Farm, Garden and Honsehold, Hnnsrliolri Noleii Milk Stains. Milk stains on serge dresses may be romoved by steeping the part in warm water. Vinegar Candy. Four enps of white sugar, two cups of water, one cup of vinegnr. Boil and pull the same as molasses candy. A Cement ron Gas rirug May bo prepared of six parts finely powdered graphite, throe parts slaked lime, eight parts sulphate of baryta, seven parts linseed oil varainli. Charleston PrDDiNa. Four cups of flour, sifted, with one teaspoonful of Boda and two of cream tartar ; beat six eggs with threo cups of sugar, one cup of butter and one of cream in them, and gently stir in the flour. Tapioca Cheam. One small cup of tapioca soaked two hours in threo pints of water, pour oil, then soaK two hours in one quart of milk, keeping it warm ; then add four eggs, a pinch of salt, two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, two spoonfuls of sugar and bako one hour. Eat with hard sauce. Baltimore Corn Bread. Ono quart of milk, one pint of Indian meal, three eggs, half a cup of bntter. Boil one pint of the milk, and with it scald the meal and bntter, cool off with some of the cold milk. Beat up the eggs with the remainder, add a pinch of snlt and mix in gradually. Put to the batter half an inch thick in square tins, and bake three quarters of an hour. Bruises, Burns, Sprains, Ac. Dis solve 1 ounce camphor in 8 ounces spir its of wine ; add 1 ounce oil turpen tine ; 1 ounce spirits sal ammoniac one-half ounce oil of origanum ; 1 large tnblespoonful of liquid laudanum. Rub well with the hand four times a day. The above is one of the best re receipts for all kinds of bruises. sprains nud swellings, both in man and iiorse, ever tried ; it will never tail Try it. Fricassee of Cold Boast Beff. Cut the beef into very thin slices, season it with a little pepper and salt, shred a bunch of parsley very small, cut an onion irto pieces, and put all together into a stewpan with a piece of butter nnd three-quarters of a pint of good broth. Let all simmer slowly, then stir in the yolks of two well-beaten eggs, a teaspoonful of vinegar, or the juice of half a lemon, and a wine glass of port wine Stir it briskly ovei the fire, and turn the fricasee into a hot dish. If the flavor of shalot is liked, the dish can bo previously rubbed with one. Icing: for Cake. Whisk the whites of seven eggs until they stand alone and are perlectly dry. Have ready sifted and pulverized one and a half pounds of the nnest white sugar. Add one tablespoontul ot this to the eggs at a time, beating continually until all is consumed. Add a teaspoonful of any extract you fancy rose, lemon, or vanilla is best. If projierly beaten, the icing will hardly run at all, and will dry in a tew hours in a warm place .Dissolve a very little gum arauic or gum tragacanth, and add to prevent the icing from peeling off when the cake is cut, as it would otherwise do. Farm Notes. Experienced bee keepers have come to the conclusion that it is useless to undertake to keep many bees unless forests or large breadths of orchard are near. When a farmer comes to town and hurries about to get what he wants and then starts for home, you may be cer tain that he has a home worth going to; if he hangs around spitting on the stoves, you may be certain his folks will riot be huppy when he does come. The Western Ttural reiterates the truth that " to get the best results from the cultivation of crops of the various kinds, from one-fifth to one-fourth of the laud should be iu forests." Fresh stable manure should not be used for potatoes in any way ; old de composed manure will benefit the crop, no matter how it is applied. If you have a sufficient quantity to top dress the field, the best way is to scatter the mauure evenly over the ground after plowing, and harrow it in. If you have but little, spread it i.i the furrows, drop the sets directly on it, and cover with soil. If you want a rat remedy take cop peras the quautity to depend upon the number of buildings or places infested pulverize it very fine, and be sure and sprinkle some in all their holes, in the corn crib, under all the buildings, in a word, wherever they may congregate, j and in a few days all the rats will be gone. This is very simple and easily tried, and has proved completely suc cessful several times at different places. No rat seen three days after a thorough application. Care ot Forests. A message of the President has brought before Congress an important measure for the preservation of our forests. At the Portland meeting of the American Associat:on for the Advance ment of Science, that body empowered a committee to memorialize Congress on this subject. The memorial recom mends the appointment of some man of improved scientific and practical ac quaintance with the subject as a Com missioner of Forestry. His duties will bo to investigate the consumption, importation, and exportation of timber, the means for its preservation and re newal, the influence of forests upon climate, and the experience of foreign countries iu these matters. There can be no doubt that prompt action is need ed to save our forest lands from denu dation. The expense of measures hav ing this in view would probably be soon reimbursed by the increase of valuable timber and the economy in the use of what stiU remains. Even if a Forest Commission does little else than enforce existing laws, so as the check the prodigal waste by axe and fire that is now taking place, great good will be accomplished. m A Single Man, In an article of some of the noted men of a past generation Francis Jaoox says: "Dr. Darwin, the grandfather of the great living naturalist, was a strange compound of science and eccen tricity. He wrote most of his works on scraps of ' paper with a pencil, as he traveled. His equipage was as odd as his habits. He rode iu an old 'sulky,' with a skylight at top, and an awning which could be drawn over it in case of need. The front of the carriage con tained a box for writing-paper and pen oils, a knife and fork, and spoon. On one side was a huge pile of books. On the other, a hamper of fruit and sweet meats, cream and sugar, which divided the attention of the burly old doctor with the staok of literature." ' SEWS OF THE DAY. Pining the months of January and February 30,774 pornons were lodged iu the station houses of Now York, of which nnrubor 22,500 wore hahltnals, leaving 8,214 casuals John II. McLean, one of the proprietors of the Cincinnati Inquirer, wag boiH to Jail by Judgo Marcliant, for persisting in refusing to answor questions anked him in a libel suit The appearance of the face of Bonator Smmior as the body lay iu the coflln was natural. The body was attired in 'an ordinary black coat, vent, and pants. Tlio right hand lay across tlio breast, partly coucoalod bonoalli tlio Tost, iu tlio position in which lin usually held it when addressing tlio Houato Tlio testi mony at tlio coroner's inquest concorning the Dinglianitou boiler explosion goes to show that it was caused by imperfect connection betweon tho two boilers, both of them boing woll mado of good iron Swiss travelers iu France can now disponso with passports The now Atlantic cable will not leave London bofore Juno In tho life ealvngo case of tho steamship Atlantic, thoro was awarded $1,500 to the fishermen of Trospect, who Becnrod the passengers' salvago, to be distributed in Bums varying from 150 to 30 each among sixteon porBons. The lower houses of tho Legislature of Iowa and Michigan have declared in favor of amend ing the constitutions of these States so as to extend the suffrage to women Tho Irish eocictioB of New York and Brooklyn had a grand procession hi honor of St. Tatrick The Legislatures of Iowa. Minnesota, and Wisconsin have now passed laws, similnr to that of Illinois, for the regulation of railroad freight rates and passenger fares Tho outsauding national bank circulation iu the United States is 31S.331,3S9. The following are the balances iu tho Treasury of tho United States: Currency, $3,002,629; special deposits of legal tenders for tho redemption of certifi cates of deposit, $51,970,000; coin, 8(1,210, 713, including coin certificates 10,027,800 ; outstanding legal tenders 382.000.000 When Gov. Davis, of Minnesota, heard that the Seuato had passed a bill increasing his salary from 3,000 to 1.000. he sent a uiessago to that body asking that this action bo recon sidered, as the increase was inserted in the General Appropriation bill, which it would bo impossible for him to veto at so late a day of tho session, The Senate did it Great de pression continues to mark the iron manufac tures of the United States, and a leading journal is told there are but faint prospects of speedy improvemtut. Wages with the girls in some of the New England mills vary from 0 to 10 per week. Fair weavers can earn about 7.50 per week The .ion's Herald states the entire num ber of pupils in all tho Methodist Sunday- schools in tho world to bo 3.000,000 At tho commencement of the Woman's Medical College of riuladelphia sixteen females gradu ated as Doctors of Medicine Gamier won the first prize at the Boston billiard tourna ment T'jere is a prospect of an immense fruit crop in the central portion of Illinois Mormons are making converts in Michigan and will take mauv families to Utah this sea son. Some of the converts are wealthy ... , The emigration from Great Britain was greater last year than in any year einco 1S51 12,000 people a day have eaten at the New York soup houses A passengor train going West on tho Central racirte 11. It., between Toauo and Wells, was thrown from the track by a broken rail and went over an embankment, fulling a distance of thirty feet, many passengers be ing killed or injured. The Remains of Charles Sunnier, When the remains of Senator Sumner were delivered to the Governor and people of Massachusetts, Senator An thony spoke as follows: " May it please your Excellency: We nre commanded by the Senate of the United States to render back to you your illustrious dead. Nearly a quarter of a century ago you dedicated to the public service a man who was even then greatly distinguished. He remained in it, quickening its patriotism, informing its councils, and leading in its deliber ations, until, having survived in contin uous service all his original associates, he has closed his earthly career. With rev2rend hands we bring to you his mortal part that it may be committed to the soil of the State already renowned mat gave mm birtu. late it. it is yours. The part which we do not re turn to you is not wholly yours to re ceive, nor altogether ours to give. It belongs to tho country, to mankind, to freedom, to civilization, to humanity. We come to you with emblems of mourning which faintly testify to the sorrow that dwells in the breasts upon which they lie. So much is due to the infirmity of human nature. But in the view of reason and philosophy is it not rather a matter of high exaltation that a life so pure in its personal qualities, so high in its public aims, so fortunate in the fruition of noble effort, has closed safely before age had marred its intelligence and vigor; before time had dimmed the luster of itsjgenius. May it please your Excellency, our mission is completed. We commit to you the body of Charles Sumner. His undying fame the muse of History has already takon m her keeping. Gov. Washburn responded in behalf of the State Committee. The Historic Frigate. Some time ago it was mentioned that it was the intention of the United States Navy Department to have the old frigate Constitution rebuilt. Oil the day desig nated for placing her on the stocks, a large crowd of persons assembled at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, and, with all the onicers attached to the station congregated on the South wharf, where the oper..tians could be witnessed. The vessel was first raised in the huge float ing dry dock, and towed around to the South wharf. Here, by means of the greatest force, she was pulled from the aocic up on the stocks. To accomplish this engineering feat three hundred men were employed, huge cables from a hal '-dozen capstans, and a complication of enormous pulleys! leading out to the vessel. When the capstans were manned, and the cables felt the great tension upon them, the vessel moved gradually from the dock up the wall-greased ways. The (Jonisti tution was decorated with the national bunting, and tho crowd cheered lustily as sue was drawn upon the wharf. It is the intention to have the yener able vessel entirely rebuilt for service as a school ship. Her model will not be changed, however, and no sound timber will be removed. She will be refitted with all the modern sailing ap pliances, and it is expected that, when completed, she will make a very fine as well as a very serviceable addition to the fleet. Philadelphia Inquirer, Chimb in Pabis. In Paris, as in most great cities, the proportion of the crimi nal classes to the bulk of the popula tion is larger than elsewhere, and it has been estimated that the Parisian elec toral body comprises 4U,UUU persons who have undergone condemnation of sufficiently severe nature to justify de pnving them oi the franchise. XLIIId CONGRESS. Tho Senate appointed a committee of three of its members to attoud tho funeral of ex l'resident Fillmore. Mr. Boutwoll, of Mass., presented a letter of tho Governor of Massachusetts and resolutions of the Legislature of that Stato rescinding and annulling a resolution of Doo. 18, 1872, relating to army registers and battle Hags, which were read. Tho resolutions were tlioso censuring Mr. Sumner on account of introducing a bill iu the Souato to strike out from theamiv register ami battle tings the names of battles of tho ro- lienion. Mr. Colliding prosontcd a petition of Morton Oi iswold and other prominent citizens of New rk, holders or Untitled inilohlcilness or tlio ato of Louisiana, stating that the Leuislature f that State is engaged in the process of repu diation, and praying Congress that the bill introduced by Senator Carpenter be passed, or some tantamount legislation be had to protect their rights. wiion tlio formal announcement of tho neat n of Sonator Sumnor was mado in the Senate the galleries were crowded. Tho chair of the late Senator was draped in mourning, and a largo tmuiniotof w hite tlowors was placed ouliisdosn. 'he Cbanlain. in his ononinc tiraver. Baid : O Lord, our God, our Fat her in Heaven, we all do fado as a leaf before Thoo. One generation Cometh and another gocth.and so Thou standost tins dav to plead with Tliv people, two Hon ored heads lie low, and tho sighing of sister citioB responding in tlioir prior is heard in an tlio land, llio crave must receivo its own. We bow down in silenco and submission to Thv stroke. Christ is our onlv shield. Senator Anthony, of Uhodo Island, mado the announce ment in feelinc terms. Senator Conklinc. of cw York, followed him in a trimite to tne memory of tho deceased. Committees wero appointed to take charge of tho remains and to escort them to Boston, after which mo rionato adjourned. HOTTSE. Mr. Adams, of Kv.. offered a resolution in structing tho Committee on Indian Affairs to make a thorough investigation into the facts connected with tho Indian contracts. Adopted. A ineKMncrn wiih received from tlio Senato an houneiinr tho death of Senator Sunnier, and Mr. Hoar, of Mass-, said : Mu. Ki-kakkr The evont which the resolutions of tho Senato announce fell upon the ear of this Houso and 1 the country with startling smtdencss. jo- iiv, wherever the news of it spreads over tins broad land, not onlv in this city among his as- ociates in public Councils, not onlv in the old Commonwealth of which ho was the pride and ornament ; but in manv quiet homos, iu ninny cabin of the poor and lowlv, thoro is to-day rreprcssiblo tenderness and profound sorrow mere are manv or us wim nave Known aim loved him, whom this event unfits for public uties or for nnv thoughts other than those of that pure life, that faithful public service that mili eu immortal;! v. A committee was appoint 1 to escort tho remains to Boston, and the Houso then adjourned. Under the call of tho States, bills were m traduced and referred, including the following: Authorizing the erection of a statue to Admiral Farragut. Prohibiting the use of public horses aim vehicles for private purposes in Manning ton, and forbidding Government officials to enuiro their servants to wear hvorv. To tie lino the duties on goods manufactured from orsted. hair or tlio alpaca coat, Ac. lo cplace the lightship Scotland where it former ly was. at tho entrance to JNow iorK uaruor. To give land warrants to tho soldiers and ailors in the late war. Mr. Trcmnin. of N. Y.. moved to suspend the tiles, and pass the bill to establish an addi tional ludicial district in the state ot Jew lent, to be known as the Western District, so that there will then bo four districts in that State The Northern. Southern. Eastern, and Western Districts, tho Judges of all of them to receive 5.000. instead of 3.500 a vear. The House refused to suspend tho rules, and then Mr. Tieuiaiu consented to have tiie provision cgard to salaries stricken out, leaving all tne alanes at ea.atio, but oven as thus modified tho rules wore not suspended. Mr. Stanaiil, of Mo., from the Committee on ommeree. reported a bill for appropriating 30.000 to bo expended iu tho course of the iutoui nscal year iu improving tne moutn or the Mississippi river. Passed. .ur. liromberg. or Ala., moved to suspend the rules and bring up for consideration tho bill to prevent the importation of contagiou infective diseases into tne Limed btatcs. The House refused to second the motion. Torpedo Boats. The launch of the torpedo boat at the Boston Navy Yard marks a new era in the history of naval warfare. No government except that of the United States has yet successfully attempted the construction of boats devoted es pecially to torpedo service : and, conse quently, the boat recently launched at Brooklyn and that just placed in the water at Boston nre the only vessels ot the kind in tne world. The Boston boat will carry twenty-five or thirty torpedoes ol tne most approved plan each weighing about 300 pounds, and each calculated to be capable of de stroying any man-of-war. The tor pedoes are to be attached, one at a time to an iron shaft, running out forward and can be exploded at any moment, The difficulty in arranging a torpedo boat so as to insure the destruction of an enemy's vessel, without injuring the boat, has been overcome : it being dis covered that tho radius of the circle of immediate effect of a torpedo with a one hundred pound chargo is about lourteen feet, it only requires that the shaft to which the torpedo is affixed shall extend that distance beyond the prow of the boat to insure the desired result. All other difficulties bavins? been already met, the success of this new method of naval warfare is regard ed as assured. Mnsruillcenl Generosity. A singular compliment has been paid to a policeman by the Town Council of Exeter, England. A short time ago Archbishop Freeman and his daughter were riding in their carriage, when the horse took fright and bolted. Police man Sullocks, at the risk of his life and with great presence of mind, stopped the horse, and the archdeacon and his daughter were saved from a serious ac cident. The archdeacon, sensible of his indebtedness to the policeman. wrote to tho watch committee of the Town Council in praise of his gallant conduct. The Town Council oompli- mented Sullocks, and resolved, with the approval of the chief constable, to hand him over Archdeacon Freeman's letter. Such is a paragraph going the rounds of the papers. Is it not delight ful 1 Such magnificent generosity on the part of an archdeacon and a Town Council is only too rare. What will the happy policeman do with the archi diaconal letter, is now the question. Have it framed, it is supposed, that future generations of Sullocks yet un born may gaze .upon it with proper pride. Awfully Provoking. A young lady of Newark, who lately became infatuated with a dashing young gallant of the city, had her cup of joy overflow the other afternoon when the servant informed her that a gentleman giving the name of Mr. was in the parlor. This was his euphonious cognomen, and this was his first call. Our exoited heroine con Burned half an hour in making an elabo rate toilet, spent ten minutes more before the mirror in getting her ruby 1 : a . it. l i . i , iijjo iui.o iuo muoi uewiicuing snape, ana tuen witn uer nearc going pitty pat, tripped into the parlor in a light and graceful manner to find a horrid book agent. It is hardly necessary to add that she dispatched the visitor without much ceremony. . Truth. Is it a sin, my father ?" said a belle to her confessor, " to listen to men who say I am handsome r Cer tainly, my child," replied the abbe ; "you aught never to encourage untruth." Mapping the Stars. Some time airo. the German astrono mical society divided the northern heavens into zones of five degrees each, within which all stars up to the ninth magnitude were to be carefully ob served twice, and their exact positions recorded. Portions of this important work were assigned to the observatories : nu..:j -i -n i,a. i iu vuiuuiiuge ana tjiiiuiigu, tuuti ti Cambridge being the zone between fifty and fifty-five degrees, containing be tween seven and eight thousand stars - a worn that will require several years for its execution. The telescope used for this purpose is described as a mar vel of mechanical delicacy nnd ingenui ty. It is nine feet in length, with nn object-glass eight inches in diameter, and it is constructed throughout of carefully beaten brass. At each side of tne instrument is a system ot prisms and reflectors, together with groduated circles divided into spaces of five de grees. The figures of tho latter are be lieved to be the finest in tho world, four delicate instruments being used in reading them. These prisms and re flectors are placed in glass cases, nnd serve to carry tho light from a single Hume to every point of the telescope where illumination is necessary. liy this means, the small wires in the cvye pieco used for calculating tho position of a star, nnd nlso the graduated circles from which the degrees nre read by the microscopes, are brilliantly lit up; while another series of reflectors throws i fiood of litht over tho recording table, By tli aid of a finding arc, divided into spaces of five degrees, the instrument may be sot eleven times in the brief space of one minuto.'at'an equal number degrees ranging from extreme north to entreme south. In zone work, whore the graduated art is necessarily much shorter, the telescope can be set as many as twenty -two times in a minute. Xil Dcsppmntliiiii. A real health) man or woman, is a rarity ; and what wonder ? when we realize that it is the custom to overload the stomach, and then produce chronic disease by the use of spirituous liquors, ' Tonics, ' Appetizers, " liestora- tives," etc. Having first produced disease by indiscretion, the victim wonders why "nothing does him good," Just so : and the reason is that they all, or nearly all, find a basis in alcohol or toison. To all thus discouraged, we cau conscientiously say, " make one more trial." Discard spirituous medi cines, and give nature a chance, aiding her in the struggle by using one of her own pure and unadulterated herb reme dies, in the shape of ikeqab Hitters. The discoverer, Dit. J. Walker, of California, is no pretender, but an honorable practicing physician, ana his discovery is the result of years of labor and study. The wonderful cures effected by them of Dyspepsia, Fevers, Klieumatism, and many other terrible diseases, are almost incredible. Com. To EemoveQbease Spots. The or dinary method of removing grease spots on articles of clothing, &c, by means of benzine is not always veryeffectual, and removes less than it actually spreads. To remove a grease spot from a garment place a thick piece of good blotting paper underneath the stain and another piece above it, after thoroughly saturating the spot with benzine. The hot flat- iron is now ap plied to the upper piece of paper and pressed on it for some time. The re sult is the coiiplcte absorption of the grease by the blotting paper. An Outgrowth of Oilier Disease. Catarrh eometimps cxiots alone, but it is moro frequently a h.vmiitom of other dieeased con ditioiiH. The following letter explains it : Coli.inovooi, Onondaga, Co., N.Y., Jan. 25, 1872. Dr. It. V. riEitcK, Buffalo, N. Y. : Vear bir : Allow me to give you a brief history of the effect of your niedicino calied Guidon Medical Discovery " in my cane. I am now iu my seventy-fourth year, and natu rally of firm constitution. Within the lant few years, from over-exercise, I have been aftlictcd with a complication of dincases almost incredi ble to relate. In tho lirst pluco Catarrh, to a degroo that, lo me, it seemed that my voice paused out at the cars, to which was added its natural ally Bronchitis: to which, at no great length of time, were added Neuralgic pains iu tho head and shouldc'rH and bloating of the lower limbs, tho most of wliich was super induced by a torpid state of the liver. I had tho advice of several eminent physicians, and tried almost every known remedy for such com plaints without relief, A rapid ions of strength and waste of llesh. reminded mo that I could not liftig withstand the combined force of dis ease which was fast bearing me down. I gave up all business, mado mv will, had my grave- stouo placed iu position and lettered except date of exit, ana resigned niyscit to my coucii to await events. Not long after this I saw vour advertisement, procured your remedios I am now on tho second half-dozen bottles of Golden Medical Discovery havo a good appetite, have gained fifteen pounds of tlosh no more talk out or my ears, no more mowing oi me nmirn, cau walk two or threo milos with case, and feel that you have given mo a lease of ten or liftecn years subjeot, however, to the ratiticatiou of "the Court ubove. That you may live long to do good to buffering humanity, is the sincere wish of Your unknown friend. LuxiiEn Cole. Oppression after eatiug, Leatlacbe, nervous debility, aro tlio effects1 of iiuligcrjlioii. One, or two ai uioMt, of 1'arsonx' J'urgalice rills will give inmieuiato relief. torn. Johnton's Anodyne Liniment may be admiuiatcied to childicu villi perfect huccchb, iu catscs of croii), wlioopiiig-cough, iniluenza, and almost any of the diseases' to which they are hablo. Com. Dr. Wistab's Balsam or Wild Cherry. Flago 8 Instant Kf.liep baa stood twenty years' tetit. In warranted to (rive imme iliaie relief to all Rheumatic, Nouralgio, Head t'.ar, aud Liaoh aches, or mouey rer uuded. Venn The Greatest Moilern Discovery the discovery of the public that Hale's Honey of HoiiKuouNu and Tab will cure a coutmmptive cough. 1'ike's Toothache Drops cure in ono minute. Com. CltISTADOP.0 8 EXCELSIOR JlAln DK stands unrivaled and alone. Its tneriis have been so universally acknowledged that it would be a supererogation to descant on them any further uothiutj cau beat it. Com. CIlILDllKIV OFTKN LOOK. PAL.IC AM) KICK roro no other cause than caving worms In ths stomach. BROWN'S VEEMIFCQK COMFITS will destroy Worms without Injury to ths child, being perfectly WHITE, and free from all coloring or other Injurious Ingredients usually used In worm preparations. CUBTIB 4 BROWrf, Proprietors, Mo. 2115 Fulton Street, New Vork, Sued ey Druggittt and C7iUl, and dtaltrt in iledtcinti at Twshtt-Fivi Cksts a Vox. TlllUlV VICAU!)' KXPtCUHC.VClll OK AN OLD M HSK. MRS. WINBLOW'B BOOTH1NO BTBUP IS THB PBRSCRIPTIOH Of one of the best Female Physi cians and Nurses In ths United States, and has been used for thirty years with never falling safety and suooess by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble Infant of ons week old to ths adult. It corrects acidity of ths stomach, relieves wind oolio, regulates ths bowels, and gives rest, health, and comfort to mother and child. We believe it to be the Best and Surest Ruine'ly in tbe World in all cases of DY8KN1 KHY and D1ARRHCKA IN CHIL DitKN, whether it arises from Teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will aooomuan eai-h bottle,. None Genuine uulosa the fao-slinilo of CURTIS PKKKltiS Is on ths outside WiVI, oid si IU Msnioiss DsAuas. HOUSEHOLD Why will Von SnfTer 1 PANACEA AND FAMILY LINIMENT. To all persons suffering from Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Crarapi In the llmbi or item ach, Bilious Colto, Fatn In tta back, bowels or aide, wa would ay TtT HOCHKHOLD PAKACIA AKO FAMILT LlKIMEHT li Of 11 other! the remedy you wank for Internal and external tne. HOUSEHOLD PANACEA AND FAMILY LINIMENT. It hai cured the above com plaint! In thouiandi ef oatei. There li no mistake about It, Try It. Bold by all Brngglete Best nnd Oldest Family Merlte-liie!. Nun t rrf' Litter tivi7if-enr-a purely f Vegetable Cuthar if and 7Vmir-tir Dysncvala. Constipation, Debility Bick Headache, Bilious Attack, and all derange menu of Liver, Btomach and novels. Ask your Druggist for It. newitrenrmunrtfm. " ROTH IXC BKTTKIl." Cutler lr. tlolm Wnre. celebrated Veoktaiilh Pulmonary Ualpam. for Cold! and Consumption. SPLENDID aai UNPAEALLELED TRIUMPHS or TUB Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine Co., NEW YORK. Over Eighty-one Competitors, i AT THE World's Exposition, Vienna, 1873, &c. l.lhe KnlK'it'fl Cross of ttie Impertnl Older oi Kinnriit joaeim," oonierrea Lyb I AnuBtoilP M;Jt ry tho Kmperor of Aus tria, mum tho Iliniornblo Nnthaiilel wbepir, Frihiut of tbo Wlmeler A Wilson Sowing M (if hi no OmpKuy, ib the fmmdor tad bulluor of oewniff iUitciiino iiiuustry. il. fhn f;rtul ninlnmn nf Il'titor. recnm mended by the lntut nnttiml Jury for this Bcwhitf Machine only, for their important conn I tiitt"iB tn the material and social wel fare of mankind. :t. Tl rii-niifl Mfilnl for Pr nereis, awarded for thnir Nt!W No. t Suwiiiff Machine, belli fur proqrenn marie since the Tans Exposition of 1 -7. at which the miiy Uvia Mertai tor bowing ji't nines was awnruea to tnts unmpany, H'inee the Vienna award marks Progreftf not from ii low level or Inferior inuilal, but from a GVrf Medal, th.i highest award made at Paris. 1. Tlir ; in ml Mcriiil for Merit, for tho de velopment ol Neello Industry and excellence and superiority cf manufactured samples ex htbited. 9. A Ornnrt Medal for Merit, for excellence and Bui'uiioi Ity of Cubiiiut work, the ouly award of the kind iu this section. 0. Meitili for several Co-operators, of the Whe.ver & Wilaou ConipAuy for superior a. ility. T. The OHIt'lnl Repot t. published by the Gen- civil Uivcvtion of the. Vienna r.xpositlon, sig nalizes the urvnwfw rf the Wheeler & Wil son r 'omit jo v for nunrtlitv and quality of man- iif.ictuti', und t ositiOi in the Sowing Machine butmn-fls oa foiluws: OFFICIAL RKPOrtr, VIFVKA EXPOSITION, SEW ING WAt U1XK3, AO. (QROCP 13, bi;c. 2, B.) 11 The greatest Sewing Machine Manufactory In me worm IS I nut ui v ni t'u r a muu, new 1 tx. which alone has brouuut ttlready orer 900.000 of their Sewing Machines into practical use. me nnmnlfltn nrodiietion of the Tjarti by machinery is bo regulatud that each complete machine may be used an a samp'e for exhibition. This firm pro duces txu well aujiiatua in at. nines aaiiy. The latest ni o luction of this Arm, and which im tlio wnuriprnf the Vienna ExnuBitiOD. Is their new No. u Hewing Machine ibis universal mar nine iewi the heaviest leuiber harness and the finest gauzes with a trttly pearl stitch. Whn. tpr A Wilson have received the hlffhest stall WorM's Ex positions, and at the Vitunt, bxpjsuiou were exiraoruiuamy uiaimguisueuv FURTHER DISTINGUISHED HONORS. New Yoek, Sept. IS, 1873. THE GRAND MEDAL OF HONOR OF TBI AMERICAN INSTITUTE, New York, Was unanimously rrt ommended by the judges of Sewing Machihes for WHEELEE, & WILSON'S NEW NO. 6 SEWIXQ MACHINE, ai being a dortrted Improvement oyer all other mat-httit'8 t'l Ihe mnvkol," and which u must revo ulnu1zo cpv'itin braiiehi-s of Industry, especially lu tuue ana Harness .uauuTaciuruitf," " Baltimore, Md., Oitober 81, 1873. Tiirt M.Rvr.AS'n Tnstitui-k his awarded Wheb X.KII & ill Gold Mkdal t"r their New No. 6 hi-wh-c Machine. Other Bewliiv Machines received nothing." " Savannah, November 4, 1873. "A the OEonoiA Statu Fair, a Silver Medal, the hiijlK'Sl an I only premium ror icatuer bitten lntf, wiiH awarded to A Wilson for sam ples none on their Ne.v N.. o ScwiiiK Machine." PaiNCIPAI. OFFICE, Ho. 62J BROADWAY, SEW VOHIC. Agencies In all the Principal Cities In the World. Ill SCHOOL TKACHERS WAXTs'D I n n To eniiaue duriiitf tiprint; and Summer in a I 11.11. husireus in tht-lr own counties, paying X A A sijo iirr itloillli. Adnress ZIKOLKR & Jlct'L'Hiii , 1'Uiiaui-iphia, l a., or Springfield, Mass. AOHNTS WAXTK1) FOR Prof. FOWLER S GREAT WORK Oa Manhood, Womanhood and their Mutual Inter-relations; Love. Its Laws Power, etc. Atfi-iitd are bi'IUhk from l 5 to cupies a day. fcoiui ior oiicrimen pages and terms to Auunts, and dress. IS A 1 ZONAL PUBLISHING CO., i'hilactel- see uy ii so us meter mini any ciuer uoog. Ad ntn, 'ft. I.ovfjoy'a Metallic WEATHER HOUSES Combine an e It pant Matitnl Orna uitiut, with a ojviect thermometer and perfcft baiometer; tell you when it will tonn ; register heat ait'i foM. Sent pre it a id tu any ad- dress, upon reooipt of P. O. order or rrtfiMciea letter. Tor ALVAN h. F.OVKJOY. Manufac ture!-, tilt) Vasbuiutou Street. Liberal discount tn Storekeepers. $500 REWARDSHF m sUeis AL UltiL. bswdluMsh l AtsaWbswiv a. I li ism - j:- f . . g-. ' tisl. sjt 4 GKNrx WANTKD. PometTilntf entirely lV tit Wo Addretis I'm ii.a. Novelty Manf'o Co.. Franklin Street, l'hila.. Pa MURDER; ll!out! Tntth Triumphant 1 A-rmt, 're iiiniifV FPtiii.if our in-iifh i iiifi i i i iti, iii:uv (i mm H'in:i;f, luitKe thim nt iinvthiiiLT i'l.. Isn aU'tttiiuliirih. AllieriL'un ,ftttt Iru. IlunL utnl t.ttmiM. tnt-iiU to A ire n U and Purt'lii'KTrt. C'jiiulii'i.e. Tcrirn. nn.l full wliculutjuuvu tu4iU. P. J. Vickluv. Amusta. Aluiue. THE YOUNG Housekeeper's Friend. By Mrs. ronxFurs. rrico,fl.oo. Interleaved, J2.23. The most popular and reliable COOK 1100K nnd (tuido far the autivs of tho household published. It will be found of urfiat vulue tu every house k'CiK'r, untl is tho staudurd w i koo these subjects. rirnt.Tii iiioi'sam) now ready, for sale by all uuusBnii'is. nt-ni nv mill I on rere! )it or pric. 'I HoMI'soK. IIHOWN it CO., Publishers, lloston. NOVELTY PRINTING PRESSES. The Kent Yet Invented. Fur Amateur or Uusii.csB Pt ppBts und unsurpassed for geu-I urai tiuu rriniintf Over lo.oto in Use. BENJ. O. WOODS, aiaumiii'iuriir ana uuuier in ft every description of ranT.TTmTXTi. ft ir a mnn t a J1U federal and 14 K.uee land Sin,. Uuiitnn. Aut..i-lu. F. MaiKUBick.f) Murray tst.,h"w York. Kellev. Howell A Ludwi(.917 Market Ht.. Philailel- phla; 8. P. Hounds, 175 Muuroo Bt., Chicago, fiend ftir Illustrated ( atalogue. Millions of Acres RICH FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA. now for sale very cheap. Ten Tear Credit, Interest only 6 per Cent Detcriptivt Pamphlets, f ifi. Sectional Mapt, tent X X. X. U . THE PIONEER. A handaoma IUuatrated Paner. coutaittlnff tha Homestead Law, mailed free to all parts of tne world. Aadreat u. r. uavib, Land Commiiiloner U. P. B. H.. Omaha, Kkb. ii 1 1 V Band 95 eta. with of t other, and VI n I reUnive po.tpaid a. Fine Chromo, 7ad wortb ajnT fi.ou ana iniiruoiioua to clear ju a aaj. nU 1 . li,UMii: Co., 1 Bon tli btfa St., WilU., Pa. yBst'b-Llj-lAX fell BUY J. 4 P. COATS' BLACK THE BEST YET Agents Make $150 & Orer per Month, telling our new MP8, PICTURES, CIIHO. MO, Ac, new Mnn of NEW 1IIIIK SHTK, Send for 1S71 Catalogue and see onr new olTeri, B. C. BHIIIOMAN, 6 narclay Street, V. T. GORHAMS SILVER MARKER, !nr Llnun, Ctrd, Enwl vpvi, kc. Sent all completo with cats for 1.00S5B It l beautt-IDVEf-W luuy rnased r! and hearth fc. '.'ScJBt ilrcr plated te.f k. U9i :,in ft. uofnon, vj.uwh,.-i 3000 WORDS. The Pronouncing Hund-b-mk rf Words often Mla prnnnunced, as ivon liy tho best authorities. Sont to any address on receipt of Sixty cents. I.EB t i-HEI'AHP, Hi.stor. Orient Safety Lamps, . Kntlrcly of Mrtnl, are the only Ihiiu' In "e which can neither lin ak,tenk,lior explode. Are or nniiipntnl nnd cheap. Atlaptetl to all liousenoiit uses siio 10 m -i it to re . fnctorlea, churches, etc. iafl a ri tti rr,-, iriirn Am I Tl Tf ' k :i j nn n v l nil n I nv iwiiiuo umiD tpiu n uiii Selling These Lamps. AOKNTS WANTKli In every county In the l.'nltcd States. Address WALLACE & SONS. Htl Chambers Street, New York. IMPORTED I'ATlJiJIXS. Fashions for Spring and Summer. I r rem emitn riiwtn duih f 1023-H.AINNESS balnj mv i n)mlnnt feature in A LI the NEW cntumri, the above wnint will havo ercit fTor ef Ifcillv m it is botfming to Try ntyla oi flniri. Require S yds of V4-1 nch goods. Pries of pat'crti, with clotb recti!, 'Jt cem". mm) itu. 1800 Owrtlrt Tor different kind! of tnittrlnl t ttie ttrslfrM Ide IreHdtli thr rrevuHtnn feature in tbe new cntoiru. It ecornTTiicil. rpquin a only 4 yarda of V4-inch good. Fst tem, with cloth model, ti'centi. tm h v th "nit or the wt betctlfui, hurt re'eivfd ttt'i pon. It li 6xed whh reuulatrd birr trine: by untyitij tl em the p"nna!s becprne iUin Sarqu without lor.j or (Esther. A frand thine fcr wiu-h gecdr. Ity drnwin? th shirr trlnjra cain it U n i-nlocniM with Jai.nlr tiKtlT and Perfect v adiuBted. Wa td nt liitln rin II MODEL with r.n"prn- Pries of Pattern, with Cloth Model, $1.' 0. Will be Riven an premium tn rm tuhnrriber. Wo arivo a per fort CLOTH MODFL with everr pat. torn, which ahowajuat how tu put tho ?rirment tcpether altel being cut by the pattern. They are Perfect Cui'deS " Instant Dross tlcvatcr." THIS CfT iliowi how teastl. folly LONft Skirt If clikiipd into s Stmiht Front Walking ircu by tho lMNT r.l.Kt A lull. Ycarnn rniao your ikirt while nanilrK a mud- ay p ince ana men let ll ll can keep It riBd with the ill, or you e F.I, MA. Toli. IT km !. tkirt from lh FIl.TH. IT LOOl'S Ihe kirt In n TASTF.Fl'L nnd FASHIONAILE MANNER. IT PAVKS more than 1'KN TIMF.S III COhT. Ic.iJ.. brln( CONVENIENT. KEAT, and (;RA F.FUI.. IT Hn he ertenged from ONE DRFSS to ANOTHER in LESS thui 1 WO MINLTFS. YOU NEED BIT ONE FOR A DOZEN PREPS ES. Pr.ce SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS ench. Bend V elenine for noMeee. T ho above Kl Ft Unit will he riven FREE ae PREMIUM 10 the imnn who sends SI.2S for ONE YEARS sul.fcrii.llon lo "SMITH'S FAT 1LR.N BAZAAR." Smith's Illustrated Pattern Bazaar. asi CEZiPEOT IIASAZIXE In tho WC'LI. FULL OF FASHIONS, STORIES, and CHOICE READING. ONLY tl.OOA YEAR. anWriher crate a choice of ONE of the follnwlnsf heen- tlful oiL CI1KOMOS FREE as r.remium, Til Wfailter's -'Barefoot H"V." 1' xU In. -Tha Unwelcome Visitor," I:xl7 In. I "The Pit Lamb," UxlT in.i '-Little sisters." Halt In. Enclose stamps for Poslepo and Rollers. OR ONE DOLLAR'S worth of patterns may be selected froul the " BAZAAR" in place of CHltO.MO. AiiENT WANTED. Best OUTFITS lo make money with EVER OFFERED. S.nd stamps for circular. tlalJ 15 J tlvW OF CLUBS. (See Baaaar.) For GETTING 3 aabarrihers we give 1 Chromo. For getting 5 we rive V Chromos OR Skirt Elevator. DUm-lo CopT ol UUMr niaueu iu. .cute. Smith's Instruction Book, Secrete of Dressmaking, IS cents. Address very plain Ae UXlCDF.TTi: S.1IITTI, 014 BROADWAY, P. 0. Box 5055. Now Vork City. rorons, por.n TIIKOAT.IN'KLU- j:sz., w lioor i no couoir. H'bocp, llr.o.sciin ls, Asthma, aii'l I cvciry nfli't'tlon of till) llirtOAT, X.L?il. oml CHEST, ro liccdily nnd pcr jnarioiitlv curcil I'f tho usci'f lilt. Wis tab's Balsam or Wild Chebrt. which flrx-s ncit dry up n conch mid l avo tho causo liohind, but liwsi-ns it. rlotinni-s tho luncs and allays lrritution, thus ivuiov ing tho causo of tho com plaint. CONSUMPTION CAN UK CLKEU lira tlmt-ly roort to this standard romcdy, ns Is proved liV Iiundri ds of testimonials It has ri-celviu, 'i he arnnin is r iirned '. yjns" on tho wrapper, fSKTll W. 1XIWLB A SONS, PRorBiETOBo, lios ton, ilits. (sold by dualors generally. EXTERMINATORS AND INSECT POWDER FOR Bats. Mu. lioaches. Ants, lied-bucrs. Moths, &c. J.F.ULM1T. tLUlUN CO.. N. Y., Sole AlienU. S100 M.lXTII TO (iKXTS to sell tho IMl'ROVEn HuMli SlIL'n'LE Sl.W 1NO MAI'HINK, llie only lo priced Lock Stitch Sowing Machine ever In vented. Aritlrrss JOHNSON, CLAKK & CO., Koston, Mass., K. Y. City, or l'ittsburuh, l'u. nf Medical Wonders. Should be read by all. Sent re for 2 stamp. AddreBS 1M. EOXAPARTK. Cincinnati, O. ColaraSo ior Invals ani Tourists. IU advautatfi i f r Cniieumptiret and AHthma tici. Full particulars ,iven fi ee. AddrCbd, A. ii. 1'ATTKBSON, Fort Collins, Colorado. R E? A 1 1 Tl P 1 1 I t ion Decalcomaniaor Trans I J.r W i f- Pitiirea iHiutnaid for 50 PICTURES. Iteiits. tiends, Laidscanes. 1 1 iwers. Autumn leaves, Hlrde, Aiimuls, In Beets, Comic, Ac. They can be Instantly tiunKfurred to any article, so as to Imitate tho moat beautiful paintings. A variety or pictures, caiuiogue ana luti uctioiiH peit ftir 10 cents. Auenis wanted. J. li. PAT TEN A CO., 71 Pu:e Street, New York. TEA. TEA AOKNTS wanted in town and country to sell TEA, or get up club orders for tlin lurgetit Tea Company tn America. Imhorters' prices and Inducements to Ascuts. Sund fr fUrculftr. Address. ROiiKKT WKLTH, 4.H Veay St., N. Y. P. O. Box. V7. Thea-Nectar IS A I'CRH1 31acU TEA. With tbe Oreeu Tea Vlavm The best Tea Imported. Vot sale every where. Audi or sale wholesale only by the GREAT ATLANTIC ot PACIFIC TEA (iO., Nos. 36 and So Vesey St., New York. V. O. Bom, 6,608 Bend for Thea-Kectar Circular tn $100 in Tested In Wall St. often loaiio to a Fortune. No risk, .i-l-rag" pamphlet free. I'nhiititi J'utnhrniti A Co.. H -T-l-ersati J Hrokem, 3y Wall-it.. N. V. GONSUfflPTEQN iknea. Its Cure. WILLSON'S CsrbolstGtl Cod Liver Oil T. .alnntinnnmhlnAtlAn of two Well'knOWTi ttiedl. elnea. ItaLlie.rv 1 . to arrest the) deity, tl'HD build np the syst - . Physlclaua nndtllenol;lrlneco rect. inereaii. Btariiui.iuiuu pcnoiiuou ug nue gon a uu.are pr. t. moat powerful antiseptii: In the known world. En Wring into the circulation, it at once grapple, witb corruption, and decay ceaaea. It purities llui sources Of disease. .... . . . , ... Coii Ltoer Uit If mature e oc, aesuwni IB resuunf Couaunuition. Pat up In ! wrtlKthapeI bottles, bearing the liivi ntor'a aignatuif, tiutl is eMltt ly UAV Va va taiaSAsaaa. fiiwainai eaTa AV XO-a-sBazxv . ? Jobs Itittt Haw Vorav Boys Cj?3& are wild JO7 orer it Izarra of typo Imk mm. fcAi - WPUHE! I N ill t idf THREAD for ?our MACHINE,! Wlm Dr. J. Walker's CalilornLa Vin egar Bitters aro a purely Vegetable preparation, made chietl from tho na tive herbs found on tho lower rnnfjea of tho Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of which are extracted thqpfrom without tho uso of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked, "Wha is tho causo of tho uuparalloled success of Vinegar Bit ters!" Our answer is, to it they remove tho causo of disease, and the patient re covers his healta. They are the preni blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in tho history of tho world haa a medicine beca compounaed possessing the remarkable quahtios ot Vjneoar Bitters in hcaliup the aick of every disea.o man is heir to. Thoy are a (zertle Purgative as woil as a Touio, relieving Congestion or Inflammation ol the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases, Tlio proper, ios of Dr.- Walkkub Vinegar Mitteks mu Aiieiio'it, Diaiihoretio, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, lliuretio, Sedative, Couuter-Irritant, Sudorilio, Altera tlve. and Anti-Bilious. tiratoful Thousands proclaim Vis. eoae Bitters the most wonderful In. vigorar.t that over sustained tho sinking sy store. Xo Person can take these Hitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided tueir uoncs are noi de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, aud vital organs wasted beyond repair. IJjlious. Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, which are so preva leut in tho valleys of our great rivers throughout tho United States, espceinllv tlioso of tho Mississippi, Ohio. Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during tlio Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensivo de rangements of tho stomach and liver, aud other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful iuliuenco upon theso various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purposo equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vixeoar Bitters. as they will speedily remove tlio dark colored viscid matter with which tho bowels aro loaded, at the same timo stimulating the secretions of tho liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of tho digostivo organs. Fortify tlio body against disease by purifying all its lhtitls with Vinegar Bitters. No epidemic can tako holi of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Tlead ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tation of the lleart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Pain in tho region of tho Kid neys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, aro the ollsprnigs ot Jjyspepsia. One bottle will prove a butter guarantee of its merits than a lengthy ad ertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, LI leers, Krysipolas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, ilereuiial Atl'etitions, Old Sores, Kiuptious of tho Skin, Sure Eyes, etc. In these, as iu nil other constitutional Dis eases, Walker's Vinegar Bitters have shown theii great curative powers in tho most obstinate aud intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout," Bilious, Remit tent and I ntermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, theso Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advunce in lite, are subject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against this, tako a doso of Walker's Vin egar Bitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, King-worms, Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Iliscolorations of tho Skin, Humors and Diseases of tho Skin of whatever nama or nature, are literally dug up and carried. out of the system in a short time by the uso ot tneso Bitters. Pin. Tape, ana other norms. lurking in tho system of so ninny thousands, are elfectually destroyed and removed. Ko svsteiu ot medicine, no vernnluges, no an thelminitlcs willfreo the system from worms like theso Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo- maniootl, or tne tnrn ot Hie, these Toino Bittors display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the mated Islood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you liud it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep tho blood pure, aud tho health of the system will follow. u. h. Mcdonald b co., Drugirlsts anil Gen. Atcts., Sun Francisco. California, and cor. of Washington and Clmilton Sta., N. Y. hold by all l)i'u;gis ttlfil Ut ultra. KIH U No 12 NEW BOOK. Nolliing Like It Iu Literature. Agents wanted fur Bcience tn Btory, by Dr. F. B Fuote. select your ten itory, Ac. Address. Mur - MI'l Pi'b'lanlnvr Co.. 1J.I KaBt 28th Street, K. V. POUTAULK Soda Fountains! 10, tU, T3 tfe tlUO. GOOD, CURABLE AND CHFAP Shipped Ready for Uae. Mauut'actured by J. W. CUAPMAJJ Ic Co., Maiuhon, Ind. far" Bend for a Catalogue. f 8i " PKU DAY Commission or :iO a week ayJ Salary, aud expenses. We odor it and will pay it. Apply now. O. Wkubeb t Co., Marlon, O. CiTk) Each Week. Auent. wanted, parti eu tJld lars frea. J. WORTH ot CO.. Bt. Louis, Mo . HO! FOR COLORADO! With Its glorious climate, maifnttteeiit soeuery, miuiiieT resources, stock trrowtuer, farnuuer and health advautaues. General and apoeWl li. forma tion given free. Addre.a A. 11. PAlTKKhON, Port Coll. in. Colr rado. 1 " OPIUM MORPHINE HABIT arvcoHiiu cuieU by lir. iltclt aouly kuowu di sure Itcuiedy. NO CIIAiini; for treatment until cured. Call on or address SR. J. C. BECK, Cincinnati, O. 13L TlrOalb. S111ir