JRSDAT, DECEMBER 11, 173. V Car Time al Mlldgtcay. ERIE MAIL East. 4:55 p. m. no do Vest 1:8B ft. m. elk Lodge, a. y. m. The stated mcrticg, of Elk Lolgs, No. 879, are held at their hall, corner of Main And Depot streets, on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each nionllr D. B. DAY, Pec'y. Scarce locals. Hard times everywhere. Vote for tlio new Constitution. A pack of wolves roam over Elk and Clearfield counties. WbI? Weather was experienced tlie fore part of tho week. Tina Jury list drawn for the January term will appear next week. Business in the lumber woods this winter promises to bo unusually dull. Redingots buttons are increasing in izo. At pcrsent they are equal to a soup plate. Tub Altoona lock-up accommodated over three hundred customers during the month of November. That interesting continued story en titled The new Constitution," will be discontinued this week. This is the last week wo publish the new Constitutiru. Election next Tuesday. Dun't forn-et ! TllK weather prophets predict an open winter, and it looks now its though the prophecy was to bo fuiUlIod. We notice by u card posted on the door of the "Collie," that Dan. V. Fin land is the Commissioner of that woiilu n stitution. GEoaae OoFFtiY lias moved his bar bershop lrom Walker's building, into the new ono adjoiuing Clias JJ.jk-j' jewelry store. The county (Joinniis-ionevs moot in their office in Uidway, ou Friday, IVc 19th, 1S73. 0. II. Jl'CAur.KV, Clerk-. Last Monday our r.aueium was i. ited by our young Iriund. II. O. Moor head of tho JSrockwayvillo Rry'ttir Call ngaiu Robert, and wake yoursell' a' Lome. A c.'ORaEsii).Nisr of an exchanpf spoke of his nativo place as being the worst place fur os;;ip of any in the fc'tna. lc hm never traCffleT ifl-ff.!s locality. Tub ' Old Oyster Hotel" at Ilellen. this county has been fitted up by the sheriff, and tho obliging landlord, Mr O. It. Clark, is now preparod to euter taiu the traveling publio, L. J. B Your letter is crowded out this week owing to a pressure ot other matter. Next week it will appear, aud we hope hereafter to always find room for your interesting letters. Last Thursday evening, a car-load of Mariners, under the command ot our lcllow-townsman, Mr. C. V. 0 ill's pas, ed this place ou tho 1. & E. r it " roaii. en route for the llrouklin Navy" Yards. Man KinLKn. James Burke, at Benezette, this county on the afrerujou of tho 27th alt., struck Dennis Co nncr, a blow, which resulted in death. Burke was brought to Bidgway mid confined in jail to nwait his trial in the Jauu ary term of court. Things that pnuios never stop ; mar riages, births, deaths, children l-.Mm growing, boys from "playing for keeps," dogs from barking, pi2;s I'roiu f-quoelin. girls from coquetry, the devil from stir rinfi his fires, and men from paying old .sledge and draw poker, Rahmans' Journal. - Fatal Accident. Adam Shall was killed at Millstono, this county, ou Fri day, Nov. 2Sth, 1873, by a log running down a slide, striking him, while he wx working at tho loot of the slide. Adam Shall was a brother of Fphiain Shall who was frouud dead iu his shauty op posite Grantifc Ilorton's tannery about a year ego. TilK Constitutional Convention must have succeeded in framing on instrumct t free from all scmblauco of pirtizuaship else all three of the journals of this county would not be found supporting it. The St. Mary's Gazette battles (or it vigorously trnd intelligently. The Democrat comes up to the scratch with its usual cloijuence and candor; aud list'.y the Advocate is doing its Lc in its liumblo way. It must be perfect- Aiminisirairi x Kotica. Notice is hereby given to all person indebted to the estate uf Adam Shall late of Millstone township, File County" deceased, that tbey are required to make prompt payment, and all persons having claims against said Estate, will present them for adjustment to CATHERINE SHALL, Administratrix of the goods, Ac., of . Adam Shall, deceased. The Haw Constitution, Shall it bo adopted? We have here tofore expressed our views fully upon the subject and iu the affirmative. The more we rcflcet upoa It, the more are we convinced of the importance of its adop tion. It has been deliberately framed by a Convention composed of the very best men iu our State men of all shades or political opinions men far above prtizanship men whose earnest en deavors aro for the good of the State. Without reading it, we were convinced that they could have produced none but an instrument well adapted to tho wants of our State at tho present lima. But we have read it; and whiio thero may be o few olauvjs in it, wlticli we might prefer to havo changed ; yet we ere so well pleased with the document that .n a whole we think it could scarcely be im proveJk It aims to j ut a stop to coi ruption in all places, iiuiu llio Legisla ture down to the lowest positions of tn:. If adopted it will sttip iicui Railroad tu.il other Corporations their imineoue powo j( and make them all as they should be, subiicrvant to the inrersts of the people. Undei eiisting laws, Railroads aud Cor porations are Kiog, nnd the people are iibj''ct subjects. The new Constitution niii's, and we think will, effectually, re verse this state of ulfairs.. It. also aims to place aH power iu the hinda of the prople, and to some extent vr ill tike from the majority pat ty the full control it now has, and give lo the tuiiionty a lair hov according to its i?tn;ugtii. Tli'.- U i i t. The people uie the teource of all po vor, and '.-very itiau should have a riJ.it to be heard. Wo a;0 pl'M-?l to n otioo that the journal throughout t'.o State, with f'w exception of all parties iu aio favor of its aviop-.i u), lliji .'lowing that tin peoii'o every whevo w'.io ;j.vl an i j:vlue Kii' t i: ;!i-'.'lvv), aro favorable to it; itn-l judsJiie- f i ou) eppearancej one would be led believ") thai: the new Cciiititutiot; wonM be n-K p o 1 i.luioH uuauiiLioo - . So it would, were it It fr to the c-i:-S;i net: and iuicli'genco ol the penile of the country out. iJn of the tare cities But bj tho Ojoo.,i!;o'i mioiie el in's.'Ui. of lb. ' eities u'l.t.'o ballot s 1 1: ii'in r;, r ;.i-.i:i';., fraud and t.-orrupti "ii have I'.-iu hi'l sv.ii we tw tli it w - ni t - e;;.';;t t v. t ..!; ; ; use all tin:;r ;wi.l nnnlicaoees l du-ii-.it it an-l U'.ejr 'ill turn out it their un:;!it. And corpui-a'.'u'.!)'. wl.ostj.powejs lire io be rmti'iled, will li-e all their -'.roiigih against it. Last, u:d btrori-;:;jt. will be !ie oppiition t i tht-.t cl.-ss el fliniy reptiles greedy eci tiijr.u 's--t'uosc sores on the body politic who info.-t !T in i-liurg during the sessions of tho 'j 'gisl itiv.'j, an I aro dlgiiili )! by tho "naUiO of tlio LohV j nrou.Jt toe oj-'Cr-L-Jji Virion," ilinsr at'orif! of -.p.vc blood suekrri have iroryed tliems lve with public plnu ler till many of them have breoine ri'-h. Their means will bo used without slit to defeat tho row 'onftit ntinn , for that instrument kills 'spr-cia' I.o;ri:;hi;iou." aud their occupa tion will be Lrone. Is ihcra danger of defeat? We thin': there i, aud herein it best Ail tho above classes of coi runtioiiists as well as a few here and there, ail over (lie State who may fancy that I bey may jrain something at some, time ' y seme lorn' !cp;i' !r.!it-n, w:ii opj o it, Not only will they turn out end vote, tii:imr-elves. but will take a iminy unthinking or ecv rtipfiblo votors vUI. thtiu as tl;oy em: and thus whUo all tho tne-miee ! tho ui'W Constitu'it'n and justice will beat the polls, tlivr-i imy be great lukewivm-ne-i.s Rin'mg too fr'ond-i uf the mensnrc and up" -ory lipht vot.',t'e or p.iiion 11W ),.-.:!,!. !; Iniiinil. Tiin: I.-' ! Li-t 11-. 1.1: be I ; jr.! out i"i 1 vo:e. tr.ii' 1 that on 'i'm'-d iv next ;. ill? t'.o t i:n;x.ifa;;t tdvcliou ''? have l.u.I for twcnty-livo years. il-at is needed to drivo corrupt i.uj io '.tie v.. ill is :i fell -j'". L-t every run turn out. Time i.s no: bj j ret 'u.o:. i.aw u l-'.nre the p-mic. isaroly wo ea-inot Ucvolo an fki'ir to belter puri..ose, than to .o to the poiN, and ulvo tutr vote, f nr the new (.'on 8'ituiion. V.'hy not in'.ko the vote ol Klk Ci'U&'y iuli laid UlKinilDOU-; ? T. wr-- . llEMKAfUKli that the Xew Consti;-j. lion will b hcbvuitted to u votec fil.c icoj.l5 on Vui-eey, i December ld:h 1873, " r k fViVN tv coriiT vwur.i. ui.i- . TIO.N. VIipi-o:i i ln It. in r. li I. lure. 1'rc'ji'lcul ..'u lc fur the t'.ili jn liclii Ui strict ot I'eniis lv:inia n 1 1 I I.nlu' mi l .1. V. Hi. nit, J.xjs, Asvfcine .1 inl;.'p.s in JJlli counir, have ii-uctl li.cii- prt.-oe'i.th lo me dirceti-.l, .'m i lie limp l J.i .1. tinr ' ot Oi j Inm'i Coin, t'oint ol l'ioii!,.ini l'lvas, lieiicliil Quuit.v Si'sioOs mi l flyer unit Trrminrr, at Itiilgway. for tlic Luimty ot Tilt, on llie 'M Muiulny i-f Janumy, (bo iin; I uo ui j day) l6',i, nnd . iniimie out nil k. f Hoiice is ilii'icforo giveu to iliu Coro::t-r, Jit-slices ot ilic Pence, nnj Conaintilcs iu anil lor die county of l.lk, to npiiiar iu tliuir own nropcr pevdins, wnli tiirir reo oijs, iiiimisiiiiius ninl i-c liitiiil.einuee?, to ill lliosc lliinr'S wl:irh ot liiuir ofiic3 auj ill tlieir hulmlf Bpncriain lo le ooue, and nil wilnossos nnd oilier pci sous .osicuiing in bclnilf of i he (.'oiimioiicltli ngiiinst any p.-rfroii or jjvrsbmi are iiUirod to bo then and ilioie altending, aud noi to depart at llieir peril. Jurors are requested to be puiiotual iu tlioir attendanee at the ap pointed time, agreeable to uotioe. Given under my hand aiid seal at the Sheriff's ofiice, iu Bidgway, the 11th day of (September, in thf year of our Lord oue thousand eight hundred and teveDty-three. P. C. OVBTER, Sheriff. m NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS, HOUSEWARE, A1TD HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Tools, Lumbermen Tools. In 'fact everything usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store. A FlBST-eiftSS TIN SH0P9 Employing none but first-class Wcrksnen and nothing but first cla&s material used. OPPOSITE TEE COUET HOUSE, EIBGWAT, PA. W- S- SERVICE & CO- r ro;; want to luy GOODS CHEAP GO TO JA5IKS II- HAGKRTY Miila Street, r.icl-way, Ta. DRY 0001)3, NtiTOKS, J300TS fI10i:.c-, II ATS AM.) CAPS, GLASS AND (jUEKNs WAllL, WOOD AND AVU.LOW-WAIU-;, TOBACCO AND CIGAIIS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Frovisicns. The BEST I' KAN PS ot FLOUR CVnsiuutly on 'iiind, add sold (is cheap n-s the CilEAl'F T. JA31E3 II. IIAGERTY. Li.?T ;u' Causes set djrn for trial the JuM'v term Vii-i Elk ccui.ty i:o .ri I!U-:iS, c-.mmouei::g iuoi:d:.y, I ...-.a-y IJ.li, i ;;f. 1 'i l.c ".-rifg But. Coid Co vs ThoS 'iizii,;. X.' 10 jiiOL:.ry lSli'J. 2 u r.. .'ii 'seuio r v.i Juuies Goore e; A Aj-ril 1.0. I ti Lo lui!'..r t Eiiaut it'oodiiard i . Aut:'t.s-i lJ70. 1 11. i. Mgmiii et til vs IloLiy S.iii.lu:! ct ul 111 Jaeuary 1S71. it 0 ,-wu.i L'l e': v. vs George Schnei- cer, Apid lJSJ. ' 0 Fi -.ink A. Loe'-ch et ul, vs Frank Ke r. '-. J Aj ui 1 f"i J. 7 l.;i iijntiiiii Johu.'on t-t al, v John J-bn-m tt ai. -( Apiii o72. Jiu-.-i v-'u-'iy; vi E. e; t'. Faiue. ;io a j iii ii7j. 'J Martin 3 r; , vs Xiebuldt Kioihl rctier. 47 Apvii l;-72. ! William J. y, Cr.rt v, vs Elk ? .M'K,.;i. il It Co. K August 1872. 11 ii E '.Vclleod.-vl, v Elk Si .M' 1'i.m li K Co IS August .1 S7J. 12 E ii'i'nir.l, vs I'.ik X iM'KcitU U 1! (';. 2'i August I?72. lj E i W'ilitii-tl. v.s Ju'iiti'n Bardvrell et. ;,i. -A Ai--a-.t 1-372. 1 i. It ;cut!.er muivor ic , vs II S j;! il: i. iV Co 5 Xv7 11-72. 1 ' '!!( : i-'-. Citiler, vs Eoiiu'a II 11 Co. m X. v .M!;, J. Dtuw., ts N. I Brock wy. '-') Niv i-';,;:. 17 'i'he thooi Ulstriot of Fox, v John Meycii et el. No 31 Januuiy S7u. IB Geor.-o T Faull, vs the Wilcox T cfe Lj Co. 42 January 1573. Ill Clariou Ilivei Nav Co, vs Henry Moore et al. 4-1 January 1873. 20 Abel L Marthers, vaThca Muli ken. 1 April 1S73. 21 The St Mary's Coal Co, vs Geo Kettgcr. 40 April 1873. 22 Jamei A Burke, va D C Oyster, 83 August 1S73. 23 Cltirion River Nav Co, v Hiram Carman. 69 August 1873. 21 Warren & V. R It Co, Abu Soott. 23 Nov 1873. 25 Buffalo N Y & P It R Co, vs lUo torn Larrabae. 11 Januaay 1874. 4 EXECUTORS NOTICE- Notice is hereby given to all person indebted to tha estate of Kanegund Dill, lato of Jones township, Elk county deceased, that they'are required to make prompt payment and all persons having claims against said estate, will present them for adjustment to 37-4t A. I. Wilcox. Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the estate of William Phaleu late of Horton township, Elk county, deceased, that they are required to make prompt payment, and all poreons having claims against said estate, will present them for adjustment to 37-w4 Eliza Phalin. THE VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO.. want reliable and eneretio Agents in this County. The "VICTOR." is a Lock-stitch, Shuttle Machine, with fielf-sttiug Needle, best furnished and most perfect Machine offered. An inorease of over SidO per cent, on sales of 1872 over 1871. For Terms &c, Address. VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO., 1227 Chestnut St., I'hiladelpLia, Va. n30i5, Elk County Directory. President Judge I.. I). Wetmore. Additional Law Judtje Hon. Jno. P Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, . J V Honk. L'iatrict Attorney J. K. P. Hail. hlicriff 1. C. Oyster. Pi othonotury ,jo., I red. Scfcccniug. Treasurer C. R. Earley. County Superintendent Rufus Lucore. Commissioners Itobt. Campbell, Johq Hair, Ueo. L'd. Weis. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George D. Messenger, aud C. W. Harrett. County Surveyor Geo Wilmaley, Jury Commissi iners. Joseph Kerner. r.nd Charles Mead. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN DAN SCIUBNElt AVISlIliS TO IN lorm the Cittzens of Ridgwny, and the publio generally, that be has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let upon Vh most reason ble terms. (.He will also do job leaning. 8 table on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Pott Office will meet prompt attention Aug 30 1870. tf. Edw'd J. Evans & Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, Yogs, raiia'A fST-CaUlogues Mailed to AppUcants-8 Refer (by permission) to Ho, J. 8, Black, Washington, D. C. Wbiiih, Sox Cfc, BDkerS) York, Fa Law, Commercial, Book, and General Job Printers, and Stationers. - - RID G WAY, ELK CO., PA, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID AND COPYING INK. LEAD PENCILS OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES. Esterbrmok'g Ctitbrmted Sleet fen, the Beat Made. All Kindb of Job Printing dona in the Rest Style and at Low Tricos. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN- VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN ANY QUANTITY. POWELL & KIME. L MAMMOTH STOCK! Firmly believing that tho world moves, and that the demands of the publicaro con atmitly inereasiui, tho proprietors of the (grand totpl Ut have just returned from ttio eastern and western cities with the most perfect and complete stock ef MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Yeu cannot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do not keep, and they have absolutely 'i BROKEN THE BACKBONE of high prices, Tbey buy lor cssh and SELL FOR CASH1 CHEAPER THAN TnE CHEAPEST ! Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. IS EVT STAGE F.OUTK. J. C. BURNS, Pro rittor. The subscriber having seiurtd Ik tract for carrying the V. 8. Mail balvata REYNOLD8Y1LL1 4 BROCIWAT VIUl baa placed on that road lin ef basks Hacks leave the Exchange Bstel la Keynoldville every Tuesday, Taorsday and Saturday oa the airival of tke Broeaville stage, and return the aaae day. These hacks connect at Brockwayville with the Bidgway sUget, making connection wi k trains oa the P. & E. Road, both east tie west. Every attention to the eemfert ef patrons or tnie line will ke give, eat Ubrl patreaage nScitetl. i iim iajiimmmmmm mn M"0 THE CITIZENS OF PENNSVL X VANIA. Your attention is specially invited to the fact tha the Nationul Dunks are now prepaid to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock of tbo Centennial Hoard of Finance. The funds realixcd from this source aro to bo employed in the erec tion of tho buildingj lor the International Exhibition, and the expenses connected with the ptiuie. It is confidently believed that the KcyBtouc State will be represented by the name of every citiien alive to patri otic commemoration of the one hundredth birth day of the nation. The shares of stock are otTered for $10 each, and sub scribers will receive a bntnleome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitabl for framing and preservation as ft nationul memorial. Interest at the rale of six per cJnt. per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1870. Subscriber. who are not near a National Bank can remit a check or post ofiice order to the undersigned, FRED'K. FUALEY, Treasurer, SI04 Wulnut St., Philadelphia. i BY MAIL SB CENTS .E KQWEHfleo 1 4d PARKHOWl "daguscahonda railroad. From and afer Monday, Feb. 5th 1873. Trains will run on thi.s Road as follows. Leaves Earley 7 30 a. in., arrives at Daguscahonda Junction S 10 a. tn., con necting with Accom. east 8 14 u. m., and with Mail west at 9 15 a. m. Leaves Daguscahonda at 9 20 a. ru. arrives at Karley 10 00 a. m. Leaves Earley 3 80 p. in., and arrives at Dagus cahonda at 5 00 p. ra., connecting with Mail east at 5 09 p, nr, and Accommo dation west at 5 40 p. iu. In caso P. & K. trains aro late, Dagus cahonda train holds twenty miuutes be yond tho above time. Tickets should alvrays bo procured before leaving statioua. C U. EARLEY, Leuite. m u s i o i NEW, FRESH, AND SPARKLING! THE CLUSTER A NEW MUSIC BOOK FOU THE USE CF CONVENTIONS, SINGING CLAbSE3, CHURCH CHOIRS, AND THK HOME CIRCLE. V V THE CLUSTER BY S. WESLEY MARTIN, J. M. BT1LLMAN, All) T. MARTIN TOWNE. Price, $13.60 per Dos. Single Copies tent, post-paid, f 1.60. Address, J. L. PETERS, 599 Broadway, New York. FOIi SCHOOLS. Fairy Voices A NSW SINQING-CtAS BOOK, CliirlLID AJIO Afc&AMOBD BY WILLIAM DRESSLER. Trice, $6 per Dox. Single Copies sent, post paid, for CO cents. Address, J. L. PETERS, 699 Breadway, New York. The Song Echo The Popular Singing-Sohool Book BY H. S. PEKKINS. Price, $7.60 per D01. Single Copie ADVSBTISE eat, postpaid, jor eeeuii. , J A4dresi, . L. PJtTERS, JeVil. 9rUwf ? V Ark rhiladelphi Erie lt.Ti. DiviitBJ." m WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after SUNDAY, DEC. 21 1878, the trains on the Philadelphia ft Erie Railroad will run as follows I WESTWARD. Buffalo Ex. leaves rhiladelphia-.12.6ff p. m, Renovo ,12.16 am. " " arr. at Emporium ii.16 a m Butlalo 8.50 a m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 10.20 p m Renovo 10.05 a m Emporium 12.20 p m " St. Mary's - 1-12 p m " arrive at Erie ..4 1 7.20 p m EASTWARD. BUFFALO EX. leaves Buffalo..i 8.25 p m " Emporium.. 9.00 p ru Renovo 10.65 p m arr. at Philadelphia 9.10 a m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m St. Mary's 6.22 p t Emporium 6.20 pm Renovo 8.40 p m " arr. at Fhiladopbia... 8.00 a m Mail East connects oast aud west at Erie with L 8 M S R W and at Corry and Ir vineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny A R W. Mail West with east and west trains on L 8 & M S R W and at Irvinotou with Oil Creek aud Allegheny R R W. Buffalo Express niakeB close connection! at Williamsport with NCR W trains, north, aud at Harmburg with N CltW traini south. WM. A. BALDWIN. Ocn'l Sup't. GRAND OPENING Bummer ArrangcmenJ BUFFALO, NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA RAILWAY. Timo Table adopted SUNDAT, August 10, 1873. Trains depart from and arrive at the Buffalo, New iork & Philadelphia lUilway depot, corner of Exchange and Louisiana (streets. ON AND AFTER AUG. 10, 1878, UN TIL further notice, Trains will run as follows: LEAVING BUFFALO 6:15 a. in. Local Freight and passenger, arriving at. Emporium at 5.00 p. m. B.il'i a m Philadelphia and Baltimore Express Arri ing at Emporium at 12:45 p m., eto) ping only at hnst Aurora, Ar cade, Frauklmville, Clean and Port Alle gheny. 11:20 a nr Lecal Freight Arriving at Tor' Allegany nt 'J:00 p. ni. G-.V.0 p m Night Express Arriving a Emporinui ut 12:45 a ru. trains Leave emporium. 2:40 a m Night Express Arriving at Buffalo at 8:20 a m. 3.10 a. in. Local Freight and Passenger Arriving at Buffalo at 2.35 p. m, 6:25 p m Niagara Express Arriving at Iiutl'alo at 9:45 p in., Btopping only at Port Allegany, Olean, FranklinviUe, Aroade and East Aurora, LEAVE TORT ALLEGENT. 10 35.m, Local Freight and.'paisenae arriving at Buffalo at 7.50 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS LeaTe Buffalo at 10.00 a. in., arriving at Olean at 1.15 p. m. J.e.tvc liutlalo at 0:20 p m.; Night Ex press, arriving at Emporium at 12:45 p m. l.envo Ulean at z.4t) p. m., arriving al Butlalo at 6.00 p. m. Leave Lmporiura at. 2:40 a m.; Night Ex press, arriving at Buffalo at 8:20 a m. 1 icket (Jfliocs. Cuil'alo Omnibus Line running from all trains. H. L. LYMAN, Gen'l Pass. Ag't. J. D. YEOMANS, Superintendent. HEW TIME TABLE. Commencing Oct 20th, 187fc ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS BURGH AND POINTS ON THE PHIL' A. 4 ERIE R. B. ooinq Bona. Buffalo Express leaves Corry at 11 16 a M Leaves Irviueton, 7 45 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 10 05 p m N'ght Express leaves Corry 8 08 am Arrives at Pittsburgh 1 65 p m Day txprcss leaves Lorry C 35 a ra Arrivea at Pittsburgh 6 19pm Oil City Accom. leaves Corry 2 05 p m Arrives at liraayg uena v bu p m aoiva Homrn. BfTalo ExpreRs leaves Pittsburg at 7 60 a ta Arrives at Corry 6 08 p m " " lrvmeton o a a n m Night Express leaves rittsburjh 4 36 p n Arrives at Corry 4 SO am nay Express leaves Pittsburgh, 12 20 p m Arrives at Corry 10 45 p na Oil City Accom. leaves B. Bend 8 45 a ra Arnica at Oil City 12 15 pm Connections made at Corry and Irvine tou for points on the Oil Creek and tha Allegheny Vatley Kail Road. l'ullran-i l'allace JJrawmz Room Sleep. ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Pittsburgh and Brocton. I'aBsengers to and from Brockville make close connection at Red Bank Junotion with Buffalo Express north and Night Ex press soma. ASK for iioiets via Allegheny Talley K. R. J. J. LAWRENCE. ea. I act. 11 3. HARTLEY, M. D., Physician ana Shrireon. Ridgway, Pa. Office in Walker's Building. Special attention givon to Surgery. Offica nouse iroin b a. m. to iu p, m. Kesidenofl on coixer of South and Court streets, op posite the new Sohool House. All calls promptly attended to. Tln2yl. (CHARLES HOLES, J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler", Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent lor the nowe cewiug luacuiue, ana Morton Qol Pen. Repairing Watches, eto, done with he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis action guaranteed. vlnly. HYDE HOUSE, Ridowat, Elk Co., Pa, W- n. SCHRAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore: bo liberally bestowed upon him, the ne proprietor, topes, by paying atrict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance at the same. - Oct 80 1669,