i i l r T -M J ! ua laSDAV, MAY 14, 1874. 'Car Time at Iltd&icay. MAIL East 4:d0 p. n- do West 1:88 ft. m. L 8:15 ft. m East......... 6:40 p. m. elk Lodge, a. v. m. slated meetlcits of Elk Loles, No. re held at their hall, corner of Main jepot streets, on the second andloartb ays of each month1 V. it. iiai, Deo y. Sates of Advertising, .lumn, one year $76 00 - u uu 26 00 " 15 0 stent advertisements per square of lines, one insertion $1, two inser Sl.60. three insertions. $2. inces cards, ten lines or less, per 5. ertisements payable quarterly. rden making has commenced in est. as. Holes, who also sells jewelery a watches, clocks, etc, is the first n the street in a linen coat. ruojor that Bromley, -tlio mur- of Wm Phdleo, was captured is another case of mistaken identity. rooDS on Fire. 'Lhe woods on the X the r. & E. II. II. west oi this go have been on fire for some days Mr. W. H. O.sterhout has lost t two hundred cords of hark. 'anoer of Fire. In almost every ipaper we take up arc accounts of aud just now while the weather is iry, danger from fire is very great. advise everyone to be extremely 'ul about throwing out ashes, etc., fire started in our village now d no doubt prove very disastrous, 3ial1y as we have no means at hand rnibat tho fire fiend. Again we say .reful of your fire. oKCHiiSS has acted with prompti- ia tbo mutter of relief for the rors by tho Mississippi fluods. 'lhe tf on Thursday -passed the House for the appropriation in their behalf, an amendment providing; fir the ug of army tatiotis and JinuSi'd ling by too War Department. Tin; he bill appropriate SO,0OO; the ilo aiiicndinent contemplate.-) the cs- liture cf 8100,000 itioie. Till ed the House yesterday, and the t8 ol Buffering thousands will be e ''lad. Teubiulu TitAOtHY. A terrible dy took plasj ou the moruing ol ,'Oth ult., nccr lloreestcad, tbout sis from Piit.iburg. -The hou-is ol hn Ilamuet was destroyed by and the entire family, consisting ol bet, his wife, two children, a hived and a boy whom? they were ruis Snjr, six persons in a!!, were burned to dea'.h. Eut t70 wero recoLizible wbisn tho bodies were found. A spe uial to the Chronicle sip: It is almost cer'.ain that the entire fu'iiily was mur dered, and suspicions rest upon a man .uoloyed on the pluca. One of tli3 found anioo; the ruins siowcd he throat had becu cut. roamo Exercises Oi' THE III 1)G Schools. Next Wednesday log, 20th iust., the Ilidgway schools jive a closing entertainment, cod- i of Salutatory, Oration, Music, Victory, etc. A cordial invitation trended to all. Ample accomuio rTauoos liave been provided for ull visi tdrs. Turn cut and hear tho boys and ffirlf. Following is tho Programme Music " Our Falher in Heaven." Kitty Whitmore and tho School. Invocation Rev. William Martin. Music " Welcome J,mn." Bv he T V) School. l Salutatory Milton Ilorton U Musio "Moetand Chandon Walts." .Florence Osterhout, Oration "Freedom of Opi'iior.." "William Messenger. Music ludtway bilvcr Cornet Ba'id. Oration "Pcrsevtrence." Eddio ta.i ttmi., iir.,,1 i ? Ida SyUaiOliDgs. , Oration "IIuLii."Sl. S. Kline. Music "Jennie Mazurka." Jennie ; ; Jackson. v Poem "lhe Old School Year." '" Willie Geary. Musio Ridgway Silver Cornet 3and. Essay "A Prophecy." Ida Clear water. Vocal Musio "The Golden Stair." .Vencio Gresh. JEssay " The Prophecy." Alton J spin. J4io "Hurrah." By the Boys. 2r--"PfLTt. TT. I'TOgiaiui PRESENTATION OF PBliCh. Presentation Address "Prise to eral Scholarship. . Jlusio (Duett) ''Carnival oj ten- V Katie and Jennie Uresn. Iresentation Address "PrizcrJor ling."lev, William Martin. usio "Empress Anne foiKa. lictoria Dav. fresentation Address "Prise fcr frg J. O. W. Bailey. Jlusio "Mountain Daisy Mazurka." I ay Little. aledictory ArtDur a iayior. lusio "uooa-oye. j lu lnEas. Madisou S. Kline, Wru. enger, Alton Chspiu. Destrcctivb Fires at Warren Pa. At one o'clock Sunday morning. May 10th, the alarm of Cre wai sounded and as tnoet persons were sleeping, it was some time before anything was dono to stay the progress of the flames. The fire was first discovered in the rear of Andrew Mcehan's boot and shoe stote between Keystone block and the Epis copal church. Th fire company, with their new engine, the Rufus P. King, were promptly on the ground, and after two hours hard work the fire was quelled having destroyed a large amount of property in its course Tho Ledger says, hardly had the people reached their homes when tbo alarm of firo was again sounded. This time it was in another fart of the street nearly two blocks away, between the building of J. N. Sohnur and the Rus sell House. The rear of these build ings were on fire in a short time, burn ing from tho outside as tho other was discovered to be. The smell of the hiuoke of kerosene oil was discovered, and the fire was rapid liko that made from oil. It was poured on the side walk in front of the buildings, showing unmistakably it to be the 'work of an incendiary, as the other had been. Eleven o'clock. The church bells are ringiug for religious service. The ruins of two great fires are smouldering in sections remote from each otber. The people are tired, aud still wondering who the fiend can be who sought to de stroy the town what reason he could have, revenge or the hope of valuable plunder? We have no theory. The guilty will bo brought to justice. "Murder will out." LOSS FS FIB ST FIKK. Episcopal Church, $2,000. Covered by in&uraucc. Mrs. A, Monisou's build;nj, $200. No insurance. Coal office and yard, 2,000. Covered, or nearly so by insurance. A. Median's huildiofj and stock, 000. Insured for 81,760. Juhn Uauhnrt, house and barn, $2, 000. No insurance- Fred. Baltziuger, 51.600. Iusured . i O v. LOSSES SECOND XIRC: J, Stable & Co., Uiarket, loss on hIoc1-, noiuiuui. Uemy Owens. los SI, 500 on which them whs uo insurance. Billiard tables saved, aud injured, but no place to put tlicto. John N Pehnar, on building, S3,-OOO--iiuured lor 82,000. Hussell llou.e, owned by Alien Bios, loss 0.000 insured, for $0,000. Jacob Grey i: Sen, loss on furniture $1,000 insured for $2,000. Mr. BtBinu, who oc-eopied the second story of Mcchan'u buikliug lost all of his household luruiiure. Oilier io-cs will foot ip heavy, bu no means of -cstkiictiag. Perhaps there were never two greater fires with such poitcntieus results, wheie the Iocs was so light, and so few cases of distress following. But uo thanks arc duo the incendiary cf iucen diaries. The purpose was wicked, ma lignant, dt-vcli.sh. Let them be traced, cuught, tried aud punished Now that tho word "hymeneal" is so comtnouly used in reference to Wed dings, it is suggested that births should be headed "crjmcncal" and deaths "dkmcucal." To-D.ur, comes to us fur May in an enlarged form aud changed from a weekly to a monthly magazine. It is au excellent publication. Terms 82,60 a year. Dio Lewis editor. Published by the "To-day Publshiiiir Co., Phila." Cuuel Robbery. A few ays eince Joseph Willett, residing in fhippeu town.-ihip left his home, and after he left, it was discovered that he had taken $815 belonging to his father-in-law, Mr. Whittimore, an old gentleman who hud recently sold his little home near Pert Allegany, and had placed the money in his trunk at Willctt's house. In addition to the money stolen, Wiflett had borrowed a considerable amount of money from Whittimore, leaving the eld gentleman penniless. Willett de serted his lamily, leaving a wife and several childreu entirely destitute The heartless wretch is a Canadian by birth, and it is supposed he has gone to Cunada. The people in this section would rejoice to see him punished as he deserves. Camoran Pros. The New Greenbacks. Iu future issues of greenbacks, by order of the Se cretary of the Treasuryj the words 'Un ited State legal tender note" and "Treasury note, are to be omitted and the title changed to "Uuited States Dote," that being, ia the opinion of Mr. Richardson, the requirement of tho law. The new $500 bill, ready for issue this month, will have a' vignette of General Mansfield on the right, and on the left an elaborate vignette r peace. The w fifty dollar note will have a vignette of FnTrlirfrfrJlS the Goddess of Liberty, the latter being oTj'dered a remarkable specimen of engraving. The new twenty-five cent note will coriifi:J in size to the new series, of which the ten and fifty cents are already in circulation, and will be issued as soon as the Treas urer make a requisition for fractional currency of this denomination. Iostruc. tions have been issued for the imniedi. ate preparation of a vignette of Charles Sumner to go on one of tho denomina tions of the uew note. - GENERAL NOTES. 8,000,000 baskets is the anticipated peach crop this season' Gambling at San Francisco it fear fully ou the increase. 5,000,000 acres of land inundated by the Mississippi floods. Snow a foot deep on the leve lis re ported from New llampshicr. The fruit and other crops of Georgia have been injured by frost. Snow fell in New Hampshire on seventeen days in April, to tho total amount of thirty-five inches. The great waut of Fair Play, Colorado, is "a car load of marriageable girls." A Missouri judge has decided that a woman is not au "old maid" until she is thirty-five years old. $5,000,000 iu gold will bo thrown into the market by the Treasury Depart ment during May. The Grangers at Pomfret, Vt., have offered a premium to those of tho'r order who set out the largest number of forest trees next Saturday. A Kansas book agont says he can sc l ten dime novels to ouc woik ou religion, and ho looks for "earthquakes and hurricanes to visit that State. That -controversy about Mt. Ararat continues, but there's no use locating it in the United States just because ouh same out of the Ark aud saw. Vernon Center claims to have the biggest elm tree in Vermont. It is six feet four inches in diameter, and lees than one hundrod years old. Joseph Waltz, the Caskill, N. Y. double murderei, was hanged ou Fri day, a week. Ilia father witnessed the execution and took possession of the , body The of hi r day, in New York, nearly 900 Ita ians got vaccinated, in consequ ence of a number of cases of small-pox being reported among their country men. The medical examioatijii of the brain of Walts, tho murderer, showed it was in a perfectly healthy ami sound condition aud weighed fifty-four ounce?. In a quarrel ia Burlington Vermont, George Buchanan stabbed his brother William iu several places, causing death Tho difcuulty origiuated iu a iuuiiK feud. At Maiden, Mas';., las week, a two-and-a-huli-tory linuso was muved I y the wiud twpity-ve fVot and dashed ygaiust another house. The first-houe was com pletely destroyed aud the o:htr btuil) damaged. Fanners in many pasts of (.'amdeu county are replanting their potatut.-, many of those planted early having rotted in consequence of continued raiuy weather. A young man njmad George Van Vc!z?r, about ei jhtceu or Linteoii yar. of nge, employed for sumo time as a clerk in the tresuter's oflb'e of the Neu York Central and Hudson liiver Rail road, aUho Grand Central depot, has Jcuuiped with $32,000. Small-pox has broken t ut to un al arming extent iu Uockwood, Ga. Si. great is the distress that the citizens ot the town sent a petition to tho Muyoi of Atlanta asking that nur.-es be .eu' thttn, and also a quautity ol provisiuus Tho Mayor has called upon the people of Atlanta to rcspi'ud with contributions for the assistaaeo of the sufferers. A couvict escaped in Georgia neentlj uud;r extraordinary circuiriManees. It appears that he with oihtis had bt-cn hired out for agricultural Jubrr. 'I h overseer had some dogs that lie v.u training to catch any ot the gam; w h might escape, and ho turned thU convict loose to exercise the dugs and instruct them iu thur parts. But the fellow took his part in earnest, end a. the dogs failed tu come up to what wa. expected of them, be wa not cuu-l.iJ There was a terrible ea'umity at, the village of Shiiwaiitiui.k. on tho Waikill Valley Railroad, 3J miles fn.wi Kingston, N. Y., ou Saturday. Mtiy 21 As the t!ay bauds employed iu CumfitV large paper mill were leaving tho shop, just before G P. M., tho large rotary boiler exploded, oearly demolishing the building, and buryina in the ruins many of lhe laborers. The following were taken out dead: Mary McLaughlin, cutter tender; Eliza Conklin, cutter ten der; Patrick Tuer, straw-cutter leeder, W. B. Hi!!, boiler tender; Michael Flanigan, tub tender, uud Robert Owen, fireman. Fatally injured, John Snialley and George ltobioson, straw room employers, and Joseph Juoeo, firemen. Those killed were frightfully mangled. The force ol the explosion was terrific. The boiler, weighing five ton., was thrown six hutidred lee. There was intense excitement in the villiags and the cruwd threatened tu lynch Mr. Tranter, the superintendent of the mill, who, it is claimed, is guilty of criminial negligence in using a con demned and rotteu boiler. The receipt of intcrual revenre thus far for the fiscal year ending June 30th, amount to $80,000,000, leaving $11, 000,000 to be received during the re mainder of this month and June, to reach the estimate made by the com missioner of fl0J,C00,000for the fiscal year ending with June. The teceipb since the first of May have been $3,000, 000; for the month ol May, ' 1873, they were 812,355,000. May is the heaviest month in the year, when Special taxes are paid. It is estimated tbat the re ceipts for the present May will be $10, 000,000. . DiKr. IIunqerford. At Toby, Elk Co,. Pa.t April 13th 1874, Jennie E. wife oi Isaiah W. Hongerford aged 25 years 11 months, 27 days. She leaves a husband and one child to mourn their lost; she was a fond wi'e an affectionate mother and a friend to all arcund. 'Jl iJIIIIKII MI IJWH i New Advertisements. MOETQAQEES SALE. Colliery la Elk County, Perm's, "JJENZINGER COAL AND IRON COM- TANV PROPERTY." By virtue of a decree of the Court of (JoDimon rlcas, or tit County, rnaoo tne 14th day of pril, A. I). 1K74, directing a sale to be made, la the lorclosure ot a cer tain mortgage, recorded in tbo Keooidcr's Utfice of Elk County, In Mortense Book 'IV' 1P 152 etc., tho 13tU day of August A. t. lbo7, the undersigneo Trustees ana Mortgngees, under said mortgage, (the same having beeu toroioscu ny n iu in Enuity',. will expose for sale at Publia Auction, at the Exchange in the City of Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, THE DAY OK JUNE A D. 1874, at 12 o'clock, M. the following described property to wit: being all the estate and franchises, belonging to and connected with the said The "UliNZI.NGEU COAL AND IRON COMPANY." First All the Railroad connecting the mines of said Company with tho Pliiladeh phia and Erie Rail Road, and built by the Kiiid Compuny, together with all und singu lar, the superstructure, bridges, switches, turnouts, sidetracks, depots, and buildings, pockets, ears, and other slock, in and about, the operation and mining of said t.ail Koo'l. Second All tho following described tracts, piec or parcels of land, situate, lying and being iu the township of lieu .iii(;er, County of Elk, and State of Penn sylvania, aud adjoining the borough o'Sl. Aiary's. The snid lots are all numbered, according to Bcusitiger and jCscbbacb's plot or plan of the settlement, of St. Mary's, duly recorded in the Kcoorder's Oftioe of Elk County, and also described by metes, bounds aud numbers, in the said mortgage, auil the bill of Equity foreclosing the same. 1st. Lot No. six (u) Esch bucli Road, con taining fifty (50) acres more or legs. 2d. Lot, No. thirteen (13) St. Michael's Kotid, containing twenty-five (25) acres. 3d. Lot, No. three (3) Iscibaeh Road, neptern part, containing twelve and one halflL'J) acres and Lot No. tffo (2) con taining rifiy (00) acres. 4th. Lot, No. one, 1 Eschbach Koad, contaicliig fifty oUj acres. 5th. The back or rear part of Lot No. four 4 tin Brussels Road, containing twenty A acres. Oj.li. Lot No. seven 7 -on Eschbacli Road, containing fifty 6U acres. 7th. Lot desiguated A ou Ronely Road, containing uine'een (lj) acres. Xtli. Loi. designated H, on BrueseliS Uoaif, aontaininis seventy. live 70 acres. 'Jth. The t-outlievii ends or halls of lots Vos. six 0 and eight 8 on Brussels Itnad, containing fifty .DOJ acres. 101 h.' Lot, Nu. ten luj ou Bruskds Read, containing fifty 60J acres. 11 th. Another part of Lot No. three 3 on Eschbacli Road, containing twelve auU one half lL'J acres. 1 -! li. The western part of Lot No. eight (M) tin Eschbacli i'.oad, containing twenty Hve 25 acres. Together, toutaiuing fuur litinuirct and eighty nine (48'J) acres, more or liss: less two 2 acres therefrom, which lias bcei. taUen to'.- the purpose of a saw mill. Upou the said prenii-es are erected flevcn (il) Louses, suitable foe miners UnuM'S, und other oiubuildiugs. ALSO- AU the cual, sandstone, iron aud other ores, clay and ull oilier miiira'.s or uiini r:il ores, and ali oils or oil sub itances in, and upon or under the following de scribed tracts, pieces or parcels of land situate in Benz uctr Township, Elk County nnd Mato ol I'eiiiis-ylvuuia, uud described as to'ilcws: 1st. Thirty- oitr 34 acres, in Lot No. fifteen 15 St. Michaels Road. ttU. Xneui)-tlT SJ uoi-oti, in Lot No. fcurte.n (II) M. Michaels Koau. 3rd. Twenty iive - 2-i no its, iu Lot No. St. Michaels Road. 4ih. Tnii ij-one 31- acres, being in Lot No twelve -12- St. Michaeli Road. oih. Sevemy five -75- acres, being Lot, No five r-i- and eastern half of Lot No. lour -4- Et-cl.bnch Road. bih. Twenty-five -25-acres, west half ol Lot No. four -4 Etcliliach Road. 7tli. Twenty-lire -25- acres, east, half Lot No. eight -S"- Esohliach Load. 8'h. Tiveuty-five -25- acres west half, Lot No. nine -'.)- Lschtaeh Read. iJth. Twenty-live - 25-acres, iu Lot No. nine -0- St. Mie'iaels Uoud. 10th. Twelve mid one half -121- acres, acm naif Lot No. eight -fc- St. Michaels I'.nail. 1 1 ill. Tnenty-Gve -25-acres, in Lot No. leu -10-St. Michaels Road. 12th. Twenty-five -25- acres, in Lot No. seven -7- St. Michaels Road. lulu. Seventy-five -75-- acres, part of warrant .No. tour thousand ouc hundred anil uiuet y st veti -41117- in Jay Township, Elk Comity, 1'enusylviitiia. The laud containing said mineral rights, Jjc. boH'c four UuuureJ uud twenty-seven -427- ucics, more cr less. Together with the right, to enter upon said piemisca and explore, die, aud ex cavate, lor said substances, and to remove the same by all proper und couvenicol pluces unj ways over said premises and to make Roads and to lay Rail Roads for the convenient, transportation of said com modifies, and to use so much of said premises as may be convenient for the ac couiuiodatiou of the necessary works for the prosecution ot the busiucss of mming. The laud above descrihed, was all pur chased as Bituminous Coal Lands, and the property has beeu worked aud coal shipped therefrom for some years. It is contiguous to St. Mary's, a Urge and flourishing town in Llk County. The property will be Bold together, TERMS CAS II. Tho title is indi.-imtable, Any further in.orniation will be given by addressing tno subscribers. JOHN Y. McKIM, LEVI 11. SIR AW, Trustees, &o. No. 15 Pemherton, Square, Boston, Mass M. THOMAS (l SONS, Auctioneers, 1'liU'ii. Pa. or HENRY BOUTHEK, Atl'y for Trustees, Eric Pa. n9 5. 'PO THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL I VANIA. Your attention is specially invited to tho fact that the National Banks are now prepar ed to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock ot the Ccutennial Board of Finance. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the ereo tiou of the buildings lor tho International Exhibitiou, aud the expenses couuected with tho same. It is ooutideutly believed that the keystone State will be represented b lhe name of every cilizeu alive to putri' otie commenioraliou of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares of si.ock are offered for 510 each, aud sub- ecriberi will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing aud preservation as a national memorial. Inters! at lhe rate of six per cent, per nunuin W'll be pant on ull payments of Ceu tenuir.l btocU front date of payment to January 1, lKi 8. Subscribers who arr not neai National Bank can remit a check or post office orde to the understgaed. FRED'K. 1' HA LEY, Treasurer, 904 Walnut St., Philadelphia Aninnir tliA mnftt mnilprn nonveDlCD cos in the latest dwelling house is tbe cremation cellar, with tsolt'-rotuting roasters, odor-escape flues, aud comfort able feats lor tr.c mourners. FRED SCHOENING & CO., Law, Commercial, Book, and General Job Printers, and Stationers. RIDG WA Y ELK CO., 1 A. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITING: FLUID AND COPYING INK. LEAD PENCIL8 OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES. Esterbrook'B Celebrated ISIecl Pens, Jhe Best Jtiade. All Kinds of JoU Printing doira io the Best Stjlo hdJ at Low Prices. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL II E ADS, BUSINESS 'CARDS AND EN- VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN ANY QUANTITY. POWELL L KIME. L MAMMOTH STOCK Firmly believing that the world moves, aud that the demands of the public are con stantly inereasiot, the proprietor of lhe (grand Culpl m have just returned from the eastern and western cities with the most perfect and complete stock oi MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. You cannot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do uot keep, and they have absolutely BROKEN THE BACKBONE of high price. They buy for cash and SELL FOR CASH! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. "VEW STAGE. ROUTE. J. C. BUSNS, Proprietor. Tbe subscriber having secured the eon tract for carrying tbe U. S. Mail between REYNOLDS VILEL & BROCKWAY-V1LLE has placed on that road a lint of bao Hacks leave the Exchange otel n Reynoldville every Tuesday, Tnursday and Saturday on the atmal of tbe Broonville stage, and return the same day. These backs connect at Brockwayville with the Ridgway stages, making connection wi b trains on tbe V. & E. Road, both east and west. Every attention to the comfort of patrons of this line will be given, and a liberal patronage solicited. Aug. JS-Tltt. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN BIDGWAY. DAN SCR1BNEH WISHES TOIN form the Cittzens of Ilidjwuv, uud the public generally, that ho has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Bujgiei, to lot up j a Uie most, reasona ble terms 8Tji,IIe will also do Job leaning. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders loft at tho l'oet Office will moot prompt af'.enliou Auy 20 1870. If. Kuw'ii .1. Evans k Co , SUKSEimiKN AXIi FKEDSMEN, 'Catalogues Mailed to .ppiicnutaSa llv(. !."$ ) ci iniioii) to ifoN, .7. 8, Black. V.ashittlva, U. C. Wkihkr, Sm; A t'Aht, lijji'kei', York, Fa. -- Out CHARLES HOLES, Valid. iiiiikfi-, V.ugrnvir and Jeweler, Mnin ptrt ct. l!:dj:way, I'll. .Agent lor the Howe wewit)r Mauhmv, nnd Morion Gold Pen. lleinirii.g Wmchc. etc, done with he caim- novumcy as hereiofore. Palis-.iclio-i f;iiararitpi'd. vlnly . (Fobmiblt Wood Se Uakx.) STATIONARY S PORTSSLE' '. Steam Engines. Hie Best & Most Complete Assortment Iu the Market. Then Engine have always maintained the vrrrf 1ilghet standard of ezcclicnoe. We make tbo manufacture of Engines, Boilers nnd Saw Mills a specialty. Wo have the largeat and most complete works of the kind in the country, villi machinery specially adapted to the work. We keep constantly in process large numbers of Engines, which we furnish at tbe very lowest prion And on the shortest notice. We build Knthnea specially adapted to Mine, Saw Hills, Grist Mills, Tanneries, Cotton (iius, Threshers and. all clnwos Of manufacturing. We are now building the oelebrated Lane Circu lar Baw Mill, the best and most complete saw mill ever invented. We make the manufacture of Baw Mill outfits a npecial feature of our business, and can furnish Complete on the shortest notice - Our aim in all oases is to furnish the best ma chinery in the market, and work absolutely un equaled for beauty of destira, economy and strength. Send for Circular and Pries List. , UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. VTICA N. Y, 1 V YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO JAMES II. HAGERTT Maiu Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, JJOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW.WARE, TOIiACCO AND CIGAIIF. A Large Stook of Groceries and Provisions. Tbo BEST BRANDS of FLOW I CouBtantly on hand, add sold as cha 9 ffi tbe CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGEKTW MMICll RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie U. R. Divisuen. WINTER TIME TABLK. ON and after SUNDAY, NOV. 31 187 the trains on the Philadelphia M Lrie Railroad will run as follows I WESTWARD. Buffalo Ex. leaves Philadelphia..) 2.6ff p. in. " Renovo lllAtn. " " arr. at Emporium...... 2. IS am " liutialo... ......... 8.60 a m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 10.20 p iu Renovo ....lu.uo a m Emporium 12.20 p ra St. Marv's 112 p M 11 arrive at Erie 7.20 pm EASTWARD. BUFFALO EX. leaves Buffalo... 8 25 p m " " Emporium.. U.00 p m " " Reuovo 10.66 p D " arr. at I hiladelphia 9.10 am ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a in ' " " St. Mary's 6.22 p ra " " Emporium. 6.20 pm " Reuovo 8.40 p m " arr. at I'hiladephia.:. 8.00 a m Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L B M S K W and at Corry and Ir- viueton with Oil Creek aud Allegheny rt R W. Mail Went with cant ond west trams on L S & M 8 R W uud at li viueton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R U W. liutiulo Earnest) makes close connections at Williamsport with N C R W traius, north, and at llarrisburg with N C U W trains uouth. wm. A. BALDWIN. Ocn'l Sup't. Winter Arrangement. BUFFALO, NEW VORK Si PHIL'A. R. R. iiTe suoartsr and most die cot boutb To Wiliiatnsport, Sunbury, Ilarribburg, Fbiludeliihiu, lialtiuiore, WasU ingtuu uud tho tSouth. On and aftor NOVEMBER 23, 1873, and until further notice, trains will leave liuf. falo from the Bulfalo, New York & 1'hila dclphia Railway Depot, corner Exchange aud Louibiuuu streets as follofs: 7.23 A M Througli Hail (Jaily except Sundays), stopping at Ebencicr 7 43, Ppringbrook 7 uo, EliaaiJ02, Jamison Koau 8 07, Eist Aurora 8 14, South Wales 8 2rJ, Holland 8 S8, 1'roteetion 8 47, jlrcaUe u Ut. Yorkshire Centre 0 12,Machias 0 22,Frank linville U 40. Isuhua 10 02, Hinsdale 10 18, Oieuu 10 Cd.WcstunB 10 io, Porlvillo 10 63, State Line 11 0, Eldred 11 15. Larabees 11 2, Sartv.ell 11 30, Turtle l'oint 11 So, I'orl Ailegheuy 11 4'J, J.ihorty la 10 p m, Keaiinc Sunituit 12 20, Khipneu 12 43, ar riving ut Emporium at. 1 00 p m. raibciifecrs by this liititi mako connec tiors at tho UN Vt V .depot, Emporium, at ti 30 p in, for local poims on the V & E it K Last. 3.2S v m Kiaht Erorecs ('daily), Sipppiug at hljtneier !i oU, pl'lllgorook 4 00, iiluiu. 4 05, Juniison Road 4 10, Eutt Aurora 4 lo, Souili Wales 4 i'.8, Holland 4 3'J, l'ro- tooiion 4 1j, Arcade 6 02, torkshiro Centre 6 10, Mauhias lj, Franklinvillo 6 3o, Ischua ooo, Hinsdale tj 11, Oleau u it. Webtona 0 otj, 1'oriMile b 4.i, Larubees 7 16, l'trt Allei'lieiiy 7 40, Keating Summit 8 11, arriving at Emporium at 8 60 p iu, Renovo 10 i' illianisport 1 OO urn, Simbury 2 45 a m, llarrisburg 4 00 am. ruiladulphia il 10 a m, liaitiuiure (Will, Washington 10 35 a m. Tli ron-fli Vtillinan Sleepiug-cars ar ruu on this train lroru liuli'aloto EalUmore and Vi'abhingtou wilhout vhang. TRAINS LEAVE EMTOlilUMs 3.25 a m Niht Express, (duily), stop, pin jr at Shipping 2 61, Keating Summit 3 20, Liberty o 30, Tort Allegheny 3 52, Iurtle l'oint 4 Oo, tturtwell 4 11, Larabeea 4 17, Eldred 4 27, Stale Line 4 42, Tortville 4 60, Wcstons 4 08, Olean 6 10, Hinsdale 5 ti!, Ulnia 6 55, Frankliuvillo 6 18, Maolnas, G 38, Yorkshire Centre 6 48, Arcade ti 67, Protection 7 15, Holland 7 23 South Wales 7 35, East Aurora 7 60, Jami son Bond 7 67, Elina8 02, Spnug Brook 8 10, Ebcnezcr 8 20, arriving iu Buffalo t 8 50 a m. Passengers by this train make direct and close connections with the Lake Shore, Great Western, Grand Trunk and Cauada Southern Railroads for all points West, and iu Canada and the Northwest. 3.13 a m local Freight ani assengar, (daily excrp: buhd iys), stopping at Shippen 3 60 a m, Keating Summit 4 40, Liberty 6 00, Port Allegheny 5 49, Turtle Point 6 21, ar'well6 33, Larabees 9 45, Eldred 7 07. State Line 7 38, Portville 7 58, Weet ons 811, Olean 8 38, Hinsdale 0 15, Ischua 10 02, Frai.kl.nville 1(1 65, Maohias 11 28, Yorkshire Centre 11 45, Arcade 12 00, m, Protection 12 33, p m, Holland 12 47, South Wales 1 07. East Aurora 1 31, Jamison Road 1 43, Eln.a 1 5), Spring Brook 2 02, Ebcnczer 2 -0, urriviug in BudPalo at 2 60 p ra. 2-00 p mThrough Mail daily except Sun days), stopping ul Shippen 2 18, Keating Summit 2 42, Liberty 2 63, Port Allegheny 3 18, Turtle Point 3 33, Sartwell 3 88, Larabees 3 45, Eldred 3 65, State Line 4 10, Portville 4 19, Westous 4 26, Olean 4 39, Hinsdale 4 55, Ischua 5 13, Fianklin ville 6 35, Machias 6 65, Yorkshire Centre G 05, Arcade 6 15, Protection 6 32, Hol land G 40, South Wules 6 63, East Aurora 7 00, Jamison Road 7 14, Elma 7 18, Spring Brook 7 25, Ebenezer 7 85, arriving in Bulfalo at 8 00 p m, J. D. YEOMANS, II. L. LYM N, Gen'l Sup't. Ueu'l Pasb'r Ag't, &TALMAGE, SPUFGE.ON. T. I)e Witt Talmago is editor o) The Christian at Yo)k,C. II. Spur coti special contributor. The) .vritu fur do otber paper iu America I'hi'ed magnificent Cbrouios. Paj ::.... ii... ..... -.1 tdiuiLoi ui'lll :n irBiuu mail Buy uiiibi So Scctiiiiuriisru. No ttectionalisuj. Ouc a"eut rccentiv obtaiued 380 sub Hcriptious iu eighty bouts absolute work. Suuiplo cRpics aud circu'-art-; -cut lite. AGENTS WAP4TED. II. Y. ADAMS, Publisher, 101i Cbutiiber street, N. Y. 1 FLAYING CAEDS. THE BEST THE CHEAPEST. BTEAVRHIPS Cheapest kind made. REGATTAS A obeap common card. BROADWAYS A nice common card. VIRGINIAS Fine calico backs. GEN. JACKSONS Cheap and popular, (Pattern bucks, various colors and de signs.) ' COLUMBUS (Euchre deck) extra quilitr GOLDEN GATES One ef the best cards made, MT. VERNON8 Extra fine, two color pat, terns. ASK il ABOVE TAKENO 0THXB8.. Prioe List ou application. Dealers sup,. plied by VICTOR, E. MAUGER, 3-ly Ktoni2 Heads 8t,N. E