J DECEMBER 25, :t73. Time af-ttldwy. ila-Wt vMv'm ,lo ' West ': it ah to any. ,8fiimps, of course. k'uu is -again down to tho low I iu duces next year on the 18lh 'lihy season for turkeys, cs- ' iwny pubho school Is eDjoying :'s vacation. oELT illustrated tho last nuni- : ioient Prat. loof last Saturday brought out f erica and his sled. F-(ii)S.".is Insure ngvlust accidents in .ivt'.ers lntur.-ico Co., of llartrord. a., the only cot'.paiiy in il.o couuivy do- . go.eral accident business. J. O. W. Bailev, Agouf. L" An alnroi ot tire was at. . . . . Monday evening, which proved toot burning out of the chimney I rdwcll's residuuee, on Centre damage done. ,l Accident. On Xhursd.iv tho 18lh ntiile at work in the saw mill of erg' & Horton at Vthistletown, tint, , William Osden was caught by the tin uiid crushed to death by being around the axle of the bull wheel, the second man killed in the same , by this cliuia within eighteen bib la9t week's is-stte of the V? 'X; ht'llth f Vital says Ihut a car load of Mariners t from tint couiti'y to the Erookliu navy sndcicdits the article to the Aovo- t. Y e advise Mr. How to rend the item Fy as it originally appeared iu our aud see if it don't change his mind f if he has any which can be doubted. rs is not sufficient, wo respectfully 'Vim over" to Miller, of the Ucmocrut, Is been kuoiv.u to silence a whole lunatics like tho editor of the Jour- J ' piUSTMAS Day lulls oil SuuJay in order of eleventh, sixth, filth, und lycur. Thu, Christina Day fell yluy in 1870, iud on tho eleventh plowing, lSSl, it will again fail iay , then on the sixth j car, 1 SS7, then oil the filth, I Sly, then on the fb np-aiii, 18U3, aid then Bgain on the ;it,.9. Alter that it will nguin lifewxth, Jii'th, and sixth j-ot'.rs, fdiowed by un interval of eleven year?: ie!y, in 1915, 1020, 19:iG aud 1037 following is the county voeWjio Imnstitutioo : Tor Againtt. tie .17 liger 87 G8 1 75 20 Ii 38 10 laid 6 4 1 10 l'J I 41 45 roue 17 9 .ay Ub 1 g Creek -5 2 ary's Euro 122 43 Total 000 121 lij. for Constitution. ..379. 06 shipments of lumber from Wil M-porr, says the Unfile t juuvtin, fin juunary l, liu-i to jiceeinoer i, t t i ri i h t i BT, amounted to 2:)1,02,563 teet icase over the same period in ffl, of-J3,a9,21Gffcct. ESTAELISHED 1S23, j. MEYER & SONS, TIANO MANUFACTU3EKS, 722 Arch Suect, FniLADELFIIIA. 'HE LEADING TIltST-CLASS PIANOS. No other Pianos have the improvements rize Siledal of the World's Fair. London. tand, and the highest Erijcs of this Wtry awarded. IT 1ST OFk JURORS drawn for tho Jnu. ary term of Court, commencing Mon- uy, January icii, ion. TBAVEESF Jl'BOItS. Beneiette E H Dixon, D S Johusou, . English, Cornelius Waiuwneht and Iordan. fiziugcr Wm. Gross, Andrew Berhm, Ke llasselmann and Adam Jasberger. i james ranrnsworlli, Ueorae Con- John Taylor, John Kuntzlemann, IIi- iewitt, Frank Showers, John Miller, leyer, John Mosler, Cornelius Whe- r hland Wm. JamesT rton Jefl'eraon I'aylor, Adam Nulf, a s Unamberlain. -Samuel Vasbinder, Joseph Bobin sian W Alead, Martin V laylor. i?s Thomas L M'Keau, Joseph I'iat 11 Mellert, Qaeper Koeser, Wm, Wci- Lone Wm. Clyde, Myron Rautrht. rusiou. Ky Marcus French, O B Grant, taione, O a riicli, James Reiilv. I L' A ( ' : r. . , Dii, a. vuiuiuiugs, vnatles 'b Boro' Michael Bauer. Jnlm rr, Alictieal liruner, John Wnleer ) Jesbereer. Irancis Ehric. I-miio fioob Zelt. John lleindle. I Creek Henry R Moore, Alexan, ,ioou, r., nasnington Uoubrath. OBANO JIIBOHll. tte Ralph Johnson. Mile T)nl V Winslow. L&favettoW (ger F A Erig, Phi'ip Young, .lias Moyer, Conrod Mover, Jr.. I n. Peter Thomnsnn. d ward Vincent. .Tamil pAfti.- Iver Freoland. Jaoob Weinhardt, J B Wells, Euos Ltone J Champion, Jr. nay W 8 Bbrvice, Jerome Powell. Marv'l Charlna Wnia ' (Geo F Shafer. Hot Creek I) D Davidson, Thomas FEED. BCHCEVIN0, PrOthoniUry. elk Lodge, a. y. m. The slated meetings of Elk Lolg, No. 870, are held at their hall, coruer of Main and Depot streets, on theccond and fourth Tuesdays of each month-" 1). B. DAT, Seo'y. Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given to ull persons indebted to the estate ot Adutu Shall, lute of Millstone towuihip, Elk County, deceased, that they are required to make I romp t payment, and all persons having claims against said Estate, will present tlieiu for adjustment to CATHERINE SHALL, Administratrix oi the goods, &c, ol Adam Shall, deceased. SHE BITE'S. SALE. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facia is sued out of tlio Court of Common Fleas of Elk County, Pennsylvania, and to me di rected, 1 will expose to public sale ut the Court House, ltidgwny, l a , on MONDAY, J.l-NU.ilU J2ih, JS74, ut 1 o'cl-ck, p. iu., tUu following dcfcriliel property, to wit: A new fiauio Shingle Miii atout forty feet square unit two dories hih, situated on warrant number '2jo2 (ciutuiuing I'ine hundred ucres more or lestj iu ihc tonuthip ul Milestone, Louutj of J..k und feiaie of Pinusylvuuia, bouuUtd north by warrant number culI by 1. fat.ail, SuUth by ilie Clur.o i l.,vcr, and west by vsairait in tlio li.iuie ul' 1.. tie. uli, ui.d number oli5. ijCifJ und tukon in execution t.nd to be soli by I). C. Ol t-Ti.lt, ehoriff.' blieiili s ollioc, llidgwuy, l'a., Deo. IS, '73. EHSEIZTr3 SALE,-. ' JJjr'virtue of a writ of tfciyj,''Mea.l. out of the Com t ui Commoai'UHrttMlmltpvw: County, t'euns Ivunia; aud tu me directed, 1 will expose to I'lillLlClSALETtt Tin) Court House, Kidgway. l'a., on MOMJAY, JAMJAlil, ltu, 1 e 1 1, at 1 o'cIovk, p. m. All the right, tule, interest claim aud de mand whatsoever of defendants of in und to all tiiat certain unci of laud situute in Jay township, Elk County, State of i'euu tyivunia, bounded aud described as follows to wit: Eeing warrant number 5U1U war ranted in the name of Wilueuu VtiiUnk el. la. coutaiuing )M ucres bounded north by warrant number 50U7, cust by warrant number 6015, south by wurraut numbtr 601'.), aud oo. the west by wurrunt number 1017, uutseated aud unimproved. Seized aud taken iu execution and to be sold by i). C. OiSSiLli, Kneritf Sheritf's office, Uiugwuy, l'a., Eee.13, '73. SHEMFr'S SALE By virtue of a wri. of Ven. Ex. iscued out of the Court of Common l'ieua of Elk County, Pennsylvania, aud to me directed, I will expose to 1'LELlC JSALL ut the Court House, Kidgway, Pa., ou .MU.NUA1', JA.NL'LIIV 1-tli, Jbi i, at 1 o'cloux p. ni. All the right, title, imprest, ciaim und demand whutsoevtr of the following de scribed propeny: All lhat eertuiu piece or parcel of hind being situuled iu Jay town ship, 1.1k touuty, una eiute ot reuusyt. vauia, bounded und described us follows to wit: Beginning at a post about sixteen (10) perches east uf Bed Uuu, at the south side of the township loud, thence south thirteen (13) peruiied to a post, thence north twelve aud oue-lo'irth (1-i) perches to a post at the south side ol tuo towuship road, i hence along said lowuship road iu au easterly directum (o the plucc of be ginning. Coutaiuing two aud one-halt uures of laud more or less, being a portion of warrant tCiili, which was soid by P. W. Hays. High Khcrill ol Elk County, as the property of Robert Itotherick, to Henry fiouther by deed dated the oth day of July A. D. lsbl, on which is erected a two story fiua 1 " -n VKWr j fTl kitcheu ltixlil tcet, (4HggfjjytUCp:ub ALbO all the right, title interest and claim of tue dele ml ant of in aud to the fol lowing described piece or parcel of laud, situate in Jay township, Elk County Penn sylvania, bouuded and described as follows to witi Beginning at a post corner about three perches east of Bell Run at the north side ot the township road, thence norm thirteen perches tu a post, thence eust thirteen perches to a post, thence south iliirleeu perches to a oost at north side ol said rouu, theme uluug said roud to the pluce of beginning. Containing one acre uf land, moie or less being part of warrant number oMS ami the west uiuiety or half portion of iwo acres of lund convey cd by J. N. Koihcrock aud wile to csmuiicl Busbiuder by deed bearing dale April iilhh A. I). lHti'J. On which is creeled a frame house used as a hotel feet two stories hlh, with bar room attached ls:.r feci, one aud one-half stories high and kitchen l'Jx32 feet one aud one ha,I stories high, also tiiiLie Lara 2Jx3o l'et, also tour giow iug opj,le trees and smalt rui. known as Bell l.un miming through ihe property. Seized and taken in execution as the property of J'. J. Eurke and to be sold by D. C. OYSTER, bheriif. H i! ifl", office, Ridgw&y, Pa., Dec. 18.'73. LICENSE APPLICATIONS. Following is a list of explications for license to Jauuurv leruiot t.uurt. MnMuv JAM'AKY 12ili, 1873: TAVKHN. lit ntzelte. 1 O. L. Wiuslow, '2 Ed. Lewis, 3 Loraua E. Chase. Mtnzingcr, 4 F. X. Sorg. Fox. 6 John Collins, 6 Benjamin Buyea. Jlorton, 7 O. E. Clark- Joy. 8 A. J. Rummer, 0 . j. Vixun. RuUjuiay. 10 William II. fc'cbraui, 11 Ilobert Warner, 12 Riley Brothers, 13 John Ilealy. St. Mant Juro. 14 Anton Fochtmanu, 15 Elizabeth Volk, 10 Joseph Windtelder, 17 Thomas Zimmett. 18 William Zelt, 19 Andrew Rogan, 20 James Rogun, 21 John Waclitel & Son, '22 Thomas Valentine. fATINU UOI.-SB. Iteiitiette. 2 John Daly, 'ii Warren Winslow. Fax, 2j Andrew Hau. Jag. 20 James Campbell. 27 Saiuuel Rathbun. Kidgway, 28 Robert K. Enbody, 29 John Lamb, 80 Eli Ettcr. St. 3ary't Boro, 81 William Giese, t'2 Jacob Kraus, S3 Anthony Sehauers, 81 Bernard Westnitzer. BIOBE, Kidywau. 85 T- S. Hartley, 80 G. G. Messenger. St. Alary't Boro, 87 Charles McVean, 88 Joseph Wilhelm. FRED. BCUtESI.VG, Clerk, 0- S. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, A1TD H0USEFUHNISHI2TG GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmil h s Tools , Farmers Tools, Lumbermen Tools. In fact evei'yiSiing usually kept 'Employing Eione but ilrst-cGass Workmen and nothing hut first class material used. ri--.T. v t r.r OPPOSITE THEICOURTiHOUSE, IUDGWA7, PA. W- S- SERVICE & CO. r YOU WANT TOKUY GOODS CHEAT GO TO JAMES II- IIAGKUTY Main Street, 1'idgwny, Pa. DHY GOO!S, NOTIONS, HOOTS r.rSHO-KS, HATS AM) CAl'K, GLASS AND Ql.'KKNS WAKE, WOOl AND WILLOW-WAKE, TOUACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. Tho HEST 15IIANDS of FLOUK CotiStautly on hand, add sold as chear, as tho CHEAPEST. JAMES II. 1IAGEKTY. List op Causes set down for trial at Ihe January term 187-1, Elk county Common 'ii.'hs,f cointucnchigMoudity, Januaiy J2th, li74. 1 1 lie Spi ing Kuu Cotil Co vs Thos. lozter. JNo JO Jiit-ut-ry IbOi). 2 G 1). McFsenpor v.s James George et a!. 41 Apiil lhO'J. 3 JAu Tudor vs Hiram Woodward et ul. 5 August 1S70. 4 F.. !. Mason ct ni vs Henry Souther ut a I. l'J January Ibt 1. 5 George Decker, vs George Schnei der. J April 1872. (i Frank A. Lucsch et ol, vs3 Frank KV1W '' -nril l.vr ..t ... , . 7 L'mijanjiu Johutuu el ol, vs John Johusou ct ul. 26 April 1S7-. 8 James Curry, vs E. & C. J'aine. 38 April 1S72. 9 Martin Sora, vs Nioliolas Kroucn wetter. 47 April l7li. 10 Williaui J. M'Ourty, vs E!k ct M'Koan II 11 Co. 17 August 1872. 11 li E Welleudorf, vs Elk & M'. Kean 11 lv Co 1 8 Aunust 1872. 12 E E Willard, vs Elk & M'Kean It It Co. 20 Au-u,tl872. 13 E li WillurJ, vs Josiult Bardtvell et al. 21 August 1S72. 14 11 iNmti er survivor to, vs II S Belnap & Co Nov lb72. 15 Thomas Culler, vs J'cnn'a It li Co. 15 Nov 1672. 10 Mary J. I'tmuu, vs NT. II Frock way. 2U Nov 1872. 17 The School District of Fox, v John Meyers et al. No 31 January 1873. 18 Geor-re T I'aull, vs the Wilcox T & L Co. 42 January 1873. 19 Clarion Kivei Nav Co, vs Henry Moore et al. 44 Jauuary 1873. 20 Abel L Marthers, vs Thos Muli ken. 1 April 1873. 21 The St Mary's Coal Co, vs Geo ltettger. 40 April 1873. 22 James A liurke, vs D C Oyster, 33 August 1873. 23 Clarion Kivcr Nav Co, vs Hiram Carman. C9 August 1873. 24 Wrarren & V. It It Co, vs Asa Scott. 23 Nov 1873. 25 Buffalo N Y & P It It Co, vs Turn wm Lcmbe. i JacTuv 1874 a. m e aHi EHSEIPF'S SAL2. T-y virtue of a writ, of ' Fnfitm isjmpd out of the Court of Common l'li-na of Elk County, l'euusylvfiiiiii, nu.l to n-i.- directnl, will expose to i'Ll'LI .' 8 A l.E ut the 'oui-t Hi, use, Kidk-w.-iv P-i.. on MON'OAY I J V. 1 WiV, Mth, 1W7, ut 1 o'clock, p. in. I Ail tint lot nn-) parce l !' troitn.! in ilw Hoicni;5h of St. Mary's, Elk C unty, l'a.. described as follows to wil: I'rcntiiijr on t't M.iry's street twrnty-tvro left, tlience nlii M. McXally's lot seventy feet to his corner on line cf K. X. l'-iibergi r, thence along said line thirty-f ji;r feet, to lund of Adolpii toclitiuau, tlience along taij Fochttnnn's line to St. Mary's si reel. Cnn tiiinii.g ILO square feel, luit.g; part of a lnrjrcr lot convoyed to V, l.;..-lnt;ror hv Mutliins lienziiifrer and wife und Jol.ii Kscliliach ami w il'c !v d-ed dated -t ilny it August A. I). 1-OJ, an I recorded in KUi County iu lleed Uook "l-" tia-'o 00'J Si. i-'eized and taken in execution as (he property of Jacob l!ieh-.-i---.-i- and to be sold hy h. C. tiVSPDIt, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Kiilg wm-. l'a., Dec. 18, '70 Tiy virti' of s-in li y v. i-;i s of i. Fa. is. Plied mil "f t!ie Ciiin; of Coi,uii.),i n,m of Klk Co i:y. r-:m-: Ivinii. tin- di rected I wil! C.j'..-0 to -.-.!. l.y J.,t,'i0 vci.. due or outcry at tin iVi-.rt liiui.i.-, in Itidpwnr, O-xi.ity. Iviin.-yiva-.i-i.' on MONDAY, JAXL'AKV 12 !) A j. JS73, nt 1 o'cl.icli, ).. in., ail ti.e right, title lerest cliiim and deni:ii:d w;..,. ,L-vcr of de fendant iu said writ name I, of iu and to all that certain trnc-l of hurl Mtuatc in f-'iriii(r Creek Township, Klk Ooitniy, known as the James Crow warrant. . Ciiiitaininji one hundred acres more or less. Hounded on tue n.irth, east, and west by hinds known asi'ie liech Bcitlom Mi!! Company and on ihe South by laud known as tiie Mcddock li.t. Levied upon as Ihe property of I'hilin Iltlc and to be sold bv D, C. Oi'STEll. Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Ridgvray, l'a., Dec. 18, '73- Elk County Directory." Trident Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P Yiuceni. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V Ilouk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hail. Sheriff D. C, Oyster. 1'iothonotary cj o., Fred. Sch.euing. Treasurer C. li. Kurley. County Superintendent Rufus I.ucove. Comuiissioners Kobt. CauipLell, John arr, Oco. Kd. Wcis. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George D. Messenger, and C. YV. Barrett. County Surveyor Geo Wiluisley. Jury Commissioners. Joseph Kcrner. and Charles Mead. NEW LIVEltY STABLE IN RIDGWAV.. DAN SCraDNER WISHES TO IN loriu tho Citizens of Ili-lgway, nd the public gctcrally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Bnd Buggies, to let upon Ca most reasona ble terms. BS-He will also do Job leaning. Stable on Broad street, nbovo Main. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt attention Aug 20 18T0. if. Edw'd J. Evans & Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, CSTCatalogues Mailed to Applicants! Refer (by permission) to Ho, J. S, Black, Washineton. D. n. U'biseb, 8on.A CytBA, Data Vtrk, Pa. ' ... I. i 'I , IU I'll Wf'"l JPiiEJD. SVA Law, Commercial, Bo anc KIDGWAY, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN o- ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID AND COPY1? LEAD PENCILS OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES. Esicrbrook'a Celebrated Htccl ff'ctsa, the ZSext Jtlo.dc. All Kind of Job Printing dono iu the Ik-st Style and at Low Prices. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN VELOPES OP EVERY STYLE x ANY QUANTITY. itlti rinin r """"" " """" POWELL & KIME. A MAMMOTH GT0CK! Pirmly hclievinf? that (Lo world moves, and that the demands of tho public arc con stantly iuereasiuT, the proprietors of the havo j ust returned from tho eastern and western cities with the most perfect and coiaphiie stock of MEIKJHAXDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Tou cannot ASK l'OR ANYTHING they do not keep, and they Lave absolutely BROKEN TIIE BACKBONE of Ligh price?. They buy for cash and SELL FOR CASH ! CHEAPER THAN ME CHEAPEST ! RidgTfray, May 1st, 1873. EW BTAGE ROUTS. J. C. BURNS, Proprietor. The subscriber having seoured tke eon tract for carrying the U. 8. Mail between REYNOLDSVILLB & BROCKWAY YILLK has plactd on that road a Uno of baokj Hacks have the tiehange rlottl U Reynoldville every Tuesday, Tnnrsdsy and Sftturdftv nn tha bi rir.l rf IV. P- :n sUge, and return the name day. These hacks connect at Brockvayvi'de with the Kidgway stages, making connection wi h trains on the P. A K Rnul hmh Ud .a west. Ivery attention to the esmfort of pnvui vi tun iin win do gives, wmk m K LAW ifeS T11K VI 'TOR SEWING! MACniNE CO.. want reliable nnd energc-tio Arcnts in this County. The "YICTOlt" is a Look-stitch, Shuttle Machine, with Self-setting Needle, best furnished nnd most perfect Machine offered. An increase of over .Hit) pr cent, on Fale? of 1S72 over 1S71. For Terms &c, Address. VICTOR RK'.VING MACHINE CO., 1227 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa nOOi j. DAGUSCAHOITDA RAILROAD. From and after Monday. Feb. 6lh 1S73. Trains will run on this Road as follows Leavea Earlev 7 30 a. ni.. arrives nt JJastiscaiionUa Junction 10 a. m.. con necting with Accom. cast 8 14 a. m., und with Mail west at 9 15 a. iu. Leaves Daguscahonda at 9 20 a. m. arrive at Earlcy 10 00 a. in. Leaves Earley 3 30 p. in., and arrives at Dagus eahoiula at 5 00 p. in., connecting with Mail cast ul 5 O'J p. nr, and Accommo dation west at 5 40 p. in. In case P. & E. trains arc late, Dagus cahonda train holds twenty minutes be yond the above time. Tickets should alwavs bo nmonrpd bclure leaving stations. C. R. EARLEY, Lcmt. (Q NEW, FRESH, AND SPARKLING! THE CLUSTER V A NEW MCSIC BCOK FOB THE USE OF CONVENTIONS, SIXGINC CLASSES, CHURCH CHOIRS, AND THE HOME CIRCLE. V V THE CLUSTER B. V ESI EY MARTIN, 3. M. fcTILLMAN, Ann t. MARTIN TGWNE. Trice, f 13.50 per Dos. Binglo Copies sent, post-paid, 1.50. Addrers. J. L. PETERS, COO Broadway, New York. tTOR SOJIOOLS. Fairy Voices A NEW SIN0LNO-CIA3 BOOK, COKPILID AKO ABKAIQCO BY WILLIAM DRESSLER. Price. C rer ftnm. Pln.i. nr.,.;-. , post-paid, for 60 cents. Address, J. L PETERS, 689 Breadway, Neif York. The Song Echo Tha Popular SiDging-School Book BY H. S. PEHKINS. Price. S7.C0 tier Tim fitn.i. r sent, post-paid, for 75 cents. 1nAO MAHH APVEKTISE i SY MAII- as GENTS i l. p'ahk wow I r c with vincton v 11 W. Mail West witlH L 8 & M S It YV and at lrvTut Oil Creek and Allegheny 11 R W. Duffalo Express makes close connection at Williamsport with N C K W trains, north, and ut liurribburg with N C R. W train south. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup'L GRAND OPENING Bummer Arrangement BUFFALO, NEW YORK 6.KD PHILADELPHIA RAILWAY. Time Table adopted SUNDAY, August 10, 1K73. Trains departfrom aud arrive at the Buffalo, New i'ork & Philadelphia Hailwny depot, corner of Exchange and Louisiana streets. ON AND AFTER AUG. 10, 1873, UN TIL further notice, Trains will run as Jollows: LEA VINO BUFFALO 6:1-5 a. tn. Local Freight and passenger, arriving at Emporium at 5.00 p. ra. fW a in Philadelphia and Baltimore Express, Arri.ing at Emporium at 12:45 p in., stopping only at liast Aurora, Ar cade, Frauklinvillo, Olean and Tort Alle gheny. lliHOani- Local Freight Arriving al l'ort Allegany at 0:00 p. ui. d:'2o p in Night Express Arriving a Emporinm at 1:15 a m. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 2:40 a m Night Express Arrivin r al Buffalo at 8:20 a in. 3.10 a. in. Local Freight and Tassengor Arriving at Buffalo at 2.85 p. in. 6:i!5 p m Niagara Express Arriving at Biiflalo at 0:15 p m., Btojiping only at Port Allegany, Olean, FraDkliuville, Arcado and East Aurora. LEAVE POUT ALLEGENT. 10 35;a.m. Local Freight and.'passonaer orrivimj a' Buffalo at 7.00 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Buffalo at 10.00 a. m., arriving at Olean at 1.15 p. m. 6 Leave Buffalo at fi:20 tn . w;-i, -p.. press, arriving at Emporium at 12:45 p m. -...turaiiM p. m., arriving at Buffalo nt COO p. m. Leave Emporium r.t 2:40 a m Vict, f- press, arrivinrr at Iluffnln R.'in . Ticket Ofiices. lluffalo Omnibus Lino fiinnin . . , B iiuw a -I trains. H. L. LYMAN, Gen'l Pass. Ag't. J. D. YEOMANS, Superintendent. NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing Oct 20th, 1873. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. THE BE8T ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS mtu ruiiN 13 UJN THE PHIL' A. & ERIE R. E. ooiita sourii. Buffalo Express leaves Corry at Leaves Irvinpfnr, 11 15 a tn 7 45 a m 10 06 p m 8 08 a m 1 65 p m C 8 -5 a m 6 15 p m 2 05 pm C 80 p m Arrives at Pittsburgh Night Express leaves Corry Arrives at Pittsburgh Day Express leaves Corry Arrives at Pittsburgh Oil City Accom. leaves Corry Arrives at ISrarlv'o rtn.,,i ' J H WU GOINQ KORIII. Bffalo Exnresa lonvno T;iit.... . i Arrives at Cot 8 08 2 " Irvineton fi 35 S m Night Expressleaves Pittsburgh 4 35 p m Arrives at Corry e 4 2f)am Bay Express leaves Pittsburgh U 20 r? m Arrives at Corry - oi&l . y"!1'?" mde Co"- ad Irvfne0. ..if . j niicji nan Koau. Pullman Pallace Drawing Room Sleer, Passengers to and from Brockville ma luui T i.:" i. Ilea -Unk Juncti uuu..o express north and Niht oroes soiitu. ' Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Vail 9- S. LAWRENCE, Geo V Vfe, it? jef PLAYI1TC THE IBEST TU' STEAMSHIPS BEGATTAS BROADWAYR VXRU1NIA GEN. 1 1 Ff f 4j r r COLUJ GOLL J f L. i ft