The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 01, 1874, Image 2

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o- i
fi I
Uhnry A. pARsortg, Ja.
JvncK Asa Tucker lins purchased ft $50
V00 rpsldcncc hi Philadelphia,
ANIA. Your nltenlhm is prriitlly
Invited to tlio fact- tlm t lie Miunntil it.-mks
are now prepnr ?d to receive subscriptions
lo tlio Capital Block of (lie (Vnlcnuial
I'oard of Finance. Tho funds renlijtcd from
I liis siHirce nre to be employed in Ilia oreo
tion of the JxiUiiiiu for tlio liili'inntiojial
Exhibition, anil tlio expenses rminpcied
with the same. H Is eonlidcutly buliovcl
tliat tlio Keystone Piute will be represented
by tho name of every cilinen alive lo p-uri-oiio
commcmorntiou of tUo one hundredth
birth-day of tho nation. Tlio phnves of
stoalc are offered lor $10 each, ami sub
scribers will receive liv.idsotna enslaved
Certificate of Stock, (uiliible for li-uimni;
and preservation m a national liioii-.n-ial.
interest at tln r.n of fix pcrc.'ni. per
annum wiil l o paid on all pnyinotits of Cen
tennial Slock from dslo of payment to
January 1, lft7i. I
Subscribers who nre not'nfar a National j
Dunk can remit a check or post oflice order '
10 tio und i-:iijtiod, I
FKKU'IC FUALEY, Ti-cumuvi'.
SHil Walnut Si., Philadelphia. !
BY VIRTUE of a writ of alius Le
vari Facias issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Elk county,
Pennsylvania, and to rao directed, I will
expose to PUBLIC SALE, at tho court
r.t 1 o'clock p, m., the following describ
ed property, to wit :
AH the following described tracts,
pieces or precis of laud situated in the
county oi E!'m iu tho Stalo of Fenusy!
vania, nud kuowo Bed described, as fol
lows :
Quo tract of land known os num
ber jfour thousand one1 hundred j and
tweivo, situated hi Jones township, in
paid county o( Elk, beginning at a beech
Irce, being tlio nouhwest corner of ruiJ
tract, thence south thfcu" buudrcd ajd
twooty erchcsAto n, thence cat
five hundred nnd twelve end seventcutlis
perches to a bcee'.i,s,lliouce north three
lumdrcJ and twenty perohos to a birch,
thence west five hundred and t velve and
seven-tenths perches to tLo j.Iace f le
pintiiug, surveyed on v.arwit in the
name of Samuel YVclhco, ttnd cm: tuning
one thousand and twcnly-fivs aiid font.
tenths ueres more or 1cm,
One ether Unct of land k.j'..v;i :r.- r.ui:i
ber four thousand one hundred
thirteen, situated iu Jones tfiwnsliip,
Elk county, Pennsylvania, beginniii; at
n birch irce, the noit'twesl corner of
said tract, thence south Hr'-no hoii lrei'.
end twenty perched to a b -aeli toonco
cast five hundred and th'ulysis und seven
tenthajperches lo a chestuur, thence north
three hundred aud twenty jicrchos to a
maple, thence west five hundred and
thirty six and sevtu-tentlis pcrchc-j to
tho beginning. Containing cue tliirn,
Rnd and seveuty-tlircs aud four-tenths
ucres more or less, surveyid'io Uio iifi'.no
of "Samuel Wallaco,"
One other tract of land known as
number four thousand one hundred and
eleven, situate in Denzinger town.'hip in
Raid county of 131':, beginning at a um
pls tree, tho northwest corner of said
tract, thence souih three hundred and
twenty perches to a htiiilock, thence
cast five hundred and tweive und vt;vo:i
tenths perches to a beech, the; cj north
three huudred and twenty perches to a
boeeh, ti'cnce west live lmulred and
twelve and seven-tenihs perches to the
place of boginning, containing one thous
and ttveuty-Qvc' acres and four-tenths,
moro or less, and surveyed on warrant
ia tho namo of "Sainuel Wallace."
Oae other tract of land knotvn us nuui
tier four thousand one hundred and ten,
situate in Unnzingor township, iu the
said cc'infy of E'k. lSegitming at a
beech tree beics, the northwest corner of
the traet (fo'ir "thousand one hundred
aud ten) thence utb three hundred
and twenty porches to l-cccb; thence
cast five hundred and rh'v-Bis and
eovea-tcnths perches to a 'hciT 00'
thenoo north threo hundred and twenty'
perches to a chestnut, thence west, five
huudred aud thirty-six and soveu-tenths
perches to tho be:inuin, surveyed on
warrant to "Samuel Wallace," and con
taining ten huudred and seventy-three
and fonr-tentha acres, mors or less.
One 'other tract of land known as
number four thousand one hundred and
nine situate in Uenzingcr towuthip in
said county of Elk Beginning at a
chestnut tree being the northwest cor
ner of said tract, thence south three hun
dred and twenty perches to a hemlock,
theneo east four hundred and ninety
eight perches to a beech, thence nori-h
three hundred and tweuty perches to a
hemlock, theneo four hundred and
ninety-eight porches to tho beginning,
jurveyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace
nd containing nine hundred and ninety-sir
ceres more or less.
One other tract of land known as
number four thousand one hundred nnd
fifteen situate in Benzinper township, in
aid aounty of Elk. Beginning at a
beech tree being the northwest corner
of the tract, thence south three hundred
and twenty perches to a beech, theneo
oast avo "hundred and thirty-six and
seven-tenths pcrchas to a post, thence
north three hundred and twenty perches
to a hemlock, thence vest fivo huudred
nd thirty-six aud Bcvcn-tcnths perces
to the beginning, surveyed cn warrant
to "Samuel Wallaco." Containing one
thousand and seventy-three and four
tenths acres more or lens.
Ono other tract of laud knowu as num
ber four thousand one hundred "and
eight situate iu BsnsiugM township in
the said eonaty of Elk. Efgiouing at a
hemlock tree being th noj-thwett eorner
of said tract, thenso south three huu
dred and twenty perches to post,
tbente east four hundred and ninety,
tight perohes to a maple, thence nortL
threo hundred 1 treaty p9etuM to
i. 'II iii i ' i i i'
beech, tlinnco west ,our huolrcd and
oiuuty-eight jurches to tho beginning
rurvevcu warrant to "Samuel Wull
aco." Containing uiuo hundred and
ninrty-Mx acres more or loss.
One other tract or laud Uown as
number fonr tl.oininndno; hundred nod
Bixlen.i situate in 3?,-t .mfTtr township,
in KJ O.JUIlty Of Kilt. Beginning m a
beech tree being the northwest corner of
said trnct. thenee smith three hundred
nod twenty porches to a maple, thence
fivfi li'indrril und tuvnty lnuraiid
sivcn tenths per dm to a hembjck,
il.nnc.! ui.rth theee hundred end
twenty por-ltr to a hcmWk
thomv wv. (ivo hundred; and twenty
t'oiir tontliH perches to the, hogi'u-
ning, mm-cyed on warrant to "iiinuc!
Wallace." Cotitaiuing ono thousand
forty ni'o. iiSnir funr lo'uthu aeiesbe tho
sanio more, or Iosh. "
One other traet of land known na num.
her Imir liioiiiand one hundred mid six
"ituato in !eri,ingcr to'.vu.ihip Jin the
;aid oo'inty of l'!k. Beginning at a
beech tree living the nortivect comer Df
sail trail!, theneo sunlit live Jhitii
dred ,'iiu! ei:';ln y-lour peiciies to a beech,
thi'iico eas! lour hund'ed Hid lliivy four
pen In a !.' a biv.'li, theneo north Jlivo
I'.ini.lrel and ei-hly f.iur perches lo a
lyi eh, t iu iu'0 ive.'l four Imndied mid
loii'ly-ioiir peiehes to tho liegiuning,
fin eyed on warrant to ;-amiiol Wail-
".ee." t'ont.r.niiii: one thoiisnnd live hun
I Jtwl and eighty-four and ono-ti nih acres
more or les.
Cue other lrwt of land Imowu as imin-
t'Or lour uieusaiul one hundred and live
situate in 1'eiir.inuer lownshiji in the
-a!d county of H!k. Beginning at a post
being the northeast corner uf Miid tract,
thence south eihty-uiio jierches tOj a
post, thet.n.i wr o.i I'nnflvo' uiul forty
two perches, thence smith thirty perches
thence west seventy pi-n Ins to a post,
theneo south sixty-two perches ton post,
theneo cast two hundred and sixteen
peiehes to a post, Ihenec south fifty-six
perches to a pest, thence west one hun
dred Hud si veaty-niiie perches to a post,
thence south sixty peiches to u pest,
tlicnco easi o,io hundred and a;vents
ii : no pereiie.,' thence routh two hundred
and ninoly-Sve perches to a Mroh tree,
(bii.!( I ho s-.iutiicast corner cf z-id
liiVyer survey) thence west lour huu
dred end ll;irtyoicht perches to a hire!:
tree, thuieo north live huudred and
eii.y-Uiue perches to a beech, thence lour huudred and thirty-eight
perches to the. r'.r.i-c ?l begineing leifg
tho unsold part of said larger survey in
tiie name of "ciouuel Viilaee," Cor
tnioing one. ihousandSlour i:;u;rcd i.nd
twenty-oiic aetes and uil.jvt'aiii.e u.vo or
ALSO the reniaL'iL'g orVunoid puit
of one other tviet ef lund known ,is
n'tmber four lluivsaiid ecu Lundrevl ?ud
i-.'-vr, situate in Bcnz'ag.-r lowns)'.j'' in
."id couuiy of Klk. Bcgieniug at a
o.rc'n tree bci'jg tlia ioiithwurt corner oi
said tract, thcace noii i !wj hundred
Mid ni:iiiy-five percl:
j'au'vs. thenco e:'st
3 to land of .Joseph
cue bund:1;-! aud
iwcuc x-
eh 03 lo '3
la ud, ibci
(, i.-.'llll tiv, 1
tivolve devices eait
iivo i.ituarei! .;ud. s3; cu perches to a post,
theucc cast skiy-two peielics to u j.uit,
tiieiice north, twelve. tiriccH wo; two
!utm!i' and f.isiy.sovcu j-iel:c-: to
ucrlfe In. M.ivj's r, Ihcnco casicriy
aie;;; tiie Same nb'.-ut tig!:i'y-.-i '.'C1 to the southwest corner vt Joltii
C Ivngler's land, tbctice north two hun
dred and six j:cruiics to a putt, thence
east one hundred and ninety-five and
five-ic;.ths pe:chcs to a hcmlcck, being
tho northeast corner of the original sur
vey theuee wouth cue bundled and
ninety. eiht perchou to John Kraikcl's
laud, theneo v. e.-t enc hundred and
twcniv-;;een p.crches to north t:t.
Mary's roi'.l, ther.ce southerly along
stud road one hundred and six perched
to the southwest coiner of ilenry
Stephen's, thoaeo cast ono hun
dred rind twenty peiches to a post,
theuei south one hundred pud Cfty
cight perches to a post, thence west
eighty-tight perches to north i. Mary'e
road, thence southerly along said road
thirty perches to a post, thence cast
eighty-two perches to a poif, thence
south sixty peiches to John Uriel's
land, thence west three hundred aud
thirty-seen perches to a post, iher.ce
south twenry-fivo perches to a pest,
ihcucc west niuety-uine perches to the
beginning, suvvty':d on warrant in the
name of Samuel Wallace. Containing
uto hundred and Diucty-two acres and
allovi"uce Dl0rfc t r 'lSS'
Ono otlic" rat ' l"10u 8S
.,. ,",liid four huudred nud
ono situate iu Ben2!nr''5r tesh,P 1,1
said county of Elk. JLJcfe..111"? f
beech the urrthwest corner i"
tract, theuce south four hundred pei .
to a beech, theuce cast four
hundred and six perches, thenco north
one hundred aud sixty-five perches to a
post, thence east twenty-eight perches
to a post, thouco north two hundred and
sixty-five peiches to a birch, thence
west four hundred and thirty-four
perches to tho beginning, being part of
said larger survey in the name ol James
Wilson. Containing one thousand aud
tiity-six acres tied allowance more or
One other tract of land known r.s
number four thousand four hundred
and three situste in Benzinger township
iu said county of El!;, 35egiuniug at a
beech tree, being tho northwest corner
cf said tract, theuce south one hundred
aud forty-five perches to a birch tree
thenco west odo hundred and thirty-two
perches to a hemlock; thenco south one
hundred and ninety-five perches to a
beech, theuce cast five hundred and
thirty-tifjht perches to a post, theuce
north three hundred and forty perches
to a post, thence west four hundred and
six perches to t be beginning. Contain
ing niue huudred and seventy-nino and
fwc-tenths acres and allowance more or
less, and being' so much cf said larger
survey in tho name of James Wilson.
ALSO a part of one other tract of
land known as number four thousand
four huudred and two in the name of
James Wilson. Beginning at a birch
tree the Bonhwest corner of said Sur
rey, thence south two hundred aud
sixty flte perches lo John Kercher's
ked, thence east two hundred and
&9iaiQC purely' U) St Vwil's osd,
thenco south along said road to u nnst
theneo cast ono hundred und seventy-
cigiu percnes to u pu t, tlicnco north
two hundred and niiiet-tive nerdies to
a birch, being t northeast coi uer of
the original survey, thenco west four
hundred and thirty-night porches to tho
piace of beginning. ( .'untuiuing six
hundred and eighty-three- and one
half acre) and allowance i:o:u ur less.
ALSO part of one other tract ol land
warranted in tho nniue ol James Wii. u'i
and known us number lour thoiuaud
aud eighty-nine. Beginning at a bireh
being tho northwest corner of warrant
as aforesaid, thenco south two bundled
aud ninety-five porches to a post en
Taulus Kleiomcyer's iaud, theneo ca;t
seventy-three perches to Oeorgo 11. t-ee-cher's
laud, theneo north one hundred
perches to tho northwest coiner of
Henry Grose's land, thenco east twenty
six perches to a post, being I ho south
west corner ol Wolfgang Shutlenhof
fer'a laud, theuce north ono hundred
and lil'ly-tive perches to the warrant
lino, theneo west iiinety-niue perches to
the placo of beginning. Contaiuiu
one hundred and suly-thrcc and eye
ball ueres and allowance uioie or loss.
ALSO a part of other traet ol land
warianled in the name of Samuel
Wallace, known as number lour thous
and one hundred andthice, situalo in
Benzinger township in ,iaid coinuy of
Heginuiug at u hemlock, boiio;
I he noi l Invest col ucr of said tract, theneu
south ono hundred and ninety-eight
perches to a po.'t on John Braike.l's laud,
iheuco east ono hundred aud twenty-four
lurches to a post, thence south thirty
perches to a post, thenco c;ut three
perches to a post, thcueo south forty
live perches lo a post, being the south coiner ol land of Henry Stephen,
tlieuee west ono hundred and iorty-six
perches to a on tho western original
tract line, thence souih one huudred
filly -eight perches to a post, theneu ca-t
one hundred and eighty-two porches to
a post, thence south thirty perches to a
post, theuce west ciio hundred unci
eighty-tvo perches to n post, thence
south sixty peiciies lo a pe-;f, (hence
east one hundred end nii.e.iy-s o en
perches to tiVeuaj "i," theuce south
about iificun perches to the MHUueib
original line ot the tract, theuce ta.-t, one
hundred u:;U thiiiy-iour pcrchc.i to a
Leech, Icing ihe southeast corner of ilie
origiuul survey, thence tiurtli i:e hj;
trtU and eighty-i'u'.ir ptrehe.i to a post,
being the uoUhe.i-:t. corner of tnc crit;'.
uai tract, thenee west l'our hiudrod aud
thiriy perches to tho beginni-eg,
coitt.:! .i.)g cue thousand lour hni'dred
and fiv- tenths acres end ailowaeec r.i'vc
or le-;s.
Jo . auotaer ;. . o ov
liUid in l.cijfcingcr,
part of a tract snrvejed war
Wiiiiclm Wiilink pud otheis.
niug at a post en tLo E.-eh'-..c-and
on the westera warrant l-oe i
ber four tbo'i.-.-n.l nine nut.dv
uiuv'tjcue.ihcnce iou-b en? hnr.d
jiei'ehcs to the south'iait cu
tract liiiuii.-er luur tiiousand tit;!
re -a : t,
mot t'
i' : L-
a a i' i
dree r.nd eighty sevci:, liioneo w c:. tv.t.
i.uodred tool ili'ty pt-icl.os lo a post, noiili one hundred efl ; ir.t;
l.eieif-s lo j . on : .,:M. -- . -,tn,
tlicoco cast two bundled ifi-l u!-v
peiciies to tiio Le-iinoin. i.v uu:
tv.o hundred and Iii, y acres loor.' ol !e-s,
u-l leiug ntiiiiLcis t!, lot-:
U.ccn, fcixtceu and sevoutcta '-:i !.li
batli road ia the il.uiol St. Mi'-y:.
ALSO, a tr ...ct ol laud in
township, in said county ot Kik, s.iuu.,
ou south St. 51 ry 'e real. Bcginui ig at
a post on said south St. ii:y' i. -ad,
liciug tho north v;cst corner of ilathi-w
AVeilecdoii's laud, tl.cnc i cnt one hun
dred und cigiiteeii jieic'.cs to a pest g;j
Gerhard Sciiocuing's lot, theuee i;:,ah
tily-lour iltgiecs west one huudred and
lilty.four j'eiches to souih tt. Mi,rv
road, ihenec south t.iersg so'iiii tt,
Mary's read six:y jcvehes to the be
giuuing, Couiaiuiog t'.vtiuy-two ceres
:noio cr less.
ALSO; RDOthcr piece or j-arec-I of land
iu BciiLiuger township, Elk eofiUty,
situaie on avenue "B." Beginning v.t a
post oa tweuue "B" being' tiie north
west comer of Jacob Kiieg's lands,
theuce uoith eigLty.cight degrees cast
cue huudred aud thirty-three and u
third perches to a post ou tho ct'steru
line ol tract number lour thousand one
bundled and one, tlunee north forty-five
perches to a post, thenco west cue hun
dred und tliiity tlucc iu-d one hall
perches to a post on avenue ''13," thence
south sisly perches to the beginning,
and containing fouy-tbrco acics. and
being cijht and nitio on avenue "iV on
the map of St. Mary's soiliement.
ALSO, a trutt or laud in Bcnzlcger
township, Elk county, l'crnsy Ivat ia, or a
part of a tract begiuniug atamaplo on
soutnwest corner ot traet number
housaud nine bundled and seicntv-
lL-uri . .
., 'ic cast two liunttrcd pcie'ics to
:',.,, forth three hundred
twenty jC'che 13 a P.os'' wa
era line of tract i.nmhtt our lho!i,an'!
nine hundred and , oty-x, ih-uce
west fifty-live petcLes . tt El' tll,t'
northeast coiner of the tla '
theuce south two hu'udied a.. , l',
seven peiches to a tost being it. ,0tufe
snullio.itt rrvpn. I- 1 r Ci.
thenee wcU our hundred and forty-five1'
j.eiches to a post cn the western lino ol I l
iiuet usurer joui' tnoutand nino hun
'died aud teventv-si-t. thenee south
uinely-threo perches to the place of bo
giuntng, containing two hundrtl acres,
and being part of larger survey iu the
name of William Wiilink, and knowu p.s
number four thousand uino hundred and
One other traet of land eituate iu Ben
zinger township, Elk county, Pensylva
ni!'., known as lour thousand oue hun
dred and iit-vcu, beginning at a heiuloek
tree tho northwest corner of said traot
thenco south three hundred and tweuty
perches to a beech, thenco live
hundred and twelve aud seven-tenths
perches to a beech, thence north three
huudred and tweuty perches to a leech,
thenco west five hundred and twelve aud
seven-tenths perches to tho place ol
begiuuing, aud surveyed in the came cf
Samuel Wallace, coutaining ono thous
and end twcnry-livo aud four-tenths
acres, moro or less.
AJiS)' one ut'oof tmo, pie'.'o or p-nr-
eel of Inn J jituato in BenKingcr township,
Klk county, renusylvania, adjoining tho
town of St. Mary's, boini part of n tract
ot land surveyed ou warrant to William
Wiilink and known as four thousand
four hundred nnd seven. Beginning at
a post on St. Paul's road; bong the
northeast corner of Florian Schratzen
staller's land, thenoe south threo hun
dred and sixty perches to a post, tho
uorihwest corner of Oeorgo llasselbar
ger's lot, thence e.wt fifty-eight porches
to n ; o.-t, tho southwest corner of Ilcnry
Moinberg's lot, thenco north ono hun
dred tit A tbirty-Ietir perches to the lino
of tiie Minister road, thenco cast along
si'id ro-id liae sixty perches to a post,
ihe soJthwcst corner of Michael Ballais'
land; thence north ono hundred and
thirty-four perches tho northwest cor
ner of Michael Ballais' land
thrneo cast ono hundred hud
twenty perches to the lino of Cross
street, thenco north sisty-six degrees
west; oue hundred and thirty perches to
too jdaco of beginniug, containing two
hundred and twen'y acres more or loss.
ALSO ono other piece or parcel of
laud s ituate in Benzinger township, Elk
county, beginning at a maple, being tlio
southwest corner of tract number four
lltous.iiid nino bundled and seventy-six,
ihciiea south ono hundred aud sixty
jicrc'ees to tho lino of the Eschbach road,
thence west twenty-five perches to a
p :-.t. thenco north ono huudred and
s:ixtv pa rches to tho lino ct Bruxellcs
read, tlicnco cast twenty-five perches lo
tiie j'hicc of begiuniug. Containing
twenty-five acres, and beiug the eastern
!uif of number thirty-four on Bruxellcs
road iii the plan of the settlement f St.
ALSO ono other pieco or parcel ol
land situato in Bonzii.gcr township, Elk
eotii.ty, Pennsylvania, on Bruxelles road,
beginning at a post ou.said road, thence
south ono buudrcd aud sixty perches, to
the line of Eschbach road, theuce west
twonty-livo perches to4'a post, thence
north ono huudred and sixiy perches o
t post on Bruxellcs road, thenco cast
tiventy.fivo perches to tho beginniug,
containing twenty-live acres, and being
the western halt of number thirty ou
Lrti.'-d'es road iu the plan of the scttle
J. :in oi St. Mary's.
AJjL-0 one other pioco o;' jiaiccl ol
land in Benzinger township, Klk county,
"iio-e.e ou B.oschiy read, coutaiuibg
th'.rty-'.ts acre?.
. J. SO one otlicr piece or parcel of
i'lid siiwsio iu BcLzingor township, Elk
county, Pennsylvania, containiog thiity-l-.-ur
acres, and being part of warrant
-loihi'or four thousand four hundred and
ALSO one other piece or parcel of
laud iu Benzinger towiodup, Elk county,
Pennsylvania, containing one hundred
unl seven acres, and being part of war
t ti'- ;:nr.-.bor four thousand lour htiLurcd
u'.-'l . et e.l.
A '.:';) ono other piece or parcel of
iiu.d .-iiui.te in Boiizingcr tpwtiship, i'.ik
(onnty, Pennsylvania, eoniaiiting tweuty
oi.i-i, aud being part ol wairaiit
i. limber I'yuv thousand four hundred and
SO'i CO,
ALSO ono other traet of land sur
veyed warrant iu iit.tne of '.Vil
:), l.L., ..ii u.i Ivur lilOUSil'id three l-.nn
i i &eveuiy-f ur, siluatft in i'ox
''oi hi-., I'.ik county, Pcnosylvania.
s '-;'' ';' ' ;o f- !l beech ib.e noithwest iof-i.'-r
of .v.-naot number i,.ar thou.utud
ti.r.-j but .lied and seveuiy-lour, thence
south lour perches to liidgway road,
l.hei-.e.j scuthcasicrly along Ihe same
about on J hundred and thiriy -eight
pel Cher to a post tho northeast corner of
I't;!.'.' ! :-: Smith's land, thenco south two
hji'.'icu i;:..d fifty jiorehos to a jiust on
li.e. ..-out hern original trini iiue, theimc
east ore hundred pieiie-. to a pot ou
iaud ol William Brockbauk, thence
nori.0 two hundred and thirty jicrchcs lo
a j.ost on the liidgway road, treiice
uonl. westerly along the saioc lino about
Mxij-icur perches to tho western lino of
Michael Baker's laud, thence north
u'-hcty peiches to the oritiual tract
lim.i t u utltern), theneo west two -bun-died
j.e.ches to the place of begineing,
coutauiing two hundred and six and a
h'i!l erics -Hid allowance more or less.
AL.-O apnic of other tract o? land
situai-i in Fox township, Elk county,
re.iii-.l-ania, suivoyed ou warrant iu
Sue naiuo ol Samuel Wallace, aud known
as number four thousand and seventy
seven, beginning at a sutjar tree, being
the southwest coiner of the original sur
vey, iheneo north one buudrcd and ten
j.evehes to tiie Muustcr Company's lauds,
iheucu east five hundred and sixty-five
perohes to the eastern liue of the orig
inal f.uivcy, thcuca south ono hundred
and ten peiches to a post, tho southeast
corner ol tho original surrey, thence
wcat o::? hundred cud sixty perches to a
beech on the Kcreey mill tract, thence
north Lily fivo perches to a post,
ie northeast comer of the Kersey
mid u.'ct, thence west two huudred aud
sixty iivo perches to a pile of stones,
thee -. soatu filty tivo perches to a heni
hck on tho southern liuo of the original
so..', jy, tiieueo went ono hundred aud
forty . erehes to tho beginniug; eoutaiu
int: tv.o hi'.ndred aud uinety six acres
and allowance Lucre or lcas.
ALSO a part of one other tract of
land in i'ex towushp, in said coumy of
r.ik surveyed on wurrant iu the name of
Samuel Wallace, and known as number
thousaud and seventy eight, and
be", . BUKul ireo mo norm west
conier 01 6a survy thenco south one
hundred j.' tweofy perches lo a beech,
the uorthwc, " coruer ol M'" land'
thence east 6evcn Pehc
maple, thence eoJul!l mneP ,ciSht
perches to tho Riu roaJ t,ieucc
southeasterly along tho road lonl fivo
perches to a post on tho ,'e;jtern liue ol
Daniel Hyatt's land, thenc' north two
hundred aud twouty perches 1Q Lem"
luck, thenco west a hundred au. 'orty
perches lo tho placo of beginning, .!n"
taining one hundred and eightyjsix anu 8
halt acres and allowance moro or less.
ALSO one other piece of aforesaid
tract, beginning at a post on the eastern
line cf the original survey, about thirty
perches north of tho Budgway road,
theuce north oue hundred and twenty
four perches to ahcmloek, thenco west
sixty perches to a post, thence south
thirty lour perches to a post, thence
wett Bixtcee perches to n burdock,
luittli uiiiefcy radios to a pOdO,
thentro caBl nenontystt perohes lo the
ocginning, containing Iilty Iivo acres and
aliowanco lnoro or' less.
ALSO ono other pioco or parcel of
land in Fox lowship, in said county of
Elk, being part part of tract surveyed
ou warrant to Samnel Wallaco, and
known as four thousand nnd eighty ono,
beginningat a posttho northeast oorner of
tho original survey, thenco south about
one hundred perches, to a post, thenoe
fnCxt rtin V. ll ) liil nrt.7 nt.-l.
cast ouo hundred and eitrht reroko
to a bctnlockjsouth sixty four jierclies
to a hemlock, thence cast ninety seven
perches to a post, theoco north ono hun
dred and sixty five perches to the north
ern liuo of the original survey, thence
west two hundred aud five perohes to
the beginning, containing 'onohuudred
and fivo wei more or less.
ALSO a part of ono othor tract of
land in Fox township, in said couuty of
Ejk. surveyed iu the name of Samuel
Wallaco, and known as number four
thousand aud eighty two, beginning at a
pest, being tho southwest corner of said
largo survey, thence cast two hundred
and fivo perches to a post, thenco north
thirty five perohes to a post, thouco west
ninety perches to a beech, thence north
seventy five porches to a post
on the lino ol the Munster lauds,
thenco west ono hundred and
fifteen perches to a post, thenco south
one huudred and ten perches to the be
ginning, containing ninety eight and
ci" lit tenths acres and allowance more or
ALSO ouo other piece or parcel ol
tho same tract, beginning at a beech, bo
ing the northeast oorner of said original
tract number lor thousand and eighty
two, thence south three hundred und
forty eight perches to a hemlock, thence
west niucty eight perches to a becoh,
thenee north eighty two perches to a
beech, thence east twenty three porches
to a beech, theuce north ono hundred
and uinuty nine perches to a post, thence
west ono hundred perches to a post on
the Munster company's lauds, thence
north sixty seven perches to a post on
t he northern lino ot tho largo survey,
theuto cast oue huudred and seventy
five jreichcs to the beginning, contain
ing two hundrei and thirty three and a
half acres and aliowanco more or less.
ALSO a part of ne other tract of land
in the township of Fox, iu said county
of Elk, surveyed ou warrant to Samuel
Wallace, and known as four thousand
and eighty seveu, beginning nt a beech
tiie northwest coruer of said traet, theuce
east cno hundred and sixtv iierehes to a
post, thenee south sixty jierchci lo
post, thence east sixty perches to a post,
ihc northwest comer ot Johu xl ays land
thtuco south two hundred aud thirty six
aud a half perches to the St. Mary's and
Cent levillc road, thcueo northeastwardly
along said road about filty perches to a
post tho northwest corner of Jeremiah
Sjiiilane's laud, thenee south fifty two
perches to the southern liue of the orig
inal survey, thouco west niucty four
perches, thence north fifty two peiches
to n beech the northeast Corner
of a tract of laud belonging to Coorge
Weis, thence west one hundred aud
eighty eight perches to a hemlock on
the western line of ilia original smvey.
aud ilienee nuiiii mice huudred and
forty eight perches to tlio place oi begin
ning, containing four hundred and sixty
acres and aiiowauco more or less.
ALSO a part o! one other traet of
land in Fox township, Elk couuty, Penn
sylvania, surveyed ou warrant to Samuel
Wallace aud kuowu as number four
thousand nnd eighty eight, beginning at
a beech the southeast corner of said
tract, thenee west eighty two perches to
a birch, theuce north forty three perches
to a post, thenco cast fifty six perches to
a post, theneo north lorty seveu perches
to a hemlock, thenco west fifty six
perches to a hemlock, thenco north forty
perches to a post, thenco east eighty two
pcrchas to tho eastern original liuo of
the survey, thcueo south one huudued
and ihirtv perches to tho beginniug, con
taiuing fifty acres and allowaco moro or
ALSO another piece or parcel of land
in Fox township, Elk county, Pennsyl
vania, being part of a tract surveyed on
warrant to James Wilson, and known
as number four thousand ninety six, be
ginning at a ppst being the northeast
corner ot the tract, thence south about
forty four perches to the turnpike road,
thenco northwesterly along said road
about two hundicd aud filtcen perches
to the southern liue of tract number four
thousand and ninety seven, thenco east
about two hundred and two perches to
the beginning, containing twenty eight
acres.nud being that part of tract number
four thousand and ninetysix lying north
of tho Mileshurg and Sruetbport turn
pike road.
ALSO a part of ono other traot of
land in Fox toweshij?, Elk county, Penn
sylvania, surveyed on warrant to Samuel
Wallace, and known a3 number four
thousand and ninety seven. Begiuuing
tit a hemlock, being tho northeast corner
of said tract, thence south four hundred
perches to a post, the southeast cor
ner of said tiact, thenco west four hun
dred aud thirty-four perches to a beech
being the southwest corner of
said tract thenco north ono hun
dred and thirty perches to a post on the
southern liue ot Francis Zeliuka's land,
thenco cast fifty five perches to the new
road, thence northwardly alone said road
about two hundred and eisrhtv three
perches to tho northern original luje of
the tract, thenco east four hundred aud
ten perohes to the begiuuing. Contaiu
iug nine hundred aud fifty six acres and
allowance more or less.
ALSO a pr.rt of one other tract of
land in iox township Elk county, Peuu
sylvania, surveyed on warrant to Samuel
Wallaco and known as number four
thousand and ninety eight. Beginning
at & hemlock ihe southeast coruer of
said tract, thence north two hundred
perches to a post, thenco west four hun
drcd and thirt? perches to a hemlock,
th nco southwardly along tho new road
abou t two hundrgd and twenty perches
to tho southern line of the warrmt,
thence eat to the beginning, containing
fivo hundred and thirty acres and allow
once more or loss.
One other tracs ot land situato in
Ridgway townsWp Elk county Pennsyl-
Jniucs Wilson and known M number
four thotirntid threo hundred nnd sev
enty fivo, bouinoinc at a becoh tho
northeast comer of said tract,theaoe
weHt fivo bundled and twenty four
perches to a beech, tlieucossouth three
huudred and twenty porches to a beoh,
thonco cast 521 perches to a beech,
thcueo north 320 porches to the be
ginning. Containing ono thousand and
I forty eight acres. audnllowaioo more or
Ono other traot of land in Ridgway
township in the said county of Elk, sur
veyed on warrant to James Wilson, num
ber four thousand four hundred and
seventy six. Beginning at a beech the
northeast corner of said tract, tbence
west fivo hundred and ten perches to a
post, thenco south throo hundred and
twonty perches to a beech, thenco east
fivo hundred aud ten perches to a beech,
thenoo north three hundred and twenty
perches to tho beginning, containing ono
thousand and tweuty aore3 aud allowauco
more or less.
One other tract of land in UMgway
township Elk county, eurveyed on war
rant of James Wilson number lour thous
and threo hundred and seventy seveu.
Beginning at abeech tho northeast cor
ner of said tract, theuce west five hun
erod aud ton perches to a hemlock,
thenco south three hundred and twenty
perches to a post, thence east fivo hun
dred and ten percnes to a beech, thenco
north threo hundred and twenty perches
to tho beginning, containing' one thous
and and twenty acres aud allowance more
or less.
ALSO a part of one othor tract of
land iu liidgway township in said county
of Elk, surveyed ou warrant to James
Wilson, known as number four thousand
tbrce huudred and eighty nine. Besiun
ing at a beech tree, beiug tho northwest
corner of said largo survey, thenco east
aloDg tho liue of said survey three hun
dred and twenty perches to a post,
thenco south about twenty degrees cast
by tho Brookvillo road oue hundred and
seventy five.peroht-snjore or.,lesstoa
post thanno west about thirty peiches
to a cucuuiser coroor.'fisi-te south one
hundred and lil tysix perces to tLo original
line ol said survey, theuce west alongsaid
liue threo hundred and 1)3 porches
to tho southwest coiner ot said tract
theuce north throo hundred sod twenty
perches to the beginning, containing six
hundred and eighty lour and five
tenths acres and allowance moro or
One other tract of land, being part of
tract knowu as number four thousand
threw hundred aud ninety, warranted in
the namo of James Wilson sud situate
in Ilidgwaytownship in, said county of
I'.ik. Beginning at a becoh tree the
Southwest corner of survey on warrant
four thousand three hundred and ninety,
thenee north one hundred and ten
perches to the Mun.3tei' land, thenee east
two hundred perches to a post, thence
south ono hundred and ten perches to a
po.'t on tho southern line of the'wamnt,
t.ind thence west two hundred perches to
ihe besinniog, containing ono hundred
sud thirty seven aud five tenths acres
and allowance more or less.
It licing In-leU'lud to convoy lnrcVy o:.1jr
niuoli ot l lie hind within tiie boundaries
above djfciiViea ns was sold Juno 11. A. U.
IrtliU, by James Coyne. Treasurer of U
county, to sundry persons for tho unpaid
taxes of the years lSU-1 lio, conveyed to said
persons By deeds, us tollowe, viz:
lsl to iilneu Willis for warrant fio 4112
Jones township 10J5 acres.
d lo Albert il is for warrant ro 4113
Jon-is towns hip TOTtI acres.
d lo Albert. i lllis lor warraut Jo 1111
Ecic'.intior iovns!iip lOlio acres.
4i!i to Albeit Willis for warrant No 4110
Eciuiugur twp 'M- acies.
Oili lo Albeit Willis lor warrant to -1100
Eenzinger twp IIOU acres.
Ota lo Alocvt Willis lor warrant 4110
Eenziuer twp G8U acres.
7th to Albeit Willis lor warrant J.o 110a
Eenziuger twp WtO acres.
biu to Aloert Willis lor warrant .So 4110
EeBzinpror twp 10 10 and 1-lOiU acres.
Jili to Albeit Willis for warrant yo 41U0
Eenziiigcr Iwp 111'- uoies.
lOih to Albeit Willis lor warrant NollUo
Benzinger twp 936 acres.
1 1th lo Albert Willis for warrant No 4j 01
Benzinger twp (iJi acres.
mh. to L ll j-.iciioliz tor wavi-ani to 4101
Benzinger twp luoii acres.
lath lo Albert nuns lor warrant jno a-io-i
Benzinger iwp OeiO acres.
14i U to Albei t Willis for warrant, -l-lo
Benzinger twp 640 acres.
loth io (ieorgo ltmjtar for warrant Ko
40S9 Ecaziuscr twp 1 !- acres.
ltilli lo Albert Willi.) lor warrant fto 41tM
Benzinger twp C57 acres.
171U to Albert wiuis ror acres, tscn-
bach road Bciizin,;er twp.
18th to Joseph Wiluelm for 20 acres St.
Mary's road Benzinger twp.
luth to Geoiza Weis for 18 acres ave. B
warrant No. 4-it'l Benzinger twp.
Olh to Allen Willis for warrant Ho
4C7(i Bcnziujer twp. 1200 acres.
21st to Albeit Willis for warrant ino 4iu
Benzinger tivp 808 acres.
22d to L Jl Eicholtx for warrant Nos.
4407-4408 Benzinger twp l!0 acres.
liud to Albert Willis lor oO acres on Brus
sels road Benzinger twp.
21 1 u to h 11 ticUolts lor iJO acres on Kose-
lay road Benzinger twp.
2oik to (ieorge Weis for warrant no 4408
Benzinger twp. 8-1 acres.
2Uili to George Weis for warrant no 4107
Benzinger twp 107 acres.
27ih lo Ueorgo Weis tor warrant no -toi
Benziuzer twp 20 acres.
. a , . . - ... i AHt
25th to li U iicnotli lor warrant uo twn
Fox twp 200J acres.
2'Jih to L Id Eiclioiti for warrant not4077
Fox twp 200 acres.
oOlh to h II Eicholti for warrant no, 4078
Fox twp 240 acres.
olst io L II Eicnoltz for Warrant) 4081
Fox twp 105 acres,
u2d lo h ll EicliolU for warrant no 4082
Fox twp 07 acves.
utSd io h II Jiichollz for warrant no 4087
Fox twp lo'J acrci.
tilth io L 11 ticholtz for warrant no 4088
Fox two 67 acres.
iiotu. io L 11 Eicholtz for warrant no 4090
Fox twp 28 acres,
oCtli io L II Eichollz for wan-ant no 4007
Fox twp 708 acres.
i)7tu io L 11 Eicholla for warrant no 4093
Fox twp 420 acres,
BBlU to Albert Willis for wariant no 4375
Tddzway twp 973 acves,
ii'Jih to Albert Willis for warrant no 4376
Bidgway twp 1020 acres,
40ih io Albert Willis lor warrant no 4377
FvidTway twp 1020 aores,
41st lo Albert Willis tor warrant no 4383
Bidjway twp 075 acres
42d to Albert Willis for warrant no 4300
Ridgway twp 127 acrc3.
fciczed and taken iu execution as the prop
erty of Charles W. Huntington,- at the suit
of Lenzicgcr and Eachbacu, aud to bo sold
D. C. OYSTiB, Sheriff,
i SaiiBivri Omc, J
Bidgway, Do. 10 'Tfr f utU-4t.
mwuinu ma
Attorney t-t aw
Ridgway, Elk Co., !,, ofW L
Hall's new Briok Building. ci"l! f
collection promptly attended to.
HALL & M'CALLty, "
Office In New Brick Building, Mala fit
Ridcwny, Elk Co., fa. vfcenf.
II. 8. BELNAP, TBorwiroa
J, 0. W, BAILEY i
vloi6jl. Ridgway, Elk Count, T.
Aeeut for tho Traveler's Life aod A ami
dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn.
Purgeon Dentist, hating permanently 1
cateutn Rigway, offers bin professional ttx-'mj
vices to tnB -itizeus of Ridgway and sur-I
rouuuiDg couni.jr AH work warranted.
Offioe in Service & WheoUr'g Building, up.
stairs, first door to the left, 78-n-82-ly
Druggist nnd Paraoeutisl, N. W. eorner
of Main and Mill streets', Ridgway, P. A
full assortment of carefully selected For
eign and Doniestio Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at all hours, day tr
DiE1't. vln3y
J. S. B ORD WELL, M. D.,
Eclectio Physician and Surgeon, has remov
ed his otlice from Centre street, to Main st.
Ridgway, Pa,, in the second stor of tli
new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo
site Hydo'g store,
Otbce hours: 8 to 9 a- m: 1 to 2 p, m, T
8 p, ui. jan 9 73-
Physician aivu Surgeoa,
Ridgway, Pa. Office in Walker's Building?
Special hi tentioa given to Surgery. Otlio
house from 8 n. m. to 10 p. ni. Residence
uu eoixev uf uiuh aud Court streets, op
posHo tun uc-rr Bohout llouea. All culls
promptly attended to. yln2yl.
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jewuier,
Main street, Ridgway, 1'a. Agent fer Ui
Howe cwiug Machine, and Morion Wold
l'cu. Keptm-uig Watches, elo, due with,
he B.iuic accuracy as heretofore. Saliav
action guaranteed. tlalj.
RioawAT, Elk Co., Pa.
W. H. SCII HAM, Proprietor.
Tlisukftil for the patronage heretofore,
so liberally bestowed upon hiui, the aew
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to tho coiuioi'l and convenience ef
gutots, to merit a continuance el lie
Oct CO 1800.
Kank, McKcau Co., Pa.
fi. V.- LOOKER, Proprietor.
TlianKlui for ihe patronage lieretofr-so
liberally bestowed upon him, the new pre
prictor, hopes, by paying strict aiteuiiott
io the cunitoit and convenience of gueiwr
lo merit a continuance, ot Uie same. - !"
uuly stubies. tor horses iu Kane and - well
kent nii'lit or day. Hall attached -to the
Hulcl. TlnS3yl.
Attorneys - at - LTr
JO.IXO. HALL ..JiS. K. r. MUm)il
Ce.STESVlLLB, kt Co., pAv
Jous Collins, Proprietor.
Thankful for tlio patronage keretoter
so liber illy bestowed upon him, the aew
proprietor, hopes, by pajiiii ainet el-
leution to itiv tjuiiur. aua cuuYealeneo
ol gu-s.u, 'ui'it m oeaiuiaAaae tl Ue
san. 4.
i ly. HAYS,
Dry Goodie, Notions, vCrcceriw
nud General Variaty,
vU47tf. - ,-
(Suocso to W. C. Healy,)
v3u7tf. 'cst Eud, Ridgway, P,
Pianos and orgaus to rent and rental ay
plied if purchased.
i'roluouotary s unice, Riagway, ra.
. i i .
2i TION. Whereas the Hon. L. D. Wot
moie, President Judgo for the 8th' judicial
District" of Pennsylvania, and Ohas. Luhr
and J. V Houk, Esis, Assooin) Judges
in Elk county, have issued their precepts
to mo directed, for the time of bohling of
Orphan's Court, C ourt of Comaiou Pleas,
General Quarter Bespitas and Oyer and
lermiucr, at Ridgway, for the County of
Elk, ou the 2d Monday of January, (be
ing the 3rd day 1873, and continue one
j .Notice is therefor given to the Coroner
Justices of the Peace, and Constables in
and for the couuty of Elk, to appear in
their own proper persons, with their rec
oi ds, inquisitions and rememberanoes, to
do those things which of their orlices and
iu their behalf appertain to be done, and
all witnesses and other persons prosecuting
in behalf of the Commonwealth against any
person or persons are required to be then
and there attending, and not to depart at
their peril. Jurors are requested to be
punctual in- their attendance at the ap
pointed time, agreeable to notioa.
Uiven under my hand and seal at the
Sheriffs otlice, in Ridgway, the 11th day
of September, in the year of our Lord one
thousand ei-aht hundred and seventy-three".
U 1, Omit, tS9rS'