X1 Kditor THURSDAY, NOVEMBER S7, 1873. Jjj LECTION l'llOCL A. M ATION. C?0 5.1 YE THE COMMONWEALTH. Whereas, In mid by Uio 13th flection of the act of flenerel Assembly of Pennsylva nia, passed July 2d, 18U3, entitled "An act relating to the elections of the Common wealth," it is enjoined on tho sheriff of very county to give notice of such elec tions to be held, and to enumerate in such notice what officers arc to be elected, in pursuance thereof I, D.. C. OYSTER, high sheriff of t lie county of Elk, do therefore make known and give this public notice to the electors of snid county of Elk that a special election will be held in said county ou TUESDAY, DECEM11ER 10, 1873, (it being (lie third Tuesday of the month), lor the purpose of Submitting tlicauio nded Constitution of Pennsylvania to a vote of tho qualified electors thereof, as provided by tlio ordi nance of su'oiniesion adopted by tho con stitutional convention. And the qualified electors of the county of Elk will hold their elcolions in the sev eral districts, as follows: lienczettn township, at the house of Elizabeth Winslow. , llenzitiger township, at the school house on Michael slroet, near the Elk creek bridge. Fox township, at tho Centreville school house. Highland township, at the house of Levi Ellithorpe. Norton township, at tho school house, near D. C. Oyster's hotel. Jay township, at the house of Alfred Teat-sail. Jones township, at the Wilcox tanning and limber company's office, in Wilcox. Millstone town.inp, nt tho house of Henry Heir, nt Burr's dun. Kidgwny township, nt the curt lious3. St. Mary's boiungh, nt tho town hall. Spring Creek township, at the houss of Stockdale, Downer & Co. I also make known tho provision oi' the ordinance of submission adopted by the constitutional convention relative, to the manner of voting, which provides that the ballots shall he wriiten or primed in the following form: On tho outside the words "New Constitution;" iu the inside for nil persons giving aliirmntivc votes i lie words "For the New Constitution," and for ad persons giving negative votea the words "Against the New Constitution." A'so, in the 4th section of the act of As sembly, entitled "An act relating to dec. tions and for other purposes," approved April 10th, 1 80'), it is enacted that the Hth section shall bo so construed as to prevent any mililia or borough oliicer from serving as judge, inspector or clerk nt any general or special election in this Common wealth. Also, that in the 01st section of said act it is enacted ''that every general or special election shall be opened between the hours of six and seven in the forenoon, and shall remain without iiiVrrupiiua until coven o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. No person slmll be permitted to vote nt any election as aforesaid but a freeman of the ago of twenty-one years or more, who shall have resided in thii State at least one year, and in the ejection district where he oilers his veto at least ten days immediately preceding euch election, and within two years paid n State or county tax, which uball have been assessed at least ten das beforo tho election, lint a citizen of liie United States, who has previously been a qualified voter of this State, bill, removed therefrom and returned, and bIiiiII have resided in tho election district and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall ho entitled to vote after residing in this Stato six months: J'roviilut, that the freemen, citizens of the United States, who urclietwecn the ages of twenty-one nud twenty-two years, and who have resided in Hie election Uisirict ten days as aforesaid, shall he entitled to vote, although they have not paid taxes. Whkrkas, The filteeiith amendment of the constitution of tho United States is as follows: Six. 1. The right of citizens of the United States shall not be denied or abridged by the United States ou account of race, color or previous condition of servi tude. Sec. 2. That. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by up propi-iute legis lation. And whereas, The Congress of tho United SiMes, on the thirty-first dayjjf March, 1870, passed an net untitle. I "An act to enforce the rights of citizens of the Uuited States to veto in the several Slates of the Union, and for othc purposes," the first and second sectiot.s of which are as follows: He it enacted, kc That aii citizens of the United Slates who are or shall bo other wiie qualified to vote at any electio.i bv the people of any State, Territory, district, city, county, parish, township, t-clioid di. trict, municipality, or other territorial sub division, shall he entitled and allowed to vote at all such elections, without distinc tion of color, race or previous coudition of servitude; any constitution law, cui-toiu, usage or regulation of any State or Terri tory, or by or under its authority, to the contrary notwithstanding. Snc 2. And be il further enacted, That if, by or under the constitution or laws of any State, or the laws of any Territory, any act :b or shall be required to be done as a pre requisite or qual.hcatiou for voting, and by such constitution ot laws persons or oliictrs are or shall be charged with tho perform ance of duties in furnishing to ciiizens an opportunity to perform such picrtqiihitej or to become qualified to vote it shall be the duty of every sucti person and oli.ceis to give till citizens of the United ttate.-., the game and eqftal opportunity to perform such prerequisite and to become qualitiea to vote without distinction of race, color or previous condition of servitude; uuil if uny such persons or otliceis shall refuse or - knotv.'iigly omit to give lull tiled to this sectiou. he shall icr every such offense tur l'cit and pay the sum of live hundred dollars to the persons aggrieved thereby, to be re covered by an action on the case, with full costs and such allowance fur counsel fees as the court shall deem just, nud thall also for every euch effeuce be deemed guilty ot misdemeanor, and shall on couvictioutheie of he lined not less than livo hundred dol lars, or to be imprisoned not less than one month and not more than one year, or belli, at the discretion of the couit. And vrlureai, It is declared by the second section of the VI article of the constitution of the United States that "'J his shall be made in pursuuiico thereof, shall be the supreme law of the land anything iu the constitution or laws of urn Slate to the contrary notuith-jtunJinj." And wh-uuu, 'ibe Legislature of this Commonwealth, ou the liih ot April, 1870, passed an net entitled "A further supple ment to the act relating to elections in this Coua-.iouwmlih," the teiith section provides as follows: iSrc. ID. That so much of every act of Ae. tn.bly asprovides that only white free nun shall be entitled to vote, or be regis tered us voters, or as claiming to vote at uuy general or special election of this Com monwealth, be and the same is hereby re pealed, and that he rentier till freemen with out distinction of color sLull be enroled ttid registered acooidii'g to tho provision Henry A. Parsons, Jr. of the first section of the net approved th 17th of April, 1HI!. entitled "An net fur ther supplemental to nn net relative to the elections tff this Commonwealth," and shall when otherwise qualified under existing laws.be entitled to voto nt all general find Bpecinl cleotions in this Commonwealth. No person shall be permitted to Vote whose ,nnmo is not contained on the Int of triable Inhabitants furnished by the com missioners unless he first produces a ro coipt lor tho pnymcnt within two yenrs of State or county tax, assessed agreeably to the constitution, and give satisfactory cvi. dcuoo cither on his own oath or aillrmation of nnofher that he has paid such (ax, or on failure to produce such receipt shall make oath of the pnymcnt thereof; if ho claims to vote by being nn elector between tho ages of twenty one and twenty-two years, he shall depose on oath or ntiirinntion that he has resided in the Si:te at least one yoir before his application, and tnHke proaf of his residence within his district a 'required by the act, ond that he does verily believe from accounts given him, that he is of the age aforesaid, and give sucli other evidence as is required by the ict, whereupon tho nnmo of tho person so admitted to vote shall be registered in the alphabetical list by the inspector, and o note mado opposite thereto by the word "tax," if he shall hnvo been admitted to vole by reason of having paid Ux, or the word "age," if ho shall have teen admitted to voto by reason' of age, shall be called out to the clerks, who shall make like notes on the lists kept by them. In all cases where the. name of persons claiming to vote is found on tho. list fur nished by the commissioners and a-see-sors, and his right, to vote, whether found thereon or not, is objected to by any quali fied citizen, it. shall be the inspectors' duty to exrimiu such persons on oath as to his qualifications, and if he claims to have resided within tiic ttatc or one year or more, oath shall not bo suliiciaiit proof thereof, but shall make proof thereof by at least one competent witness, who shall ben qualified elector, thai, he as resided within the district for the purpose of votc ing therein. Every person qualified ,n aforesaid, and who shall make the due proof, ii' qualified of his residence and payment of taxes aforesaid iu I hi' township, wurd or district in which lie shall iv-ide. If any person shall prevent, or attempt to prevail, any oliicer of any election under this act from holding such election or u-c or thrcnti'ii any violence to any such oliicer, or siyi interrupt nr improperly interfere villi iiim in the c.ccutiu:i of his dury, or shall block up the win. ion or avenue to any wiudow where the same may be holdiiiir. or sti-.ui riotously disturb the peace at. such election, or shail use or practice any in timidation, threats, force or violence, with design to influence unduly cr overawe any elector, or to prevent him from voting, ol io restrain the freedom of choice, such persons cn conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding live hundred duti-ir.-i, and be imprisoned for any time not less than one mouth or more than one year; and it be shown that tho person so offend ing was not a resident of the city, ward, district or township where Hie said offence was committed, and not entitled to vote therein, he shall ou conviction be sentenced to pay a tine of not less than one hundred or inure thau one thousand dollars, and be iuipviuoued n-.-t 1. -; thtin six tnotitiiii or mure than two years. V. nnucAs, liy the act of C)!iirre-i3 of the United Stai euMiled Ct (0 a.iieu l the several act a heretomre p;-ed to provide for the enrolling and calling out tho uaiioii.il forces, tin i lor oilier "pur poses," and approved '.March third, one ihotisaud eight hundred aud MSty-nvo all persons who have deserted the military or naval service of the United Stales, i;n I who have not been discharged or relieved from the penalty or di.-.iMloy therein pro vided, aie deemed and taken to have vol untarily relinquished and Lote-aed their right to ciiUeusliip and ihoir.rlg.us to be come citizens, and are deprived of ciercie ing any rights of citizes thereof; And wurcas, Persons not citizens of the United ttUcsnre not, ULder the constitu tion aim laws ot i ennsvi.vania, electors of this Conmiouwei.hli. qualified bKCrtox I. He ,t enaeiedoy ... Stlla.'i and IIo.-c of h,j;-centat,r,)ofiht Commoutteutih or y.;,,B.j, oi Ue,rt A.ubh, ,;, and be .- V cM ;l atlt,loril - Hint in nl elections hereafter to be held in this tojumoiiwe ,l,h it shall be unlawful for Iheju.ecr inspectors of any such election to receive any ballot or bal lots from any person or p;r. ljr,3 embiwed in the provisions ami subject to the de bility imposed by s.ua not of Coi.jnv-is -.p. proved March third, one thousand e-iirht hundred and sixty live, and it shall be un lawful for nny such persons to offer to vot any bailot cr ballots. Six. 2. That if any such judge nd in spectors of cileclion, or any one of them snau icce.ie or consent to receive unv such unlawful Ullot or ballots from u disqualified person, he or t!u.v s0 , , shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, ,a ,,, conviction there.,! in any con, t of quarter resworn, uf this Commonwealth cc shall for each cilencc be sentence J to pay u nne llf V V. t ,u"c'.1 Uj'iars, and to n..-ii..v hi: :i'i isuuuieill proper comity for ni t h-.- ' the jail of the than sixty days. , .. person deprucd of ci.izens.p, anl disqual.hed .-lS U,vM shall, at a..y election hereafter to be hoi ! in this Cuinmonweait., vul0 0,. ; the officers there and offer to vote, n ballot or badots, any person so olt'endin- -ill b(. deemed gu.hy of a misde-meauoi, and e. conviction thereof in ,,,-y C0U1.t n,-,,,,.,,.. sessions ot tins Commonwealth Khali for each oileiiec, be punished In a like manner as is provided i ,10 p.eceding section of this act in the ease of ollioji-s of Hec'iou receiving such unlawful ballot or bf.liolst Site. -1. That if ,:y fvtsm shllll h after persuade or advise any ,1ets(, or per- ".T ' v...ruMp nua ti.S iiialifieil as aforesaid, to ofler any ballot or ballots to toe eiiiccrs of any election I, be held in Ibis Common wealth, or shall persuade or dvise any such ofliei- in I-I IVI. 11 IV l:!'.ll V. .11 . J- - j ".iuois irom unv vt-r ballot di-piivcd ot citiKenship and disqualified as nu.resaiU, tiuh person so ollendit shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and ,.,,01l convie lion thercot in any court of quai te-r sessions oi tli!., commouweali'i sl,ftu be punished in alike manner a is provided in the second section of this act in tl,e case of officers of such clcctiou receiving unlawful ballot or b illot s. riirsuunt to the provisions oniainc l in me j;li section as aforesaid the ju Iges of .. u.o.isai uisincts shall le.-pectably ako chariro of the cerlilie,it.. op ii .. cleciioii to their respective districts and produce then at a meetimi; of one Judge . ... vavuuiKiiici iii tue i.ourt House, iii the twonship 0f Kidgwny, on FK1UAV. THE 1UT11 DAY OF DECEMlliilt neit, thtin and there to perforn tlio duties re quiVed by law ot said Judges; also where a jiieigo by sickness or unavoidable acci detit ii unabla to attend such meeting of judges then a certificate as aforesaid shall be taken in charge of by one of tho inspec tors or onrks of the election of said dis trict who shail do ami perform the duties of said judge lo iittt-nel; and the return judgs of the fuid districts aforesaid are requested to meet iu F.idgway the county seat of said oounty, on Friday after the third Tuesday of December next, then and tbere to discharge the unties required by law. "Given under my hand at Ridgway, the lSthday of November in the year of our Lord one thousand, ei'ht huudrcd aud seventy-three, uud of the independence of the United States tho ninety -seventh D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Nov. It-it h,' '73 CONSTITUTION. NEW CONSTITUTION PROPOSED TO TUG CITIZEN! OK TI1I3 COMMON WEALTH FOR TIIElll Al't'TOVAL OR H EJECTION, 11Y THE CONST1TU- TIONAL CONVENTION. Publislicd by order of tho Seorosary of the Commonwealth, in pursunncs of tbo 4th sectioa of an act of the Gen cral Assembly cntileJ "An net to pro videur calling a Convention to nmond the Constitution," approbud the 11th day of April, A. I). 1872. I'ltEAMBLli Wc, tho people of tho Couimonwcolth ot Tennsylvanta, gratclul to Almighty (hul fur the blessintjs of civil and reli gious liberty, and humble invoking His guidance, do ordain uud establish this Constitution. ARTICLE I. DECLARATION OF llmHTS That tho general, great and essential principles of liberty uud iieo govern ment may l,o recognized aud unalterably established, wo deilare that Suction 1. All men are born equally free and independent, nud have certain inherent and indefeasible rights, among winch aro those oi enjoying und defend lih nd liberty, of acquiring, pus ses-sttig uud protecting property and rep milium, unu ui pursuing tnetr owu iiap- pilll'SS. Sec. 1, All power is inherent in the people, und all free governments are founded ou their authority uud institu ted for their peuce, saiety aud happi ness. For the udvauccniciit of tins? cndu they have at till times an inaliena ble ar,d indefeasible right to alter, re form or abolish their government ia such manner as ihoy nitty think proper. Sue. o. All meu have a natural and indefeasible ritit to worship Almighty (hid according to the dictates of their own consciences; no man eao of right be compelled to attend, erect or suppoit any place of worship, or to maintain any nnu:strv against his consent; no human authority can, iu any case whatever, eootivl or iiitcribrc with the rights of c-jtischMiee, and p-'jlcrouce shall ever he K'.von by law to n i, v relisrious establish- incuts or iiiO-Ii.'.i of worship. t"KC 1. ,o persui: who acknowledges the being of a God and a future state oi reward.-! nod puuirhiuc-iits shall, on ae' eount ed his religious sentiment:., be dis qualified to hold any officii or place oi trust or profit under this Couimou wealth. Sec. ii. Kk-ction shall be free and eqiial nud no pir.vur, civil or military, shall at any timo interfere to prevent tho free exorcise of tho right of suf lrake. Sec. G Trial Ly jttr-7 shall le as heretofore, an tli o rijiht tlirtent reinaiti inviolate. Sec. 7. Tho printing pr free to every peisioi who m ss ts!iall bo y u:ii)erlakc ot the hej.' s'iivjriiiiicut, ti exauiiiit Liii: prov'ceuit.LrJi islaturo or anv bii.iieh of j and no law shall ever be made to restrain the tight thereof. The free eonnnuui cation of thoughta and opinions is one o( U.o invalneble tights of man, and every citizen may freely spa, I,, vvi ite and ptint on any subject, being rcsptmsible for the abuse of that l;b.:ity ,'o conviction shall bo had iu prosecution for the pub lication of papers relating to the official conduct of olliccrs or men in public ca pacity, or to any other tnatter proper for public investigation ' of information where tho lact that such publietitioa was not maliciously or nesligontly made shail bo established to tho .satisfaction of the jut); ur.d in all indictiuco's for libels the jury shall have the light to determine the bnv aud the facts, under the direction of the court, as io other ca.-os. Sec. S. 'J he people th.i!l be secure iu thcT pfcisoos, houses, papurs and pos-SLS-jioiu, f rom ut,rea:ouuble searches aud seizure.), aud no warrant to search any placs or to seize any person or thiuus. hull issue without describing than "as nearly as may be, uor without prooabh cause, supported jy oath or uilirmalton RUbseribed to by the alii.itit. Sec. . In nil crimiiial pro-jecutions, the anc-usetl hath aright to be heard by himself and his counsel, to demand (he nature and cause of tho accusation agaiti-t him, to meet tlio witnesses face to face, to have compulsory process for obtaining w itiiessi-s iu his favor, and iu nrosecutioua bv iu lietmont ur itiforiiiu. lion, a speedy public trial by au impar tial jury of the vicinage; he cannot be compolicd to .live evidence against him sell, nur can ho bo deprive. 1 of his life, liberty or property, unless by the judg ment of liia peers or the law of the hind. Sec 10 No person shall for any in- elictafjle olli'iisc lie proceeded agi.iust cnuiitialiy, by information, except in c.ses arising in the laixl or u.tval tuices, or in the militia, when in actual set- vice, in timo of war or public danger, or by h ave of the court, lor oppression or uiisdeme inor in oiliee. No person shall ii,r the sumo offense be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall pri vate property be takeu or applied to public use without authority ot law, and without ju;.t compeiis-nion being first mad a or secured. Sec. 11. ll courts shall be open, ami every man for au injury douo hiia in his lauds, goods, person or reputation, shall have ri.tueJy by cue corse of law, and right and jostiic administered without sale, denial or delay. Suits may be brought againtt tho Commouwcaltb in fiueh manner, iu euch courts, and in such courts, and in euch cases as the Legislature may by law direct. Sec. l'J. No power of suspending laws shall be exercised unless by the legis lature or by its authority. Slc. 13. Jixctssive bail shall not be required, nor scc.-sivo Cuts imposed, nor cruel punishments inflicted. Si.c. 14. All prisonets shall be baila ble by Eiiflicicnt sureties, unless for capital offenses, when the proof is evi dent or pn-sumptiou gteat; and the privilege of tho writ of habeas corpus shall do! bo suspended, unless when in case of rebellion or iuvasion the publio safely may require it. Sec. 13. No comtnisson of oyer and termiuer or jail delivery shall be issued. Sec l(i. Tho peison of a debtor, j whdre there is not strong presumption of fraud, shall uot be continued in prisou after delivering up his estate for tho benefit of his creditors, in such manner as phall be prescribed by law. Sec 17. No ex tost facto law, nor nny law impairing tho obligation of contractor making irrevocable any grant of special privileges or immunities, shall be passed. Seo. 18. No person shall be attainted of treason or felony by the Legislature. Sec. 19. No attainder shall work corruption of blood, nor, except during the life of tho offender, forfeiture of estate to the Commonwealth; the estate of such poisons us shall dostroy their own lives shall descend or vest as in cases of natural death, and if any person shall be killed by casualty, thero shall be no forfeiture by reason thereof. Sec -0. The citizens have a right io a peaceable manner to assemble to gether for their common good, and to apply to those invested with tbt? powers of government for redress of grievances or other proper putposes, by petition, addtess or remonstrance. Sec. 21. The right of citizens to bear arni3 in defense of themselves and tho Slate shall not be questioned. Sec 22. No standing army shall, in time of peace, be kept up without the conseut of tho Legislature and the military shall, iu all cases, and at all timt'3, be iu strict subordination to the civil power. Sec. 23. No soldier shall in time of peace be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war but iu a manuer to bo prescribed by law. Sec. 21. The Legislature shall not grant any title of nobility or hereditary distinction, uor create any office tho appointment of which shali be for a longer term thau dutinggood behavior. Sec. 2o. Emigration, trom the State shall not bo prohibited. Sec. 2li. To guard against transgres sions of the high powers which we have delegated, we declare that every thing iu this article is er.cepted out of the general powers of government, aud shall forever remain inviolate. ATICLE II. THE LEGISLATURE. Section 1. The legislative power ot this Commonwealth shall be vested iu a General Assembly, which shall consist of a Senate and a llouse of Representa tives. Sec. 2. .Members of the General Assembly shall be chosen at the general clcctiou every second jcar. Their term of service shall begin on the first day of December next after their election. Wlieuever a vacancy shall occur in either liouse, the presiding officer there ol shall issue a writ ot clcctiou to Gil such vacancy for the remainder of the term. Sec. 3. Senators shall be elected for the term of four years aud Iteprescnta tivos ior the term of two years. Sec i. The Geueral Assembly shall meet at twelve o'clock noon, on the first Tuesday of January every second year, and at otlicr times when conveued by the Goveruer, but shall hold no ad journed annual session after the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy eight. In case of a vacancy iu tlte office of United States Stuator from this Commonwealth, iu a recess between sessions, tho Governor shall convene the two houses by proclamation on notice uot exceeding sixty days to fill the same. Sec. 5. Senators shall be at least tweuty-Sve years of age, and llcpresen- tauves iwenty-ouo years ot age. ihey shall have beeu citizens aud inhabitants of the State four years, and inhabitants of their respective districts oue year next before their election (unless ubsent ou the publio busiuess of the United States or of this State), and shall reside in their respective districts during their term of service. Sec. G. No Senator or Lu-piesenta-tive shail, during the time lor which he shall have been elected, be appoiuted to miy civil office under this Common wealth, and uo member of Congress or other person holding any office (except of attoruey-at law or in the militia) under the United States or this Com monwealth shall be a member of either house during his continuance in office. Sec. 7. No person hcrealfer convicted of embezzlement of publio moneys, bribeiy, pi: t jury or other iufamou'i crime shall be eligible to the General Assembly or c-apublo of holding any offico of trust or profit iu this Commonwealth. Sec. S. The members of the General Assembly shall receive such salary and mileage lor regular aud special sessions as shall be fixed by law, aud no other compensation whatever, whether fur service upon committee or otherwise. No member of either house shall, during the term lor which ho may have been elected, receive any increase of salary, or mileage, under any law passed duriu' such term. Sec. S). The Senate shall, at the beginning and close of each regular fessiou and at such other times as may be uecesiary, elect one of its members president pro tempore, who shall per torm the duties of the Lieutcuaut Gov ernor, iu any ease of abseuce or disa bility of that officer, and whenever the said office of Lieutenant-Governor shall be vaeuiit. Tho llouse of lleprestnta tives shall elect nne of its members as Speaker. L'acb llouse shall chooso its other officers, and shall judge ot the elec tion aud qualifications of its members. Slit. 10. A majority of each House shall constitute a quorum, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and compel the attendance of absent members. Sec. 11. Each house shall have power to determine the rules of its pro ceedings and punish its members or other persons far contempt or disorderly behr.vior in its presence, t enforce obedieuce to its process, to protect its members against violence, or offers of bribes, or private solicitation, and with the concurrence of two-thirds, to expel a member, but not a second time ior the same cause, and shall have all other powers necessary for the legislature of a free State. A member expelled for corruption shall not thereafter be eligi ble to either house, and punishment for con siupt or disorderly behavior shall not bar an indictment for tbe same of fense. Seo. 12. Each bouse akall keep journal of its proceedings aud from time to timo publish the same, except such parts m require secrecy, and the yeas and nays of the members on any ques tion shall, at the desire of oy two of them, be entered on tho journal. Sec 13. The sessions of each house and of committees of tho whole shall be open, unless when the business is suoh as ought to be kept secret. Sec. 14. Neither house shall, with out the consent ot the other, adjourn for nfore than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses shall be sitting. Sec 15. The members of the Gen eral Assembly shall iu all cases, except treason, felony, violation of their oath of office, and breach or surety of the peace, be privileged from aircst during their attendance at the sessions of their respective houses and in going to and rcturniug from tho same; and for any speech or debate in cither house, they shall not be questioned in any other place, Sec 16. The State shall bo divided into fifty Scntorial districts ot compact and contiguous territory, as nearly equal iu population as may bo, and 'each dis trict shall be cutitled to elect one Sena tor. Each county coutainiu; one or more rations of population shall bo en titled to ooo Senator or tor each ratio, and to an additional Senator for a sur plus of population exceeding three-fifths of a ratio; but uo county shall form a separate district unless it shall contain four-fifths of a ratio, except where tho adjourning counties are each entitled to one or more Senatots, When such county may be ussinged a Senator on less thau four-fifths, and exceeding one-half of a ratio, and no county shall be divided ifu less entitled to two or more Senators. No city or county shall be entitled to separte representation exceeding one sixth ol the whole number ot Senators No ward, borough, or township shall be divided iu the formation oi a district. The Scutorial ratio shall be ascertained by d.vidiug the whole population ol the State by the number fifty. SEr; 17. The members of the House of llepreseiitativcs shall be apportioned among the several counties by a ratio obtained by dividing the population ot the State as ascertained by the most re cent United States ccusus by two hun dred. Every county containing less thau five ratios shall have oue representa tive fur every full ratio, and an additi onal representative when the surplus ex ceeds half a ratio; but each oounty shall have oue representative for every full ratio, and au additional represeu'ative when tho surplus exceed half a ratio; but each county shall have at least one representative. Every county contain ing five ratios or more shall have one representative for every full ratio. Kvery city containing a population a equal to a ratio shali elect separately its proportion of the representatives allot ted to the county in which it is located. Every city entitled to more than four representatives, aud every county hav ing over oce huudicd thousand inhabit ants, shall be divided into districts ot compact and contigous territory, each district to elect it3 proportion of repre sentatives according to its population, but no district shall elect more than four reprcbcntivcs. Sec 13. The General Assembly at its first session after tbe adoption' of this constitution, and immediately alter each Uuited States decennial census, shall ap portion the State into Senatorial and Re presentative districts agreeably to the provisions of the two next precediug sec tions. ARTICLE III. LEGISLATION. Section 1. No law shall be passed except by bill, and uo bill shall be so altered or amended on its passage through either house as to change its or iginal purpose. Sec 2. No bill shall be considered unless referred to a cotnmitteo, returned therefrom, and printed for the use ol the members. Sec 8, No bill, except general ap propiation bills, shall be passed, contain ing more than one subject, which shall bo clearly expressed iu its title. Sec -1 Every bill shall be read at lengbt on three different days in each bouse ; all amemdments made thereto shall bo printed for the use or the mem bers before the final vote is taken ou the bill, and no bill shall become a law un less on its final passage the vote be taken by yeas and nays, the names of the per sons voting for and against the same be entered on the journal, and a majority of the members elected to each house be recorded therein as voling in its fa vor. Seo 5. No amendment to bills by one bouse shall be concurred in by the other, except by a vote of a majority of tho members elected thereto taken by yeas ami cays, aud the tames ot those voting for and against recorded upon the journal thereof; and reports of committees of conference shall be adopted iu either house only by the voto of a majority of the members elected thereto, taken by yeas aud nays, aud the names of those voting recorded upou :he journal. Seo G. No law shall be revived, amended, or tho provisions thereof ex tended or conferred by reference to its title only but so much thereof as is re vived, amended, extended, or conferred, shall be re-enacted aud published at lenght. beo 7. The General Assembly shall not pass any local or special law; Authorizing tbe creation, extension or impairing of liens; llejulatiug tho afioirs of counties, cities, towdships, wards, boroughs or school districts; Changing the names of places or per sons; Chauging the venae in civil and crim inal cases; Authorizing the laying out, opening, altering, or maintaining roads, highways, streets, or alleys. , Relating to ferries or bridges, or in corporating ferry or bridge companies, except for the erection ot bridges cross ing streams which form boundaries be tween this and any other Street. Yaoating roads, town plats, streets or alleys; ' Relating to cemeteries, graveyards or publio ground not of the State; Authorizing the adoption or legitima tion of Idren; Locating or changing county seals, erecting new couuties, or changing county lines; Incorporating cities, towus, or vilages, or chan-'inii their charters; Tor tho opening and conducting of elections, or fixing or changing the place of voting ; Grantiug divorces; Erecting new townships or boroughs, changing township lines, borough limits, or school districjs; Creating ofneies, or prescribing the powers and duties of officers in couuties, cities, boroughs, townships, electiou or school districts; .Changing the law of descent or suc cession; Regulating he practice or jurisdiction of, or changing tho rules of evidence in any judicial proceeding or inquiry be foro courts, aldermen, justces of tbe peace, (sheriffs, commissioners, arbitra tors, auditors, masters in chancery, or other tribunals, or providing or cliaug iug methods tor the collection of debts, or tho enforcing of judgments,, or pre scribing the eilect of judicial sales of real estate! Regulatirg the fees, or extending the powers aud duties of aldermen, justiees of the peace, magistrates, or constables; Regulating the management of pub-, lie schools, the building and repairing ot school houses, and tho raisiug of moury for such purposes; Fixing the rate of interest; Affecting the estates of minors or per: sons under disability, except after due notice to all parties in interest, to be re cited in the special enactment; Remitting tines, pcualties and torleit ures, or tho rctumlii.g moneys legally pa;d into the Treasury; Exempting property from taxation; Regulating laboi; trade, mining, or manufacturiuur. Creating corporations, renewiug, or extcuding or ameudiug, tho charters thereof; Granting to any corporation, associa tion, or individual any special or exclu sive privilagc or immunity or to any corporation, association or individual the right to lay down a railroad track. Nor shall the General Assembly indirectly enact such special or local law by the partial repeal ot a general law, but laws repealing local or special acts may be passed. Nor shall nny Jaw be passed grauting powers or privilages in any case where the granting of such powers aud privilages shall bavo been provided for by geueral law, nor where the courts have jurisdiction to grant the same or give the relief asked lor. Sec 8. No local or special bill shall be passed unless notice of the iutentiou to apply therefor shall have beeu pub lished in th" locality where the matter or the thing to bo affected may bo situ ated, which notice shall be at least thirty days prior to the iutroductiou into the General Assembly of such bill, and in the lmuuer to be provided by la; the evidence of such uotice having been pub lished, shall be exhibited iu tho General Assemble beforo such act shall be passed. S.c 9. The presiding officer of each house shall, iu the presence of the house over which bo prescribes, sigu all bills and joint resolutions passed by the Gen eral Assembly, after their titles have been publicly read immediately before signing, and the fact ot signing shall be entered on the journal. Sec 10. The Geueral Assembly shall prescribe by law the uumber, duties and compensation of the officers and em ployees ol each bouse, and uo payment shall bo made from tho State Treasury or be in any way authorized to any per son, except to au acting officer or em ployee elected or appointed iu pursuance of law. Sec lit No bill shall be passed giv ing any extra compensation to any pub lic officer, servant, employee, agent or contractor made, nor providing for the payment of any claim aiainst the Com monwealth, without previous authority o' law. Sec 12. All statioucry, printing, paper, aud fuel used iu the legislative and other departments of government shall bo furnished, aud the printing, binding, and distributing of the laws, journals, depaitmcnt reports, and all other printing and binding, aud the re pairing and furnishing tbe. halls and rooms used lor the meetings of the Gen eral Assembly aud its committees, s!:a 1 be performed under cotitraet, to be given to the lowest responsible bidder below such maximum price and under such regulations as shall be prescribed by law; no member or officer of any department of tin government shail be in any way interested in such coutracts, aud all such contracts shull bo subject to the appioval of the Govornor, Auditor General aud State Treasurer. ' Sec 13. No law shall extend the term of any publio officer, or increaso or diminish his salary or emoluments after his election or appointment. See 14. All oills for raising, revenue shall originate in the House oT Repre sentatives, but tho Sonate may propose amendments as sn other bills. See ,15. The geueral appropriation bill shall embrace nothing but appro priations for the ordiuary expenses ot the executive, legislative and judicial de partments of the Commonwealth, interest on the publio debt, aud for public schools; all other appropriations shall bo made by spperate bills, each embracing but one subject. Seo Id. No money shall be paid out of the Treasury except upon appropria tions made by law aud on warraut drawn by tbo proper officer in pursuance thereof. Seo 17. No appropriation shall be made to any charitable or educational institution not under the absolute con trol of the Commonwealth, other than normal schools established by law for tbe professional training of teachers for the publio schools of the Slate, except by a vote of two-thirds of all the mem bers elected to each house. Seo IS. No appropriatious exect for pensions or gratutudes (or military scr-. ii, i p i -.1, . vices snail oe niauo ior onaritaoie, edu cational or benevoleut purposes, to any person or community, nor to any denomi national or sectarian institution, corpora tion or association. Seo 19. The General Assembly may make npproprktions of money to institu tions wherein tho widows of soldiers are supported or assisted or the orphans t,f soldiers are maintained and educated -but such appropriation ohall bo applied exclusively to the support of fuch widows and orphans. Seo 20. The General Assembly shall not dclegatal to any fpeciul commission, private corporation or association, any power to make, sunervizo or inteitere with nny niuneipal improvement, money, properly or effects, whether held in trust or otherwise, or to levy takes or perform any muncipal function whuferer. Sec 21. No act, of tho General As fcmbly shall limit the amount tc be re covered for injuries resulting in death, or for injuries to persons or property, or property, and in such case of death srora snch injuries, tho r'ght of action shall survive, and the General Assembly shall prescribe for whose benefit such ac tions shall be prosecuted; no net shall prescribe any limitations of time within which suits may be brought againat cor porations for injuries to persons or prop erty, or lor other causes diflcreut from those fixed by general laws regulating actions against natural persons and such acts now existing are avoided. Seo 22. No act cf the General As sembly shall authorize the investment of trust funds by executors, administiators, guardians, or other trustees, iu the bonds or stock of any private corporation, and such acta now existing are avoided, sav ing investments heretofore made. Sec 23. The power to chiiDgc the venue in civil and criminal cases shall be vested in tho courts, to bo exercised in such manner as shall be provided by , law. See 21. No obligation or liability of any railroad or other corporation, held or owned by the Couimouwealth, thall ever bn exchanged, trunsferrcd, remitted, postponed, or in any way diminished by the General Assembly, ner shall such liability or obligation be released, except by payment thereof into the State Tresu ury. Sec 25. When tbp General Assem bly shall convened iu special session, there shall bo no legislation upon sub jects other than those designated in the proclamation of the Governor, call'ng such session. (C'liiitiuuctl in the S: pilcmcvt.) BUSINESS L'AHDS. A. HATH BUN, Attorncy-nt-law, J Ridgway, Pa. 2 2 if. HALL d- M'CA CLEl Attorneys-nt-Liw. Office in Xew Ilrie-k Building, Main St Rideway, Elk Co., 1'a. viJniitf. . J O. IV. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-.) T-LAW. vln.yl. Ridgway, Elk County, Ta. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acol dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. RUFUS LUCORK, Aitorney-at-Law, Kidgwny, Elk Co., 1'a. Office iu Hall's new Brick Building. Claims for collection promptly attended to. v3nlly. EYSOLOS HOUSE, I.SYNCLESVILLE, JEPFEESOK CO, FA. II. S. BELSAP, ritoenjETOB . jami:s a. Fi'LU::i:Tox Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Kigway, oilers his professional ser vices to the citizens of Uidgway ami sur rounding country. All work wnrrauieU. Otfiee in Serviee & Wheeler's Buil litirr, up stairs, first door lo the left, 73 n-32-ly " J. 8. BbRSWELMtDi Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, has remov ed Ids otlice from Centre street, to Main t. Itidgway, Pa,, in tlio second story of tbe new brick building of John 0. Hall, e( po sit Hyde's store. Office hours: 8 to 0 a ro,: 1 to 2 p. in. 7 8 p. m. jail ! 71 G1 G. MESSENGER, (" Druggist aud l'arnccutisl corner cf Main and Mill streets, l'.idgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vln3v. f p S. HARTLEY, M. D., I Physician ana Surgeon, Itidgway, Pa. Office in Walker's Building. Special attention given to Surgery. Otlice house from 8 a. ni. to 10 p. m. Residence on correrof South and Court streets, op posite the new School Houso. Ail oalls promptly attended to. tlu2yl. tUIAULES HOLES, I Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Uidgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Uold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, done with, he same accuracy as heretofore. Satin actioa guaranteed. vlnly. HYDE HOUSE, Ridowat, Elk Co., Pa, W. II. SCI1UAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct SO 18G0. rpilE OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, I Kane, MeKean Co., Pa ' K. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofoie so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. The only stables fur horses in Kane aud well kept uight or day. Hall attached to the Hotel. vln23yl. 1TAL,L. & UllO Attorneys at Iav ST. MARY'S, ' ELS COTOTY PKNSYLYAHA. IOiIM 0. HALL... .JA8. K. V. Hill KERSEY HOUSE, Ckntugvillk, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage hcretotor bo liber illy bestowed upon him, the uevt proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to tbe comfort acd conveuieuc f guests, 11 merit coutiuuuuce of iht oauie.