The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 08, 1874, Image 2

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i i ENRT A. l'ARSONa, Jit.
The postal cnrJ fever lins abated won
fully within a couple of months,
3. VANIA. Your attention is fpuriiilly
invited to the fact (hit tlio National tanks
tue now prepared to receive subscriptions
I) the Capital Stock ot t ho Centennial
i'oard of Finance. The funds realized from
iliis source are to be employed in the erec
tion of the building) for the International
Exhibition, and the expenses connected
with the name. It is confidently believed
that the Keystone Stnte will be represented
by the name of every citiicn nlive to patri
otic commemoration, of the ono hnudredth
birth-dny of tho nation. The shares of
loek ore offered for $10 each, mid sub
rentiers will receive a handsome engraved
irtilicate of Stock, suitable for framing
i. .id preservation a.1 a national memorial.
Interest at the rate of six per OJiit. per
r.tinum will be paid on all pay incuts of Cen
tennial Stock from Unto of payment lo
January 1, 1 170.
Subscribers who are notjicar ft National
ionk can remit a check or post oilice order
lo the undersigned,
FREB'K r'K.VLEV, Treasurer,
Wi Walnut St., Philadelphia,
Y VIRTUE of n writ of alias Lea-
:.viri Facias idt.ucd out of the
nurt of Comrunn Pleas of Elk county,
i'tttnsylvania, nud to me directed, I will
txpoe to ri'rLtO SALE, ct the court
bouse, iu llidgway, on
Konday, January 12, 1S74,
t.t 1 o'clock p. m., the following describ
ed property-, to wit :
All the following described tracts,
pieces or parcels of land situated in the
eounty of Elk, in the State of Pennsyl
vania, and known and described as fol
lows :
Ono tract of land kuown ns num
ber Mour thousand one hundred,, uud
twelve, situated in Jones township, in
aid county of Elk, begiuuiug at a beech
tree, being the northwest corner of said
tract, thence south three hundred and
twenty perches, to a maple, thence east
five hundred and twelve ncd seventenths
perches to a beech, thence north three
hundred and twenty perches to a birch,
thence west five hundred and twelve and
seven-tenths perches to the place of be
ginning, surveyed on warrant in the
liameof Samuel Wallace, find containing
one thousand and twenty-five and four
tenths acrcsMiiore or lefs.
One other tract of laud known an num
ber faur thousand one hundred aud
tl irtecn, sitmted in Jone3 township.
Elk county, Pennsylvania, beginning at
o birch tree, the northwest corner ol
mid tract, thence south three bundled
rod twenty perches to a beech thence
i-iist five hundred and thirtysix and sevru
tenthsjperches to a chestnut thenee north
tnree bundled aud twenty perches to a
maple, thence west fivo hundred uud
thirty six aud seven-tenths perches to
tho boginniug. Containing o:ic thous
end and seventy-three and four-tenths
teres more or less, surveyodjn tho name
lLf "Samuel Wullac."
One other tract of land known as
number four thousand one hundred isnd
eleven, situate in Ecnziugcr to-vrsbip iu
paid county of Elk, beginning tit a ma
ple tree, the northwest corner ol said
tract, thence south three hundred end
twenty perches to a hemlock, thence
cast five hundred and twelve and seven
tenths perches to a beech, thenee north
threo hundred r.nd twenty perches to a
Leech, thence west live hundred and
twelve and seven-tenths perches to the
place of beginning, containing ono thou
ond twenty-five acres and four-tenths,
jnoro or less, and surveyed on warrant
iu tho namo of "Samuel Wallace."
Ono other tract of lacd known as num
ber four thousand one huudred mid ten,
emiatc iu ISnnztnger township, in tho
paid county of Elk. liegiuning at a
Leech tree being the northwest corner ol
the tract (four thousand one hundred
and tenj thenco south threo huudred
uid twenty perches to a beech; theuce
ast five huudred and thirty-six and
seven-tenths perches to a hemlock,
thenco north three hundred and twenty
ierches to a cuetuut, thence west five
mndred Hud thirty-six and seven-tenths
perches to tho begiuning, surveyed on
warrant to "Samuel Wallace," and con
tiiu'n ten hundred aud seventy-three
end four-tenths acres, more or less.
Ouo other tract of land known as
ouiubar four thousand one hundred and
nine situate iu l'euzicger township in
paid county of Elk Beginning at n
chestnut tree being tho uouhwesc cor
ner of said tract, thence south three hun
dred and twenty perches to a hemlock,
thence east four hundred and ninety
eight perches to a beech, thenco north
three hundred and twenty perches to a
hemlock, thence west four hundred and
ninety-eight perches to the beginning,
urv(y.d on wairan'. to Samuel Wullacc
and containing niue hundred and ninety-six
acres more or less.
One other tract of land known as
number four thousand one hundred and
fifteen situate in llenzinger township, in
said county of Elk. JJegiuniog at a
beech tree being the northwest corner
of tho tract, thence south three hundred
find twenty pcrohes to a beech, theuce
cast five hundred and thirty-six and
r.evcn-tenths peiches to a post, thence
north three hundred and twenty perches
to a hemlock, thence west five huudred
and thirty-six and seven-tenths peroes
to the beginning, surveyed on warrant
to "Samuel Wallace." Containiu one
thousand and acventyMhree and four
tenths acres inoro er less.
One other tract of Isnd known as num
ber four thousand one hundred '.and
eight situate in 15ei)siin;r township in
the said county of Elk. Beginning at a
Jicmlock tree being the northwest corner
of said tract, thenoo eouth three hun
dred and twenty perches to a post,
thence east four huudred aud ninety
fright perches to a maple, thence north
three hundred and twenty porcbos to a
beech, thenoe west lour hundred and
ninety-eight perches to the bogining
surveyed on warrant Jo "Samuel Wall
ace," Containing nino hundred and
ninety-six acres more or less.
One other tract of land known as
Dumber four thou.iandjone; hundred and
sixteen situate in llenzingcr township,
in slid county of'Eik beginning at a
beech treo being tho northwest corner of
said tract, thenco south throe hundred
and twenty perches to a maple, thence
east five hundred and twenty fouraud
seven tenths peiches to a hemlock,
tlcnco uorth theco hundred and
twenty perches to a hemlock
thence west five hundred and twenty
four seven tenths perches to tho begin
ning, surveyed on warrant to "Samuol
Wullacc." Containing ono thousand
forty-nine and,' four tenths acres he the
sntuo more or less.
One other tract of land knowu en num
ber four thousand ono hundred and six
situate iu Uenziuger township '(iu the
said county of Elk. beginning at a
beech trco being tho nortwost corner Df
said tr:ict, thence south five thun
dred and eighty-four to a beech,
thence cast tour hundred and thiry four
perches to a birch, thenco north (five
huudred and eighty-four pcrohes to u
beech, thenco west four hundred and
thirty-four perches to tho beginning,
surveyed on warrant to "Samuel Wall
ace," Containing oue thousand fivo hun
dred uud eighty-four aud one-tenth acres
more or !es3.
One other tract of land known as num
ber four thousand one hundred and five
situate iu Jlenzinger township in the
suid county of Elk. beginning at a post
being the northeast corner of said tract,
theuce south eighty-one perches to, a
post, thence west one hundred and forty
two perches, thenco south thirty perches
theuce west seventy perches to a post,
thenee south Eixty-two perches to a post,
thenco cat two hundred and sixteen
perches to a post, thence scuth fifty-six
peu-hes to a post, thence west one hun
dred pnd seventy-nine perches to a post,
thence south sixty perches to a post,
thence cast, one hundred and sevenfy
iiine perches, thenco fouth two hundred
and ninety-five perches to a birch tree,
(being tho southeast corner of said
larrcr survey) thence west four hun
dred and thirty-eisrht perches to a birch
tree, thenco north five hundred and
eighty-four perehe to a beech, thence
cast lour hundred ana thirty-eight
perches to the place ot beginning being
the unsold part of said larjer survey iu
the name of "Samuel Wallace." Cor
tainiug ono thousandfour huudred and
twenty-one acres and'a'lowaucc more or
ALSO the remaining or unsold part
of one other tract of land known as
number lour thousand oue hundred and
four, situate in Benzinger township in
said couuty of Elk. Deginniug at a
birch tree being tho southwest corner of
said tract, theuce north two huudred
and ninety-five perches to bind of Joseph
I'auiu.-i, theuce east oue hundred and
twelve perches to Gouge Iumanu.V
land, thenco south twelve degrees cast
two hundred aud seven perches to a post,
thence cast sixty-two peiches to a pest,
theuce north twelve degrees west two
huudred aud sixty-seven perches to
north St. JIarj's road, thence easterly
along the samo about cighty-scvmi
perches lo the southwest corner ot John
C. Kugler's laud, thence north two hun
dred uud six perches to a past, thence
eu:'t one hundred and ciuety-fivo aud
live-tenths peiches to a hemlock, being
the northeast coruer of the original sur
vey thenee south one bundled und
ninety-eight perches to John Kraikel's
land, thenee west one huudred and
twenty-seven perches to north St.
Mary's road, thence southerly tlong
said road oce bundled and six peiches
to the southwest corner ol Henry
Stephen's land, theuce east one bun
ilrcl and twenty perches to a post,
theuce south oue hundred and filty-ci-ht
perches to a post, thenee west
eighty-eight perches to north St. Mary's
road, thenee southerly along said rod
thirty perches to a post, thenee cost
eighty-two perches to a post, thenee
south tixty perches to Jehu Ertegl's
lt.nd, thenco west thice hundred t.ud
thirty-seven perches to a pest, thence
south twouty-Cve perches to a post,
thence west ninety-nine perches to the
beginning, surveyed 0:1 warrant iu the
name of Suaiuel Wallace. Containing
niue huudred and niuety-twojacres aud
allowance more or less.
One other tract of laud known es
number tour thousand four hundred and
one situate iu Benzinger township in
said county of Elk. lfecinniug at a
beech the northwest corner of said
tract, thence south four huudred perches
to a beech, thence cast lour
huudred nnd six perches, thcccc north
one hundred and sixty-five perches to a
post, thenco cast twenty-eLht perches
to a post, thenco north two hundred and
sixty -five perches1. to a)sbirch, thence
west four hundred and thirty-four
perches to the beginning, being part ol
said larger survey in the name ol James
Wilson. Containing ono thousaud aud
fifty-sis acres and allowance more or
Oue other tract of land known as
number four thousand four huudred
and three eituute in BenziDgcr,township
in said county of Elk. Beginning at a
beech tree, being tho northwest corner
of said tract, thence south one hundred
and forty-five perches to a birch treo.
thence west ono huudred and thirty-two
perches to a hemlock; thenco south oue
hundred aud ninety-five perches to a
beech, thence cast fivo hundred and
thirty-eight perches to a post, thence
north three hundred and forty perches
to a post, thence west four hundred and
six perches to the beginning. Contain
ing nine hundred and seveuty-nine and
LWc-tenths acres and allowance more or
less, and being eo much of said larger
survev in the name of James Wilson.
ALSO a part of one other tract of
laud "known as number four thousand
four hundred and two in the name of
Jan es Wilson. Beginuiog at a birch
tree the northwest corner of said sur
vey, theuce1 south two hundred and
sixty-five perches to John Kercher's
land, thcDOC east two hundred and
tbkty-.njuo pjrehee 0 S. I'mJ'b teed,
thenoo south along said road to a post,
thenee east one hundred and seventy
eight perches to a post, thenco north
two hundred and ninety-five perches to
a birch, being tho northeast corner of
tho original purvey, theuce west four
hundred and thirty-eight porches to the
pluce of begiuning. Containing six
hundred and eiglity-thrco and one
half acres and allowance more or less.
ALSO part of one other tract of land
warranted in tho namo of James Wilson
and known as number four thousand
and eighty-nine. Beginning at a birch'
being the northwest corner of warrant
as aforesaid, thence south two huudtcd
and ninety-five perches to a post on
l'uulus Klciomcyer's land, thence east
scventy-thrco perches to Georgo 11. Seo
chcr's laud, thence north oue hundred
perches to the northwest corner of
llcury Grose's land, theuce east twenty
six perches to a post, being tho south
west corner of Wolfgang Shuttenhof
fei's land, theuce north ono huudred
and fifty-five perches to tho warrant
line, thence west niuety-uine perches to
the plaeo of begiuning. Containing
one hundred aud sixty-three and one
hall acres and allowance more or less.
ALSO a part of other tract of land
warranted iu tho uatno of Samuel
Wallace, knowu as Dumber four thous
and ono hundred and three, situato in
Benzinger township iu said county ot
Elk. Bcgiuuiug at a hemlock, being
the northwest corner of said tract, theuce
south one hundred and niucty-cight
perches to a post on John Bruikel's laud,
thence east one huudrod and twenty-four
perches to a post, thenco south thirty
perches to a post, theuce east three
perches to a post, thenco south forty
live perches to a post, being the south
east corner ot land ot Henry Stephen,
ihenee west one hundred aud forty-six
perches to a post on the western original
tract line, thence south one hundred and
til ty -eight perches to a post, thence east
oue hundred aud eighty-two perches to
a post, theuce south thirty perches to a
post, thence west oue hundred und
eighty-two perches to a post, thence
suuth sixty perches to a post, thence
cast one huudred nud ninety-seven
perches to avenue "B," thence south
about filtecn perches to the southern
original lino ot the tract, theuce east one
huudred nud thiity-four perches to a
beech, being the southeast corner of the
original survey, thenee north five hun
dred aud eighty-four perches to a post,
being the northeast corner of tho origi
nal tract, theuce west four hundred and
thirty perches to the begiuning,
coutainiug one thousand four huudred
uud five tenths acres aud allowance more
or less.
ALSO, another piece or parcel ol
land in Benzinger township, Elk county,
part of a tract surveyed on warrant to
Wilheliu Willii.k and uthcts. Begin
ning at a post rn the Eschbach roud,
and on the western warrant lino of num
ber lour thousand riuc hundred aud
uinclyone,thciico south one huudred aud
sixty perches to the southeast corner ot
tract number four thousand eight huu
drcc aud eighty sevcu, thence west two
hundred uud fifty perches to u post,
thenco coith one hundred and sixty
perches to a post on Eschbach loud,
theuce cast two hundred aud filty
perches to the beginning. Containing
two hundred uud filty acres laorue-r less,
aud beiug numbers thirteen, fourteen,
fifteen, sixteen and seventeen 011 Eseh
Laeh roud in the plau ol St. Hilarys.
ALSO, a tract ol laud in Benzinger
township, in said couuty of Elk, situate
011 sou;h St. Mary's road. Begiuuiug at
a pest on said t-outh St. Mary's load,
beiug the uorthwest corner of iMuthius
U elleudorf's land, thence east oue hun
dred und eighteen perches to a post ou
Gerhard Schoeuiug's lot, thence north
Ctty-four degrees west oue bundled and
liity.four perches to south St. Mary's
road, theuce south along south St.
Mary's road sixty perches to the be
ginning. Contuiuiug tweuty-ttfo acres
more or less.
ALSO, another piece or parcel of land
in Benzinger township, Elk county,
situato on aveLue "B." Begiuning at a
post on avenue "B" being the north
west comer of Jacob Krieg's lands,
theuce noith eighty tight degrees cast
one hundred and thiity-thice and a
third perches to a pott on the eastern
line ol tract number lour, thousand one
hundred and oue, thenee north fortv-five
perches to a post, thenco west ouc'buu
Ured and thirty three and one halt
perches to a post ou avenue "B," theuce
south sixty perches to the begiuning,
and coutamiug forty-three acres, uud
being eight and niue on avenue "B" on
tho map of St. Mary's sctllcment.
ALSO, a tract of land in Benzinger
township, KIk county, Pennsylvania, or a
part of a tract begiuuiug ut a maple on
the southwest corner ot tract number
four thousand nine hundred and seventy
six, theuce east two hundred perches to
a post, thence north three bundled and
tweuty perches to a post, on the north
ern lino of tract number four thousand
uiuo hundred and seventy-six, thenco
west fifty-five peiches to a post, the
northeast corner of the lloselay tract,
thence south two buudicd and tweuty
seven perches to a post being also the
southeast comer of tho Jioselay tract,
thence west ono hundred and forty-five
perches to a post on the western line of
tract number four thousand nine hun
dred and seventy-six, thence south
ninety-three perches to tho place of bo
ginniug, containing two huudred acres,
and being part of larger survey in tho
name of William Willink, and known as
number four thousand niue hundred and
One other tract ot land situato in Ben
singer township, Elk connty, Tctisylva
nia, known as four thousand one hun
dred and seven, beginning at a hemlock
treo tho Dorthwest corner of said tract
thenee south three hundred and twenty
perches to a beech, thence east five
hundred end twelve and seven-tenths
perches to a beech, thence north three
hundred and twenty perches to a beech,
thence west five huudred aud twelve and
seven tenths perches to tho place 0
begiuning, and surveyed in the name of
Samuel Wallace, containing ono thous
and and twenty-five and four-tenths
acres, uaore or less.
Aii&O one other tract, ie?e or par
cel ol land situate in Benziager township,
Elk county, Pennsylvania, adjoining the
town of St. Mary's, being part of a traot
of land surveyed on warrant to William
Willink and known as four thousand
four hundred and seven. Beginning at
a post on St. Paul's road; bong the
northeast corner of Florian Schratzen
staller's land, thenoe south three hun
dred and sixty pcrohes to a post, the
northwest corner of Georgo Ilasselbar
gcr's lot, thenco east fifty-eight perches
to a post,, tho southwest corner of Henry
Steinberg's' lot, thence north one hun
dred and tbirty-lour perches to the line
of the Munstcr road, thence cast along
said road line sixty perches to a post,
the southwest corner of Michael Ballais'
land; thenco north one hundred and
thirty-four perches the northwest cor
ner of Michael Ballais' land
thenco cast one hundred and
twenty perches to the line of Cross
street, thence north sixty-six degrees
nest; one hundred and thirty perches to
the plaeo of beginning, containing two
hundred and twenty acres more or less.
ALSO ono other piece or parcel of
land situato in Benzinger township, Elk
county, boginning at a maple, being the
southwest corner of tract number four
thousand nino hundred and seventy-six,
thenco south one hundred and sixty
perches to tho line of the Eschbach road,
thenco west twenty-five perches to a
pst, thenco north one hundred and
sixty perches to the line ot Bruxcllcs
road, thence east twenty-five perches to
tho place of beginning. Containing
twenty-five acres, and beiug the eastern
half of number thirty-four on Bruxcllcs
road in the plan of the settlement of St.
ALSO ono other piece or parcel ot
land situate in Beozii.ger township, Elk
couuty, Pennsylvania, on Bruxcllcs road,
beginning at a post on said road, thence
south one hnndred and sixty perches, to
the line of Eschbach road, thence west
twenty-five perches to 'a post, thence
north one hundred and sixty perches vO
a post on Bruxcllcs road, thenco east
twenty-five perches to the begiuuiug,
coutaiuing twenty-five acres, and being
the western half of number thirty on
Bruxclles road in the plan of the settle
ment of St. Mary's.
ALSO one other piece or parcel of
laud in Benzinger township, Elk county,
situate on lloselay-road, containing
thirty-six acres.
ALSO one otuer piece or parcel of
land situate in Benzinger township, Elk
county, Pennsylvania, containing thirty
lour acres, and being part of warrant
uumberfour thousand four hundred aud
ALSO one other piece or parcel of
laud in Benzinger township, Elk couuty,
Pennsylvania, containing ono hundred
and seven acres, and being part of war
rant number four thousand four hundred
and seven.
ALSO ono other piece or pared of
land situate in Bcnziuger tpwnship, Elk
county, Pennsylvania, contaiuing twenty
niue acres, and being part ol wairant
number four thousand four hundred and
ALSO one other tract of land sur
veyed oh warrant in name of James Wil
ton, kuown as lour thousaud three hun
dred aud seventy-four, .situate in Fox
township, Elk county, Pennsylvania.
Beginning at a beech the northwest cor
ner ol wairant number lour thousand
three hundred aud seventy-four, thence
south lour perches to llidgway road,
thenco scuthcasterly along the same
about one hundred and thirty-eight
perches to a post the northeast coruer of
l'utrick Smith s land, thenco south two
hundred and fifty perches to a post on
the southern original trast Hue, theuce
east one hnndred perches to a post on
land of William Brockbank, thenoe
uorth two hundred aud thirty perches to
a post on the llidgway road, theuce
northwesterly along the same line about
sixty-lour perches to the western line of
Michael Baker's land, thence north
uiuety perches to the original tract
Hues (northern), thence west two hun
dred perches to the place of begiuniug,
containing two hundred and six aud a
half acres and allowance more or less,
AL-0 a part of other tract of land
situate in Pox towuship, Elk county,
1 euuMkania, surveyed on warraut in
the uumo of Samuel Wallace, and knowu
as number four thousaud aud seventy
seven, begiuning at a sugar trco, being
the southwest corner of the original sur
vey, thenco north one hundred and ten
perches to the Munster Company's lands,
thence cast five hundred and sixty-five
perches to the eastern line ot the ong'
iuul survey, thenco south ouo hundred
aud ten perches to a post, tho southeast
coruer of tho original survey, thenco
west one hundred and sixty perches to a
beech on the Kersey mill tract, thence
north lit t v live perches to a post
being tho northeast coiner of tho Kersey
mill tract, thence west two hundred and
sixty five perches to a pile of stones,
thenco south htty hvo perches to a hem
lock on tho southern lino of the original
survey, thenco west oce hundred and
forty perches to the beginning; contain
ing two huudred and ninety six acres
auu allowance more or less.
ALSO a part of one other tract of
land iu Fox townshp, in said county of
Elk surveyed on warrant in the name of
Samuel Wallace, and known as number
tour thousand and seventy eisht. and
beginning at a sugar tree the northwest
corner ot said survey, thence south one
hundred and twenty perches to a beech,
the northwest corner of Liebol's land,
thence east ninety seven perches to a
maple, thence south ninety eight
perches to the llidgway road, theuce
southeasterly along the road forty five
perches to a post on the western line of
Daniel Hyatt's land, thence north two
hundred and twenty perches to a hem
lock, thence west 0 hundred and forty
perenei'to the place of beginning, coa
taining one hundred and eighty six and a
half acres and allowance more or less.
ALSO one other piece of aforesaid
tract, beginning at a post on the eastern
line 01 me original survey, about thirty
perches north of the llidswav road
thenoe north ODe hundred and twentv
four perches to abemlock, thence west
Bixty perches te a post, thence south
thirty four perches to a post, thenoe
west sixteen nerches to a hbmlnnt-
I - w ,
tbcfcoa auub DitMrty poRjiu to a pout.
thenoe east sencntysix perches to tho
beginning, containing fifty five aores and
allowance more or, less.
ALSO one other piece or parcel ot
land in Fox towship, in said oounty of
Elk, being part part of tract surveyed
on warrant to Samuel' Wallace, and
known as four thousand and eighty one,
beginning at a post the northeast corner of
the original survey, thence south about
one hundred perches, to a post, thence
east ono hundred and eight perches
to a hemlock,south sixty four perches
to a hemlock, thence east ninety seven
perches to a post, thence north ono hun
dred and sixty five perches to the north
ern line of the original survey, thence
west two hundred and tive perches to
the beginning, contatninggono, hundred
and five aores more or less.
ALSO a part of one other tract of
land in Fox township, in said county of
Elk, surveyed iu the namo of Samuel
Wallace, and known as number four
thousand and eighty two, beginning at a
pest, being the southwest corner of said
large survey, thence east two hundred
and five perches to a post, thenco north
thirty uvc perches to a post, thence west
ninety perches to a beech, thence north
seventy five perches to a post
on tho line ol the Munstcr lands,
thence west one ' hundred and
fifteen perches to a post, thence south
one hundred and ten perches to the be
ginning, containing ninety eight and
eight tenths acres nnd allowance more or
ALSO ono other piece or parcel of
the same tract, beginning at a beech, be
ing tho northeast corner of said original
tract number toar thousand and eighty
two, thenco south three hundred and
fotty.cight perches to a hemlock, thence
west ninety eight perches to a beech,
thence north eighty two peiches to a
beech, thence eust twenty three perches
to a beech, thence north one hundred
and ninoty nine perches to a post, thence
west ono hundred pcrohes to a post on
the Munster company's lauds, thence
north sixty seven perches to a post on
the northern line of the large survey,
thenco cast one hundred and seventy-
five perches to the beginning, contain
ing two hundred and thirty threo and a
half acres and allowance more or less.
ALSO a part of one other tract of land
in the township of Fox, in said county
of Elk, surveyed on warrant to Samuel
Wallace, and known as four thousand
and eighty seven, beginning at a beech
the northwest coruer ot said tract, thence
east one hundred and sixty perches to a
post, thence south sixty perches to
post, thence east sixty perches to a post,
the northwest corner ot John Hays' land
thence south two hundred and thirtysix
and a half perches to the St. Mary's and
Centreville road, thence northeastwardly
along said road about fifty perches to a
post tho northwest corner of Jeremiah
Spillanc's land, thence south filty two
perches to the southern hue nl the orig
inal survey, thence west ninety lour
perches, thence borth fifty two perches
to a beech the northeast coruer
of a tract of laud belonging to George
Weis, thence west one hundred aud
eighty eight peiches to a hemlock on
the western line of the original survey,
aud theuce north three hundred and
forty eight perches to the place of begin
ning, containing four hundred and sixty-
acres and allowance more or less.
ALSO a part of one other tract 0!
land in Fox township, Elk coanty, Penn
sylvania, surveyed ou warrant to Samuel
Wallace aud known as number lour
thousand and eighty eight, beginniug at
a beeoh the southeast corner of said
tract, thenco west eighty two perches to
a birch, thence north forty three perches
to a post, thence east fifty six perches to
a post, thenco north forty seven perches
to a hemlock, thence west fifty six
perches to a hemlock, thenco north forty
perches to a post, the ice east eighty two
perches to the eastern original line of
the survey, thence south one hundred
and tbirtv perches to the beginning, con
taining fifty acres and allowace more or
ALSO another piece or parcel of land
in Fox township, Elk couuty, Pennsyl
vania, being part ot a tract surveyed on
warrant to James Wilson, and known
as number four thousaud ninety six, be
ginning at a post being the northeast
corner ot the tract, thence south about
forty four perches to tho turnpike road,
thenco northwesterly along said road
about two hundied and fiiteen perches
to the southern line of tract number four
thousaud and ninety seven, theuce cast
about two hundred and two perches to
the beginning, containing twenty eight
acres,aud beiug that part of tract uumber
lour thousaud and uinetysix lvmcr north
of the Milcsburg and Sinethport turn-
pine roaa.
ALSO a part of one other tract of
land in l'ox township, Elk county. Penn
sylvania, snrveyed on warrant to Samuel
Wallace, and known as number four
thousand and ninety seven. Beginning
at a hemlock, being the northeast corner
of said tract, thence south four hundred
perches to a post, the southeast cor
ner of said tiact, thence west four hun
dred and thirty-four perches to a beech
being the aouthwest corner of
said tract thence north one bun
dred and thirty perches to a post on the
southern line ot Francis Zelinka's land,
thence east fifty five perches to the new
road, thence northwardly along said road
about two hundred and eighty three
perches to the northern original line of
toe tract, thence east four hundred and
ten perches to the beginning. Contain
ing nine hundred and fifty six acres and
allowance more or Jess.
ALSO a part of one other tract of
land in Fox township Elk county, Penn-
nyivauia, surveyeaon warrant to Samuel
Wallace and known as number four
thousand and ninety eight. Beginning
at a nemiocK the southeast corner of
said tract, thence north two hundred
perches te a post, thence west four bun
dred and thirty perohes to a hemlock
thence southwardly along the new road
about two hundred and twenty perches
to the southern line of the warrant,
thence east to the beginning, containing
rive Hundred and thirty acres and allow
once more or less.
uue otner tract ot land situate in
Ilidgpy tpwnship EJk couuty Pennsyl
vtiDU, and feiweyed upon vwrrant to
Janei Wilson and known as number
four thousand three hnndred and sev
enty five, begineing at a beech the
northeast corner of said traotthence
west fivo bundled and twenty four
perches to a beech, thenco south three
hundred and twenty perches to a beech,
thence east 524 perohes to a beech,
theuce north 320 perches to the be
ginning. Containing one thousand and
forty eight acres, andallowaaoo more or
One other tract of land in Ridgway
township in the said county of Elk, sur
veyed on warrant to James Wilson, num
ber four thousand four hundred and
seventy six. Beginning at a beech the
northeast corner of said tract, thence
west fivo hundred and ten perches to a
post, thence south threo hundred and
twenty perches to a beech, thence cast
five hundred and ten perches to a beech,
thenco north three hundred and twenty
perches to the beginning, containing one
thousand and twenty acres and allowanco
more or less.
One other tract of land ia Ridgway
township Elk cotfnty, surveyed on war
rant of James Wilson number four thous
and thtce hundred and seventy seven.
Beginning at abeech the northeast cor
ner of said tract, thence west five hun
ered and ten perches to a hemlock,
thenco south three hundred and twenty
perches to a post, thenco east five hun
dred and ten pcrcnes to a beech, thence
north three hundred and twenty perches
to the beginning, containing one thous
and and tweuty acres and allowance more
or less.
ALSO a part of one other tract of
land in llidgway township in said oounty
ol Elk, surveyed on warrant to James
Wilsou, known as number four thousand
three hundred and eighty nine. Beginn
ing at a beech tree, being the northwest
corner of said large survey, theuce east
along the lino of said survey three hun
dred and twenty perches to a post,
theuce south about twenty degrees cast
by the Brookvillo road one hundred and
seventy fiveperches.jmore orl.less.ito a
post thanco west about thirty perches
to a oucumber corner,thcuce south ono
hundred and fiftysix perces to the original
line of said survey, thence west alongsaid
line three hundred and 6'3 perches
to the southwest corner of said traot
thence north threo hundred and twenty
perches to the beginniug, containing six
hundred and eighty four tand five
tentns acres ana allowance more or
One other tract ot land, being part of
tract known as number four thousand
three hundred aud ninety, warranted in
the name of James Wilson and situato
in llidgwaytownship insaid county of
Elk. Begiuning at a beech tree the
southwest corner of survey on warrant
four thousand three huudredaud ninety,
thence north ono huudred nnd ten
perches to tho Muuster land, theuce east
two hundred perches to a post, thence
south oue hundred and ten perches to a
post on tho southern line ol the. warrant,
tar.d thenco west two hundred perches to
ho begiuning, containing ono hundred
and thirty seven and five tenths acies
and allowance more or less.
It being Intendod to convey hereby only
0 much ot the land within tbe boundaries
above described as was sold June 11, A. L.
l0(j, by James Coyne, Treasurer of Elk
county, to Bundry persons for the unpaid
axes of the yews Jpui-Ijo, conveyed to saiu
persons by deeds, as followe, viz :
1st to Albert turns lor warrant ao u
Jones township 10-5 acres.
id to Albert il:is lor warrant ro 411.1
Jones township 1073 acres
3d to Albert Willis for warraDt sso 4111
Benzinger township 105, acres.
4tU to Albert Willis lor warrant Jo 4lil
Benzinger twp '.l'J2 acres.
6th 10 Albert n una for warrant AO 41UU
Benzinger twp 9'JG acres.
Gth to Albert Willis tor warrant no 4lla
Benzinger twp 030 acres.
7th to Albert Willis lor warrant jno aiuo
Benzinger twp W6 acres.
Btu to Albert Willis lor warrant jo ano
Benzinger twp 1040 aud l-10th acres.
Oth to Albert Willis tor warrant no iuu
Benzinger Iwp 1 14- acres.
10th to Albert W illis lor warrant moiiuo
Benzinger twp 036 acres.
11th to Albeit Willis for warrant No 41 01
Benzinger twp 0441 acres.
12th to li 11 ticiioitz lor warrant no -oi
Bcnzincer tVD 10oi acres.
lotu to Albert Willis lor warrant no 410a
Bcuzincer twn 080 acres.
14tu to Albert Willis tor warrant no
' . Jrtrt
Benzincer twn 610 acres.
15th to Ueorge ltetgar for warrant No
4089 Benzinger twp 14 acres.
10th to Albert W illis lor warrant j0 4ioo
EenzinL'er twD 357 acres.
17th to Albert Willis lor zw acres, x.scn-
bach road Benzinger twp.
18th to Joseph Wilhclin lor mM acres bi
Marv's road Benzineer twp.
10th to Ueorge Weis for 18 acres ave. B
warrant No. 4101 Benzineer twp.
liOth to Albert Willis for warrant JXo
4G70 Benzineer twn. iiOO acres.
Silst to Albert WUlis lor warrant no 4iu
Benzinger twp 808 aores.
2Jd to L II Eicholtz for warrant Nob,
4407-4408 Benzineer twp 220 acres.
23d to Albert W iliis lor 00 acres on urus-
ecIs road Benzineer twp.
24th to L II Eicholts lor 30 acres on ivose-
l&v road Benzineer twn.
25th to Uoorge weis lor warrant no uo
Benzinger twp. 34 aores.
26th to Georgo Weis for warrant no 4407
Benzinger.twp 107 acres.
27ih to George Weis for warrant no 4107
Benzineer twn 29 acres.
28th to L 11 Eiclioltx for warrant no 4374
Fox. twn 2061 acres.
20th to L 11 Eicholts for warrant no.4077
Fox twn 206 acres.
80th to L II EicUolti for warrant no. 4078
Fox twn 246 acres.
81st to L II Eicholt for warrant no 4081
Fox twD 105 acres.
82d to L 11 EicholU for warrant no 4082
Fox twD 807 acres.
83d to L 11 Eicholti for warrant no 4087
Fox twn 169 acres.
84th to L II Eicholtz for warrant no 4088
Fox twD 67 aores.
86th to L II Eicholtz for warrant no 4006
Fox twn 28 acres.
86th to II Eicholtz for warrant no 4097
Fox two 768 acres.
87th to L H Eicholts for warrant no 4098
Fox twD 429 acres.
88th lo Albert Willis for warrant no 4375
Ridewav two 073 acres.
80th to Albert Willis for warrant no 4370
Ridzway two 1020 aores.
4uth to Albert Willis for warrant no 4377
Ridewav twD 1020 acres.
41st to Albert WtUU tor warrant no 4389
Ridewav Iwd 675 aores.
42d to Albert Willis for warrant no 4390
Ridewav twD 127 acrej.
biezed and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Charles W. lluutington, at the suit
of Benzinger ami Esohbach, uud to be sold
P. C. OYSttlt, Sheriff.
EHBBirr's Orrica,
UiJsway, ta., Deo. 16, '73. f n42-4t
Ridgway, Elk Co., I. omM
nail's new Brick Building. Claims for
collection promptly attended to.
Attorneys- at-Liw,
Office in New Brick Building, UiOn St
Kidirwny, Elk Co., fa. vta.
II. 8. BELNAP, raorw tom
J, 0. If. BAILEY,
vlno1. Ridgway, Elk County, ttt.
Agent for the Traveler's Life and XM
dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn.
Burgeon Dentist, having permanently 1
catcd in Rigway, offers his professional ser
vices to the oitizeus of Ridgway and sur
rounding country. All work warranted.
Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, ap.
stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-82-ly
Druggist and Faraceutist, N. W. eornei
of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, I'a. A
full assortment of carefully selected For
eign and Doniestio Drugs. Preioriptioaa
carefully dispensed at all hours, day er
night. TlaSy
J. S. B ORD WELL, M. D.,
Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, has remov
ed. his office from Centre street, to Main at.
Ridgwny, I'a,, in the second story ef the
new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo
site Hyde's store.
Office hours: 8 to 9 a- m: 1 to 2 p, m. T
8 p, m, jan 9 73
Physician ana Sargeon,
Ridgway, Pa. Office in Walker's Buildup
Special attention given to Surgery. Office
house from 8 a. ni. to 10 p. m. Residence
on comer of South and Court streets, p
posite the new School House. All ealls
promptly attended to. vln2yl.
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,
Main Btreet, Ridgway, I'a. Ageut fer the
Howe Sewing Machine, and Jlurtoa Celil
Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, doae witk
he samo accuracy as heretofore. Satia
action guaranteed. vlmly.
KinowAT, Elk Co., Pa.
W. II. SC1I11AM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the pntronaee heretofore:
so liberally bestowed upon him, the mev
proprietor, hopes, by paying striot at
tention to the comfort and convenience et
guests, to merit a continuance ei uk
Oct 80 1869.
Kane, McKean Co., P.
11. E. LOOKER, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore so
libeiully bestow ed upon huu, the uw pro
prietor, hopes, by paying Birict, aiteauom
o ihc couiiuri auu convenience or gueet.
to merit a coiuiuuauce of the same. The
only stables lor horses in Kane und well
kept night or day. Ilall attacked te the
Hotel. TlnZSyl.
HALL cfc BRO.,
Attorneys - at - Law
..f as. k. r. BAjet
Centuevillb, Evk Co., Pa,
John Collins, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage kereteiere
so liberally bestowed upon him, the ew
proprietor, hopes, by payiug sli-iet ek-
ention to tlio comlur auu cuuvemenoe
of gujutd, Duieni a eounuiM&ue ef lite
r. W. 11 AYS,
1E ALEfe IN ,
Ery Goods, Kotionn, C-rccertw,
and General Variety,
Eurley A, ts
(Succsjboi to W. C. Ileal,)
v3n7if. West End. llidgwaT, I'a,
Pianos and organs to rent and rental eo.
plied if purchased.
rrotnonotary s Uluco, ludgwer, va,
TION. Whereas the Hon. L. D. Wet
luore, President Judge for the 6th judicial
Districted' Pennsylvania, and Chas. Luhr
audj. , Ilouk, Esqs, Associate Judgea
in Elk county, have issued their precepts
to me directed, for the time of holding of
Orphan's Court, Court of Common l'leas,
Ueueral Quarter Sessions and Oyer and
Terminer, at Ridgway, for the County of
Elk, on the 2d Monday of January, (be
ing the 3rd day) 1873, and continue one
i Notioe is therefore given to the Coioner,
Justices of the Peace, and Constables in
and for the county of Elk, to appear in
their own proper persons, with, their reo
oids, inquisitions and rememberanees, to
do those things which of their oihoes and
in their behalf appertain to be done, and
all witnesses and other persons prosecuting
in behalf of the Commonwealth against any
person or persons are required lo be then
and there attending, and not to depart at
their peril. Jurors are requested to b
pauotual in their attendance at the ap
pointed time, agreeable to notice.
Given under my hand and seal at the
Sheriff 's office, in Ridgway, the 11th day
of September, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and seventy-three
D 0. OYttTMt, eterifl.