The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 19, 1874, Image 3

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    7 V
Car Time at Hid f way.
4:60 p, to,
do do Went.
1:80 a. m.
8:15 ft.
6:40 J), m,
;ELE fcoDGE, A. Y, M- "
The stated meetings of Elk Lolgs, No.
M9, art held at their hall, corner' of Main
and Depot Streets, on the;second androurtn
Tuesdays or each month-
.... , P. B. DAY, Seo'y.
SUi of Advertising.
Oae column,' one year...
4 ' " " ...
J.;.:.. $75 00
so 40 00
t" " . 25 00
,.,.,. 16 00
Transient advertisements per square of
eight lines, one insertion' $1, two inser
tions. S1.6U. tbree insertions, sz
Business cards, ten lines or less, per
year o.
Advertisements payable quarterly.
We trill send the Advooate, on e
year,, for ,$1.50 it' paid in advance,
Send in your subscriptions, and ask
jour irienda to subscribe. Every man
should take a county paper and every
man has 81-50 that he can invest in this
way, which will bring a larger interest
on the inyestmeotthan U. S. Bonds.
Ocr. oitizeni who own ioe houses are
tusily engaged filling them.
Attention is called to the adver
tisement of '-Timber Land" in another
Ths Teacher's Institute has been in
session here this week, and if numbers
indicate success it has been one.
Stricken .with Pabaltsis. Last
Sunday (evening our well-avaewn towns
man A. Cummings, was stricken with
paralysis and has since been confined to
his bed. To-day we learn, however,
that is somewhat better.
A Card. Having had frequent in
quiries in reference to the balances due
the several townships as per the last
Auditor's Settlement, I beg leave to state
to those interested, that no part of said
balances have as yet been paid over to
Treasurer of Elk Co.
Feb. 16th, '74. ' '
Tits Ridway Silver Cornet Band
gave a serenate to C. It. Barley last
Friday evening, and were invited to
"borne again on Saturday evening, which
invitation was accepted and the next
vven-ng the band repaired to the
B;sidencof the jovial Doctor where
Jhey were the reeipiants of an elegant
& repast, after which they were pre-
I seated with a $50 remembrance as a
tken of appreciation of the proficiency
It' the Band.
I Terrible Aocidsnt. A lattl acci-
nt, resulting in the death ot ijj. h.
.near, ot rniiaaeiptiia, ana s. l.
firry, of Potter county, Pa., oocurred
rTlithe mill of W. T. Lane, Blue Rook,
II is county, last Thursday afternoon,
h inst. The particulars as we learn
i them are as follows: The two men were
1 working at tho foot of long slide, a
J few rods above the mill, "packing logs"
:on the ice. Commonly the logs were
Ubout thirty seconds in the decent from
the top to the bottom of the slide, the
distance being about one mile; to pre
vent accidents a man was stationed mid
way of tne slide, with a large horn,
whose duty it was to watch the logs and
in case of any accident to blow the horn
and thus warn the men below of threat
ening danger. On the day of (lie acci
dent the logs moved very slowly, until
one log was put on the slide that had aome
) tee on it, which assisted its momentum
Vnuch an extent that when near the
bot?m of the slide it jumped off, strik
np a etump in its flight which sent it
wDirling in , the-air. The man at the
middle of the 'slide blew his horn, and
I at nearly the same . moment the men at
the foot of the slide saw the log coming
and started to run. They had gone
cut a few yards when the log overtook
them in its rapid descent, striking them
both on the head causing almost instant
death. A brother of Perry's was stand
ing al the top of the slide who, on hear
ing the horn, exclaimed, "my brother is
killed!" Perry was a married man with
one ohild, and had been keeping the
boarding house at Blue Bock for some
time: until this winter he had driven
team in the woods, but this winter was
working on the slide at whioh ha met
his death. Rynear was a married man)
baring been , married quite - recently,
Both of these men were young, neither
over twenty-five years, and were cat
i down by the destroyer in the "flush and
? . . a a aft ew i f . ,m
vigor or mannooa. iruiy "in me
midst of life are we in death." The
remains were brought to this place last
Saturday, and lorwarded to their re-
epeotivs friends in Philadelphia and
Potter eountv. Blue Bock mill is ne
I euliarly unfortunate, having been burned
- last summer, and baring had five fatal
accidents within three years.
term . .of, court'', next
ScndaT- School at Grace Church
next Sunday morning at 10 : o'clock
All are cordially invited to attend.
W know of several persons .suffering
from Asthma who declare that they ob
tain . more relief in using Dr. Morris's
Syrup of Tar tbau anything ' else they
can,.. Sold by James Peofiold.
- - ' ' ' ' -
"Vxr some -'man slaps' me' oh ,der
shoulder, and say, 'I vas clad to bear
you vas so veil,' and den stick pehind
my -back his fingers to his nose, I haf
my opinion of dat feller."
Obituart. Hon, II. Bucher
Swoope, ' United States District Attor
ney for Weptern Pennsylvania, died at
Pittsburgh on the ICth inst, in the
forty-third year of lis age.
. Last Tuesday, a Sweed named Lime
Root, in the . employ of the Wilcox
Taning and Lumber Company, at Wilcox
this county, attempted to murder him
self by cutting his throat with a razor
He was spare d an exit from this vale of
tears through the assistance of surgical
aid. The cause assigned for the rash
deed is insanity. '
Piterton's Magazine for March is
on our table. The frontispiece "Blow
ing Bubbles" is an apt representation
of youth's fitful summer, and the bub
bles are fit emblems of the uncertainty
of the future and the vanity ot human
expectations. Peterson's is always full
of choice miscellany, and is furnished
at -tho low price of 82 a year. Address
Charles J. Peterson, 306 - Chestnut St.,
From the Grecnsburg Argni: ''John
Keller, of .Unity township, while grub
bing cn a piece of land, the other day,
unearthed countless thousands of potato
bugs, tat and lively, and all ready for
the summer campaign.' It has often
been a subject of wonder to many where
the 'buggers' went to in the fall. The
above will afford them sufficient enlight
enment, we trust, to enable them to rest
easy on tbis matter in the future.". So,
look out for au early campaign from
these pesky underground dwellers.
Tna Csampion Pants ,Mr. Moses
Ulroan has just finished the largest pair
of pants ever manufactured in Lycom
ing county. They are fitty.six inches
in length, forty-one and a half inches
inside, and forty and a half inches
around the waist. Mf. Ulman has man
ufactured them for the youDg Lycoming
giant -as a gift and tbo tall, Btnlwnrt
lad oi over seven feet can obtain thero
by calling at the store. Just think of
it -almost five feet of pantaloons! Acd
then above that yet, a giant body! Mr,
Ulroan has manifested a commendable
degree of liberality in making this
young man these pants, for a liberal
quantity of cloth was necessary.
Williamsport Retjitev
Towssnip Election. Following is
statement of the votes oast at the
election held last Tuesday:
Judge ot Eleetion Horace Little 60;
S. A. Olmstead 101.
InspectoMJ. 0. W. Bailey, 48; R.
V. Kime, 64; "Will Dickinson 36.
Sohool Directors Mrs. G. G. Mes
senger, lZj Mrs. v. ti. usternout, o
Mrs. M. L. Sohoenine. 2; W. H. Oster-
hout, 156; J. K. Gardner, 68; T. S.
Hartley, 28; G. T. Wheeler, 78.
Assessor Charles Mead, 104.
Treasurer Geo. Dickinson, 92; J.
K. Whitmore, 76.
Auditor Jas. H. Haeerty, 102; G.
G. Messenger, 64.
Clwk C. H. MeCaaley, 143; J. O
W. Bailey, 19.
Supervisors "W. H. Osterhout, 107;
0. B. Fitch, 166; James Riley, 8; John
CHsserly, 66.
Constable H. H. Wensel, 109; D
F. Farrand, 54; P. Malone, 11.
Overseers ot the Poor Jas. H
Hagerty, 56; Geo. Diskinson, 49.
The following items we copy fiom
the Raf toman' t Jourval:
Frozen to Death. We are informed
that Mr. James Wilson, an aged citizen
of Goshen township, was frozen to death
under the following circumstances: tin
Friday, January 30th, be had gone to
Mr. K. 8, Stewart's store, in Girard
township, where he purchased some
goods, and then started toward Mr.
Hite's, in the latter township. The
next day, Saturday 31st, he was found
sitting on the side of the road, on the
hiU near Mr. Hite's, lifeless. It is sup
posed that, beooming tired, be sat down
to rest, and perished from the cold.
Fatal Accident On Wednesday last,
February 4th, Mr. Abraham R. Peoples,
f Knox township, lormerlv ot
Lawrence, met with a fatal accident, at
the upper Salmon Hole landing, on
Clearfield creek. He and Mr. Geo.
Bowman were eneaced in hauling
large spar. They bad pulled one end of
tne spar up on the pile, with a block and
tackle, and propped it with a handspike,
and then hitched to the other end to
haul it up.- All things beiDg ready, tho
uunes were started, wnen tne prop sud
ucmj gave way, ana the spar swinging
round caught People's head between it
and a hemlock tree, crushing his head
uu ibub norriDiy and breaking bis neok.
causing instantaneous death. Tho de
ceased was aged 27 years, 9 months and
l Adjourhid
week. .: i -,
Application1 for. Legislation..
The' Governor has approved the act
of Assembly regulating the publication
of applications for local or special legis
lation; and it is consequently now a law
of the Stato. The following is a copy
of the law:
Alt Act regulating the publication of
applications for local .or special legis-
, . Jation.
Section 1. 2? it enacted bv the
Senate and JTovte of Rrpretentativti of
the Uommonwealih of 1 ennmlvanui in
(Jeneral Auembly met, and ,tt u hereby
enacted by the authority of the tame,
That no looal or speoial bill, either to
repeal or enact a law, shall be passed by
toe .Legislature unless notice ot the in
tention to apply therefor shall be pub
Hshed in the locality where the matter
or thing to be affected may be situated,
which notice shall state specifically the
title and objects of the bill, and shall
be published by not less than four in
sertions in at least two daily or weekly
newspapers, one of which may be in a
language other than English, once a
week for four conseoutive weeks, printed
in the county, or in eaob of the several
counties where such matter or thing to
be affected may be situated: the first In
sertion to be at least thirty days prior to.
and within three months immediately
preoeaing the introduction of such bill
into the General Assembly, and be
signed by at least one of tho parties ap
plying therfor; Provided, That the
publication in one newspaper shall be
deemed sufficient where but one is pub
lished in the county or counties afore
Sko. 2. The evidence . of the publi
cation aforesaid shall be by attaching to
a bill a copy or copies, as the case may
be, of said notice, verified by the affi
davit of the owner, publisher, editor, or
foreman of each of the several newspa
pers in which said notice is by this act
required to be published of due' compli
ance with the preceding section.
Sec. That when such looal or special
bill shall affect any matter or things sit
uated la any city or borough, said pub
lication shall be in two of the newspa
pers published in said city or borough,
so many mere pe, ana it there be but
one, a publication in that one shall be
deemed sufficient; if there be no news
paper published in said city or borough,
then by publication in the newspaper or
newspapers of the county in which said
oity or borough is located, as provided
in the first section of this act.
Approved Febeuary 12th, 1874.
Tbe soarcest and consequently most
valuable fur (size considered) ot North
ern Alaska is that of the black fox. Ot
21,000 skins taken in 1872 there was
but one of the kind named: and for
that the lucky hunter received $150.
Further east, in the Hudson Bay Com
pany's domain, the animal is more fre
quently met with, but even there its
skin is a rare and costly acquisition.
Chicago, February 16. The discov
ery was made yesterday, of a house full
of dead uuil dying persons, lu ti.oswt.ti.
em suburbs, causing a sensation. A
family named Thompson lived in a little
dwelling on Forty-third street. The
husband is a moulder sod lias been
away several days at work. A neigh
bor called several times, getting no re
sponse. He entered the room and
tound two children lying on tbe ' floor
dead; tbe mother lying partly out of tbe
bed, nearly insensible; the lulaut
caught between tbe bed and the wall,
nearly meless, and the nursa almost
azed. Another child has since ex
pired. The recovery of the mother and
the babe is doubtful, ft ii suspected
that the terrible event may have been
the result of poison administered by the
nurse, who is now in jail though possi
bly tbe atlair may have been accidental
An iuquest will be held to-day.
Dr. Reuling of the Maryland Eye
and har Institute writes that the dis
ease known as Egyptian or granular iu-
flaaation of the eyes is spreading rapid
ly through the United btutea. It some
times causes blindness, and it is very
contagious. He adds, "I have in many
cases been able to traco the disease to
the use of tho so-called rolling towels
Such towels are generally touua in our
country hotels and the sleeping apart
ments of the working olasses, and being
thus used by nearly every one, are made
the carriers ot one ot tte most danger
ous, and, and as regards its symptoms,
most troublesome disease ot the eye. 1
therefore would strongly recommend
that the use of the rolling towel be
abolished, for thereby we will discard
one of the great instruments for the
spread of such a dangerous disease of
the eye, by which thousands of working
men are annuall deprived of their means
of support.
In the range of mountains In West
ern North Carolina, known as the "Fox
Ranee, a most singular phenomenon ex
ists. it is a "breathing cave." in tne
summer months a current ot air comes
from it so strongly that a person can't
walk against it, while in wiuter the suc
tion is just as great. Tho cool air from
the mountain in the summer months is
felt lor miles, at a direct line from the
mouth of the cave. At times a most
unpleasant odor is emitted upon the cur
rent from dead carcases ot animals
sucked in and killed by the violence
The loss of cattle and stock in that
section in winter is accounted for in
this way: They range too near the
mouth of the cave, and the current car
ries them in. At times, when tbe
change from inhalation to exalation be
fins, the air is filled with the various
airs ot animals; not unfrequently bones
and whole carcastea aro found miles from
this plaoe. The air has been known to
change materially in temperature dur
ing exhalation from quite cool to uu
pleasantly hot, withering vegetation
within reach, and accompanied by a ter
rible roaring, gurgling sound, as a pot
boiling. It is unaccounted tor by scien
tifio men who have examined it, though
no exploration can take place. It is
feared by many that a volcanio eruption
may break forth there some time. Such
things have occurred in places and little
f v
Brieks are now manufactured from
eoal shale.
The Dea Moins eoal mines employ
over bUU men.
Paper as a bailding material has be
come a great suooess.
Angry women in Omaha right their
wrongs with revolvers.
Nova .Scotia "fished up" 5,20P,p0p
iron the briny deep last year.
An Iowa man has perfepted a process
tor utilizing ooai aust as ar a luei. -
A lady was recently ordained a Unl
versalist minister at Kittery, Me. ; .
Franoe exported 14,923 horses during
tne nrst tbree months ot last year.
New York State contains one-ninth
the population of the entire oountry.
There are over 84,000 idiots in this
country, who are acknowledge as such.
Missouri legislation costs seven dollars
a minute.
Chioago spent $63,106 in tho relief
ot the poor during January.
Small leather tans are said to be tak
icg the plaoe of the gigantio wind sail
of laet summer.
The question of the legal right of a
women to be a J nstioe ot the Peace in
Maino is at issue, and the Governor has
asked (he Supreme Court for a deoision.
A boy in Quiocy, 111., has discovered
by personal experiment that the prob
lem of rapid transit may be solved by
tickling a mule with a stick. .
A New York woman asserts her
equality with man by running a policy
shop, and found that her sex did not
save her from arrest and punishment.
Acoording to the new directory, the
District of Columbia contains no lees
that 4 Thomas Jeffersons, 2 James Mad
isons, 4 John Adamses, 3 John Quiocy
Adamses, and 27 George . Washington s.
London papers allude to the Increma
tion CIud, which, we believe, is the last
new club in that oity. Tbe members,
one and all, hold to tbe idea of burning
after death.
The Southern Historical Society is
gathering the records of the ' lateJ'civi;
war, in order tnat the material m'av be
obtained for a Southern butoryi.of the
struggle. 'V:' V
Wolves are still troublesome and
hungry in Paulding county, Ohio' One
night, a week or two since, they killed
fifteen sheep belonging to a shepherd of
those peaceful vales.
The Detroit Free Prett says, that a
pair of lovers in that section have been
nown to sit up half the mzht and not
burn 88 much kerosene as tbe familv
uses in half an hour during the even-
The Evangelic clergymen of Detroit
nave been discussing, the propriety of
having but one sermon on Sunday.
Most ot those who took part in the dis
cussion were in favor of one service.
The production of coal on the Pacifio
coast is rapidly inorcasing. The, Mount
Diablo mines have averaged 175.000
"a vfiar tor two veara iisl. inH . tho
lowest prices are $6 25 Tor hue, aud
$8 25 for coarser
Gold wears away in the handling.
Government officials state that in -the
mple counting and transfer of one
million of dollars from one vault to
another the loss by abrasion amounts to
six dollars.
A new freak of fashion consists of
birth announcement cards. They are
exceedingly small, and the announce
ment reads, "(Jompliments ot Mr. and
Mrs. Blank, and son or daughter, as
the case may be. February 10, 3 p. m."
A sharp shock of earthquake was dis
tinctly felt at Father Point, Canada, re
cently. It shook stoves and everything
movable in the houses ot tbe village.
A shock was also felt about ten miles be
low uuebeo. it appears to nave come
from the southwest.
The murderer Rafferty is to ' be buns'
ut Chicago on February 27, for killing
roliceman U Meary a year or two ago
and the State Attorney says that Raf-
fertie s stringing up "will be equal to
an addition of two hundred men to the
police force for a period of five years
Bishop Doggett, of Virginia, who
baa just returned from California, saw a
wheat field there seventeen miles long.
When the owner plows it he starts the
plow on one furrow and goes al! day,
and when night comes stops and camps
out, and plows baok the next day.
Excitement at Omaha over Indian
news is becoming great. 1 nereis no
doubt but that, in consequence of the
failure of agents to provide for them, the
Indians are leaving their reservations for
the purpose of providing for themselves
at the expense of the settlers, herders,
and ranonmen.
Tbe disbursements by army pay
masters during the late war amounted
to $1,094,500,000. The whole number
ot paymasters was 041, or whose ao-
counts dob are closed and loo open,
with cash balances unpaid amounting to
7c0,705. Some of these balanees are
in suit, others are considered worthless,
and a few are to bo settled.
Officers of Madison county,. New
lork, nave suoceeded in capturing a
gang of thieves who have been operat
ing upon goods in the cars of the Mid
land and Central Railroads. Henry
Asbtenaw, who held the position as ear
man between the two roads; Alexander
Harrington, brakeman on the Midland
road, and a man named Lake are said to
be implicated. Large quantities of
stolen goods, besides masks burglars'
tools, &e,, were four in their possession.
! A large number of counterfeits have
been discovered on tho following eonnty
banks: Tens, on the First National
Bank. Looknort. N. Y., twenties on
First National Bank, Plainfield, N.J.;
tens, on tbe Central National Bank,
Rome. N. Y.: tens, on tbe Flour City
National Bank. Rochester, N. Y.; twos,
on the Westchester County Bank,
Peekskill. N- Y.. and twos on the Citi
zens' National Bank, Ponghkeepsie, N.
, Y. All these are well engraved tod li
able to deceive good judges.
' Auburn, (N. T.) 8tte Prison contains
twenty-three convicts under sentcnoc of
imprisonment for life.
The Library of Concrete has twio'
doubled within twelve jeers, and now nam
bers xou.uuu volumes.
' - A Detroit woman vainly tried every in-
snranoc office in the city to get a $6000
polioy on a six months old baby.
.Saratoga las Instituted a New Xngland
Society, with the regular aoooopaaimentc
of pork and beans, Graham broad aad kub-
bish cxclusiveness. .
The blind at the FeBaiaU institution
for the instruction of that elasc of unfortu
nates, manufactured $12,261.84 worta of
gooac last year. "r , ,
Georgia produced, in 1878, 184 pounds
of lint cotton to the acre, and Arkansas 195
pounds to the acre only eleven pounds to
the acre In favor of Arkansas,
As an evldenoc that the black race can
not be civilised, a Georgia paper mentions
the case of a negro who returned a ene-bundred-dollar
bill which a bank overpaid
"Who dates spit tobacco spit on this
car floor?" asked a burly passenger cn a
railway train. "I dare," answered a slen
der youth. "I did it." You're just the
chap I'm looking for; give me a chaw."
When a young farmer's wife made her
first boy's pants, precisely the same before
as behind, the father exclaimed: !Good
nesst he won't know whether he,s going to
school or coming home.'"
Spanish proverbs arc at a disoount Just
now; but this is one at par; "At eighteen,
marry your daughter to her superior, at
twenty to her equal; but at thirty, to any
body who will have her."
A New Hampshire farmer's wife fell into
a well, and it was four dys before he
missed her and made search. He said he
thought the house unusually euiet, but he
didn't know what made It so.
The State of Minnesota contains about
60,000,000 acres of land, all told. Of this
18,200,000 acres have been granted to rail
way corporations, and arc now held bv
them. That is to say, the railroads own
more than onc-tcurth of all the lands in
the State.
An old German, while travelinc from In
dianapolis to Lafayette, "bed his nose
froien. While they were thawing it out
for h im at the tavern, he sat by the Stove
and put his hands to his head, and thought
very solemnly ror awnue and said; "I
don't understand dis ting. I haf carry dat
nose fordy-seven year, and he never freescd
hisself pefore!"
Pennsylvania is valued at seven
thousand millions.
A Georgia editor was bitten by a doe.
'being evidently mistaken for a bone."
The women are having it pretty muoh
their own way in Ohio.
An Iowa farmer who has been msr
ried seven weeks offers to bet that his
wife can whip a panther.
Iowa has a lilliputian Edward One
who is smaller than Tom Thumb or'
Commodore Nut.
A colony of Germans is said to have
been ' organized in Chicago, who have
bought 1,000 acres ot land in Landudah
county, Mississippi, with the intention
of raising silk worms.
A mushroom was recently found near
San Bernardino, California, which
measured four feet in ciroumference and
fourteen inches high, weighing twenty
The woman's crusande on the
traffio contimue to spread. The
i- a4
tcring success, but in Indiana the beer
6ellers are moking more determined re
sistance. News oomes from Covington.
Ky., that the movement is about to be
inaugurated there, and, if so, it will
very likely extend to the very heart of
tho Uourbon oountry.
A remarkablo rose bush adorns the
cottage of S. A. Rend a 11 of Santa Rosa,
California. It was planted in 1858,
and is of tbe Lamarque variety, the
most beautiful of the white roses. Im
agine an immense boquet of white
roses, twenty-live leet bigb, twenty-two
feet across, beautifully rounded, with a
blosoming surface of four hundred
square feet, with four thousand full
blown roses and twenty thousand buds!
New York, February 17. A Tribune
Philadelphia speoial says that the au
topsy on the bodies of the Siamese twins
took place yesterday. The examination
of the ligament joining the twins was
made, and tbe question as to whether
the severance could have been made
salely in life, was settled in the negative
with almost certainty. J. be lining
membrane of the abdomen in eaoh was
found to enter the bsnd and form
pouches, overlapping each other at the
centre ot tne, so that a knue passing
tnrongn its centre would sever tbe
pouches and open the abdomial cavity of
each of tne twins. It was also proved
that there was blood circulation through
tne nana.
Circulate the Dogtmirts. We
want to Increase tbe subscription list of
the Advooati to 1,000, and think it
can be done this year at tho low price
we offer it.
Libkliho Quacks. A New York
Court has arrived at a comforting but
rather singular decision in regard to
libels upon manufacturers and venders
of quack medioioea. In a libel suit
brought against the American AgricuU
tunin, whieh charged a quack medicine
proprietor with being an imposture, tbe
court deoided that the latter oould no
expeot to get damages unless he would
disclose the. nature of the ingredients
used in his mixtures, so that tho oourt
might see whether they were harmless
or not!
A youno woman by tbe name of
Caroline Cook, in tbe employ of Eira
Cooper of Union City, Erie county, had
ber throat cutfby a son oi tho latter.aboy
about sixteen years Old. ' Tho boy tells
that he and the' girl were souffling for
a pieoe of pie, and that they iell to the
floor, the girl falling on the knife, cutting
her throat and killing her almost in.
stantly. The people of Union, how
ever do not credit this and think his
mother did the deed most foul. Tbe
boy bas been arrested and will be tried
at Erie,
Springfield, Vt, kaO a Oder 4 Meeting
Tysilaati, Mich.; a Vc spelled twenty
feut ways.
They hare a oelore4 historic society la
Lcnisvillc, Ky.
Angtet,a., has attained the respect
able age of 18t years.
A Haattegdoa, Tean., negro claims lobe
the lather of eixty-ftve children.
A Buffalo Grand Jnry Indicted 182 SoUk
dealers for celling tmparo milk.
Iowa claims to hate built 1,944 new
school houses daring the past two years.
The water of tho foontaie of perpetual
youth, according to a Trench scientist, is
About 8,000,000 bushels of grain, half ef
which is said fo bo wheat, are locked up
in tho Erie Canal
Hxai is an Orri i or You. We
will send Frank Leslie's Illustrated
Newswaper, and the Adtooatb, one
year, for $4.50 casb. The regula
price of Illustrated Newspaper is $4.00
thus you got the Adtooatb for 60
cents. We will send tho Advooati
and "The Chimney Corner" for $4.50.
Send on your subscriptions, accompan
ied by the cash.
New Adertisements.
Private Sale-Timber Leave
Fifty acres of very fine timber la Fex
Township, ilk County, Warrant No. 4097.
at private eale, in small lots or all together.
Any one who is desiriouc of purchasing
wiu pieaac eaarees tne nnoersignea.
Denboro, P. O., Bucks Co., Pa. 61-t3.
The nderslgned. Assignee of Wilmarta
ft Eolfe, bankrupts, will expose to public
e, at the office of Hall MeCauiey. in
Ridgway, Elk eountv. Pa., on MONDAY.
23d Dai OF FEBKCAKr, 1874, at
o'clock p, m personal property and uneol-
lectabic claim or said bankrupts, as fol
lows: Four shares of stock la Ilk Democrat
Association cf the par valnc of $26 per
One duo bill cf John Bryadlc. dated
January 8, 1874. for $2,600.
One dee bill of William Ear Ion. dated
Dee. 80. 1872. at 60 dave. 48.
One due bill of Scott MoDonaU, Interest
from 14th of February, 1678, I,670 69.
Una account against J. Ubarles Burns.
One account against John Doyle, 1110 88.
One account against Wm. rents, Boo.
One account aaaiast Milton Slight.
KS7 93.
One aeooant acaaost Michael Brechtlc,
.o 11.
.'NO. O. HALL, Assignee.
T. De Witt Talmage is editor ol
The Chrulianat )'oik,C. li. Spur
eon special contributor. They
jrrite for no other paper in America
Three magnificent Cbromos. Pa)
larger commission than any othoi
paper. CiittOJUgs AU SSASYJ
Mo sectarianism. No sectionalism
.. ij .i...:.. j ooo .b
acnptions in eighty hours absolute!
work. Sample ooptes and oiroularai
hent tree.
a. W. ADAMS, Publisher, 102
Chamber street, N. Y.
rFU TJacT T5var.? V- Tt !lL.."0i 2-Sl- driving at
1AW MMV m GvWWA I Jf 1 I I
its 29th year, enjoys tbe widest circulation
or any weekly newspaper or me aiua in uu
orld. A new volume commenced January
3. 1874.
Its contents embrace the latest and most
interesting information pretaining to tbe
industrai, mecnanioai, ana Doieniins rro-
cress of the World; Descriptions, with
Ensravincs. or few inventions, new im-
rlements. New Processes, and Improved
ndurtries ot all kinds: Useful Notes, Re-
cities. 8ue:gesliona and Advice, by Practical
Writers, for Workmen and Empleyers, in all
the varioua arts.
cheapest and best illustrated weekly paper
cubhehed. Every number contains rrom
1 0 to 1 o orlgma l engravings oi new macuin.
rv and novel inventions.
ENGRAVINGS, illustrating imrovements
Discoveries, and Important Works, pretaiu
ins: to Civil and Mechanical Engineering,
Millini. Mininn- and Metallurgy; Records
of tbe latest progress in tho Applications of
Steam. Steam Engineering, ttaiiways, aaip-
Buildinc. Navixawon, xeiegrapay. xeic
graph-Engineering, Electricity, Magnetism
Llsrht and Heat.
FARMBRS, Merchants. Engineers, In
ventors. Manufacturers, Chemists, iovers
of Science. Teachers. Ulergymea, sawyers,
and Paonle of all Professions, will find tho
BciiiTirio AMiaioax useful to tbem. It
ahould have a place in every Family, Li
brarv. Study. Office, and Counting Room;
in every Reading Been, College Academy,
or school.
A veer's numbers contain 832 paces and
Several Hundred Engravings. Thousands
of vollumes arc preserved for binding and
leferenoe. The practical receipts are well
worth ten times the subscription price
Terms 8 a vear bv mail. Discount to olubs.
Steaimens sent free. May bo had of all
News Dealers.
PATENTS, uc1: wThX
Soiaaririo AnaMoaa, Messrs Mc ft Co.
are Solicitors cf American ana roreign
patent, and have the largest establishment
in the world. - More than nrty tnoueana ap
plications have been made made for patent
through their agency.
Patents are obtained en tho best terms,
Models of New inventions and sketches ex
emined aad advice free. AU patents are
published in tho Scientific American the
week ihey issue. Bona for rempniet, uu
pages, containing laws and full directions
tor obtawinc ratenis.
Address for tho Paper, or concerning
... "F a
Patents, MUNN ft CO., S7 park how, n
Y. Branch Ofsce, ocr. W ana Ita dis.
Washington, D. C.
. 722 Area Street,
No other Pianos have the improvements
Prise Medal of the World's Jfur, London
England, and the blgbret Prises of tbl
Gentry swardrt. vs4?-3
Phlledelf hia klriiLR. Divide
OR and after eCSOAf , DEC. Id 187B,
tho trains on tho Philadelphia
Srio Bailrcad wlllrunac follows f
' wasTwaa.
Buffalo Ex. leaves Philadelphia.12.6Sp. at.
, m Beaovo 12.16-ana.
" ' err. at ZBaoriunu....... 2.16 a m
" " " Buffalo........... 8.60 a so
ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 10.30 p as
" Renovo.......10.06 a at
4i Enper1nai......l2.90 p a
' J3t. Mary's............Mn... 1.12 p m
" arrive at Erie 7.20 p at
BUFFALO EX. leaves Buffalo... 8 26 p,m
Emporium- 9.00 p m
" Renovo 10.66 pas
" " err. at Philadelphia 9.10 a m
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie......11.20 a
" St. Mary's 6.22 p as
Emporium 6.20 psa
" Renovo. 8.40 pm
" " err. at Philadephia... 8.00 a as
- Mall East connects cast and west at Erie
with L 8 M S R W and at Corry aad Ir
vineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny
R W.
Mail West with east and west trains en
L 8 M 8 R W and at Irvineton with
Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W.
jtunaio jsipreea makes oiose oonneoticns
at Williameport with NCR W trains, north,
and at Harrieburg with N g R W traiao
Oen'l Sup'l.
Bummer Arrangement
Time Table adopted SCNDAT. Anns
10, 1 878 . Trains depart from and arrive at
the Buffalo, New York 4 Philadelphia
Railway depot, comer of Exchange aad
Louisiana streets.
ON AND AFTER AUG. 10, 1878, US
TIL further notice Trains will run
as follows:
8:16 a. m. Local Frclaht and caseeoser.
arriving at Emporium at 6.00 p. m.
8:80 a aa Pbiladelphiaand Baltimore
Express Arriving at Emporium at 12:46
p m., stopping only at East Aurora, Ar
cade, Frenklinville, Olean and Port Alio
11:0 am- Local rrercht Arriving at
Port Allegany at 6:00 p. to.
e:zu- p m-mgbt ExpreeaArrtvini a
Emporium at 12:46 a Su -
2:40 a m Night Express Arriving ao
Buffalo at 8:20 a m.
8.10 a. m. Local Freisht and Paaaen
Arriving at Buffalo at 2.86 p. m
6:26 p m Niagara Express Arriving at
Buffalo at 9:46 p m., stopping only at Port
Allegany, Olean, Franklinville, Arcade aad
I aaet Aurora.
10 86ja.m. Local Freisht nnd'n&aun.
arriving at Buffalo at 7.60 p. m.
Leave Buffalo at 10.00 a. m, arrivlaj at
Olean at 1.16 u. m.
Leave Buffalo at 6:20 p m. Night Ex.
press, arrivinc at Emnorfum at 12-is r
uuuaio o.uu p. m.
T 17 . . .a .
i siuipunum at e m.j lugatjls.
press, arriving at Buffalo at 8:20 a m.
xioaet umoes.
Buffalo Omnibus Line rnnnin fWtm all
H. L. LYMAN, Gcn'l Pass. Ag't.
J. D. YEOMANS, Superintendent.
Commencing Oct 20th, 1678.
PHIL' A. ft ERIE R. R.
ooixo soma.
Buffalo Express leaves Com at II IX am
Leaves Irvlnetoa, 7 46 a m
Arrives at Pittsburgh 10 05 p m
oigai express leaves Corry 8 08 a m
Arrives at Pittsburgh 1 66 p m
Day Express leaves Corvy 6 86 a.'m
Arrivee at Pittsburgh 6 16pm
Oil City Accom. leaves Corry 2 06 p m
mw srauys uena sdubh
ooixo xeara.
Bffalo Express leaves Pittsburg at 7 60 a ss
Arrives at Corry 6 08 p ax
" " irvineton 6 86 p m
Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 4 85 p in
Arrives at Corry 4 20 a m
Day Express leaves Pittsburgh 12 20 p m
Arrives at Corry 10 46 p m
Oil City Accom. leaves B. Bend 6 45am
Arrives at Oil City 12 16 pm
connections made at Corry and Irvine
Uu for points on the Oil Creek and th.
AUegheny Valley Rail Read.
Pullman Pallaco Drawing Ram fit..
Ing Cars en Night Express Trains eecweea
riusDargn ana tsrocton.
Passengers to and from Brockvillo make
close connection at Red .Bank Junetioa
with Buffalo Express north aad Mght Ex-
yf 7DSj piUKfe
Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Talley Bv
. . LAWRENCE. ea. Sept.
STEAMSHIPSCheapesl kind made.
muAi ias a eceap common card.
BROADWAYS A aioe common card.
VIRGINIAS Fine calico backs.
EN. JACKSONSCheep aad eoenlav.
(Pattern backs, varioua colors and, do
COtUMBIAS (Euchre deck) extra oualilv
GOLDEN GATES One of tho best cards
MT. VEBN0N8 Extra fine, two color jafc
tome. .
Price List on application. Dealers sagu
plied by
My ntm fltTMi ., jf X,