The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 09, 1874, Image 2
Hi Jwtoak Henry A. Parsonb, Jr. Editor THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 18T4. Substitute for Coffkk. Cbloorj, which has to overcome some strong prejudices beiore it can take the place of coffee, has been reinforced for the Struggle by chemical analysis, which tells us that the percentage of nutri tious substanoo in chicory is mors than twice as great as that of coffee. It is largely used by the poor people of Europe, and has found its way into hos pitals on account of itsnutritious quali ties and a total absence of nervous stiin ulating qualities. Chicory or Suocory is a plant which grows wild in Europe, but is sometimes cultivated. The roots are kiln-dried, roasted, and grown into a brownish red powder, to be used either for mizturo with or as a substitute for coffee. Mobe (,'i'RRENCT. Following is the text of an important bill which passed the United States Senate on Monday to increase the value of circulating me dium: That the maximum amount of United States notes is hereby fixed at 3100, 000,000, in notes for circulation, in ad. dition to such circulation now allowed by law. They shall be issued to na tional banking associations now organ ized, and which may be organized here after, and such increased circulation shall be distributed among the several States ns provided in section one of an act to provido for the redemption of the three per centum temporary loan certifi cates, and for an increase of national baok notes, approved July 11, 1870; end each national banking association now organized, or hereafter to be organ ized, shall keep and maintain as part of its reserve required by law, one-fourth part of the coin received by it as inter est on bonds of the United States, de posited as securities for circulating notes on government deposits, and thut hereafter only one-fourth of the reserve now prescribed by law for national banking associations shall consist of bal ances due to an association, available for the redemption of its circulating notes frera associations in cities of redemption, and upon which no interest shall be paid. T1HVS1CIANS AND DRUGGISTS. A prominent New York physician lately complained to Dundas Dick, about His Sau dalwood Oil Capsulus, slating that some times they cured miraculously ; but that a putient of his had taken them for sotnetim without effect. Ou being informed that several imitntions were tuado and sold, he inquired and found that his patieut had been taking capsulus sold in bottles, aud not DUNDAS DICK & CO'S. What happened to this physician may have happened to others, and DUNDAS DICK & CO., take this method of protecting "Oil of sandalwood iron this disrepute. PHYSICIANS who once prescribe the Capsulas will CONTINUE TO DO SO, for they contain tho i'L'Kli OIL in the ULSJ AND CHEAPEST form. OIL OF SANDLEWOOD is fact super tcding every other remedy, sixty Cepsules ONLY being required to insure a safe and certain cure in six or eight days. From no other medicine can this result be had. Dick's Son Capsules solve the prob lem long considered by many eminent phy sicians, of how to avoid the nausea and dis gust experienced in swallowing, which are well known to detiact from, if not destroy, the good effects ef many valuable remedies. Soft Capsules aie put up in tin-foil and neat boxes, thirty in each, and are the only capsules prescribed by Physicians. IRayTHESE WERE THE ONLY CAP SULES ADMITTED 10 THE LAST PARIS EXPOSITION. Send for Circular to 35 Wooster St., N. Y. SOLD AT ALL DRUG STORES. General Agency, 110 Reade Street, N. Y DAGUSCAHONEA RAILROAD. From and afier Monday, Feb. 6th 187S. Trains will ruu on this Road as follows: Leaves Earley 7 30 a. m., arrives at Daguscuhonda Junction 8 10 a. m., con necting with Accoin. east 8 14 a. m., and with Mail west at 9 15 a. m. Leaves Daguscahonda at 9 20 a. m. arrives at Earley 10 00 a. m. Leaves Earley 3 30 p. in., and arrives at Dagus cahouda at 5 00 p. no., connecting with Mail east at 5 09 p, or, and Accommo dation west at 5 40 p. va. Id case P. & E. trains are late, Dagus cahonda train holds twenty minutes be yond the above time. Tickets should always be procured before IsaviDg stations. C. tt. EA.ELEY, Lent. "TO-DAY," THE PEOPLE'S ILLUSTRATED PAPEIt. Is a thoroughly Amorican enterprise, il lustrated by the leading aulUls, aud teem ing with the best efforts of the most able writers of our country. It is a paper that, once introduced in the family circle, is sure to be eagerly watched for and carefully pre etrved. The choice of THREE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CHEOMOS ever issued, is given to each subscriber, vix: "J 1ST So High' and "Littib Scnshinb," two beautiful Child Pictures, by Mrs. An derson, and "Ahoho tub Dkwdbops," a landsoape in wateroolor by the celebrated BIKKEX FOSTER. All our agents have copies of each, and are prepared to deliver them together with subosription Certificate signed by the pub lishers, at the time tbe money is paid. Agents wanted everywhere, and liberal in ducements offered. Sample copies with full particulars and description of the Chrouoi tent on reoeipt of six cents. Only two dollars isA a ialf a year. Addis as, TO-DAY PRINTING 4 PUB. CO.. T33 San$om St., Phita. 71 j Broadway, N. Y. 8 School St, Boston. 11, k 117 E. Madison 6t, Cbiesge. TBEASTJBIs'S 6 ALB Of TOSEATID LAND. NOTICE is hereby given that agreeably to the Aet of Assembly, passed (he 18th day ot Maroh, 1815, entitled "an Act to amend an Act," directing the mode of selling Lands for taxes &o. The following Trsots of Unseated Land la Elk County, will be exposed to public sale or outcry, for arrearages of taxes, at the Court House in Ridgway on the seoond Monday of June next (being tbe 8th day of June, A. D. 1874,) unless sooner paid. EENEZETTE TOWNSHIP. War. Aores. Warrantee or Owner 6332 928 James Stokss Taxes. 98 60 98 60 90 60 113 00 J 57 80 86 00 120 45 141 00 68 20 166 00 6700 101 80 121 20 67 44 131 20 141 00 17 02 85 00 86 00 86 00 155 00 40 20 113 00 81 80 40 20 32 86 68 20 6338 1067 6338 1067 6844 1067 6845 1067 6340 1067 6347 1067 6348 1067 6379 469 6380 1100 5383 490 6384 10G0 6387 1100 6349 1008 6342 1100 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 5008 990 6353 143 Myron Merrill 6354 1100 do 6337 1067 do 660 1008 do 6351 110 do 6362 800 do 5336 1100 Amos n. Merrill 6287 275 do 6288 275 do 6289 223 do 6390 1100 James H amnion & Co 6339 1100 Jonothan Brown 86 00 4995 458 Addison Swartwood & Co 67 DO 6341 900 Cornelius Wainwright 61 40 6012 9SK) Miles Dent 167 82 6479 600 do 67 00 6479 100 do 12 20 4996 300 John Brooks 40 20 6481 450 do 61 40 6000 990 do 79 80 6997 481 H. C. Er-aulding 64 87 4998 650 do 61 10 6479 200 Robert Ewing 23 40 6023 832J John Johnson 40 20 6388 1100 Hexekiak Mix 113 00 6023 60 Andrew Dent 6 21 6479 285 Hamilton Down 40 20 6022 110 David S. Johnson 12 29 5340 650 Henry Blush 31 80 5001 990 Finney & Borrows 169 32 6482 445 Erasmus Morey 87 96 6026 100 Geo. Winslow & W. E. Johnson 12 20 5180 6002 5013 6014 6009 6024 5025 6022 5481 5024 6003 6482 6340 5020 60 Ober & English 4 36 990 Reading Fisher & Co. 169 32 990 do 111 88 890 do 150 52 999 do 167 86 134 John & D. S. Johnson 12 20 302 do 43 00 110 Edith Johnson & A.Apker 19 48 275 Martin Enze 23 40 28 do 2 58 990 Shaffer & Johnson 101 68 605 Julius Jones 69 80 650 Smith McCormick & Man 79 40 990 Reuben Ainslow Estate 84 00 6021 4C5 do 53 08 153 18-80 do 17 80 6015 990 do 111 88 6027 790 do 67 36 156 do 12 20 660 dj 73 80 109 do 15 74 296 do 21 99 100 do 9 40 6014. 100 do 6 60 117 do 14 10 296 do 42 44 180 do 12 20 5027 200 do 17 80 5343 1100 Cook & Partes 155 00 5024 603 Ralph Johnson 40 20 6178 1100 Chas St John A Rothrock 79 40 6011 990 do 84 16 6477 1100 do 141 00 6026 100 do 15 00 5481 300 II. Merriman 26 20 BENZINGEE TOWNSHIP. 25 John Carrall 6 68 25 Peter Garrity. for 1873, 8 70 2 Hector Jaekob 1 49 25 Geo. Weis 5 68 73 Hector Jackob 14 69 75 John Milne, for 1873, 10 44 48 Cesar A. Jackob 10 03 25 Peter Byrnes, for 1873, 6 84 6 Michael O'Sullivan, for '73 1 61 4105 4105 4105 4106 4106 4115 4115 4104 4407 4107 4107 4105 4883 4882 4859 4960 50 John Farnill 12 91 6 68 6 68 96 09 173 13 184 61 38 12 17 91 47 89 66 84 94 04 18 01 179 11 93 12 185 23 185 23 185 23 74 89 27 Cesar A. Jackob 25 Samuel Hancock 611 Lawrence & Caseetl 823 do 990 do 200 do 80 do 220 do 300 Lamont Gas Coal Co 4958 4958 4961 4961 4977 4990 4993 4992 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4115 4109 1416 4402 4403 4410 4411 600 do 90 do 900 do 495 David Raw 990 do 990 do 990 do S97 Ridgway Farm & Coal Co 605$ do 1138 do 1442 d 898 do 996 do 763 do 996 do 1049 1-10 do 646 do 980 do 1073 do 1025 do 60 ds 200 do 200 do 36 do 20 do 124 90 213 09 249 17 16816 186 85 143 81 186 85 193 04 102 01 183 89 201 47 191 65 10 36 82 90 82 90 7 72 6 31 84 28 84 28 84 85 84 85 79 04 112 66 180 60 4996 4404 4404 4406 4406 4406 4408 4476 4061 4957 2378 4879 4844 4943 4980 4874 2375 4981 8881 4960 4881 4809 4101 4407 4407 622 Edward Huffer 622 Fred. F. Kersenbrock 5221 Francis Auleoks 622$ August Fortenbeck 420 Clemens Keller 600 do 965 Matbias VonGalen TOO F L Newton 19 57 990 West Creek M'f & M'g Col 84 95 990 do 184 95 1023 do 218 65 990 do 184 95 900 do 184 95 1023 Chas. Heebner 202 67 952 Geo Dickinson 177 61 600 Rons Cartuyvall 84 00 611$ John Morris and others 101 78$ 82 do J Hall 4 20 6 68 25 M A Mitohell 275 Thos Luckensback 600 Sidonia Von Eresel 60 John Kirchntr 142 Win C Blank 18 do 107 da 29 do 25 Owner unknown 125 The Wilcox Tanning Co 60 33 88 74 10 86 27 47 4 19 19 90 6 81 6 81 27 68 167 1 64 1 53 1 65 166 1 64 1 66 1 63 LOT MO. BIDQWAT STBSIT. 01 Rev Jeremiah O'Hara ' 92 do 79 James Doyle 88 Wm M'Eennedy 89 do 90 do 68 Thos M'Cormiek 69 d 84 Miebael O'Sullivan for '78 102 David Bpillaos TALBOT STKIIT. 17 Thos Collins 18 do 66 Was Earns for 1878 88 Thos Collias 89 do bailboad stsist. b" Sarah DTstley 1 82 166 1 66 1 63 1 27 1 66 1 68 61 60 M O'Sullivau for 1878 1 82 10 Lots James Coylo 4 19 840 Rev Louis Cartuyval 74 12 1 Lot J 8 Bates 4 66 200 do 46 21 4115 60 Edward Delenharl 10 86 vixa ttaiBT. 4107 60 Daniel Gary 10 80 4107 25 Wm Shannahaa 5 68 4958 100 Geo Wets 17 88 25 M Shannahan 6 68 80 E G Williams 14 88 60 Benimver f Co 9 48 60 Mathias Barntim 8 48 4105 200 Palmer & Co 87 16 4108 25 William Corkey 6 24 4105 25 Pat Dwyer 7 74 4110 81 Wm J Flint 6 81 4114 62$ James Hall 11 61 4104 74 John Ford 10 63 - 60 Owners unknown 10 68 4105 '460 Owners unknown 86 06 4104 460 do 86 06 4108 460 do 86 06 4880 400 do 86 06 4879 460 do 86 06 4888 1000 Beminger and Eachbaoh 257 98 4887 1000 do 206 83 4102 219 do 43 40 20 do 6 30 25 James Donnelly 6 47 6115 25 Daniel Frasur 6 31 4110 60 do 11 63 4888 63 John Krug 9 03 FOE T0WNS2IP. 9 J L Ellis 4214 7 4245 f 85 37 257 47 4341 691$ Sampson Short 4340 f 4:140 219 4213 927$ do do Michael 8tean John Albert 96 404 82 60 60 4178 4098 4098 4077 4078 4081 4088 4097 170 170 296 246 60 67 768 Nicholas Kummel Ridgway Farm 4 Coal Co 103 do 80 do 23 do 20 do 268 do 162 do 72 do 38 Caroline M Pray 249 ER England 216 do 118 do 64 Hannah Ramard 32 OWWhitlaker 153 Richard Gardner 175 do 103 Geo C White 63 Robt I Ruhe 14 Edward Huffer 95 do 201 Wm Wensel 14 Walachia O'Rouke, for '73 4 Edward Bonner '73 4 do 72, '73 7 C R Earley 12 Silas Mnyer 1 1 Jerome Powell 85 Rose Kelly, for '73 2 James Wrinkle, for '73 6 John K Jones 5 Thos Collins 6 Felix Gar.guieh 9 Jamee Norton 11 4098 439 4374 206$ 4087 144 4187 4901 990 495 679 145 900 439 SCO 293 200 40 303 769 60 23 25 25 45 30 100 12$ 64 25$ 20 60 4890 4902 4177 4190 4190 4900 4270 4274 4082 4077 4178 4079 4088 4088 4081 4178 4098 4098 4087 4087 4087 40781 4099 4098 4087 60 61 60 100 60 50 33 Henry Clinton Witt Patrick M'C'ready Wm Apple, for 1873 Elias Hancock Jos Feberly. for 1872 Souther & Willis Armel Turlcy Thos Jordan Mathew Hays Horace Little do Noblo Coal & Oil Co do do do Richard Edwards Horace Little 9-10 Sarah H Kidder Owner unknown 6 43 9 70 10 20 14 05 6 10 6 73 12 31 42 76 9 70 4 48 18 04 26 07 87 64 195 88 195 88 9 70 7 63 66 87 65 80 4006 65 160 50 4178 20 4079 60 42471 72 4373 4247 249 42461 660 4217 42461 560 4244 4087 25 60 4890 1 258 4901 4189 250 HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 3660 274 3781 1000 8753 1000 2020 1099 3002 890 3604 932 3063 1031 2023 100 A M Weidler 38 91 Thos Struther 141 00 do 141 00 do 154 47 Drexel Duhiing Wright 120 43 do 131 47 do 145 34 Sebastian Hahn 15 84 Walter Bryant 126 44 do 145 81 A Wolf 15 84 Geo Dickinson 43 22 do 101 13 do 117 02 do 70 44 do 16 76 J and M Mack 15 76 2019 1778 2023 2027 1830 1031 106 402 954 2038 1043 8600 496 2034 150 2025 100 Part of 3752 600 Thos Gould for '73 34 00 Part of 8788 600 J M Jouison do 34 00 8752 600 John Lane " 71 00 8788 600 do 71 00 1831 1005 Allegheny Bank Pitts. 73 67 23 2038 1038 Wm Robinson 146 26 2032,1062 do 148 27 ,803 962 John F Jones 135 63 761 1095 Martin Hart 154 80 8 8 962 Abner Cassel 135 63 1658 888 John P Brown 125 32 2034 90$ J C Chapin 18 60 8700 1000 ko 14100 2463 815 do 44 70 2456 3057 2084 8737 3773 3771 289 do 84 45 1000 Owner unknown 141 00 60 do 8 66 906 S Jones and Co 67 84 907 Little and Souther 128 55 1000 Nathaniel F Jones 14100 8775 1000 do 141 00 1799 100 James Gallagher 15 00 1799 1775 1776 1776 800 Chas R Gillis 71 00 600 do 63 60 100 John Hnkle 15 00 100 Ed Rart, for 1873 7 60 2034 112$ Jo B Wadsworth 16 74 2034 118 Joseph Thorps 17 68 2034 112$ ThosPow 16 74 8776 160 S P Johnson 23 40 8786 216 do 31 23 3778 1000 Henry M Deckart 141 00 3760 1000 Souther and Willis 141 00 2362 290 do 41 60 2464 2H8 John Nicholson 40 96 8055 1019 Alfred Avery 143 34 1776 100 Elizabeth Cooper for '73 7 60 HOBTON TOWNSHIP. 1002 J L Ellis 932 do 4255 4396 4279 4370 4370 191 88 208 14 10 91 6 95 10 62 9 18 10 62 10 62 10 62 20 05 10 63 9 20 8 94 8 95 128 32 212 68 201 03 62 Geo Dickinson 26 do 60 James Coyne 43 do 60 do 60 Rechenwald ewd Paul 62 Jacob Didlot 100 T Ecfaman 60 Souther and Willis 62 do 60 do 60 do 673 Penn Cannel Coal Co 952 do 900 do 4370 4871 4371 4371 4369 4344 4453 4342 4343 4450 4248 4248 4249 4340 4241 4272 4843 4400 4272 677 Shawmut Cannal Coal Co 129 20 569 do 127 44 900 do 201 03 154 William Reed 80 84 41 Noble Coal A OU Co 1141 60 do 16 24 200 Short and Wiloox. 20 08 633 do 68 69 84 Elvira C Harton 22 84 875 Short, Wilcox k M'Clelland48 3 21 James Wilson 664 64 James O'Hara 7 86 200 Daniel Kingsbury 87 96 868 Owner usknoww 46 4j 4242 4396 4200 847 N B Laos and others 60 9-10 J S Hyde and others 22 8 160 do 660 Henry L Carlisle do 830 James M'Clellend 140 do 260 - do 245 do 200 Nathan Bailey 850 John Huhne 990 do 610 John T French JAY TOWNSHIP, 1100 Amos R Merrill 45 07 10 62 4 81 41 91 63 87 21 96 9 89 16 88 16 66 13 70 23 23 3 87 89 74 176 70 222 64 219 63 145 69 98 81 88 08 105 83 22 84 24 32 168 41 27 87 8 95 182 20 16 90 40 79 8 96 132 17 132 18 132 18 89 99 105 94 158 48 27 60 16 90 3 65 130 85 38 81 12820 43 40 98 62 63 64 89 83 19 66 234 20 4 98 4182 4200 4188 4188 4181 4188 4188 4275 4271 6283 6288 6287 6289 6290 4194 4190 4195 825 do 825 do ' 640. . dfts 612 112-160 do 400 Wm Parker 989 D R Jones 206 James blokes 220 do 990 do 245 Sebastian Weil 60$ Chas B Miller 850 Janes Donuehauer 134 Reading Fisher and Co 888 do 60 do 990 Phillip M Price 990 do 990 do 659 E B England 990 do 990 do 200 DuBois and Lowe 66 do 15 do 690 A J Lewis 852 Christian Brower 800 Heiekiah Horton 100 do; . 400 B A Weed 296 Reading and Bartlel 419 do 150 do 1100 do 25 David Tyler 60 Daniel Brewer 990 Henry Loraine 990 do 94 0 R Rice 490 John R Cox 94 Tyler and Finney 98 do 98 do 217 A II Shaw 72 Francis Scbider 4197 6005 4197 4197 4198 4896 4899 4897 5046 5019 6OO0 4896 5007 6004 4892 4896 4897 4882 4185 4899 4S99 4H45 4K91 4894 4893 4896 5284 4897 6029 4898 6017 6030 4892 4893 4895 4895 4893 4196 4198 4195 6031 6032 4906 6032 6033 5032 4899 6030 4906 4906 6018 4180 6032 4194 6028 6031 4194 4895 11 60 210 88 210 88 22 20 78 91 16 90 16 90 16 90 27 60 12 45 12 45 8 95 72 Horace Littlo 94 llcuben Winslow 50 do 100 do 94 do 100 Hammond Jones and Co 293 II Henry and Co 207 A E Goff j ' 100 do i ' -1 100 W 8 Hamblen 990 Souther and Willis 990 Berks and Bowman 100 J R Morey 60 Phillip Keilly 990 Spring Run Coal Co 727 do 100 John F Combs 347 Sarah 11 Kidder JONES TOWNSHIP. 193 Robert Halsey 990 Ciias Heebner KP3 do 4S0 John Scott , 200 Thos Van I'mirt 2ii0 Geo l!ickinou 990 Wm Ileiinvag Kftate 990 do 25 Chas Yerbeck, for 1873 50 K Brown 100 Wm II .laekson 825 Isaac II Convnd 1222 John J Ridgway 8 95 22 20 19 65 16 90 47 65 29 65 11 60 11 60 184 60 132 17 11 60 8 95 105 94 83 22 16 90 49 81 2504 2931 2073 2073 85 12 228 76 92 81 98 88 47 20 47 20 252 2C21 2503 2331 254 4C40 2310 2319 2323 2326 2329 2332 2333 2301 2363 2377 2425 2487 2489 2527 2551 2554 2504 2587 2591 2593 2598 2599 2004 2008 2011 2612 2614 2000 2686- 2791 8180 3215 8217 3218 8220 3226 3228 8229 3230 82G1 3232 3233 3237 3243 8242 3251 2252 2253 2290 3296 4903 4904 2564 2504 25117 2553 2554 2504 2610 2791 8214 3221 8222 8224 3290 3291 8293 8285 8296 3290' 2610 3293 2558 8296' 2688 2610 2588 2010 3291 8293 3296 8143 3296 8224 8227 8223 8229 8237 8222 8044 8111 8117 8140 8143 8214 8225 170 84 170 84 3 33 10 02 24 02 142 51 210 60 141 lo 25 21 and 229 78 229 77 99(1 M'lCeau and Elk Land Improvement Co 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 802 990 990 802 990 493 657$ 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 do (to do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do i ,do v : do do do do do do do do do do do ds do do do do do . do do do do do do 229 78 229 77 229 88 229 77 229 78 229 77 229 78 229 77 186 84 229 78 229 77 189 34 228 76 114 96 129 72 229 78 229 77 229 78 229 229 229 78 229 77 229 78 223 77 229 78 229 77 229 78 75 48 820 905 990 990 990 990 818 990 490 990 990 990 990 495 990 495 990 905 990 100 70 990 990 23$ Gen 232 161$ 8591 ' 627 490 181 897$ 797$ 794 6-10 1053 457 734 206 183 292 129$ 200 6! 93 837 269 947 621 803 88 121 80 210 09 229 78 229 78 229 77 229 78 190 02 229 77 114 31 229 77 229 78 229 77 229 115 30 229 78 115 30 229 77 210 09 229 78 24 05 17 2 26 229 77 do T L Kane do do do. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 229 I 78 6 44 64 68 88 13 199 68 122 70 113 43 87 91 181 181 214 106 170 62 43 68 80 49 20 do do do do do do do do do do do 85 21 23 02 83 80 195 22 62 25 219 72 144 26 70 96 21 83 28 98 19 48 63 68 107 80 121 23 823 Wiloox Tanning Co 690 do 850 816 898 445 1074 865 756 800 882 230 120 900 do do do do do do do do do do do do. 49 67 62 05 69 64 166 44 184 80 117 25 47 21 49 89 86 48 18 60 189 69 8266 1108 8266 996 8257 860 8268 826 do do do do 171 62 168 00 138 48 128 07 JULLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 2548 900 Owaers unknown 811 60 2548 900 do 81160 2542 990 do 811 60 2590 675 Wm Dilworth 238 88 2518 850 Rumback 121 80 2518 60 Miss J A Hara 18 25 2518 875 Wm Armstrong 180 68 2545 900 James A Hara for '78 154 00 2545 900 do 811 60 2566 900 do for '73 154 00 2517 900 do 811 60 252S 900 do 811 60 2790 990 . do 811 60 2532 800 do 811 60 2639 990 Drexel Duhrlng ft Wright 811 60 2667 900 do 222 92 2581 650 do 190 75 2862 990 do 81160 260S 990 Jo 811 60 2792 242 do 84 49 2789 693 do 210 09 8776 471 do 226 99 192 Henry Raught 26 49 4042 626 Owner unknown 128 23 2797 650 do 190 75 6I0 do 135 66 4134 900 do 811 60 4135 900 do 311 60 4129 900 do 811 60 666 N Strong & II Raught 230 77 2518 60 Geo & J Mays 13 42 2524 900 J F Wynkoop & Oo 187 30 6700 100 Owner unknown 36 60 25 L C Wynkoop BIDSWAY TOWNSHIP. 4392 620 Constant Van Duste Heishoff 142 98 4393 171 do 40 16 3CG0 1112 J S Schullt 230 61 3261 1142 do 226 54 3281 664 do 131 95 3285 437 do 87 29 4849 467 do 39 22 4850 762 do- 1 49 4853 879 do 175 01 4854 735 do 136 15 800 do 195 60 4375 973 Ridgway Farm & Coal Co 222 87 4376 1020 do 234 38 4389 675 do 155 50 4377 1020 do 233 38 4390 117 do 27 80 4869 916 Bryant & Ewer 267 10 4276 1000 do 208 50 4285 948 do 200 71 528 do 87 38 3283 40 A W R Burroughs 8 90 4389 163 Edward Huffer 39 32 4395 406 do 93 99 1394 400 do 87 60 4390 501 do 107 84 4391 893 J H Huffer 205 48 4395 629 A Haxhauser 145 03 4394 426 do 96 55 1000 Wilmarth & Co 2S8 16 277 Geo Dickinson 48 53 150 do- 44 80 198 do 46 05 4302 210 do 73 15 332 do 77 02 4870 83 do 20 00 4865 120 D N Tucker 21 70 100 John Gulnao 20 75 3264 1016 John J Ridgway 233 86 3265 1018 do 236 12 3278 1065 do 244 78 3283 520 do 120 08 328 1 33 do 8 55 4862 968 do 222 50 4863 144 do 32 49 4864 150 do 35 15 4868 76 do 18 42 4866 45 AsaCummingi 1132 86$ J V Houk 15 60 86$ do 15 60 4375 72 Wm F Hobdell 16 69 4285 81 DrJ S Scott, for '73 16 48 50 T B Cobb 1088 100 do 20 75 116 do 23 01 61 do 13 05 123 do 32 60 40 do 8 90 26 do 7 42 3185 253 Clarion River J'iu Co 87 90 4850 231 do 80 36 5 G T M'Nulty 14 99 4848 1 400 Jerome I'owell 58 25 3283 f . 3833 ) 200 Tatlow Jackson 50 38 3283 I 468$ Dickinson & Wil marth 109 30 1 Charles M'Nulty 3 88 4869 83 Geo W Rhioea 25 07 90 do 15 94 66 do 14 90 400 BF Ely 115 50 176 do 61 36 1055 do 240 45 80 do 19 33 50 James II Mayo 12 45 50 Geo Stephenson 12 45 4843 63 C V Gillis 13 77 100 Sam & Jas Gardner 18 75 SPUING CBEEH T0WN3HIP. 5797 543 Neil Rogers & Biackl90 69 1560 503 do 221 31 5798 532$ do 93 99 5796 1U35 do 200 88 5799 316 do 86 78 32 do 7 65 3728 15 do 2 04 4044 344 do 61 65 255 do 67 74 2036 1358 Bryant & Euwer 238 18 1562 501 do 67 11 2748 554 Henry R Moore 121 95 2942 350 Henry Rauuht 46 84 2971 900 Merchants and Manf Bank of Pittsburgh 294 00 2986 900 do 394 00 2915 900 Darius Carrier et. al.394 00 2948 900 G Blake & others S94 GO 2775 113J do 32 02 2037 1055 Alleghany Bank ot Pittsburgh, for '73 107 61 2792 200 Drexel Duhring & Wright 44 67 1566 300 A W Irwin 40 30 102 Thos Irwin 17 80 1566 200 do 27 20 1557 182 Geo D Messenger 3178 4552 200 Samuel Crawford 35 93 4569 150 Dellaven & Procius 27 20 3569 25 Seth Clover 5 36 200 do 35 93 3728 174 Wm S Marshall 23 77 1561 485 Richard Baker and Jno G Hall 84 71 657 Souther & Willis 115 76 481 do 85 01 4044 114 James Morrison, '73 12 67 08 ArtnagoBt 20 90 ST. VASY'S; SOUTHS. Lot.No'a Streets 14 Benediol John Hawley 1 35 in ii i IV IV W Centw R F A 0 Co 4 53 IO) Vi. j 9, 42,43,") 44.31. 82. I 83. 34. 35. I Maurioe do 12 28 86,37,88, 8940, 41, $ of 80. I 31,83,35, 37 89 41 44,,45,.47', VJobn do 15 10 48, 49, 67, 53, 54, 65, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1 George do 8 42 5,11, 12.) 45, 9, 20, ) Charles do 7 36 20,27. j 26,27,22.) 23, 19, 20, I Church do 10 10 21, 25, 24, f i ot 28. I 6. School do 2 79 2 aores Mill do 6 64 $ acre Mill do 2 71 3 aores Mill Rev Louis Cartuyals 7 20 51 Kupert Dennis Bergen L US 55. 73, 65 do Owners unk'n 4 24 44, 88, 8 do do 3 11 9 Patrick James lioyle l ii 98 do do 1 71 65,86 do Ellen Hopsdale 2 41 87,88 do Isabella 0 0'Conoei2 41 102,103,104 Tat'k John Sheridan 3 12 82 83 84 9?. 92! 95! Patrick Owor's un'kn6 64 100,101. ) 32 Benedict Pat Gaolcy 1 38 34 do Wm Hackett 1 71 11,12 do Ow'rsuu'ku 2 41 14 do do 1 38 68 WalbureerPat Faherty'73 1 17 63, 64, 65 do John Moran 3 12 16, 62, 69 do On'rs un'kn '73 2 14 72 do do 171 6 John Ed Byrnes 1 71 60 do John Conniskv 1 71 59,"61, 62,") 63, 64, 65, V John On'rs un'kn 5 63 66. ) 14 Louis James M'Namcr 1 71 6 do John Dixon 1 71 15 do Win A Nugent 1 71 17 do John M'Namer 1 71 4 do Leonard Cook 1 71 do Owners un'kn 3 70 5, 9, 111 51, 52, 53, Erine John Moran 8 12 1 71 1 71 54, do A Mooney 39, do James Rowan 35 Shamrock M Flyner'73 1 38 47 do Pat Given 1 71 34,36, do Leonnrd Cook2 41 38, do Mike Murty 1 71 37, 47, do Geo Ed Weis 2 41 42. 43, 60 Erine do 3 12 5 23 3 82 2 41 115.116, ) Charles Unknown 117.118 113,114,) do do 100.107. f 25, 413, Shamrock E Stauflcr 53 Centre Michael Towey 171 41 Michael Pat Lowlcr 1 71 120 seres Hugh M'Grath & Co 8560 30. 81, 32,1 33. 34, 35, j Jb, AT, Sb, y Maurice J Uafer o C 0 au, 4U, 41, 42, 43, 44. 43. 45, 51. 53, 55, 61, Center do 4 80 58, 56. 62, 64. JOSEPH WINDFELDER, Treasurer Ridgway, Pa., April 2, 1874. Ayer's Cathartic Fills, For the relief and euro of all derange, meota in the 11001. ch, liver, and bow ela. They are a mild aperient, and an excellent purgative. Being purely vege table, (bey contain no mercury or mine ral whatever. Much aeiion sickness and iiffering is prevent ed bv their timelv use ; and every tamHy should have them on hand for their nroteotion and relief, when reouired. Long experience has proved them to be the saf eat, surest, and best of all the fill with which tne market auounas. ny ineir occasional use, the blood is purified, the corruptions of the sys tem expelled, obstructions removed, and the whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which become clogged and sluggish are cleansed by Ayer't fill', and stimulated Into action. Thus incipient disease Is changed into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy It, ean hardly be computed. Their sugar coating makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired lor any lengin 01 time, so that thev are ever fresh, and Derfectlv reliable. A I.K..nU . V, .. ... ;1 mmA -. . niiiiuugu .:(. viiii., uit r ..4 o iiii.u. ..ill. viici.h wunout disturbance to toe constitution, or met, or occupation. Full directions are rivsn on the wraDDer to each box, how to use them as a Family Vhysle, ana ror tne rouowtng complaints, which uira fill rapidly cure: For DTsptMla or ladlfrMloB, XJat1M , liiasia-aor and Moaa of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, and restore its healthv tone and action. For Uver CowapliaiaU and its various symp toms, Dillons UesMlsKfee, Mick Head- cat), jttaaics or ttrtra siesacu, tsii as Colic and SSIIIoae 7tTr,they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Isyseatery or Diarrhoea, but one mna aoBe is generally required. For Hheumanim. Oont. tSravrl, Pal Sttatloa of the Heart, aala in tbe ide, Stuck and Lolaa, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those eomnlaints disaDDenr. For Dropsy and Dropsical Swelling's iney snouiu oe laten in largo and rrequent uoses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For Muppreseion. a large dose should be taken, as it produces the desired effect by sym pathy. As a THnner Till, take one or two Till to nroinote dirAiitinn and relinv the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence It is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably weU, often Snds that a dose of these fill makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansii g and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. FRBPXRKD BY Dr. J. C. AY KB CO., Practical CtumisU, ZOWXLL, MASB., V. 8. A. rOK BALK BY AIX DBUQOISTS XVXBTWBXXa, ESTABLISHED 1823, MEYER t BONS, TIANO MANUFACTURERS, 122 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. THE LEADING FIRST-CLASS TIANOS Mo other Pianos have the improvements Prize Medal of the World's Fair, London England, and the highest Prises of thi country awarded. v8n4Z-8m VICE'S FLORAL GUIDE FOB 1874. 200 PAGES; 600 ENGRAVINGS, and COLORED PLATES. Published ouarterlv at 25 cents a Year. First No. for 1874 has been issued. A Uermaa Editioa at same price Address JAMES VICK, Becaeslsr, 5. Y. BUSINESS CARDS. O. A. RA TUB UJt, Attorney-at-law, Ridgway, Fa. It RUFUS LUC ORE, Attorney-at-Law, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Offiee la Hall's now Brick Building. Claims for collection promptly attended te. v8nlly. BALL & iTCAVLET, Attorney s-at-Law. Office In New . Brick Building, Main It Kidgwey, ix uo., ra. Tsuau. REYNOLD'S BOUSE1 MYNOLESVTLLE.JErriESONCO, FsV II. 8. BELNAP, PaorMBTOB J, 0. W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vlnio1. Ridgway, Elk Coanty, fa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and A sat dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Coaa. JAMES D. FULLER TON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers bis professional ser vices to the citizens of Ridgway and sur rounding country. All work warranted. Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-82-ly G. G.HESSEISGER, Druce'iBtand Paraceutist, N. W. eornet of Main and Mill street, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully (elected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day sr night. vlaly J. S. BORDWELL, M. D., Ecleotie Physician and Surgeon, hasreaev ed his office from Centre street, to Main St. Ridgway, Pa,, in the second story ef the new brick building of John G. Hall, eppe site Hyde's store. ntheo hours: b to a- m: 1 to 2 p, m. T jan 9 78 T. S. BARTLEY. M. D., Physician and Surges. Ridgwa , Pa. Office in Walker's Buildiaa. Special attention given to Surgery. Offlee house lrom 8 a. m. to 10 p. in. Reiidene on corner of South and Court streets, op posite tbe new School House. All call promptly attended to. vlnlyl. BYDE- BOUSE, Ridowai, Elk Co., Pa W. H. SCIIRAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the atw proprietor, hopes, by paying strut at tention to the comfort and eonveaiease el guests, to merit a continuance ei tka same. Oct SO 1869. BUCK TAIL HOUSE, Kanb, McKean Oe., Pa, R. I LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore a liberally bestowed upon him, the sew pre prietor, hopes, by paying strict attentiea to the comlort and convenience of guests. to merit a continuance of tbe same, lae only stables tor horses in Kane and well kept night or day. Hail attached te the Hotel. viBZeyi. BALL A BRO., Attorneys - at BT. MARY'S, 11Z C07KTY, PINNSYLYAKLi. JOilS S. BALL..-..-- .........JAS. K. P. S1AM KERSEY BOUSE, Csktisvills, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberilly bestowed upon him, the aew proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at- leution to tbe comtort aua conveniens of guests, ts merit a oonttnuaaee er ae same. F. IF. BAYS, DBALB. I Dry Goods, Notions, SrcosrUa, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Ear ley JP. t vln7tf. JAMES FENFJELD, (Sucoei sor to W. C. Healy,) DIALER IN m goods, GSOCEairs, r&onsioxs, PRODUCE, FRUITS, &t. v3n7tf. West End, Ridgway, Pa. FRED. SCBOENING, WHOLCSALB AMD BBTAIb PSiLBB Ml PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, aod MUSIC BOOKS Pianos and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. Prothouotary's Office, Ridgway, Pa. vliniOtf. 10 THE CITIZENS OP PENNSYL VAN IA. Your attention is specially invited to the fact that the National Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock ot the Centennial' Eoard of Finance. The funds realised from this source are to be employed in the erec tion of the buildings for the International Exhibition, and the expenses eonneoted with the same. It is confidently believed that the Keystone State will be represented by the name of every eitisen alive to patri otic commemoration, of the on hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares ef stock are offered for $10 each, and sub scribers will reoeive a handsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framlag and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per eeal per annum will be paid en all payment of Cen tennial Stock from data of payment te January 1, 1876. Subscribers who are aotai- a NaUaaal Ban eaa remit a eheca er post B 1 t ta undersigned, PRBD'K FRALXT, Traamrar. Ot Walawt ., FaiWetrpMe