A r 1 XHURSDAV, MAY 7, 1874. Car Time at Kidgway. XRI MAIL East 4:50 p. m do do West VSfl a. m LOCAL " 8:15 a. m do East 5:40 p. m. ELK LODGE, A. Y. M. The stated mccticas of Elk Loles, No. T9, are held at their hall, corner of Main ad Depot streets, on the Bccona andlourib Tuesdays of each montlr D. B. DAY, Sec'y. Sates of AiTertislnjr. 8oe column, one year $75 00 t" " " i 40 00 . 25 00 I " " .. 16 00 Transient advertisements per Bquare of ight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions. S2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per tar 0. Advertisements payable quarterly. BUSINESS! We will send the Advocate, one 5etr, for $1,50 ' tnid in advance. Send in jour subscriptions, and ask jour friends to subscribe. Every man hould take a county paper and every nun has $1.50 that he cud invest iu this way, which will bring a larger interest oo the iuvcstnieut thun U, S. Bonds. Tns'prcsont term of school closes on the 20th iust. Thk Philadelphia Evening Telegraph has this item of news: Among the names mentioned in connection with the racaot judgeship of the Court of Claims are those of Horace Mayuard, of Tcones. see, Glenni Y. ScuBeld of Pennsylvania, and Luke P. Poland of Vermont. Huntingdon County; must bo n paradise for the roughs, la addition to the Guss scandal and the conviction and imprisonment of that old hypocrite tha April term of Court showed five indictments tor -assault; eight for forni cation and bastard)-; one, paiubliuj; fiftccu, unlawful liquor selling; oue, rape, one libel, two, larceny; one, wile alesertun; oue, iorircry. TnB Wintku Wheat. -Tho Depart ment of Agriculture has very promising .returns relative to the on Jition of wheat throughout the c iiiut.ry. In tin: . eoath the orop U luxuriaii!, au 1 iu tho Middle States tho outlook. U lavoralilo especially iu Peutisylraeia, whoro nine tenths of the couuties ruuku favorable re .'"jJtH-. .-Three-fourths of the counties in the Ohio valley report u average cl favorable condition. MUsourinid Ksn as make oven abutter report. California promises U eclipse hoMclf, u yiol-J ot 1000,000 bushels heins look-id f r. - ii-. Fatal Accident. Ou Wednesday last a young man uniitd C. M. Barr. on of John Barr, of Sterling Buu this county, while on a trip down the river with Jas. O. White, mot with a terrible uitsfup which cose him his life. They had prooeeded down the liver as far as what is known by our river men as Oirty's Notch, a point about 30 miles above Harrisburg, without any mishap .and bad tied up in the upper part of the eddy, but not liking the position, con. eluded to drop the raft lower down and iu this operatitou, by some means, young Barr got entangled in the coil of the cable at the snubbing post aud the cur rent being strong and he not being able to extricate himself, the cable tightened up on him, cutting his leg into three parts at or near the aukle, at the knee and at tne tbisti. jUedical aid was ltu- mediately summoned an i every tl itig that skill and care could do was rendered ; him but, after lingeiing in great agony ; f. for twenty-four hours ho expired, n Emporium Independent . l O , . 1 . r . i. r onuuiuu lUiuu at or, .ua.hi a. The great shooting match between Horace - Warner, of Ridgway, and Joseph 11 toes of Benzinger township, came off at the old saw mill near the Boston mines on Friday last. This match was to try the relative merits ol the repeating breach-loading and the old muzzle-loading rifles. Mr. Hanes shooting the improved Winches ter, aod Mr. Warner shooting a rifle of his own manufacture. Mr. Warner came oft the victor by 25 feet 4 inches. Folowing is the score: WARNER. UANES. Shots Iaohes. Shots Inches. 1 12 1 10 2 Ui 2 51 3 2S 3- 61 4 fit 4 47 6 bt 5 89i 8 15 G 28 7 7 8, 8 8 8 131 e n o m 10 8 10 531 11 It 11 23 i 12 121 12 101 13 9 13 271 14 9 14 861 15 (5, 15 S9J 1 17 16 8 17 191 17 31 18 131 18 441 19 12 19 81 20 21 20 35 Atwffi IM JOS Whe yon are io want of remedy for eoaghe or colds why not use Dr. Morris' Syrup of tar, and ivoid disappointments. Sold byJames Pen field. The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, Independent Order of Good Templars, will hold its twenty-first annual session iu the Hall of the Ilouse of Seprcscn tatives on the 9th of June. The Houseuold, published at Brat- tleboro, Vt., by E. Croweil, at $1 a year, has been received for May. The Iloxttchold is a large 24-page paper and worth thieo times the price of subscrip tion. Speaking of the Louisville lottery ,tbe Cincinnati Commercial says: "The en oriuous size of the new scheme indicates the general prosperity of the country and promising condition of the crops the crop of fools io particular." A mad dog has been playing the mis chief in Muhlenderg township, Ucrks county. Starting on Tuesday last, he went from farm to larin, biting every dog on the premise;. This he kept up until Thursday when he was shot- There is great excitement among the people, and the canines are being slau ghtcred promiscuously. "The Universal Ayer." On my journeys over the continent through Turkey, India", China, Japan, Pcru( Chili, Paraguay, Brazil and Mexico, adu the United States in them all to some extent and in some to a great extent, I have found the Universal Ayer re presented by his family medicines, which are often held in fabulous esteem. Whether they win their marvelous re putation by their cures I know not, but I know they have it to such a decree that it fiequcaily gave me a distingui shed importance to have come from the same country. FieUi letters from alroad. Found The body of James Elgin was found in the Allegheny river, on the 24th ult., opposite Phillipsburg, this county, having remained in the water since 20th of March. By the breaking of an oar he was thrown from a raft, at Wilson's bend in the Clarion river, clinging to s.uue boards he floated down the stream about two miles. Becoming exhausted from cold and stunned by the oar he let g his grasp on the board and sank, at a moment when a man with a skift was within i rod or two of him. Tho body was discovered by men on a steam tug, who called to others on a raft who at oaco brought tho remains to shore. An inquest Wis held by Alex ander GiiEii, Es.". Tho body was iden t'Gob by .David Joue3, Jr., of Williams burg. The jury fouud that said James Elgin came to his death by accidental droWiiing. 'Clarion JaeJisonittn. A Bill was introduced iu the State Senate last week to authorize the creation ol copartnerships iu which the liabilities of each member shall be re stricied to the amouut of his subscription to the capital stoak of tho concern. The proposed law allows three or more persons to enter into an association of this kind for carrying on any lawful business for a term not excediog twenty years, the amouut of capital put iu by each partner to bo made matter of record. The word ''limited" is to bo always attached to the firm name and appended to its signature, whenever used, and the omision of that word will always imply uulimited liability as iu ordinary partnerships. Wo believe this biij is copied substantially from the law oj Englaud, in which country this style of organization has been tested fo." many years and where it is said to work well, Tioga Agitator, Drugged and Bobbcd. Last wceE Jacob Powell, a citizen of Ringgold township, came to town for the purpose of paying off some judgments ou bis farm, but owing to the fact that he picked a small amount of having money enough to liquidate all the claims against him, he resolved to go home aod collect sufficient funds, and return & receipt to be entered properly on the docket. He started for the train, but being too late, he came back, resolving to stay at tho Heber Ilouse during the night, and on his way across the North Fork he fell among the Philistines at Doverspike's shanty, drank several times of his IlipJ lenocgen, and becoming crazy drunk, showed his money, when some three or four men carried him out and down into the slab pile, where they left Liui, to be visited a short time afterwards by two men who went through his pockets, robbing him of over one hundred dollars. On recover ing he had forgotten all that occurred, and only remembered a few of the cir cumstances connected with his troubles. We have not heard of any arrests being made, and we suppose the guilty parties will escape with their plunder. Broox. ville Republican. Win. S. Donan. a nrominent mr. chant, five members of his family, and two guest, one a well-known clerveman. and two servants, were poisoned Sunday in Riohmond, it is supposed, from eating oustard that containod it. A partial ex amination by an analytical chemist failed to discover any arsnio. for which the examination was made last night. All the parties are out of danger. GENERAL NOTES. An old statuo io Maine provides that bushel of apples must weigh forty-four pounds. There is laoghtcr in Chicago because a St. Louis detoctive went there mid had his pocket picked on a horio car. A Bibicat student has discovered that Moses was the only man who broke all the ton commandmeuts at once. The praotioe of medicine by ladies, iu thtpngo, bas reoently been supplemented by femalo sexton nod undertaker. Cumberland County has a steer for which $750 are offered. lie waighs nearly 4,UUU pounds. A girl sixteen years old was gored to death by a vicious cow, while attempting to milk her, in Chester county one day last week. A member of the Missouri LegUla ture has beeu censuied for carrying a brick in his pocket. Well, when a member of the Legislature don't know where to carry a brick, what is the country likely to come to? The Legislature of Washington Territory has enacted that physicians, surgeons, clergymen and priests shall not be protected by virtue of their pro fession or character from testifying as to confession or confidential information imparted to them. A clergyman in Brockport, N. Y., who remarked in conversation that tho young women of the period conldu't make good bread, received next day fourteen loaves from as maoy young un married ladiei. The Rock Mountain AWs, of Den ver says: "James Sager, with lour other men, who robbed an old roan ruined Bemhoff of $500,000 in bonds at Pc trolium center, Pa-, 1S08, were arrested here on Sunday last." Nine of the largest cotton parishes of Lousiana are inundated, and 250,000 acres of cotton and 100,000 acres nt corn are destroyed, without counting small farms and gardens. Twelve parishes, producing annuallv .'10,000 hoos'ieads sugar, are also overflowed. Twentyfive thousand people ore already suffering for food, and the number is rapidly in creasing. Crops ate also washed out in the uplanls by rain. Waltz, the murderer conGned in Cat- skill (New York) jail, and sentenced to be hanged on the 1st of May, cenfessed last week that he killed an orgaugrindcr three years ago and buried the body on lie Waltz larui. lie drew a diagram ol the premises, and designated the spot where the Dody was crmecaled. The Sheriff, accompanied by a laigo party, have gone to tho farm ti ascertaiu tlio truth of the statmeut. IIlre is an OriTit ion Y.-c We will eeod Fratik Leslie's Illustrated Xewswaper, aud the Advocate, oue year, tor fc4.iU cash. ii.e vegula- price of Illustrated Newspaper is $4.00 thus you get the Advocate fur 50 cents. We will send the Advocate and "The Chimney Corner" for S4 50. Send on your subscriptions, accompan ied by the cash. Elk County Directory. TresiJent Judge L. 1). Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. Vincent. Associate Judges Clias. Luhr, J p V. Honk. District Attorney J. K. P. Hall. Sbcrill D. C. Oyster. Protlnnotury .j-c., f rol. Schajuiiig. Treasurer Joseph Windfvldvr. County Superintendent Kufus t.uoorp. Commissioners Kobt. Campbell, Julim Jones, Geo. lid. Weis. Auditors C. V. liurrett, Thomas Irwiu, Thonirs J. Burke. County Surveyor Geo VTilmsley. Jury Commissi iners. Phillip Kreigle. Ransom T. Kyler. NOTICE. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE Special Taxes. May 1, 1874, to April 30, 1875. The LAW of December 21, 1872 requires every person engaged iu auy buniuet-s, avocation, or employment which renders him liable to a SPKCI AL TAX, To Procure and Placs Con spicuously in his Establishment or PlaCO Of Business n STAMP donotms the payment of said SPECIAL TAX for the Speoiul Tax year beginning May 1st, 1874, before commencing or continuing business alter April 30, 1874. The Taxes Embraced Within the Provisions of tha Law Above ftuott t are the Following, viz: Rectifiers 8200 00 Dealers, retail liquor 25 00 Dealers, wholesale liquor 100 VO Dealers -in malt liquor, wholesale 50 00 Dealers in malt liquors, retail 20 00 Dealeis in leaf tobacco 25 00 Retail dealers iu leaf tobacco 500 00 And on sales of over 81,000, fifty cents for every dollar in ex cess of $1,000. Dealers in manufactured tobacco 5 00 Manufacturers of stills . 50 00 Aod for each still manufactr'd 20 00 And for eaoh worm do 20 00 Manufacturers of tobuoco 10 00 Manufacturers of cigars 10 00 Peddlers of tobacco, first class (more than two horses) 50 00 Peddlers of tobacco, second olass (two horses) 25 00 Peddlers of tobacco, third class (one horse) 15 00 Peddlers of tobacco, fourth class (on foot or publio conveyance) 10 00 Brewers of less than 500 barrels 50 00 Brewers of 500 barrels or more 100 00 Any persoo, so liable, who shall fail to comply with the foret'oins require ments will be subject to severe penalties Persons or trms liable to pay any ot the Speeial Taxes named above must apply to P. FORD, Deputy Collector ot Internal Xtevenue at buetbpoit, Mc Keao Co.. Pa., and pay for aod procure the Special Tax Stamp or Stamps they neea. prior to May 1, 1874, and WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. J. W. DOUGLASS. Com. of Internal Revenue. OrricK or Internal Rxvenuk, Wakhintor., D. C, Fctr'y 16, If 7 1. New Advertisements. KOaTQAQEES SALE. Colliery la Elk County, Fenn'a, "BENZINGER COAL AND IRON COM PANY PROPERTY." By virtue of a decree of the Court of Common Pleas, of his County, made tha I4lh any or April, A. V. loii, directing sale to he made, iu the forolosure of a cer tain mortgAire, recorded in the Recorder's Office of Elk County, in Mortgage Book 'It," page 152 etc, the 13th day of August A. 1. 18U7, the undersigned Trustees and Mortgagees, under said mortgage, (the snme having been torclosed ny a llill In Equity',, will expose for sale at Publio Auction, at tha Exchnnge in tha City of Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, THE PAY OK JUNE A 1). 1874, at 12 o'clock, M. the following described property to wit: being all the estate and franchises. belonging tn aod connected with the said The "r.UINZlMiEll CUAb AAV COMPANY." First AU the Railroad connecting the mines of said Company w ith tho I'hiladel phia and Erie Kali Kofid, and built by the mi J Company, together with ail and singu lar, the superstructure, bridges, switches, turnouts, sidetracks, depots, and buildings, pookets, curs, and other stock, in aud about, the operation and mining of said Hail Hond. Second AU the following described tracts, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in (he township of licn linger, County of Elk, aud Siale of Penn sylvania, find adjoining the Uorough ol Hi. Aiary s. The snid lots are all numbered. according to lleniingur and tscliWIi's plot or plan of the settlement of St. Mary's, duly recorded in the Recorder's Office of Klk County, and also describe J by metes. houuds and numbers, in the snid uiortgago, aud the Hill of Equity foreclosing the tume. 1st. Lot rto. six (til bschbuch Ko.'id, con taining fifty (GO) neresuiore or less'. 'M Lot, fio, thirteen (lol bt. .Michael s Road, containing twculy-fivo (25) acres. i I. Lot, Ao. three (3) iBchbacli itoad, wcHteru part, continuing twelve and onc lialf(l21) acres and Lot No. to (2) con taining fifty (50) acres. 4th. Lot, No. one, PI Eschbach Rond, containing fifty 50 notes. lh. I he buck or rear part of Lot fto. four 4 on Brussels Road, containing twenty zllj acres. it.ii. Lot .o, seven 111 on Lschbacu Rnticl, cnnliviiing filly 5uJ acres. (h. Lot desigua ed a I on Uusely Road, continuing nineteen (19) acres. Hlh. Lot, designated I LI, J on lirussells Road, containing ."event.. -five Y5 acres; 'jili. i lie pom hern ends or halls ut lots Nos. six Ol and eight S on Brunei Komi, couiaiuiiig fifty 160 J acres. JOih. Lot, iNo. ,iiii IIOI on IJrusrcls Road, containing fifty 501 acres. llih. Another part of Lot No. three on Eschbnch ItuuJ, containing twelve an one-halt 1-AJ acres. IL'ili. The western part ot Lot o. eight 1 8) on Eschbach Road, cotil.iii.iU2 tweuly- live -" acres. Togeiher, continuing lour hundred und eighty nine (48tl) acres, more cr lest-; less two 2 acres therefrom, which has heci. taken lo.' the purpoee ol a saw mill. Upon the said premises are erected eievcu (il) house, suitable for aimers bouses, and oilier outbuildings. AL0 All the coal, satidsicaic, iroa and oi her ores, clay und nil other uiiuera's or ihineriil ores, and all oils or oil eubJUncis in, mid upon or under the following de scribed tructtf. pieces or parcels of land siiuuic in lienz nger Township, Elk County tin J tttato of Peuusylr&nia, uud described as follows: 1st. Thirty-lour 34 acres, iu Lot No. fifteen 15 St. Michaels Road. 2nd. Twenty-tire 25 acres, in Lot No. fourteen (11) t. Miuhuc.'s Road. Itrd. Twenty-five - 25- acres, in Lot No. St. .Michaels Road. 4th. Thirty-one 11- acre?, being in Lot No twelve -12- St. MichaeW Road. ulh. Seventy-five -75- acres, being Lot, No five -5- mid eastern half of Lot No. four -4- Eschbach Bond. bth. Twenly-five -25- acres, west half of Lot No. four -1- Ebchbach Road. 7th. Twenty-live -25- acres, east half Lol No. eight 8- Eschbach Rond. tS'h. Tivtuly-five -25- acres west half. Lol No. nine -'J- Lsclitnch Road. S'th. Twenty-five - 25-acres, in Lot No. uine -3- St. MieViols Roud. lOth. Twelve and one half -12- acres, west half Lol No. eight -b- St. Michaels Houd. l'.th. Twenly-five -25- acres, in Lot No. ten -10- St. Michaels Itoad. 12th. Twenty-fivo -25- acres, in Lot No. seven -7-Si. Michaels R ad. loth. Seveuty-five --75 acres, part of warrant No. four ihousaud one hundred and ninety-siveu -4197- in Ji y Township, Elk County, Pennsylvania. The l.i iid couiaiuing raid mineral rights, c. being four huuured and tweuty-suven -427- aeres, more cr lets. Together with the right to enter upon f iil premises and explore, dig, aud ex cavate tor said substances, and to remove the same by all proper and convenient places und ways over said premises and to make Reads and to lay Uail Roads for the coitvenieut transportation of said com modities, and to uso so much of said premises as may be convenient, for Ihu uo commodiuiou of the necessary works tor the prosecution of the business of mining. Tho laud above described, was all pur chased as Bituuiiuous Coal Lauus, and the property has been worked and coal shipped therefrom for some years. It is ooutiguuus to St. Mnry's, a large and flourishing town in Elk County. The property will be sold together, TERMS CASH. Tbe-title is indisputable. Any further informal ion will be given by uddressiug tue subseribers. JOHN W. McKl.M, LEVI II. 81 RAW, Trustees, &o. No. 15, Pemberton, Square, Boston, Mass. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, Phil'a. Pa. or HENRY SOUI'IIER, Att'y for Trustees, Erie Pa. n9t5. rpO THE C11 X VAN1A. Your attention is specially invited to the fact that the National Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock ot the Centenuial Board of finance. The funds realixed from this source are to be employed iu the ereo tion of the buildings lor the International Exhibition, aud the expenses conuecied with the same. It is eoiitideutly believed that the Keystone State will be represented by the name of every citizen alive to put ri ot io commemoration of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares of stock are offered for $10 eaoh, and sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Slock from date of payment 1 January 1, 1876. Subscribers who are notcai a National Bank can remit a check or post office order to the undersigned, . FJtKD'K F RALE T, Treasurer, . 804 Walnut 6., Philadelphia Vasquei aud his gang of outlaws in California have again eluded the pursu ing parties, but are reported io a situation trots which it will bo very difficult, it not impossible, to eseope. FRED SOHOENING & CO., Law, Commercial, Book, and General Job Printers, and Stationers. JRIDG WA Y ELK CO., 1 A. DHALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCH, KNGLISU, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITING: FLUID AND COPYING INK. LEAD PENCILS OF ALL KINDS AND PKICES. Esterbrook't Vtlebrated ZSIeet rcna, th Best Made. All Kinds of Job Printing done iu the Best Style and at Low Prices. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL HEADS, BUSINESS ;CARDS AND EN VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN JAN Y QUANTITY. POWELL & Kim. A. MAMMOTH STOCK Firmly believing that the world moves. and that the demands of (he public are con stantly luereaeint, the proprietors of the (Brand dfniial j?torLe have just returned from tho eastern and western cities with the most perfect and complete stock oi MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. You cannot ASK FOR ANYTHING the? do not keep, and they have J absolutely BROKEN THE BACKBONE of high prices. They buy for cash and SELL FOR CASH I CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. IS EW STAGE ROUTE. J. C. BURNS, Proprietor. The subscriber having secured the con tract for carrying the U. H. Mail between KEYNOLDSTILEL & BROCKWATV1I.LE bas placed on that road a line of bao lacks leave the Exchange f.otel n Reynoldville every Tuesday, Tauvtday and Saturday on the arrival of the Brooaville stage, aud return the same day. These hacks connect at Brookwayvilla with the Ridgway stages, making connection wi a trains on the P. & Road, both east and west. Every attention to the eemfort of patrons of this liae will be given, and a liberal patronage solicited. Aug. rt-Wcl NEW LIVERY fSTAULU is BI0GWHV. DAN eCRlBNER WISHES TO"lN fortu tho Citizens of Itidway, and the public generally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Biijjio. to let 'ipon the uioM. veasoua ble terms 55 lie will also do job leaning. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left altho Post Office will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. Euw'k J, Evans. & Co., NL'RSF.rtYMKN AND SEEDSMEN, VollK, I'F.NN'a JCiilalnpiios Mailed to ApplicmtsTjaijl I'cfcr (by pel mission) to '1'i.N, J. S. Ki.M'k, Washington. P. O. WriRKH. S.is i Cam., Hankers, York, Pn, 2-.ir v CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker. Engraver and Jeweler, Main street. R-dgwiiy, Ph. Agent lor the Howe Soviii.g Machine, and Morton Gobi Pen. Repairing Watches, elc, done with he same ao;uiv as heretofore. Satis action guaranteed. rlnly TTTXC.A. (F0BVW.X Wood te Maxx.) STATIONARY I PORTABLE ' Steam Engines. The Best & Host Complete Assortment la tho Market. These Engines have always maintained the very Ughest standard of excellence. We make tha taanufacture of Engine, boilers and Biw Hills a pecaalty. We have theiargest and moat oomplete works of the kind in the oountry, witU machinery specially adapted to the work. We keep constantly in prooesa large nnmtiers of Engines, which we furniaa at the very luwext prices and on tha shortest notice. Wa build Eninnea peeiaUy adapted to Minn, Saw Mills, Oritt Mills, Tanneries, Cotton Gins, Tlueshera and ail claaaea Of manufacturing. Wa are now building the celebrated Lano Circu lar Saw Mill, the beat and moot complete aaw null ever invented. Wa make the manufacture of Saw Mill ontflto pedal featnra of our buameea, and can furoiah : complete on tue anorteax Douce, I .Ow aim In all oases is to furnish the best ma i hisery In the market, and work absolutely un equal ea ror neaaty or aeaurn, economy ana suengui. Bend for Circular and Price LiaU . UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. VTKA, N. T. 1 F YOU WANT.TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO JAMES II-UAUERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS . SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of . Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS ol FLOU I Constantly on hand, add sold is cha $ aa tha CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAQER,TV! It All ROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie It. R. Division. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after BHNDAT, NOV. JJ 16T the trains on the Philadelphia Ln Railroad will run as follows i WESTWARD. Buffalo Ex, leaves Philadelphia.12.6Ka. ra. " Renovo 12.16 a m. " 11 arr. at Emporium- 2.16 a m ' Buffalo 8.60 a at ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 10.20 p m " " Renovo..... 10.05 a ra ' 11 Emporium 12.30 p m St. Mary's 1.12 p m arrive ai brie 7.20 pm EASTWARD. BUFFALO EX. leaves Buffalo... 8 26 p w " " Emporium. 9.00 p in " ' Renovo 10.65 p ffl ' arr. at Philadelphia U.lOa m ERIE MAIL leaves Eri 11.20 a m " St. Mary's b.'li p ra 11 " 11 Emporium 6.20 pm " Renovo 8.40 p tn " arr. ot Phihtdephia... 8.00 am Mail Eust connects east and west at Erie with L S M 8 11 W and at Corry and Ir vineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny it R W. Mail West with eist and west trains oa L 8 & M S R W and at Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W. Buffalo Express makes close connections at Williamsport with NCKW trains, nortb, and at lliuriaburg with N C R W trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN. Oen'l Sup't. Winter Arrangement. BUFFALO, NEW YORK & PUIL'A. R. 11. Tift SUOUTEST AND MOST DIRECT BOCT To Williauisport, Sutibury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash iugtou aud the South. On and after NOVEMBER 23, 1873, and until further notice, trains will leave But. t'ulo from the Buffalo, New York & Phila delphia Railway Depot, corner Exchange and Louisiana streets as follows: 7.23 A U Through Hail (daily except Sundays), stopping al Ebenezer 7 43, Spriugbrook 7 63, Elma 8 02, Janmon Road 8u7, iCist Aurora 8 14, South Wales 8 20, Holland 8 '48, Protection 8 47, Arcade 9 04. Yorkshire Ceni re 0 12,.Machias 9 22, Frank linville 9 40, Ischua 10 02, Hinsdale 10 18, Clean 10 3o,Vctlons 10 45, Portville 10 6i, .State Line 11 02, Eldred 1115. Larabees 11 23, S.irlwell 11 0, Xurtlo Point 11 30, Port Allcghcuy 11 49, Liberty 12 10 p in, Keating Summit 12 20, hippen 12 43, ar riving al Emporium at 1 00 p m. Passengers by this train make connec tions at tho B N YP depot, Emporium, ut G 30 p in, for local points on the V & H R R LhsI. 3.2S 15 m Right EzprCSS (daily), Stopping at bbeucier u uU, bpriugbrook 4 00, Limit 4 00, Jamison Roud 4 10, Kutt Aurora 4 10, South Wulcs -1 28, Molluud 4 39, Pro lection 4 45. Arcade 5 02, Yorkshire Centre 6 10, Macuias51S. Fianklinvilla 6 86, lchua 5 00, Hinsdale ti 11, Clean 6 27, WeEtons C 33. Portville 0 45, Larubees 7 16, Port Allegheny 7 40. Keating Summit 8 11, arriving at Emporium at S 50 p in, Renovo 10 6", Williamsporl 1 00 am, Suubury 2 40 a in, Harrisburg 4 60 am, Philadelphia 9 10 a m, Baltimore 8 45 a nr, Wnshingron 10 35 a m. Through Pullman Sleeping-cars an run on this train from Buffalo to Baltimore and Washington without cbang. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM: 2,35 a m Night Espress, (daily), stop ping at. Shipping 2 64, Keating Summit 3 2U, Liberty 3 30, Port Allegheny 3 52, Turile Point 4 06, Sartwcll 411, Larubees 4 17, Eldred 4 27. State Line 4 42, Portville 4 50, Westocs 4 68, Clean 5 10, Hinsdale 5 39, I.-lma 5 5o, Franklinville 8 18, Muchius, ii 38. Yorkshire Centre 6 48, Arcade (5 67, Protection 7 15, Holland 7 23 South Wales 7 35, East Aurora 7 50, Jami son Road 7 57, Elma8 02, Spring Brook 8 ll, Ebeneser h 20, arriving in Buffalo at 8 00 a m. Passengers by this train make direct and closo connections with the Lake Shore, Great Western, Grand Trunk and Canada Southern Railronds for all points West, and in Cfiuada and 'he Northwest, 3.15 a m Local Frsight and cssengor, (daily excepi ftuud lys), stopping ai Shippen 3 50 a m, Keating Summit 4 40, Liberty 5 00, Port Allegheny 6 49, Turtle Point fl 21, Sar'wcll 0 33, Lurabces 9 45, Eldred 7 07. State Line 7 38, Portville 7 68, Weet ons 8 11, Olean 8 38, Hinsdale 0 15, lscbua 10 02, FrankKoville 10 55, Machine 11 28, Yorkshire Centre 11 45, Arcade 12 00, m, Protection 12 33, p ra, Holland 12 47, South Wales 1 07, Easi Aurora 1 31, Jamison Road 1 43, Elma 1 61, Spring Brook 2 02, Ebenezer 2 20, arriving in Buffalo at 2 50 p ra. 2 00 p m Through Mail (daily except Sun days), stopping ut Miippen 2 18, Keating Summit 2 42, Liberty 2 53, Port Allegheny 3 18, Turtle Point 3 33, Sartwell 3 38, Larabees 8 45, Eldred 3 65, State Line 4 10, Portviilo 4 19, Weatotis 4 20, Olean 4 39, Hinsdale 4 55, Iscluia 5 13, Fianklin villo 6 35, Machias 5 55, Yorkshire Centre 6 05, Arcade ii 15. Protection 0 32, Hol land 6 40, South Wslcs 6 63, East Aurora 7 06, Jamison Road 7 11, Elma 7 18, Spring Urook 7 25, Ebenezer 7 35, arriving in Buffalo at 8 00 p m, J. I). XEOM VNP, II. L. LYM ', Gen'l Sup't. Geu'l I'sss'r Ag't. iTALMAGE. orunijt.uiN. T. De Witt Tulmago is editor of The Christian at Wot It, C. H. Spur euti speoiul contributor. Thej write for no other paper iu America I'hreo niiiL'tiirk-eut Chroinos. Pay ' r I f .a at larger cuinniii-sion than any other paper. CIIEOliOS ALL READY. No Scctanuuibtii. No Sectionalism. . PLAYING CARDS. THE BEST THE CHEAPEST. pP:r. cnSOKOS ALL BEADY.! B(i Si'etariuiiisiii. Nil tSeetiriiinlimii.nl SUne urent recently obtained 380 sub-i -criptious iu eighty hours absolute! awurk. Sample copies aud circular;-! I 'agents wanted. I III. Yy. ADAMS, Publisher, 102B I Chamber street, N. Y. B STEAMSHIPS Cheapest kind mads. REGATTAS A cheap common card. BROADWAYS A nice common card. VIRGINIAS Fine calico backs. GEN. JACKSONS Cheap aud popular,' (Pattern backs, various colors and, da signs.) COLUMBIAN (Euchre deck) extra quality GOLDEN GATES -One of the best eard made, Mf. VERNONS Extra fine, two color pat. terns. AEK X HE ABQVE-TAKNO 0THZBS. Price List ou application. Dealers sup. plied by VICTOR E. MAUGER, 39-ly 1C6 to 112 Head gt , .