mi Jvikonvt X THURSDAY, FFBRUARY 12, 1874. Cmr Time at lUdgtcay. ERIE MAIL fast. 4'60 p. m. do do West 1 :30 ft. m. tOCAL " 8: 1 5 a. m. do East MO p. m. elk lodge, a. r. m. The stated meeting of Elk Lolps, No. T9, are held at their hall, corner of Main nt Depot Btroets, on the second nnd fourth Tuesdays of each month ly B. DAT, Seo'y. Sites ef Advertising. One column, one year $75 00 i ' 40 00 I ' 25 00 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight Hnes, one insertion $1. two inser tions, $1.60, three insertions, 2. Business cards, teu lines or lees, per year $3. Advertisements payable quarterly. BLU S IHE SSI We Kilt send tha Advocate, one jar, for $1,50 if r' ndvano. fcend in your subscriptions, nnd nsk your friends to Fubscribe. Every man should takb a county paper and every rnau has $1.50 that he ran invest in this way, which will bring a larger interest on the investment than U. S. blonds. Snow etorm last Tuesday. Lest begins this yesr on the 18th of February. Building promises to be lively in Ridgway during the coming summer. RtJFUS Lvcor.E has moved into the houe formerly owned by G. L. Mc Craeken. on 8 .nth street. The iee is about ten inches thick at present writing with good prospects that io. a few ys it will be. sri'l thicker. We invite correspondence from nil parts of the county, no tnu'tcr if you oro not used to writing Ivr newspapers. Jjrod m facts stid e will arrange them. Tai:at: if, one iworo d.-g in this town that we hope somebody will kill, .'is Lis midnight crg'cs avu move than our pn tii'tiee inn s;nc;l. O. I'. Ear let,- hm moved iati the tho h(ii--c., formerly i;wnri! by Mr:?. Wi'lJJrtj, cnrier of Cuntr-J li'id Blond Tfects, and recently pure'iuned by Mr. J.'arley. So MB of our neighbors spi-afc very highly of Dr. Morris' Syrup i.d Tur for Cmp v OTitaiUine; no oj".sr, i n a'y t admioi't'r, nnd re hY? rover I nown it to fail. SMd by JanKn IYnGcld. AxsotjNCEMr.NT. D. F. Farraal hereby .nnouici'S tlfct he wiil be an independent caodid-.tU1 f.-t 'hi office - nonstable of R'dgway township it the municipal elctino n he held on Tues day, Feb. 17th. 1874. I-B1BKRV AT ISnCTI'i'JS. On. tl.ic subject, tha Ooustiiuti"0 ?n;: "Any person who shall, while u cunTi! Jv.o for Office, b3 cuilt of l.riVry, lisud. or vt:!1 t'ul violati.'n of rny e'eet'on w, t iin.ll ho forever dirq'u.lific I fmm holding r.ffise of trust or profit in this Common wealth." Auditor R aTTJ.r.M en x. la the County Auditor's Settlement for the yoiir ending January 1st, 1S73, we note tho following itcun for the benefit of our uderf-: Receipts, 10000 15 Esrenditnrts, ' 7123 58 Vssetts.' S'J512 53 Liabilities- County order? outstanding, 4013 50 Bridge bond Oct. M; '74, Clio 12 Bridge bonds Deo. 13, '71, 23 01 ixeess of A??ett3 15153 94 m' Ana inn tun. rnl'urti-.rs. II ounty tai due. from collectors, ,0o 01 m"t. rcnM from enl. dnrinn' '73. Total Couatv, 4436 41 Total State.' 0178 ,St. Mart's ha? n ghost, but, uoliko - - - lUafiuo', it fades when you attempt too near an approach. On two or three oc casions bus this uneasy miduight visi tant Btricken terror to tho hearts of the hardy-hearted residents of St. JIarj's. One uight laat week aa one of the em. ployees of the P. & E. E. Ft. was walk ing leisurely along tho street with Lis lantern swinging carelessly in bis band, ho was antonished to see, directly in hia path and facing him, a female figure, clothed in white nnd wearing a loDg black veil; on nearing the object he no ticed that it was transparent, and on etill nearer approach it .vanished, when our hero of the lantern broke into a run for the nearest hotel, where he related Lis 6tory which caused the cheeks of his auditors to blanche with feat; after con sultation, however, a committee was ap pointed to go and make an investigation, whioh was done but uo tracks were to be found in tho snow, and this satisfied the committee that it was indeed a visi tor from beyond the river Lethe. It is supposed that some frightlul crime has been committed Dear this spot, and that be unearthly caller would lain divulge s aioksning details to the man who has lrur4&4o4 to tt iit reitl. Among the bills introduced in the Legislature Is one fixing January lsti February 22d, July 4th, December 25th, and any election day or day desig natcd by proclamation of Governor or President, as legal holidays, with the accompanying provision that paper fall ing duo on those days shall be paid in each caso on tho succeeding day. P's AND Q'b. The origin of tho phrase "Mind your P's and Q's" is not generally known. In ale-houses where chalk scores were formerly marked upon the wall, it was customary to put initial letters at tho head of every man's ac count, to show tho number of pints and quarts for which ho owed; nnd when one was indulging too freely io drink a friend would touch him on the shoulder and point to the scoro on tho wall say ing. "John, mind your P's nnd Q's." That is, note tho pint3 and quarts now charged against you, and cease drinking. Juries of Inquest. Tha following has been passed by tho Legialaturo ol Pennsylvania: Be it enacted, etc., That it shall be lawful for tho several orphans' courts and cour!s tf common picas of this commonwealth to fix the number of per sons, in no ease less than three, of which any sheriff's jury of inquest to make partition of the real estate of a dece dent or of tenant's in common shall be composed, nnd all writs of partition or valuation, directed to the sheriff, shall contain tho command to summon the number of jurors so fised by tho court having jurisdiction. Railroad PttooREf-s. In estimat ing the progress of railroad construc tion in the United States for 1873, the addition mileage for tho' year is found to bo 4100 miles, which, a! the average rate of 40,000 per mile, is tho equiva lent of 81 67,000,000 as invested in this great interest during tho year. Tho increased mileage is not so largo by one third ain the previous year, when 0511 miles were added to the system; but, aided Io the previous rapid increase sinr-c the el'isc of tho wir in 1S05, eight years ago, the system is doubled iu L'lileage, nri more than doubled in money vainn. lhe mileage was then ft- iinr v.. Mi .- . o-hvzo tunes i.t is now ( i,do-i miles. PosrAL Chanois. Washington, Jan. SI. Tho following postal chimges have been ordered fei Fennsyltao-'a: Offices estab lished Dry raw mill, EH; ecunty, R.i'pU Jo!inci, p. ra ; fjratit Citv, Lairrcnee county, Levi Stauffcr, post master: Stuilh ton, Westmoreland county, Joejh Smith, postmaster; Teiwp'.et.-.n, Armstrong county, llohert Thonit'SfiU, .o:-tma'ter; Uniontown, l.utcrne county, Atidre w J. TVinton, post master. D'seonlinneJ WJi;'!hm, Clinton county. Nt'.TM" ei'i'rp;e,l--Jl:lj?'"inl:ui't;) I.uictuo eo'Uity, o'aiiGp.cd to Ji-r.vvu Dot Gibson 83 reported; Tiiiliiiji Mills. Indiuia ccunly, to Homer eity, and ('icrogeH. Og len, ap pointed p'istn'iiV:..r. l'ostniK&tcrs ujpointed Irnso Yotifj. CassviPe, Huntington Co.; John T. Thoru, Centre Mi!!, t'enire county; William Fei-thiU, L'ast Liberty, Fayette county; Pmith, liiif'i Maucli Chunk, Cr.r boii county; Amoriuh llcringlon, Forest Home, Potter county; Alex. G. B. Parks, Gap, Laueaster county. Mo.MSSKS MAI'E Clf MrRt.YTIC Actn. The Dojlcstown latdlLjniccr says: Tho discovery has recently been math that much .f tho pyrup molasses U'.v.' in couim iu u.-o is coiat.'osed of saw dust, ngs and muriatic acid. The acid decomposes the vogctahlj fibre of the rags and iawdn:!, and foi nis n substance that looks ?n 1 tastes like the hist syrup. It i3 niado and sold on a largo selo in the principal cities, nnd as the acid is highly poisoaom a vast amount of harm is dime. The bogus syrup can be readily de tected by adding n teaspontiful to a cup of strong tea. If tho syrup contains acid it imim-diaieiy combines with the tannio of the tea and makes a black dirty looking Mixture. A correspon dent in Philadelphia say3 that he bas made this test, and it has also been tried by residents of Poylestown. Remarkable Mild Wixmts. It is a matter of frequent renrark, that the present is the warmest winter known. Thi, perhaps, may bo said with truth by most of tho present generation, but equally warm seasons havo occurred. From competent records, kept iu Maine nnd New York, we learn that, io 1735, January was pleasant aud moderate, and February was a "summer month" in 1733, January enrae in like April in 1740 there were but 'two snow storms, and February and March were summer months in 1751, January 15tb, the frost was entirely out of the ground, and February was like spring in 175C, January, the fish "struck in" from the sea, the weather being so warm, Febru ary was delightful, and March bluster ing, but soft a9 May in 1773, January 27th, was a summer day, the 2Stb won derfully moderate, and on February 9th the' record states "we saw two rob ins, no snow since Deo. 80th, wonder ful weather" in 1775, February 19th, tho weather was so "uncommon warm that many lads went in the river to swim." These records, all but one, are more than a century old; but they notice six remarkably warm winters, within a period of forty years. So far, the present winter has been unusually mild but whether it will continue to for the balance of the season, remains to be i. Tub following Quixotic advertisement appears last week in the Rattman'i Journal, and we would say is a novel manner for. advertising lost property: NOTICE. Here is information for my neighbors all; A ram came to our house last fall: lie had neither cut or mark en either ear, Ae by inspection plainly will appear; Tho owner is requested to prove property nnrt uim away, Or I will give him more hay. GUORQE P. TATE, Always too late. Lawrence tp., Jan. 2S, 1874. Hard Times! Savb Monbt! Everybody will savo by getting the mammoth ILLUSTRATED RECORD the largest and finest first-class family paper in tho world. To introduce it everywhere, it is sent a year on trial for only $1.25, with premium; or a perfect pictorial Library of satnplo reading for 25 cents. Any paper or magazino with it for less than oost. Seud for it and save money. Enclose to Ilibtrated Rsord, 33 and 34 Park Row, New York. P O Rox 2141. Jurymen's Food in New Orleans- The jury in a recent murder cbbo in New Orleans, having been out for some time, returned to a crowded Court room, it was supposed, with a verdict. The foreman solemnly advanced, nnd hand ing tho Judge a bundle, wrapped in a coarse piece of brown paper, requested him to examine what sort of a diuner the city paid so much for, and what the juric9 were compelled to eat. Upon unwrapping the paper, a piece of very rotten meat was discovered, which emitted a most offensive smell, and whioh upon investigation was discovered to contain a large number of inhabit ants, which the cooking had not entirely deprived of life, aud which were stiil squirming around with wonderful live liness and activity. Ox tho 27th u!t., the laroiers of Sullivan couuty met at Chandlersburg, organized a farmer's grange with thirty members. In his address the Special Deputy said: "There has been an ar rangement mode with first-clas4 sowinz machine companies, seven in number, so that patrons can purchase direct and save agents commissions. For $30 a C ranger can get a $00 machine, and other working implements at about the same rates. Tho nail mauufuetutcrs is sued a cirenlar h.st Novomber to the dealers saying, sell no nails other than ordered. Can't the farmers do the same when tho rjailtct is overstocked and produce is not wanted? Through this organization we propose to do that vcrv thing.'' We copy the foregoinc Vera a correspondent of tho Tioga Ay'datur. Tue CuiiRKScr. Thefioadcial editor of the Philadelphia LeJyer thinks there it a sort of general understanding that while there shall be uo further direct in flation of the currency, tho Secretary of tho Treasury shall be permitted to issue the entire 44 millions of retired green backs. This means, in tho mind of every jwan intelligent oa tho subject) permission to iuflato just four times 41 millions of dollars or, perhaps, the ex pansion of bank credits four times this aaount. What has been done in this way is already being felt on the, various industries of the country. This action of tho Treasury iu the free disburse ment of retired legul notes, aided by the letting lose the last month of seventy five millions of dollars in tho shape of dividends and interest payments, has given to business of all kinds a marked impetus, as is told in almost all prices. The present situation U underlaid with much of bouyancy, which may last for weeks tj come. STATE 170TS3. The kaolin found in Chester cou nty, Is (aid by porclcan manufacturers to b e equal to the best known. Berks county brewers make 35,000 bar rels of beer each day; those of Schuylkill 80,00(1; Lancaster and Luzerne 25,000 bar rels each. The aggregate value of this tipple in the foui euuuiies is $1,150,000. An Altoona man has just presented to the editor of tho Tribune a piece of soap which has been in the donor's possession for sixiy years. It took that chap a long time to aiske up his mini not to wash him self. Northampton county has a debt of $13, 048, but as an offset thereto has $11,1104.71 in the county treasury, and a balance of '!,C11 uncollected tax, showing the county to be out of debt, with $lb7.81 in her favor. A Sharon, erler county, poor woman has been imprisoned ten days, fined one dollar and costs, and made to restore the propert y taken, for stealing coal to th e value of one dollar and fifty cents, from one of the richest firms of tho town. A child of Mr. James Keeley, of Liver- more, Westmoreland county, was burned to death, on bunuay last, by its clothes taking fire at the grate ef a stove. The child was aged about three yeari, and died in three hours after thit sad occurrence. It appears from an offioial communica tion of Commissioner of Pensions Baker that the cost to the Government of the disbursments under existing laws of $30- 000,U0U of pension moneys is about one and a half per cent, of the whole amount disbursed. This, be said, is be lieved to be a less percentage of oost tn the disbursement of publio moneys than can be shown in any other branoh of the publio service. The single item of postage, pension Touchers, and checks does aot lall short of f 100,000, whioh is about twenty per ceat. of the cost ot disbursement. The aggregate amount I of compensation to agents is set down 'at $1,327,120. Judicial Apportionment Bill. llarrisburg, Feruary-5, 1874. The Senate Committee that has charge of the legislative and judicial apportion ment, to day reported through its chair man, Mr. Rutan, a bill dividing the Mato into judicial districts, it is under stood tho committee are all in favor of the new bill, and the indication are that there will be no contest over it. Senator Wallace expressed himself favorably to the bill in conversation, if one or two modifications could be secured. The counties are divided intJ judicial dis tricts as follows. First district City of Philadelphia. 2d, Lancaster county. 3d, Delaware. 4th, Chester 5th, York and Adams 6th, Cumberland and Perry 7th, hraoklin aud Fulton 8th, Bedford and Somerset 9th, Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria 10th, Indiaua 11th, Lu rcrue. 12tb, Dauphin and Ljbanon. 13th, Berks 14th, Fayette 15th.' Schujlkill lGth, Bucks 17th, Mont gomery. 18th, Lehigh 19th, North ampton! 20th, Susquehanna. 21st, Wayne, Mouroe, Pike and Carbon. 22d, Bradford 23d, Columbia, Sulli van nnd Wyoming 24th, Northumber land and Juuiata 25th, Union. Snvder. Mifflin and M-Jutour 20th, Clearfield. Clinton and Centre 27th, Lycoming 28th, Tioga, Potter, McKean and Cameron 29th, Erio aud Warren iOth, Crawford Slst, Venanso and Forest 32d, -Jefferson. Ciarion and Elk 83d, Armstrong 34th, Butlur nnd Lawrence 35th, Mereor 36th. Beaver.37ih, Greene 38th, Washing ton il'Jth, Allegheny 40tb West moreland. The bill increases the number nf Common Pleas judges iu the State fif teen, und the number of districts from thirty to forty. henever practicable, where more than one county was re- quired lur a district, the old divisions were retained. The bill provides that the second fifth, eleventh, twelfth, twenty-six and thirty-fourth judicial districts shall at tho next general election elect one per son for each of said districts, Jearued tn the law, to be an addition Law Judo of tho courts in each of said districts, The olhes sections provide for tho fill. ing of vacaueies ot the next eencrxl elections in districts where there aro no rresidcut Judyes or Associate Judos learned io the law. The Governor is authorized to nomi nate, and. with tha consent of the Sen- ate, appoint nil judges authorized by this act until their successors are fleeted and until such appointment is made the several judges hi cnnimisrdoii shall (xn- tinuo to hold the courts in tho several couutios o( the Common weuth. Circulate tue Documents. We want to increase the subscription list of the Adtocaif. to 1,000, and think it can be done this year at the low price we otter it. Two pairs of stairs are necessary to every newspaper ( ffiso in Koith Caro lina ono for tho editor to go down, as the caller comes up the other. A Digger Indian irl received rn New Year's day a redinjzote. consistine ot an old army overcoat, and her duzs- ing neck was eucircled by a string ol tomato cans. Cuban Affairs. The Bank ol. Ha vana has cmited another avalanche of shiuplastcrs. Flour has gone up to $40 a barrel, and mats raue from "seventy- five to eighty-five cents a pound. They aro naving a happy time. Portland, Me., up to this time, has enjoyed alciiihina since the November suow. The annual announcement of -trects in whieh coasting is permitted is officially published, and the pastime is proniuireu in otner streets by ordinance. "Some of these fine liars." nlaeidlv observes the Richmond Enouirer. "jude, jury, reporters and spectators of the Hustius;3 Court will wake up in the oasement ot the City Hall, under about I4.UU0.000 pounds of brick and mortar. "If," advertised a philosophical vic tim, "the person who took a fancy to my overcoat, was influenced by the weather, then ail is serene; hut if he lid so from commercial considerations. I am ready to enter into financial nego tiations for its return," Some student) fixed uo a ehost and placed it on the staircase ol the Troy Ii7 office the other otedit, and then retired and awaited developments. One nf the editors came along and didn't get frightened. Ho disrobed it and now wears a $15 pair of pantaloons a 810 vest, a $7 pair of boots and an 88 Hat, while one of the students goes about without a vest, and another roams through the least frequented streets wearing a very ancient pair of panta loons. The annual report of Mr. Whitman. the State Statistician of Maine, shows that the growth of manufacturers from 1800 to 1870 was 108 per cent , and that since 1S70 it has been 21 per ceut. Shipbuilding is rapidly reviving. There were 270 sliipr, schooners, &o.. built last year, making in all 89,817 tons, which is 119 per cent, greater than the total tonnage of 1872. The additional capital invested in the manufacturer of cotton goods since 1870 is 82,542,315, an increase o- more than 25 per cent, on that Previously emnloved. It further appears that the products ot the me chanical and manufacturing industries of tho State in 1873 were 896.000,000 or 1 per cent, more tbau in 1870, and 151 per cent, more than in 1860. The aggregate and manufactured products ot the State in 1873 was $153,750,788. Here rs an Offer for You. Wo will send Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newswaper, and the Advocate, on year, for $4.50 cash. The regular price of Illustrated Newspaper is $4.00 thus you get the Advocate for 60 cento. We will send the "Advocate and "The Chimney Corner" for $4 50 Send on your subscriptions, aocompan red by the roth.' OSITSRAL NOTES. The Russian Treasury has a surplus of $2,145,000. Lazy husbands aro known out West ss stove watches. A new papsr in Hudson county, N. J., is called the Highland l'ling. Wildcats are plenty in the Catskill Mountains this winter. A balloon is soon to start from Franco for the United States. Thistle tea and a poultice of thistle leaves aro said to bo good for neuralgia. The first shad are selling in North Carolina at $1 each. Ship building promises to be bjijk iu Maine this yenr. A band of trained 1 nurses aro to be sent out for duty to the Gold Coast. Tho Governor ol Arkansas offers re wards for the apprehension of fifteen murderers. There is an ice bridge over tho Hud son at Newburg, sixty miles from New lork. A Richmond paper complains ot the lare number of Yirs;iuiuus who arc leaving their native State. It is said that by using hot salt water in tempering a steel, flaws and cracks are prevented. Allcntowu makes her (ramps sweep crossings, as a set oil ngiinst a night s lodgings and a breakfast. Tho publio schools of Chicago ore about to get a wind-fall in tho shape of an estate valued at 81,000,000. A Chicago man savs that instead of building any mure school houses, they'd better build a couple of jails. A bold thief in Cincinnati stole oighteeu hogs from a stock yard, drove them through the city, and got clean off with his plunder. The ministers ot St. Joseph, Mo., propose to Fend a committee to the dif ferent newspapers to pray for the edi tors. Between 800 and 900 women oie cm- ployed by Government at JefFersonville, Ind., in tho manufacture of army clothing. Santa Barbara, California, had a grand nun ana nenr ngut recently, wtncn is said to have bceu attended by all the best citizens. Tho religion of Buddha is older by six centuries than that founded by Christ, and professed by 450,000,000 of the human race. Congress bas been invited to assemble in Carpenter's flail, Philadelphia, on the 5th of Septomber, the one hund redth anniversary of the meeting of the First American Congress. Bret Harte, it is said, can command a higher price for his work than any literary man in the metropolis. SV-('6-nrr's Monthly has paid him as much as 8100 a page. The Supremo Court of Arkansas has decided that State certificates of indebt edness, with which that commonwealth has lately been inflated, are receivable for taxes. It is estimated that during the im pending famine in Ludia tho Govern ment will be railed upon to supply half a pouud of grain per day, for eight mouths, to 25.000,000 people. "Now could I driuk hot blood," says llamltt; but Boston peoplo actually quaff the unpleasant draught aud are cured of consumption, paralysis,' and many other complaints. A Washington letter calls attention to the fact that not a dollar has ever been misstug from tbo department of the Comptroller of tho Currency, where are ladies exclusively employed as clerks Some oli traveler remembers that when he was in Europe iu the winter 111 ii f i . .1 ot 1602 there was neither irost nor snow, fires were not lighted for the pur pose of warmth cither in France or Germany, aud trees flowered in febru ary. It is generally cocceeded that the Philadelphia physicinus who went to Mount Airv, North Carolina, have agreed to puy a considerable sum of money for the privilege of making the autopsy of the Siamese twins, and that it will be done in the most private man ner. A new battery gun, invented by Col. J. P. Taylor, of Tennessee, bus just beeu tested at Colt s Armoiy, Hartford, Con necticut. It fires 4o0 fusilade or ,00 volley shots in a minute. It will concen trate shots at one centre, or spread them over twenty-two feet at a distance of 500 yards, The German government evidently do not believe in expending money un- uecehsanly, lor it is proverbial that the representatives of that country all over the world never entertain save when it is policy or compulsory to do so. Bach eiors are usually sunt out as embassa dors. The question of fuel is becoming im portant, even in -uiunesota. Coal is scarce, and wood is dear, away from the forests. Peat is considered as the great resource. In some counties where there is no wood, two day's work with a good Bpade will excavato enough fuel for year. A Detroit negro prisioncr. on Lis way to the peuiteutiary for larceny, was asked what he thought of his trial. Lie saiu: ' hen de lawyer dat 'fended me made a speeob, I made sure dat 1 was going to take my ole bat and walk ngnt out dat co't room; but when de odder lawyer got up and commenced talking, I knew 1 was the biggest rascal on top ot de earf." A Connecticut euthusiast has evolved a plau to briug the milleuium in five years. It is b7 priuting 1,250.000 copies of the gospel of tho sice ot Watts's Seognd Catechism, and selling them at one cent in all parts ot the world, thus literally fulfilling Christ s mandate to "teach all nations." The originator of this idea writes that "Dr, Bodwell of Hartford, who bas examined the subject says, 'The day will certainly come when your grand idea will be te amed and fervent prayer be answered, Boys under the age of sixteen in Carthage, III., are prohibited, by an or dinance lately passed by the town au thorities, irom the use of tobacco or drinking pop. The merchants are warned against selling the above articles to youngsters. Benoni Howard, a very extensive and wealthy manufacturer ot matches, has been convicted in the United States Court in New York of having procured the engraving of a plate and the print ing of counterfeit United States revenue stamps. A few years ago Howard wns tho largest and richest manufacturer of matches in the. country, employing a great number of bunds, nnd paying tho Government about $100,000 annually for one-cent Etcmps. The wheat exported from the United States to Great Britain in 1873 was valued at 801,000,000. During the Fame period we sent to Great Britain and heroolnuies Indian corn to the value of 822,750,000, und 811,000,000 of wheat flour. Of our hams nnd bacon England and Scotland consumed $22, 000.000 worth, and 89,500,000 worth of our cheese, and about otic-hall' of all tho butter we export is spnt to Great Britain and her dependencies. New Adertisements. KXUCVTOiVS mY OTIC Si, Notice is herchy given to all persons in deblcd to tho estate ot 12 RASH' 8 UUllLIN OAML, bile of Jones totvnahip, Llk county deceased, that tiny are required to mako prouipt poyuicnt aud all persons liav ing claims nainai said estate, will present them fur adjust inelit to ALULHT liLitLl.NGAME, Executor. 4:1-41. SjS,E MJ' IS.fjrXiHVPTW. Tho undersigned, Ab-'igneo of Kilruarlh Bold, bankrupt., will expose to public sale, at the ol:ic-of Hull & Ji cOnu'cr, Id idewv, t.ik coiu.iv l'a,, on MONDAY, 3d DAY OF FKI'.IUAUV, lt74, at 2 clock p. tn!, personal properly and uuool- octable ciaiaki of nail bankrupts, ai fol ows: Four eharas cf slock in Eik Dcmnerit Association of the par valeo of $:!5 per .ire. Oiio due bill of John llryndle, dated January 8, ltT4. tor SU.oGO. One uue lull of William nurton, Gated Dec. 30, 1 872. in 00 day a, 4- J3. One due bill of coU .Uc-Duiiul l, inturtst from 14ih of Fo!rur Ife'.i, t,C70 &'J. Ouo account aeaauet J. Charles liurus. $175. Oue aocouut ajta'nst John Doyle, JllO o0. One aecoiitii ugaiust Vim. Yuutz, ioo. V Hue account eiraiust Milton bbtCUl, $37 W. ,;. Due account agsit.u Michael Erecht o, : n. Jt0. U. ilALL, Ateigoee. f-ibS-St. 1. IV .it ialiuagti is editor oi. I'he Chr'ttian ,il lVoiA-,r. 11. r'pur ;eon special contributor. 'lhe; mu fur in nthcr paper in America i'hree magnificent t.'iiromos. IV .urger ui'iimassini! than auv oUicia Jiwper. CHKCKCS ALL EEAD?J m.o SceLnn.iL.isrj. No t-eetioiialistu B ;Jue kLeut recently obtained 3t) sub- "ciiplioiis iu eighty hou'M absolutij vurk. .Niiiipi; c.t.!r uud circular? ent fivr. AGENTS WANTED. I. . AUA.MS, Puolishcr, 10: Chamber' street. N. Y. The Best Paper! Try It 1 1 BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. The SCIENTIFIC AMfiBICAN now in Its 2'Jlh year, enjuv the widest circulation ( any weekly newspaper cf tho kind iu the w orld. A new volume commenced January 3, 1871. lis conleuts embraeo tho latest ana most in'eresliiiir information pretainini to the Indii'tral, Mechanical, aui Heientitlj rro. gress of tho World; Descriptions, with EngraviDgs oi he inventions, rew im plements, New I'rocesses, aud Improved Indurtnea ot all Kimls; i. -iui Antea.iKe. ine. Suecesiions ana Advice, hy Practical Writers, for Workmen and Employers, in all the various arts. Tho SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Is the cheapest aud best illustrated weekly paper published, livery number contains tiom l'J to lo orieiual engraviugs oi uew macuiu. ery and novel inventions. L- V ! D A I'l ill.iut I lm Tin.nr.imiinla Discoveries, and Important Works, pretain ing to Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Milium. Mining ana .Metallurgy; itecorus of the latest progress in the Applications of Steam Steam Engineering, Railways, Ship- Building, Navigation, leltgraplij, Jele- graph-Eugineeriug, Electricity, Magnetism Light ana Heal. ( AUMlilts, Merchants, engineers, in ventors, Manufacturers, Uictmsis, Lovers Of Science, Teachers, Clergymen, Lawyers, nud People of all Professious, will find tho Scientific American useful to them. It should have a place iu every Family, Li brary. Study, Otnce, ana counting noom; in every Reading Room, College Academy, or School. A year's numbers contain 832 pages and Several Hundred Engravings. Thousands of vollumes are preserved for b'muing and eferenco. The practioal receipts are wen worth ten times the subscription price- Terms $3 a year by mail. Discount to clubs. Specimens seut free. JHay De una oi an News Dealers. PATENTS. ,? hciEMiFio AMbBiOAH, Messrs Mrss it Co. are Solicitors of Americau and Foreign Patents, and have the largest establishment in the world. .More than nny thousaua hp plications have been made made for patents through their agency. Patents ere obtained on the beat terms, Models of New iuventions aud sketches ex amined and advice free. All patents are published in the Scientific American the week they isBue. fceua tor 1'ampulut, liu pages, containing law and full directions for obtaining Patents. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents, MUNN & CO., 87 Park Row, N. Y. Branch Othoo, cor. F aud 7th Sts., Washington, D. C. ESTABLISHED 1823, MEYER & BONS, PIANO MANUFACTURERS, 722 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. T1IE LEADING FIRST-CLASS PIANOS. No other Piauos have the improvements Priie Medal of the World's Fair, Londo n England, ana tbe highest Prise of th i eouefry rat. tna.'-n RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD? Philadelphia & Krie R. R. Division WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after the trains er SUNDAY, D120. 2d 18", on the Philadelphia M Erie Railroad will run ai follows t w ESIWARP. Buffalo Ex. leaves l'niladelphin.1 2. 6,1 p. dv ' " ' Renovo 12.15 a in. " " arr. at Emporium 2 16 a tn " liuii .lo 8.50 a m ERIS MAIL leaves I'hiladelphia 10.20 p tn " " Reuofo 10.05am " " " Emporium..... .1.20 p m St. Mary's 112 p m ' arrive at Erie 7.20 p tu EASTWARD. CL'FFALO EX. leaves LuiTalo... 3 26 p'm " " Emporium.. 9.00 p ra " Renovo 10.55 p m " " arr. at Philadelphia H.lUa m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a in " " ' St. Alary' 6.22 p ni " " " Emporium 0.20 p a ' ' ' llcuovo 8.40 p m " " arr. at 1'hiladephia... 8.00 a m Mail East connects east und west at Erie with L S M S H VY and at (Jorry and lr viueton with Oil Creek and Allegheny K R W. Mail West with east and west trains oa L S Si M S it W aud at Irvinetoa with Oil Creek nnd Allegheny R R W. iiullalo Fxpress makes close connection at YYiiliauisurt with N C R W trains, north, and at liamtburg with N C 11 IV trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. GRAND OPENING Summer Arrangement BUFFALO, NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA RAILWAY. Time Tablo adopted SUNDAY, August 10, 173. Trains depart from and arrive at the liulTalo, New Vork &. I'hiladelphia Railway depot, coiner ef Fxchango Bad Louisiana 81 reels. ON AND AFTER AUG. 10. 1878, UN TIL further notice, Traiai will run as follows: LEAVING BUFFALO C:15 a. m. Local Freight and passenger, arriving at Emporium at 5.00 p. m, 8:i!" a m Philadelphia; anF Baltimore Express Arri ing at Emporium at 12:46 p in., stopping ouly at East. Aurora, Ar ca 'e, FraukUnville, Oleau and Port Alle gheny. 11:20 am1 Local Freight Arriving at Port Allegany at 9:00 p. m. i:20 p m Nipht Express Arriving a Emporinm at 12:-16 a ru. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 2:10 a m Night Express Arrivina at Biiltalo at 8:20 am. 8.10 a. in. Local Freight and Passenger Arriving at Culi'alo at 2. Bo p. m. 5:26 p m Niagara Express Arriving at Buffalo at. 0:4." p m., Btopping ouly at Fori Allegany, Oleau, Franklinvilie, Arcade and East Aurora. LEAVE PORT ALLEGENT. 10 So.a.m. Local Freight and'pasBenjjee arriving at Buffalo at 7.00 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Buffalo at 10.00 a. m., arrivina at Oleau at l.lo p. m. Leave llufl'ald at. C:20 p m.j Night Ex press, arriving at Emporium at 12:15 p ni. Leave Olean at 2.45 p. m., arriving at Buffalo at li.ot) p. m. Leave Emporium at 2:40 a m.; NightEx prits, arriving at Buffalo at 8:20 a m. Ticket Oilioes. Uulfalo Omnibus Line running from all traius. XL L. LYMAN. Gcu'l Tass Ag't. J. D. YEOMAN'S, Superintendent. NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing Oct 20ih, 1878. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS ISLKlill AND POINTS ON TUB . PHIL' A. it LRUS K. It. ooiko sonn. Buffalo Express leaves Corry at 11 15 am weaves lrviiu.io:i. 7 45 a m 10 05 p m 8 08 a m 1 65 p m 6 So a, in 6 15 p'm 2 05 pm 6 80 p to Arrives at Pittsburgh Night Express leaves Corry Arrives at 1'iitshurgh Day Express leaves Corry Arrives at l'ittsburch Oil City Accom. leaves Cnrrv Arrives at Brady's Bund Hoain. Bffalo Express leaves Piitsburg at 7 50 a m Arrives at Corry 6 08 p in .. .. jrvineton 5 85 p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 4 85 p at Arrives at Corry 4 2lJ a m Day Express leaves Pittsburgh 12 20 p m Arrives at Corry 10 45 pm Oil City Accom. leaves B. Bend 6 45 am Arrives at Oil City . 12 15pni Connections made at Corry aud Irvine tou tor points on the, n;i 1 . Allegheny alley Rail Road. Pullman l'allace Drawing Roern Sleep. ...g Cars ou Night Fxpre.i Train, between Pittsburgh and Broctcm. Passengers to and from Brockville make dose connection at Red Bank Junctioa with Buttalo Expreis north and Night Ex press south. 6 Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley i. J. LAWRENCE, Gen. SaoU DODALL'S PLAYING CARDS. THE BEST TEE CHEAPEST. S REO AT??lPSr kiDd made' KtUAtlAS A cheap common card. BROADWAYS A nice common eard VIRGINIAS Fine calico backs. GEN. JACKSON'S Chean n,l ,,.,.., (Pattern backs, various eolors and do signs.) 1 COLCMBIAS (Euchre deck) extra qualltf uui i tue nest card made, MT. YERNONS Sxtra fine, two oelor'nat. terns. ak to tm;abotktak;no othees. plied byLUt ''P1'0""- Dwlets sup. VICTOR P. MAI irsco I