o y.? 'drtw&miirv&iitB. aaaEv 1 Steaik Henry A.. Parsons, Jr. Editor TL7UB51UY, FEimARY 6, 1874. TUB BEMESAL ELECTION LAW. y T?o print eteewlierc tlie general elec tion bill as it goes to tho Governor for his signature. It has the distinction ol fcf inp the first law framed undor tho new Constitution. We presume it is as fair and non-partizan measure of the kind as crcr emanated from the Legislature, ond amendments proposed were considered, throughout the long discussions on the hill, not ca tho basis of their political heatings, but solely on the principal vrbether the? would subserve pure elec tions. It is bnvcly possible there will bo fcvnndliDjr under this bill, but o mani fold are tho guards contained in it, and in the Constitution itself, that a com munity that now tolerates electoral frauds merits no better f;ito. It goes as Jar ns any law should go, and if the people ot any city avo not capable cl tak ing sonic little part in defending their rights, such communities deservo nil the oppositions of tho "rounder" and "bollox-box stuffer," There have botn complaints of frauds from Philadelphia until the people have become nauseated by them. It they are continued uuder this law, the capacity ot that city for self-government will bo questioned. Aside frcm the provisions necessary to curry into effect the constitutional de finition of the qualification;! cf e'ectms and direct the conduct cf elections, there re not many changes from the law ol 1SG9' with which our people are famil iar. The canvaFS cf the votes of. the county must be made under the direct ion of the Court of Common Pleas, on the second day after the election. The meeting of the return juclpresis abolished. This will bo objectionable in many pr.rts of the State, and is open to the genera! criticism that it introduces into cur ju dicial system political questions which will undoubtedly, at interval1-, ftrcnprly excite the public mind. One thin;; is certain, it will vol clovnta the judicial stctidtrd in tie Etate, this making ol our judges tho ctijtodians r.nJ counters of election rc-ten:-, aucl nibitvary of the Toiitioa! (ilL'V-u-: ; jpvc'.vrd. 1-iit , this was a ccnco'.-si.-.n to Vi'SV.l-.'.lpih to enable tint city to vi.i i'.-At of that faun tain of political i.ii ;h.'..t, its Tjcurd of P.eturn Jadtc, nvi ;is It will have to be borr.R in-.' 11 cxpmr.'v Kikc It so tbnoxicua to the p.uip'j c" t!.e rani dis tricts that toey will Ocmat-J a return to the old method The annuel registry of voters made bj the ward and township nsr-esse-rs must be made in Juno, atid cc:np!rtpd with ail their corrections, so as to be returned to tho County Corjmwsioners two months before tho 2.'ovnubcr election that is, early in September. This is to carry iuto effect the Ccnstitational provision acquiring vot?r.i to ho csscased two months pjir to tho election. Tho pcnaiitic'i in the law on fraudu lent attenpta at YCti-.v, rioting; at the toils, and on corrnpt and lawless uleo ion officer?, assessors and overseers, t aether with the stringent regulations for administering c.iths to judges and in spectors (often neglected), with the otLer provisions of the bill, should give the people of the State fair elections, an henest count, end a true return. That's ail any body desires, and no honest man will bo content with less. Pittsburgh Evening Tdt'jmph. ESTABLISHED 1823, METETt & SONS, PIANO MANUFACTURERS, "-'2 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. T1TE LEADING FIRST-CLAS3 HASOS. No other Pianos hsvo i !o improvements Frizo Medal of tlio v oriel s ratr, London England, and the highest Prizes cf thi country awurued. v3B-12-3in VICE'S FLORAL GUIDE JP03 1874, 2C0 PACES; ECO 2NGSAVINP3, and COLORED PLATES. Published quarterly at ccn(3 a Year. First No, for 1871 has been issued. A Cernuu Edition r.l s.wne price Address JAMES VICK, Pocbestcr, N. Y. JF YOU Y ANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP 00 13 JAMES H. J3AG5RTT Main Etreat, Eidjway, Fa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. ALarge Stock f (Jrocertes and Provisions. The BEST I3RANE3 or FLOUR Constantly cn hand, add sold as cheap as tie CHEAPEST. JAMES II. HAGERTl'. lk7. Advertisements. TVJ Ui'H.'K is hereby g.veu that the Com JJv luiti ionciu ol Llk County wi!l meet, iu their otiioo in Kidgway, la., on Friday , lebruaiy UOth, lb7l, lor tho pu-poee of le vicwing the Military Enrollment of 1074 ut which time and ploce persons feeling them selves apgricved by said enrollment can at. lend if they ee proper. The aBBeeBors of the several townships are requcBtcd to be in attendance. By order cf the board. C, II. MoCALLEY, Clerk. Ridgwny, Tft., Jan. Gib, 1874. n50. notice. The appeals will be lield la the gevaral loYDubip of Elk County, as follow: Spring Creek township, at the bote of Thos. Irwin, Fridy, Feb. 8d, 1S74. Millstone township, at the house o Hiram Banght, Wednesday, Feb. 4th, 184. Ilurton townfhip, at the house of Or R. Clnrk, Friday, Feb. Oth, 1874. Fox township, at the McCauley House, Satunday, Feb. 7tb. 1874. Jay towsship, at the house of Miohaol Spauglcr, Tuesday, Feb. 10th, 1S74. lieuczette township; at the Uenczclte Hotel, Wednesday, Feb. 11th, 1874. Jici'xingcr township, at the house of Jos. tVindfeldor, Friday, Fe6. 13th, 1874. El. Mary's, Uoro., at the house of Joi. WiuUfeldei-, Saturday, Feb. 14th, 1874. Jones (owuuhip, at the house of Mattin Sowers, Tuesday F'eb. 17th, 1874. Highland township, at tho house of Thos. Campbell, Wednesday forenoon, Fob. 18th, 1874. llidgway towrship, nl the Commis sioncr s olliec, F'eb. l'.llh, andOtb. For Unseated Lands at tho Commission' cr'Bofiscc, Feb. l'Jth, nud 20th. At which lime and place persons fcelibg tce-jiEelves uggrieyed by the assessment of lr"4 can attend if they see proper. By order of the beard. C. if. McCACLEY, Clerk. Ridgway, P., Jan. 6lb, 1874. nlO. P UYSiClANS AND DRUGGISTS. A prominent Now Y'ork physician lately complained to Dundaa Dick, about his San dn'wood 0:1 Cnpsulas, Btatir.g that some times they cured miraculoitsly ; but that a ptiiont of his had taken thtin for eomctir.i without cticct. On being informed that several imitations were made and sold, he inquired and found that his patieat had been taking cansulas sold in bottles, and not LINDAS LICK & CO S. What happened to this physician may have happened to others, and DL'NDAS DICK & I'U., taie this method of protecting "Oil of Sandalwood" Iron this disrepute. PHYSICIANS who once prescribe the CnpsuluB will CONTINUE Tu LO SO, tor the., contain the 1'1'liE OIL ia the LF.ST AZiD C It L API. ST form. OIL OF SANLLEWOOD is fact super f cding every ether remedy, sisly Cr-psu!es tM.1 being required to insure a sate and tcvluin cure in six or eitrht clavs. Frcm i.o other meuicine can this result be had. Lick's Sen Catsvlks solve the prob lvm Joi:g considered ty tnany eminent phy siciiir.s, of liow to avuid the nausea nnddis gut experienced in swuliowing, which are well liiiuwn to detract irom, it not destroy, the good eli'ccU cf many vaiualjlo remedies Soft Capsules aie put up in tin-foil and neat boxes, l li illy in each, arid are the enly capsules prescribed by Physicians. 361?" THESE TfEIlE THE ONLY CAP SULE3 ADMITTED TO THE LAST PARIS EXPOSITION. C'.'iil for Circular to C5 Wooster St., N. Y SOLD AT ALL EBUQ STOEES. General Agency, 110 Reade Street, N. '. 1874, THE PITTSBURGH TELEC-H APH ! TSS 2S3T NEWSPAPZa PEITNSYLVAITIA. Contains more Telegraph, Local and Ueneral C'W8 than uny j aper in the State As A FIRST-CLASS NEWSPAPER, the Evening TELEGRAPH irill continue in lead tlie coming year. Its well known ex altcd character in the past will be main tained in tlio future it will continue to ad vocate the cause of the people, without ref erence to individusl interests, and will re probate all semblance of demagoguery, In wliatever quarter it may appear. Tho TELEGRAPH will maintain its no litical independence of all semblenee of al: partizan "rings," and a (the same time will advocate the principals of the Republican party and support its nominess when they are uesci ving oi support. The TELEGRAPH will continue in the future, as in the past, to excel in the quan tity and quality of its LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, care being taken to exclude everything of on oijecuoiio:e cnaracier. Hid TELEGRAPH will be unequalled in this city the present 6eason in the matter ot FULL AND RELIABLE SPECIAL COR RE3P0NDENCE. as we have now regular correspondents B-.niK'ceu ni asinrigiun uny, iiarnsburg, Philadelphia, New Ycik mid Cincinnati, r.nd special correspondents elsewhere. This feiitui-8 of the TLLEG1! APII will be nn-C'jualic-l, arid w;il commend it to all who want ths ta ws fresh and trustworthy. The TEL!. GRAPH will continue to main tain its excellent reputation in a LlTEIiAlir, SCIENTIFIC AND AU . T1.STIC. way, ar.d in ihs qualify and amount cf se looted miece'iiany will not be surpassed ty ocy journal any where. In the matter cf IMPORTANT AN.'.) LATE TELEGRAPH IC NEWS. Cur arrangements are such that we canuot be equalled ty any cotemporary in this sec tion, or surpassed by cotemporic nearsr the Eastern news center3. In a word, the TELLGliAPII the nrespnt year. J 874, will aim to he among THE FOREMOST JOURNALS OF THE COUNTRY, to which and neither pains nor espence will bo spared by the publishers. The l uil and Reliable market reports of the EVENING TLLEGRAPH make it. es pecially interesting to merchants doing bugiLes3 with Pittsbtiph, as its reports are fully twelve hours in advance of the morn ing papem printed here, and uueqsaled by them. Subscripting price Eight Dollars per an num, bingle Copies Three Cents. Served by Agents at Fifteen Cents per week. Fubscriptions in all cases payable is ad vance, and no paper continued after the expiration of the time paid for. Specimen copies will be forwarded at otiy time to applicants. Address. EVENING TELEGRAPH, 110 Suiithfield Street, FRED SGHOEXING & CO., Law, Commercial, Book, ani General" Job friatcrs, and Stationers. HIDG WA Y. ELK CO., 1A, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCLT, J ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITING: FLUID AND . COPYING INK. LEAD PENCILS OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES. Eslcrbrooh'a Veltbrattd ZStttl Pemu IA Beat .Tad. All Kinds of Job Printing 4ont Id the Rest Stylo and at Lotr Prices. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL I1EADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN VELOPES OFEVERY ST POWELL & EIME. A MAMMOTH STOCK 1 Firmly believing that the world moves, and that the demands of the public are con stantly increasing, the proprietors of tho fcave ja9t returned from tho eastern and western cities with tho most perfect and complete stock ef MERCQANDISB OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Ycu cannol ASK FOR ANYTHING they do ool keep, and they have absolutely BROKEN TLIE BACKBONE of high price, Thej buy for cash and 6ELL FOR CASH I CUEAPEJJ THAN THE CHEAPEST 1 Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. EV STAGS ROUTE. J. V. UUXN8, l'roprictor. The aubseriber having seeured the con' tract fer carryiig the U. 8. Mail between RETNOLDSTILEL Jt lROCWATVILLg has placed on that road a lim f baa Hacks leave the Ixcbang flitel ReynoldviU every Tuesday, Taarsday and Saturday oa th arrival of tka SrooKville stage, and retaru tha tame day. These hacks aonnaot at Broekwayville witk tke Uidgway ttaf to, making aoBBeetiaa wi k train m tk ?. Ji S. Road, botk tail aad west. Xvery attentiea t th aaaifart f vatrta i Uit Iim will h fry, om TLB 1 ANYQUANTITF. THADB HAM THE VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO. want reliable and energetic Agents int'liis County. The "VICTOR" is a Lock-stitch, Shuttle Machine, with Self-setting Needle, beat furnished and most perfect Machine oTered. An inoreaia of over SO per cent, on sales of 1872 over 1871. For Terms &c, Add-ess. VICTOR KEWINO MACHINE CO., 1?27 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. nSOtS, l.fJK HOW I DAGUSCAHOHDA SA1LE0AD, From and after Mond.-.y, Feb. Dth b?,. Trains will run on this Road as follows: Leaves Earley 7 'M a. tu., arrives at Daguscahonda Junction 8 10 a. m., con necting with Accom. east 8 14 a. in., and with Mail west at 9 15 a. m. Leaves Daguscahonda at 0 20 a. ns. arrive at Earley 10 00 a. in. Leaves Earley 3 30 p. ru., and arrives at Dagus cahonda at 5 00 p. m., connecting with Mail east at y 0!) p. ur, and Accommo dation west at 5 4(5 p. m. In caso P. & E. trains arc late, Dheu3- cahonda train holds twenty nJnutes be yond tho above time, ; Jicketa should aiviays be procured before leaving stations. C. B. EARLEY, Lis-.se. NEW, FRESH, AND SPARKLING! THE CLUSTER A NEW MUSIC KOOK FOU THE VM& OF CONVENTIONS, . 8INOIN0 CLASSES, CHURCH CHOIRS, . AND TH E HOME CIRCLE. THE CLUSTER ET C. WESLEY MARTISi i. 11. STILLMAN, AND T. MARTIN TOW KB. Price, $1.1..',0 per Lot. tlingle Copies sent, potl-paid, -l..jt). Address, J. L. PHTEKH, t'.IO Rreadwuy, New Y ork. FOR SCHOOLS, Fairy Voices A tilNOINa-CLAS LOOK, V0UH1UKU iKU 4UPmiL0 BY WILLIAM DKESSLKR. Price, ft pur Dor. Biufjln Copies sent, post-said, fur 00 cents. Address, J. L PETERS, i'J'J Ereadwsy, Nw York. The Song Echo T Popalar Sinfcinc-Sohool Baolt BY II. S. PEIIKINS. Prioe, $7.60 per Doz. Siaila Copit eat, t.paid, fer 7 eauti. 4 AdAMsi, JT. L. PETERS, I &8 rri'u: v xrt it a Vi ;r;p a '.m? J UWK WWw4 Ada THE 0LLE3T PAPER IN TFIJS COUNTY, HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCU- ATION, IT IS THEREFORC THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY (voted to tht gatctcstsi ( Vxt people trf -Ili Couutj. TZESS:..$2.C0 PES YEAS. If yott Want to sell Bnything, let tl.e peop'o know it through the Advocatk, the great advertising medium. BRING ALONG YOUR ADVER TISEMENTS AND GET THEM INSERTED IN TIllI ADVOCATE, AT LOW fiATi'5. 3oh In the Court House, Ridgway, Pa. Th best work uono, and at lha very lowet-t pricts. Elunls kept constantly on h.antl at this iiSuo. bills printed at the shortest notie NEW LIVI3UY STABLE IN BiDGWA DAN SCRII5NER WISHES TO IN form the Citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that h has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Buggies, to let upon Ui most rcasona bleiortns. B.IIe will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above M'm. All orders left at the Post Office will veet prompt attention TO-DAI," THE PEOPLE ii ILLLSl'RATED PAPER- li a thoroughly Aiuonean enterprise, 11- lu.-irn'.c J by me leading auiiais, and teem m,; mih the besi viiorta of the niont able t. fili'ia of our oouMiy. It. is a paper that, otice introduced in tne family circle, is sure to be eagerly watched for and oarefuliy pre served. Ihe cnoive ot TaftKB OF TH MOST BEAUTIFUL CH HOMOS ever issued, in giton to eifcit eubsoriber, vii: 'Ji'bl' bo lhdi;'' and "I ittlb SiiNsaiNB," two beaotiful Child Pictures, by Mrs. An derson, and "Amukq tu DgwdroI'S," a landscape iu waltr color by the celebrated LIKKET EOSTEU. Ail our agents have copies of each, and are prepared lo deliver them together with a subesription Certificate signed by the pub lishers, at the time the money is paid. Agents wanted everywhere, and liberal in ducements offered. Sample copies with full patticulars and description of the Chromes sent on receipt of Bix cents. Only two dollars an! a half year. Address, TO-DAY PRINTING & PUB. CO.. 733 Sanson St., I'hila. 712 Broadway, N. Y. 3 School St, Boston. 113, & 117 E. Madison St, Chicago. UTICA TEAM Kli (FoBuz&nx Wood & Kura.) STATIONARY 8 F0BTS3LEV- The Befit ii Host Comnlcto Acaortnioil In tlie MaVket. VheBk ttftndard of cxcUenM. "Wo mwfo t'os mimuf&cturo of Kocfir.'fl, Zioiln and Paw Mills s pedalty. "We bare thelartrect anil mot oonj)iet orka of the kind in the oountry, vitla inaciiiasrf epwiailjr ftiiapto'l to tUa -wort. Wo keip conscnctly in jirocm Hrrrn rrTiibTfl of EDincM, vrhich fiirnua at tha very l.vj7e?i't prices peoi'tlly adrtpt4 to ilincR, Saw Mills, (Jri-it MiUa, Tanni.Tic- CoHon Criua, Thresiierj fciid aUeluseos of Trianitt;ncturiiiir. Va ar- ntw buiMir.gr the eslebrVetl Tan Cirmi !w fearr Mill, Ua9 txL and most ooaiploio law mili ver invento-JL i "We mnkQ tlw? micnfaoiu of Hftw Slill cnWffl a BTciftl fcatuTfj of our fciuip.f, ad Cia furaiaU o6raTl(;tn on the ahorteat notioe. Ouruimin rulc ia to furnish tlitest m ftbii:ry in th mRjket, and work abolutIy uo tqiiaifl for bmnty of tlr vt n, econMrny and atreuy ctu Bend for Circular and I'rioo List. UTICA CTEAPfl EWCsNE CO. f . . .-riS t - .-n.. - ' i ' ----- 31k County BIrcctcry. rrcsMent Jr.l'-? T.. P. Vctmur?. Additional Li-v Judge IIju. J no. P Vincent. A-feci::.; a Jaitfct CiR3. Luhv, J V Ilcuk. District Attorney J. K. V, Er.il. Shcrit!' D. C. Oyster. I'rothonot!,ry j'c, Fred. Schocnlng. Trensurw C. It. Enrloy. County Superintendent ftufus Lucoro. Commisstoiiers Kobt. CampbeM, John B.irr, Geo. Ed. Weia. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George P. Messenger, iind C. W. Enrrett. County Surveyor Geo V ilmsley. Jury Comniis.;i mors. Joseph Kerner. and Charles Men'.. Ayer'ss Cathartic Pills, For the relief and cure of nil derange mentJ in tho etom oeh, liver, and bow. el3. Theyaro h mild aperient, and an excellent purgative lieinir nnrelv voire- tatjle, they contain no mercury ormine- . ral hatever. Much serluitH sicKncRS aua sufl'erinjr ia prevent ed liv their timelv' nse ; nnd every tnmily should have them on hand for their protection ami relief, when required. Lonff experience has iroved tliem to bo the saf est, buiPot, and bel ol' all tho fllla with which the HK.rkiH ahouinlfi. Ily their occasional nee, tins blood is uui iileil, tho eomiptions of the sys tem expelletl, obbtruetions removed, and tho whole machinery of lil'o restored to its healthy activity. Internal oi lcans which become clogged and sliisirih are cleansed by Ajer' I'M, and stimulated into action. Thus incipient disease ia channcd into lieslth, the value of which chango, when reckoned on the vatt multitudes who cn jiiy it, can hardly bo computed. Their sugar coating make them iileaant to take, ami preserves their Virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they nro ever fresh, and perlcrtly reliable. Although searching, they are mild, and operate, w ithout disturbance to the cnnbtilutiou,ordiet, or occupation. Full directions are given on tho wrapper to each box, how to use tiiein as a Fumily rnysic, nod for the following complaints, which UiedU 'iHn rapidlv cure: For IP.mp'eiiaiK or TwIifrrMloa. Y.iatlein. b, R.kkiig'uur and uf .fciieji(o,they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, and restore its healthy tone and action. For tlTrr Comittaint and it vai ions Kymp tom, 14lliuiin Ueiiilu4.-hn, 0ick ll-mi Hchti. JuiiomHc or ftti'fva 9il-LnAkM, loci folic and EJillouu vci, they chould be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action r remove tho obstruction which cause it. For Itytvnterr or niurrliva, but one mild dose is generally refpured. For AlhiiHiui'm. toii. Gravel, Pal' Sftuticm of tht Hrart, KMta ia iil, Hick and Iina, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of tlie system. With ench change tuoeo coinplaintB ciifiippear. For lilrop.y and ISropaital Swelling, they shouhl be'taken in lai'ge and freiiuent dooea to prodime ttie e licet of a drastic purge. tor fiui!r4Kntn, a largo dose should be taken, aa it produces Urn deshed cilect by byin patliv. A? a Dinner rill, take onn or two I'iMj to proinoto digestion and relieve the stomach. An ocea-ional dose stimulates the utomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates tho system. Hence it is oilen advantageous whero no serioua derangement exists. Une who fcela tolerably well, often llnds that a dose of theso J-iia makes him iccl decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating eiTect on the digestive apparatus. TKEPAliEn P.V Dr. jr. C. ATER& CO., l'r act leal ChomlstB, LOWELL, MASS., V. H. A. FOB SALE CY ALL DKUUUI9T3 tVUVWUZEl EdV'J J. j VANS & Co., KCr.SEIiTMEN AND SEED3ME5, TUBS', PKXN'a iiJrCataloguea Mailed to Applicants"g Refer (by permission) to Hos, J. Blati, Ttaskinglon, D. C. WtBcmi. Hojt 4 Cam, TxmU., Task, 1 CHARLES HOLES, Watchmakar, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, ltidgway, Pa. Agent fer the Howe Sewing Machine, and llortoa Qeld Pen. Repairing Watches, ete, dose witk be aame aoouracj aa eejsjeoor. fiUis- Eteam Engines. BUSIftfcSS CARDS. O. A. RATI1BUN, Attorncy-at-law, Bidgway, I'". 2 2tf. IiVFUS LUC011E, AltornecAt-Lav, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Offieo is Hall'g new Erick Building. ClaiX fee collention promptly attended to. v3nlly. UALL A At' CA ULEY, Attorneys-at-Ew. Office in New Brick Baildisg, Uttk H Ridgway, Eik Co., Fa. vlbftt. REYNOLD'S 119 USD HITNOLESVILLE, JEFFXBSfiV CO, Uk II. 8. BELNAP, Paorw mi J, o. w. bailey, ATTORNEY-AXLAW. vlniftyl. Ttidgway, Elk County, Tm Agent for the Traveler's Life and Attd dent Insurance Co., ef Hartford, Coaa. JAMES D. FULLERTON, ' Snrgecn Dentist, having permaneatly lo cated iu Rigway, offers his professional ier vices to the citizens of Ridgwuy and sur rounding; country. All werk warranted. Oibco in Service & Wheeler's Building, p stairs, first door tp the left, 73-n-oii-ly G. G. MESSENGER, Prnggist and Paraccutist, N. W. eorntf of Main nnd Mill street?, Kidgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. l'rriptio carefully dispensed at all hours, day r night. vlaly J. S. B ORD WELL, M. D., Eclectic Physician nnd Surgeon, has remov ed his cilice from Ceutre street, toMaia St. ttidgway, En,, iu the second story ef th ucw brick building of John 0. Hull, oppo site Hyde's store, Ofliee hours: 8 to 9 a" m: 1 to 2 p, an. 1 3 p. m, jan i Til T. X. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician and Sargeoa, Ridgway, Pa. OGicu in Walker's Bi '.uint Special attention given to Surgery. Office house Iroin 8 u. ni. to 10 p. m. ItesiUeae oa corter of South and Court street!, p jioii'.o the new School House, All lh procptly attended to. vlu2yl. 11YDE- HOUSE, EmuwAY, i.k Co., Pa, W. II. SCIlilAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage hemtefore so liberally bestowed upon aim, the aev proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the coiui'ort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance i the .'jatno. Oct 80 ISO!?'. BUCK! AIL HOUSE. Kans, McKeaii Co,, To. B. B. LOOKER, Proprietor. 1'liutkfiii for the patvontigo l.ertofi S " liber ill towed upon him, the mew pre priulur, hopes, by paying strict attu iu tlie coiulort and cotivcuieaoo of (tkieitt, iu mt'i it a c'OiitiuHv.iK'e of the same. l'h cuty k'-ubkii for horsea iu Kane and well kept igUt or day. IIU attaclied ! the lloisl. ln2iiyi. HALL Jb BKO., Attorneys - ct JL.tt Si'. xMAllY'S, ELS COvl'TY, rSTL7AIA. JOJNU. UALL IAS. x. r. tkim KERSEY HOUSE, CtNiauviLLE, Elk C., Th, Jchk Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronate keretelera urt 1, li., t,uotr.wu, h,',n tl, m i - i . i , w i o rrn r. nnlni1. nriiis. hv Tiavimr stl'lil aL- touiiou lo the comfort and convenient of guests, Dmerii a oattnuxiee tf lk sain. V. W. HAYS, PBALEtt II Dry Gosds, Notions, Grccerlwti and, Csncral Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. MCarley JP. i. Tl47tf. JAMES rEX FIELD, (Sucefsor to W. C. K !.) US A LEU I.f tB? ajors, ghocesiss, rsoTisiois PHODUCE, FllUITS, kt. v3n7tf. West End, lliu'gway, I'kt " " FRED. SCHOEXIXG, WIIOLUSALK AND RETAIL VHitUM 13 PIANO-FOHIii, OilUANS, SlIIiliT MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOKS Pianos nnd organs to rent aad rtutal p flied if purchased, i'rotlioiioirtiy's Office, PidgwayJ Pa, v-'uJOU. 'pO.TilE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL i VANIA. Vour oticution ia specially invited to the fact that the National Bunks are uow prepared to receive subscriptions lo the Capital Stock ot the Ceuleunial loaid of linance. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the erec i:ou of tlie building lor the International Exhibition, and the expenses connected with the saate. It ia confidently believed that the Keystone State will be represented by the name of every oitizen alive to patri uiio commemoration of the on hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares of stock are offered for $10 each, and sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Uertibcato of Mock, suitable for framing and prenervution as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cent, per L annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial block trom date ot payment to January 1, lbTO. Subscribers who are not'near a National Bank can remit a check or post oflict ordoc to Ike undersigned, FREU'K. F HALEY, Treasurer, VKU Wurut ik, YkdV Aug 1870. tf. nay