&h (founts gdcocate THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1R73. Car Time at Mlldgtcay. Erie Express East 2:04 a. m do do West 2:30 a. m do Mail East 6:05 p. tn do do West 2:52 a. m Renovo Accommodation East-.., 8.65 a. m do do West-... 6:25 a. m ELK LODGE, A. Y. M. The itnfec) meetings of Elk Loigs, No, 879, are held at their hall, corner of Main and Depot streets, on the second andfourtb Tuesdays or each montn-i D. B. DAY, Seo'y. Christmas comes on Thursday this year. The weather was warm and pleasant yesterday. Oca letter from Ohio, that will be found in this number was written for last week's issue; bul we did not receive it in time to appear in that number. About one hundred soholars are rcg istered in the primary department of the Ridgway publio school. A large number of these are under seven jears of age. TnE Star Spangled Banner for December is promptly on our table, and in spite of the threats, arrests and false charges made against it (or its presislent exposure of Rogues, Rascals and Swind lens, it don't stop "waving" worth a cent, In fact, though its publishers are threat ened, black mailed and prosecuted, they seem to still flourish. The Banner over flows as of yore with 40 columns of good reading matter. The "Rogue's Corner' is as cutting as ever; and instead of one it next jear gives a pair of Charming Chromos, by Prang, and paper a whole year for only one dollar. It begins its 12th year in January and every body (no exceptions) should read it. $1 year; send six cents for specimens to the Star Spangled Banner, Hinsdale, N. H The New Constitution. For the past two weeks we have laid before our readers in supplement form the new Constitution adopted by the Convention at Philabelphia. Our ex changes ate a unit on its adoption, aud from every part of the State comes the assurance that it will be decided in the ffimati7e by a large majority. The election will be held on the 16th day of December, and it behooves every citizen of whatever political faith ho may be, to give this instrument a careful and considerate perusal. The importance of an election on the adoption or rejec tion of a constitution, rises far above tbat of any other, for the fundamental law of the State is to undergo a change for better or worse, and if for better, every honest voter should strive to do all in bis jjower to further it, and if foi worse we are all accountable to future genetatious if we neglect now to perform our duty, very lew men wil' raise a voice against this new Constitution, unless actuated by bare or selfiVh motives, fa in its provisions are found safeguards, thrown around our rights, that insure a pure admistration of justice, and an economical expenditure of the public iunds. Eaoh officer- in the Co'tnmon- wealth is required to take an oath tbat he' has not used money to secure his election and tbat he will faithfully per Cotai the duties enjoined on him. Article Till treats on "suffrage and election," and every avenue or fraud to the ballot-box is effectually shut off, and we have the assurance that ballot box stuffing and fraudulent counting will hererlter be unknown, and that the voire of the people will receive proper K!frct, and an honest sentiment will t priny up to take the place of the worm rntcn h;, stems that have made elections 5d our cities a by word and a reproach. C-vjtrty Commissioners are hereafter to elected on the minority plan j that n three are to be elected at one time, and each elector can only vote for two, or he may cast two ballots for one candi date if he chooses. This will insure to the Republicans of Elk. conuty one Commissioner and will give the minority ii tis Commonwealth a voice in the ad saiaistration of county affairs, at the fame time it will check the tendency to fiaud which might result from the dom inent party having full eway. We hope every voter in this county will weigh well, the importance attached to thin election, and act as though his vole was to be the turning point in the coutest. Remember the J6th day of December and give one day to the service of your State. LETTER mOM OHIO. Cincinnati. ) November 24th 1873. j Dear Advocate. Your issue of tho 13th inst., came safely to hand, but not containing my letter of the 11th. Why this was thus, unless our good L'cele Sam was somewhat irregular in his mails tbat week, is more than I can determine. I have not yet reoeived your issue of the 20th. When reoeived, i! it do not contain my letter of last week, I w'Jl knew, what my vanity doesn't want to know; and that is that you have con cluded my effusions fit tho waste basket better than giaoe the columns of the Advocate: should my letter be in print, I will cuss our venerable Uncle, whose shoulders are so broad and tough. In this quiet village and its subcrbs there is a plentiful scarcity of news The Cuban affair is growing old, tho l'anio is accepted as a fact to be grinned at and borne with, and the daily squab bles which have made Cincinnati editors o famous or notorlousdo notj interest any but the rioters, themselves. The publio mind is, so far as local matters is concerned, most exercised over tho ques tion who it is to be Librarian of the Publio Library. Rev. Thomas Vickcr pastor of the "Free Thinker's Congrega tion" is tho candidate of the Commercial; which praises the learning, the dignity, good business qualitks and executive tact ol the Uev. Thomas. On tho other hand, the Enquirer says, that the llcv. T, V. is an infidel; the Gazette says he has been known togdiink whiskey at a Third street saloon, with a prominent politician; the Times says he dances; the Star says ho is a staudiug insult to all christian sentiment; the Courier calls him a Know-Nothing ; tho VolksMatt says he is an educated idiot, and the Volksfreund announces that on the whole they dont think him fit lor the po sition. Ot the religtoUe..prS it may be said there is a remarkable unanimity among them, praying to be delivered lrom tho impending judgement. Finally the Rev. T. V. says he never before knew what a miserable upright, smart, I 1 : -i . i uuueai, iuuuc, euucaieu ana nouesl ras cal he was! The committee on uouiiua lions has, however, presented his uawa to the Board ot Education for action at next meeting. Not being a resident ot Ohio, I have nojntercst nor use in the I uoito -Library; aud I don t think the Rev. T. V. by reason ol avowed infidel ity a lit petsou for Librrian; but I wish the time weiejhere when meu could be proposed lor omee, aud respectively dis cussed, and advocated or opposed ou sen sible grouuds ju a decent way. lor grave editors to object to a gentleman lor the position ol Librariau, because ho can dunce, or because years ago lie was ol a certain political party, and to vio lently abuse, iustead cl reasoning on the kubjuut is unworthy ol any one occupy ing such responcible.pusitious. Unhappi ly lor the genual good, abuse now-a days pusses for argument; and black iuardiuu lor reasoning. There have, been no murders here last week, I am glad to say, but three Buieides, two by d.ouud- iug, and one by.poisouiug. Ol the first tWflLfipa, wastj.qrman, who w;s out ol work and fancied he was about to starve; tho other a German girl, who kilied her shame, her body, aud iuo-t likely her oul. 1 he-last cuso was a young Ger man who had been arrested for larceny, and having been bound over to Court, took poison, in Lis disgrace, lie left a uote to a friend saiug the oath unde bv the prosecuting wituess was the intel lectual cause of his death. Last Satur day the prosecutor answered iu a card .xculpatiog himself The intelli gent Coroner's Jury, who viewed th.; body, returned as a verdict that the de ceased had taken his lilc, while in a temporary lit ot mental abcrrutiou of the "J'od. L. J. B. List or Causes set down for trial at the January term 1S74, Elk countv Common Picas, cemuitncing .iouday, Jauuary Uth, 1S74. 1 The Spring Bun Coal Covs Thn-j Tozier. No 10 Jaouur? ISC'). 2 G D. Messenger vs James George 41 Apiil ISO!). et al. Jc hu Tiidur vs Iliram Voodwaiu e. al. 5 Aup.ust 1&70. 4 K. iV. .Mason et tl vs IL-ltv Souther et al. I'J Jaouaiv 1ST 1 . 5 Gccrge Decker, vs George Schn ti ler. 9 April 187. 6 Frank A. LoascIi ec al. vs Frank Keller. 22 April 1S72. 7 Benjamin Johnson et al. vs Julm Johnson ct al. 20 April 11572. 5 James l urry, vs E. & C Paine 33 April 1S72. 9 Martin Scrp, vs Nicholas Kronen- wetter. 47 April 1S72. IV NilliauiJ. M'Cartj, vs K'k tf M'Kcau R R Co. 17 August 1872. II 1 E tllondurf. vs Klk .t .M '. Kean R R Co 18 August 1872. 12 h h Willard. vs hlk & M K.. KllCo, 20 Au-ust 1872. 13 EE Willard, vs Josiah Bard well et al. 21 August 1S72. 14 ii fcoutuer survivor Slo . vs II S IJeluap & Co 5 Nov 1874 15 Thomas Caller, vs l'eun'u R R Co 15 Nov 1872. lb" Mary J. Benian, vs N. M Brock way. 2b" Nov 1572. 17 The School District i.f Fox, vs John Meyers- et al. No SI January 18 George T Poull, vs the Wilcox T & L Co. 42 January 1873. 19 Clarion Rivei Nav Co, vs Henry Mooie et al. 44 January 1873. 20 Abel L Marthcrs, vs Thos Moli ken. 1 April 1873. 21 The St Mary's Coal Co, vs Geo Retger. 40 April 1873. 22 Jamci A Burke, vs D C Oyster E3 August 1873. ' 23 Claricu River Nuv Co, vs Iliram Carman. 09 August 1873. 24 Warren & V. R R Co, vs Asa Scott. 23 Nov 1873. 25 Buffalo N Y & P R R Co, vs Ran Km L.rrabee. II Januanv 1874. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, AUD H0USEFUR1TISH1TO GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Tools, Lumbermen Tools. In fact everything usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store 1 FIBST-GLASS im SHOP Employing none but first-class Workmen and nothing but first cla&s material used. OPFOSITE THE COURT W - S - JF YOiJ WANT TO BU! n nnrQ mi? i Jlti OO TO JAMES II- IIAGKRTY Xiaiu Street, 1 iJjjvny, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SIIOKS, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUE K NE WARK, WOO!) AND WILLOW-WAKE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Larye Stock of Groceries and Frcridons. The H EST BKANT:S of J LOril Coiis'iintlv on l add &M as cfiuan us the CUEAl'E-T. JAMES II. IIAGERTY. (Fobmiblt Wood Se &Uhk.) STATIONARY & PORTABLE Steam Engines. The Best & Most Complete Assortment in tho JIarket. These Engines have always maintained tho very tugheat standard of excellence. We make the manufacture of Engines. Boilers and Saw Mills specialty. We have the largest and most complete Works of the kind in the oountry, with machinery specially adapted to the work. We keep constantly in prooess large numbers of Engines, which we f uxnisb at the very lowest price and on the shortest notioe. We build Entrinoa specially adapted to Mines, Saw Mill, Urist Mills, Tanneries, Cotton Gins, Threshers and all classes Of manufacturing. We are now building the celebrated Lane Circu lar Saw Mill, the best and most complete saw mill ever invented. We make the manufacture of Saw Mill ontflts a tpeeial feature of our business, and can furnish complete on the shortest notioe. Our aim in all case is to fumiah the best ma binary in the market, and work absolutely un equal ua for beauty of deshra, economy and etxvngUi fiend fur Circular and Price List. . UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. VTICA, N. T, II. W. IMKLSFOHD, Attorney and Counselor at Law And Solicitor of LAUD PATENTS. Offioe, 1332 F st., Tost Cfto Co 471 Washington, D. C. Tractices before a'.l the Courts of the United Slates and the Executive Department. Special attention givcu to Claims under the cation of Publio Lands by Cash, War rants. Agricultura College Script, I're-euiption or Homestead. bJ to Claim for MIKKKAL lAri)8. UTICA :'' STMK1 e 9 HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. SERVICE & CO. . EXECUTORS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all person indebted to the estate of Kanegand Bill, late of Jones townshin. TClk rnnntr deceased, that they 'are required to make prompt payment ana an persons saving claims against said estate, will present mem ior adjustment to 37-4t A. I. Wilcox. Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the estate of William Phalon late of Ilorton township, Elk county, aecn.asea, mat tney are required to make prompt pavment. and all persons havino . , - c claims against said estate, will present mem ior adjustment to 37-w4 Eliz Phalen. ' tftADI MARK TnE VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO.. want reliable and energetic Agents in tliis County. The "VICTOR" is a Lock-gtiich, Shuttle Machine, with Self-setting NecJIo, lient furnished And mnst. nerfant offered. An increase of over 5O0 per t-t-m. un ernes oi loii over 1S71, i'or i ernts &-c., .Adilrees. VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO., 1227 Chestnut St., J'hiladelphia, Pa n30t5. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wet more. Additional Law Judge lion. Jno. P Vihceni . Associate Judges Clias. Lulir, J V lion U. Liistrict Attorney J. K. p, Uail Sheriff U. C. Oyster. Pi othonoti.rv J o., h'rod. Schocning. Treasurer C. I!. Em-ley. County Superintendent P.ufus Lucorc. Commissioners Hobt. Campbell, John IJnrr, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George D. Messenger, and C. W. Iinrrett. County Surveyor Geo Wjlnislcy. Jury Commissi ners. Joseph Acrner. and Charles Mead. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN BIDfiWAY.. DAN SClUBNElt WISIIU3 TO IN form the Cittzens of Ridgway, and tho public generally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK,G001 CARRIAGES nd Bujgiej, to 1st upon the most reasona ble terms. BgJIe will also do job leaning. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the PobI Office will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. Edw'd J. Evans & Co., Kl'RSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, TOBBT, PKNn'a HaJTCatalogues Mailed to Applicanls-a Refer (by permission) to Hon, J. 8, Black, Washington, D. C. Wiiskb, Soa & Cam, Bankers, York, Ta. -ev. ! T, 1 W iw Law, Commercial, Book, and Stationers. HID G WA T, ELK CO., PA, DEALERS IN ALL KLNDS OF ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID AND COPYING INK. LEAD PENCILS OP ALL KINDS AND PRICES. Es,let brook's Ccicbrutcd Slcei I'ens, the Best JKade. All Kinds of Job Printing done io the Best Style and at Low Prices. LETTER, NOTE, AND DILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN VELOPES 07 EVERY STYLE IN ANY QUANTITY. POWELL & EIME. A. MAMMOTH STOCK! Firmly believing tbat tho vrorld moves, and llitit the demands of the public are con stantly incrcasiu'T, the proprietors of the (Brand djentpt J5toip have just returned from tlio eastern and western cities with tbe most peikct aod complete stock f MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. You cannot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do not keep, and they have absolutely BROKEN THE BACKBONE of high prices. They buy for cash and SELL FOR CASH ! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. IN THE DISTRICT COCRT OF THE UNITED SIATES, FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. JESSE CLAYPOOL, of Spring Creek, a Bankrupt under tho Aot of Congress of March 2d, ISO", Laving applied for a Dis charge from all depts, and other claims provuble under said'Act. 15 v order of tho Court, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to all Creditors who have proved their debts. and other persons interested, to appear on the 2 tiiu day of November 1873 ,atU o'clock m., before a. E. Woodruff Esq., Register iu bankruptcy, at liia office, in Ridgway, Pa., to show cause, if aay they have, why a Discharge should not be granted to the Mid Raukrapl. B. C. McCaidlmi, Clerk of V. B. District C eurt for laid DltWis. M-2. and General Job Printers, LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCH, riO THE CITIZENS OF PENNSVL X VAN1A. Your atienlion is specially invited to the fact, tint the National Bunks are now pvepnrid to receive subscriptions to tho Capital Stock of tho Centennial Poin d of Finance. The funds realized from this source are to bo employed in the erec tion of the building for the International Exhibition, aud the expenses connected with the snnie. It is confidently believed Ihnt the Keystone State will be represented bv the name of every citizen ativeto patn. oiie commcnioraiion of the one hundredth birth-duv of the nation. The shares of etock ore offered for $10 each, and sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing nnd preservation i unnonal memorial. Interest at the vale of six per cent, per annum will bo paid on all payments often. tenuinl Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1S 0. Subscriber who are not near a National Bank can remit a check or post office order io the umleiHigned. FrvED'K F HALEY, Treasurer. 001 Walnut St., Philadelphia. 4GHO.RROWELlflreo. 1 4t PARK ROW I ' DASUSCAEONDA RAILROAD. From and af.cr Monday, Feb. 6th 1873. Trains will ruu on thi.3 Road as follows. Leaves Earlcy 7 30 a. in,, arrives at Daguscahouda Junction 8 10 a. in., con necting with Accom. east 8 14 a. m., and with Mail west at U 15 a. iu. Leaves Daguseahonda at 9 20 a. m. arrives at Earlcy 10 00 a. m. Leaves Earlcy 3 30 p. in., and arrives at Dagus cahondaat 5 00 p. m., connecting with Mail east at 5 OS) n, nr, and Accommo dation west at 5 40 p. in. In ease P. & E. trains are late, Dagus cahonda train holds twenty minutes be yond the above time. Tickets should always be procured before leaving stations. 0. N. EARLEY', Lwe. m y s i ei NEW, FRESH, AND SPARKLING! THE CLUSTER V A NEW MUSIC BOOK FOR THE USE OF CONVENTIONS, S1NOINU CLASSES. ClJUKCIl CHOIRS, AND TflB HOME CIRCLE. THE CLUSTER fcY H. WESLEY MARTIN, J. M. ST1LLMAN, AMD T. MARTIN TOWNE. Price, $13.50 per Dos. Single Copies sent, post-paid, $1,50. Address, J. L. PETERS, 600 Broadway, New York. FOR SCHOOLS. Fairy Voices A NEW SINOINQ-CLAS BOOK, CONPUKD AUD ABRA50IO BY WILLIAM DKESSLER. Price, $6 per Dox. Single Copies sent, postpaid, for GO cents. Address, J. L PETERS, 6UW Broadway, New York. The Song Echo The Popular Singing-School Book BY H. S. PEIiKINS. Price, $7.60 per Dos. Single Copie sent, postpaid, for 76 cents. Address, J. L. PETERS, 35M2. M Areadsfa, New Terk. MAIL 28 CENTS PENNSiJ Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after SUNDAY, NOV. ti 1878. the trains on the Philadelphia Erie Railroad will run as follows t WESTWARD. Buffalo Ex. leaves Philadolphia-12.65p. m. Renovo 11.46 p. m. " " arr, at Emporium....... 1.45 a m leaves BuQalo 9.00 a m ERIE 4IAIL leaves Philadelphia 10.20 p m Renovo..... 19.15 am Emporium. .....12.80 p m St. Mary's 1.27 p m " arrive at Erie 7-40 p m RENOVOACCOM. leaves Renovo 2.15pro Emporium 6.06 p m St. Mary's 6.01p m arr. at Kane... 7 30 p m EASTWARD. BUFFALO EX . leaves Buffalo. ..2. 80 p m " Emporium.. 8.85 p tn Renovo 10.80 p m " arr. at Philadelphia 9.10 a m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 0.15 a m " ' St. Mark's 8.30 p m ' ' Emporium 4.20 pm Renovo 7.05 p m " " arr. at Philadcphia... 8.00 a m RENOVO ACCOM, leaves Kane.. 7.60 a m ' St. Mary's 9 24 a m " Emporiuml0.25 a m ' arr. at Renovo 12.80 p m Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L S M S R W and at Corry and Ir vincton with Oil Creek and Allegheny K R W. Mail West with east and west trains on L S & M S R W and at Irvineton with Oil Creek aud Allcgheuy K R W. Buffalo Express makes close connections at Williamsport with NCRW trains, north, and at Harrisburg with NCRW trains so WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. GRAND OPENING! Summer Arrangement BUFFALO, NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA RAILWAY. Time Table adopted SUNDAY, AuguU 10, 1873. Trains depart from and arrive at the Buffalo, New i'ork & Philadelphia Railway dapot, corner of Exchange and Louisiana streets. ON AND AFTER AUG. 10, 1S73, UN TIL further notice, Trains will run as l'ollows: LEAVING BUFFALO 6:15 a. m. Local Freight and passenger, arriving at Emporium at 6.00 p. m. 8:t!' a m Philadelphia and Baltimore Express Arri ing at Emporium at 12:45 p m., stopping only at East Aurora, Ar cade, Franklinville, Olean and Port Alle gheny. 11:20 a m- Local Freight Arriving at Port Allegany at 9:00 p. m. 0:20 p in Night Express Arriving Emporinm at 12:45 a ra. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 2:40 a m Night Express Arriving at Bt'ffalo at 8:20 a m. 3.10 a. m. Local Freight and Passenger Arriving at Buffalo at 2.35 p, m, 6:25 p m Niagara Express Arriving at Buffalo at 9:45 p m., stopping only at Port Alleeany. Olean. Franklinville. Arcndn and East Aurora. LEAVE PORT ALLEGENY. 10 35!a.m. Local Freight s,nd'nssnna arriving; at Buffalo at 7.60 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Buffalo at 10.00 a. m.. arrivintr at Olean at 1.15 p. m. l.eave ISunalo at 0:20 d m.: Nieht Ex press, arriving at Emporium at 12:45 p m. Leave Olean at 2.45 p. m., arriving at Buff alo at 6.00 p. m. Leave Emporium at 2:40 a m.; Nieht Ex press, arriving at Buffalo at 8:20 a m. Ticket Offices. Buffalo Omnibus Line running from all trains. II. L. LYMAN, Gen'l Pass Ag't. J. D. YEOMAN'S, Superintendent. NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing Oct 20th, 187. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. B. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS BURGH AND POINTS ON THE PHIL' A. & ERIE R. R. Q01SG SOUTH. Buffalo Express leaves Corrv at 11 15 am Leivcs Irvineton, 7 45 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 10 05 p m Night Express leaves Corry 8 08 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 1 65 p m Day Express leaves Corry 6 i 6 a ni Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 15 n m Oil City Accom. leaves Corry 2 05 p m arrives at uraay 8 iscna W 8 J p m ooimo itoarn. Bffalo Express leaves Pilttmrr I t r.r . Arrives at Corry 6 08 p m " " Irvineton 6 85 p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 4 .1.1 n m Arrives at Corry 4 20 a m Day Express leaves Pittsburgh 12 20 p m Arrives at Corry 10 45 p m Oil CitT Accom. leaves H Ttanil A AK Arrives at Oil City 12 15 p m ionnecuons made at Corry and Irvine tou for points oa tho Oil Creek aad the Allegheny Valley Rail Road. Pullman Pallaes Drawin P di ing Cars on Night Express Trains between 'inuuigu nuu urocion. Passentrers t.a ami frnm ltrbiiTn . i. 0 - ..vvt.uo iua close connection at Red Bank J,,-..;... with Buffalo Express, north anrl Kiki p. press south. Ask ror Tickets via Allegheny Valley R, 3. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. 8udU EW STAGE ROUTS. J. C. BURNS, lrUtor. Dceureu lae OS- tract for carrying the U. S. Mil between REYNOLDSVILU & BROCIWAYVILT.M has placed on that road a line of hackf Ilacks leave the Exchange Betel U Reynoldville every Tuesday, Thnrtdn and Saturday on the atrival of the Broekville stage, and return the Mae day. Tu, hacks connect at BrockwayviUe with the Ridgway stages, making eonneetion wi k tram, on the P. ft E. Road, both east Vn4 west. Every Utention to the eemfort it patron. 0f u.1. line ,W U ,iytB, V liberal patronage .olicited. - Aug. 18-7itt,