(Bill 0mtnln giduocatt .' THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1S7, t'nr Time, l Illtlfriray. . Erie Express East do do Aest do Mail Fiial 2:01 a. m. 2:39 . m. 5:0.) p. ni. .J do lln -Vr.l 2:52 ft. m. Renovo Accommodation East 8.55 a. m. do do West G:25 a. m. elk Lodge, a. v m. The stated meetings of Elk Lolgs, No. 879, are held at. their hull, corner of Main , And Depot streets, on the second nnd fourth Tues'l fs of each month-l 1). T.. DAY, Seo'y. Til A MISGIVING. Send us communications. . The wind was loud nnd blustering last Tuesday niht. ' Don't run into debll It is bn. I enough to walk iuto it. SlXTT Foutl millions of postal cords hnvo been issued. . Mrs. P. T. Uahnvm died in New York on the 19th inst. The county coiutnisMoncrs met at their office lust Tuesday, The boy9 are having sport, ridin down hill on Broad street. Head the new advertisements, at the 'bottom of tho nest column. Somr people have their thinking, like their washing, done nut. The mail traiu from the east was about lour hours lute' ou last Friday. JittFOHE nlatca were used people mul tiplied ou tho face of the earth. Tub new constitution provides for the election of ladies bb school directors. An Faiu.y ikiku. Jumping out oi bed at five o'qoek, in the morning. The best remedy for mcrchautile troubles A liberal use ot printer 9 ink Show troupes ure finding Pennsyl vania is "a i.urd rood to travel," these hard times. Congress wili convene at Washing ton, D. C, on nost Monday, December 1st. What ha becutiKi f Hie B.-o-ikville Jtjl'irsouiun, and it enterpri-ii'.j! editor "Fat." The wolves ute making depredations in iosc townshi p, at il.e tzr euee of flu farmers. Read tho intcrustiiig uccouut, entitle ) "The Captured Yitgiuius," to be found on tho fourth p.ago. Mu.V nf the nob'u.st disposition think themselves happiest when others share their happiness with theui. -- Much Xbkdi.h.-A j.Mod, sirr-ng allies; V3 piaster, t.) make bu-y-bodie-stiek to their own Lu-iiie-s. Tits printers of Pittsburgh tre on a ''stiike." The papers arc ib-uod the came, notwithstanding this pc'ty anuoy aiice. A MAN in Ting- c-iuntj' cltint-s to have a sroue that Washington threw a' a wool-pcekei on bis fjther's cherry tree. Locals are as scare in this sootUm o' the cous'ry, at this season of fho ycar as po'ato bugs are in Grion'uuJ. in t!r mouth of January. Cl-KARFi EI,1 county will hold tv elections in December one on the rev constitution, uiJtl iho oiher for bor. u and township officers. The lOOth anniversary of ihc dfstr.ic- tionofthe tea in 1 -tnti harbor co;u on tho 18th of December, and will prub ab'y be not ictil in a iui.;t wiy. The latest report concetninsr Dr Liv ingstone is that ho is held a prison r i. Central Afrio a by a tribe which de mands a very heavy raniosn for hi.' i lease. 13ovs who go skating should rcmcm ber the danger of going on ice which is not sfrong enough to bear. fJetling wet up to your hips is not very pleasant thes days. Now is tho time to advertise your Christmas stock. That is a good way to make thiu"s bright, and it dout cot verv much to get an advertisinient iuseited in the Advocate. P.EsriCT for old age nevur had a brighter illustration than in the caae ot the young lady who always refuses to go to the wash-'uh when her in ither or grandmother is pvesei.t. KECUUKLVfasten your dors und irin dowi at nijrht, us a larps part j of bur glars have left New Yo:k o ty, and arc now making fr rj'ient attempts to enter dwellings and stores, iu the Eastern part of the State. The 1'rettt, published st NewPetblc f in, Clarion county, was soli at con stable's fclo a few day ago, and conse . qijpntly ceases publication. 1'y this lif tle ttausaotton wo lose ons of our be-it zcLanes. Again the P. & E. K. K. company has changed tha car time; hcieafter the trains leave Ridgway as lollows: Mail west. 1.36 p.m. " east, 4.55 p. m. Accommodation bas been taken off. The new Constitution and the Elec tion proclamation advertisements that were commenced in our last number will continue two weeks after this h-sue. We advise every voter to read carefully both of these Advertisements ud profit thereby. "Ye Local" of tho Advocate is spending Thanksgiving Day in Edin boro', Pa., and having a good time gen. erally, while the "devil" is putting in his time at tho "print shop," feasting on lead pir., per programme.' On Mouday last Mr. Augusus Stage and lady ot Rockdale, this county, sturt ed with his team, to visit Audred Smith. When near there he told his wife that his arms were getting numb ; she told hitu to let her drive, but he said '"no," when he fell lot ward iusencible. Mrs' Stage then called for Smith's lolks, who rau out aud cariied him in; but he was dead. Mr. Stage was between sixty and st ven ty yeaia of ago. Bruck.wayvil!e Piagister, 20th inst. TllE other day as Mr. Win. tubbs ol Highland township, this county, vrtis engaged iu feeding his cattle, he was suddenly und unexpectedly attacked by an enraged bull, who terribly gored him in one of his thighs, thus inflict ing a very severe wound. He was then thrown, by tho beust, over a rail fence into on adjoining field, and left in an uu couusious condition. lie is rupidly re covering, and is very thankful for his narrow escape from death. A Pear Killld. A short time since a party ot ''nimwds" overtook and killed a huge Lear iu Highland town ship. A few days alter this occurrence this same party caaie upon what they supposed to be the tiail of another oue ot ttiese "denizens of tho ibreiit."; After following the tiail for some time they discovered their game was a peaceful don key, which luckily had taktu reluge in the stablo of its owner, Mr. William James, and thus txut!ii ill 2 impending danger ol being killed, winch certainly would have followed, on the discovery of the misiakc by the hunters. So iiuieli or tlio presence of mii.d ol the donkey. New Advertisements. ITS I BAY. Cdine to the preinitcs ol'ihe fcubsciiljer, in hidjiWay lunnship, ou ui ji bout the midu'c of August, lt7.j, two STEERS, and ouo AO. Sucrs, red, large horns mid while bellies. Stg, red. cuiii tuillu ulout tuni years old. Oi.e red and while HEU'EK, three yesrs old next r-jji'iny. The owner is re-oittlod to come turwaid, rove piupti'iy, puy charges, and lake find property' away, or ihey will be disposed o. us law d. reels,. uU3-iw J. M ALAN E. I 3 Q PLAYI1TG CAEDS. STK.VMSHirS Chenpcst kind made. T'.F.GAT'J' AS A cheap comiitou citi-'i. J'.KOAIAVAYS A nicfi cummuii en,!. VI i'.G I.N i A S Kino calico Iiucah. Ci i; N . J('KS(i:n i !ipi riii! ptriilur, (I'litioiii Imukp, various colois ...! ile- SigllH.) fOLL'MWAS (Euchre 'lock) e..:; qus'ily GOIJjKN ThS Una ..t ihe le t cvJ i:m 1'e MT. VKKNOXe! Extra flue, twoiulo.- :t, teri.B. ASE FOB iHS A3r(72 TAKE KO OIKSSS. ! I'i ice Li-it on ajijilieuii n. IK-nler. plieil by VICTOR. E. MAUGER. ' Sft-ly li u. 112 Uui.-i.' N V ; VEGETABLE SICILIAN mi MAIM RENEWER. Every year increases tlie popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Geay or Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. Tho scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandrulf, Tmd, by its tonio properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes tho hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores tho capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old ago. It is the most economical Hair Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Ilaycs, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "Tho constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent auality; and I consider it the Best I'iieparatiou for its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggittt, and Dealer in iledicina. Prioe One Dollv. Buckingham's Dye FOB TLIE WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation', which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash olE Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, KOi. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. H0USEV7AEE, AND H0USEFURNISHI1TG GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Tools, Lumber mens Tools. In fact everything, usually kept in a first-class Hardware &tore. a FJ3ST-CLAS5 TIN SHOP, Emgifoying notic but first-class Workmen and nothing hut first class material ifsed. OPPOSITE THE COURT-HOUSE, W- S- -tf. i F VOIJ WANT TO 15UY GO ODS CHEAP CIO TO J;MK? II- IIAf;K!TTY Main Street, l'idgway, I'l. nr.v r.uo:, notion's, j:oots .SMOKc1, IlATrf ANi OAi-. GLASS A N I) (UKKNd WAKK, V. (IO!i .vNi WLhur-v-iVAiii:, TO U A C C 0 A N I ) ( ' Hi A US. A Large Stock of C-r: Il.e P.KST I! A.Vi a.l.f S .1 soil i-i.ont as tlic-ap n H : v ' --T. jam;:.; u. iiagkiitv, rr-w. i - - w w (Foamuii.1 Wood & Uakd.) g , STUTICKJRV X P0BTS2LE "' Steam Engines. Tlio Best & Most Complete Assortment la the Market. These Engine have always maintained the rerf highest standard of excellence. We make the manufacture of Engines, Boilers and 8aw Mills a Bpecialty. "We have the largest and moat complete works of the kind in the country, with machinery specially adapted to the work. We keep constantly in process large numbers of Engines, which we furnish at the very lowest prices ana on the shortest notice. We build Engines specially adapted to Mine. Saw Mill, Clrist MiU Tanneries, Cotton Gina, Thrthera and all elaasea Of manuiaoturing. We are now building the celebrated Lane Circu lar fiaw Mill, the beat and inoat complete saw mill ever invented. We make the manufacture of Baw Mill outfits a special feature of our business, and can furnish complete on the shortest notice. Our aim in all casus is to furnish the best ma ehinery in the market, and work absolutely un equaled for beauty of design, economy and strength Send fur Circular and Price List. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. UTICA, If. Y, n. w. imKL.i-ORi, Attorney iu:d Councilor at Law And Solicitor of LAUD PATE17TS Office, l?,U F st., I'ctl ( ffo I!o 4:1 Wasliirgtou, 1). (3. l'luclices hnfure it'l the Courts of the Unite 1 Ftmen and the L'xeoutivo t'einrlniflits. Ppcc'ml attemion (?lv,i' C!uinig under the Crttinu of I'uht'c l.mids hy Ciisti. W.- r runts. Agricultura College Scrijit, Pre-einp'ion or Honu-.'touJ. dJ to CUim tit MI.VEKAl LANDS. UTICA STEAM ENGINE EIDGWAY, PA. SERVICE & CO- EXECUT0H5 NOTICE.' Notice is hereby given to all person indebted to the estate of Kaoegaud8 Dill, late of Jonfs towoship, Elk county, deceased, that they are required to make prompt payment and all persons havinp claims against said estate, will present them for adjustment to 37-4t A. I. Wilcox. Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the estate of William Fhnit n late of Horton township, Elk conn v. decpased, that they are required to make prompt puyment, and all persons havini; claim against said estate, will preseu: t!)i?iii for adjustment to di-w4 hLiz Phalkn. THE VK TOU StWtNG MACHINE CO.. want reliable and enprgetio A renin in lliis County. The "VIC'J'OK" is a LooV-Htiicli, Shuttle Machine, with Self-setting Needle, bent ruruisued ana most perfect Machine ottered. An increase oi' over 500 per cnt. on sales of 1872 over 1871. For I'erinH &c, Add'ess. VICTOR .SEWING MACHINE CO., 1-27 Chestnut St., 1'hiladelphia, Pa. n80t5. Elk County Directory. President Judge L, D. Wetaiore. Ad.iiiiiiiuil J.uw Judge Hon. Jno. P . .-. o.ii... v.--oeiaie Judges Chan. I.uhr, J V I.K. I'i.-lriot A.torney J. K. I.. Hail, teiiciill I). C. Oyoter. 14 .iiliunoiury S o , i led, Schueuing. 1 reii.urer C. 11. Kai'loy. t'outity ..Superiuteiiden; Uiilus l.ucore. CiiiuiiiisiuiieiK Kolit. (T.mjibell, Juhn I 'hit. (ico. Kd. Wiit-. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George D. iJesjiciiper, und C. V. liarrelt. C uniy Surveyor Geo Wiluisley. Miry Counnibsi ners. Joseph Kerner. ! mid Charles McuJ. VII LIVERY STADLE IN !).X SUltlUXEU WI.Sll US TO t. tin the Cittzeus of Iliilj.-wav, and th. !ililio generally, that be laa started a Liv ly .' table and will keep ..OOD KTOCK,GOUl CARRIAGES mid Bujgiej, to let ipuo moat reusona 1,1c terum teQa.Ho rill also do job tean ing. Stable on Broad street, nboTe Main All ordtra left at the Foet OH.ce will meet prouipt. attention Aug 20 1870. tf. Edw'd J. Evans & Co, NUItSEUYMEX AND SEEDSMEN, YOUR, IKNK'a fci Catalogues Mailed to Applicant8g Kefer (by eimission) lo Hon, J. S. liLATK, Washington, D. C. Wviskk, Son & Cabj., l!iiukerH, York, r. Law, Commercial, Book, and Stationers. RIDGWAY, ELK CO., TA. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID AND COPYING INK. LEAD IENCILS OF ALL KIMDS AND PRICES. Kslerbrook'a Ctltbratcd Sttel frits, the Best Jflade. All Kinds of Job Printing douo io the Bout Stylo and at Low Pricon. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN ANY QUANTITY. POWELL & KIKE. A. MAMMOTH STOCK! Firmly believing that the world moves, and that the demands of the public ave con stantly inert asin, the proprietors of the (firand dknlpt jhy have just returned from tlio eastern ond western cities with the most perfect nd complete Etock ef MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. You canuot - ASK FOR ANYTHING they do not keep, nnd they have absolutely BROKEN THE BACKBONE of high prices', They buy for cash aud SELL FOR CASH! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! Ridgway, iMay 1st, 1873. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF PESNSYINANIA. JESSE CLAYPDOL, of Spring Creek, a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1807. having applied for a D is churia from all ilepts. and other claims provable under said'Act. iiv order of the Court, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN', to all Creditors who have proved their dobtn, aud oilier persons interested, to appear on the 20th day of November 1873 ,at U 'cluck a. m., before S. E. Woodruff Esq.. Register in Bankruptcy, at his office, in Ridgway, Pa., lo show cause, if any they have, why Discharge should not be grauted to the said Bankrupt. 8. C. McC.tSDLESS, Clerk of U. S. District Ccui t for said Dratriot. 83 5tr. and General rpO THE UTlZliNS OF I'E.NNSYL L VANIA. Your nliention is specially iuvit'd to the fuel th-.t the National Dauks are n w prcpar ?d to receive subset iplions to the Capital Stock of the Ccutcunial Hoard of Finaiico. The luii'ls realized from this source arc to be employed in tho erec tion of the buildings for the International Exliibiliun, and the expenses connected with the came. It is confidently believed that the Keystone Slate will be represented by the name of every citizen alive to patri otic commemoration of the one hundredth birth day of tho nation. The shares of stock are offtrtd for if 10 each, and sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Slock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest, at the rate of six per cent, per annum will be paid on alt payments of Cen tennial Slock from date of paymcut to January 1, 1 870. Subscribers who are not near a National Bank can remit a check or post ofiice order to the undoryijrned, FRED'K ERA LEY, Treasurer, Wi Walnut St., Philadelphia. BV MAIL r.G CENTS' Bvw mum m m wb w est; itm i o DAGUSCAHONDA 3AILE0A1J, ' From and af er Monday. Feb. 6th lc7;i. Trains will ruu on this Road as lollows. Leaves Eiiiley 7 oQ a. tn., arrives at Daiihcuhondu Junction 8 10 a. m., eon n : t-1 1 1 1 ii with Aecuiii. cast 8 14 a. iu., and with Mail wwt at D 15 a. in. Li'uvcs Diijiuscuhouda at 'j 20 a. in. arrive." at Farley 10 00 a. ui. Leave hurley o oO p. in., aud arrives at Duus- cahonda at o 00 p. ni., coniicctiu2 with Mail east at 5 00 p, up, and Accomujo duiioti west at 5 40 p ni. In case P. Si J'j. trains arc late, Dagus cahotida traiu holds twenty minutes be yond the above time.' J K-keta should always bo procured bcloro leaving stations. C. R. EAR LEY, I.e, MUSI 1 NEW, FRESH, AND SPARKLING! THE CLUSTER A NEW MUSIC BOOK FOR THE USE OF CONVENTIONS, SINGING CLASSES, CHURCH CHOIRS, AND TilS HOME CIRCLE. V THE CLUSTER BY 8. WESLEY MARTIN, J. M. ST1LLMAN, T. MARTIN TOWNE. Price, $13. CO per Doi. Single Copies beat, post paid, 1.50. Address, J. L. PETERS, 69'J Broadway, New Y'ork. FOR SCJIOOLS. Fairy Voices A NEW SIN'OINQ-CXAS BOOK, C3HPILKU AND ARBANOKU BY WILLIAM DKESSLER. Price, $6 per Doi. Single Copies lent, postpaid, for CO cents. Address, . J. L PETERS, 6 'J 'J Broadway, New York. The Song Echo The Popular Siof. iug-School Book BY H. S. PERKINS. Price, $7.60 per Doi. Single Copia eent, post'paid, for 75ceuU. Address, J. I,. PETERS, 2?M2. 55 Broadway, New York. ADVERTISE U U Ik..'., TIME TABLE. -ANA tJNDAY, NOV. 211878, J ih An the Philadelphia Eria Raint. 11 run as follows t WESTWARD. Buffalo Ex. leaves Philadelphia-12.65 p. m. . " Renovo 11.45 p. m. " " arr. at Emporium 1 45 a in ' loaves Buffalo 9.00 am ERIE MAIL leaves Phiiadclpbia 10.20 p ni " " Renovo. .. 19.15 am Emporium 12.80 p m " St. Mary's 1.27 p m " arrive at Eric 7.40 p in RENOVO ACCOM, leaves Renovo 2.15 pm " " Emporium 6.05 pm " ' St. Mary's 0.01 p m " " arr. at Kane... 7 30 p nt EASTWAUU. BUFFALO EX. leaves Buffalo... 2 30 p m " " " Eiuporiutu.. 8.85 p m " " " Renovo 10.80 p m " " arr. at Philadelphia U.lOani ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 9.15 a m " " St. Mary's 8.80 p m " Emporium. 4.20 pm ' " " Renovo 7.05 p m " " nrr. at Philadcphia... 8.00 a m RENOVO ACCOM leaves Kane.. 7.50 a m ' " St. Mary's 9 24 a ni " " Etnporiuml0.25 a m ' " arr. at Rcnovol2.80 p m Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L9M8K W and at Corry and lr vinetou with Oil 'Creek and Allegheny A R W. Mail West with east and west trains on L S & M S R W and at Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny ll R W. Buffalo Exprens makes close connections at Williimisport with N C R W trains, north, and at Ilarri&burg with N CllW trains so WM. A. BALDWIN. Oen'l Sup't. GRAND OPENING Summer Arrangement BUFFALO, NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA RAILWAY. Time Table adopted SUNDAY, August 10, 1878. Trains depart from and arrive at the Buffalo, New i oik & Philadelphia Railway depot, corner of Exchange and, Louisiana streets. ON AND AFTER AUG. 10, 1873, UN TIL further notice, Trains will run as lollows: LEAVING BUFFALO C:15 a. m. Local Freight and passenger, arriving at Emporium at 5.00 p. m 8:;l" a ni Philadelphia and Baltimore Express Arri ing at Emporium at 12:45 p in., stopping ouly at East Aurora, Ar cade, Franklinvillc, Olean and Port Alle gheny. 11:20 a nr Local Freight Arriving at I Port Allegany nt 9:00 p. m. 0:JU p in Night L.NprccS Arriving a Emporium at lL':4o a m. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 2:40 a m Night Express Arriving at r;ufl'.ilo at 8:20 a m. 8. 10 a. ni. Local Freight and Passenger Arriving at Buffalo at 2.6 p. m. 5:2") p in Niagara Express Arriving at Buffalo at 0: 15 p in., stopping only at Port Allegany, Olcan, Frauklinville, Arcade and East Aurora. LEAVE TORT ALLEGENY. 10 ISoja.m, Local Freight and passenger arriving at Buffalo at 7.50 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Buffalo at 10.00 a. m., arriving at Olcan at 1.15 p. m. J.eavo Buffalo at f,:20 p m.j Night Ex press, arriving at Emporium at 12:45 p m. Leave Olean at. 2.45 p. m., arriving at Buffalo at 0.00 p. m. Leave Emporium at 2:40 a m.; Night Ex press, arriving at Buffalo at 8:20 a m. Ticket winces. liuffulo Omnibus Line running from all trains. II. L. LYMAN, Gcn'l Tass Ag't. J. D. YEOMAN'S, Superintendent. NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing Oct 20th, 187H. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS. BURG II AND POINTS ON THE PllIL'A. & ERIE R. R. COIN a SOUTU. Buffalo Express leaves Corry at 11 15 am Lo ives Irvineioa, 7 45 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 10 05 p m Night Express leaves Corry 8 08am Arrives at Pittsburgh 1 55 p m Day Express leaves Corry 6 85 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 16pm Oil City Accom. leaves Corry 2 05pm Arrives at Brady's Bend 9 80 p m QOIXO NOBT1T. BlTalo Express leaves Pittsburg at 7 50 a m Arrives at Corry - 6 08 p m " " Irviueion 5 85 p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 4 3 5 p m Arrives at Corry 4 20am Day Express leaves Pittsburgh 12 20 p m Arrives at Corry 10 45 p m Oil City Accom. leaves B. Bend 6 45 a m Arvives at Oil City 12 15 p m Connections made at Corry and Irvine tou for points on the Oil Creek and the Allegheny Valley Rail Road. Pullman Pallace Drawing Room Sleep, ing Cars on Nighi Express Trains between Pittsburgh and Brccton. Passengers to and from Brockulle make close connection at Red Bank Junotioa with Buffalo Express ftotth aud Night Ex press south. Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley R. R. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Sunt. IS -J EW STAGE ROUTE. J. G. BURNS, Proprietor, The subscriber having secured the eon tract for carrying the U. S. Mail between REYNOLDSVILL 4 BROCKWAI VILLH has plaoed on that road a line of hack Hacks leave the Exchange hetel In Iieynoldville every Tuesday, Thuitda and! Saturday on the ai rival of the Broonvill oiugc, ......... ... jaeit hacks connect at Brockwayville with the Ridgway stages, making connection wi k trains on the P. & E. Road, both east aad west. Every attention to the comfort ef patrons of this line will be given, and liberal patronage solicited. , Aug. 13-72tf.