if I IT ffTf ff" TY rr 1 II I II I I II J I II ft (SO IHURSDAV, APRI L 2, 1874. Car Time at lltdgtcay. IRIB MAIL East 4:60 p. m do do West m- LOCAL " 8:15 a. m do East 6:40 p. m. elk Lodge, a. y. m. The staled rnoetir.ts of Elk Lolg, No. J79, are held at their hull, corner of Main and Depot streets, on Hie second and fourth Tuesdays of each month' D. B. DAY, Sco'y. Rates cf Advertising. On column, one year $75 00 1 40 00 I 41 . 05 00 I 15 0 Transient advertisements per square ot eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions. S'2. Business cards, ten Hues or less, per year $5. Advertisements payoble quarterly. B.USriTESS! We will Bend the Advocate, one yesr, for $1.50 "' P''"' ,n ndvuncp Send in your subscriptions, mi l u:-k your friends to subscribe, Every niun should take a county paper and every man has 1.50 that he cm invest in this way, which will bring a larger interest on the investment than U. S. Honds. E:rsem:n Shaold not Fail to call at the Hyde House and examine Dr. Bender's morbid specimens 0' King-bones, Spavins, & Both Houses of the State Ljyjis'a ture have adjourned to the afternoon of Tuesday, April 7th, fur rest and recrca tion. TnOMAS V. Boyd has been elected to the Legislature fro n the district emu posed of the counties of Wayne and Pike, in the place of Win. II. Diiumick, resigned. Mr. Boyd's election is a He publican gain. Removal, of County Slats. A bill has boen reported iu the Senate (read in place l.y Mr WuPncuj to rou'i- ; ate the manner t.l ehanjrins; of county 1 seats by vote of tiie people, in cr.ufoitn-1 ity with the re iircuierits of the n?w j Constitution. In jjeueral tfims, it pro- ' viles that i-n petition of 300 citizens J with security that one-half the espenao of building county buildings shall be paid by the popple desiring the ' La io', an election shall lie ordered, and if a rnijority decide in favor of it, the change shall be made. Election 02 Omcnns. Tho An theuiuin met at the oflioc 0! J 110. G. Hall, lust Tuesday evening, and elected the following officers for the ensuing pis months: President Jno. G. Ila'.L Vice President II. M. Powers Secretary J. O. W. Bailey, j Cor Sec y Henry A Parlous, Jr. Treasurer Geo. 11. Dissuu. Executive Committee K. J. Miller, II. S. Thayer, Geo. R. Diasou. Critic Geo. R. Dixsou. The society is in a flourishing condi tion, with an increasing membership. Dissolution cf Co-pArtTNErtsnir. Notice is hereby given that the Co partnership heretofore existing between A. Cummiogs and Louis Brcndel, under the firm name of Cummings & Brendol, engaged in the Grocery and Baking business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books of the firm remain in the hands of A. Cummings, who will eettlo all the partnership accounts, nnd who will continue to carry on the bu:i nens the same as heretofore. A. CUMMINGS, LOUIS 13 HEX DEL. Ridgway, Pa., April 1st, 187 4-t3. Drowned. Mr. James Elgin, of Scotch Hill, this county, was knocked on 1 rare on rriuay last, at Wilsons -Bend, on the Clarion river, and before any assistance could be rendered him, was drowned. Mr. Elgin formerly re sided at Reidsburg, and was highly es teemed by all who knew him, and this sad event is not only a source of deep orrow to his grief-stricken family, but also to the community in which he re aided. May that God who is tho wid ow'g stay and the orphan's help, bind up the lacerated heaits of -his berelt family and lead them safely through the cheek, ered scenes of life by His unerring hand. Since writing the above, we have re ceived the following additional particu lars from Mr. Harmon Kn;ght of Scotch ill, in reference to the drowning ol f H oin ill In I,,. .Inn loci Ihi '(111. . Q V . ' " j l Clarion river, at Wilson's point, Mr. Elgin, who was on the front end of the raft, was thrown into the water by the oar; be got bold of some boards aod floated down the river about two miles; assistance was within four or five rods of him with a skiff, when he sank to rise no more, ne leaves "a wife and four email children to mourn their loss. At last aooouota- his body had not been ootid. "Clarion Jacktonian. ViTEiUN art Suroeom. Dr. Bender, an eminent Veterinary Surgeon is slop ping at the Hyde House for a few days. We would advise persons having sick or injured animals, to not fail to consult the Doctor, as such an opportunity may not occur again to consult a Scientific Veterinary Surgeon. Thk Lehigh county Recorder re corded a deed Tuesday that was given in 1812. The owner just though of it. If you need a preparation for the cureot your cough or co!d ask James Penficld if he has any better com pound than Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tar. Tiia Monthly Review. To-day closed the school year, and, as usual, there was 0 general review. The day before, a programme had been made out, und to-day the 'itr,stions were asked from it, tho auswers being written upon paper, that they might be examined by the teacher, atid corrections made, if there were any to make. The programme wis about as follows: for the B grade, arithmetic, grammar, and drawing the mnp of Elk county; for the A grade, Constitution of the Uuited State', a'gebra, grammar, history, and arithme tic. The examination iu tho constitution was very rigid, but they seemed to hove no difficulty in answering all questions put to them regarding it. If they can answer all the questions on the pro gramme, they are much better versed io the foundation of their country than miny of our would-be politicians. The algebra class was started o'lly a few weeks ago but they seem to have made rapid progress, nud to understand it very well. The B grade were given quite difficult examples in fractions; but they were solved readily and correctly. After arithmetic came grammer for the 15 grade, they being given a sentence to analyizc and correct. Map-drawing, as all our readers know is very difficult, yet was Elk county put upon paper with surprising skill. The A grade were then given the fol lowing sentence to correct and nnalyize: "I bought it of Mrs. Wilson; she wh keeps the milliner's sbnp." In all the pipers that we examined, the sentence was corrected an I a:ialzed "all right." The A grade then solved some example in arithmetic, one of which was, to fiuu the tax 0:1 a certain amount of property, a id by ibe readme-s with which it was found, we have no doubt that the next generation will have some able tax col bcto's. The examination in history was con cerning the war of 1612 the principal battles, where aad when they were fought, the date of the treaty of Ghent, etc. The A grade has indeed made rapid pi ogress during the last six month?. Tho other departments came up stairs toward tho close of the afternoon, aod real kjiho selections, niter which the afteriio.'u's exercises were closed by sinking. Mr. Martin gave a short address, and tucu the school was dismissed. The average total attendance last month was two hundred and five; but we ure glad to see that the school is growing small, as it is too largo for the number of teachers employed. A bill has passed our Legislature in which candidates are interested. It is 'to define the necessary and proper ex penses incident to the nomination and election of Senators, Representatives, Slate, judicial and county officers, and to authorize the payment thereof." It provides that no candidate "shall pay or contrioute, directly or indirectly any money or other valuable thing, or know ingly allow it to be done by others for him, either for tho nomination, election or oppoii.tmebt, except necessary ex penses as fallows, to wit: First For printing and traveling ex penses. Second For dissemination of infor mation to the public. Third For political meeting, demon strations or conventions. Compulsory Attendance of S'cnooL Children. The bill to secure tho attendance of children at school, which was before the House of Repre sentatives at Ilarrisburg, has been re ported favorably by the Committee on Education. It providet that every child between tho ages of eight and fourteen shall attend school for at least twelve weeks every year, eight of which shall bo eousccutive. Tiirtnts and guardians will be subject tc a fine of fifty cents to five dollars fir every week not ex ceeding twelve in a year iu which they neglect to send their children to school. School directors are to enfjreo the law and are themselves liable to fine if they neglect to do so. Children whose parents or guardians are in indigent circum stances are to bo furnished with books free of cost. The application of the bill is uumea ro districts where school is taught for three mouths or more annually, and to parents end guardians who reside within one mile of a school Admitting the principle of compulsory school attendance to be all that ita ad vocates olaiiH for it, the bill above sketched will not go very fur towardi carrying it into effect. Pennsylvania produced more wheat in 1850 than any other State in the Union. Thk Supreme Court has set Thurs day, 28th of May, ior hearing the argu ments of counsel in favor of a new trial in the caso of Udderzook, recently con victed of murder in tho Chester county Criminal Court. License Applications. Notice is hcrehy given that the following nimed persons have filed their njipliawion lor license in my office, to be prevented to April term of Court, 1H74: TAVE11X. Henezette Township. 1 Martin Entz. Fox Township. 2 Joseph Koch & Son, 8 Daniel P. Mur.n, Jny Township. 4 David Kuncs, 6 Armel Turlcy. St. Mary '8 Borough. 6 A. J. Laj'ton, 7 1$. E. Wellendorf, 8 Dnniel Scull, 9 Uanhausr & Mecutti. BATING HOCSR. Fox Towuship. 10 Peter Ilollabnugh, 11 Pnvid A. Pontius, 12 Frnncis Gill, 13 Joseph Windfeldtr. St. Mary's Borough. 14 John B. Hcindlc, 15 3eorge Schnut, 10 CharTes Kluusiiifin. FRED. SCiKENlXG, Clerk. Here is an Offer for You. We will send Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newswoper, and tho Advocate, one year, for 84.50 cash. The regula price of Illustrated Newspaper is 81-00 thus you get the Advocate for 50 cents. We will send the Advocate and "The Chimney Corner" for S4 50. Send on your subscriptions, accompan eJ by the ca7. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Lubr, J V Ilouk. District Attorney J. K. P. Hail. Sheriff D. C. Oyster. Proihonotury c, Fred. Scheming. Treasurer Joseph Wiudl'elder. County Superintendent Rutus Lucore. Commissioners Itobt. Campbell, John Barr, Geo. Kd. Weis. Audilors Clark A. Wilcox, Gcoigs D. Messenger, and C. V. Barrett. County Surveyor Geo Wiimsley. Jury Counnis-ii iiicrs. Joseph Kcrner. nd Charles Mead. Hew Adertisemcnts. NEW SPRING GOODS ! French Broadcloths of the Best qualities. SPUING GOODS DIFFERENT COLORS. At JOHN SELLER'S, up stairs over Powell & Kime's fture. Give bim a call. 1,4 li',. N' OTICEIS HJEULBY GIVEN that the following accounts have been lik-d it, my olnce ai d will be prc-cnttd a' the Orphan's Court of L!k Cuiimy l'nr confir mation, on the Second Monday of April next, beiii!! tuc l:Jih day. jM The first partial account, of A. I'.t r- lingunic, Executor of the last will 1 nd te- timenl nt jCiasius Builing inie, hile of Jones township, tlk County, deceased, "cd The final acci Liit of Bcinrra EcMa. Executor of ihe last wiil and testuiiiehl ot Herman Koch, late of Keuxiuger Township, Elk County, deceased. i RED. SCGCEmXO, Register. n2to. SIIESIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Indus issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk Couuty, aod to me di rected, I will expose to Publio Sale. 01 Outcry, at the Court llou-e, Ridjwuv. Pa., on MONDAY, APRIL Ith, 1ST 1 at one o'clock p.m., the following (in scribed real estate to wit; All the riirht, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of defendant ia und to or out ot all that ctrtaiu tract piece or purcel of laud situate in Jay lowship, Elk couuty, aud State of Peun- -ylvauia, bounded and described us fol lows to wit: Beainninir at a nine s'ump standing on the south Hue ot warrant 4841, being the southeast cor ner of land now owned by G. A. Iluller. thence eighty perches more or less to land now owned by Joseph Dill, thence east parallel with said south line one hundred and six perches to a corner on said Dill's land' thence south bv said Dill's land eighty perches to the said south line ot warrant number 4844, thence west by said south line of war- raut 4844 one hundred and six perchet more or less to the place of begin oina' Containing filly-three acres strict meas ure, being part of the said warrant 4844 on which there is about thirty acres im proved, a growing oichard, a one and one-half story house 10 by 24 feet, frame bam about SO by 40 feet, and a spring ol good water. ALSO all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Jay Township, Elk county, and State of Pennsylvania, bouuded as follows to wit: Beginning at a pine stump standing in the south line of warrant 4844 being tho south west corner of land now owned by Josiah R. Morey, thence north forty lour perches to the Township road known as the Sprint? Run Road, thence southwesterly aloug said road forty-six perches to a post, thence south thirty lour perches to a post, rheoee east forty six perches to plaoe of beginning. Con taining (11) eleven acres ot land more or less aod being part of the same laud Deeded by Benjamin Legatt and wife to tharles l.egatt by deed dated April 11th, A. D. 1844, the greater part of which is improved. Seized and teken in execution as the property of JOSIAH It. MOREY. and to DO aoia DV D. C OYSTER, Sheiiff. Ridgway, P , March 26th, 1 87 1. Uli.vii i SALE. By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Expona issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me directed, I will expose to publio sale, or outcry, at the Court Housn, Ridgway, Pa., on MONDAY, APRIL 13th, 1874, atone o'clock p. m., the following described real estato to wit: Seventy-two acres of unimproved land in the Township of Spring Creek, in the Couuty of Elk. Bounded on the noith, east and west by lands known as tho Beech Bottom Mill Company, and nn the South by lunds known as the Meddoek Lot. Seized and taken in execution as the property of PHILLIP ITTLE, at the suit of JAMES II. HAGER1Y, and to bo sold by "D. O. OYSTER, Sheriff. Ridgway, Ta., Marsh 19, 1874. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virlno of sundry writ of Yen. Fx. ! sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Klk County, nnd to me directed, 1 will ex pose to Public Sale or Outer?, at the Court ilnuse, Ri'lgray. Pa-, 011 MONDAY, APRIL 13th 1S73. at. one o'clock p. ra. tho following deouribud real estate to wit: All the right, title, interest claim and de mand whatsoever, of do endaut in, (0, or out of n'.l that certain piece or parcel of hid, situate in the Borough of Si. Mary's, (Mflnty of Elk, and State of Pennsylvania. Bounded and described as follows to wit! Being northwest comer of lot No. G4 on St. Mary's street in the plan of said Borough. Beginning at the northeast corner of said lot, thence south along St. Mary's street f0 feet, thence easterly one hundred (100) fcet, thence northerly parallel with said St. Mary's street 50 feet to the south line of Mill street, thence westerly along uouth line of said Mill slreet 300 feet to place of beginning, oi. which lot there is erected a frame bouso il stories high, 20 by SO feet, with wing attached 2 stories high 14 by 20 feet. Also frame stablo 16 by 2i feel and a well of good water. Seized aud taken in execution as the properly of Wto. B. IIARTMAN. and to be sold by D. C. OYSTER. Sheriff. Shli B o'flice, Ridgway, Pa , Mar. 19 '74. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Lzponat issued out of the Court cf Common Pleas ot Klk County, and to mo directed, I will eiposo to Public Sale or Outcry, at the Court House, Kidgway, Pa., on MONDAY, APIUL 13th, 1874, at one o'clock p. in. the following described real estate to wit: A.l the right, tuie, interest, ciaunanuue niand whatsoever, of the defendant iu suid writ named to all that certain piece, parcel, or li-acl of land situate purily in the Twp. of Benxingcr, and partly in the Borough of St. Mary's iu the Couuty ct Elk and Stui.j of Pennsylvania, bounded as follows. Bo (linning tit a point, the inlerseciiofl of rear line ot lots on St. Mary's street and Kt. John's slreet. in the said Township of lieu zinger thence (ill3 west .104.7 perthes to a poiiu, thence iiMi Hi Utl west 20.9 perches to the south line of the Mill Privilege, thence noiih W east 18.5 perches, I hence novih 24 norlh 10.5 perches. thence soii:h west 15 6 perches, theuce n.rth 27 west along the west line of tho Borough of St. Mary's VI. 8 perches to Ihe rear iiue of the lols 011 Ceniru street, in said Boro. of St. Mary's, thence norlh r:? uouft the rear line of said lots on said CetUi'e street 72.7 perches to a port the northwest corner of land of one Piancis fordo, tacnee L'ouiti 20 degrees cast, thii'teim and two len;lis j-tv lies along she westerly line of said Cordis' land to a p-'St the souiliWwft corner of said Cordcs' land thenco uonh t ixly-th'-ee J degrees east twenty-four and three-tombs pen-lies along the somberly hue of said C' rdes' lantl to a poM standing on the wesicrly line of IfntliiMu's laiu eleven pcrclien in a post, on the norm side of the Miil Koad, thence, norm foiiy-tno degrees cssl uloug the north s. do ol Mi l t-ireel Iweu'y-tive and niae-ieuiln perches to 11 post, thence north forty-nine decrees curt, still along the norih line ot k.iHI Mill bneel toiirtcea nerehos to a post, luenre si-mh ttftiiiy-two degrees east twenty- seven perciics to a post, ineneo norm six'y-eiiii degrees east toiiy-lour aou s-vcn len'lis perches tu a post stand'ng two bundled and eighteen tcet v.-"st ot tho rear liua of lots on siid ,St. Mary's si ret t, aforesaid thence south one degree east parallel with Ihe said rear line of lots on St. Mary's street two hundred and eighteen feet distant therefrom ninety-eight and seveu-teulhs f erches to a post, thence north cignty-nino degrees easi thirteen aud t jFo-ttnUis perches to the rear line of lols on said St. Mary's tireet, I hence south one degree east along said rear line of lots seventy two und five-tenths perches to tho place ot beginning. touiaiuing one l.ir.idrcd and thirty acres three rods aud ten perches of laud be the same more or less. SECOND All that tract, piece, or parcel of land, situate in the Borough of St. Mary's aforesaid, bounded and described us follows to wit: Beginning nt a post in the rear line of lots on St. Mary's slreet, said post being the southwest corner of lot number forty-oue (41 ) on said St. Mary's street thenee westerly at right angles vilh s.iid rear line of lots two hurdred aud eighteen feet to a post, in Ihe east line of lands abov9 described, tlience north one de gree west two hundred feet to a post, thence east two hundred and eighteen feet to the northwest corner of lot number forty, three on St. Mary's street akiresaid, thence one degree east along the rear Bue of lots num. bered forty-three and forty-ouo two hun dred feet to place of boginuinu. Contain, iug one acre of land be the same more or less. THIRD All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the Borough of St. Mary's afore said, being half acre of land situate in the rear and to the west of lot number thirty five on St. Mary's street iu said borough, and two hundred and eighteen feet from east to west by one hundred feel from north to south, excepting, nevertheless, from aud out of the piece of land first above described, arectangularpiece of land bounded and de scribed us follows to wit: Begiiiniag at a post two hundred and sixty-eight feet west of the rear line of the lots 011 St. Mary's street aforesaid nnd iuthe extreme of the south line of lots number forty-three on said street, thence westerly two huudred aud uinety-two feet, iheuco northerly three huu dred feet, thence easterly two hundred and niueiy-two feet, thence southerly three hun dred feet 10 the place of begiuuing. Con taining two acres. Reserving, however, for the use of the public, out of the first piece of laud above described a strip of tiny feet in width parallel with St, Mary's street, distant two hundred and eighteen .'cet from the rear line or lots on suid street, anu ex tending from M Gill's Mill lot south ninety eight aud seveu-icnths perches as a publio highway. The said three pieces ot land 00 u taming in all subject to the above exoeptiuns oaa hundred aud thirty acres, one rod and two perches mote or less. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of MICHAEL B. M'URATH at the suit oft. L. &1KK. & SON, ana to be sola by D. C. OYSTER. Sheriff. SbfTa office, Ridgway, Pa., Mar. 13 '74. The only teal estate transaction, re corded id Saodusby lst year wag tho tale of a burial lot. FRED SOHOENING & CO., Law,. Commercial, Book, and General Job Printers, and Stationers. RIDGWAY ELK CO., 1 A. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITING: FLUID AND COPYING INK. LEAD TENCILS OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES. F.slcrbr ootids Ccltbratcd Sfeel Pens, Ihe Best -Wfade. All Kinds of Job Printing done in the Best Style and at Low Prices. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN ANY QUANTITY. POWELL & KI1.IE. A. MAMMOTH STOCK Firmly believing that the world moves, nnd That the demands of tho public are con stantly inereusinT, ho proprietori of the ptcrLc have just returned from tho eastern and western cities with the most perlect and complete stock of MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. You cannot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do not keep, and they absolutely have 13ROKEN THE PACKBONK of high prices. They buy for cash and SELL FOR CASH t CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST I Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. IS EW STAGE ROUTE. J. C. BUSXS, I'roprietor. The subscriber having secured the eon tract for carrying the V. B. Mail between IlEYNOLDSVILEL t BROCKWAY VILLE has placed on that road a line of hae Hacks leave the Exchange fiotel n Ueynoldvllle every Tuesday, Taortasy and Saturday on the arrival of the Brooaville stage, aud returu the same day. These hack connect at Breckwayville with the Kidgway stages, making connection wi h trains on the P. & ,,Road, both east and west. Every attention to the comfort of patrons of this liae will be jive. a4 heeal pstronajae, awhplnxl. Aug. I. LIVKIIY KTABLE IN DAN SCR1BNER WISHES TO IN (orm the Citizens of Ridgway, odJ the public generally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Buggies, to lot 'lpuu ue most reasona ble terms B,Ile will also do jub leaning. Stable on Broad stroot, above Main All orders left at the Tost Office will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1570. tf. Elsw'ii J. Evans & Co, NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, YORK, I'KSS A CST'CalalOi-nies Mailed to Applicants' I'.ctcr (bv pel mission) to l!ns, J. S. Bi.m k, Washinjilon, D. C. YVmsek. Sua ii Caul, Bankers, York, Pn, 'i-'jivv CHARLES HOLES, Vt'utch maker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, und Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, done wilh ho same accuracy as heretofore. Satis uUoa unani-icd. violy (Forueblt Wood & Hato.) STATIONARY S PORTABLE mes. The Best & Most Completo Assortment In tho Market. These Engines hsve always maintained tho vry highest st-findard of exoolienotf. We mrvke tba manufacture of Engines, Boilers and ftnw Mills a specialty. We bare tlieianrest and most complete) works of the kind in the oountry, wiiU mwiiineiy fpeci&lljr adapted to the work. We keep constantly in process large nnmbem or Engines, which we furnish at tho very lowcxt pricea and on the shortest notice. We buil t Engine pesiiUlr adapted to Mme.i, Saw Mills, (i rint Mills, Tanneries Cotton timt, Threahers aad all claasea Of manufacturing. We are now builMnp the celebrated Lane Oil-fin tar Saw Mill, the best and moat complete saw will rer invented. We make the manufacture of Saw Mill outfits a epecial feature of our business, aad can furuiat. ! complete on the shortest no'.ice. Our aim in all eases is to furnish the best ma ahlnerr in the market, aud work absolutely un- quaiea ror Desuty or aesura, economy ana tftreugln. Bend for Circular and Price List. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. VTKA, IV, X, 1 V YOU WANT TORUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMES U- HAGERTY Main Street, P.idgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND W1LLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGAR8. 1 Large Stook of Groceries and Provisions. Tho BEST BRANDS el FLOUR Constantly on hand, add cold as cheap ... .V lUIVlUVUSi (Tames ii. hagehty. " TICA STEAM ENGINE Steam Eng -'" -iir:;,M'atl RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia A Erie B. R. Division WINTER TIME TABLS. ON and after SUNDAY, NOV. 2 11 879 the trains on the Philadelphia It Erie Railroad will run as follows) WESTWARD. Buffalo Ex. leaves Philadelphia-. 6(5 p. ra. Renovo 12.15 a n. " ' arr. at Emporium '1 16 a m llutlalo 8.50 a ra ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 10.20 p m Renovo..... 10.05 a m Emporium 12.20 p m St. Mary's 1.12 p m " arrive at Erie 7.20 pm EASTWARD. BUFFALO EX. leaves Buffalo... 3 25 p m " ' Emporium.. 9.00 p m Kenovo 10.55 p m " " arr. at Philadelphia U.lOa m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m " Bt. Mary's 6.22 p m " Emporium ..... ft.20pm RenoTO 8.40 p m nrr. nt Philadcphia... 8.00 a ro Mail East connects cast and west at Erie with L 8 SI S 11 W and at Corry and Ir- vineton witb Oil Creek and Allegheny it K W. Mail West witb east and west trains on' L 8 & M S RW and at Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W. Dullalo Express makes close connections at Willintnsport with NC11W trains, north, and at liarriaburg witb N C R W trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. GRAND OPENING Summer Arrangement BUFFALO, NEW YORK AKD PHILADELPHIA RAILWAY. Time Table adopted SUNDAY, August 10, 1873. IrainB depart from aud arrive at the DuB'ulo, New Vork & Philadelphia Railway depot, corner of Exchange and Louisiana streets. ON AND AFTER AUG. 10, 1873, UN TIL further notice, Trains will run us follows: LEAVING BUFFALO Gil. 5 a. m. Local Freight and passenger, arriving at Emporium at 5.00 p. m. H:-J" a 111 Philadelphia uuU Baltimore Express, Arri ing at Emporium at 12:45 p in., stopping only at Jiast Aurora, Ar cade, Frauklmville, Olcan and Port Alle gheny. 11:20 a m- Local Freight Arriving at rort Allegany at ti:00 p. iu. 0:20 p m Night Express Arriving s Emporium ut 12:45 a m. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 2:40 a m Night Express Arriving at Buffalo at 8:20 a in. 8.10 a. ni. Local Freight and Passenger Arriving ut Buffalo at 2.U5 p. m. 6:25 p m Niagara Express- Arriving at Buffalo at U:45 p 111., stopping only at Port Allegany, Olcan, Fraiikliuville, Arcade and East Aurora. LEAVE PORT ALLEGENY. 10 Co a.m. Local Freight and passenger arriving at Buffalo ot 7.50 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Buffalo nt 10.00 a. m., arriving at Olean at 1.15 p. m. Leave Buffalo at G:20 p m.; Night Ex press, arriving at Emporium at 12:45 p m. leave Olean at 2.45 p. in., arriving at Buffalo at 0.00 p. m. Leave Emporium at 2:40 a m.; Night Ex press, arriving at Buffalo at 8:20 a m. Ticket iifliees. Buffalo Omnibus Line running from all trains. II. L. LYMAN, Gen'l Pass Ag't. J. D. YEOMAN'S, Superintendent. NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing Monday, February 2d, 1874' ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS BUUGII AND POINTS ON THE PHIL'A. & ERIE R. R. OOlNd SOUTH. Buffalo Express leaves Corry at Leives Irvineton, Arrives nt Pittsburgh Nighi Express leaves Corry 11 15 a m 7 45 a in 10 05 p m 3 08 a m 1 65 p ra G 35 a 111 6 15pm 2 05 pm 9 30 p m arrives ut 1 iitsimrgii Day Express leaves Corry Arrives at Piittbuigh Oil City Aecom. leaves Corry Arrives at Brady's Bend aoiNo NOEirr. BfTalo Express leaves Piitsburg at Arrives at Corry " Irviueion Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 7 50 a ra 6 08 p m o pro 4 35 p n 4 20 a m stri'ivcs ut Lorry Day Express leaves Pittsburgh Arrives at Corry q 45 p m Oil City Accoiu. leaves B. Bond G 4,5 a m Arrives at Oil City 12 15 p m connect. ons made at Corrv ami Trvino. tou for points oa the Oil fVt.u nn .k. Allegheny Valley Rail Road. lulfniun Pullace Drawimr Dnnm Bln ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Pittsburgh und Brocton. Pasienners to and from Brnr-Vviiu close connection at Red Hunk- .ln,.ti- with Buffalo Express noith and Night Ex press south. Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley Ri J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Sunt. PLAYING CARDS. THE BEST THE CHEAPEST STEAMSHIPS Cheapest kind made. nr.uAiiAS a cheap common card. BROADWAYSA nice common card. VIRGINIAS Fine calioo backs. GEN. JACKSONS Cheap and popular (Pattern backs, various colors and de signs.) COLUMBIAS-fEuchre deck) extra quality GOLDEN GATES One of the best cards made, Ml". VEKNONS Extra tine, twocolor pat. terns. A6K FOR IHE ABOVE TAKENO OTHIRS. Price List on application. Dealers sup. plied by VICTOR E. MAUGER. tfl-e.llL,.j. e. v 'i