Farm, Garden and Household. Essential to Productive Farming. The following sixteen essentials for productive farming are from the pen of the editor of the American Farmer i 1. Good implements of husbandry, and plenty of them, 'which should al ways be keptln perfect order. 2. Deep plowiag and thorough pul verization of the soil by the free use of harrow, drag and roller. 3. An application of lime, marl, or ashes, where calcareous matter or pot ash may not be present in the soil. 4. A systematic) husbandry 6t every substance on the farm, capable of be ing converted into manure, a system atio protection of such substances from loss or by evaporation or wastes of any kind, and a careful application of the same to the land in culture. 5. The draining of all wet lands, so as to relieve the roots of the plants from the ill effects of a superabundance of water, a condition equally perni cious as drought to thejr healthy growth and profitable fructification. 6. The free use of the plow, culti vator and hoe. with all plow-culture crops, so as to keep down at all times the growth of grass and weeds, those pests which prove so destructive to crops. 7. Seeding at the proper time with seed, and an equal attention as to the period of working crops. 8. Attention to the construction and repair of fences, so that what is made through the toils and anxious cares of tho husbandman, may not be lost through his neglect to protect his crop from the depredations of stock. 9. Daily personal superintendence on the part ot the master over the op erations of the farm, no matter how' ever faithful his hands may bo, as the presence of the head of the farm and the use of the eyes, are worth several pairs of hands. 10. Labor saving machinery, so that one may render himself as independent as needful of neighborhood labor ; as a sense of tho comparative independence of the employer upon such labor, be gets a disposition " of obedience and faithfulness on the part of the employe. 11. Comfortable stabling and sheds for horses and stock, all the necessary outbuildings for the accommodation of the hands and protection of the tools and implements, as well as for the care of the poultry. 12. Clover and other grasses to form a part of the rotation crops, and these to be at proper periods plowed in to form pabulum for succeeding crops. The clover field to be either plastered or ashed each succeeding spring one bushel of the former, aad six of the latter per acre. 13. To keep no more stock than can be well kept, but be sure to keep as many as can be kept in good condition, as it is a wise policy to feed as much as possible of the crops grown on the farm aud thus return to it that which has been abstracted from it. 14. To provide a good orchard and garden ; one to be filled with choice fruits of all kinds the other with veg etables of all sorts, early and late, so that the table may at all times be well and seasonablv supplied, and the sur plus contribute to increase the wealth of tho proprietor. 15. The taking of one or more good agricultural papers. 16. It is better to cut grain just be- fore it is fully or dead ripe. When tho straw, immediately before the gram ripens, is so dry that on twisting it no juice is extracted, it should be cut, for then there is no circulation of juice to the ear. Farm Notes. Eefetring to last year's production, a correspondent says: "Tried no new varieties of "potatoes. Think the white peachblcw and early roso good enough lor anybody. A. B. Miller, of Henry County, Ind says that hard lumps from horses' shoulders can easily be removed by anointing theni with a little oil of spike, to be had at the druggist's, applying it twice a day for a week. Nothing answers better for ordinary purgative purposes among horses than aloes given in doses oi lour to six drachms, and as a laxative, aloes in doses of two or threo drachms. A Maine fnvmer says of white weed for fodder: I have fed white weed in some instances where there was not fifty pounds to tho ton of! any other hay mixed with it, with satisfactory results, Even milch cows with me will do as well on early cut, well cured white weed, as on the best English hay. There is one thing about this weed to be considered it must be cut early to make good feed if left till ripe it is not worth the gath' enng. Corn Fodder. A Mr. Simmons wrote to the German town Telcnranh that, as late as June 3 he drilled twelve ciuarts of corn in rows two feet apart, on a third of an acre of land, and applied one and a half cords of manure and cultivated twice, a man following with a hand-hoe. J. he corn grew ten feet high. Cut up just as tas sels began to blossom, it made dUU bun dies, averaging twenty pounds green. and eight pounds dry, being at the rate of dry fodder per acre wnicn ne judged to be worth more per ton than hay for feeding cows. Another farmer, in Peekskill, N. Y, drilled two bushels of corn on two and a half 'aores of meadow land after he cut the hay, covered the drills with fresh cow manure, cultivated four times up to Aug. 10, and cut with sickle Sept. 10, laying corn crosswise of rows to dry for five days, then tied it up and shocked on adjoining grass land. He then replowed the corn ground, and seeded again t timothy. The- stalks were tall and tender, and eaten clean without cutting. There were eight tons of corn fodder. A. Simple Disinfectant. Boasted coffee, says The Home opathic World, is one most powerful means, not only of rendering animal and vegetable effluvia innocuous, but of actually destroying them. In proof of this, the statement is made that a room in which meat, in an advanced de gree of decomposition, has been kept for some time, was intsantly deprived of all smell on an open coffee-roaster being carried through it containing one pound of newly roasted coffee ; and in another room, the effluvium occasioned by the clearing out of a cesspool, so that sulphureted hydrogen and am monia could be clearely deteoted, was entirely removed within half a minute on the employment of three ounces of fresh coffee. The best mode is to dry the raw bean, pound it to a mortar, and then roast the powder on a moderately heated iron plate until it assumes a dark brown hue; it is in this state ready for use. It will save you from a thousand ills To die when you -are young j If you go before you cut your teeth, You'll neier bite your tongue. SUMMARY OF KEWS. , In Denmark It has been made illegal to manu facture matches other than those which will Ignite only on specially prepared surfaces. . . .v. Throe laborers, employees of the Morgan Iron Works, N. Y., wore drowned off Ninth street. They were carrying a sheet of iron over a gang plank from the pier to the Btcamsbip Ocean Queen. The gang plank broke and they fell Into the river. An unsuccessful effort was made to rescue them The trial of the de tective, Tatrick Leahy, for killing an unoffend ing laborer named McNamara on hia own hearthstone In New York, resulted lu a verdict of not guilty. The detective mistook his victim for a desperado There ia a bill before the Massachusetts Legislature to compel all rail road corporations to provide a uniform and distinguishing badge for all their employees whose duties relate to the immediate trans portation of passengers or their luggago The Baroness Meyer de Rothschild ia about to establish a house for consumptives aa a me morial to her husband, the doceased haulier Niue of the largest cotton parisheB of Louisiana are inundated, and 250,000 acres of cotton and 100,000 acres of corn are destroyed, without counting email farms and gardens, Twelve parishes, producing annually 30,000 hogshoada of sugar, are also overflowed. Twenty-five thousand poople are already suf fering for food, and tho number ia rapidly in creasing. Crops are also washed out in tho uplands by rain At Shawnee, Ohio, an uu. licensed dentist adminislcrcd to a Miss Sullivan eighty grains of bromide of chloral. She died in a few minutes. Tho dentist Hod and has notbeon arrested Ex-rresidont Johnson says he would not be a candidate for the lower House of Congress, but does not disguise the fact that under proper and fitting circumstances be will be a candidate for tho United States Senate, and favors an expression at the polls from tho peoplo on the Senatorial question. Intelligence has been received that a famine prevails in Asia Minor, and that many persons aro starving. It ia stated that in the town of i Angora alouo one hundred persons die daily from starvation. The river Tigris is again swollon by heavy rains, and further floods aro apprehended Caspar Trust, a German baker, about fifty years of age, committed sui cido by hanging himself in New Yoik. He formerly owned a bakery, but became reduced in circumstances, and for a few years had boon working as a foreman. During the winter he was hardly able to Bupport his large family, and giving himself up to despondency at length re solved upon auicido. Trust leaves a wife and nine children destitute Ernest Strube, of New York, not finding his supper ready when he went home, attempted to commit suicide by jumping from the fourth story window. He was seriously injured The United States House Judiciary Committee agreed to an im portant amendment to the Geneva Award bill, to the effect that payment will be made to tho mutual insurance companies for all losses sus tained by the vessels for whose depredations we made claim against Great Britain, provided no member of a mutual insurance company shall recover for any war premiums paid to bucIi company for risks. In other words, they will bo paid for all losses, and cut off from war pre miums. The amendment further provides that thoy shall distribute tho money bo paid them among their members who contributed to pay tue losses me rope sent a letter of con gratulation to the wife of Don Carlos on her confinement. He addre?sed her as " her Majesty," and Bonio of the papers allude to this as an act implying a recognition of tho legitimacy of Don Carlos as King Charles Vlf. XLIIld CONGRESS. A Sad Death. Intemperance and gambling twin evils largely co-operate in increasing the business and profits of the money lenders, says one of them writing to a :ew JtorK paper. A litc-long city resi dent, who is of an observant disposi tion, must have noticed among his circle of acquaintance many who, through the adverse turn of fortune's wheel, had sought to drown their troubles, in the cup that not alone cheers but inebriates until, losing; self respect, thoy became besotted drunk ards. A more pitiable spectacle cannot be witnessed than to see the talented, the educated, by this besetting sin re duced to the level of and associating with the ignorant and the vile ; visiting places of the lowest description, and when impecunious, actually begging for the villainous compound which is to sink them one point lower in tho scale of humanity. My memory re verts to many such cases, but to none more painful than the one I am about to relate, 1 nrst became acauainted with him some fifteen or sixteen years ago, but he was then in the prime of life ; the polished, educated man of the world was visible in his every act and address. He had just retired, or had been recalled from the head of a foreign embassy, having obtained grants whereby he expected to open inter national trade communications advan tageous to himself and the United States. Constantly journeying to Washington, he expended large sums of money, for the purpose of securing favorable legislation, and being a man of a liberal,. generous disposition, he soon made serious inroads into his available capital. It was at this time I loaned him a large sum of money on his wife's diamonds and pearls, which were oi a very nne quality, xiiese were redeemed and liberal interest paid, re gardless oi the usury law3. Soon they returned; for a period interest was promptly paid, then a request for a further sum ; when all hope of redemp tion failed, a proposition to sell was made, and I became the owner. I then noticed the growing tendency to im bibe creeping on him ; he was still hopeful that Congress would favor his views, and, for appearance sake, kept a well furnished omce in the busiaess part of the city. All his specula tions seemed to result unfavorably, and when he applied to me for a loan of 100, without security, i granted it, al though against my usual custom, Lower and lower he sank, friends de serted, and sickness prostrated him suppiioatory requests lor relief c me. to'whioh I responded. Recovering, he once more wandered around the city until the end came. Verdict of the jury : died of delirium tremens. SENATI. Mr. Wricht. of Iowa, introduced a bill In relation to salaries and the civil service. It pro vides for a reduction, from and after the flmt day of next October, of 10 per cent, in the compensation of oflleors and employees of the Senate, except clerks or committees, wuicn It proposes to Cut down 80 per cent. Trie bijl to inevoase the pay department of the armv, fixing the number of paymasters at fifty, with the rank, pay and emoluments of majors of cavalry, passed by a vote of 21 to 18. Should the bill become a law, six new appoint ments in the pjymaster'a department will be made. The credentials of. Wm. B. Washburn, suc cessor to Mr. Humner. were laiu Before ine Senate, and Mr. Washburn took the oath of office as Senator of the United States. The IlouBe bill appropriating ffflO.OOO for the relief of persona suffering by the overflow of the Mississippi river was reported ana passed. Mr. Chandler, of Mich., reported with amend ments tho bill to define a gross of matches, to provide for nuiform packages and for other purposes. 1'iacea on me calendar, it requires that nil friction matches manufactured in the United States shall be put up in packages, each containing either fifty or one hundred, or some multiple of one hundred matches, and that each package Bhall be distinctly marked with the number contained therein ; also, that each gross shall consist of 14,000 matches. Mr. ltamsoy, of Minn., called up tho Ronato bill to rovive and continue coiiain grants of land heretofore made to the Territory and State of Minnesota to aid in the construction of the several lines of tho St. Taul and Pacific ltailroad Company, l'asscd yeas 28; nnys, 12. Mr. Stewart, of Nov., Introduced a bill to resume legislative control of tho District of Columbia and provido for tho govcrumoiit thereof. Tho House having relumed the bill appro priating iflO.OOO for the relief of persons suffer ing by the overllow of the Mississippi river, on motion of Mr. I'ooko, of Mississippi, tho vote by which tho bill was pnsscd was iMconsiderod, aud that gentleman ollored au amcuihuout ap propriating $250,000 instead of fl0,MK). llo ferred to tho Committee on Appropriations, i Mr. Boutwell, of Mass.. submitted an Amend ment to tho Civil Iti.L'htH bill, providing that its provisions Bliall apply to schools and public institutions of learning or bcnovolonco author ized by law aud endowed by tho United States, or hereafter endowed by any State or tho United States. Mr. Tratt, of Ind., from tho Committee on Pensions, reported back the bill amendatory to the Act granting ponsions to certain soldiers and Bailors of the War of 1812, and to restoro to the pension rolls those persona whoso names were stricken thorofrom in consequence of their uislovaltv to the Uovornmont. 1 lacea on tlie calendar. HOUSE. Mr. Kasson, of Iowa, introduced a bill to anioud the act for the redemption of the three per cent, teniporarv loan certificates and for an increase of natiouBl bank notes, lieferred to the Committee on Bankinir. Mr. Jr.ames, ot it. i., introduced a bill to amend the National Currency acts, and to es tablish free banking, ltcferred to the Banking Committee. Mr. O'Neil, of Ta., presented a petition for the equalization ot bounties so as to entitlo privates in tho Marino Corps to tho benefit of tno bountv laws. The House took up tho Senate amendments o the House bill relative to the Louisville and Portland Canal. The debate, which lasted over three hours, was closed by Mr. Wheeler, of N i., wno onerea an amendment to tlie cttect that no mora money should bo paid out under it unless the State of Kentucky should cede to the United States jurisdiction over the canal, with all its properly and appurtenances, and should relinquish to tho United States the right to assess it bo long as tlie United States shall remain the-owner, and should pay to tho united states an taxes assessed and collected on tho canal from the passage of tho act until such cession. The amendment was rejected 3 to 143 aud tho bill was then passed without a division. Mr. Hazleton, of Vila., from tho Election Committee, mado a report ou the Utah con tested election, that Mr. Cannon, the sitting member, is entitled to tlie seat, and that Mi- Maxwell, the contestant, is not. He gave notice that ho would call it up for action hereafter, and ue cave notice mat ne would thou oner a reso lution reciting that Mr. Caunon, the sitting member, is openly living with a woman aa his wife, under the pretended sanctum of a svstcm of polygamy, to tho great scandal and disgrace of the people and Government of the United States ; and providing for tho appointment of a committee to inquire into the mutter, and to recommend such action as shall secni meet aud proper. Mr. minor, or mass., introduced a bin pro viding for free banking and the issue of national tianlc notes to the amount of ?1U per inhabitant. according to tho census of 187U. Also author izing the Secretary of the Treasury to withdraw leiral tenders to tlie amount of twenty-live per cent, of the additional issue of national bank uotea until tho leiral tender circulation is re duced to ir35(i,000,000, such rotired legalteuders to bo hold as a reserve, to be used in case of emergency. Mr. Jtteiuali, ot w, x., introduced a bill to regulate the payment of customs duties, and to secure a par in value of gold, United States Treasury notes, and national bank notes. Mr. McKee, of Miss., from tho Committee on Territories, asked and obtained lcavo for that committee to report for action a bill for the admission ot ow Mexico as a state. Mr. Southard, of Ohio, moved to suspend the rules aud adopt a resolution directmc tne Com mittee on Banking and Uurrencj to report what legislation is necessary to securo a fair and equitable apportionment of tho whole existing volume of national bank circulation among the several States and lemtories, according to the wealth, population, aud business interests, Agreed to. Ihe preamble to tho resolution re cites that there is an excess of circulation in the Eastern States of 70,090,0-10, and in the Middle States of $9,410,603. and a deficiency in the District of Columbia aud tho Southern and Southwestern Statos of 5-51,088 903, in the Western States of S21,423.811,and in the Pacific Statoa and Territories of S7,02o.5S0. Mr. Ivas- sou, of Iowa, moved to suspend tho rules and pass the bill to provide for a more equitable distribution of national bank The motion was seconded in the midst of much con fusion 93 to 54. ; A Dojf and Snake Story - Several days ago a gentleman in At lanta, Ga., went -out into the oountry fowling, taking with him an experienced pointer. After hunting some time he observed the dog come to ft sudden stop.and supposing the dog had "stood" a bird, advanced to shoot it. But com ing nearer he noticed that the animal was foaming at the month, as if suffer ing from an attaok of hydrophobia. Upon closer observation ho discovered that the dog was a victim of an enor mous snake, which was charming it and steadily advancing on its prey. The dog stood immovable, perfectly trans fixed. The gentleman spoke to it, but it gave no hoed, so completely was it under tne influence of the dreadful charmer. S9eing that the dog was in the most excruciating agony, the gen tleman raised the gnn and shot the snake dead. Instantly, and simultane ous with the shot and the death of tho s 'lake, the dog fell down perfoctly help less, and to ail appearances dead. It revived after some little time, but had it not been for some timely assistance from the master it is believed that tho poor animal would have expired with tho vicious reptile of whose charm it was the victim. The snake in question was a a blue racer about four or five feet long, and was killed near Ogle thorpe Park. SrNGtJLAB Bird. Mention Is made of a strange kind of gull which has ap peared inconsiderable numbers near Salmon river, Oswego county. It re sists attempts to capture it, haying a large, sharp beak and great grit. It measures live feet eight inches from tip to tip. .11 a .10)tf .1.8 (Jlad Tidings for the Slaves of King Alcohol. IIow many a mnnly form is palsied : how many a noble mind is destroyed ; how many a priceless scul lost through tho curse of strong drink I To tho de spairing victims of tho Satanic tyrant, Alcohol, whoso shattered nerves, and trembling limbs, nnd racking head aches, scorn to find no relief except in tho renewed uso of tho fatal poison which brings them every day nearer to their miserable end, we auuouuee glad tidings of great joy I Drt. Walker's Vineoab Bitteks contain not a single drop of alcohol in any form, but aro a sovereign remedy for the ills of drunkenness. They restore tone and strength to tho system, and entirely eradicate tho pernicious appetite for liquor. Try a few bottles oi vinegar Bitters, and you will never cravo strong spirits again, but nnd your health repaired, your minu restored, and be once more a man in the best sense. Health is cheap when Vinegar Hitters are $1 a bottle. r.'cwi. Tlie Maifcets. srew ion. Ctrl 0rt;e prime to Extra BnllockflJ First quality Becond quality Ordinary thin Cattle... Inferior or lowest grade Milch Oowa 40.IK) Hogu live u Dressed Sheep Cotton Middling Flour Extra Western... State Extra Wheat lied Western. . . No. 3 Spring Rya barley Malt Oats Mixed W-stera Oorn Mixed Western Hay, per ton Btraw, per ton tlops "!8's 25ti40 Pork Hess Lard Pc-trolenm Oiude 1Jil)4 Outt. r State Ohio, Fine " follow Western ordinary renusylvmla floe,.,.. Cfbe-se Slot Factory , " (tilmmed (6 Ohio 10 Zzr.t State acrviaUi. r.wfCittte 4 no Khop ''oy. noK Uve.,.. Flour Wheat No. 3 Spring. Cora Outs Rys. L-rd Wl-w-t , ., Hyi fitlr. . . . Corn Mixed.. iley tft ate. U a tats.... Flour V.".!" at Wnutt ro Red, Cum Yfiiow Viiefl pptolmiui Crudft O'ovcr Sed . , Timothy Bifrixr.x.. notion Low Wditliuj... Flrjtr is li s Wheat Com Oni The Rev. Mr. Bates of Chelsea, meant to advertise that he would preach about ' ltoek. Bod, and Water lor All," but it was printed "Bock-Cod and Water for All. "For the" Blood is tho Life.'' See Deuteronomy Chap. xii. Ycre 23. Tho blood being the source from which our systems aro built up and from which wo derive our mental as well as phvsical capabilities, how im portant that it should bo kept pure. If it con tains vile festering poisons all organic functions are weakened thereby, settling upou impor tant organs, ns the lunas. hver or kidneys, the effect is most disastrous. Hence it behooves every one to keep their blood in a perfectly healthy condition and more especially docs thia apply at tins particular season of tho year than at any otnor. po matter what tho exciting causo.mav bo, the roal cause of a largo propor- nun ui uii uibuuKun its umi uiuuu. nuw XT 1'ierco does not wish to place his Golden Modi cal Discovery iu the catalogue of quack patent nostrums by recommending it to cure every disease, nor .does ho so recommend it; ou the contrary thero are huudreds of diseases that ho acknowledges it will not cure : but what ho does claim is this, that thoro is but one form of blood disease that it will not euro, and that (I i lease in cancer. He docs not recommend hia Discovery for that diseaso, yet he kuowa it to ne the most searching uiood cleanser vet dis covered, aud that it will free the blood aud svs. tem ot all other known blood poisons, be thoy animal, vegetable or mineral. The Golden Discovery is icarranh'd by him to cure the wornt forms of Skin Diseases, aa all forms of lilotches, I'lmplcs and l-.iuptions. also all Glandular Swellings, and tho worst forms of ScrofulouH aud Ulcerated Sores of Neck, Legs or othor parts, and all Scrofulous Diseases of tho Hones, as White Swellings, Fever Sores, lhp Joint and Hpiual Diseases, all of which be. long to bcroiuious diseases. Confirmed. Xliv Joint Disease Cubed, W. GnovE Station, Ia.. July H, 1S72 Dn. Fiehce, Buffalo. N. Y. : J)ear i'ir Mv wife first became lame nine years ago. Dwellings would appear and disap pear ou her hip, aud she was gradually bo. coming reduced, and her whole svstem rotten witli disease. Iu 1870 a swelling broke ou her hip dixcharing largo quantities, aud since that time tnero are several openings, nave nad five doctors at an expenao of 4125, who say nothing will do any good but a surgical opera tion. July ICth. 1873, he writes thus: My wife haa certainly received a great benefit from the use of your Discovery, for she was not able to get off tho bed aud was not expected to live a week when she commenced using it, a year ago. fche has beou doing most of her work for over six months. Has used twenty bottles and still using it. Her recovery is considered as almost a miracle, aud we attribute it all to the uso your valuable medicine. I can cheerfully rec ommond it as a blood pun tier and strength restorer. J. M. Hobinson. .12 i a .in aPB.ot.'K ,18 a ,0c w .07 Ha .07 ,os a ,W .17J48 6.1S a 6.T0 25 a 6.70 1.(12 a 1.62 l.M a 1.67 1.07 a l.n 1.80 a 3.30 .M a .87 20.00 O20 0C 12.00 aia.oo i'b , 8 a .IS USO 017.00 .10 a .10',' Kfflned 10 .82 a .37 a a a ,32 29 .20 .S3 .10 .34 .3'J .25 3 .17 ,10 .18 .23 8.30 6.78 1.47 76 .58 1 .05 1.S5 a A.2S a 8 30 a S.'io a h.iio a 1,47 a .78 it 59 a l .ns a 1.80 -10K .11 1.45 1 10 ,F0 1.75 .64 7.50 1.88 f5 a 190 a 1 12 a .90 a I.po a .65 a 8.25 n 1X5 a .80 .85 .llyKefiuid.15 sou (Mu.mi .. 2 6212.75 .. .16,',-a .16X . , g.ihi a .. l.r.5 a 1,80 82 a .81 61 a 65 vr day. Affent wanted everywhere. Pirtlc OlU mart fre.yri(eiie.HMS.4l 8t.,S.Ii-uU. nrifaOBCOPKS.Siiy Oiannei.Lrinen. Price T.lnt jSX Free. MrALbin'KR.nptirlan,49 Nnnsnn Ht..N Y 3 School Teachers Wanted In each county for tho Bprliiff and Summer. $ I 50 er mom ti oona inr ci rcuiar k u'k ium panicu lira. yaimIjKH & mcuuudx. i'ttuaaoimua, ra or gprtiiffttehl, Mans. BUY J. & P. COATS' BLACK THREADJIlMlACH WHY NOT. Bend 25 ots. with ad (Irenes of 6 othor and receive poetpftid a Fine Chrome, 7x9 worth 1 1.50 and Inatrm-Uoni to clear f20 a ilfty. n,CMn Co., 108 gonth 8th Bt., Phlla,, )' & U fj a week. Arccnti wanted. HlneBS legut fJpO i mate. A. Brnomnnl), Mmciittne. lowe. Coloraio for Invalids ani Tourists. Iti advantage 'or Consumptive! and Asthmat ics. Kull particulars given free. Fort Collins, Colorado. Agents wantod. 60 new steel engravines. send a cte. for samples. J. B. Fopcn A Co., Warren, Pa PORTIIAIT OP Charles Sumner. Nlze 4x30. Price, SI. uu. . Snnt nostnald on receipt of tbo price. Affenti wanted in every city and town. Ann reps Ltd Oi, nnr.mnLii cm"i"i THE AMERICAN BASKET COMPANY, flew lirltaln, 4Joiin. The trnde tay, manufacture tha best Bntket In tho market: marie rrf m u.imtmo Kattn ana jp'.ni, cun Bistinsf of tho different hinds onUed for. Also man ufacturer! of tle Celebrated American Berry Banket an. Oral". Verbena and riant Bankets. Grape Bu ?s of all alzra, at prices to tutt the times. Boi 4 (or V Ue List. C2 FLORENCE n Long-eonttuttd Suit of th FLORKM If r-KWINU MAC jflNS CO. (.Init th. nlngar, Wb.el.r A Wilson, mA Grovsr tt Baker Compares, InTolruial artr 260,000, It finally decided y thm 0unrm Court mf Iht United Statu la favor of tha H.Olt F.NDB. huh skua ha Mroken lh Monopoly of High l rictt. THE NEWTLORENCE X IA O.VZT moi-AItu that itui fcwfc ttarsl and foitcard, or to right and left, Blniple8ttneapettMe8t Sou fob Cash Ohi.t. Hptcial Tzkxi TO t'M'BS and DFALERS. April, 1874, Florence, JUeui. V. 7ii.t Scwintj Machine fJtvea the bent BatxnfacUon f the uner. is jut id for mnut reitfftht.nni it ihe hest oj aV to re'. there 11 vn ' Dowestiet" ajrent in pour tntrn. nrt'Ui tn DOMKSTW N. JU. CO., AetfJ York. TEA AOKNTH wanted in twn and country to vq TEA, or get up club ordors for the larsroBt Tea Company in America. Importers prices and inducements to A(fnnB. Bend for circular. Address, ROI1KRT WELLS, 43 Vcsnv B., N. Y. P. O.Box, 12S7, J3L POUT All LIS Soda Fountains $40, S50, $73 &, $100. GOOD, DURABLE AND CHEAP, Shipped Ready for Use. Mrmutactured by J. W. CHAPMAN k Co., Mauikox, Ind. n" Rend for a Catalogue.! II.TFIF,M IIorsK, Mnena Sprintf On Raanctte Krr. three mites from St. Lawrena Iliver. will no an .Time 1 1 . lor reception t f iiiest Accommodations flrnt class. Tho hrtol is entin ly new. and baa been fitted and fumlphed with every modern convenience. Goi.d Ashing and minting. The proprietors hnve determined to present a nuuflo in every way worthy of patronage. Thn waters aro highly remmmended by the mrntral faculty in wide rauffc ( f diseases. Address, II AT- KiKiiii ifitw., iMatcita ii'ingS tsr. ukw rencb Co., New York. fOll S.I,K. The subscriber wishing to ehautze his business, offers bis stock i f Hat p. l aps, Furs, aud Gouts' Furnishing Gooes f,ir Bale. Trade rnnsttuitly increasing. Stock will invotco nb:mtf.0JO Liberal discount for cash. Address p , A. ri.KKY, -MUSkeKon, ftltCIl. INSECTS. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS Aii Elegantly Bound Canvassing Book T"or the bst and cheapest Family Bible ever pub lished. Will be sent free of charge to any book agent. It contains Over 700 nne Scrlpturo Illus trations, and atfOTits are meeting with unprece dented buccobb. Address, stating experience, etc , nnd we will show von what our i aunts are doiny, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, l'a. V1TANTED AGENTS Members cf Masonlo Fra tt ternitv. Splendid to make money. A'Ur's J. T. Hill, ir.3 Wasbington St.,KBton,Masa. lAut ot J000 Pictures, Frames, Ac, GO paffes. Wholesale Prices. M.-ul d oa roccipt of two 3 ct. stamps. G. E. P brink, Publttther, CO Reade Street., New York. Dr. J. Walker's California Yin- Bear Bitters nre a purely Vegetable preparation, ma5e chiefly from the na tne herbn "otiEi ou the lower ranges oi the Siorra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of whicil ire extracted therefrom without thejise daily asked, "What is tho cause of the unparalleled success of Vineoab Bit ters V Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, aud tho patient re covers his health. They are tho gretrt blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Eonovator and Invigorator of tho system. . Never before in history of the -world has a medicine booa compotinded possessing tho remarkable qualities of Vinegar Bitters in healing tha c .i: :n;. tn Thai. sick ui every uuiu 113 iiwn w are a gontla Purgative aa well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liiver anu visceral urians, m awna Diseases. The properties of Dr. "Walker's Vineoab bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic., Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Biliona UKatfini Tltnu.s.rK!s pntdaim Vnr EGaii BrrrEKS the wonderful In vignrant that ever Bus;;::ied tbo finking system. No Person can take theso Bitters according to directions and remain Ion;; unwell, provided' their loucs aro not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious. Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, which arc so preva lent in tho valleys of our great rivers throughout tho L'uitcd States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois. Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos. Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoko, James, aud many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, arc invariably accompanied by extensive de rangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their CHEAPEST AND BEST AivertlsiniE Meflinm in tte Worli! Advertisers llirnn)iout the country are request eiltoiuito this fart, that they cau have an adver tisement tnf ertetl in 14CJ1 newspapers "for less than tlm actual cost cf ecttinrr ttie typo 1401 times. " For Instance, here is au aUvurtiseineut cf two lines: IK YOU wish to advert irr in any paper besides this, write A. J. AlKKNS, Chicago. The cost f.f Inserting "'is two-line advertisement tnthe 1400 newspapers would be but S2fl, or two cents fur each newspaper in which it is insertod. Itcsitlos tins fli eat cheapness in price, you ano . . nl,ir . nnrmtn-p CYPl't lie n 1)0V. snve the considerable time and expense tnvolved treatment, a pUlgailM, L.MlllU, u pun- In enrrrspi.mliuK vith HMI newspapers, If yon should send your order direct to each newspaper beiniz SU less than the postage. Tnese nets an Knt-ti Week. AventB vraiitfifl, partiru- provo tho unpariuioloa tfieaimcBi or my piAii 01 advertising. The nowepapori r.f tlirse lists are weckllci, and thoy elrmlatu in all "f the Slutes of the Union. All the load inland slu owUoRt advertisers in the coun try aro regular advertisers in these papers, and have tested and proved thoir value ana theapnen as tvivortiBinjr mediums, Buch as A. T. Stewart A Co., J. A 1. Touts, J. C. Ayer A Co., Mason & Hamlin, Wheelor & WiUon, Curtis A Poiklni, Aud hundreds of others. If an advertiser does not wish to advertise in ai many as 1400 newspapers, ho cau use one of six Sub-DivisionH of tlie List At nearly proportionate ratos. If you have anything to advertise, io which you wish to direct tho attention of thu public generally, especially farmers, shop-keepers, and members ol the household, ADVERTISE IN THESE NEWSPAPERS. Catalogues of which, with full particulars, will be seat free ou application to A.. J. -A.IICKNS. 114 Monroe St., Chicago. Forfeited Butter. They reckon pretty close in Phila delphia when they wish to get some thing for nothing, if one may judge Irom ft statement in tne Jtecora. .But ter under weight is forfeited, and the Jiecord says that at a late meeting the almshouse store keeper reported that during the month he had received seventy-one lumps of forfeited butter, the weight of which was sixty-nine pounds. This would make two pounds, or thirty-two ounces, short weight for the seventy-one lumps, or an average ot less than half an ounce per lump a olose calculation for forfeiting, but on that account furnishing all the more significant warning to dairymen that it is safer to make the pound lump a quarter of an ounce over weight than a quarter of an oucce shock Daubnry Notes. Nothing makes a person laugh so much as a new set of teeth. If a stick of wood is too long for the stove kick it a fewtiraea with your heel. Then take it out and saw it oil'. A man may forget his business, his family, and nil the sacred obligations of life, but he always remembers where he got that counterteit bill. ' Edwin Booth has gone into bankrupt cy, and is making extensive improve' ments in his residence at Cos (Job. If there is one time more than an other when a woman should be entirely left alone, it is when ft line full of clothes comes down in tho mud. One of the best preserved of the cus toma handed down to us by our ances. tors, is burning straw bedding in the back yard.. A -few fresh bones in the heap imparts an aroma that no one can describe, although many of the neigh- bars will try to. A member of the Florida Legislature recently had occasion to come to the Z .1 au i. ot T,.1 . aeiene ui mo uu xu o uuuuo aivci, which he did as follows : "As you all know. I am a member of this legisla ture. And I live in Jacksonville, as you all know. There are a great many fishes in the St. John s as you all Know. Some of them are big fishes and some of them are little fishes. They swim around there. As you all know, the people and boys are after these nsnes, and bime by there won t be any nsnes to swim around there. As you all know, we want the fishes to stay there. So I move that nobody shant take fishes out of the river on a Sundays, so the fishes can have one day to rest them selves." . An ex-trustee of the city of Sacra mento, Cal., was substantially charged with malfeasance in the published re port of the reoent Grand Jury, and at once began a suit for libel against the several citizens of whom the jury bad been composed. The , verdict on the trial was for the defendants. . Suing a jury for libel is a decidedly novel proceeding. Tha Times savs Dr. Walnole has loet his beautiful cheatnut mare. She died suddenly in harness, it is supposed from bols or pin worms. If the Doctor had used Sheriilan't Cavalry Condition Powders, ho would, no doubt, have had his maro to-day they are death on worms. Com. Chapped hands are very common with those who have their hands much lu wator. A few drops of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment rubbed ovor tho hands two or three times a day, will keep them soft and whito. Fishermen, tailors, aud others will do well to reoiembcr this. Com, Nature's remedy Peruvian Syecp. Oom. CIUI.OH.EN" OFTKJi LOCK PALM AND KICK bora no otbsc cause than baring worms Id tae tomaob. BKOWK'B VKMIDGS COMFITS rill destroy worms without injury to the child, bolus perfectly WHITE, and free from all coloring or other Injurious Ingredients usually used la worm preparations. CCBTIB a BROWN, Proprietors, Ne. 1115 Fulton Street, New York. Sold bu Druaaiata and Chemists, and dealers in sieavnes ai TwisTT-rivs ukmts a mux.' WMKESHA WATER, MINERAL ROCK SPRING, CURES dropsy, Diabetes, Gravely Dyspepsia, Constipation, Jaundice, right's Disease, And ftll diseases rfthe liver and kidneys. TMi water is now known mid gold oa a remedy for tue above niseasfs, tn nil 1 arta of the worlJ. It la truly womioifiil what effect It haa upon the human system. It ia low being ut the following pric.a: Barrt'l. 40 (faj., f 12; half do, f7; demijohn and Jiir. CO cents per uah, package extra; bottles ((its.) f 2J0 Der doz, Monty rouut accompany the unicr. ex cept to our rrfnilar authorized atffnt. Inquire of your Drugget for Waukesha Minernl Rock bpritig Water. Addrosa C. C. OUN A CO., Waukesha, Wis , for orders for the water or for circulars. Cincinnati, June 11, C. r. OT-IN CO.. Waukesha. Wia: Havuiff used your water from the Mineral Rock Bprin?, WaukH- ann, vt is., i r tue niuucivs, i nave louna great re lief fiom the use cf tho same. Berore I com menced using this water, my physician reported to me the specific gravity of my urino was 33, and after using it for twenty days the specific gravity of the urine was reduced to 21, showing a great improvement, and finding great relief in not being compelled io urinate so frequently. I had other waters, but give Has my opinion that the Mineral Rock Spring is preferable. And I do earn estly recommend it to all who are afflicted with the disease commonly known as Diabnrcs. Respectfully yours, Ai.frkd Wilson, Dept. Coll, lt. Kev., No. 8 W. Third Street, wlllClUUUll, UUlUt MnnsoN, Wis.. May 7, 1&7P. Mebhri. C. C. CLIN A CO. Dear Sim: In testi mony of the great value of Mineral Rock Ppring Water for thoie suffering with disease of the Kid neys, I would state that I had been suffering for months with Diabetes, passing large quantities of urine, heavy with sugar, and tormented with a distressing thirst, gradually losing nesh and strength and finally the usetf my lower limbs, which became almost devoid f feeling. My phy sicians gave me up, aud said that I had but a short time to live. I had lost all hones of recovery. when I was induced tonne Mineral Rnck Bprlna water, ana since men i nave graauaiiy regained tho use of my limbs, and also gained strength and flesh. It has done for me what medical skill could not do. I am thankful for returning health, and my prayer is that it may prove to others afflicted with kiuney affections as great a blessing aa it haa been u myseir. iturs truiy, MRS. JAMS BAimFRS. AGENTS WANTED to soil our Juntly celebrated Article! for Ladies' wear. Indispensable and fsbmitiitclv necessaiy. 10,000 M11 MONTHLY Thoy give comfort and eatifl Mcttou. NO FKMALK CAN DO WITH OUT TI1K!I. tiauitilo eon ton receipt o lar. ftii.Oft I'KKK. Send for Illustrated circu- 1 K I'ERLK HL'KHKR CO., 00 Chambers St.,NY. KOf FOR COLORADO! With its glorious climate, magnificent scenery, raining resources, stock growing, farming and health advantugiS. General and sncial Informa tion fjivMi free. AJdruas A. U. PATTERSON, Fort Collins, Colorado. 1 A MONTH TO AGKVrS- to sel the lMPHOVKI) HOME SHUTTLE BKW ISO HIACH1NK, the only low priced Lot-k Butch RevttiK Machine ever ti TOlilod. A idless JOHNSON. CT.A11K lloRtnn, M'tsS.. N. V. f'ity, or Pittsburgh, P. BOOK of Medical Wonders. BhoulU be read bj all. Kent free for 2 stampd. Address HIS. HON AI'ABTE, Clinoiuttstl, O. TH1KTY YEARS' fiXPKIUKNCJS W AN OLD Nl'llSK. MRS. WIN8LOW8 SOOTHINO BYKUP 18 THK PRESCRIPTION OF on of th best Female Physl olani ana Nurses in the United States, and has beou used for thirty years with never failing safety and suocess by millions of mothers and children from the feeble infant of one week old to th adult It corrects aoidity of the stomach, relieve! wind oollc, regulates th bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. We bellove it to be the Best and Surest Remedy In the world tn all caBesof DYSENTER and I1IABRH(KA IN CHIL DREN, whether it arises from Teethiug or from any other cause. Full directions for using will ao eompany each bottle. None Genuine unless th fau-simile of CURTIS A PJtRKINB is oa the outside wrapper. Bold bt au. Hsmons Daiikb' HOUSEHOLD PANACEA AND FAMILY LINIMENT. HOUSEHOLD PANACEA AND FAMILY LINIMENT. Why will You Butler 1 Ts all person! suffering from Rheumatism, Neuralgia Cramps In the limbs or stom. ach, Bilious Oollc, Pain In the back, boweli or fide, we would say Thi Housihodd Paiacsa aid Pamilt Likimint Is of al others th remedy yon want tor Internal and external use. It has cured the above com plaints In thousands of oases. There li no mistake about It. ,Try It. Bold by fell Druggist!, IIl. HADl'Li S. FITCH'S) FAMILY PHYSICIAN Will be sent free bv mail to anv one tending their . 1 proaaway, new torn. DVF.RTISKRS ! Bend '49 ct. to GEO. P. ROW- . KLL A CO.. 41 Park Row. New York. fr their mphtei or mi pages, containing nats oi aw news- ANY I sending ns the address often persons with 1 10 cts. will receive, Jree, a beautiful Chromo flVC d instructions now to get rtcn,posi-paiu. v" jetty woveitu (Jo.s ion boutn btn at., rnua.. THE MORMON WIFE. AtiKMTS Wauled for this fearless book. It cumorliei the Adventures and Kxueriences of Womau written by herself tot years the wife of a Mormon Prophet disclosing all that is myste rious, wicked and startling. Full of thrilling ad veatures.humorous and patbetio scenes : the most fasciiiatiug book extant. Portrait of the Authoress and of leading Mormons, men and uomsn ; Life and Beenes in lltnh. An. For circulars, address HART FORD PI'BT.IBHINO CO., Hartford, Conn. HUMP0SEDaSSS aa.l . SENT FI.TI-:. A' II. A fill.L. 10 Meni'y Tate. IW.ise. V "EAT TO LIVE." F. E. SMITH & CO.'S Per Day puaranteetf wing out Well Austtr V.w'ui.btuioio; 4 frentfi Wonted. tflOO fofeite. atoneo to M. REED, Eighth Stre Men or women. 34 a week Valuable sumvels free. Write i0' ow York. AGIiMS W.lNTIiD for tho new book, LIFE AND AU.tNTURES OF ' Kit Carson from facli dictated by h tins If. Tti onl? inus nnd aptkhntis hfc :1 AinMlfnV srrrattai H 17 NT K 11, Tit A I'PI'H, SCOUT and fiUIDE. vr ruMnhrrl. Full Ami camblaa dncrlr-tioni of Ilia Indian trib.: ot thn l' A It VKST, ua ten bv KUCarn.ti, with a ftill.taliiirjlfriTannt 1 1 lif M HlOCS.aod lheMOlOC WAR. Al a w oik of U luvAlunblti. Iieaci CaHuu'w Certificate. To Nnw Msxtca. ThMi tortrtlfy thftt DeWItt C. PeUra. M. l ..Surireon U.S. A, Uliifeoiiiy priun lever authoiiwd lo writ my life and adreolurci. ast It ! maellDs! with ai iinrrerefii'DtrM la. areata ink inr from to. to 90 orderaa day. UluM rated clrrulnrsi.t lre to all Applicant Addrvftt 1N.U1LM. N & CO,, lUrtlord.Corm Iron m the Blood THE rKETTVIAN SYUUP Vitalizes and Enriches tho lilood, Tones up tha Bystem.Buikls up t-M Broken-down, Cures Female Complaints, Dropsv, DebtntIIu iuoi s. Dyspepsia, tfcc Thousands cava been chaiifred. by tho use of tiiis remedy front weiik, tslcklv. suffering creatures, to flppy men ana women : ana invalids cannot reasonably heaiave to pive it a trial, Caution Be sure you r-ttho right article. See that " Jta-uYlan Hvrup-' Is blown in the frlass. ParaphloUfree, Sendforone. HET1I W.FOWLK A SONS, Proprietors, iioston, Mass Fox salt Iff druggist generally ItlF "MiriS erM influence imon tueso various or gans, is essentially necessary. . There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as thoy will opeedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels aro loaded, at tho same time stimulating the secretions of tho livet and generally restoring tho healthy functions of tho digestive organs. Fortify tlie body narainst disease by purifying all its Unidswith Vinegar Bitters. No epidemic can tako hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain iu the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations'of tho Stomach, Bad Taste in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tation of the lleart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in tho region of tho Kid neys, aud a hundred other painful symp toms, are tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy pivertlso ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swollinirs, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, f Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Allections, Ola Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Sore Eyes, .'.0. In these, as iu all other constitutional Dis eases, AValkku's Vinegar Bittkus havs shown their great curative powers hi the most obstinate aud intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Pemit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers), Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Minors, as they advance iu life, aro subject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Walker's Vin egar Bitters occasionally. Tor Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Kheura, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, King-worms, Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of tho Skin, IIumor and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, aro literal dug up aud carried out of tho system in a short time by tho use of these Bitters. l'in. Tane. and other "Worms. lurking in the system of so many thousands, are ellectually destroyed aud removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an thelmiuitics will free tho system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young cr oid, married or single, at the dawn of wo. manhood, or tho turn of life, these Tonio Bitters display so docided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Rlood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleause it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse k when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and tho health of the system will follow. n. 11. Mcdonald ft co.. Drupttists and Gen. A trts.. Sun Ff uueiseo, Oalifr.rula. --.l e r..i.; ..... i ..I i w... K- V kiiiii iv nil urn.;... K I'Kll DAY Commission or $30 a week pamrr, ana flay it. Apply now rjp,u II - v. u in ui i n o ' u 1. 1 a .jw a wees 99 Salary, and expenses. We fffer it aud will u. whBBEK a uo., juariou, u UN? WHITE WHEAT. ..I...... Kin unvikun w v.. in the ferrvrt ion of Kncul. IVlioloaoiiM), Deliclouit uiul Eco nomical. Makes s vuti'ily oi illbllos. lor children una e.pccliilly the Diorilic. it is unequalled. S.Vi.l bv n 1 OaoCBU". I)rscrintiv PamnlileU, Willi valu, Die uiljruiaiua uu Food uul livaltu seut lie. , GOSUiPTION And. Its Oxiros WILLSOM'S Carbolated Cod Liver Oil Is a sclentino combination of two well-known medl. cinea. Its tlieory Is first to arrest the decay, then build un the system. Physicians nnd tneaoetrlue cor. rect. The really atariUug cures performed Oy Will Carbolio Acid positively arrests Decay It U tha most Dowerful antiseptic In the known world. En i., ... . i, at once eranulos with corruption, and decay ceases. It purines tlie sources CodlAvir Oilis Jfaiurt't but atstsiant In resUtlni Consumption. Pat up in largo wtngMnapso smhiuw, beurinila Inventor' .Iguatuie, " old by Uie beat Drugf(UU. Prepared Ly jr. h. wixojsoir, W Jotia KixMt, Sow Vrk ;.:M i. ntl IcHlera- h T H C--K0 19 Profitable Employment Work for Everybody. Good Wages. Perma nent Employment. Men and Women wanted, Full particulars free. Address, w. a. bebdkkhub st CO., Cleveland, O., or St.. Louis. Mo. For full descriptive Circulars send to tha Elastic Trass Co., 083. Broadway, NMvVorlt, 15,000 Sold in 60 Days; AGENTS W5NTED.;J r Mary Clemmer A me. It strays ua 'SWT ltl," wonders, maxfels, mysteries, secret da -Bis. .. st the Capital, aa a wlds-awaka urt- irmn them." n u me raw.t, tirighteitT-iii US oe bou out, actually overflowins Vila cued tbiuKA for alU ltiapaimlar rrwLore, nli everybody, and is ."lllea far and wide by tbouaaudi. Oue agoat took 444 order in aa mwu.lilp anotber baa averased 88 tack a sea for a iM.a 14 ouuella all otber book., and ia bat lifted Ka.T S Utktleuknoum. 11 haa qo aueceaaful oompetttori la aukn dldiy Ulaauated) superbly bound. Now is tbo time fur all anvaaaers. beta ladkea aad seDtlemea. to mako suooer. Agaata aer Ioiib. Bend tor eiraulara HoaV. aud SSt splendid teatlroonUla and oar lar. terma. Addreaa at. U, VViaXUlMOIVH Cw" 'lUrtiif ta.