i ft i V -Si (50 THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1874. Car Time at H tile ay. ERIE MAIL Fast 4:50 p. m- Jo do West n IOC A I, " 8:16 a. m. do East.. 6:40 p. m. elk Lodge, a. v. m. The stated mcctir.RS of Elk Lolgs, No. fl"9, aro held at their hall, corner iff Mnin nod Depot streets, on the second nnd fourili Tuesdays of each month1 1). B. DAY, Pcc'y. Hates ef Airerticlns. Dug oolunin, one year. $75 no '10(10 in 25 00 ' 15 0 ) Transient advertisements per square of right lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.60, three insertions. $2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year $5. Advertisements pnyablo quarterly. B.USHTESSi Wo will send the Advocate, - one year, for $1.50 if paid in advance Ketid in your subscriptions, and ask your lrietids to subscribe. Every-man should take a conuty paper and every man lias 1.50 that he cau invest in this way, which will bring a larger interest cu the investment than U. S. lionds. Fresh Fisti of nil kinds at the llidgway Bakery, every Thursday after noon. Wilcox has a brass- band, composed of the leading citizens of the placp, under the tuition of Prof. Crouthers. We have scn many preparations of Tar but for beauty of appearance, pleasantness of taste and promptness in action, none of them compare with Dr Morris', Sold by James PenfielJ. All persona interested iu the forma tion of a Literary Society are requested to meet at the office of liufus Lucore, at half-past seven o'clock, Monday even ing next. j'Jarrikt). On aiun2ay-n-i!U!; tht; 14th inst., at the i?.-ii!cnc;i of W. S fM-rvice, this pLc'", by Rev. J. Bretn iu:n, Mr. Joh'i Edward l.utitber.;, of Sweden, to Pclrc-a Suiner, of li nut !;. PkksoNM. !, l. Koekwcll, M. l . formerly principal of tlie u'ulic fcluwl at this place, and la'cly a jivuiluatc of the Uuivcrsity or Pennsylvania, p.i I'liiladelphia, was in town lust wick, and complains ef enjoying pcod health. Gouci's Lady's Look. This cx- client lady's magazine is. at hand for April. It recommend itself; ever,' 'ady t-hould subscrice for this fp'endi I work. Address L A. (jody, I'liiladelphia Terms 8U, per annum with eliromo. Asa LviTLKS, of i iraid, l'a , La been appointed General Deputy Mata ol the Order of Panotis of Industry for Pennsylvania. Applications fur in iormafion connected with the Order may le made to him. Hon. Henry McCoumrk, Speaker of the House of Representatives, has been appointed United States district Attorney of Western Pennsylvania made ac.itit by the death of if. Pitcher Swope. This will require the election f a Speaker, as Mr. Mccormick ha successor is elected. Those Houses. Tho JJcmon-nt says Doctor Farley is going to build 150 house at 'Farley this summer The Gazette sajs tho Ihmocrat is wrong and that 30 houses is the number to be erected. Poth wrong, tho number is J500 and bo Prandon meant to say but one zero was aeeidently omitted. Now that the light tumber is known wc pre. mine the public will rest satisfied. A Curious Volume. ltev. J. JJreneman, has in his possession a book bound in hog skin and bark, with the iollowiog as a title page: THE WISDOM AND KNOWL EDGE OF THE POOK OF MOSES. The Groundwork of all Wisdom given in the First Pook of Moses, All the articles ot faith; the opposite doctrine of the Athesists, the Ilea- 1. T m ii iiii-ii, uews, aurts, ana an Here tics; the otigin of all langua ges; the extract of all his tories, and antiquities, and curiosities; all professions, all mechauio's arts, and all works, ail virtue and vice, all consolations, shortly and explicitly given of 1). AUGUSTA PFKIFFEUN, Leipzig. PUBLISHED BY J OH. FltEIDlllCH GLED1T. AND TR1NTED BY CHRISTIAN OAETZE. MDCLXXXV. Tho title-page is artistically piinted ia two colors, red and black. Tho book was in the possession of the Grenewalt family, at Centrevillu, this county, and was brought from Germany by Mrs. Grenewalt's grandfather. It is printed ia the German and Latin languages, and contains the Lord's Prayer in seventy languages and dialects. It is to be de posited with the Historical Society of Thiel College, Greenville, Mercer Co., Pa. YesTERDAr was a rainy day. Query. A young lady ot this place, a believer in signs, would like to know what the sign is when a young lady, with no prospects of matrimony, com mences to tear carpet-rags, and evinces a great desire to make bed quilts? An swers solicited. Miller, of the Elk Democrat, took a jido on the "keers" all the, way from llidgway to Ilarrisburg the other day, and writes to his paper an enthusiastic account of the good timo lie had. He fell in with Col. Wilcox, which accounts for his pleasant ride, and among other things they talked of railroad prospects. He gives it as tho Colonel's opinion that the road from llidgway to Fulls creek, to connect with the llochester, Nunda & Tenti'a road will be pushed forward sion. We not only hope it will be pushed lorward but that it will also con nect as ho predicts, M'Kean Miner. License Applications. Notice is hereby given tlmt the following tinined persons have filed their application for license in my office, to be presented to April term of Court, 1S74: TAVERN. Benezette Township. 1 Martin Enlz. Fox Township. 2 Joseph Koch & Son, 'i Daniel P. Maunn, Jay Township. 1 Dnvid Kunes, 6 Arnicl Turlcy. St. Mary's Borough, ( A. .1. Lay ton, 7 B. E. Wcllcndorf, 8 Daniel Suult, 0 llnuliuusir & Mocum. EArisa house. Fox Township. 10 Pot3r Hollubritigli, V 1 1 Dnvid A. Pontius, 12 Francis Gilbert, lo Jacob Windl'eldcr. St. Mary's Borough. 14 John B. Hcindle, 15 jeorec Schnut , 10 Charles Kliiusninn. FRED. SCIICEN'ING, Clerk. STATE NOTES! Ex-Govoruor A. O. Curtin is now in Jjck-ionville, Fla , for his health. The Williamspnrt Crusaders are re ported at 1000 strong. Polecat City is the uann of a village itl Potter township, Centre county. .1 tin -s Ort died in Boilefonte last ; week ii;. ed 102 jc-ats. I The Secretary of the State Grattie I Patrons id 1 1 u lnndrv, reports 131 j Grauues in the.Stite, thus far. Mr. A 'i a..ui i a 1 Iileuriri died ia Tionr.-i i, wiek h.-iore last, aged eighty. f'lM- yea:-'. Mr. J.ihn Mi-how. of Williumspnrt, was one liundr d years old on the 8th inst., and is still said to be hale and heat ty. At a temperance meeting held in '.Villiauisport last week ever thirteen hundred persons were present. The exit from the building was made io twelve and a hall minute-!. Jaeoh Fnirsdale died in Perry county a few day n"). ITe was eighty-six years (.Id, and nine childrcd an 1 eighty two eraudoli u a tpiisurvive him. Thf M.r.ur of 11 iii'isbni; had before him, tlie oilier day, a veteran inebriate, who gave his at 7 1 years, and saiJ he was the hither of nineteen children. It is stated that the Driving Park Association of Prie wilL offer purser amounting to 815,000, to lie contested for this seasuii. ?ix Hiiineii were rlecti d Fehool Di rectors iu Kiie roumv at the February election. This is only cue more than Tioga county elected. At Shitingtnn, Pa., rceeutly, a ninn was lockeii up in the Mation-lu uso by his fiiotids wliile his son was prepared fur burial, so that the father might keep sober f,.r t!ie fumrd. In bragging about the meriterious wives of Suubuiy the editor of the Democrat of that place says he "knows of several who go out washing to sup port their husbands." Good wives! Philadelphia, March 16. At the mass meeting of the Commou Council to-day, ia bchait of the Centenuiul, there was a large attendance and great enthusiasm. The universal determination was ex pressed to carry on its international character. A terrible explosiou of giant powder, No. 1, occurred at the west shaft of tho Hoosao tunnel on the Uth inst. The force of coucuesion was heard and per ceptibly felt some distance in the adja cent country. James Mullauy, a work man, in attempting to warn his compan ions of tho danger, was almost instantly killed. Putrick Donnelly, while endeav oring to prevent the catastrophe, re ceived feaiful and probably fatal injur ies. William Richards and others were more or less bruised. The building con taining the explosives was shattered to pieces, and even the earth below torn in an awful manner. A number of men were thrown down and buried in the ruins. Considerable damage was done to adjacent buildings. The cause of the accident was spontaneous combus tion of the Prown patent exploders, which commuuicatcd to the powder. About two hundred pounds of powder was thus exploded, making two distinct concussions, John Green, blr.ster, was standing near the building, w:th a can of about sixty pounds of nitro-glycerine in liis baud, and being warned by Mul lauy, with great coolucss carried it to a placo of safety. Boston, March 12. The brick block on Plymptou street, owned by llobison Gills, of New York, was burned lust night. Loss on building 30,000; in sured for S20.000. The Partlett Organ Co. lose 520,000; insured for ? 10,000; Putnam & Coffiu, carpenters, lose 810, 000. The loss will reach a total of $70-, 000. At 12 o'clock a fire iu the stone block of stores on the corner of Seuth Market and Canal btrects caused a loss $00,000. GENERAL NOTES. Florida bas 100 square miles of ut terly unexplored wilderness. Some of the new artificial flowers arc made of tin foil. Thore are but six anthracite coal pro ducing counties in the State, among which is Dauphin. Another rise in the Mississippi river is reported, and a repetition ol the levee disasters ol 1871 lecms probable. There are said to bo fifty women practicing medicine in New S'ork und Brooklyn, Illinois husbands hrc on tin equality with their wives in relation to property. Instead of courtesy, the widower is ouly to have his dower right of thirds. Tho Iowa Legislature has passed n bill prescribing maximim rates of freight and passenger tolls on railroads in (hat State, with severe penalties for violation. William Mullen and Stephen Stod-. dard, only 18 years old, have been sen tenced to the New Jersey State Prison for four years, lor arson iu Newark. The test uit, involving tho validity of about one nnd a half millions of the new issue of the Hank of Tennessee, is now before the Supreme Court of that State. The number of church edifices in this country in 1870 was 08,082, against 88,001 in 1850, which is an in crease of about seventy-five per ccut. in twenty years. The manufacturer of imitation butter from suet has become a considerable mercantile interest. In Albany a com pany has just begun operations with a capital of $50,0l'U. Evansville, Indiana, has shot works in which shot is made by a new process, invented by one ot its citizens. The process consists of compression, and docs away with the tall tower heretofore employed. A golden eagle was recently captured near Chetope, Kansas. The lucky cup tor was immediately offered ten dollars in bank notes for it which he naturally refused, as ho felt entitled to a premium ou it. The moieties inquiry goes on at Washington. Mouiton, representing a New York firm, was the lust witness ex amined in opposition to the present sys tem ot spies and iufurmers. Jayue has again been heard iu deleuce of the law In addition to the impeachment cases of Judge Dunvll of Louisiana, J udgo Puteed of Alabama, JuJge Story ol Arkansas, the House Cumm'tiee on the Judiciary have before I ho impeachment case of Judge Ptivall, of 'i'l-aa. . A. Ruth, cashier, employe 1 by Adams Express (Vmpariv at Springfield, Mass , and who absconded on Jiny 10 with 81, 000, hai been cip'.ured by de tectives in Florida and 8L.'.:o0 recovered, lie was taken to Spi iufiel 1. The sale of pottage stamps from the Post Office Department to postmu-ters for February show an inoien.-e ti 18J per cent, over the sales of February ol last year. The increase is iiUiihu't-d largely to the ivbu.it ion of the franking privilege. The bill to repeal the social cil feature iu the city eiiaiti r of St. Lr-uis. has been informally laid ever in tlie Missouri Senate, oil nio ion of its nm.-t promising friends. Another biil has hecti introduced embodying the ni'sr strii.gcnt measures of looting eut the evil. The llo'ive Ci inmiitee on Appropria tions agreed to insert an item in the iir liciei.ey hill appropriating 811,o50 t . make good to the Soldiers' au l Sailors' Orphan Home of the district oi Col umbia tho loss sustained by that ii -ti u tioti through the failure t Jay Cooke & Co , with whom last year's appropria tion was uepositeJ. At Findlay, Ohio, tho temperance movement has achieved cousiderab'e suc cess. Four proprietor ef drinking t a loo;is have abandoned the ti&li-j in liquors. On S;itunl.iy a la:ge qn:itti- ot whixky was cniplii -.l into the s:reei. Feminine prajii g bauds uie liaid u work iu the town. Supervising Architect Mullett bas asked the House Commitre on Appro priations for 81,500,1)00 for continuing the work on the new State, War and Navy Departments. The south wing of the building will be ready for occu pancy by tho State Department during the coming summer. Wm. C. Prandon, a broker of the city (if New York, has been arrested, and held in default of $10,000 bail, charged with having stolcu 83(!,0O0 first mortgage bonds of the Pennsylvania and Western Railroad from the office if that company io Proad street, ou March 10, 1873. Tho bonds were lound iu Brandon's office. The National Council of Independent Grangers have been organized. At a meeting of tho Executive Committee of Now York und Boston Granges, a dec laration of principals aud a eonstitutiou and ritual were adopted. The members ot the order do not hesitate to avow that t is political io its nature. The number of vessels belonging to, or bound to or from ports in the United States, reported totally lost and missing during the past month is ilO, ot which 17 were wrecked, 8 abandoned, 2 burned, u foundered, and ( are missing. They arc classed as follows; o steam ships, 5 ships, 10 barks, 6 brigs, and 12 schooners, and their total value, exclu sive of cargoes, is estimated at 8825, 000. A despatch received at army head quarters from Colonel Canley, 22d In fantry, dated Fort Sully, February 25, says Privaie Charles Collins, 25th lu fuutry, was murdered by Indians, at Grand River, on the 22d, while herding cattle. 'J he Indians stolo the Govern ment horse which be was riding. They were followed until the trail was lost. They went in the direction of Standiog rock agency. The agent bas been no tified tbat the citizens of North Loaf Valley will petition General Ord lor troops. Geoeral Ord endorses the pe tition and forwards it to General Sheri dan for action. From Forney' JJrest. Th9 Cttitura, cf Fish. Tho report of the Commissioners of Fisheries shows that at least the need of restocking the streams ot Pennsylvania is fait, and thnt the woik is progressing rapidly. Terrible havoc has been made amoug the finny tribes, especially in the tribe of shad, lor the he t lew yeais. By the uso of drift nets in the loner portion of our rivers, by tho shortness ol what is called "close time," or the violation of the law for its obscrvanoo, und by the wantou destruction of the young shad on their way to tho sea, our streams liave been depleted til) the larger fish eries have ceised to pay. Some species that are found elsewhere were not known iu l'cnnsylvatrtu until within a very recent period, when tho commis sioners begau to introduce them. At present shad, pike, perch, brook and salmon tjout, Southern black bass, and British, New England, and California salmon, are being cither extensively propaged or newly introduced in the Delaware, Lehigh, Juniata, Susque hanna, and various smaller streams, that in Eugland would be reckoned rivers, but are here called creeks. The Con estoga was Ftocked by tho accidental bursting of a country gentleman's -h-pond, and other streams have been re plenished by privato enterprise. The egiis are hatched in boxes. here na ture unaided would produce but 2,0i0, it brings to life when aided by art 08, 000. 'I he young fish ure cared for till the sac attached to the lower part of the belly is absorbed, when they attain their uiajority and can set up for themselves. T he State hatchitig-house completed last fall, near Marietta. Lancaster county, is on one of tho wcli-knowu Donegal sprii.gs, tlio water of which is said rarely to vary in temperature more than two degrees during the year. The amount appropriated last year to the commission was SI 0,000, which would have covered all outlay but for an un expected royalty that the commissioners were compelled to pay to Mr. Setli Green for the right to use his shad hatching boxes, it became neces,aiy either to suspend operations (in which cose the efi'ort to stock our waters this year would have failed), or else to ex ceed the appropriation. This the com missioners very wisely did to the amount of Sl,8-')1 .iJ2, hel'.eving thai the Legis lature would willingly make up the- dit lerenee. ,'1'hc explanation ol this real ity on hatching boxes is an interesting episode in the history of invention. Mr. Suth Green, the, well-known fish cultur ist, of Rochester, N. Y., found that tho eggs were swept out ol his boxes by the stream flowing through tl.cm. lie re duced the euirent. '1 his resulted in de struction, lie put mo.-quito netting around tlie boxes nnd saved five per ceut. One day he tipped up one i nd of a box accidently, and noticed u peculiar rotary ino;io:i imparled to the water, in coiim quet-.ce ol which ll.e eges were left iu the Lex iu sal'e'y. The problem of hatching shad was so! d. The first gre:it rc-nlt i f Mr. Uri-cn's improvement was obtained in t!.u Con necticut liver, Vihcre, til the end ef il third yen' of trial (the young chad re turn when three years old;, the catch was unprecedented. The praise (,i Con uiciieut rivirshad is in il.e fisherus. It had been feared that they wmM be come extinct. The lih.-i men imw cou- da in that ill' lnaikcl is i ve!s?;cked. In this Slate .Mr. 'ir-en's itu-eiilion was fir.-t t' ii'.l on i he Su.-q'n -hat tia ut New p irt, (. ohuniii.a, end .Marietta, and ro--inled in :;.tiUI. .!:.! c.uig si;ud. At Point Plea.-a:it, Bucks county, nearly n inil'iuii were turn d into the Delaware. t:etl i-r impi r!::!it t net of ll.e e.oiimis--ioeers' win k is the eons.'i uctii n of lih- w.i s. J lic:C, a:; a mi an-: ol transit over i lams, are ea-i:y made for ul kinds of fish except rd.ud, for which none a vet (ievis d seem to he of any use. The shad being an exe. -suavely tiui uoiis fi5h, afraid to pass men the shadow of n liiide, will fail to surmount that which would prove no oUtac-lo to salmon, perch, bass, i r any other inhabi'aiit ol the wa ters The cotuii.is-ion. is had one entu : leted ou a uew plan last December at t'olumhi.i, aud it ii believed that the diad will ascend it without difficulty. The iuipnrtanee of this commission, and its work to tho people of Pennsylvania, is very great. When the colwiywas first settled its game und fish were among the chief inducements t ) adven turers. The former has iu a great measure disappeared, like the Indians, before the advance of civilization. The latter means of subsi.-dauce was begin ning to disappear when private enter prise attracted le'lutive attention to the necessity of preserving it. Should it once moie become as plentiful audits cheap as ot old, it. would be a luxury for the rich, and a vast improvement upon the diet, uud consequently the well-being of the poor. When the work now in hand has been dono successively and fish are as abundant as in colonial days, it wi'l be time for tame to take iis turn. There are vast tiactsin Penn sylvania which, with the consent aud greatly to the advantage ol their owners, might be used us game preservers for mauy years to come, and it would be found that the officers charged with their control weic doing for the public a work uot less valuable tluii that accom plished by the State Commissioners (if Fisheries. A brutal murder was committed in Brooklyn Suuday. Thomas Lowndes, a blacksmith, residing ou North Filth street, wbili-t intoxicated, quarrelled with his wife, and during the alterca tion be drew a long bhcath knife and stubbed her over tho left eye and under the le't breast, killing her insti.'Lt'y. After this be sent his two young sons for whiskey, which he drank and went out, and later in the evening ho stag gered back fo bis home, apparently knowing nothing of the murder, aud was arrested. The deceased woman is said to have beeu of intemperate habits. A Missouri farmer drew all bis mouey out of bank during tho late nauio aud put it nobody kuows where. Then be died suddeuly, aud not bis beirs are widely prospecting in all sorts if prohablo and improbable places.' SALS. By virtno of a writ of Venditioni K.rponas issued out of the Court ol Common Pleas of Elk County, and to mo directed, I will expose to public sale, or outcry, at the Court House, Uidgwoy, Pa., on MONDAY", APUIL 13th, 1871, at otic o'clock p. m., the following desciibed real estate to wit: Seventy-two acres of unimproved land in tho Township of Spring Creek, in the County of Elk. Bounded on the noith, east and west by lands known ns the Beech Bottom Mill Company, anil on the South by lauds known us the Me dd nek Lot. Seized and taken in execution as the property of PHILLIP ITTLK, ut the suit of JAMES II. IIAGEU1Y, aud lo be sold bv D. O. OYSTER. Sheriff. llidgway, Pa., March PJ, 1871. SIISEIFF'S TALE. TSy virluo of sundry writ of Vtn. 1't is sued out cf tlio Court, of Common I'lens of Klk County, and to mo direclcd, t will ex pose to Viiblio Sale or Outcry, at tlio Court ilouso, Ridjrwny, IV, on MONDAV, APRIL Hitli 1S73, nt one o'clock p. m. the following described rcnl estate lo wit: All the right, title, interest claim and de mand whatsoever, of de'endant in, to, or out of all that certrtin piece or parcel of land, situate in the Borough of St. Mary's, County of L'lk. and Stale of l'cniisylvunin. Bounded and described as follows to wili lieinz northwest corner of lot No. fi t on St. Mary's street in the plan of said Borough. Beginning at the northeast corner of said lot, thence south along St. Mary's street CiO feet, thence easterly one hundred (100) feet, thcr.cfl n vtherly parallel with said St. Mary's street f0 feet lo the south line of Mill street, thence westerly along oouth line of said Mill street. IM, I'eet to placo of beginning, oi. which lot there is erected a frame houpo !) stories high, "0 by P,l) feet, with w'.ng attached 2 stories high It by tit) Teel. Also frame stable 10 by 24 feet aud a well of good water. Seiicd and taken in execution as the property of WM. B. HAItTMAN. nnd to be sold by 1. C. OYSTER. Slier ill". Shlf's o'tlicc, llidgway, Pa , Mar. It) '71. SITSrwIFF'S SALS. By virtue of a writ of Veinlilioni h.'pr-na issui-d out of I he Court of Commou Pleas of V lk County, and lo me directed, I will exposs to Public Sale or Outcry, r.t tho Court House, llidgway. Pa., on MONDAY. APUIL l:'.ih, 1S7-1. nt one o'clock p. m. the following described real estate to wit: All that certain-piece, parcel, or tract of land situate partly in the Township of r.enzinger, nnd pnr'ly in tho Borough of Si. Mary's, iu the County of Klk and State of Pennsylvania, boon led ns follows. Be ginning at a point, the intersedion of rear fine ot lots on S't. Mary's ttriet nnd St. John's street, in t lie said Township of Hen linger theuce Mi' west li'1.7 per. hes to a point, thence north 203 west 2H.8 perches to the south line of the Mill Privilege. tlier.ee north 00 cast 1.S.5 perches, thence not-ill 21 norih 10.5 perches. Iheuce south (i'J west 13.0 perches, thence n.-o-lh 27 w est along the west line of the L'oi jugh of St. Min i's -1.8 perches to the rear lino of the lots on C'iitro street, in said lio.-o. of St. Mary's, thence norih ij-ij3 along i Si c rear lire of sa'.d lots on said Centre street 72.7 peichi'i lo a post the uorthweit corner of land of one l-'iniiuis Cordes, thence ouiuli 2'i.1, dugi-ees eust, thirteen an.! two tenihs perches along she westerly line of aid Cordes' land to a past thu souihwct corner of sai l Cordes' land thence north sixty-tloee J degrees east twcnly-fuur nnd threr-ieiilhs poiches along llie southerly line ot'i-ai l Cerdes' land to a post standing on the wc:er!y line of Hiitl'man's lani eleven e vh -s to a ist, ou the nonh side il 'tlie Mill I'ead, thence lun-ih forty-two! lirgn.-i s ci;t along the north side of Mill i'triet t ive.:ty-five and nine-icnlhs perches to a pni. I'.ienie nuiih foriy iiiue degrees c il, Mill along liio norih line of said Mill Slttel i'ourueu pi-rchos to a post, thence south twenty-two degrees ca-'t twenty seven poruho to a po-t, thence north sixty.e.ght degrees east forly-iintv and seven len'iis perches to n po.-t st-unl ug two liundrel and eighteen le.-t west ol the rear lino of lots oil slid St. Mary's street, ufoves.iid thence south one degieo ea.ii parallel with (he said rear line of lots on St. Mary's street two hundred and eighteen feet distant therefrom ninety-eight and seveii-ienihs perches to a post, thence Dorth eiriioy nine degrees east, thirteen uud ttr.i. tenths perches lo llie rear line Of ! Is i ;i Miid St. Mary's street, thence south one decree c i?t along said rear line of lots s-. vi-nty nvo and live tenths perches to lite place of beginning. Contniuing one hir..drcd and thirl y acres three rods nud tel. perches of land be the name more or less. SbiCON'P All that tract, piece, or parcel of land, sitiiAio in (he Borough of St. Mary's aforesaid, boundel aud described ns follows to wit: Beginning nt u pott in the rear line of lots ou St. Mary's street, sai l post being tho sofcthwe-t corner of lot number forty-one (41) on i.aid St. Mary's street thence westerly at right angles villi Sfti-l rear line of lots two liui dred and eighteen feet (o a post, in the enst line of luiids above described, tlience north one de gree west two hundred feet lo a post, thence cast two hundred nnd eighteen feet to (he northwest corner of lot number forty. three ou St. Mary's street aforesaid, thence one degree east ulongthe rear line of lots num. bercd .forty-three and forty-one two hun dred feet to place of beginniu-r. Contain. in j one acre of land l e llie sione more or less. Till 111) All that tract or pnrcel of land, situate in the Borohgh of S'. Mary's afore said, being half here of laud siiuate iu the rear and lo the west of lot number thirty, five on St. Mary's street in said borough, and two hundred and eighteen feet from east to west by one hundred feet from north 10 south, excepting, nevertheless, from and out ef the piece of land first above de-cribed. a rectangular piece of land bounded nud de scribed us follows to w it: Beginning at a post two hundred and sixty-eight feet west Af the rear line of the lots ou St. Mary'u street aforesaid and iuthe extreme of tho south line of lots number forty-three ou said street, thence westerly two hundred aud ninety-two fet, thence northerly three hun dred feet, thence easterly twohuudred aud ninety-two feet, thence southerly three huu dredfectto the place of beginning. Con taining two acres. Ueserviug, however, for the use of the public, outoflhe first piece of land abovo described a strip of fifty feet iu width parallel wiih St. Mary's street, distant two hundred aud eighteen 'eet from ihe rear line o! lots on s iid street, aud ex tending from M Gill's Mill lot south ninety eight uud seven-truths perches as a public highway. The said ihreo pieces of land con taining in all subject to the above exceptions one hundred aud thirty acres, one rod aud two perche's mote or less. Seized and taken iu execution as the prop erty of MICHAKL B. M (JR.V11I at the suit of L. L. KIKK & SON. and to be sold by 1). C. OYSTER, Sheriff. EhfTs office, Ridgway, l'a., Mar. 1U'74. Tho fiililornia Assomblv has nasscd a bill making it a misdemeauor to ac cent an invitation to driuk minor at a public bar. Au old woman in Illinois has for warded leu cents to Washington to pay her share of tho national debt before before she dies. Four young persons in New Hamp shire had to wait two days for their mar riage licenses recently, while the town clerk was absent on a shooting excur sion , It is announced that the English gov ernment hnsgot the upper hand of the Indian famine. Mrs. Ada Noycs, a young actress, died at her residence in the oity of New York, last week, from hydrophobia. The unfortunate lady atrived in that city about a month ago from Charleston, S. 0.', she had with her a little pot dog. which bit her on the nose on tho 20th ult. But little notice of the occurrence was taken until the 1st instant, when the dreaded symptoms presented themselves. The best medical uid was called in, but Miss Noycs firew rapidly worse, und died on the fnh iu terrible agony. IIkkk is an OiTK.i V.w Ycu We will send Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newswopcr, und the Advocate, one year, for 81.50 cash. Tho rcgula pricc ol Illustrated Newspaper is 1.00 thus you get the Advocate, for 50 cents We will send (he Advocate and "The Chimney Corner" for 5t4 50. Send ou your subscriptions, accompan ied by jhe rusk. BH.lTTTWr?7rTTlTVia" 'ilfi-TiTHrlS'.H'Tf rf rW MVm Hew Adertisements. TOTH'l'. IS IlL'.lil.llY tilVKX Unit the follow ing i.c-outus have been tiled in my o"ice nnd will bo presented r.t Ihe Orphan's Court of I. Ik County lor contir mnlioii. on tlie Second Monday of April next, being the lo;h day. jst The li rs,l pus linl a '-count of A. Bi r lingMine, llxecut'-r of tlie last will i ud tes t'lnout of c'rasius l'.iirlingarr.e, late of Jones Township, lilU County, deceased. "nd The final tied unt of Bernard KcLle, Kxecutor of the last will and testament oi Herman Koch, l ite of Benzinger Township, Elk Count v, deceased. i'Ri;i. SCiiCENING, Uegistci-. n'2tc. The &oug .Echo The Popular itiiu-Svhool look BY IT. S. PKItKINW. Price. 7 sent, poitt'pa oil per Do, d, tor 73 cents. 'ingle Copie A -hi re 1.. PKTLT.S, v.- v. Nov York. U l'l, ;TALpVlAL-iL, & hf SPURGEON.g jj V. J.'u Wilt Tit'niaj;e is editor ol ilic in-i.-Uni .7 ll.-o ,,('. II. Spur f. J toll special coi. li lt' :;o i '. I'l-r i uior. lheH It:: ft iu A n. erica S fj'"rl"l! fc-arm r gi.apcr, not t . i ii !( u t i'i inu.is-li i t t uluos. ill. ii any itthei? l-iV.'.Vlj 3 N U OC'nl'iJtl! i.-iti. :e..ilv f-i.-ct iounli-.ni J; red :iMj sub-is ' 'lit- ii U till II 'Ciif'tit'iis i;i Vi r'k. 'hm. t'itt fivi bij eighty 'e o.j if.- M'ttiS ul.'so!utl! and circulars i AGENTS WANTED Ell. YV. Ai'A.d.-s, rui.ilsher, luj 0 Chamber sliict. .. V. The Best Faper! Try ItU li li .V UT I FULLY 1 LLUSTU A T ii I The St'IKNTIKIC AM I'.lllCAX now in its iMHii year, enjoys the widest circulation o:nuy weekly new spnper of I he kind iu the w orid. A new volume commenced January 1.N74. Its contents embrace the hi'est uud most interesting infuiiniitiuu preiainiug lo the ludiiilial, Mechanical, und Sclentiti: Pro gress ot Ine oikl; Descriptions, w-.ih l.ngriiving. ol f ew Inventions, New lui pleiuenis. New Processes, uud Improved luduriries ot all kinds: L.-etul Notes, lie. pes, Sugesiicjiis and Advice, by Practical W idler, for V. ni k-iien nnd Kiui.loy ers, iu all the various arts. The SCIENTIFIC AMF.1UCAN is the henpest und besi illustrated weekly paner published. Every number ciiiuins from l'J lo lo original engravings ol new luaclnn. cry and novel in vtn; ions. J'.NUuAY INtiS, lllust rating Imrovemcnts Discoveries, and Impordiut Works, prelaiu iug Iu Civil and Mechanical I'tigineering, Muling, .t.imug aud Metallurgy; Bccords of the iuiest progress iu tho p.icur.u.s of Sic. mi Steam Ei. gineering, II ail v. y s, Hiip- Buihliiig, Navigat'on, Telegraphy, Tele graph-Engineering, Eieciriciiy, Magnetism Light and ileat. i-AUMEItS, Merchants, Engineers, lu- venlors, Manufacturers. Chemists, Lovers- ol Science, Teachers, Clergy men. Lawyers, and People of ull Professions, will liudlhe Scinsrino A.mi:uican useful lo them. li shuuld have a place iu every Family, Li brary, Siudy, Olliee, and Counting Booai; iu every lieuding Boom, Collego iieademy, or School. year's numbers contain KiJ pages and Several Hundred Engravings. Tiiousnuds of vollunies ure preserved lor binding nnd lel'crcneo. 'i he iiriiciiuil receipts are Weil wuilli (en times (he subscription trice- Terms i-'i a year by mail. Discount lo c ubs Specimens sent free. May be hud of all News Dealers. PATENTS. In connec tion with the ci;i.Miiii.' A Jir.iucA.-), Messrs MlN.N & Co. are Solicitors of American nud Foreign Patents, aud have (he largest establishment in the woi Id. More thnu lit' y thousand ap plications have beeu niado made for pat ems uiroiigii ineir agency. Patents are obtained ou the best terms, Models of Nw inventions mid sketches ex amined and advice free. All patents are published in the Scientific Ainerieau the week they issue. Scud for Pumphlet, 110 pages, containing lawn and full directions for obtaining Patents. Address for iho Paper, n- concerning Patents, MINN & CO., i!7 Park ltow, N. X. Branch Otuce, cor. F aud 7th Sts., iNushingtou, I). C. ESTABLISHED MEYEK & SON'S, PIANO MAN UFACTUllEliS, 7J2 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. THE LEADING KillST-CLASS TIANOS. No other Pianos have the improvements Triie Medal of the World's Fuir, Loudon England, and ihe higliett Priiei of tbi couutry- sward sd. rfn12 3m RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA HAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division. AV INTER TIME TABLE. ON and after SUNDAY, NOV. 2J 1878 the trains on. the Philadelphia k Erie Railroad will run as follows: WESTWARD. Buffalo Ex. leaves Pliilndelphia.12.fn' p. m. " " Ilenovo l.losin. " " nrr. at Emporium 'i 10 a m " " llnllalo 8.60 a M ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 10.20 p m "' " " Ilenovo 10.05 a m " ' " Emporiun 12.20 p m St. Mary's 1.12 m 11 arrive at Erie 7.20 p in EASTWARD. BUFFALO EX. lenves Buffalo... 8.23 p m " " " Emporium.. 0.00 p ni " " " Kenovo 10.5fi p in ' " nrr. at 1 hihidelphia U. 10 a in ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 ft nt " ' " St. Mary's 6.22 p m ' " ' " Emporium 6.20 p m ' " " Reuovo 8.40 p nt " nrr. ut Philadephia... 8.U0 a ut Mail East connects cast and west at Erie with L 8 M S K W and at Corry and lr vinetou with Oil Creek mid Allegheny it R W. Mail West with east and west trains on L S At M S It W and at Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R V. Buffalo Express makes close connections at illiamsport with N C R W trnins, north, and nt Ilarrisburg with N C H W trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN. Geu'l Sup't. GUAN1) OPENING iSumniL-r Arrangemcut BUFFALO, NEW VOlUv AND PHILADELPHIA ItAILWAY. Time Table adopted SUNDAY, August 10, lS7o. Trains depart from and arrive nt the Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia Railway depot, corner of Exchange and Louisiana si reels. ON ANIi AFTER AUG. 10, 1873, UN TI L further uotice, Trains will run as follows: LEAVING BUFFALO 0:13 a.m. Local Freight, and passenger, arriving at Emporium at 6.00 p. in. 8:8" a m Philadelphia and Baltimore Express Arri ingat Emporium at 12:-lj' p m., stopping ouly at Enst Aurora, Ar cade, Franklinville, Olean and Port Alle gheny. 11:20 a in- Local Freight Arriving at Port Allegany nt !':li0 p. in. 0:20 p iu Night Express Arriving a Emporium ut 12: -13 it m. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 2:10 a ni Night Express Arriving ut. Buffalo at 8:20 a m. o.iO a. m. Local Freight mid Passenger Arriving nt Buffalo nt 2.ti3 p. in, 3:23 p m Niagara Express- Arriving in. Buffalo nt !:13 p in., stopping only at Port Allegany, Olean, Frankliuville, Arcadoand East Aurora. LEAVE POUT ALLEC.ENY. 10 G-j.a.ui. Local Freight and passenger nrriviu; ut. Buffalo at 7.30 p. in. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Buffalo nt 10.00 a. m., arriving al Oleau tit 1.13 p. m. Leave Buffalo tit 0:20 p in.; Night Ex press, in-l iving al Emporium ut 2:d5 p m. Leave Olean ut 2.43 p. m., urriviijg ut Buffalo nt li.OO p. in. Leave Emporium at 2: 10 a m.: Night Ex press, arriving ut Buffalo ut 8:20 a ni. Ticket iitliccs. Buffalo Omnibus Lino running from all trains, U. L. LYMAN, Ocu'l Pass Ag't. J. D. YEOMAN'S, Superiuleudeut. NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing Monday, February 2d, 1874- ALLEGHENY; VALLEY It. It. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS MUi(.ii AND POINTS ON THE PHIL'A. & ERIE R. R. COINU SOUTH. lutl'ulo Leives Irvineton, 7 43 a m Arrives ut Piiisburgh 10 05 pm Night Express leaves Cony 8 08 a in Arrives ill l'illsloii oli i r.r. . . fc 1 UU JIUl Day Express leaves Corry 0 85 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 0 16 p ni Oil City Accom. leaves Corry 2 05 pm uruuy s tend W 30 p m COINU KlIBTH. Bffalo Express leaves Pittsburg at 7 50 a m Irvinprnri K - . -- - - u mj ij m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 4 35 n m Arrives at (Vni-v a m . . Day Express leaves Pittsburgh 12 20 n m Arrives at Corrv mis;.. , ao to u iu Oil City Aceom. leaves B. Bend G45ani (-iiy 12 15 pm t oimeci.ons made at Corry and Irvine tou lor points on the Oil Creek and the nui-jf nan liond. - V"l!ni:, l'.'!U,lC0 drawing Room Sleep. i'g Cars n Nigh. Express Trains between Putsburgh and Brccton. Pusaeneers lo nii.l fi-nm i....i.mi. . - vu, uvivvine uiiiKe wt0iC0",Cii0U at 1eJ 1unk Junction ' "."u Lxpi-css north aud Night Ex press south. e Ast for Tickets via Allegheny Valley R. J- J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Sunt. g PLAYIfTO CARDS. 4 THE BEST-TIIE CHEAPEST. STEAJ'SIIIPS Cheapest kind made. REGATTAS A cheap common card. BROADWAY'S A nice common card. VIRGINIAS Fine calico backs. GEN. JACKSON'S Cheap und popular (Pattern backs, various colors and del signs.) COLUM BIAS ( Euchre deck) extra qualit, GOLDEN GATES Oue of (he best card, made, Mf. VERNONS-Extrafine, twoeolorrati terns. 1 ask fob ihe;above-takz;no othibs. Price List on application. Dealers sup. , pued by r VICTOR E. MAUGER, 30-ly 1( to!12 Ueade Si, .'. Y