Hi Mvmtt Henry A. Parsons, Jr. Editor THURSDAY APRIL 80, 1874. The May Aldine ii as fresh sad beautiful an the month it represents; filled to tho brim with choice flowers of art and literature. The engravings. Wliioh in this superb monthly seem to have reached the highest point of per fection, are beautiful beyond anything heretofore seen in an illustrated main line. John S. Davis opens the number with a full-page picture, "The Dying Hound," which is one of his best efforts, a strong work, showing that it is a study from real lite. J. D. Woodward con tributes three large and spiritedly drawn pictures ol scenes in Florida, one of the most beautitul and picturesque States in the Union. The first pioture oi the series is a deliriously cool view of the famous Silver Spring, which boils up from the earth; the second picture is a handsome full-page illustration of the mouth of the St. John's River, showing the ruins of the old light-house, a grove of palm trees, etc; the third picture is a wild and dreamy view oi a 1' lor id a hummock, one of those strange emerald islands in the midst ot a desert of sands Two other handsome and interesting pic tures are "A Ketnever, alter Deiker and "The Bashful Lover," by J. M JJurueM. "Up cpnocs the Jjark, is the title of a charming little view, cx ceedingly appropriate for spring time John Hows has a full-page pioture, striking for its boldoess, called the "Hemlocks of Otsego," showing croup of those great trees upon Ihe chores of that famous lake "The New Capitol at Hartford, Conn.," is a finely executed drawing of the large and ornate building now in process of eree tion at Hartford, at the cost of several miliums ot dollars. The last lllustra tion in this number is au excellent por trait of Max Strakosch, the impressario, so well known in connectioL with the Italian op:ra in this country. The lit erary contents of the May Ahlire are of greater variety and excellence tban usual. Annie Herbert opens the num ber with a long and musical poem called "My Round Tower in the West;" Kate Putnam Usgood tells tbe story ot "A Little Fool;" Henry Morford has touching poem, "The Sighiltss Eye:" Jacob L. Mayer gives a very interesting account of "A Visit to Erckmann-Cbat- rian;" A. II. Cady tells in a new form "The Old, Old Story;" Mrs. L. M Blinn sings of "The Beautitul By and By;" and S. F. Hopkins, of London, has a long and wonderiully entertaining ac count of "An English Spring." Fred erick R. Marvin has a poem called "My Earthly Love;" and Fcnno Douglat tells the dramatic story of "Duskie." The Dying Hound;" "Flight through Florida;" "The Retriever;" "Th Bashful Lover;" "The Hemlocks of Otsego:" "The New Capitol at Hart foid, Coon;" "Literature;" "The Water Color Exhibition: "Wagners Lohcn1 grin;" "Max Strakosch," and the "Drama." Subscription price $5, in cluding chromos "The East" and "The West." James Sutton & Co., publish er, 58 Maiden Lane, New lork City. Foster, the new Judge of the United States District Court of Kansas, has as tonished the lawyers of that region by requiring them not to smoke or wear their hats in court. New Orleans asks Philadelphia and New York for aid for the people that have lost their means of subsistence by the recent overflow of the Mississippi river. Patrick Gilligan has been convicted of murder in tbe second degree at Jamaica, L. I., tor killing Philip R. Howard last winter, and sentenced to the State Prison for life. iHYSICIANS AND DRUGGISTS. A prominent New York physician lately complained to Dundns Dick, about bin San dalwood Oil Capsulas, slating that Dome times they cured miraculously ; bnt that a patient of his had taken them for sometim without effect. On being informed that several imitations were made and sold, he inquired and found that his patient had been taking capsulas sold in bottles, and not DUN DAS DICK & COS. What happened to this physician may have happened to others, and DUNDAS DICK & CO., take this method of protecting "Oil of sandalwood iron tnis disrepute. PHYSICIANS who once prescribe the Capsulas will CONTINUE TO DO SO, for they contain the PURE OIL in the BEST AND CHEAPEST form. OIL OF 3ANDLEWOOD is fact super seding every other remedy, sixty Cspsuies ONLY being required to insure a safe and certain cure in six or eight days. From no alher medioine can Ibis result be bad. Dick's Soit Capsplks solve tbe prob lem loag considered by many eminent phy sicians, of how to avoid the nausea and dis gust experienced in swallowing, which are well known to detract from, if not destroy, the good effects of many valuable remedies. Soft Capsules aie put up in tin-foil and neat boxes, thirty in each, and are the only capsules prescribed by Physicians. JSTTHESE WERE THE ONLY CAP. SULES ADMITTED TO THE LAST PARIS EXPOSITION. Send for Circular to 85 Wooster St., N. Y, SOLD PAT ALL EEUCr, STORES. General Agency, 110 Reade Street, N. Y EAGUSCAHONDA RAILROAD. From and after Monday, Feb. 5th 1873. Trains will run on this Road as follows: Leaves Earley 7 30 a. ni., arrives at Daguscahonda Junction 8 10 a. ni., con necting with Accom. east 8 14 a. m., and with Mail west at 9 15 a. m. Leaves Daguscahonda at 9 20 a. m. arrives at Earley 10 00 a. ni. Leaves Earley 3 30 p. m., and arrives at Dagus cahonda at 5 00 p. m., eonueoting with Mail east at 5 09 p. ar, and Accommo dation west at 5 40 p. m. In case P. & E. trains are late, Dagus cahonda train holds twenty minutes be yond the above time. Tickets should always be procured Mora leaving stations. C. It. BARLEY, Lw. TEEASTOES'3 SALS 0? LANS. TOS2ATEB NOTICE is hereby given that agreeably to the Act of Assembly, passed the 13th day ot Maroh, 1815, entitled "an Act to amend an Aot," directing the mode of selling Lands for taxes &e. Tbe following Tracts of Unsealed Land in Elk County, will be exposed to publio sale or oulory, for arrearages of taxes, at the Court House in Ridgway on the second Monday of June next (being the 8th day of June, A. D. 1874,) unless sooner paid. SENE2ETTE TOWNSHIP. War. Acres. Warrantee or Owner, Taxes. 63 40 98 40 90 60 113 00 157 80 86 00 120 45 141 00 C8 20 165 00 67 00 101 80 &3ilJ 928 James Stokes 6333 1007 do do do do do do do do do da do do do do do fi.138 1067 6844 1067 5345 107 0340 10U7 5347 1067 6848 1007 6379 459 6380 noa 53S3 400 5384 1CG0 6387 1100 6319 1008 6342 1100 5U08 990 124 20 67 44 121 20 14100 17 02 85 00 85 00 85 00 155 00 40 20 5358 143 Myron Merrill 6334 1100 do 5337 10G7 do 6350 1008 do 5351 1100 do 6352 300 do 6331) 1100 Amos B. Merrill 6'287 275 do 6288 275 do 6289 223 do 6390 1100 James Hatnmon & Co 6339 1100 Jonathan Brown 11300 81 80 40 20 82 86 68 20 85 00 4:i95 5341 5U12 5479 5479 4996 5481 5000 4997 4981 458 Addison Swartwood & Co 67 00 900 Cornelius Wainwrigbt 61 40 990 Miles Dent 167 32 67 00 12 20 40 20 61 40 79 40 500 do 100 do 300 John Brooks 450 do 990 do 481 H. C. Spaulding 650 do 200 Robert Ewing 64 87 62 10 23 40 40 20 113 00 6479 6023 332 J John Johnson 6388 1100. Ileiekiah Mis 6023 50 Andrew Dent 6479 285 Hamilton Down 5022 110 David S. Johnson 5340 550 Henry Blush 60U1 990 Finney & Borrows 5482 445 Erasmus Morey 6020 100 Geo. Winslow & W. E. Johnson 6 21 40 20 16 4 81 80 169 32 87 90 12 20 5480 5002 5013 6014 6O0U 5024 5025 6022 5481 6024 5003 5482 5340 6020 60 Ober & English 990 Reading Fisher & Co. 990 do 890 do 999 do 134 John & D. S. Johnson 302 do 4 30 109 32 111 88 150 62 108 8: 12 20 43 00 110 Edith Johnson & A.Apker 19 48 275 Martin Enze 23 40 28 do 2 68 990 Shaffer 4 Johnson 111 88 605 Julius Jones 69 80 550 Smith McCormick & Man 79 40 990 Reuben inslow Estate 85 00 63 08 17 80 111 68 67 36 12 20 73 80 16 74 21 99 9 40 6 60 14 10 42 41 12 20 17 80 155 00 40 20 5343 5024 1100 Cook & Partee 603 Ralph Johnson 5478 1100 Chas St John t Rothrock 79 40 501 1 . 990 do 5477 1100 do 5020 100 do 481 300 H. Merrimnn EENZIUGEB TOWNSHIP. 4105 25 John Carrall 4105 25 Peter Garrity, for 1873, 4100 25 Geo. Weis 4115 75 John Milne, for 1873, 4115 48 Cesar A. Jaekot 4104 25 Peter Byrnes, for 1873, 4407 6 Michnel O'Sullivan, for 4107 50 John Farnill 4107 27 Cesar A. Jackob 4105 25 Samuel Hancock 4883 611 Lawrence & Cassstt 4882 823 do 4859 990 do 4960 200 do 80 do 220 do 84 16 141 00 15 00 26 20 6 68 8 6 68 10 44 9 93 6 84 3 1 61 12 91 6 68 6 68 96 09 173 13 185 51 sa 11 17 91 47 89 66 84 94 04 4958 4958 4961 800 Laaiont Gas Coal Co 600 do 90 do 900 do 495 David Raw 990 do 990 do 990 do 18 01 179 11 4901 4977 93 12 185 23 185 23 4990 4993 4992 4103 185 23 897 Ridgway Farm & Coal Co 74 89 4104 665 do do 124 90 4105 1138 4106 1442 213 09 249 17 16816 186 35 do do do do do do do do do do da do do do do 4107 898 4108 996 4115 763 143 81 4109 996 180 85 193 04 1416 10491-10 4402 646 4403 980 4410 1073 4411 1025 102 01 183 88 201 47 191 65 10 36 82 90 82 90 60 200 200 86 20 4996 7 72 6 81 4404 522 Edward Huffer 4404 622 Fred. F. Kersenbrock 84 28 84 28 84 85 84 85 4406 622 J Francis Aule:ks 4406 522 August Fortenbeck 4407 420 Clement Keller 79 04 112 66 4408 4476 600 do 905 Mathins VonGalen 100 F L Newton 180 00 4061 2357 4878 19 67 990 do 4879 1023 do 4844 990 do 4945 990 do 4880 1023 Chas. Heebner 2374 952 Geo Dickinson 4975 500 Bona Cartuyvall 4881 611) John Morris 4881 32 do 2363 990 M'Keau & Elk Land at Imp. Co. 2397 990 do 4905 990 do 4877 990 do 25 M A Mitchell 4960 275 Tbns Luekenback 600 Sidonia Von Eresel 4881 60 John Kirchner 4809 142 Win C Black 4101 18 do 4407 107 do 4407 29 do 25 Owner unknown 125 The Wilcox Tanning Co 10T MO. BIDOWAT STBCST. 91 Kev Jeremiah O'Hara 92 do 79 James Doyle 88 Win M 'Kennedy 89 do 90 do 68 Thos MCormlck 69 do 84 Miohael O'Sullivan for '73 102 David Spillana TALBOT BTBBET. 17 Thos Collins 18 do 66 Wb Shins for 1874 88 Thos Collins 89 do BAILBOAD STB SIT. 57 Sarah Healcy 1 67 1 64 1 63 1 55 166 1 64 1 66 1 63 1 82 1 66 1 66 1 68 127 1 66 1 68 5C1 5021 4U5 do 153 13-80 do 5015 ' 990 do 5027 790 do 156 do GOO dj 109 do 296 do 100 do 5014 100 do 117 do 2'.'6 do 10 do 5027 200 do 60 M O'Sullivan for P678 1 82 10 Lota James Coyle ' 4 19 840 Rev Louis Cartuyval 74 02 1 Lot J 8 Bates 1 66 200 BeniingerendEschbaoh 2140 4115 GO Edward Delahuat 10 80 Visa STBBBT. 4107 60 Daniel Gary 10 80 4107 25 Wm Shannahan 6 68 4958 100 Geo Wels 17 88 25 M Sliantiahan 6 08 80 E G Williams 14 88 60 Benimyer J- Co 9 48 60 Mathins Bnrnum 8 48 4105 200 Palmer & Co 87 16 4106 26 William Corkey 6 24 4105 26 4110 81 4114 62$ 4104 74 60 4106 400 4104 400 4103 400 4880 400 4879 460 4888 1000 4H87 1000 4102 219 20 Pat Dwyer 7 74 Wm J Flint 6 81 James Hall 11 61 John Ford 10 63 Owners unknown 19 63 Owners unknown 86 06 do 86 06 do 80 06 do 86 06 do 86,06 Benxinger and Escbbeoh 257 98 do 267 03 do 43 40 do 6 80 25 James Donnelly 6 47 4115 25 Daniel Frasur 6 81 4110 60 do 163 4888 63 John Krug 0 03 FOZ TOWNSHIP. 4244 79 J L Ellis 85 4245 f 4341 i 591 Sampson Short 257 4340 ( 4340 219 do 96 4243 927 do 404 4178 Michael SLeaa 82 4098 170 John Albert 60 4098 170 Nicholas Rummel 60 4077 296 Ridgway Farm 4 Coal Co 103 4078 246 do 86 4081 10 do 23 4088 67 do 20 4097 708 do 208 4098 439 do 162 4374 2061 do 72 4C87 144 do 38 4187 990 Caroline M ray 259 4901 495 ER England 216 4890 679 do 118 4902 145 do 64 08 4177 000 Hannah Ramard 814 20 4190 439 0 W Whittoker 153 96 4190 600 Richard Gardner 175 00 4900 293 do 103 81 4274 200 Geo C White 63 20 4274 40 Robt I Rune 14 92 4082 803 Edward Huffer 95 73 4077 709 do 201 68 4178 SOWmWensel 14 05 4079 2o Walochia O'Rouke, for '73 4 4 4088 25 Edward Bonner '73 4 45 4088 25 do '72, '73 7 53 4081 45 CR Earley 12 76 80 Silas Mnyer It 41 4178 100 Jerome Powell 85 80 4097 27 Elizabeth McGlaughlin 3 47 4098 12 Rose Kelly, for 8 2 15 4098 64 James Wrinkle, for 78 5 85 4087 25 John K Jones 6 35 4087 20 Thos Collins 6 61 4087 60 Felix Gatguish 9 70 4078 60 James Worton 11 44 4077 4098 51 Henry Clinton Witt 5 43 50 Patrick M'Cready 9 70 4087 100 Wm Apple, for 1873 10 20 50 Elias Hancock 14 05 60 Jos Feberly. for 1872 6 10 4096 83 Mouther & Willis 6 73 65 Armel Turley 12 31 100 Thos Jordan 42 76 50 Mai hew Hays 9 70 4178 20 Horace Little 4 48 4079 50 do 18 04 4247 1 72 Noble Coal & Oil Co 26 07 4373 4247 249 do 87 64 4246 600 do 196 88 4247 4245 1 660 do 195 88 4244 4087 25 Richard Edwards 9 70 50 Horace Little 7 53 48901 258 0-10 Sarah H Kidder 66 87 4901 J 4189 250 Owuor unknown 65 80 HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 3000 274 A M Weidler 88 91 8781 1000 Thos Struther 14100 3753 1000 do 141 00 2020 1099 do 164 4 3062 896 Drexel Duhiing & Wright 126 43 3004 932 do 131 47 3003 1031 do 145 34 2025 100 Sebastian Hahn 15 84 2019 896 Waller Bryant 120 44 1778 1031 do 145 84 2025 106 A Wolf 15 84 2027 402 Geo Dickinson 43 22 1830 954 do 101 13 2038 1043 do 147 02 8000 496 do 70 44 2034 150 do 10 70 2025 100 J and M Mack 15 00 Part of 8752 600 Thos Gould for '73 84 00 Part of 3788 600 J M Jonison do 84 00 8752 500 John Lane 71 00 8788 600 do 71 00 1831 1005 Allegheny Bank Pitts. 73 67 23 2033 1038 Wm Robinson 140 26 2032 1052 do 148 27 1863 962 John F Jones 135 53 8761 1095 Martin Hart 154 80 1783 902 Abner Cassel 135 63 1658 888 John P Brown 126 82 2034 904 J C Cbspin 13 60 8706 1000 ko 141 00 2403 815 do 45 10 2456 289 do 84 45 8657 1000 Owner unknown 141 00 2034 60 do 8 65 8773 906 S Jones and Co 57 84 3782 900 Little and Souther 127 65 8771 1000 Nathaniel F Jones 14100 8778 1000 do 141 00 1799 100 James Gallagher 15 00 1799 600 Chas R Gillia 7100 1775 600 do 63 60 1776 100 John llukle 15 00 1776 100 Ed Rart, for 1873 7 60 2034 112 Jos B Wadsworth 16 74 2034 118 Joseph Thorpe 17 68 2034 112 Thos Bow 16 74 3776 100 8 P Johnson 23 40 3786 210 do 81 23 8778 1000 Henry M Deckart 141 00 3760 1000 Souther and Willis 141 00 2362 290 do 41 60 2464 288 John Nicholson 40 96 8655 1019 Alfred Avery 143 84 1776 100 Elizabeth Cooper for '73 7 60 BOSTON TOWNSHIP. 4255 4396 1 1002 J L Ellis 19188 932 do 208 14 62 Geo Dickinson 10 91 26 do 6 95 60 James Coyna 10 62 43 do 9 18 60 do 10 62 60 Rechenwald and Paul 10 62 62 Jacob Didlot 10 62 100 T Echman 20 05 60 Wingardner and Rubel 10 52 60 Souther and Willis 10 63 62 do 9 20 60 do 8 94 60 do 8 95 678 Penn Cannal Coal Co 128 82 652 do 212 68 900 do 201 03 677 Shawmut Cannal Coal Co 129 20 669 do 127 44 900 do 201 03 164 William Seed 80 84 41 Noble Coal & Oil Co 11 41 60 do 18 24 200 Short and Wiloox 20 08 638 do 68 69 84 Elvira C Horton 22 84 876 Short, Wileox M'Clelland48 83 21 James Wilson 664 64 James O'Hara 7 86 200 Daniel Kingsbury 87 90 868 Owner vakaowa 40 43 79 4370 4370 4370 4371 4371 4370 4371 4369 4344 4468 4342 4343 4450 4248 4248 4249 4340 4241 4272 484S 4400 1272 4242 847 N B Lena and others 46 07 4396 60 9-10 J 8 flyda and others 10 62 22 78 100 do 4 81 4200 660 Henry L Carlisle 41 91 4182 990 d 68 87 4iJO 880 James M'Clellaad 21 96 4188 140 do 8 89 4188 260 . da i8 83 4181 C246 do 18 66 4188 200 Nathan Bailey . 13 70 4188 850 John Holme 23 23 4275 990 do 63 87 4271 610 John T Freneh 89 74 J AT TOWNSHIP. 6283 1100 Amos B Merrill 175 70 6288 826 do 222 64 5287 825 do 219 63 6289 646 do 145 69 6290 612 112-160 do 98 81 4194 400 Wm Parker 88 08 4190 989 D R Jones 105 83 4195 200 James Btokee 22 84 4197 220 do 24 82 6005 990 do 168 41 4197 4197 4198 4895 4899 4897 6046 6019 6006 4896 6007 6004 4892 4890 1 4897 J 4882 4185 4899 4899 4845 4891 4894 4893 4896 245 Sebastian Wels 27 87 60 Cbas B MiUer 8 95 850 James Donuehauer 182 20 134 Reading Fisher and Co 16 90 388 do 46 79 60 do 8 96 990 Phillip M Price 132 17 990 do ;32 18 990 do 132 18 669 E B England 89 99 990 do 105 94 990 do 158 48 200 DuBois and Low 27 60 G6 do 16 90 15 do 690 A J Lewis 852 Christian Brower 800 Heiekiah Horton 100 do 400 B A Weed 295 Reading and Bartle 419 do 8 65 180 85 88 81 12820 43 40 98 62 63 64 89 83 19 65 234 20 4 98 11 60 210 88 810 88 22 20 78 91 16 00 16 90 16 90 27 60 12 46 12 45 8 95 8 05 22 20 19 55 11 60 47 66 29 65 11 60 1160 184 60 132 17 1160 8 95 105 94 83 22 16 90 49 81 150 do 5284 1100 do 4897 5029 4898 5017 5030 4892 4893 4895 4895 4893 4196 I 4198 J 4196 I 9194 60311 6032 I 4906 6032 5033 6032 4899 6030 4906 4906 6018 4180 6082 4194 5028 6031 4194 4890 25 David Tyler 60 Daniel Brewer 990 Henry Loraiae 990 do 94 OR Rica 490 John R Cox 94 Tyler and Finney 98 do 98 do 217 A H Shaw 72 Fraucis Schider 72 Horace Little 94 Reuben Winslow 60 do 100 do 94 do 100 Hammond Jones and Co 293 JI Henry and Co 267 A E Goff 100 do 100 W 8 Hamblen 990 Souther and Willie 990 Berks and Bowman 100 J R Morey 60 Phillip Reilly 990 Spring Run Coal Co 727 do 100 John F Combs 847 Sarah 11 Kidder JONES TOWNSHIP. 2504 193 Robert Halsey 85 12 228 76 91 81 98 88 47 20 47 20 170 84 170 84 3 83 10 02 2731 990 Cbas Hetbuer 20 T3 393 do 2?73 486 John Scutt 200 Tuos Van Court 2K) Geo Dickinson 2592 9'.H Wm Henuvag Estate 2tKU wo do 25 Chas Verbeck, for 187 2504 60 K W Brown 100 Wm II Jackson 2331 8125 Isaac H Conrad 3254 1222 John J Ridgway 4840 141 do 2310 990 M'Kean and Elk Land Improvement Co 2319 090 do 2323 990 do 2326 990- do 2329 990 do 2332 990 do 2333 990 ' do 2301 990 do 2303 990 do 2377 990 do 2425 802 do 2487 990 do 2489 990 . do 2527 802 do 2551 990 do 2554 493 do 2504 557 do 2587 990 do 2691 990 do 2593 990 do 2598 990 do 2599 990 do 2004 990 do 2008 9'.i0 do 2011 990 do 2012 990 do 2014 990 -. do 2600 990 " do 2G86 990 do 2791 326 do 8180 905 do 3215 990 do 78 24 02 142 61 210 00 25 21 and 229 78 229 77 229 78 229 77 229 88 229 77 229 78 229 77 229 78 229 77 180 34 229 78 229 77 189 34 228 76 114 90 129 72 229 78 229 77 229 78 229 78 229 77 229 78 229 77 229 78 229 77 229 78 229 77 229 78 75 48 210 09 229 78 229 78 229 77 229 78 190 02 229 77 114 81 229 77 229 78 229 77 229 78 115 80 229 78 115 30 229 77 210 09 229 78 24 05 17 26 229 77 ' 229 78 6 44 64 68 38 13 199 68 122 70 114 16 43 87 91 89 181 48 181 70 244 29 106 60 170 69 62 63 43 29 C8 86 80 83 8217 990 do 8218 990 do 3220 990 do 3226 818 do 8228 990 do 8229 490 do 8230 990 do 8231 990 da 3232 990 do 3233 990 do 8237 495 ' do 3243 990 '. do 3242 495 do 3251 990 ' do 2252 905 do 2263 990 do 2290 100 do 3295 70 do 4903 990 do 4904 990 " do 2564 23 Gen T L Kan 2504 232 . - do 2527 161 do 2553 869 . do 2554 527 do do do do do do do do do do do do do 2564 490 2010 181 2791 8971 8214 797 8221 794 6-10 3222 1063 8224 467 3290 734 8291 266 -8293 183 8295 292 3290 129 2668 J t296 06 ' do 86 21 2688 95 do 23 02 2010 93 do 84 40 2588 837 do 195 22 2610 266 do 62 25 3291 947 do 219 72 3293 621 do 144 26 8296 803 ' do 70 96 3296 88 " do 21 83 8143 121 do 28 98 80 do 19 48 8224 823 Wiloox Tanning Co 63 68 8227 690 do 107 80 8223 850 00 121 23 8229 815 do 49 67 8237 898 do 62 06 8242 446 da 69 64 8044 1074 do 160 44 8111 805 do 134 80 8117 755 do 117 25 8140 800 do 47 21 8143 882 do 49 89 3214 230 do 8648 120 do 18 60 8226 900 do 189 69 do do do do 171 62 163 00 188 48 128 07 UXLLST0N1 TOWNSHIP. 2548 900 Owners unknown . til 60 2548 900 do 81160 2542 990 do 811 60 2596 675 Wm Dilworth 288 88 2518 850 Rumback 121 80 2518 60 Miss J A Hara 18 25 2518 876 Wm Armstr ng 180 68 2545 900 James A Hara for '73 811 00 2543 900 do 154 60 2646 900 do 164 00 2517 900 do for '78 811 60 2525 900 do 811 60 2790 900 do 811 60 2582 900 do 811 60 2639 900 Drexel Dahring Jt Wright 811 60 2667 900 do 272 12 2581 650 do 190 76 2302 900 do 811 60 25G5 900 Jo 81150 2792 242 do 84 49 2789 C93 do 240 09 8775 471 do 230 99 192 Henry Raught 21 49 4042 626 Owner unknown 128 23 2797 660 do 190 75 600 dt 135 65 4134 900 do 811 60 4185 900 do 811 60 4129 900 do 81160 666 N Strong & II Raught 230 77 2518 60 Geo & J Maya 18 42 2524 900 J F Wynkoop & Go 187 80 6700 100 Owner unknown 85 60 25 L C Wynkoop 6 18 EIDaWAT TOWNSHIP. 4392 620 Constant Van Duste Heishoff 142 98 do 40 16 J S Sobults 230 61 do 226 54 do 132 95 do 87 29 do 93 22 do 151 49 do 175 01 do 146 15 do 159 60 Ridgway Farm & Coal Co 223 87 do 234 38 do 155 50 do 233 38 do 27 80 Bryant & Ewer 267 10 do 191 07 do 208 50 do 197 71 do 88 38 A W It Burroughs 8 90 Edward Huffer 39 32 do 93 99 do 92 60 do 107 84 J H Huffer 205 48 A Uaxbauser 145 03 do 98 55 Wilmarth & Co 288 16 Geo Dickinson 48 53 do 44 80 do 46 05 do 73 15 do 77 02 do 20 00 D N Tucker 24 70 John G ulnae 20 75 John J Ridgway 233 86 do 236 12 do 244 78 do 120 08 do 8 55 do 222 50 do 82 49 do 35 15 do 18 42 AsaCummingi 11 32 J V Houk 15 60 do 15 60 Wm F Hobdell 16 09 Dr J S Scott, for '73 16 48 T B Cobb 10 88 do 20 75 do 23 01 do 13 05 do 32 60 do 8 90 do 7 42 Clarion River Mia Co 87 90 do .80 36 G T M'Nulty 15 29 Jerome Powell 58 25 4393 3060 3261 3281 3285 4849 4850 4853 4854 4375 4376 4389 4377 4390 4869 4870 4276 4285 3283 4389 4395 4394 4390 4391 4395 4C94 171 1112 1142 664 437 467 762 879 735 800 973 1020 675 1020 117 916 916 1000 948 528 40 163 406 400 501 893 629 426 1000 277 150 198 210 832 83 120 100 1016 1018 1065 520 33 9C8 144 150 76 45 86 86 75 81 50 100 116 61 128 40 26 253 231 4392 4870 4865 3264 3265 8278 3283 3281 4862 4863 4864 4868 4866 4375 4285 3285 4850 5 4848 ) 400 3283 f 4848 ) 200 3283 f 468 Tatlow Jackson 50 38 Dickinson & Wil marth 109 30 Charles M'Nulty 3 88 Geo W Rhines 25 07 do 15 94 do 14 90 BF Ely 115 50 do 61 36 do 241 45 do 19 33 James II Mayo 12 45 Geo Stephenson 12 45 CVGillis 13 77 Sam & Jas Gardner 19 75 1 83 4869 90 66 400 176 1055 80 50 50 484S 63 100 SPUN CSEEZ TOWNSHIP. 5797 543 Nail Rogers & Blackl90 69 1560'504 do 22131 5798 532 do 93 99 5796 1035 do 181 88 5799 316 do 83 78 82 do 7 65 3728 15 do 2 04 4044 344 do 61 65 255 do 67 74 2036 1358 Bryant & Euwer 338 18 1562 501 do 67 11 2748 554 Henry R Moore 121 95 2942 350 Henry Raught 46 84 2971 900 Merchants and Manf Bank of Pittsburgh 294 00 2986 900 do 394 00 2915 900 Darius Carrier et. al.394 00 2948 900 G Blake & others 394 00 2775 113 do 32 02 2037 1055 Alleghany Bank of Pittsburgh, for '73 108 61 2792 200 Drexel Duhriog & Wright 44 67 1566 300 A W Irwin 40 80 102 Thos Irwin 18 80 1566 200 do 27 20 1557 182 Geo D Messenger 32 78 4552 200 Samuel Crawford 85 93 4569 150 De Haven & Procius 27 20 4569 25 Seth Clover 5 86 300 do 35 93 3748 174 Wm 8 Marshall 23 77 1561 485 Richard Baker aud Jno G nail 86 71 657 Souther & Willis 115 76 481 do 85 01 4044 114 James Morrison, '73 12 67 98 Armagost 20 90 ST. lain somas. ' Lot. No's StreeU 14 Benediot John Hawley 1 35 ii, it'. ' 1 R F 4 0 Co 4 53 8255 1108 8266 996 8267 860 8268 825 9, 42, 43 44, 31, Ti'if 83, 34, 35, 86, 37, 88, 3940,41, of 80. Maurice do 12 28 31,83,85,S 37, 89, 41, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 67, 53, 64,65, V John do 15 10 1,2, 8,4, 5, 11, 12. 4,5, 9, 20, 20, 27. I Gtorgo do 8 42 7 36 Charles do 26, 27, 22, 23, 19, 20, 21, 25, 24, of 23. 6. 2 acres Church do 15 10 School do Mill do Mill do 2 79 6 64 acre 2 71 3 acres Mill Rev Louis Cartuyali 7 20 61 Rupert Dennis Bergen 2 08 55, 3, G5 do Owners unk'n 44,88, 8 do do 4 24 8 11 171 1 71 2 41 9 98 Patrick James Boyle do do do Ellen Hopsdale 65,86 87, 88 do Isabella C 0'Connet2 41 102,103,104 Pat'k John Sheridan 3 12 82 83 84 9l', 92, 95 Patrick Ownr's un'kn6 64 100,101. ) 32 Benedict Pat Gnnlcy '73 1 38 34 do Wm Hackett 1 71 11.12 do Ow'rsun'kn 2 41 14 do do 1 38 fi8 Walburger Pat Faherty'73 1 17 63,64,65 do John Moran 3 12 16, 62, 69 do On'rs un'kn '73 2 14 do 171 Ed Byrnes 1 71 John Conoisky 1 71 is ao 6 John 60 do 59, 01, 62, ,62,-1 63, 64, 65, ! Jo! hn On'rs un'kn 5 63 66. 14 Louis Jamea M'Namer 1 71 6 do John Dixon 1 71 15 do Wm A Nugent 171 17 do John M'Namer 1 71 4 do Leonard Cook 1 71 4, 1 do Owners un'kn 3 70 5, 9,11.) 51, 52, 53, Erine John Moran 8 12 54, do A Moooey 1 71 39, do James Rowan 171 35,36,73,) James Boyle 3 82 and 44 f 35 Shamrock M Flyner'73 1 38 47 do 34,36, do 38, do 37, 47. do Pat Given 1 71 Leonard Cook 2 41 Mike Murty Geo Ed Weis do 1 71 2 41 8 12 5 23 3 82 2 41 42. 43, 60 Erine 115.116, ) Charles 117,118 f 113,114.1 do Unknown do 100.107. J 25, 46, Shamrock E Stauffer 53 Centre Michaol Towey 1 71 41 Michael 1'at Lawler 1 71 120 acres Hugh M'Grath & Co 85 60 30,81,82,1 33. 34, 35, 36. 37, 38, Maurice J Haber'73 6 70 39,40, 41, 42, 43, 44. I 43, 45,51,1 53, 55, 61, i Center do 4 80 58, 56, 62, 64. JOSEPH WINDFELDER, Treasurer. Ridgway, Pa., April 2, 1874. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Tor tha relief and eure of all derange ments In the stom ach, liver, and bow els. They are a mild aperient, and an excellent purgtire. Being purely vege table, they contain no mercury or mine ral whatever. Much serious sickness and suffering Is prevent ed tT their timelv nse ; and every ramlly shonld hare them on hand for their protection and relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to be the saf est, surent, and beet or all the Mlt with which tbe market abounds. By their occasional use, tbe blood is purifled, the corruptions of tbe sys tem expelled, obstructions removed, and (he whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which become ologgeq and sluggish are cleansed by jtyer't Mia, and stimulated into action. Thus Incipient diseasa is changed into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy it, can hardly be computed. Their sugar eoating makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mUd, and operate without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or Occupation. Full directions are given on the wrapper to each box, how to use them as a Family Vhysic, and for the following complaints, which these fill rapidly cure : For Dyeppal or Badlgcetlaa, I,ietla , Issrsor and Jjm of Apsellle, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, and restore its healthy tone and action. For K.lr CobpIbS and its various syrap. loms, Bilious HetaulMh, Sick HeatV che, Jaiudle or ?rta Atckacee, SJll. Sons Colic and Billons Wm von, they should be judiciously taken for each ease, to correct tha diseased action or remove tha obstructions which, cause it. For Dysentery or nistrrkseet, but on mild dose is generally required, ror Bhoumattlem, Goat, Orstvol, Patl SI la II uk of sbo SI eon, JPitla ls tho Isle, Back and Ioloe, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical Bwolllasr, they should be taken in large and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastie purge. For Sappreealoa. a large dose should be taken, as it produces the desired effect by arm pathy. As a ZMsmer Pill, take one or two FilU to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these fill' makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleanaii.g and renovating affect on tha dicestiva apparatus. mxrxaxD bt Tr.J.C.JLYEltCO., Prmctltal CKtmUU, LOWBLZ, MASS., V. 8. A. rOl tULB BT ALL DBUOOIBIS3 BVXrTVSUUa, ESTABLISHED 1823, MEYEB & SONS, PIANO MANUFACTURERS, 722 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. THE LEADING FIRST-CLASS PIANOS. No other Pianos bava tha Improvements Prise Medal of tbe World's Fair, London England, and the highsst Prises of thl country awarded. v3n42-8m VICE'S FLORAL GUIDE m 1871. 200 PAGES 1 600 ENGRA VINOS, and COLORED PLATES. Pubis had quarterly at ib oenta a Year. First No. for 1874 baa been issued. A German. Ed itloai at aama price Address JAMES VICK, Rochester, V. Y. BUSINESS CARDS. O. A. SATHBUJf, Attornej-at-law, ftidgwar, Pa. It aft RUFVS LUC ORE, Attorney-ai-Law, Ridgway, Elk Co., Fa. Offiea la Hall's daw Brisk Building. Claiaa ft oolleotion promptly attended te. v8nlly. HALL b ifCACLET, Attsrneys-at-Law. Office in New Briek Building, Mala LH Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. vsnStl. REYNOLD'S HOUSE SXTKOLSSTILLX.JIFrZSSesrCO, ?4. U. 8. BELNAP, PaorMBTOB J, 0. W. BAILEY, ATTORNET-ATLAW. vln.io1. Ridgway, Elk County, Psv Agent for tba Traveler'a Life and AeJ dent Insuranoe Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES D. FULLER TON, Burgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, oflera bis professional ser vices to the oitizens of Ridgway and sir rounding country. All werk warrantee!. Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, a p. stairs, first door to tha left, 78-n-82-ly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Paraoeutiet, N. W. eoraet of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully aelected For eign and Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all bours, day or night. viaSy J. S. LORD WELL, M. D., Eeleetie Physician and Surgeon, bas remev ed bis office from Centre street, to Main at. Uidgway, Pa,, in tha second atory of tha new brick building of John G. Hall, appo site Hyde's store, Qffieo bours: 8 to 0 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. T jan 0 78 T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician and Snrgeea, Ridgwa , Pa. Office in Walker's Building). Special attention given to Surgery. OSeo house lrom 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Kesidenes) on corter of South and Court streets, ap posite the new School House. AU ealia promptly attended to. . vln2yl. HYDE HOUSE, Kiuowat, lkC., W. n. SCH RAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretefara ao liberally bestowed upon him, tha new proprietor, hopes, by paying atriat at tention to the comfort and conveaieaea al guests, to merit a continuant al tha same. Ott 80 18ti9. BUCK TAIL HOUSE, Kanb, McKean Ce Pa. R. t. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thaukiul for the patronage herslefeta so liberally bestowed upon him, th new pre prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. Th only stables tor horses in Kan and well kept night or day. Hall attached t tk Uolel. Tla28yl. KERSEY HOUSE, CasTnavitLK, Els C., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for th patronage beretetera ao liber illy bestowed upon him, th new proprietor, hopes, by paying atriat at 1 out ion to the comfort and convenience ot guests, t merit'- a oontinuaac f tk IIIUI. 1'. If. HAYS, Dry Goods, Notions, Grcoria, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Earley J. O. vla7tf. JAMES PENFIELD, (Sue- aor to W. C. Healy.) DIALER IN LAY Q00DS, GEOCESITS, 7S0TI310XL PRODUCE, FRUITS, v3n7tf. West End, Ridgmy, P. FRED. SCROENING, WHOLBSALB AD RETAIL DSALBB IS PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOKS Piano and organa o rent and rental ap plied if purohased. Prothonotary'a Offioe, Ridgway, Pa. v2n20tf. "TO-DAY" THE PEOPLE'S ILLUSTRATED PAPER. Is a thoroughly Amorican enterprise, Il lustrated by the leading autista, and teem ing with th best effort of th moat abbs writers of our country. It is a paper that, once introduoed in the family eirole, ia sur to be eagerly watched for and carefully pro served. The choice of THBEI Of THE MOST BKACTIFCI CHROMOS ver iaeued, is given to each subscriber, via: "Jcst So High"' and "Lirrta 8usnina,M two beautiful Child Pictures, by Mrs. An derson, and 'AMoao ran Dawnnora," s landscape ia water-color by th celebrated BIRKET FOSTER. All our agent have copies of each, and are prepared to deliver them together wit a ubcsription Certificate signed by tk pub lishers, at tbe time the money ia paid. Agenta wanted vry where, and liberal in ducement offered. Sample eopie with full particulars and description of tbe Ckroaao sent on reoelpt of six oenta. CbIj two daOmftnlaUIft jur. Annans, TO-DAY PRINTING ft PUB. CO.. 1S3 Santom St., fVtif. 711 Broadway, V. Y. t Sohool Bt, Beaton. U,fcI17E.MdiseB8t,CkiT.