mil JUtonik Uehry A. Parsons, Jr. Editor to THURSDAY, MAY 21, :874. Tax Republican State Central Corn mittee met in Harrisburg Tuesday night, and appointed Wednesday, Aug. 19th, for the holding of the Stato Coc vention at Ilarrisburg, instead of Sep tember 2d, as agreed upon in the after noon. This will make the Republican one week earlier than the Democratio Convention. A Financial Conundrum The United States has in round numbers ten millions of laboring meo, meehaniois, clerks, & , who earn upon the average ten dollars per. week. To pay these men weekly requires a circulating medium of the volume of one hundred millions. With this sum they effect their exchanges, purchaso their sub sistence, supplys, clothing, &., pay their rents and other expenses. The funds are immediately expended, and travel upon their rounds, effecting other ex changes between merohants, producers! consumers, bankers and maufacturers, and return again next pay-day to repeat the process. If wages are paid only monthly a larger volume is required, but the Washington Republican asks, can any one demonstrate that the legiti mate business of the country demands seven times as much currency as is necessary to pay the wages of labor. The Close op tub Session. The Sunday Dawn says: On Friday the Legislature adjourned finally, after a laborious session of four months. The session was a vatt improvement on those immediately preceding. The barriers thrown in the way of loose and corrupt legislation bv the new constitution had n r a most salutary effect. It we may ex cept the attempted bank swindle, for which neither body was responsible, nor in any way implicated, and a prettj well founded suspicion that money was here 1 . . ... ,... and to some extent used to repeal the local option law, tho session was free from corrupt influences. The labors of the session were manifold, owing to the ceremony prescribed by the Constitution for passing bills, but it was labor well spent, and fruitful of good results. On Friday the usual courtesies passed be tween members and speakers amidst the most hearty feelings of amity and good fellowship. Carrying a pistol is not unlawful in New York. Lancaster county lias sold in the last three months $7000,000 woith of tobacco. Frederick township, Montgomery county, farmers are excited over the discovery ot iron ore in that vicinity. A coal shoveller in Clation, who lost one of bis arms a few months ago by the cars, has fallen heir to 880,000. A man died of ptarvation in the streets of Newark, Saturday. Ala! for the rarity ol human charity. A. D. 1900. Scene before a crema tion undertaker's shop: Small boy "I say, sir, is dud done yet? Ii he is, please put his ashes in tbis'ere tin kettle." Julia Patient, of Allcntown, fooled with a pistole, and the "nasty-little thing" went off and 6hot her through the hand. A fine rein of pure Berks-county marble has been found within the city limits of Reading, and a quarry will be opned at once. ' A man in Alleghany was engaged in killing bedbugs with benzine in a ca boose car on the Fort Wayne railroad. Tbe car and bugs were cremated. New York city's debts increased over $4,000,000 during April. The total debt at the close ot th&t month was 8115,000,000. Who murdered the Hamnett family is no longer the query, but who discovered Ortweio, and stands entitled to $2,000 reward? About five applicants are already in the field, with probably half a score yet to be heard from. By order of courb the Pennsylvania Railroad has paid 814 700 to tbe trus tees ot the Methodist Episcopal Church at Camden, N. J., which building was destroyed dy fire, caused by a upark from an engine. The New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company offer a reward of 85,000 for the arrest of George Van Velser and Isaao Baxter, who stole 833, 000 from the office of the treasurer ot that company. Phoenixville has a young man who is resnonsible for producing six little chicks from as many eggs, and all this too. without Madame hen a aid. lie wrapped them in eotton, and placed, them on a mantie-pteee, near a warm etove, tui, pretto, it was doDe. Street skirmishing continues at Little Rock. The President's efforts to in duce tbe rival factions to aocept a com promise have been brought to an abrupt termination by the refusal of Brooks to let the Legislature settle the question, or surrender the State House except at the point of Federal bayonets. All the indications point to the speedy official recognition of Baxter as Gover nor by the National Administration. Bill Kelly was hung on May 8th, outside the Nashville eity limits. On arrival at the soafiold Kelly mounted the platform, conversing and laughing with those of his friends immediately around him. He denied his guilt to tbe last, solemnly protesting that for the Eitiful sum of two dollars he was there to e offered op as a sacrifice to vindicate the laws ol Tennessee, but that he was seady and willing to meet lis fate. i TMASTREB'S 6 ALB Of LAND. tJNSEAISD NOTICE Is hereby given that agreeably to the Act of Assembly, passed the IHih dnv ot March, 1816, entitled "an Aet amend an Aot," directing the mode of selling Lands for taxes So. The following - - i 1 . . i r a . Tracts i unsettled i.anu id bik vuuin, will be exposed to public Bale or outcry, for arrearages of taxes, at the Court House In Ridgway on the seoond Monday .of June next (being the 8th day of June, A. D. 1874.) unless sooner paid. SSNSZZTTS TOWNSEP. War. Acres. Warrantee or Owner. Taxes. 6332 028 James Stokes 93 40 6333 1067 6838 10C7 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 93 40 4105 4110 4114 4104 90 60 118 00 157 80 85 00 120 45 141 00 68 20 166 00 6700 101 80 124 20 6844 1067 6345 1067 6846 1067 6347 1067 6848 1067 6879 469 6880 1100 6388 490 6384 1060 6387 1100 6849 1008 6342 1100 67 44 121 20 141 00 17 02 85 00 86 00 85 00 165 00 40 20 113 00 81 80 40 20 82 86 68 20 85 00 6008 990 do 6353 143 Myron Merrill 6354 1100 do 6837 1067 do 6360 1008 ' do 6351 H0 do 6352 800 do 6836 1100 Amos B. Merrill 6287 275 do 6288 275 do 6289 223 do 6890 1100 JameB Hammon & Co 6339 4995 6841 6012 5479 6479 4996 6481 1100 Jonathan Brown 458 Addison Swartwood & Co 67 00 900 Cornelius Wainwrigbt 61 40 990 Miles Dent 600 do 100 do 800 John Brooks 450 da 000 do 481 II. C. Spaulding 650 do 200 Robert Ewing 167 82 67 00 12 20 40 20 61 40 79 40 5000 49U7 4981 64 87 62 10 23 40 40 20 113 00 6 21 40 20 16 42 81 80 1G9 32 37 90 12 20 4 86 109 32 111 88 150 62 108 82 12 20 43 00 6479 5023 832J John Johnson 6388 1100 Heiekiah Mix 6023 60 Andrew Dent 6479 285 Hamilton Down 6022 5340 6001 6482 6026 110 David 8. Johnson 650 Henry Blush 990 Finney k Borrows 445 Erasmus Morey 100'Geo. WinBlow k W. E Johnson 60 Ober & English 990 Reading Fisher & Co. 990 do 890 do 999 do 134 John & D. S. Johnson 6480 6002 6013 6014 6009 6024 6025 5022 5481 5024 302 do 110 Edith Johnson & A.Apker 19 48 275 Martin Enie 23 40 28 do 2 58 5003 990 Shaffer & Johnson 111 88 6482 605 Julius Jones 69 80 5340 650 Smith McCormick k Man 9 40 50-20 090 Reuben Winslow istate 85 00 63 08 17 80 111 88 67 30 12 20 73 80 10 74 21 99 9 40 6 60 14 10 42 44 12 20 17 80 155 00 40 20 5343 5024 6478 6011 5477 6026 5481 4105 4105 4106 4115 4115 4104 4407 4107 4107 4105 4883 4882 4859 4960 1100 Cook & Partee 603 Raich Johnson 1100 Cbas St John & Roihrock 79 40 990 do 1100 do 100 do 800 II. Merriman BENZIUOZB T0WKSS3T. 25 John Carrall 25 Peter Garrity, for 1873, 25 Geo. Weis 75 John Milne, for 1873, 48 Cesar A. Jackot 84 16 141 00 15 00 26 20 6C8 3 70 6 68 10 44 9 93 6 84 25 Peter Byrnes, for 1873, r . i. i va.,n;.,n fn ' T id i ot 50 John Farnill 27 Cesar A. Jackob 25 Samuel Hancock 611 Lawrence k Cassett 823 do 990 . do 200 do 80 do 220 do 800 Lamont Gas Coal Co 500 do 90 do 900 do 495 David Raw 12 91 6 68 5 C8 .90 09 173 13 185 61 38 22 17 91 47 89 60 84 94 04 18 01 179 11 93 12 185 23 185 23 4958 4958 4961 4961 4977 4990 4993 4992 4103 990 do 900 do 090 do 897 Ridgway Farm & Coal Co 185 23 74 89 4104 065 do 4105 1138 do 41(10 1442 do 4107 898 do 4108 990 do 4115 703 do 4109 996 do 1416 10491-10 do 4402 646 do 4403 980 do 4410 1073 do 4411 1025 do 60 ' do 200 do 4996 200 do 86 do 20 do 124 90 213 09 249 17 10810 180 35 143 81 180 85 193 04 102 01 183 88 201 47 191 65 10 80 82 90 82 90 72 81 84 28 84 28 84 85 84 36 79 04 112 66 180 60 19 57 4404 622 Edward Huffer 4404 622 Fred. F. Kersenbrock 4400 622 Francis Aulecks 4400 522 August Fortenbeck 4407 420 Clemens. Keller 4408 4476 4001 2357 4878 600 do 905 Math ins VonGalen 100 F L Newton 990 do s 4879 1023 do 4844 990 do 4045 990 do 4880 1023 Chas. Heebner 2374 952 Geo Dickinson 4975 600 Rona CartuyvaU 4881 511 John Morris 1 4881 82 do 2303 990 M'Eeaa fc Elk Land an Imp. Co. 2397 4905 990 do 990 do 990 do 25 M A Mitohell 275 Tbos Luckenback 500 Sidonia Von Eresel 60 John Kircbner 142 Wm C Black 18 do 4877 49GO 4881 4809 4101 4407 4407 107 do 29 do 25 Owner unknown 125 The Wilcox Tanning C LOT HO. aiDOWAT STBBIt. 91 Rev Jeremiah O'Hara 92 do 79 James Doyle , 88 Wm M 'Kennedy 89 do 90 do 68 Thos M Cormick 69 do 84 Miohael O'SuUivaa for '73 102 David Spillane TALBOT BTBBSI. 17 Thos Collins 18 do 66 Wm Skiae for 1878 88 The Colliss (9 d BA1LBSAB STtllT. 57 Fsrah Healey 1 67 1 64 1 63 1 65 166 1 64 1 66 1 63 1 82 166 1 66 1 63 1 27 1 66 1 63 m 6021 405 do 153 13-80 do 6015 990 do 5027 790 do 150 do 660 dj 109 do 296 do 100 do 6014 100 do 117 do 296 do 180 do 5027 200 do 60 M O'Sulllvan for 1873 1 82 10 Lots James Coyle 4 19 840 Rev Louis Cartuyral 74 02 1 Lot J 8 Bates 1 66 200 Bensinger and Eschbach 21 40 4115. 60 Edward Delahunt 10 86 vina stbeit. m 4242 43U0 4200 4182 41200 4107 60 Daniel Gary 10 80 4107 25 Wm Khannahsn 6 08 4968 100 Geo Wels 17 88 26 M Shannahan 5 68 80 G Williams 14 88 60 Benimver t Co 9 48 60 Mathlas Barnum 8 48 4105 200 Palmer & Co 87 16 25 wiuiam voriey o 26 Pat Dwye 7 74 81 Wm J Flint 6 81 02 Junes Hall 11 61 74 John Ford 10 03 60 Owners unknown 19 63 4105 460 Owners unknown 86 06 4104 460 do 80 08 4103 4(10 do 80 06 4880 460 do 80 06 4879 460 do 86.06 4888 1000 Beniinger and Eschbach 257 98 4887 1000 do 4102 219 do 20 do 25 James Donnelly 4115 26 Daniel Frasur 4110 60 do 4888 63 John Krug 267 93 43 40 6 80 6 47 6 81 1 68 9 03 4244 1 79 J L Ellis 4245 f 4341 1 691 Sampson Short 4340 85 87 267 47 06 98 404 25 82 82 00 16 60 04 4340 219 do 4243 927) do 4178 Michael Skean 4098 170 John Albert 4008 4077 4078 4081 4088 4097 4008 4374 4087 4187 170 Nicholas Rummel 296 Ridgway Farm A Coal Co 103 99 240 do 80 69 60 do 67 do 708 do 439 do 200 do 144 do 9(M) Caroline M Pray 405 ER England 679 do 145 - do 900 Hannah Ramard 439 O W Whittaker 500 Richard Gardner 293 do 200 Geo C White 40 Robt I Ruhe 863 Edward Huffer 769 do 60 Wm Wcnsel 25 Walachia O'Rouke, for ' 25 Edward Bonner '73 25 do '72, '73 45 C R Earley 80 Silas Mnyer ' 100 Jerome Powell 27 Elizabeth McGlaughlin 12 Rose Kelly, for '73 64 James Wrinkle, for '73 25 John K Jones 20 Thos Collins 50 Felix Gar.guish 23 88 20 78 208 24 102 40 72 65 88 56 259 85 210 23 4901 4890 4902 4177 4190 4190 4900 4274 4274 4082 4077 4178 4079 118 10 64 08 814 20 153 96 176 00 103 81 63 20 14 92 95 73 201 68 14 05 73 4 45 4 45 7 63 12 75 11 41 4088 4088 4081 4178 4097 4098 4008 4087 4087 4087 35 80 8 47 2 15 6 85 6 85 5 61 9 70 11 44 4078 60 Jamee W or ton 4077 4008 51 Henry Clinton Witt 60 Patrick M'Cready 4087 100 Wm Apple, for 1873 60 Elias Hancock 60 Jos Feberly. for 1872 4096 33 fcouther & Willis 65 Armel Turley 160 Tbos Jordan 60 Mathew Hoys 4178 20 Horace Little 5 43 9 70 10 20 14 05 5 10 6 73 12 81 42 76 9 70 4 48 4079 60 do 18 04 20 07 4247 1 72 Noble Coal & Oil Co 4373 4247 249 4240 500 4247 J 42451 500 do do do 87 64 195 88 195 88 4244 4087 25 Richard Edwards 9 70 50 Horace Little 7 53 4890 1 258 9-10 Sarah II Kidder 60 87 4901 4189 250 Owner unknown HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 3000 274 A M Weidler 3781 1000 Thos Struther 3753 1000 do 2020 1099 do 05 80 38 91 141 00 141 00 154 47 8002 800 Drexel Duhiing k Wright 120 43 sr.64 032 do 131 47 3003 1031 do 145 84 20-25 100 Sebastian Hahn 15 84 2019 890 Walter Bryant 1778 1031 do 2025 100 A Wolf 2027 402 Geo Dickinson 1830 954 do 2038 1043 do 3000 496 do 2084 150 do 2025 100 J and M Mack 120 44 145 84 15 84 4322 101 18 147 02 70 44 18 70 15 00 Part of 3752 600 Thos Gould for '73 84 00 Part of 3788 600 J M Jonison do 84 00 3752 600 John Lane 71 00 8788 600 do 71 00 1881 1005 Allegheny Bank Pitts. 73 67 23 2033 1038 Was Robinson 140 26 2032 1052 do 148 27 1803 3701 902 John F Jones 1095 Martin Hart 135 63 154 30 135 63 1783 1558 2034 902 Abner Cassel 888 John P Brown 90 J C Chapin 125 82 13 00 8700 1000 ko do 141 00 2408 815 45 10 84 45 2450 8057 2034 8773 8782 3771 289 do 1000 Owner unknown 50 do 900 8 Jones and Co 900 Little and Souther 1000 Nathaniel F Joaes 141 00 8 55 67 84 127 65 141 00 8778 1000 do 141 00 15 00 71 00 63 50 15 00 7 00 10 74 17 68 10 74 1799 100 James Gallagher 1799 1775 1770 1770 2034 800 Chas R Gillis 600 do 100 John Hukle 100 Ed Rart, for 1873 1 2 Jo B Wadsworth 118 Joseph Thorpe 2034 2084 112 Thosl'ow 3776 100 8 P Johnson 8786 216 do 8778 1000 Henry M Deckart 3700 1000 Souther and Willia 2302 290 do 2404 288 John Nicholson 8055 1019 Alfred Avery 1776 100 Elizabeth Cooper for '73 HOSTON TOWNSHIP. 23 40 81 23 14100 14100 41 60 40 90 143 84 7 60 4255 1002 J L Ellis 4396 4279 932 do 191 88 208 14 4370 4370 62 Geo Dickinson 26 do 60 James Coyne 43 do 60 do 60 Reeheawald and Paul 62 Jacob Didlot 100 X Ebman 60 Wingardner and Rubsl 60 Somber and Willis 62 do . 60 do 60 do -673 Pena Canael Coal Co 652 do 10 91 6 95 10 62 9 18 10 62 10 62 4370 4371 4371 4370 10 62 0 05 10 62 10 63 9 20 8 94 8 95 128 32 212 68 201 08 4371 4309 4344 4458 4342 4343 4450 4248 4248 4249 4840 4241 4272 4343 4400 4272 900 do 677 Sbawmut Cannal Coal Co 129 20 669 do 127 44 900 do 20103 164 William Reed n 80 84 41 Noble Coal & Oil Co 1141 CO do 1024 200 Short and Wilcox 20 08 633 do 68 69 84 Elvira C Horton 22 84 876 Short, Wileoa M'CleUaad-W 63 21 James Wilaea 64 64 James O'Hara 7 85 200 Daniel Kingsbury 87 96 868 Owner unknown 46 43 847 N B Lant and others 45 07 8255 60 9-10 3 S Hyde and others 10 52 8256 22 78-100 ' do i 8257 600 Henry L Carlisle 41 1 8258 990 : do 68 87 830 Ames M'Clelland 21 90 4188 140 do 4188 260 do 16 88 2648 2548 4181 245 do ' 16 oo 2642 2596 2518 4188 200 Nathan Bailey 18 70 4188 850 John llulme ' . 23 23 4-275 990 do ' ' . ' 87 2518 2518 2545 4271 610 John T French 1 . 89 74 JAI TOWNSHIP. 2546 2546 6283 1100 Amos R Merrill 175 70 6288 825 do Va 64 2517 2525 2790 6287 825 do 219 63 mhu 640 do 145 69 52.10 612112-160 do ' 98 81 2632 2639 2667 414 400 Wm Parker 88 08 4190 989 DR Jones 105 88 4106 200 James Blokes 22 84 2681 41U7 I'M do 24 82 6005 990 do 168 41 4107 245 Sebastian Weis 27 87 4107 601 Cbas B Miller 8 95 4108 850 James Donuehaner 182 20 4895 184 Reading Fisber and Co 10 00 4800 888 do 46 79 4H'.i7 50 do 8 95 6040 900 Phillip M Price 132 17 6019 990 do 182 18 6006 090 do 132 18 4800 669 E D England 89 99 6007 990 do 106 94 6004 900 do 158 48 4HU2 200 DuBois and Lowe 27 60 4896 1 .66 do 10 90 4897 8 65 130 85 la uo 4185 690 A J Lewis 4899 852 Christian Brower 4899 800 Heiekiah Horton . . . mm 3 - 88 81 12820 43 40 98 62 68 64 89 83 4845 100 do 4891 400 B A Weed 4804 205 Reading and Bartles 4893 419 do 4890 150 do 19 65 234 20 6284 1100 do 4897 26 Darid Tyler. 4 98 11 60 210 88 6029 60 Daniel Brewer 990 Henry Lorain 990 do 94 O R Rice , 490 John R Cox 94 Tyler and Finney 98 do 98 do 217 A H Shaw 72 Francis Schider 4898 6017 6080 210 88 22 20 4892 4893 4895 4895 4893 78 91 18 90 10 90 16 90 27 60 12 45 4100 1 4198 j 4195 I 9194 5031 1 72 Horace Little 94 Reuben Winslow 12 45 8 95 5032 J 4906 6032 5033 5032 50 do 100 do aJ 94 do 8 95 v22 20 t 19 65 100 Hammond Jones and Co 293 H Henry and Co 207 A E Gdff 100 d,o 100 W S Hamblen 900 Souther and Willis 990 Berks and Bowman 100 J R Morey 11 60 47 65 29 65 4899 5030 4900 4000 5018 4180 5032 11 CO 11 CO 184 60 132 17 1100 8 95 4194 60 Phillip Reilly 5028 "&90 Spring II un Coal Co 105 94 5031 727 do 4194 100 John F Combs 83 22 10 90 4800 847 Surah H Kidder 49 81 JONES TOWNSHIP. 2504 193 Robeit IUlsey 2731 990 Cbas Hcebuer 85 12 228 70 2073 893 do 91 81 2G73 480 John Scott 98 88 47 20 47 20 170 84 170 84 8 83 200 Thou Van Court 200 Geo Dickinson 2592 990 Wm llermvag Estate 2024 990 do ' 25 Cbas Verbeck, for 18i8 2504 50 K W Brown 10 02 24 02 100 Wm II Jackson 2331 825 lsaao II Conrad 112 61 3254 1222 John J Hidgway 4X4(1 111 do 210 00 25 21 2310 990 M'Kenn and Elk Land and IniproTi'inuui Co 229 78 229 77 229 78 229 77 2319 2323 2320 2329 990 900 90O 990 900 900 000 990 000 802 990 900 802 990 493 do do do do d do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ' , ' do'"' do do do do do do do do do do do uo do do do do do do do do Uo do do do do do do ... do 229 88 2332 2333 2361 2308 2377 2425 229 77 229 78 229 77 229 78 229 77 180 84 229 78 229 77 2487 2489 2527 2551 189 84 228 70 2554 114 90 2504 657 2587 900 129 72 229 78 2501 2503 2508 2509 900 9od- 900 990 990 " 900 900 990 990 990 990 320 905 990 900 95)0 990 818 990 490 990 990 990 990 495 990 495 990 905 990 100 70 990 990 23 Gen 229 77 229 78 229 78 229 77 2004 2008 2011 2012 2014 2000 229 78 229 77 229 78 229 77 229 78 229 77 229 78 76 48 210 09 229 78 229 78 229 77 229 78 190 02 229 77 114 81 229 77 229 78 229 77 229 78 116 30 229 78 2086 2791 8180 3215 8217 8218 3220 8220 3228 8229 8230 8231 8232 8233 8237 S243 8242 8251 2252 2253 2290. 115 80 229 77 210 09 129 78 24 06 8295 4908 4904 2504 2504 17 26 229 77 229 78 6 44 T L Kane do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 232 64 58 26-7 1014 88 13 2653 859 2554 627 2604 490 2610 181 2791 807 8214 707 8221 794 0-10 8222 1058 8224 467 109 08 122 70 114 16 43 87 91 89 181 48 181 70 244 29 106 60 170 09 62 03 43 29 68 SO 80 83 8290 8291 8293 8196 784 200 183 292 8290 129 8290 "I 2658 8296 96 do do do do do do do do do do 47 20 85 21 2588 95 23 02 !010 98 837 205 947' 621 803 88 121 80 84 40 195 22 . 62 25 . 219 72 144 20 70 90 21 33 28 98 2588 2010 8291 8293 8296 8296 8143 do do 19 48 68 68 107 80 121 23 8224 8227 8223 8229 8287 8242 823 Wilcox Tanning Co 090 850 do ao do do do do 4 . 4o do do do do 816 898 445 49 67 62 05 69 64 166 44 8044 1074 8111 805 134 80 117 26 sin 8140 8143 8214 8226 755 800 882 230 120 900 47 21 49 89 86 48 18 60 139 69 do do do do 171 62 153 00 133 48 128 07 44, 83, 800 826 IHLLSTOHI TOWNSHIP. 900 Owners unknown 900 do 990 do 076 Wm Dilworth 850 Rnmbaok 60 Miss J A Ilara 876 Wm Armstr ng 900 James A Hara for '73 811 60 81160 811 60 233 88 121 80 18 25 130 68 811 00 of 900 900 900 900 900 do 154 60 154 00 do do do do for '78 811 50 811 60 811 60 811 60 900 do 900 Drexel Dnhring k Wright 811 50 JWO do Villi 660 do 190 76 2862 2505 2792 2789 900 do 811 50 900 do 811 60 242 do 84 49 693 do 240 09 471 do 230 99 192 Henrv Raucbt 21 49 8776 4042 2797 4134 4135 4129 620 Owner unknown 128 23 650 do 190 75 AM) do 185 66 900 do 811 60 900 do 811 60 900 do 811 50 006 N Strong k II Raugltt 230 77 60 Geo k J Mais 13 42 2618 2624 6700 900 J F Wynkoop & Go 187 30 100 Owner unknown 85 60 25 L C Wynkoop 1 4 STDQWAI TOWNSHIP. 4392 620 Constant Van Duste Heishoff. 142 98 4303 171 do 36G0 1112 J 8 Schults 32G1 1142 do 40 16 230 61 226 54 132 95 87 29 93 22 151 49 17501 146 15 159 60 & 223 87 234 38 155 50 233 38 3284 664 do 3285 437 do 4849 467 do 4850 762 do 4853 879 do. 4854 735 do 800 do 4375 973 Ridgway Coal Co Farm 4376 1020 4389 675 do do 4377 1020 do 4390 117 do 27 80 267 10 191 07 208 50 197 71 ' 88 38 4869 916 Bryant & Ewer 4870 916 do 4276 1000 do 4285 948 do 528 do 3283 40 A V R Burroughs 8 90 89 32 93 99 92 60 107 84 205 48 145 03 98 55 288 16 48 53 44 80 4389 163 Edward Hufftr 4395 406 do 4394 400 do 4390 501 do 4391 893 3 II Huffer 4395 629 A Haxhauser 494 426 do 1000 Wilmarth & Co 277 Geo Dickinson 150 do 198 do 46 05 73 15 77 02 20 00 24 70 20 75 233 86 236 12 244 78 120 08 8 55 222 50 32 49 35 15 18 42 11 32 15 60 15 60 16 69 4392 210 do 332 do 4870 83 do 4865 120 D N Tucker 100 John G ulnae 3264 1016 John J Ridgway 3265 1018 do 3278 1065 do 3283 520 do 3281 S3 do 4862 968 do 4863 144 do 4864 150 do 4868 76 do 4806 45 AsaCuramings 86 J V Houk 86 do 4375 75 Wm F nobdell 4285 81 l)r J S Scott, for '73 50 T B Cobb 100 do 116 do 61 do 128 do 40 do 26 do 1648 10 88 20 75 23 01 13 05 32 60 8 90 7 42 3285 4850 253 Clarion River Min Co 87 90 231 do 80 36 5 G T M'Nulty 15 29 4848 ) 400 Jerome Powell 58 25 3283 ( 4848 ) 200 Tatlow Jackson 50 38 3283 f & was m tTTt 4U94 Dickinson a mi- marth 1 Charles M'Nulty 109 30 3 88 25 07 15 94 14 90 115 50 61 36 241 45 19 33 12 45 12 45 13 77 4869 83 Geo W Rhines 90 do 66 do 400 BF Ely 176 do 1055 do 80 do 50 Jsuies II Mayo 50 Geo Stephenson 4843 63 C V Gillis 100 Sam & Jas Gardner 19 75 SFSIN9 CEEEK TOWNSHIP. 5797 543 Neil Rogers & Blackl90 69 1560 504 i do 221 31 5798 532 do do do do do do do 93 99 18188 5796 1035 5799 816 83 78 7 65 82 15 344 255 3728 2 04 61 65 67 74 4044 2036 1358 Bryant & Euwer 338 18 I 67 11 12P95 46 84 15(52 &01 do 2748 554 Henry R Moore 350 Henry KaVht 2942 2971 900 Merchants and Manf Bank of Pittsburgh 294 00 do 394 00 Darius Carrier et. al.394 00 G Blake & others 894 00 do 32 02 Alleghany Bank ot Pittsburgh, for '73 108 61 2986 900 2915 900 2943 900 2775 113J 2037 1055 2792 200 Drexel Duhring & Wright 44 67 1568 300 A W Irwin ' 40 30 102 Tbos Irwin 18 80 1566 1557 4552 4569 4569 3728 1561 200 do 27 20 182 Geo D Messenger 82 78 200 Samuel Crawford 85 93 150 DeUaven & Procius 27 20 25 Beth Clover 5 86 200 do 85 93 174 Wm S Marshall 23 77 485 Richard Baker and Jno Q Hall 86 71 657 Souther & Willia 115 76 481 do 85 01 114 James Morrison, "73 12 67 4044 98 Artnagost 20 90 ST. VAST'S SOSOVQS. Lot. No's Streets 14 Benediot John Hawley 1 35 68'62,4M Centre RF AC Co 4 53 1108 990 9, 42, 43 1 31, az, 34, 35, Maurice do 12 28 86,37,88, 8940,41, 80. 31,33, 35,1 37, 39,41, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 67, John do 1510 53, 54. 55, 1,2, 8,4, George do Charles do 8 42 7 36 5, 11, 12. 4,5, 9. 20, 26, 27. 26, 27, 22, 23, 19, 20. Church do 15 10 21, 25, 24, of 28. 6. 2 acres School do 2 79 Mill do . 6 64 Mill do 2 71 acre 3 acres Mill Rev Louis Cartuyals 7 20 51 Rupert Dennis Bergen 2 08 55, 73, 65 do Owners unk'n 4 24 44.88. 8 do do 3 11 9 Patrick James lioyle l i do do 1 71 do Ellen IIoDsdale 2 41 98 85.86 87. 88 do Isabella C Q'Connei2 41 102,103,104 Pat'k John Sheridan 3 12 82,83, 84,") 91. 92, 95, f- Patrick Ownr's un'kn6 64 100, 101. ) 32 Benedict Pat Ganley '73 1 38 34 do Wm llackett 1 71 11,12 do Ow'rsun'kn 2 41 14 do do 1 38 08 WalburffcrPat Faherty'73 1 17 63.64,65 do John Moron 3 12 16, 62, 69 do 72 do 6 John 60 do On'rs un'kn '73 2 14 do 171 Ed Byrnes 1 71 John Connisky 1 71 59, 61, 62, ,62,-) , 65, John On' 63, 64 rs un'kn 5 63 66. 14 Louis James M'Namer 1 71 6 do John Dixon 1 71 15 17 4 do do do Wm A Nugent John M'Namer Leonard Cook Owners un'kn 1 71 171 171 4,1 do 3 70 5, 9, 11. J 51, 52, 53, Erine John Moran 64, do A Mooney 39, do James Rowan 35, 36, 73, 1 James Boyle and 44 f 8 12 1 71 1 71 3 82 35 Shamrock M Flvner'73 1 38 47 do 34.36. do Pat Given 1 71 Leonard Cook2 41 38. do Mike Murty 1 71 37. 47. do Geo Ed Weis 2 41 42.43. 60 Eriue do 3 12 115.116. ) Charles Unknown 5 23 117.118. f 113.114.1 do do 8 82 100.107. t 25. 46. Shamrock E Stauffer 2 41 53 Centre Michael Towey 171 41 Michael Pat Lawler 1 71 120 acres Hugh M'Grath & Co 85 60 30, 31, 32, 33. 34, 35, 30. 37, 38 Maurice J Haber '73 6 70 39,40, 41, 42, 43, 44. J 43. 45. 51. 53. 55, 61. Center do 4 80 58, 56, 62, 64. JOSEPH WINDF ELDER, Treasurer, Ridgway, Ta., April 2, 1874. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For tlio relief and cure of all derange merits in the atom nch. liver, and bow els. They are a mild aperient, and an excellent purgative. Being imrcly vcpre- 2" table, fhey contain no mercury or mine ral whatever. Much serious sickness and BniTdrinir is prevent ed bv their timely use; and every tamlly should have them on hand ror uieir protection ana reiiei, wiich riiuuiu I.nnar pYiwienca has uroved litem to be the saf est, surest, and best of all the Mlt with which ino market anounas. ay ineir uwwiuiwi uv, Hia hlmtri U ltnrlilfri. thn corruntions of the sys tem expelled, obstructions removed, and tho whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which become clogged and sluggish are cleansed by Aprr't JJ, and stiinuluted Into action. Thus incipient disease Is changeil Into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy it, can hardly be computed. Their sugar coating makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mild, and operate without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are g'ven on tho wrapper to each box. how to use them as a Family l'nyslc, and for the following complaints, which these I'lllt rapidly cure i For ISyaiirimlM or India-ration, I,latlaa Bras, l,nruor and &. ot Appelite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, and restore its healthy tone and action. For i.ivr Complaint and its various symp toms, lilllou llewriucbf-, Hick Hran che, Jaundice or Urrrn tticknmw, un ion Colic and Hiliou Fvvra,they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which causa it. For Itysentery or niarrboca, but one mild dose is generally required. For llheumntum, Oral, ravel. Pal- Citation of tho Heart, ain in tho ld, Hack and Lniut, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those For Wropay and IrOMlcal Swolltnfrf tney snouiu ue taken in large uuu jrequcu uuw. to uroduce the effect of a drastic purge. For Mupprriuiion, a large dose should DO taken, as it produces the deau-ed effect by sym- tmthv As a Dinner Till, take one or two Pitts to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the Btomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the vHtum. linnet It. ia ntYnn advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these J-lla makes hiin feel decidedly better, from their cleansu,g ayd renovating effect ou the digestive apparatus. PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. AYES CO., Practical Chemttti, XOWELL, MASS., V. B. A. FOB BALK BY ALL DBUGQISTS JSVEBTWBEBB. ESTABLISHED 1823, MEYER k (SONS, l'lANO WANUFACTUHE113, 722 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. THE LEADING FIRST-CLASS PIANOS No other Pianos have the improvement Prize Medal of the World's Fair, London England, and the highest Prises of thi country awarded. v3n42-8m VICE'S FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1874. 200 PAGES; 600 ENGRAVINGS, and COLORED PLATES. Pubis bed quarterly at 26 cent a Year. First No. for 1874 has been issued, A German Edlt.iom at same price Address ;amS victt, Rochester, N. V. BUSINESS CARDS. O. AiRATHBUN, Attorney-at-lew, Ridgway, Fa. St If. RUFUS LUC ORE. Attorney-at-Lev, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Office la Hall's new Briok Building. Claims for oolleotlon promptly attended to. v8nlly. , HALL & .VCAULET, Attorn ey s- at-Lt w. Office in New Brick Building, Main St Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v8n2lf. REYNOLD'S DO USE1 BS7N0LXSvlLLE,JEFFXBS0HC0, FA, II. 8. BELNAP, Pbomuitob J, 0. W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vlnzoyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. A aent for the Traveler's Life and Aeol dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES D. FULLER TON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers his professional ser vices to the citizens of Ridgway and sur. rounding country. All work warranted. Umce in Service & Wheeler a Building, up stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-32-ly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and ParaoeutiBt, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully disoensed at All hours, dav er night. vln8y J. S. B ORD WELL,' Id. D., Eclectic Physician and Burgeon, has remov ed his office from Centre street, to Main st. Ridgway, Pa,, in tbe second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store. ntheo hours: 8 to 9 a- m: 1 to 2 p, m. 7 jan 9 73 T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Ridgwa , Pa. Office in Walker's Building. Special attention given to Surgery. Office house lrom 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Hesiaence on comer of South and Court streets, op posite the new School House. All calls promptly atteuded to. vln2yl. J1YDE HOUSE, Ridowat, Elk Co., P. W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, tbe new prcpnetor, hopes, Dy paying sirici ai teuiion to the comfort and convenience et guests, to merit a continuance el the name. Oct 80 1869. BUCK TAIL HOUSE. Kanb, MoKean Co., Pa. . E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage hereiofoie ao liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comluil auu convenience oi umw. to merit a continuance of tbe same. Tne only Btables tor horses in Kane and well kept night or day. nail auacneu to iu Hotel. vioyi. KERSEY BOUSE, CKMTaaviLi.1, Elk Co., Va. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberilly bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, tt merit a continuance of the same. J'. W. HAYS, DEALS. IN Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, " and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. MCarteu O. ln47tf. JAMES ENFIELD, (Suco sor to W. C. Healy,) DEALER IN LEY GOODS, G30CEBI2S, PROVISIONS, PRODUCE, FRUITS, &o. v3o7tf. West End, Ridgfay, Ps. FRED. SCHOENINO, WHOLESALE AKD BETAIL DBA LIB M PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, .. , SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOK8 Pianos and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purohased. rrothonotary's umoe, luugway, rs. vi!n20tf. "TO-DAY," THE PEOPLE'S ILLUSTRATED PAPER. Is a thoroughly Amorican enterprise, il lustrated by the leading autists, and teem ing with tbe best effort of the most able writers of our country. It is a paper that, once introduced in the family eirole, is sure to be eagerly watohed for and carefully pre served. The choioe of TUEEE 07 THE MOST BEAUTIFUL. OHR0M03 ever issued, is given to eaob subscriber, Tit: Just So High ' and "Lima Bukbbihb." two beautiful Child Piotures, by Mra. An derson, and "Ahoso thi Dswdbops," a landscape in water-color by the celebrated I51KKET FOSTER. Ail our agents have copies of each, and are prepared to deliver them together with a subesription Certificate Bigned by tbe pub Ushers, at the time the money is paid. Agents wanted everywhere, and liberal in ducement offered. Sample oopie with full particular and description of the Chromo sent on reoeipt of six cents. Only two dollars uft a tail jtu. Addbess, . TO-DAY PRINTING & PUB. CO.. T3 Sanaom St., JPAIfcs. 712 Broadway, N. Y. 8 School St, Boston. 113, k 117 E. Madison fit, Ckieage.