The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 30, 1874, Image 3

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(Elk fkfaMtttt
IH0E3DAT, APRIL 80, 1874.
Cur Time at Ridgway.
1MB MAIL Esst. ......... ........ 4:50 p. m
da do West 1:86 a. m
LOCAL ....... 8:15 a. m
do East. ......... 6:40 p. tn.
;elk lodge, a. y. m.
The stated meetings of Elk Lolse, No,
179, ere held et their hall, oorner of Main
ml Depot streets, on the second and fourth
Taesdays or each month-
D. B. DAT, Beo'y.
Sates of Advertising.
One eolame, one year -.
$76 00
e " " 40 00
" 25 00
' 15 00
Transient advertisements per square of
eight lines, one insertion $1. two inser
tions, $1.60, three insertions, $2.
Business cards, ten lines or less, per
year $5.
Advertisements payable quarterly.
We will send tho Advooatr, one
year, for $1,50 it' P'(1 in ndvance
Send io your Bubucriptious, aud ask
your friends to subscribe. Every man
should take a county paper and every
man has $1.50 that he can invest in this
way, which will bring a larger interest
a the investment than U. S. Bonds.
Winter still lingers etc.
Trims will be no preaching in the
Court House next Sunday, May 3d.
Gold has declined two per cent, since
the veto, which means that every man's
greenbacks are worth two cents more on
the dollar than they were last week.
A Bill is now pending ia the Legis
lature at Flarriaburg Pa., exempting
from execution and sale a homestead to
the value of $600, and other propetry
for the use ot the family. It should pass
The third Quarterly Meeting of the
M. E. Society in this place will be held
at Wilcox next Saturday and Sunday.
May 2nd and 3rd. Rev. N. Norton
will conduct the Saturday evening ser
vices, commencing at lj o'clock p. tn.
Singers, public speakers, and
others who constantly use their vocal
organs, will find by an occasional use of
Pr. Morris Syrup of tar that the parts
will be strengthened and the voice clear
ed. Sold bv James Penfield.
Judge L . D. Wetmore has selected
the 37th Judicial District, composed of
t Warren, Forest and Elk Counties. By
this decision Judge Vincent becomes the
President J udge ot the district composed
cf Erie County, until a new election in
Fall op Snow. Judge Siggios
writes us that from the 29th, of October
1873 to April 11th 1874, there was a
fall of 9 feet t inches of snow, by
measurement in Youngsville. Never
' Vheiless there was less' sleighing than
usual. Beside the snow there was an
unusual fall of rain for winter months,
taking it all in all, the amount of falling
weather the past season has been seldom
equaled. Warren Ledger.
A T0aNAD0 thunderstorm passed
over Erie, Monday afternoon. A man
was killed by the concussion. There were
no marks of lightning or other injury
upon bim. Several buildings were un
roofed. A church bell was swept from
the tower and carried 150 feet. Vessels
were torn from their moorings at the
docks, td lumber piles torn up and dis
tributed. The storm lasted but a few
The March earnings of the leading
railways of the county show a considera
te falling off as compared with those for
the corresponding month last year, al
though the exhibit is a more favorable
one than for that of February. Seven
teen roads show a total of gross earnings
amounting to (3,326,729, a decrease,
compared with the corresponding season
last year, of $879,57-1. The net earn,
iogs have not, however, fallen off in the
same proportion; many of the companies
having reduced their railing stock and
forces, in proportion to the decline in
dusiness, caused by the working of the
eneoey markets and the unsatisfactory
condition of general trade.
A movement in the oil regions for a
"shut-down" on oil production for
ninety days has beeo entered into with
sufficient unanimity to augur exoelleot
results. Such a movement should have
been catered upon long ago. For more
than a year the petroleum markets of
the world have been glutted, and the
produot has beeo selling at a ruinously
low price. Nintey days of nonproduction
will stiffen up prices for a time and re.
lieve the depressson now prevalent
throughout the oil country. Of course
its effect cannot be permanent, and the
stimulation of the advanoed prices will
produce another period of exoessive
overproduction but a shut-down seems
better than no remedy at all for the
serious evils whioh have so long afflicted
tbs oil trade. Erie GqxUc.
ihrre la a man in Jttimin county
who prophesies eight more snow storms.
Now this is something like; people gen
erally appreciate a snow storm at this
reason of the year.
'Those who have money
Are troubled about it,
Those who have none
Are troubled without it."
Old trench Song.
A few days ago Mr. Chalfant, State
Senator from this District, presented ne
the Senate a petition which resembled a
panorama. It revolved on rollers and
contained the names of 9,000 citizens o
the counties of Lycoming, Sullivan,
Cumberland, Susquehanna, Columbia,
Montour, Berks, Lebanon, Fayette.
Chester, Bucks, Allegheny, McKean,
Tioga, Bradlord, and Montgomery,
praying for tho passage of an act pro
hibiting stock from running at large in
this Commonwealth. Williatrupart O.
& n.
"Winter lingering in the lap of
spring causes a vast amount of dis
satisfaction. It may interest the gram-
oiers to be reminded that ninety-nine
years ago things were quite different,
and the complaint was that it was too
hot. History informs us that on the
18th day of April, 1775, the apple trees
in Massachusetts were in full bloom,
and the weather extremely hot. The
party of Butish soldiers who made an
excursion from Boston to Lexington and
Concord suffered greatly from the heat
of the day, as well as from the warm
reception with which they were greeting
by the inhabitants Bntton Globe.
The Registered Letter business.
On the first of January the Postmaster
General reduced the rate for registered
letters from 15 cents and the regular
postage to 8 oents and the postage.
Since that time the business has increased
over 100 per cent., the average increase
in large cities being from 50 to 75 per
cent. The present rates compare verv
favorable with those of England, al
though there are many difficulties in
this country not to be met with in the
smaller and more thickly populated
counties of the Old World. The las1
annual reports show that in Canada the
loss in registered letters and packages
was 112; in Great Britain 20, and in the
United States 100. If tho increase of
business continues thougbout the year
five million registered letters will be
sent, against two-and a-half million last
Tub Delaware 1'each Crop. The
fruit growers of Delaware held a meeting
on Monday, at Dover, at which the
prospects of the peach crop were discus
scd. It was agreed that the buds in
Southern Delaware and eounties ia
Maryland of same latitude, or farther
South, are almost entirely killed, having
been in full bloom at the time of the
sharp frost of the 11th and 12th ol
April. In Middle Delaware the early
varieties are generally safe. North of
Dover tte crops are still promising, and
in Newcastle county, including some of
the best orchards of the State, the buds
ot all varieties are substantially uniojur
ed. The prospects, therefore, up to this
time, is good for an average crop, and th e
growers estimate it at 2,000,000 baskets
which is probably too low a figure.
A strong effort is mak ing iu the
Pennsylvania Legislature to repeal the
section of the game law which prohibits
the sale of game and fish out of the
proper seasoned.
"I was a boy at Braddock's defeat io
1755," says Jean Revore, of Bracken
county, Kentucky This beats Count
Waldeck and Captain Lahrbush; in fact,
Revore is thought to be full 130 years
old, and the oldest man in the civilized
A deed recorded in Blue Earth
county, Minn., on the 27th ult., the
grantor of which, Catherine Mayotte,
is said to be 118 years old. Of course
she threads a needle without glasses, but
she lays no claim to having seen Wash
ington. An inventive genius in Rochester has
constructed a "compartment bottle,"
which is nothing more than a pocket
barroom that under ordinary cucum
stances will not be prayed at nor raided
upon. The bottle is built to contain
four ktnds of fluid.
She wind has gone into the crusading
business at Brooklyn, Jackson county,
Mich. Lately it took down an under
taker's sign from its fastenings, and de
posited it in front of a whisky shop, in
forming passers-by that "Caskets and
coffins were furnished at sb.ort notice."
They convicted a man of murder in the
first degree in Luzerne county recently,
and he was sentenced to be banged, the
case was taken to the Supreme Court,
and it being shown that the man
had only killed his mother-in-law, the
judgment was reserved.
The Rev. Mr. Kerns, of Clintonville,
Center County, was chopping wood to
kindle a fire when a chip struck him in
the eye and knocked it out upon bis
cheek. lie then took bis handkerchief
and wiped his face when he found to
his horror that be had wiped out his
A well-to-do farmer named Carpenter'
residing near Woodbury, Gloucester
county, N. J., together with a physioian,
were arrested on Saturday, charged with
infanticide. The circumstances as re
ported are that the infant was the result of
improper intercourse with his own daugh
ter, a girl of fifteen years, and. to bide
their shame, it is alleged that Carpenter
poisoned it. There is much feeling,
against the prisoners, and a guard if kept
about the jail to prevent violence to
Two heads are letter than one cspe
cially in a barrel.
A Georgia editor was bitten by a dog.
"being evidently mistaken tor a bone.
Massachusetts thinks 0! taking a new
survey oi tnis territory: me last was
made over forty years ago.
The fact being ascertained that the
lady ate odious, ruined ber case in
recent breach of promise suit in Iowa.
Bit Galls were recently seen flying about
Memphis, having been blown inland by
me late gates ironi tne South.
North Carolina tries to tempt eroiara
tion by the statement that a home in its
pine woods is sure cure for consump
tion. An Indianapolis man laid a wager
with a young lady that she could not
pass a week without speaking. The
lady won.
A man writing poetically of the
weather says: "The backbone of winter is
broken, but its tail wage vat occasion
ally." The Ohio legislature has introduced
a bill fixing a fine of from five to fifty
dollars for pointing any kind of firearms
at a person, loaded or "unloaded."
The physicians annotated to examine
the mental condition of Joseph Walls.
under sentenoo of death at Catskill, Niw
York, for murder, pronounced him sate,
and be will be hung on May 1.
A soldier stationed at Sioux City
received $3,000 two week ago and spent
the last dollar of it in nine days, making
one purchase ol eighteen barrels o
whisky and giving them away to bis
While maipulating the windlass of a
well, the other night, a party who bad
been laying in a stock of whiskey before
it was all seized by the police, let the
handle slip when the bucket was half-way
op, and naturally enough received a
chuck under the chin that knocked bim
over a neighboring fence. "Sold again,"
he muttered, as he climbed to his feet,
"might anone hio better thau to bio
go foelio' round' so much water. Bet
feher boots I'll stict' whisky after this.'
A defalcation in the account of a clerk
in the National Bank ot Chester county
has just been discovered, but the amount
is not yet ascertained. The clerk bin
decamped, but the bank officers say hi)
bondsman will indemnity tho bank Irom
loss. This is oneof the oldest institutions
of the kind in Pennsylvania, and has
always been classed among the salcst atd
best conducted, having a very heavy sur
plus fund. It has uniformly paid a divi
dend oi ten per cent, among its stock
holders, and the stock sells at double its
par value.
ITere is an Offer for You. We
will send Frank Leslie's Illustrated
Newswsper, and the Advocate, one
year, for 94.50 cash. The regula
price of Illustrated Newspaper is 84 00
thus you get the Advocate for 50
cents. We will send the Advocate
and "The Chimney Corner" for 84 50.
Send on your subscriptions, accompan
ed by the cash.
Elk County Directory.
President Judge L. D. Wetmore.
Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P
Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V
District Attorney J. K. P. Hall.
Sheriff D. C. Oyster.
Prothinotary j-c, Fred. Schoening.
Treasurer Joseph Windfelder.
County Superintendent Rnfu Lucore.
Commissioners Rnbt. Campbell, Julius
Jones, Geo. Ed. Weis.
Auditors C. W. Barrett, Thomas Irwin,
Tbomrs J. Burke.
County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley.
Jury Commissioners. Phillip Kre'gle.
Ransom T. Kyler.
Special Taxes.
May 1, 1874, to April 30, 1875.
The LAW of December 24. 1872
requires every person engaged in any
business, avooation, or employment
which renders him liable to a SPECIAL
TAX, To Procure and Place Con
spicuously in his Establishment or
Place of Business stamp denoting
the payment ot said SPECIAL TAX
for the Speoial Tax year begiuoing
May 1st, 1874, before commencing or
continuing business after April 30,
The Taxes Embraced Within the Provisions ot
the Law Above Quote! tbe Following, via:
Rectifiers $200 00
Dealers, retail liquor 25 00
Dealers, wholesale liquor 100 00
Dealers in malt liquor, wholesale 50 00
Dealers in malt liquors, retail 20 00
Dealers in leaf tobacoo 25 00
Retail dealers in leal tobacco 500 00
And on sales of over $1,000,
fifty cents for every dollar in ex
cess of 91,000.
Dealers io manufactured tobacco 5 00
Manufacturers of stills 50 00
And for each still manufaotr'd 20 00
And for each worm do 20 00
Manufacturers of tobacco 10 00
Manufacturers of cigars 10 00
Peddlers of tobacoo, first clafs
Sucre than two horses) 50 00
dlers of tobacco, second class
(two bones) 25 00
Peddlers of tobacco, third elass
(one horse) 15 00
Peddlers of tobacco, fourth class
(on foot or publio conveyance) 10 00
Brewers of less than 500 barrels 50 00
Brewers of 500 barrels or more 100 00
Any person, so liable, wbo bhall fail
to comply with the foregoing require
ments will be subjeot to severe penalties
Persons or firms liable to pay any of
the Speoial Taxea named above must
apply io P. FORD, Deputy Collector of
Internal Revenue at Ssaethpoit, Mc
Kean Co., Pa., and pay tor and procure
the Special Tax Stamp or Stamps they
need, prior to May 1, 1874, sod
Com. of Internal Revenue.
Orrici or Internal Rivekpe,
Washington, D. C, Febry 16, 1874.
New Advertisements.
Colliery In Hi County, Ptna'a,
By virtue of a decree of the Court of
Common Pleas, of Elk County, made the
14th day of Api V, A. D. 1 874, directing a
sale to be made, ia the forolosura of a eer
tain mortgage, reoorded in the Recorder's
Office of Elk County, in Mortraae Book
"U," page 152 eto., the 13th day of August
a. v. jbo7, tne uaaersignea Trustees end
Mortgagees, under said mortgage, (the
same Dating Deea loreiossa ry a am In
Equity), will expose for sale at Publio
Auction, at the Exchange in the City of
Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, THE 2ND
DAY OF JUNE A D. 1874, at 12 o'clock,
M. the following described property to
wit: being all the estate and franchises,
belonging to and eonneoted with the said
First All the Railroad connecting the
mines of said Company with the Philadel
phia and Erie Ball Road, and built by the
said Company, together with all and singu
lar, the superstructure, bridges, switches,
turnouts, sidetracks, depots, and buildings
pockets, cars, and ether stock, in and
about, the operation and mining of said
Rail Road.
Second All the following described
tracts, pieces or parcels of land, situate,
lying and being in the township of Ben-
linger, County of Elk, and State of Penn
sylvania, and adjoining the Borough of St.
Mary's. The said lots are all numbered.
according to Bensinger and Eschbacb'a plot
or plan of the settlement of St. Mary's.
duly rtco-ded in the Reoorder's Office of
bill County, and also describe! by metes.
bounds and numbers, in the said mortgage,
and the Bill of Equity foreclosing the same.
1st. Lot Ho, six (O) Eschbach Koad. con
taining fifty (50) acres more or less.
Zti. Lot, Ho. thirteen (181 Bt. Michael's
Road, containing twenty-fife (26) acres.
Bd. Lot, Ho. three m leenbacb. Soad,
western part, containing; twelve and ene-
half (121) acres and Lot No. two (21 con
taining fifty (50) acres.
4th. LU, No. one, 1 1 1 Lscnbach Koad,
containing fifty 60 acres.
otn. me oaca or rear pan or Lot No.
four 4 on Brussels Road, containing
twenty 201 acres.
Lot Ho. seven 1 71
on Esohbacb
Road, containing fifty 60 acres.
7th. Lot designated f Al on R isely Road.
containing nineteen (l'J) aoie .
Bin. Lot, designated U,J on Brussells
Road, containing seventy.five 75 acres.
9th. The southern ends or nalfs of lots
Nos. six 6 and eight 81, on Brussels
Bead, containing fifty 60 acres.
lUlh. Lot, No. 'en 101 on Brussels
Road, containing fifty 50J acres.
nth. Another part of Lot No. three 3
on Esohbsch Road, containing twelve and
one-half 12 acres.
luth. The western part or Lot No. eight
(8) on Eschbach Road, containing twenty
fire 25 acres. Together, containing four
hundred and eighty nine (480) acres, more
or less; less two f 'J acres therefrom, which
liaB been taken lor toe purpose of a saw
mill. Upon the said premises are erected
eleven (il) houses, suitable for miuers
houses, and other outbuildings.
ALSO-11 the coal, sandstone, iron ana
oiler ores, clny nnd all other minerals or
mineral hub, und all oils or oil subjtances
in, and upon or under the following de
scribed trnits. pieces or parcels of land
situate in Ben.ngr Township, Elk County
nnd State of Pennsylvania, and described
as follows:
1st. Thirtv-four T841 acres, in Let No.
fifteen 15 St. Michaels Road.
2nd. Twenty five 25 acres, in Lot No.
fourteen (14) St. Michaels Road.
3rd. Tweniy-nve -'i-y- acres, in Lot Ho.
St. Michaels Road.
4th. Thirty-one -81- acres, being in
Lot No twelve -12- St. Michaels Read.
6ih. Seventy-five -76- acres, being Lot,
No five -6- and eastern half of Lot No.
four -4- Eschbach Bond.
btb. Twenty -five -26- acres, west half of
Lot No. four -4- Eschbach Rosd.
7th. Twenty-five -25- acres, east half
Lot No. eight -8- Eschbach Road.
8'.h. Tweuty-five -25- acres west half,
Lot No. nine -9- Esohrnch Boad.
9th. Twenty-five -25- acres, in Lot No.
nine -9- St. Slic'iaols Road.
lOin. Twelve and one half -12- acres,
west half Lot No. eight -8- St. Michaels
1 1 tli. Twenty-five -25- acres, in Lot No.
ten -10-St. Michaels Koad.
12th. Twenty-five -25- acres, in Lot No.
seven -7- St. Michaels Road.
13th. Seventy-five --75- acres, part of
warrant No. four thousand one hundred and
uinetyscven -4197- iu Jay Township. Elk
County, Pennsylvania.
The land containing said mineral rights,
j-o. being four hundred aud twenty-seven
-HI- acres, more cr less.
Together with the right to enter upon
said premises and explore, dig, and ex
cavate, for said substances, and to remove
the same by all proper and convenient
places and ways over said premises and
to make Roads and to lay Rail Roads for
the convenient transportation of said com
modifies, and to use so much of aaid
premises as may be convenient for the ac
commodation of the necessary works for
the prosecution of the business Of mining.
The land above described, was all pur
chased as Bituminous Coal Lands, and the
property has been worked and eoal shipped
therefrom for some years.
It is contiguous to St. Mary's, a large
and flourishing town in Elk County.
The property will be sold together,
TERMS CASH. The title is indispuuble.
Any further in.ormatioa will be given
by addressing tne suBsorioers.
Trustees, &o.
No. 15, Pemberton, 8quare, Boston, Mass,
Auctioneers, Phil'a. Pa.
Att'y for Trustees, Erie Pa.
n9 6.
VANIA. Your attention ia specially
invited to the fact that the National Banks
are now prepared to receive subscriptions
to the Capital Stock ol the Centennial
Board of Finance. The funds realised from
this source are to be employed in the crea
tion of the buildings for the International
Exhibition, ard the expenses connected
with the same. It ia confidently believed
that the Keystone Mate nil be represented
by the name ot every eituen alive to pain
otio eoniniemoratiou of the cne hundredth
birth-day of the nation. The shares of
slock are o&red for $10 each, and sub
scribers will receive a handsome engraved
Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing
and preservation as a national memorial.
Interest at the rate of six per cent, per
annum will be paid on all payments of Cen
tennial 8tock from date of payment te
January 1. 1878.
Sdbsori bers who are not neat a National
Bank ean remit a check or post otfioe erdee
te the undersigned.
rRKD'K FRALE Y, Treasurer,
904 Walnut St., Philadelphia
Vasques and his gang of outlaws in
Lalilornia nave again eluded tne pursu
ing parties, but are reported in a situation
i rum wnioo u win D9 very oimeuit,
not impossible, to eseape.
Law, Commercial, Book,
and Stationers.
C$terbr09k . Ctttbraled ZSIeel Pens, th Be$t JOad;
All Kinds of Jon Priuting done in the Best Stjle and at Low Prices.
Firmly believing that tie world moves
and that the demands of the public are con
stantly inereasint, the proprietors of the
(Srnnd ttip
have just returned from the eastern and
western cities with the most perfect and
complete stock e!
Ytu cannot
thej do not keep, and they bare
of high price. They buy for eash and
Ridgway, May 1st, 1873.
J. C. BUXNS, Proprietor.
The subscriber having seoured the eon
traot for carrying the U. 8. Mail between
has placed oa that road a line of has
Hacks leave the Exchange lot el a
Reynoldvilla every Tuesdsy, Tnarsday and
Saturday ea the airival of the BrookviUe
stage, and return the same day. These
beoks connect at Brookwayville with the
Ridgway stages, making connection wl k
trains oa the P. A E. Road, bath east and
west. Every attention te the esmfort of
patrons of this line will be given, and a
liberal patronage solicited.
Aug. untt.
and General Job Printers,
form the Citizens of Ridgway, and the
public generally, that he baa started a Liv
ery Stable and will keep
Bujgies, to let ipon the most reasona
ble terms
l&He will also do job teasing.
8lable on Broad street, above Main.
All orders left at the Post Office will meet
prompt attention
Aeg 20 1870. tf.
Kdw'd J. Evans & Co.,
tors;, rssx'A
gtSTCatalogucs Mailed to Applicants';
Refer (by permission) to
llox, J. S. Black, Washington, D. C.
Weissb, Soh & Carl, Bankers, York, Pa.
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,
Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the
Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold
Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, done with
he same accurncy as heretofore. Satis-
action gunrnnteed. vlnly
(Vokmbblx Wood ft Kasv.)
Steam Engines.
Tb Beat Most Complete Assortmeat
la th Market.
Tttm Wnsfass have always maintained tl. wry
MftiMt standard of eseilUne, "W. make the
a&anataetaM of EngUMS, BoUm and Saw Mill.
svMialtr. We hav. the laigart aod moat eampUte
works of the kind in the oountzj, witk limit i y
apaaaUr adapted to the work.
rf . aaep eonnanuv in utuiMm iarg nnnei ox
uu w. ruraun ai w nn uwn prwas
on the ehortert nottsa. W.
r. euua
pesiaUy adapted to Mine., Saw HOI Orlrt UiUs,
Cotton Qua. Thnaban aad aU i
ax iiniiinmiiii.s.
We ate now building the el.brata Iae Clmr
lae Saw Mill, the best and awet eompbta aw caul
arar invented.
We wake the sstaiihevars ef flaw Mfll ontftK a
epanlil futaia of our bnanaa, aad saw faanjafc
enmpUto on the aanrtwS notion.
Oar aim ta aU earn to to foreJeh Hubert a
Otiioary ia the market, and work abMlwtaty na
analndfoiWntrofdaW,eeoaonur snil MMlnlk,
rnoA. sr. v.
00 TO
Main Street, Ridgway, Pa.
A Large Stock of
Groceries And Provision-.
Constantly on band, add sold as ebe a
as the UHKAfUST.
Philadelphia A Erie R. R. WvUiwa.
05 and after SUNDAT, NOT. U tITf
the trains on the Philadelphia ft
Erie Railroad will run as follows i
Buffalo Is. leaves Philadelphia.lJ.6S p. at.
' Renovo 12.16 a as.
" " arr. at Emporium...... 3.16 a SB
" Buflelo.... 8.60 a st
ERII MAIL leavee Philadelphia 10.20 p at
" Renovo .10.08 a at
Emporinm 12.20 p st
" St. Mary's 1.12 pat
" arrive at Erie 7.20 p at
BUFFALO EX. leaves Buffalo... I 25 p at
" Emporium. 9.00 p at
" " Renovo 10.66 p at
" arr. at Philadelphia V. 10 a at
ERIE MAIL loaves Erie 11.20 a at
St. Mary' 6.22 p at
' Emporium. S.20 p at
" " Renovo- 8.40 p at
" arr. at Philadephia... 8.00 a at
Mall East connects east and west at Erie
with L 8 M 8 R W and at Corry and Ir
vineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R
R W.
Mail West with east and west trains en
L 8 ft M 8 R W and at Irvineton with
Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W.
Buffalo Express makes close eonneetioaa
at Williamsport with N C R W trains, north,
and at Harrisburg with N C R W trains
Qen'l Sup'L
Winter Arrangement.
Tn sbobtsst asd most mater aotira
To Williamsport, Sunbury, Harrisborg,
rniladelpnta, Baltimore, Wash
ington and the South.
Oa and after NOTEMBIR 2. 1878. and
ontil further notice, trains will leave Bnf.
falo from the Buffalo, New York ft Phila
delphia Railway Depot, corner Eschasge
and Louisiana streets as follows:
7.20 A 11 Through Hall (daily except
Sundays), stopping at Ebeneter 7 43,
Springbrook 7 63, Elma 802, Jamison Read
8 07, East Auroras 14, South Wales 8 28,
Holland 8 88, Protection 8 47, Arcade 0 04,
Yorkshire Centre 9 12,Maehias 9 22,Frank
linville 9 40, Ischua 10 02, Hinsdale 10 18,
Olean 10 86,Weatons 10 46, Portville 10 68,
State Line 11 01, Eldred 11 16. Larabeee
11 23, Sartwell 11 30, Turtle Point 11 88,
Port Allegheny 11 49, Liberty 12 10 p nt,
Keating Summit 12 20, Shippen 12 48, ar
riving at Emporium at 1 00 p m.
Passengers by this train make connec
tions at the B N Y a P depot. Emporium,
at 6 30 p m, for local points on the P ft E
R R East.
3.23 V m Xlght Express f daily). Stopping
at Ebenexer 3 50, Spriugbrook 4 00, Elma
4 OS, Jamison Road 4 10, East Aurora
4 16, South Wales 4 28, Holland 4 89, Pre
lection 4 46, Arcade 6 02, Yorkshire Centre
6 10, Machine 6 18. FranklinvlUa 6 86,
Ischua 6 6S, Hinsdale 611, Olean 6 27,
Westons 6 88, Portville C 45, Larabeee
7 16, Port Allegheny 7 40, Keating Summit
8 11, arriving at Emporium at 8 60 p m.
Kenovo IU bi, Williamsport 1 00 an.
Sunbury 2 45 a m, Harrisburg 4 60 a at,
Philadelphia 10 a m, Baltimore 8 46 a m,
Washington 10 35 a tu.
Through Pullman Sleeping-ears ar rust
ea this train from Buffalo to Baltimore aad
Washington without cbang.
3.35 a mNlffW Xxerest. (daily), step
ping at Shipping i 54, Keating Summit
4 20, Liberty 8 30, Port Allegheny 8 62,
Turtle Point 4 06, Eartwell 4 11, Larabeee
4 17, Eldred 4 27, Slate Line 4 42, Portville
4 50, Westons 4 68. Olean 6 10. Hinsdale
6 89, Uhua 6 65, Franklinville 6 18,
Machine, 0 38. Yorkshire Centre 6 48.
Arcade 6 67, Protection 7 15, Holland 7 28
South Wales 7 85. East Aurora 7 50, Jami.
son Road 7 67, Elma 8 02, Spring Brook
8 10, Ebeneter 8 20, arriving in Buffalo at
o ou a m.
Passeucers by this train make direct and
close connections with the Lake Shore,
Qreat Western, Grand Trunk and Canada
Southern Railroads for all points West, and
in Canada and the Northwest.
3.15 a m Local Frelsht and aslant sr.
(daily except Hundnys), stopping at Shippen
3 60 a in, Keating Summit 4 40, Liberty
6 00, Port Allegheny 6 49, Turtle Point
6 21, Bar' well 6 33, Larabees 9 45, Eldred
07. Btate Line 7 38, Portville 7 68. West-
one 811, Olean 8 88, Hinsdale 9 15, Ischua
10 02, Franklinville 10 65, Machiaa 11 28,
Yorkshire Centre 11 45, Arcade 12 00, tn,
Protection 12 83, p m, Holland 12 47. South
Wales 1 07, East Aurora 1 81, Jamison
Road 1 43, Elma 1 61, Spring Brook 2 02,
Ebeneier 2 20, arriving in Buffalo at 2 60
p m.
2-00 m Thronffh Kail (daily except Son-
days), stopping at Shippen 2 18, Keating
Summit 2 42, Liberty 2 63, Port Allegheny
8 18, Turtle Point 8 83, Sartwell 8 88,
Larabeea 3 45, Eldred 8 55, State Line
4 10, Portville 4 !9, Westons 4 26, Olean
4,39, Hinsdale 4 65, Ischua 6 13, Fianklin-.
ville 6 85, Machiaa 6 65, Yorkshire Centre
6 05, Arcade 6 15, Protection 6 82, Hol
land 6 40, Sonth Wales 6 63, East Aurora
7 96, Jamison Road 7 14, Elma 7 18,
Spring Brook 7 26, Ebeneter 7 85, arriving
in ounaio tiow p at.
Geu'l Sup't. Oen'l Fats'r Ag't.
' 4M1I IA a staple, av a
T. De Witt Talmage is editor oi
The Chrittianat Vlot It, C. H. Spur-
s;eon special eontribntor. They
write tor no otner paper in America
three magnificent Chromos. Pay
arger ..communion tban any other
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No Sectarianism. No Sectionalism
One agent recently obtained 380 tub
senptions in eighty hours absolute
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EI. W. ADAMS, Publisher, 102!
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STEAMSHIPS Cheapest kind made.
REGATTAS A cheap common card.
BROADWAYS A aioe common card.
VIRGINIAS Fine calico backs.
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GOLDEN GATES One ef the best card
MT. VEBNON8 Extra fiae, twe eelerW,
terns. . r
aix ts axotx-taxx;vo omas.
Price List on application. Dealers ta,
plied by
JMy Ki to 111 Heads ft , K. t