitution imposes uDon Congiess the guarantee to every State of a republican form of government. Now there can be no such form of govern ment, either in form or in spirit, with out education. We are rapidly earning to the doctrine that ignorance is a crime and certainly it is a crime against the State. It is more necessary to build School houses than jails, and quite as important to send children to school a to preserve the quarantine at our ports. We tru6t the Senator will press this amendment, or one similar in spirit' and that it will commend itself to the prompt and intelligent consideration of Con gress. Pittlvrgn Telegraph. " ' ALTQOUon the oivily rights bill has passed the Senate, thfcie seems to be but little hope entertained that it will go through the House aV this session. This, in view of the fact that it goes to the boftom of the calendar, and a t wo. third vote is necessary to reatsli it. J. Edgar Thompson, President of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Company, died at his residence, in Philadelphia, on ThursdaJj after an illness of some weeks. , The several stations on the roads owned by the company were draped in mourning in honor of tho deceased. Col. Thos, A. Scott, the First Vice President, will likely be the successor of Mr Thompson. The Arkansas Legislature has, by an almost unanimous vote, passed resolution calling on United States Senators Clayton and Dorsey to resign, and requesting the United States Sen ate, in case ot their rctu&al to vacate their seats within ten days, to investi gate the charges set forth in the reso. lution. The charges are, that they procured their election by bribery, trea sonably conspired with Brooks and otners to overthrow tne state govern ment and attempted to corrupt the judi ciary of the State, They had another lumber fire in Williamsport, on Wednesday, May 20. About one hundred and forty piles of boards and plank containing 2,500,- 000 feet, belonging to Woolverton & Tinnman, were burned. A considera ble portion of this was the finest lum ber cut by the firm this year. The loss on lumber cannot bo less than $40,000 to $5,000. As they had an insurance of $32,500 their loss will be quite well covored. They had no insurance on their railroad tracks, and their loss in these will be from $3,000 to $4,000. From 60,000 to 70,000 feet of lumber belonging to Mr. E. B. England and the Brown estate, were also burned, loss about $1,500. No insurance. California's Whkat Cnor. Cali fornia has two million acres of land sown to wheat this season, and her statisti cians have been so delighted by the spring rain falls, which are necessary to insuro a grain crop, that they have al ready counted the yield for 1874, the amount to be exported and the cost of shipment. According to their esti mates, the State will produce not less thon forty million bushels of wheat, which is nearly three times the yield accredited to it in the census of 1870, and ten millionbushcls more than the production of Illinois, as repotted in the - TI-c ..t.w-4 r... of the United Stutes, in 1873, was fi.'ty- six million bushels, and l.alitorma ex pects to export half of that amount this year, and to pay nineteen millions of dollars for freight charges in gettiag it to consumers. List CF Jvrors dnwn for August term of Court, couimeueiug Monday, August 3d, 1874- GRAND JURORS. Benczette W.W. Walker. Benzinger Charles Ciotincwettcr, Anton Bobenreid. Fox James Bixby, Darnel Muno, Charles Rogers, Paul Hivick. Jay Lawrence Avery, Lthraitn Hewitt. Jones Michael Miller, Sebastian Melzgar, Charles Kceler, Emerson Prescott. Ridgway Nelson Gardoer, It. V Kinie, J. B. Whitman, J. F. Weaver, Isaac Avery, W. A. Irwin, John Ziiu niett. St. Mary's Boro. John Meisel, Phillip Schissncr, John Frcindel. TRAVERSE JURORS. Benczette W. L. Winslow, Atner Ober, Robert Smith, Edward Walter, John M. Hanscom, Milton Winslow. Benzinger Paul Bush, Peter Herb- street, Jacob Nist, Joseph Gross, Peter Wilhelm, John Wilhelm (summitY John Gregory. L ox Elijah T. Meredith, John Christ, Edward Shriver, John J. Hays, Eugene A. Thompson, Solomon Pontius, Andrew Spillane. Horton Joseph i. llydo, Charles Brown, George Ayres, Michael Shar- traw. Jay John Wheeler! Samuel Uhl. Searis S. Dodd. Jones A. I. Wilcox, Daniel Attle- berger, Antboo Cole, John Nist, Adam Pistner, Joseph Houghtailing. Millstone John (jtibson. Ridgway B. ' F. Ely, Jeremiah Stewart, DuBois Gorton, A. G. Cuth- bert, Wm. H. Osterhout, Henry Flyon, John Flynn. bt. Mary s Boro. Charles Garner. Joseph Craft, Louis Vollmer, Eugel- bert bpellenberg. spring Creek m. Henry, Hiram Carman. A Pottsvitle man dreaaica lie was grabbing piles of greenbacks out of a bank when be was awakened by his wife exclaiming "John, for heaven's sake stop pulling my hair." In tho District Court of the IT. S. For the Western Dietriot of Penn'a. L. C. HORTON, of Rideway, Pa., a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, 18G7, bavins applied for a Dii' ebarge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, 13 v order of the Court, SOT1CE IS HUEBV GIVEN, to ail persons who nave proved tbeir debts, and other persons interested, to Appear on the 16TH DAY OF JUNE, 1874, at 5 o'olock P. to., before 8. . WOODRUFF, ESQ., Register, at his office in Ridgway, Pa. to show cause, if any they bave, why a Dig charge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt. 1 0 C. McCANDLESS, Clerk. New Advertisements. MOBTQAQEES SALS. Colliery In Elk County, Penn'a, "BENZINGER COAL AND IRON COM PANY PROPERTY." By virtue of a deoree of the Court of Cohimon Pleas, of Elk County, made the I4tn day or April, A. D. 1874, directing a sale to be made, in the forolosure of a eer- ?n mortgnge, recorded in the Recorder's i"OB--County,-W, Mortgage Hook ', "prs 152 ota.. the 13th linv of Aiimint A. D. JB07, the undersigned Trustees and Mortgagees, under said mortgage (the siune jiuviog ueen ioroioseu ty a 1(111 in r-quiiy;, win expose lor sale at Public Auction, at the i-xolmngo in the City of Fliilvlelphm, on TUEH1MY, THE 7TH DAY OF JULY A D. 1874, at 12 o'clock, m. me loiiowing described property to wit: being all the estate and franchises, belonging to and connected with tbe said Tho "BENZINGER COAL AND IRON UUAlf AJNlf." First All the Railroad connecting th mines of said Company with thk Philadel. phin and Erie Rail Road, and bnilt by the doiu vjompany, together with all and singu. lar, the superstructure bridges, switches, turnouts, sidetracks, depots, and buildings, pockets, cars, and other stock, in and atyiut, tbe operation and mining of said uaii uoau. Second All the following described tracts, pieces or parcels -of land, situato, lying and being in (he township of Ben singer, County of Elk, and State of Penn sylvania, and adjoining tbe Borough 0' St. Mary's. The said lots arc all numbered. according to Denziugeraod t"schbach' plot or plan of the settlement of 8U Mary's. duly recorded in the Recorder's Office of blk County, and also describe! by metes, bounds and numbers, in the snid moi'tease. aud the Bill of Equity foreclosing the tauie. 1st. Lot No. six (b) Esclibuch Road, con taining fifty (50) acres more or less. 2d. Lot, No. thirteen (13) St. Michael's Road, containing twenty-five (25) acres. da. i.ot, iso. three (3) Jischbach itoad, western part, contaiiimir twelve and 0110- balf(U'i) acres and Lot No. 10 (2) con taining tif'iy (oU) acres. 4th, Lot, No. one. Til Eschhach Road. containing fifty 50 acres. 6th. The back or rear part of Lot No. four 4 on Brussels Road, containing twenty I 01 acres. toll. Lot Iso. seven hi on Esokbacb Road, containing fifty 50 acres. itn. Lot designated I A I on Koeely Road. containing nineteen (l'j) acres. em. l.ot, designated 13, on Brussells Road, containing seventy.five 75 acres. lull. Ihe southern ends or halls of lots Nos. b!z' 6 aud eight 8 on Brussels Road, containing fifty 50 acres. lUth. Lot, Ho. ten 1101 on Brussels Bond, containing fifty iiOJ acres. ' 11th. Another part of Lot No. three C31 on Eschbach Road, containing twelve and one-half 12 j acres. Uth. The western pnrt of Lot No. eieht (8) on Eschbacb Road, containing twenty five T251 acres. Together, contninina four hundred and eighty. nine acres, more or less; less two 2 acres therefrom, which has beeu taken for the purpose of a saw mill. Upon the said premises are erected eleven (il) houses, suitable for miners houses, and other outbuildings. ALSO All the coal, sandstone, iron and other ores, clay and all other minerals or mineral ores, and Ad oils or oil subjtunces in, and upon or under tho following de scribed tracts, pieces or parcels of hmd situate in Benzinger Township, Elk County and State of l'cnusylvania, and described as follows: 1st. Thirty-lour 34 acres, in Lot No. fifteen 15 St. Michaels Road. and. 'iwenty-hve LlioJ acres, in Lot No. ...... (ioi l.l Srd. Tweuiy-fivo -25- acres, in Lot No. St. Michaels Koud. 4th. Thirty-one -!)J- acres, bcinir in Lot No twelve -12-St. Michaels Road. 5th. Seventy-five -75-acres, bcinif Lot. No five -5- and eastern half of Lot No. four -4- Eschbach Road. bth. Twcuty-five -25- acres, west half of Lot No. four -4- Eschbach Road. 7th. Twenty-five -25- acres, east half Lot No. eight -8- Esclibuch Road. 8'h. 1 weuty-nve -2.- acres west half, Lot No. nine -0- Eschtach Road. 0th. Twenty-five - 25- acres, in Lot No. nine -U- St. Jliobaels Ilond. 10th. Twelve and one liulf -12J- acres. west half Lot N6. eight, -fc- St. Michuels Road. Kib. Twenty-five -25- acres, in Lot No. en -10-bl. .Michaels l'.oait. 12th. Twenty-five -25- acres, iu Lot No. seven -7- St. Michaels Road. 18th. Seventy-five --75-- acres, part of warrant No. four thousand one huudrcd and ninety -seven -4197- in Jay Township, Elk County, Pennsylvania. J.I10 laud containing said mineral riehts. Jc. bciiip four hundred and twenty-seven J27- acres, more or less. Together with the richt to cuter upon said premises and explore, dig, and ex- avale, for said substances, ami to icmove he same by all proper and convenient places una ways over said premises and mukc Roads and to lay Kuil Uouds i'or the convenient transportation of said com modities, and to use so much of said premises as may be convenient tor the Ac commodation of the necessary works lor he prosecution of the business of miuinc. The land above described, was all pur chased as Bituminous Coal Lands, and the property bus been worked and coal shipped iiieruirom lor some years. It is contiguous to St. Mary's, a luree and flourishing town in Elk County. The property will be sold together, TERMS CASH. The title is indisputable. Any further information will be Riven by addressing tne subscribers. JOHN W. AlcKIM, LEVI H. STRAW, Trustees, &c. No. 15, Pemberton, Square, Boston, Mass. M. 'iiiOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, Phil' a. Pa. or HENRY 60UTHER, Alt y lor Trustees, Erie Pa. n95. Tv THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL VANIA. Your attention is specially invited to the fact that the National Banks are now preparsd to receive subscriptions to tbe Capital block ot tbe Centeuuial E oard of Finance. Tbe funds realised from this source are to be employed in the ereo- lon or tne builuinirs lor tne International Exhibition, and the expenses conuected with the same. It is confidently believed that the Keystone Slate will be represented by the name of every oituea alive to patri otic commemoratiou of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares of tock are ottered for $10 each, and sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Slock from date of payment to January 1, 1876. Subscribers who are not neai a National Bank can remit a check or post office order to tbe undersigned. KED'K. FRALEY, Treasurer, Wi Walnut St., Philadelphia Atlanta, Ga.f pays over ?50,0QO a year for its publio schools. ' Tbe debt of St. Louis, Mo., amounts to a little under 817,000,000, FRED SCHOENING & CO., Law, Commercial, Book, and Stationers. RIDGWAY ELK CO., 1A. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. . ARNOLD'S WRITING: FLUID AND COPYING INK. LEAD PENCILS OF ALL Xsttrbroots's lVclcbralcd ISIcct lcn( the Vest '.Matte. All Kinds' of Job Printing done in the Best Stylo and at Low Trices. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN- VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN. ANY QUANTITY. POWELL L KIME. A MAMMOTH STOCK Firmly believing that the world moves, and that the demands of the publieare con stantly increasing the proprietors of the have just returned from tbe eastern and western cities with the most perlcct aud complete stock 0! MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. You cannot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do not keep, and they absolutely bave BROKEN THE BACKBONE of high prices. They buy for cash and SELL FOR CASH I CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. EW STAGE ROUTE. J, C. BURNS, Proprietor. The subscriber having secured the con tract for carrying the U. S. Mail belwcei REYNOLBSVILEL & BROCKWAY VILLE has placed on that road a line of Hacks leave the Exchange hotel a' Reynoldville every Tuesday, laurtuay and Saturday on the airival of the Brooavillo stage, and return the same day. These hacks conneot at Brock way ville with the Ridgway stages, making connection with trains on the P. & E. Road, both east and west. Every attention to tbe comfort of patrons of this line will ba given, and a liberal patronage solicited. Aug. 13-72U- and General Job Printers, LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCH, KINDS AND TRICES. NEW LI VERY STABLE IN P1DGWAY. DAN SC1UBNER WISHES TO IN lorm the Cittzons of Ridgway, and tho public gcLcrally, that he has started a Liv ery Stablo and will keep UOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Bujjiej, to let upou the most rcasona ble terms. . 8L,IIo will also do job teasing. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. If. Kdw'd J. Evans & Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, YOKK, I'F.NN'a BQfCutalogues Mailed to Applicants"! Refer (ry pei-mision) to lion, J. 8, Black, ashinglon, D. C. Wkisra, Son & Cxnr., Bankers, York, Pa. 2-(jn v CHARLES HOLES, Watcl, maker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Rt'iMiiriiia Watches, etc, (loco with he same accuracy as heretofore. 8at s- action iiuaramecd. vlnlv (Formerly Wood & UUmt.) . STATIONARY S PORTABLE " Steam Engines. The Best & Most Complete Assortment in tho Market. Theao Engines have alwavs maintninefl the very nlghest standard of exoellenoa. We make tho pmnuacture of Engines, BoUers and Saw Mills a specialty. We have the iarffest and most complete works of tbe kind in the country, witli machinery specially adapted to the work. We keep constautly in process laro numbers of Engines, which we furnish nt the very lowest prices ana on the shortest notice. We build Endues speoiaUy adopted to Mines, Saw Mills Orist Mills, Tanneries Cotton Gins, Xlmabers and all rlnsira Of manufacturing. We are now buildlngr the celebrated Lane Circa lar Saw Mill, the best and most complete saw mill ever invented. We make the manufacture of Baw Mill outfits a Special feature of our business, and can furai&U complete on the shortest notice. Our aim in all casus is to furnish the best nuv cninerr in the market, and work absolutely un equaled for beauty of desura, economy and strength Send fur Circular and Prise List. - UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. vtica, nr. YOU WANT TO MJY GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMES II- IIAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DHY "GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEEN S W AUK, WOOD AND WILLOW. WAKE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BUANDS ot l'LOU Constantly on hand, add sold aa che p aa t'na CHKAPKST. JAMES II. HAGEKTY. STEAM ENGINE KA1LR0ADS. PENNSYLVANIA KAIL IIOAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division. WINTER TIME TABIC. ON and after 8UNDAT, NOV. 2d 1871 the trains on tbe Philadelphia ss trie Railroad will run as follows 1 WKSTWARD. Buffalo Ex. leaves Philadolphla.12.Snp. m, " " " Ronovo 12.16 a m. " " arr. at Emporium........ 2 16am " ' " Itnttulo............ 8.60 a as ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 10.20 p ni Kenovo. .1U.U& a n 1 ' i 11 p m St. Mary's 1.12 p m " arrive at Erie 7.20 p a EASTWARD. BUFFALO EX. leaves Bufl'alo... 8 26 p m " " Emporium- 9.00 p m " " Ronovo 10.66 p ot " ai r. at Philadelphia V.lOa m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie. ...... .....11.20 a m " ' " St. Mary's 6.22 p m ' Emporium 6.20 pm ' " " Renovo 8.40 p m " " arr. at riiiiaucpnia... e.uu a m Mail Enst connects east and west at Erie with L 8 M S R W and at Corry and lr vinoton with Oil Creek and Allegheny H R W. Mail West with east and west trains on L 8 & M S R W and at livineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W. Buffalo Express makes olose connections nt Williamsport with N CR W trains, north, and at liarrUburg with N OKW trains south. ' WM. A. BALDWIN. Uen'l Bup't. Winter Arrangement. BUFFALO, NEW VORK & FUIL'A. R. R. 1I1B 8HORTE8T AND MOST DIBECT BOUTS To WiliiatrjBpoit, Su bury, Harr'tsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Waih ington and 'he South. OnandaftcrNOVE;:BER 23, 1873, and until further botioe, trains will leave Buf. lalo from the Buffalo, New York & Phila delphia Railway Depot, corner Exchange and Louisiana streets as follows: 7.20 A M Through Hail (daily except Sundays), stopping at Ebcnezcr 7 id, i?pringbrook 7 b'S, Elma 802, Jamison Road 8 07, East Aurora 8 14, South Wales 8 23, Holland 8 38, Protection 8 47, Arcade 01. Yorkshire Centre 9 12,Machias U 22,Frank linville 9 40, lschua 10 02, Hinsdale 10 18, Olcan 10 86,Westons 10 45, PorlviUe 10 63, State Line 11 02, Eldred 11 16. Larahees- 11 23, Sartwell 11 80, Turtle Point 11 35, Port Alleirhcny 11 4U, Liberty 12 10 p m, Kcalinjr Summit 12 20, Shippen 12 43, ar- riving at Emporium at 1 00 p m. Passengers by tins train tuase connec tions at tbe li N Y a P depot, Emporium, at 0 30 p m, for local points on the P & E R R East. 3.2S t) m Niffht Express (doily), Stopping at Jibeiiezer 3 uU, bpiiugbiook 4 00, tluitt 4 05, Jamison Road 4 10, Kast Aurora i 1G, South Wales 4 28, Holland 4 39, Prc.t lection 4 45, Arcade 6 02, Yorkshire Ccntr, 5 10, Machias 6 18, Franklinville 6 85 lschua 6 56, Hinsdale 0 11, Olcan 6 27 Westons 6 88, PorlviUe 0 45, Larabee 10. Pert Allegheny 7 40, Keating Summit 8 11, arriving at Emporium at 8 60 p m, Renovo 10 61, y, iiiinmeport 1 OU am, Sunbury 2 45 a m, Harrisburg 4 60 am, l'Uiladeipbia 9 10 a in, liaitimore oi9tm, Washington 10 35 am. Tbrcuirh Pullman Sleeping-cars ar run on this train from Buffalo to Bultimore and Washington without clang. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM: 2.35 a ra Night Espress, (daily), stop- ing at Shipping 2 ii, Keating Summit Turtle Point 4 06, Sartwell 411, Larahees 17, Eldred 4 27, State Line 4 il, Portvilie 4 50, Westons 4 68, Olcan 5 10, Hinsdale 19, Ibhua 5 55, r ranKlinville o is, Machins. G 88. Yorkshire Centre 6 48, Arcade 0 67, Protection 7 15, Holland 7 23 South Wales 7 85, East Aurora 7 60, Jami son Road 7 67, Elma 8 02, Spring Brook 10, Ehenczer 8 20, arriving in Buffalo at 8 60 a m. Passengers by this train make direct and close connections with the Lake Shore, Great Western, Grand Trunk and Canada Southern Railroads for all points west, ana in Canada and the Northwest. 3.15 a m Local Freieht and ossengsr, (daily except Sundays), slopping at Shippen 3 00 a in, Keating Summit 4 40, Liberty 6 00, Port Allegheny 5 4'J, Turtle Point G 21, Sartwell 0 33, Larabees 9 45, Eldred 7 07, State Liue 7 38, PorlviUe 7 58, Woet oiis 811, Ok-an 8 38, Hinsdale 0 15, Isohua 10 02, Fraukl.nvillo 10 05, Wucliias 11 zo, Yorkshire Centre 11 45, Arcade 12 00, m, Protection 12 33, p m, llollaud 12 47, South Wales 1 07, Easl Aurora 1 31, Jamison Road 1 43, Eluia 1 61, Spring brook 2 02, Ebcnezcr 2 -0, arriving in Buffalo at 2 60 p ra. 2 00 tj m Throush Hail (daily except Sun days), stopping ut Shippen 2 18, Keating Summit 2 41, Liberty z OJ, t on Aiiegneny 8 18, Turtle Point 3 33, Sartwell & 3o, Larabees 3 45, lildred o , Biate Line 4 10, Portvillo 4 19, Westons 4 2b, Clean 4 39, Hinsdale 4 65, lschua 5 13, Fianklin ville 6 35, Machias 5 65, Yorkshire Centre G05, Aicade G 15, Protection 6 82, Hol land i 40, South Wales 0 63, East Aurora 00. Jamison Road . 7 14, hlraa 7 1, Spring Urook 7 25, Ebencser 7 35, arriving in Buffalo nt. 8 00 p m. J. D. YEOMANS, H. L. LYM N, Gcn'l PaBS'r Ag'l. Geu'l Sup't. TALMAGE, T, De Witt Talniago is editor of 77tc Christian at oik,Q. II. Spur ieon special contributor. Thcj vrito for no other paper iu America Three magnificcut Chromos. Pay -.mrger comanssion than any other D M m A m mm a mm n assk sbsb paper. UUtfumUS iuu tiXi&iiX, So Sectarianism. No Sectionalism One spent recently obtained 380 sub scriptious in eighty houra absolute! work. Sample copies and circular? -ent free. AGENTS WANTED. n. VY. ADAMS, rublisuer, 1021 Chamber BtJjf-l QQDALL'S PLAYING CARDS. THE BEST THE CHEAPEST. STEAMSHIPS Cheapest kind made. REGATTAS A cheap common card. BROADWAYS A nice common card. VIRGINIAS Fine calico backs. GEN. JACKSONS Cheap and popular, (Pattern backs, various colors and de signs.) " COLUMBIAS (Euchre deck) extra quality GOLDEN GATES One ef the best card made, M'f. VERNONS Extra fine, two oolorpat. terns. ASK THS ABOVE TAKEN0 0THSI. Price List on application. Dealers sup. plied by VICTOR E. MAUGER, 39-lj Iff to 112 Rtade St., N Y-