The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 25, 1873, Image 2

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    Henry A. Parsons, Jn. Editor
About one find alinlf niillion bushels
of wheat are about to start from Minna
Bota for New York, in the belief that
the prieo is nbout. to riso,
VANIA. Your attention in ppivinlly
invited to the fact Ih-t tb National Hunks
are now prepared to roemvo mitt i-rijilions
to the Capital tltoek of I tin t'cntonninl
Board of Finance. The fiindtt realized from
this source ore to 1)9 employed in 'ho erec
tion of the hmldiTipl for lh Imernalionnl
Exhibition, end iho ctpenr.eti councclpd
with tbc fJinic. lib confidently believed
that the Keystone Stat? rill bf vet!iventd
by the nair-.o of every citif en alive to patri
olio commcmorntion of the one hundredth
birth-day of tho nation, The hWcs of
etook are ottered for $10 each. Mid fuIv
writer will receive1 a liamlftowe onjrrav.M
.CottitiC!f o of Meek, suitable Tor filming
ond pivaS'rvatton as national memorial.
Interest at. tho rto of six for cm. per
annum m-ill be paid on nil pnymon' of Cen
tennial Stock fvotu di of payment to
'January 1, 1"'!.
Subscribers who ere not'uear a National
Dank can remit ?, eliooU or port office order
to tho underfilled,
FRBD'k. KRAT.KV, Treurer.
!)0t Walnut St., Philadelphia.
BY VIRTUE of a writ of a?w Lai
lari Facias issued out of t! c
Court of Common Picas of Elk county,
i'onnsylvrnis, a id to wo (liicotcd, I will
. expose 'o PUUL.U! SALE, at tho court
house, in P.iu.jw.iy, oa
Monday, January33,2, 1S71,
nt 1 o'clock p. in., toe following describ
ed property, lo wit :
All thy following' described traetp,
pieces or parcels oi laud s::uittd iu toe
county ot Elk, in tlie State of Pennsyl
vania, and known and described as fol
lows :
One tract of bind known ns num
ber four thousand ouo hundred," nud
twelve, situated iu Jones township, io
(said county of Elk, beginning at a beech
tree, being the northwest corner of said
tract, thence south three hundred aud
twenty perches to a maple, thence east
live hundred aud twelve and seventenths
perches to a beech, thence uorth three
hundred and twenty perches to a birch,
thence west five hundred aud twelve and
seven-tenths perches to the place of be
ginning, surveyed on warrant in the
name of Samuel Wallace, and containing
one thousand and twenty-five nud four
tenths acres more or lets.
One other tract of laud known as num
ber four thousand one hundred and
thirteen, sititited in Jones township,
131k county, Pennsylvania, beginning at
n birch tree, the northwest corner of
said tract, thence south three hundred
nnd twenty porches to a beech thence
east five hundred and thirtysix and seven
tenths perches to a chestnut thence north
three hundred and twenty perches to a
thirty six and seven-tenths perches to
the beginning. Containing one thous
and and seveuty-ihrce and four-tenths
acres wore or less, surveyedjn the name
of "Samuel Wallace."
jOne other tract of land knowu as
iauiber four thousand one hundred aud
eleven, situate in Boiizingor township in
said county of El!.-, beginning at a ma
ple tree, the northwest c irner oi said
tract, thenco couth three hundred and
twenty porches .o a hemlock, thence
oast hve'hnnctreil and twelve aud seven
tenths perches to a beech, theuee north
three hundred and twer.iy perches to a
beech, thence vest live hundred aud
twelve and seven-tenths perches to the
place of beginning, containing one thous
and twenty-five acres and four-tenths,
more or less, and surveyed on warrant
in the name of ''.Samuel Wallace."
jsXOtic other tract of land known as num
ber four thousand or.e hundred and ten,
situate in Beuziuger township, in the
paid county oi Elk. Beginning at a
beech treebeing the northwest corner of
the tract (four thousand one hundred
aud ten) thence south three hundred
and twenty perches to a beech; thence
cast five hundred and thitty six and
seven-tenths perches to a hemlock,
thenco north three hundred and twenty
perches to a chestnut, thence wei't five
liuudrod and thirty-six and seven-tenths
perches to tho beginning, surveyed on
warrant to "Samuel Wallace," and con
taining ten hundred cud sevcuty-thiee
and four-tenths cores, more or less.
One other tract of hnd known as
number four thousand one hundred and
cine situate in P.enziogor t ownship in
said county of Elk beginning at a
chestnut tree being the cor
ner of stdd tract, thence south three hun
dred aud twenty perches to a hemlock,
thence four hundred and ninety
eight perches to a beech, thence north
three hundred and tveuiy perches to a
hemlock, thence west four hundred and
ninety-eight perches to the beginning,
survey oa warrant to "Samuel Wallace"
and containing cine hundred and ninety-six
acres more or less.
One other tract of laud known ns
number four thousand one hundred and
fifteen situate in Bensiuger township, in
eaid county of EJk. Beginning at a
Leech tree being the northwect corner
of tho tract, thence south threo hundred
and twenty perches loo beech, thence
east 2ve "hundred ml thirty-six and
seven-tenths pcicbes to o poet, thence
north three hundred and twenty perches
to a hemlock, thence vest five hundred
and thirty-six end 6even-tenths perces
to the begiunmg, surveyed oa warrant
to "Samuel Wallace." Containing one
thousand end seventy-three tad four
tentbs acres more or lew.
One other tract ofl&ud known as Lum
ber four thousnd one hundrbd and
eight situate in JtSentingw township in
the said county rf Elk. lSegiauinE at a
hemlock tree being thi northwest corner
of said tract, thence south three hun
dred and twenty perches to a post,
thenee east four hundred and ninety
sight perohes to maple, thence north
throe hundred trod tveoty perches to
beech, thence wet four hundred and
ninety-eight parches to the beginning
surveyed on warrant to "Samuel Wall
ace." Containing nine hundred and
uinely-six norcs more or loss.
One other tract of land known as
number four thousand one hundred and
sixto n situato in J!cnr,ingcr tnwnsLip,
in cuid county of Klk. .llegimiing ut a
beeeh tree being the nur'hwnst corner ol
said tract, thence south throe hundred
and twenty porches to a timplo, thenee
cn.t live hundred and twenty lour and
seven tenths pctchos to h hemlock,
tl cnort north three hundred and
twenty perches to a 'hemlock
tlienco west live hundred and twcniy
Inur !cven tenths porches to the begin
ning, surveyed on Warrant to 'Sauiuol
Wallace." Containing one ihoucniul
fort y nine and four tenths acres bo tho
same more or less.
One other tract of land known as num
ber lour thousand one hundred and tux
situate in Honziiiger township in the
said county of Klk. Jlcgintmig ut a
beech tree being the run (west comer j
said tract, thenco south live bun
lro I niid eighty-lour perches to a beech,
thence cast lour l.ui'ilrcd and thiry lour
perches to n birch, tlieiico norili live
hundred end eighty-four pcichea to a
beech, thence west itmr hundred and
thirty-tour perches to tho beginning,
Mirvoyod en warrant to "Samuel Wall
ace." (Vnitaiuirig one thousand live hun
dred and eighty-four and onc-tcntli acres
more or less.
One other Iraet of land known as num
ber four thousand one hundred and five
situate in jiuizmcr township in the
sa'd county of Elk. Heginniug at a post
being the nort'tK'sst co: nor of .-aid tract,
thenee sou;h eighty-one perches to a
poLit, thence won oik: hundred and forty
two pevchc- tbetu-e south thirty pi-rehts
thenee west seventy perches lo a po.-i,
thenee south sixty-two perches to a "',
thence cast two hundred su:i f-ixtcert
perches to a post, thenee south fitty-aix
porchi'ti tj a po .', thence West ond hun
dred Hid vt'.-.!y-i.ioe perches to a post,
thence south sixty peichis to a ot,
thence east one hunJred and ceventv
nine perches, thenee south two hundred
aud niuety-tive perches to a birch tree,
(being the southeast corner ot said
larger survey) thenco west four buu
dred and thirtyeijrht perches lo a birch
tree, thenee north five bundled and
cigh'.y-four perches to a beech, thenee
cast four hundred and thirty-eight
perches to the place ol beginning being
the unsold part ol said larger survey in
the name of "Samuel Waliace." Cur
taining one tluiUrand four hundred and
tweuty-orx acres and allowance inort or
ALSO :lie remaining or unsold part
ol one other tract of land known w
number four thousand one buudred cud
lour, situate iu Ihuizlnger' township iu
said county of Elk. Beginning at a
birch tree beiug the southwest corner of
said tract, thence north two hundred
aud ninety-five perches to land of Joseph
Paulus, thence cast or.e hundred and
twelve perches to Ocoige Diiuitnu's
laud, thcuce south twelve degrees cast
two bundled aud seven perches to a j.'ost,
thence east sixty-two perches to a post,
tlieucu uoiiu iitritc U.icco tuui inu
hundred aud sixty-seven perches to
north St. JIarj's road, thenee caitcrly
along the sarna about eighty-seven
perches to the southwest comer ol John
G. Kugler's land, thcuce noith two hun
dred aud cix perches to o post, thence
east one hundred aud ninety-live and
five-tenths perches to a hemlock, being
the northeast corner of tho original sur
vey thence south one hundred and
ninety-eight perches to John Kraikel's
land, thence west one hundred and
twenty-seveu perches to north St.
Mary's road, thenee southerly along
said road one hundred and six perches
to the southwest coiner of Henry
Stephen's land, thence cast one hun
dred aud twenty perches to a post,
thence south one hundred and lifty-eh-ht
perches to a post, I bonce west
eighty-eight perches to north St. Mary's
road, thence southerly along said road
thirty perches to a post, thence east
eighty-two perches to a post, (hence
south sixty pcicbes to John Kricgl's
laud, thence west tlneo hundred and
thirty-seven perches to a post, thenee
south twenty-live perches to a post,
thence west tiinefy-niuo perches to the
beginning, surveyed on warrant iu the
name of Samuel Yv'allace. Containing
nine buudred and ninety-two acres ami
allowance more or less.
Cue other tract of laud knowu es
number tour thousand four hundred and
ono hituute in lituziugcr township io
said county oi E!k. Beginning at a
beech the northwest corner of said
tract, thence south four hundred perches
to a beech, ihci cs east lour
hundred and fix I irr'as, thenco north
ouo hundred cu.l tisty-fivu perches to a
post, thence ca.n Iwcnty-eLht perches
to a post, thcuce north two hundred and
sixty-five perches to a birch, thence
west four hundred and thirty-four
perches to the beginning, being part of
said larger survey in the name of James
Wilson. Containing cue thousand and
fifty-sis acres and allowance more or
One other tract of land knowu as
number four thousand four hundred
and three situute in llenzinger township
iu said county of Elk, Beginning at a
beech tree, being the northwest corner
of said tract, ihcnec south one hundred
and forty-five perches to a birch treo.
thenco west one hundred and thirty-two
perches to a hemlock; thence south one
hundred and ninety-five perches to a
beech, thence east five hundred and
thirty-eight perches to a post, thence
north three hundred and forty perches
to a post, thence west four hundred and
sis perches to the beginning. Contain
ing nine hundred and seventy-nine and
fwe-teotbs acres and allowance more or
less, and being to much ol said larger
survey ia the name of James Wilson.
ALSO a pait of cno other tract of
lend knowu 3 rumbcr four thousand
four hundred end two iu the name of
James Wibon. Beginning at a birch
tree the northwest corner of said sur
vey, thence south three hundred and
sixty-five perches to John Kerchcr'
land, thence east two hundred and
thutynina jxteics to 8t. Paul's road,
thenco south along said road to' a post,
thenee east ono hundred and seventy
eight perches to a post, thenee north
two hundred and niuety-fivo perohes to
a birch, being tho noil beast corner of
iho original survey, thcuce west four
hundred and thirty-eight porches to the
place of beginning. Containing six
hundred and eighty-lhreo and five
tenths acres end allowunco more or less.
ALSO part of cno other tract of land
warrautcd in tho nauto of James W ilsou
and known as number lour thousand
and eighty-nine. Beginning at a birch
being iho northwest corner of warrant
asalorcsaid, thenco south two bundled
and ninety-live perches lo a post on
l'aulus Klcinmeycr's land, thencj east
seventy-tbrec perches to George Ii. Sec
rhcr's laud, thenco north one hundred
peaches (o th j northwest corner of
Henry Grose's land, thcuce cut twenty
six perches to a post, being the tteutii
west corner ol Wolfgang Shuiteuhof
fer's laud, thcuce north one buudred
and lil'ty-livo pcrcheu to tho wanant
lino, thenco west nincty-niue perches to
tho place of begiuniug. Containing
one hundred an'i sisty-thrce and live
tentl.s acres and aliowaucu mote or less.
ALSO a part of other tract, of laud
warranted in the name ot Samuel
Wallace, known as number four thous
and ono hundred and three, situuie in
Bcnziiicr township in said county of
Elk. Beginning at a hemlock, being
the northwest corner of said tract, thence
smith one hundred aud ninety-eight
perches to a post on John Braikcl's laud,
thcuce ctut oue hundred and twenty-four
perches to a post, thence south thirty
perclus to a post, thcuce east three
perches to a post, thenco south forty
live perches lo a post, being the south
east corner ol land of Henry Stephen,
thence west one hundred and iorty-six
pcichcs toa post on the western original
tract line, thence south cno hundred
JiMy -tight perches to a post, luetics east
ot,e hundred and eighty-two perches to
a J o:-t, them c south thirty peicLc-t to a
post, thenco west one hundred aud
eighty-two perches to a po&t, thence
.south sixty perches to a post, thence
est ouo hvudred and uincty-scvcti
perched to avenue "B," thcuce south
aoout futecn perches to the souiheru
oiigical line uf the tract, thcuce etst ouo
hundred tibd thiity-four perches to a
beech, being the southeast comer of the
original survey, thcuce north the liuu
drcd Hiid eighty-four perches to a post,
being the uorthcaut corner of the origi
nal tract, thcuce vest four hundred aud
thirty perches to the beginning,
containing one thousand four hundred
aud five tenths acres and allowance more
or less.
ALSO, another piece or parcel of
kud iu Benzinger township, EIk county,
part oi a tiacl surveyed on wurraut to
Wiiheiiu Wil'ii.k and otheis. Begin
ning at a post on the Eschbach road,
and on I he western warrant iino of num
ber four thousand line hundred and
uiuetyoue,Sl.crice south one hundied aud
sixty perches iotho southeast corner oi
tract number lour thousand huii
drcc and eighty seven, thence two
hundred aud f.l'ty perchca to a post,
thence noith cno bundled and sixty
tif-iches to a rust on Eschbach ro-td.
thence cast two luucrtd aud ill ty
pe rehes to the beginning. Coutiinitig
two hundred aud liny acres more or less,
aud being Lumbeis thirteen, fourteen,
liitecu, sixteen and seventeen on Esch
bach road in the plan ol St. Marys.
ALSO, a tract oi land iu Jei z'i.ger
township, iu said couuty ot Elk, situate
oa south St. Mary's road. Beginning at
a post on said south St. Mary's ruad,
being the northwest comer of Matnias
U'eiieudorl's laud, thence east one hun
dred and eighteen perches to a post on
Gerhard Schueuiug's lot, thcuce north
tlty-lour degtets west one bundled aud
titty. lour perches to south Sr. Mary's,
road, thence south aiong south St,
Mary's toad sixty perches lo the be
ginning. Containing twenty-two acres
more or less:.
ALSO, another piece or parcel of laud
iu Bcnzinger township, Elk county,
eituute on avtuue "15." Beginning at a
poet ou avenue '!" being the north
west corner of Jacob Krieg's lands,
thenee nonb eighty eight degrees east
oue buudred and thirty-three aud a
third perches to a post on the eastern
line cj tract number four thousand oue
hundred aud one, thence north forty-live
perches to a post, thence west one huu
drcd and thiity three and one hall
perches to a pot ou avenue "B," thenee
south sixty perches to the beginning,
and containing iorty-thice acres, mid
being eiuht and nine on avenue "B" on
tho map of St.' Mary's ?etl!etnent.
AliSO, a tract ot land in Benzingcr
township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, or a
part of a tract beginning at a maple on
the southwest corner tit tract number
tour thousand nine hundred and seventy
six, thence cast two hundred perches to
a post, thcuce north three bundled and
tweuty pcecbes to a post, ou the north
ern line of tract number lour thousand
uine buudred and seventy-six, thence
west fitly-live pcicbes to a post, the
northeast corner of the Roseluy tract,
thence south two hundred and twenty
seven perches to a post being also the
southeast corner of the P.oselay tract,
thence west or.e hundred ond foriy-fivc
perches to a post on thG western lino of
tract number four thousand nine hun
dred nud seventy-six, thence south
ninety-three perches to the place of be
ginning, containing two hundred acres,
and being part of larger survey in the
name of William Wiilink, and "known as
number four thousand niuo hundred and
One other tract of land situate iu Ben
zingcr township, Elk county, Pensylva
uia, known as lour thousand one hun
dred and seveu, beginning at a hemlock
tree the northwest corner of said tract
thenco south three hundred cud twenty
perches to a beech, thence east five
hundred aud twelve aud seven-tenths
perches to a beech, thenco north three
bundled and twenty perches to a beech,
thenco west five hundred cod twelve and
seven-teutbs perches to the place of
ucgiuuing, ana surveyed in the name of
Samuel Wallaco, containing one thous
and and twenty-five and four-tenths
acres, more or less.
ALSO one other tract, piece or jar-
col of land situate in BenziDger townshipi
Elk county, Pennsylvania, adjoining tho
town ol St. JIary's, being part of a tract
ol land surveyed on warrant to WMIiain
Williuk and known as four thousand
four hundred aud seven. j Begiuuing at
a post ou St. Paul's road; beiig the
northeast corner of Florian Sohratzen
slallcr's laud, thence south three hun
dred and sixty perchc3 to a post, the
northwest corner of Geoigo liasselbar
gcr's lot( thence east fifty-eight perches
to a post, tho southwest corner of Henry
Sloiuberg's lot, thence north one hun
dred and thirty-lour perches to tho line
of the Mutistcr road, thenco east aiung
eaid road line sixty perches lo a post,
the southwest corner of Miuhael Halluis'
land; thence north one hundred and
thirty-four perches the northwest cor
ner of Michael Ballais' land
thenco east ono hundred aud
twenty pcicbes to the line of Cross
street, thence uorth sixty -six degrees
west; one hundred and thirty perches to
the place ol begiuning, containing two
buudred and twenty acres more or less.
ALSO ono other piece or parcel of
land situate iu Benztuger township, Eik
couuty, begiouing at a maple, betng tho
southweu corner of tract uurnher lour
thousand nine hundred and seventy six,
thenco south ouo hundred aud sixty
perches to the line of the Eschbach road,
thenco west twenty-five perches to a
post, thence north oua hundred and
sixty perches to tho line ot Bruxellcs
road, tiicnce east tweuty-flve perches to
tho place ol beginning. Containing
twenty-five acres, and bciug the eastern
half of number thirty-four ou Bruxellcs
road iu the plan of the settlement ol St.
ALSO ono other piece or parcel ol
land situate iu BenziLgcr township, Elk
county, Pennsylvania, on Bruxelles road,
beginning at a post ou said load, thenee
south one hnndred aud sixty perches, to
the hue ot E.vchbach road, tucuee west
twenty-five perches to a post, thcuce
north cue buudred aud sixty perches ,o
a post oa Bruxellcs road, thence cast
twenty-live perched to the begiuuing,
containing twenty-five acres, and being
the western halt ol number thirty ou
Bruxuilcs road iu the plan of the settle
ment ol St. Mary's.
ALSO one other piece or parcel ol
laud iu Beuzingcr township, Elk couuty,
situate on iiostjay read, cpnta mug
thirty-six acres.
ALSO one oilier piece or parcel o!
land situate iu Beuziuger township, Elk
couuty, I'ennsylvania, containing thirty
lour acres, aud be;ng part ol warrant
number lour thousand lour buudred and
eight. one other piece or parcel of
land m Lenzinger township, Elk county,
Pennsylvania, containing oue buudred
aud seven acres, aud being part of war
rant number luitr thousand lour hundred
aud sevcu.
ALSO oue other piece or parcel of
land tituate in Beuziuger tpwnship, Elk
county, l enusuvauia, coutaimntr twenty
nine acres, and being part ol wairaut
number lour thousand lour hundred aud
ALSO one other tract of kud sur
veyed on warrant iu name of James Wil
son, known as lour thousand three hun
dred and seyeacy-iour, mtmta in VW
township, Elk county, Pennsylvania.
Beginning at a beech the northwest cor
ner ol warrant number lour thousand
three hundred and seventy-lour, thence
south lour perches to llidgway road,
tiicnce seuthcasteily along the same
about ouo hundred and thirty-ei"hl
perches to a post the northeast corner of
i ucricli Smith s land, tbeuce south two
hunoi'eu and lilry perches to a post ou
the southern original tiaet iine, thenee
east cue nnndrcd perches to a post ou
land ct William Brockbank, thc.-.ce
north two hundred and thirty perches to
a post on the ludgway load, thence
northwesterly along the same line about
sixty-Jour perohes to (he westrrn line of
Michael Baker's laud, thence uorth
ninety perches to tho original tiact
Iilcs (northern), thenee west two hun
dred perches to the place of beginning
containing two buudred and six aud a
half acres and allowance.
AL-.O a part of other tract of laud
situate iu Pox township, Elk county,
Pennsylvania, surveyed ou warrant in
the name ot Samuel Wallace, and known
as numucr Jour thousand aud seventy
stivnc, beginning at a sugar tree, beiuj
the southwest corner of the original sur
vey, thence north one hundred end ten
perches to the Muuster Company's lauds,
tiicnce cast five hundred aud sixty-five
perches to the eastern liue ol the oiig-
uia! survey, thence south one hundred
and ten perches to a post, the southeast
coiner ol tho original survey, thenco
west cue buudred and sixty pel ches to a
beech on the Kersey mill tract, thence
north filty five perches to a post,
being the northeast coiner of the Kersey
mill tract, thence west two hundred and
sixty five perches to a pile of stones
thenee suuth fifty five perches to a hem
lock on the southern line of the original
survey, tbeuce weat one hundred and
forty perches to the beginning; contain
ing two buudred and ninety six acres
auu atiowance more or less.
ALSO a part of ono other tract ol
laud iu Pox towushp, iu said couuty ol
Elk surveyed on warrant iu the name of
Samuel Wallace, and kuown as number
four thousand aud seventy eight, and
beginning at a sugar tree the northwest
corner ol said survey, thence south one
hundred and tweuty perohes to a beech
the northwest corner ol Liebel's land
tbeuce east ninety seven perches to a
maple, thenco soulh ninety eight
perches to the llidgway road, thence
southeasterly along the road forty five
perches to a postou tho western lino ot
Daniel Hyatt's laud, thenco north two
hundred and tweuty porches to a hem
lock, thcuce west a hundred aud forty
percues to the place ot beginning, con
tuining one hundred and eightyjsix and a
uai: seres and anowaueo more or less.
ALSO one other piece of aforesaid
tract, beginning at a post ou the easteru
liue of the original 6urvey, about thirty
percues norm ol the Kiduwav road
thenco north one hundred aud twentv
lour perches to o hemlock, thence west
sixty perches to a post, thenee south
thirty lour perches to a post, thence
west sixteeu perches to a hemlock
thence south ninety peiohei to a post
thenco east seneuty six perches to the
beginning, containing fifty five acres and
allowance more or less.
ALSO one other piece or parcel of
land iu Pox towship, in said county ut
Elk, being part part of tract surveyed
ou warrant to Samuel Wallace., and
known as lour thousand and eighty ono,
beginningat apostthenorthwestcorncr ol
the original survey, thence soulh about
one hundred perches, to a post, thenee
east ouo hundred and eight perches
to a hemlock, suuth sixty lour perches
to a hemlock, thcuce east ninety seven
perches to a post, thenco north one hun
dred and Bixty five perches to the north
ern lino of the original snrvey, thence
west two hundred aud five perches to
the beginning, containing ono hundred
and five acres more or less.
ALSO a part of one other tract of
laud iu Pox township, in said county ol
Elk, surveyed in the name ot Samuel
Wallace, and known as number lour
thousand and eighty two, beginning at a
pest, being tho southwest corner of said
large survey, thence east two hundred
aud live perches to a post, thenco noith
thirty live perches to a post, thenco west
uiuety perches to a beee'a, theaeo north
seventy five perches to a post
on tho liue ot tho Munster lauds,
llieueo west one hundred and
liltceii perches to a pott, thence south I
one buudred aud ten perches lo the be
ginning, containing uiuety eigm una
eight tenths acres and alluwauee more or
LSO oue other piece or parcel of
the same tract, beginning at a beech, be
ing the northeast comer of baid original
tract number tear thousand aud eighty
two, thence south three hundred and
f oi ty eight perches to a hemlock, thenee
west uiuety eight perohes to a beech,
iheneo north eighty two perches to u
beech, theuee cast twenty threo perches
to a beech, thence north one buudred
aud ninety nine perches to a post, thence
west one buudred perches to a post ou
the Muastcr company's lauds, tbeuce
north sixty seven pejehes to a post ou
the northern lino ot the large survey,
thenee east one hundied aud seventy
live perches to the begiuuing, contain
ing two bundle J and thirty three aud a
half acres aud allowance more or less.
ALSO a part of one other tract ol land
iu the township of Pox, in said county
of Elk, surveyed ou warrant to Samuel
Wallace, and knowu as four thousand
and eighty sevcu, beginning at a beech
the northwest corner of said tract, thenco
east one hundred and sixty perches to a
post, thence south sixty pcichcs to
post, thence east sixty perches to a post,
the northwest corner ot John Hays' laud
thcuce south two hundred and thirty six
asd a half perches to the St. Mary's and
Ceutreville road, tbeuce northeastwardly
along said road about fifty perches to a
post the uoithwest corner of Jeremiah
Spillane's land, thcuce south fitly two
perches to tho southern line nl the orig
inal survey, thcuce we.-t ninety four
perches, tiicnce north fifty two perches
to a beech the uoithcast corner
of a tract of land belonging to George
W eis, theuee west one hundred and
eighty eight perches to a hemlock ou
the western line of the original survey,
aud thence north three hundred aud
lorty eigbi iiciclies iu the place ot begin
ning, containing lour hundred aud sixty
acres and allowance more or less.
ALSO a part ol one other tract of
land in Pox township, Elk cojuty, Penn
sylvania, surveyed ou warrant to Samuel
Waliace and known as number four
thousand and eighty tight, begiuniat; at
a beech the southeast corner of said
tract, thenee west eighty two perches to
a birch, thence north lorty three perches
to a post, thence east titty six perches to
a post, thence north forty seven pcichcs
to a hemlock, theuee west fifty six
perches to a hemlock, thence north loity
perches to a post, thence cast eighty two
perches to the eastern original line of
the survey, thence south one hundred
aud thirty perches to the beginning, con
taining filty acres aud tllowaeo more or
ALSO another piece or parcel of land
in Pos township, Elk county, Pennsyl
vania, being part of a tract surveyed ou
warrant to James Wilson, and kn&wn
as number four thousand ninety six, be
ginning at a post being the northeast
comer ol the tract, thenee south about
forty four perches to the turupiko read,
thenco northwesterly alen said road
about two hundred and fifteen perches
to tlie southern lino of tract number four
thousaud and ninety seven, thenco cast
about, two hundred aud two pershes to
the beginning, containing twenty eight
acrcs,aud being that part of tract number
lour thousand ami ninctysix lying north
ot me iMUcsburg and bmetbport turn
pike road.
ALSO a part of ouo other tract of
laud in l'ox township, Elk county, Penn
sylvania, surveyed on warrant to Samuel
Wallace, aud known as number four
thousand and ninety seven. Beginning
at a hemlock, being the northeast corner
ot said tract, thence south four hundred
perohes to a po,t, the southeast cor
ner ol said tiact, thence west four bun
drcd aud thirty-four perches to a beech
being the southwest corner ol
said tract thence north one hun
dred and thirty perches to a post on the
southern liuo ot Francis Zeliuka's land,
thence east fifty five perches to tho new
road, thence northwardly along said road
about two hundred and eighty three
perches to tbo northern original line of
tho tract, thenco east four hundred and
ten perches to the beginuing. Contain
ing nine hundred and fifty six acres and
ailowanco more or less.
ALSO a part of ono other tract of
land in i'ox township Elk county, Penn
sylvania, surveyed on warrant to Samuel
Y allace and known as number four
thousaud and ninety eight. Beginning
at a hemlock the southeast corner ot
said tract, thence north two hundred
perches te a post, thenco west four bun
dred and thirty perches to a hemlock,
thence southwardly along the new road
about two hundred and twenty perches
to the southern line ot the warract,
thence east to the beginning, containing
five hundred and thirty acres and allow
once more or less.
,1 . It 1 a.
une otner tract oi laud situate in
Kidgway township Elk county Pennsyl
vania, and surveyed open warrant to
James Wilsou and known as number
four thoutnnd threo hundred and sev
enty five, begineing at a beech tho
northeast corner of said tract, thence
west five bundled and twenty lour
perches to a beech, thenco south three
hundred and tweuty perohes to a beeeh,
thenco cast 624 perohes to a beech,
theueo north '620 perches to the be
ginning. Containing ono thousand aud
forty eight acres aud allowance more ov
lC3&. '
Ono other tract of laud in llidgway
township in tho Slid county ol Eik, sur
veyed on warrant to James Wilson, num
ber four thousaud lour hundred nud
seventy six. Beginning at a leech the
northeast corner of said tract, thenee
west five hundred and ton perches to a
post, thenco south three hundred and
twenty perches to a beech, thcuce cast
five hundred and ten perches to a beech,
thence north three hundred and twenty
perches to the beginning, containing ono
thousand aud tweuty ceres aud allowance
more or less.
One other tract of laud in Hidgway
township Klk county, smvoyed on war
rant ol James Wilson number lour thous
and threo hundred and seventy seven.
Begiuuing at abeeeh the northeast cor
ner of said tract, thcuce west live hun
cred aud teu pcicbes to a hemlock,
thence soulh three hundred and tweuty
perches to a post, theueo east five liuu
drcd aud ten percnes to a beech, ihcnec
north three hundred and tV.cuty perches
to the beginning, coutainibg-me thous
and aud tweuty act'eS'll'nd' allowunco more
or less.
ALSO a part of ondVtber tract oi
land iu llidgway township iu said county
ol Elk, surveyed on warrant to James
v ilsou, kuown as number lour thousaud
three hundred and eighty nine. Beginn
ing at a beech tree, being tho northwest
corner of said huge survey, thence cast
along the line of said survey three bun
dred and twenty perches to a post,
thence south ahvut twenty degrees east
oy the Brook wd'j road oue hundied and
seventy five pt.rchtg.-iuurc or less to a
post thonco west uLout luirty perches
to a cucumber corner, ulhcuec south oue
hundred and fifty six percc3 to the original
liue of said survey, thence vest alougsaid
hue three hundred and trfeuiy perches
to the southwest coiner of said tract
thence north three hundred aud twenty
perches to tho beginning, eoutaiaing six
Hundred and eighty lour and live
teuths acres aud allowance more or
Ono other tract ol laud, being part ol
tract known us number lour thousand
three buudred aud ninety, warranted in
the name of James Wi-sen and situate
in llidgway township in said couuty ol
Elk. Beginning at a beech tree the
southwest corner of survey ou warrant
our thousand three buudred and ninety,
thence i. mill one buudred and ten
perches to the' Munster laud, thcuce east
two buudred perches to a post, thcuce
out u one hundred and ten perches to a
po.-t oi: the southern line of the warrant,
land thence west two hundred pcicbes to
I he beginning, containing one hundred
and thirty seven aud live tentus acres
aud allowance more or less.
It tcinii intended lo convey hereby only
to much oi the lucd within rhc li.undaviei
above doHprih'-il hm si, hi Juuo 11, A. I).
Iniio. bv .lames Covue. Treasurer ui' Jilk
county, to sundry pec-na. lo "iSiViJB'
taxe3 ol the years ito-l-no, conveyed io sa:u
persons by deeds, is oliov.'t, vu:
1st to Albert V, Ulis lor warruul r0 ill-
Jones tow nship l(l-o acres.
:d to Albert W lor warrant :o 116
Jones town hip 1UV3 acres.
d to Albun. n inis for warrant AO 4111
Deiizinger township 1U-6 acres.
4ii to Albert Willis loi- warrant JNo 4110
ijeuzinger twp 'J'J- acres.
oiu to Albert Mulls lor warrant JNo 410'J
Ucn.iiiger twp U'.tO acres.
Gth to Albert Viilhs lor warrant iNo 4110
Beiizinger twp U8tj$ ucres.
7th u Albert W Una ,or warrant 1,0 41US
Deuzintr twp 'J'JO ocres.
pih toAlbi-rt v illis lor warrant ro 4110
Beuzuiger twp 101'J and 1-lUth acres.
Uth to Albert nils lor warrant Io 4100
Denzhiger t -M' 1 1-1- acres.
HUh io Albert Vulhs lor warrant riollUo
Finzintier twp '.'oil acres.
11th to Albei t Willis lor warrant N'o-l'Cl
Uenziiiger twp 01 1 acres.
lUi to L II biclioltz lor warrant io 4101
lieiuinger l.p lOoli acres.
loth io Albert illis ior warrant :.o 4-ioo
Beuziuger twp 1)8(1 acres.
J 4th io Albert Vt litis tor warrant sso swz
BcuziuKor twp 540 acres.
lot Ii to tieorire Hetpar lor warrant Jo
4'Jb9 Benzingcr twp 11.. acres.
10th to Albert Willis tor warrant ro,41ul
Beuziuger twp oo7 acres.
lith io A'bert Ulis lor UU acres, i.sch.
bach road Benzingcr twp.
18th to Joseph vtilhcliu for 1.0 acre3 St
Mary's road Benziuj'er twp.
Hull to decrac nc.s lji la acres ave. 1
warrant ;so. 41U1 Benzmger twp.
oth to Altert W iIIih lor warrant JNo
4070 Beuziuirer twp. UG'O acres.
zlat to Albert h .lbs tor warrant No 410i
Beuziuger twp b'.i8 acres.
i.-d to L it Kicholu for warrant KoB.
4iU7-41U8 Beuziuger twp liHO ucres.
2ud to Albert Willis for 00 acres ou Erus
sels road Benzingcr twp.
1.4th to L 11 JJicuolls lor 3G acres on Rose-
lay road Benzingcr twp.
..Oth to George Weis for warrant no 4408
icnziugor twp. o4 acres.
liGth io George Weis for warrant no 4107
Benzingcr twp 107 acres.
7ih to Georgo Weis for warrant no 4107
Benzingcr twp -'J acres.
bth to h 11 iUohottz lor v arrant no 4374
Fox twp iiObJ acres.
li'Jih to L U fcichsltz for warrant uoa1077
Fox twp SJlto acres.
auth to L II .fcicho'.tz for warrantuo 4078
Fox twp 240 acres.
Blst lo L II Lichollz for warrant no 4081
Fox twp 105 acres,
82d to L 11 ticholU for warrant no 4082
Fox twp 307 acres.
33d to L 11 JclicholU for warrant no 4087
Fox twp 150 acres.
34th to L 11 Bicholtz for warrant no 4088
Fox twp 67 ucres.
85tu to 1. 11 Bicholtz for warrant no 40
Fox twp 28 acres.
BUlh lo L 11 Eichollz for warrant no 4007
Fox twp 708 acres.
37th to L II Diehulu for warrant no 4008
Fox twp 420 acres.
38th to Albert Willis for warrant no 4375
Ridgway twp 073 acres.
80th to Albert Willis for warrant no 4376
Ridgway twp 1020 acres.
4otu to Albert Willis for warrant no 4377
Ridgway twp 1020 acres.
41st to Albert Willis lor warrant no 4389
Ridgway twp 075 acres.
42d to Albert Willis for warrant no 4390
Ridgway twp 127 acrej.
biczed and taken iu execution as the prop
erty of Charles W. llumiugtoo, at the suit
of Benzingcr aud Kschbach, aud to be sold
D. C. Ol clxlv, Bberill.
SuEauVs Omca,
Rhlgway, Pa.. Uco. 10, '73. (
2 U tf.
Ridgway, Pa.
"T) UFUS LUCOR15, Aitorney-at-Law,
XV Ridgway, Klk Co., Pa. Office in
llml's new Brick Building. Claims for
collection proniptly attended lo.
At torneys- at-Law.
Office fn New Brick Building, Mala St
lUdwny, Mk Co., i"a. v3n2tf.
II. S. BliLNAP, pRor-miiTon
vlnioyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
Agont for the Traveler's Life and Aooi
dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn.
Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo
cated in Kigway, oilers his professional ser
vices to tho citizens of llidgway ana sur
rounding couuiry. All work warranted.
Office in horvice J Wheeler's Building, up
stairs, lirst door lo tho left, 73-n-32-ly
f Ui uggis.t and Pnraueutbit corner of
Alain and .Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A
full assortment of caiefully selected For
eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at all hours, day or
night. vln3y
Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, hasremov
ed.liis othce Iroiu Centre street, to Main St.
llidgway, l'a in the second story of the
new briuk building of John G. Hall, oppo
site Uyite's store.
Office hours: 8 to 9 a- m: 1 to 2 p. in, 7
8 p, m. jan 9 73
r si s. UAiuxtv, m. d.,
S Physician ana Surgeon.
iuogway, Pa. Office in Walker's Building.
.Special attention given to Surgery. Otho
house lroiu U u. iu. to 10 p, m. Residence
on corner of South and Court streets, op
posite the new Sellout House. All ealla
promptly utteuded to.
J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,
Main street, ltnlgway, Pa. Agont ler the
Howe Sewing .Machine, and Morton Gold
Peu. llepuiriug Watches, etc, don with
he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis
actioci guaraulccd. vlnly.
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa,
V. II. SCUilAM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, ty paying atrial at
tention to the comfort and convenience of
guests, lo merit a continuance Ol th
Oct 30 1SC9.
Kane, Mcliean C,, Pa
R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor.
Thankful tor ihepuirouage heretofore to
liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro
prietor, hopes, by paying strict attentioa
to the comiort and convenience of guests,
to merit a continuance tf the Bame. The
onlv stables lor horses iu Kane uud well
kept niht or day.
attuched to the
Attorneys - at - Law
els ccjirr; fi;i;sylyania,
CeMur.viL!.E, Elk Co., Pa.
John Collins, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberilly bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenienae
of gu?tas, leuvu i cwutiuAse ef the
P. W.
I'EAl.llu. 1
Dry CocLs, Ifotioas, GrccerleSi
tnd C-siiir&l Variety,
Eurlcit 1. O.
(Succ sor io W. C. Heal,)
bZALsa in
voiiTtf . West End, Ridgway, Pa.
Pianos and organs to rent and rental &p
plied if purchased.
Prothonotary's Office, Ridgway, Fa.
5j TION. Whereas the Hon. L. D. Wet
luote, President Judge for the 6th judioial
Districl, of 1'ounsyhuuia., and Chas. Luhr
and J. l. Houk, Euqs, Associate Judges
in Elk county, have issued their precepts
to me directed, for tho time of holding of
Orphan's Court, Court of Common Pleas,
Geneial Quarter Sessions aud Oyer and
It-iimner, at Ridgway, for the County of
Elk, ou the 2d Monday of January, (be
iug the 3rd day) 1873, and continue one
t.oiiee is therefore given to the Coroner,
Justices of the Peace, and Constables in
aud for the counly of Elk, to appear in
their own proper persons, with their reo
oi d s, inquisitions and reinemberances, to
do those things which of their offioes and
in their behalf appertain to be done, and
all witnesses and other persons proseeuting
in behalf of the Commonwealth against any
person or persons are required to be then
and there attending, and not to depart at
their peril. Jurors are requested to be
punctual in their attendance at the ap
pointed time, agreeable to notioe.
Given under my band and seal at the
Sheritt's office, in Ridgway, the lltu day
of September, in the year of our Lord one
tuouaujid eight hundred and seventy-three.
U. u mavis, tswist.