! III-" " . ... ! ill . . ; Editor THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1874. From Forney't Press. Tho Temperance Crusade, ft - L . . ' 1 u attempt to organize a temperance ciusaae id t'lttsburga is meeting with unexpected difficulties. Tho iuitiul steps were taken last week. Some ot the more aggressive tempcranco people assembled antf resolved that tho Ohio - plan of singing find praying at tho rum sellers and their patrons should be adopted. Miss Ella Becson, secretary or" the preliminary organization, on Sat urday last addressed postal cards to all tno I'rotostant clergymen of tho city asking them to announce from their put pits a meeting to be held at the Temperance Alliance Rooms. The no tioe was not sent to the Knman Catholic 'ergy, because they were understood to De opposed to the utilization ot lovely woman lor tno purpose ot besieging vile resorts. AhO Profestaot minister), though mey were notinod, proved to bo uot much more favorable to tho movement Several of them neither read tho no tice, uor inudo any allusion to it. All the Episcopalian clergymen ignored it entirely. The Presbyterians read the notice, but cautioned their congrega tions not to tuke any tash measures Several of them declined to iuako any recommendation at all concerning it. Toe Baptists and most of the others were equally undecided, many frankly .-! .1... .1 ! 1 . . J Dialing uiui. tuuy preierrea w give 110 opinion on the subject. Only one pas. tor, a United I'resDytenao, gave the movement an unqualified endorsement. Borne of the Methodists read the notice without comment, but llov. J. L, Simpson, of the First Methodist Church, Alleghany, gave tho movement a back hand blow in a sermon creuched from the following text; "And besides this, giving all diligence to your faith, add virtue) and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness." He claimed not to be opposed to the movement, but reminded his hearers that the Bible en Joins temperance in all things. "There is decidedly too much (temperance these days in the cry of temperance, ac cording to the teachings of the Bible. The only temperance as to driuk which tho Bible teaches, is for man to -ouch, taste, and handle not." Ho added, ac cording to the report which wo lind iu a Pittsburgh paper: ''There is such u thing as beiug too iu temperate in word and action, and when that is carried to too great an extent, it is liable to result ofttimes in more injury than good. Ia the present age there seems to bee tou much ot a habit among temperance politicians to villify and scandalize those who opposo them . This is uo way to accomplish the desired end no way to conciliate thoso against them. Temper ance in the true acceptation of the word, must be regarded in everything." Now that this intemperate temperance furore is sweepiug over the country and disturbing the mental balance of so many good people, we need more oi such dispassionate and genuine temper ance talk as that addressed by tho Kev. Mr. Simpson to his congregation. Man kind are ever prone to excesses. It is a weakness which manifests itself in many different ways at one time in hangiug witches, at an other in ruuning alter a popular preacher or prima donna; now in gluttonous leasting, or drunken orgies, or fashionable dissipation, or ex travagaut movements directed against such evils. It is the part oi true wisdom, and strength, and bobcrness to use all the good gifts of the Creator in moderation, and especially to proceed with moderation and discretion in our efforts to restrain our neighbors who are addicted to any form of intemperance. There is no place in such a field of effort for fury or fanaticism, From the PiiUluryh Telegraph, A Beply to Mr. Dawea.. The late speech of Mr. Dawos, of Massachusetts, in the Ilonso of Repre sentatives, on the financial condition and expenditures of the government, has been generally accepted as a free aud possibly extravagent criticism in the ad ministration and majority iu Congress. In tho House a day or two since, Mr. Ellis II. Roberts, of New York, also a member of tli Ways and Means Com mittee, and. a gentleman always well posted and reliable, mado a careful speech, in which ho courteously criti cised Mr. Dawes' gloomy view of the financial situation. Mr. P.oberts takes a more cheerful view, and shows that the United Treasury is still very far from going to protest. He finds the condition of the country in the first week of March very different from its cooditiou in the first week of December. In the latter month the Sncietary of the Treasury transmitted to the House a letter asking for increased taxation in view of a possible deficit, and fixed the estimates of recoipU. for tho fiscal year at 8271,000,000. Mr. Roberts believes that to this estimate of receipts from J55.0OO.000 to 8,000,000 may be added from internal revenue sonree', and from $10,000,000 to 12,000,001. from customs, and that the proper esti mates for the receipts is 8288.000,000. Ho showed the fact that nsido from the 84,000,000 made necessary by tho Vir fjinius excitement, the expenditures for tho portion of tho fiscal year which has now elapsed ate lcs9 than for the corres ponding portion of last year by $2,440, (534. Tho Statement for February adds aomelhing in favor of this year. Mr. Roberts thought that Mr. Dowe bad unfairly represented the condition of the Nationol Treasury. This was especially ! truo of the statcnieut which was the ; .-limax of liU speech that, while the ex-' j.enditurcs for last year were $290,000,. J VC0, with a reduction ot the pnblio TIknbt A. Parsons, Jr. debt. These $319,1)00,000 em med the sinking fund, and, hud the proper deductions been made, a deoreasii g eoale of expenditures during President Grant's administration, would be shown. This scale ia represented as follows: 1805,8322,000,000, 1370, $300,000,. 000; 1871, 8292,000,000; 1872, $277-, 000,000; 1873, $290,000 000; 1874, $289,000,000. Even adding tho Span! ish war excitement expenditure ot $1, 000,000, the expenditures obove the last year were less than $2,000,000. Besides, thero have been taken from the Treasury this year already, $12,000,000 for the siuking fund, and $0,000,000 in gold for partial redemption of tho loan of 1858. The financial condition of January and February lend espeoial confidence to this hopeful view. In January the reduction of the debt was SI, 185, 211, against an increase in January of last year of $406,000, whioh is a better statement for this year by $2,500,000. In February the expendi tures were less thau for the same month last year, and the reduction of tho pub lio debt was $2,500,000, an amount greater than the demand upon the Treasury for the sinking fund. Mr. Roberts was confident that wo are ap proaching the next fisoal year with an improving treasury, and thero was no need of inflation, tax meddling, or tariff uo&enng. Tho Western Canada Oil Compauy have shut down about fifty of their wells, throwing about seventy-five men out of employment. The oause of the suspen sion is the depressed state of the oil market. TJHYS1C1AN8 AND DRUGGISTS. A prominent Now York physician lately complained to Dundas Dick, about uis San dalwood Oil Cnpsulas, hinting that Bome titnes they cured miraculously ; but that a patient of his had taken them for someliui vvithout effect. On being informed that several imitations were made nnd sold, ha inquired and found that his patient had been taking capsulas sold in bottles, aud not DUKDAS DICK & CO'S. Wiat happened to this physician may have happened to others, anU D LINDAS DICK & CO., take this method of protecting "Oil of Sandalwood" from this disrepute. I'HYSICIANS who once prescribe the Capsulas will CONTINUE TO DO SO, for they contain the PIKE OIL in the BEST AND CHEAPEST form. OIL OF 3ANDLEWOOD is fact super seding every other remedy, sixty Cspbules ONLY" being reiju.red to insure a sale und certain cure in six or eight days. From no other medicine cau this result be had. Dicks Son Cai'si'Les eolve the prob lem long considered by many eminent phy sician!!, of how to avoid the nausea and dis gust experienced iu swallowing, which are well known to detract Irom, it uot destroy, the good ell'eets of many valuable remedies. Soft Capsules me put up in tin-foil and neat boxes, thirty iu each, aud are the only cupbules prescribed by Physicians. eSTTUESE WERE THE ONLY CAP SULES ADMITTED 10 THE LAST PARIS EXrOtlTlON. Send for Circular to 35 Wooslcr St., N. Y. SOLD AT ALL EF.UG STORES. General Agency, 110 lieade Street, '. Y. 1874. run PITTSBURGH EVENING TELEGRAPH ! THE BEST NEWSPAPER PEOSYLVA1TIA. Contains more Tek'zraph, Local aud General News than uny paper in the State. As A FIRST-CLASS NEWSPAPER, tho Evening TELEGRAPH will continue in lead the coming year. Its well known ex alted character in the past will be main tained in the luture it will continue to ad vocate the cause of the people, without ref erence to individual interests, and will re probate all eeniblanco of deinagoguery, In wnutever quarter it may appear. The TELEGRAl'H will maintain its po litical independence of all scinblence of all partuau "lings," and a (the same time will advocate the principals of the Republican party and suppoit its nomineus when they are deserving of support. The TELEGRAPH will continue in the future, as in the past, to excel in the quan tity aud quality of Us LOCAL AND GENERAL NEtt'S, care fceing taken to exclude everything of an objectionable character, Tho TELEGRAPH will be unequalled in ihis oity the present season in the matter of FULL AM) RELIABLE SPECIAL COR RESPONDENCE. as we have now regular correspondents stationed at JVaehington City, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, New York and Cincinnati, and special coirespondents elsewhere. This feature of the TELEGRAPH will be nn equallcd, and will commend it to all who want the news fresh and trustworthy. The TELEGRAPH will continue to main tain its excellent reputation in a LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AND AR TISTIC. way, and in (he quality and amount of se locted tuiseellauy will not be surpassed by any journal anywhere. Iu the matter of IMPORTANT AND LATE TELEGRAPH IC NEWS. Our arrangements are such that we cannot be equalled by any cotemporary in this sec tion, or surpassed by coteinperies nearer the Eastern news centers. In a word, the TELEGRAPH the present I year, 1 874, will aim to be among j THE FOREMOST JOURNALS OF THE COUNTRY, ! to which and neither pains uor expence will be Hpared by the publishers. The Full and Keli.iblo niarket'reports of the EVENING TELEGRAPH make it es pecially interesting to merchants doing busiLiss with Pittsbugh, as its reports are fully twelve hours in advance of the morn ing paper printed here, and unequaled by them. Subscripting price Eight Dollars per an num. Single Copies Three Cents. Served by Agents at Fifteen Cents per week. Subscriptions in all cases payable in ad vance, and no puper continued after the expiration of the time paid for. Specimen copies will I e forwarded at any time to applicants. Addreer. EV KINO TELEGRAPH, ll UmithCeld Street, WtteViMgtr. hu t FUED SOHOENING & CO., Law, Commercial, Book, and General Job Printers, and Stationers. RIDGWAY ELK CO., 1 A. DEALERS IX ALL KINDS OF LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCII, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITING: FLUID AND COPYING INK. LEAD PENCILS OP ALL KINDS AND PRICES. Esterbrooh'M Celebrated ZSteel Pent, the Best J1ade. All Kinds of Job Printing done ia the Best Style and at Low Prices. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL HEADS, BUSINESS .CARDS AND EN VELOPES OF EVERY STY POWELL I KIME. A. MAMMOTH STOCK! Firmly believing that tLe world moves, and that the demandB of the public are con stantly inereasinT, the proprietors of the rand atiat m have just returned from tho eastern aud western cities with the most perfect and complete stock of MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. You cannot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do uot keep, and they have absolutely BROKEN THE BACKBONE of high prices. They buy for cash and BELL FOR CASH ! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST r Ridgway, May 1st, 1873, -U EW STAGE ROUT. J, C. BURNS, Proprietor. The subscriber having secured the con tract for carrying the U. 8. Mail between REYNOLDSVILEL t BROCK.WAY VILLE baa placed on that road a liueef hao Hacks leave the Exchange Hotel n HeyuoWville every Tuesday, Tnursday and Saturday en the airival of the Brooaville stage, and return the same day. These hacks connect at Brockwayvilla with the Ridgway stages, making connection wi b trains en the . & E. Koad, both east and west. Bvery attention to the comfort of patrons of this liae will bo g"ro, and liberal natrouaa aclraUodw T.Ts-Wtf Q J V NTITY. "fAAOi MARK THE VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO. want reliablo and energetic Agents in'! this County. The "VICTOR ' is a Look-stitch, Shuttle Machine, with Belt-sotting Needle, best furnished aud most perfect Machine ottered. An increase of over JiOO per cent, on sales ' of 1872 over 1K71. For Terms &c, Addvoss. VtOTOrt SEWING MACHINE CO., 1227 Chestnut St., I'LiladelpUia, Ta. n30t5. BY MAIL. SB CENTS 4ttEO.RROWELMrCO iHEWYOBK DAGUSCAHONDA RAILROAD. From and af;er Monday, Feb. 6th 187 J. Trains will run on this Road as fcllowt-: Leaves Eurley 7 3C n. ni., arrivrs at DamihCahouda Junction 8 10 a. ui.,niu- Dotting with Accom east 8 1 i a. ni., and with Mail west at i) 15 a. tn. Leaves Dagusculiouda at 0 '20 a m arrive at Eurley 10 00 a. in. Lrnvvr Karley 3 30 p. ui., aud arrives at 1'aru.s cahouda at 5 00 p. in., connecting wild Mail east at 5 00 p. in-, anil Accommo dation west at i" 40 p. in. In ease P. & h. trains arc Into, Dav.ua ealionda train holds twenty uiinutu be yond tho above time. 'lie Lets should always bo procured oo lore leaviug stations. ' C R. EABLEV, I.fe. VICE'S FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1874. 200 PAGES; f-00 ENGUAVINGS, and COLOKED l'LATES. l'ublibhed uarlerlj at 'lb cents a Year. First No. tor 1K74 haa been issued. A German Edition at same price Address JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. V. 1 F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO JAMES II- HAGKRTY Main Street, Kidgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIUARH. 4 Large Stock of Groceries and Provisioni, Tho BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on band, add sold as cheap m the CHEAPEST. f AMES H. HAGERTY. ADVERTISE THE ELK ADVOCATE. TUB OLDEST PAFEB II? TUB COUNTY, HAVING TnE LARGEST CIRCU- ATION, IT TS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN Tflll COUNTY Dfvertrd U tU tttw.t of the gtoptt si Gib Counlj). iLTZRLIS:..$2.00 PER YEAR. If on want to sell anything, let tbe people know it through the Advocate, the great advertising medium. 11 RING ALONG YOUR ADVER TISEMENTS AND i ET THEM INSERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES. Job Printing Office. In tlia Court House, ftidgway, Pa. The best work done, ad at the very lowest pnJ. Mauls kept constantly on hand at this office. Hand bill; printed at tbe shorest notice- NEW LIV13RY STABLE IH DAN SCR1BNER WISHES TO IN form tho Cittrcos of Ridgway, and the publio generally, that La lias started a Liv ery Stable and will keep OOOD STOCK.GOOD CARRIAGES Budgie, to let upon the most reason ble terms. Bf3XUe will alto do job teaming. 8 labia on Broad street, abate Main. All orders left at the Post Offiae will aaeet prompt attentien lug TO WO. it. "TO-DAY," THE PEOPLE'S ILLUSTRATED PAPER. It a thorouehly Amorioan enterprise. IN lustrated by the leading antiiti, and teem ing with the best efforts of the most able writers of our country. It ii a paper that, onoe introduced in the family oirole, Is sure tone eagerly watched lor and carefully pre served. The choice of THAU Of 1'HK MOST BEAUTIFUL OHHOMOS ever Issued, is given to each subscriber, vis: "just Ho man and "Littli bvnshini, ' two beautiful Child Pictures, by Mrs. An derson, aud Amoio thb Dkwdrops," a landscape in watt r -color by the celebrated uiimtr rusit-u. All our agents have copies of each, and are prepared to deliver them together with a subesription Certificate signed by the pub lishers, at the time me money is paiu. Agents wanted everywhere, and liberal in ducements offered, tjample copies with full particulars and description of the Chrotuos sent on receipt of six cents. Only twg dollars ml a half a year. Addbbss, TO-DAY PRINTING & PUB. CO.. 733 Sansotn St., Phlla. 712 Broadway, N. Y. 3 School St, Boston. 113, & 117 E. Madison St, Chicngo. Ihunut Wood Hum.) STATIONARY & PORTABLE Steam Engines. The) Beat ft Most Complete Assortment iu the Mar tot. Than Kntrlnw have alwayn maintained the very nlffhcit t&iidnTrl of exceUmca. We make tha ouofactun of Knginee, Boilers nnd Saw Mill! pxmltr. We hv theUrgort and moatooinplet wurksoi the Und in the country, wiUi machinery tpecieJIjr adapted to the work. We keep eooitantly in prooeea larfre numbers of Tin gi nee, which we furaiftn at the vary lowest prices ana on the abortoflt notioe. We build Enginee peeiaur adapted to Mines, Saw MiiU, Grist Mills, TennerKM, Cotton Gina, Thresher and ail classes Of manufeeturuvr. We are now building the celebrated Lane Cirtm tar Bsw Mill, the beet and most complete saw null rat invented. We make the manufacture of Saw Mill outfit a pealal feature of our biuuiese, and can furnish. complete on ue snorten notioe. Out aim in all easea ia to furnish the beet ma chinery in the market, and work absolutely un qualed for beauty of deiim, economy audstxenffta Baud for Circular and Price LUt. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO, erica., sr. t. Elk County Directory. President Judge I. D. Wetmirc. Additional Law Judge lion. Jno. P Vincent. Associate Judge: Chas. I.ulir, J V Honk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hail. Shcritf D. C. Oyster. Prothmotury -c, Fred. Schoeniog. Treasurer C. 11. Karley. County Snpcrintendeut Hufus T.ncore. Comruissi'oners Mobt. Campbell, John Barr, Geo. Kd. Weis. Auditors Clarlt A. Wilcox, George D. Messenger, and C. YV. Barrett. County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissi mers. Josoph Kerner. and Charles Mead. JTA r,7?s VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER. Every year increases the popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. Wo can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Gray or Faded Hair to its youthful color, makine it soft, lustrous, and eilken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes tbe liair-glanas. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores tho capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hair Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Ilayes, JLD., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it tho Best Frepabatiox for its intended purposes." Bold by all DraggitU, and DeaXtrrt fa VtiidntM. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOB TUB WIIISKEES. As our Renewer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in om preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash ofE Bold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Itaufarfured by R. P. HALL & CO.. NASHUA, Zfja. Kdw'd J. Evans & Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, ioek, uns'a Catalogues Mailed to Appliosntslgia Refer (by permission) to lion, J. 8, ISnca, Washington, D. C. VYauBEa, Son k Cabl, Cankers, York, Pn. JS-6ir? CHARLES DOLES, Watohtuakrr, Engraver and Jeweler, Mais street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent tor the Howe Sewing Machine, and Mortoa Gold Pan. Repairing Watohes, eto, done with he sain accuracy u bawtofora. Balis avtiea gaavrsuitavea. v4ly uv vs . vrri O. A. RATBBVy, Attorney-al-law; - ' " "" Ridgway, Ta. "a 3 tt KUFUS LUC ORE, AUorccy-at-Law, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Offioe 1b Hall's new Drick Building. Claima for oolleotlon promptly atteuded to. T3nlly. HALL b JH'CAULET, Attorneys- at-Liw. Office in New Brick Building, Mal 8t Ridaway, Elk Co., fa. vSDfitf. REYNOLD'S HOUSE IIETOOLDSVILLE.JEFFEESONCO, FA. II. S. BELNAP, PaoraiaTOB J. O. W. BAILEY, ATTORNET-ATLAW. vlnioyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aeoi dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Cona. JAMES D. FULLER TON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers his professional ser vices to the citizens of Ridgway and sur rounding country. All work warranted. Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-S2-Iy G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Paraeeutiet, N. W. eornef of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispenBod at all hours, day r night. vln8y J. S. B ORD WELL, M. J)., Eclectic Physiciaa and Burgeon, has remov ed his office from Centre street, to Main st, Kidgway, Pa,, in the second story of tha new brick building of John O. Hall, oppo site Hyde'B store. Office hours: 8 to 9 a- m: 1 to 2 p. in. T p jan 9 Til T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician ana Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Office in Walker's Building, tipecial attention given to Surgery. Office house lrom 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. ltesidenoa on corner of South and Court streeta, op posite the new School House, All calls promptly attended to. vln2yl, HYDE- HOUSE, RinuwAY, Elk Co., Pa. W. II. SCI1RAM, l'roprictor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore ho liberally bestowed upon him, the no proprietor, hopes, by paying strict a. leiuion to the comfort aud convenience ! guests, to merit a cciuiuuaace ot th. sauie. Oct 80 1800. BUCKTA1L HOUSE, Kads, McKcan Co., P. R. . LOOKER, Proprietor-. ThauKlul for the patronage herelefeit a liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict aiteauea to the coiulurt aud convenience of guescss to merit a uoutiuuauce of the same. The ouly stables lor horses in Kaue aud well kept night or day. llall auacuea to me Hotel. Yinwyi. HALL ds BRO., Attorney - at - Lar ST. MARY'S, ILS COUNTY, TENNSYLYAKIA, JOiiX . llALL.i .. JAS. X. KERSEY HOUSE; CsNTacviLLE, Elk Co., Pa, John Collins, Proprietor. Thauklul for the uatrouaae heretetort so liber illy beatowed upon him, the nevt proprietor, liopes, by paying striet at ieuuon to the couiforl and convenience of guests, t merit a continuanee of the baotu. P. W. HAYS, IiSALE. IN Dry Goods, Notions, GrccerisE, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Ear ley 1. O- vla47tf. JAMES FENFJELDI (Suco. sor to W. C. Healy.) ' DEALER IN iSY GOOBS, GSOCEEISS, I&OYISIOKS, PliODUCE, FUUITS, &c. v8u7t. West End, Ridgway, Pa. FRED. SCUOENING, WIlOLGSALE ANU RETAIL DKALEB Uf PIANO-FOU'llkJ, OUGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOKS Pianos and organs to rant and rental ap plied if purchased. Prothouotary's Office, Ridgway, Pa. vL'uJOif. T THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL VANIA. Your attention is specially invited to the fact that tbe National Banks are uow prepared to receive subscription to the Capital fctoek ot tha Centennial, board of Finance. Tha funds realised from this source are to be employed in the ereo tiou of tho buildings tor the International Exhibition, and the expenses oonuected with the same. It is confidently believed that ilie Keystone Slate will be represented by the name of every oitijen alive to patri otic commemoration of tha ona hundredth birth-day of the nation. The sharea of Block are offered for $10 each, and sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation aa a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per eent. per annum will be paid an all payments of Cen tennial Stook from data of payment t January 1, 1876. Subscribers who are not'near a National Bank eaa remit a cbeok or post offioe ordar to tha undersigned. FRED'K FRALEY, Treaaurar, 004 Waltntt St., FijUeislpM