The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 20, 1873, SUPPLEMENT, Image 4

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    )io election, in .. Jall v.
provided by law, but any citv, the debt
Of Which now Pinnnrl. oo.n hht,
of Buoh aaaegsed valuation, may be au
thorized by law to increase the Mine
threo per centum in the aggregate at
any one time upon buoU valuation.
SEO 9 The Commonwealth shall not
assume the debt, or any part thereof, of
Buy uiiy, county, borough or township,
umess Buon debt shall have been con
tracted to enable the State to repel Inva
sion, suppress domestic insurrection, de
fend itself id time of war. or to assist the
State in the discharge of any portion of
in Cleocin inuenteaDCss.
SEd 10. Any oounty, township,
school district, or other rnunoipality in
curring any indebtedness, dim 1 1, at or
bfetore the time of so doing, provide for
the collection of an annual tax sufficient
to pay the interest and also the prinoipal
thereof within thirty years.
Seo 11. To provide for the payment
of the' present State debt and additional
debt contracted as aforesaid the General
Assembly shall coutinue and maintain
the sinking fund sufficient to pay the
accuring interest on such debt, and an
nually to reduce the principal thereof by
a sum not less than two hundred and
fifty thousand dollars; the said sinking
fund shall consist of the proceeds of the
Bales of the publio works or any part
thereof, and of 'he inoome or proceeds
of the sale of any stooks owned by the.
Commonwealth, together with other
'funds and resources that may be desig
nated by law, and shall be increased
from time to time by assigning to it any
part of the taxes or other revenues of
the State not required for the ordinary
and cufrent expenses of government; and
unless in case of war, invnsion, or insur
rection, part of the said sinking fund
shall bo used or applied otherwise than
in the extinguishment of the publio
Sec 12. The moneys of the State,
over snd above the necessary reserve,
shall ba used in the payment of the
debt -of the State, either directly or
through the sinking fund, nud the
moneys of the sinking fund shall never
be invested in or loaned upon the se
curity of anything except the bonds of
tho United States or of this State.
Sec 13 The moneys held aa neces
sary reserve shall be limited by law to
the amount required tor current expen.
ses, and ehall be secured and kept as
may be provided by law. - Monthly
statements shall ic published showing
the amount of such moneys, where the
same are deposited and how secured.
Seo 14. The making of profit out of
tho public moneys, or using the same for
any purpose not authorized by law, by
any officer of the State or member or
officer of the General Assembly, shall
ba a misdemeanor, and shall be punish
ment as may ba provided by law, but
part of such punishment shall bo a dis
qualification to hold office for a period
of not less than five vears-
Section 1. The General AfisemVily
shall provide' for the maintenance
and support of a thorough and efllci
eut system -of public schools, wherein
all the children of this Common
wealth, above the age of six years,
may be educated, and shall appro
priate at least ono million dollars
each year for that purpose.
Sec 2 No money raised for the
support of the public schools of the
Commonwealth shall be appropriated
to use for the support of any sectar
ian school.
Sec 3. Women twenty-one years
of age and upward shall be eligible to
any office of control or management
under the school laws of this State.
Section 1. The freemen of this
Commonwealth shall be armed, or
ganized and disciplined for its de
fense when and in such manner as
may be divide for maintaining the
militia by appropriations from the
Treasury of the Commonwealth, and
may exempt from military service
persons having conscientious scruples
against bearing arms.
Section 1. All officers whose se
lection is not provided" for in this
consitution shall be elected or ap
pointed as may be directed by law.
Sec 2. No member of Congress
from this State, nor any person
holdidg or exercising any ofllce or
appointment of trust or profit under
the United States, shall at the same
time hold or exeacise any office in
this State to which a salary, fees, or
perquisites shall be attached. The
General Assembly may by law de
clare what offices are incompatible.
Sec 3. Any person who shall
fight a duel or send a challenge for
that purpose, or be aider or abettor
in fisrhtinz a duel,, shall bo deprived
of the right of holding any office of
honor or profit in this fotate, and may
be otheawise punished as shall be pre
scribed by law.
Section 1. No new county shall be
established which shall reduce any
county to less than four hundred
squaro miles, or to less than twenty
thousand inhabitants; nor snail auy
eountv be formed of less area, or contain
ing a less population, nor shall any line
thereof pass within ten miles of the county
seat of any oounty proposeu 10 ve ui
Section I. County officers shall con
sist of sheriffs, coroners, prothonotanes,
register ot wills, reeordcr of deed9, com
missionera. treasurers, surveyors, audi
tors, or controllers, clerks of the courts,
district attorneys, and euoh others as
may from time to time be established by
law: and no sheriffor treasurer shall be
eligible for the term next succeeding
the one lor whict ne may do eieotea.
Seo 2. County officers shall be elec
ted at the general elections, and shall
hold their offices for the term of three
years, beginning on the first Monday of
January next aiter. meir eicuuuu, au
until their successors snail do amy quau
fled; U vacancies not otherwise pro
vidid for shall be filled in such manner
as may bo provided by law.
Seo 8. No person shall be an
pointed to any office within any county
who shall not have been a oitizon and
an inhabitant therein ono year next be-
roro nis appointment, it the oounty shall
nave Dcen so long erected, but if it shall
not have been io long erected, then
wiimn mo limits ot tne count? or
counties of which it shall have been
Sno 4. rrothonotarics, clerks of the
courts, recorders of deeds, register of
wills, eountv surveyors, and sheriff
shall keep their offiocs in the county
town of tho county in which they respec
tively shkll be officers.
Seo 5. The compensation of oouritv
officers shall be regulated by law. and
all county officers who aro or may be
salaried shall pay all toes whioli tbey may
be authorized to receive into the treasury
ot tho county or State, as may be di
rected by law. In counties containing
over one hundred and fifty thousand in
habitants all county offioers shall be
paid by salary, and the salary of any
such officer and his clerks, heretofore
paid by tees, shall not exceed the ngsrre-
gate amount of foes earned during his
terra and collected by or for him.
beo 0. lbe General Assembly shall
provide by law for the strict accounta
bility of all county, township and
bo.ough officers, as well as for the Ices
which may be collected by them as for
all publio or muuicipal moneys which
may be paid to them.
hoo 7. Ihreo county commissioners
and three auditors shall be cloctod in
each county where such offioers are
chosen, in the year one thousand eight
hundred and seventy-five, and every
third year hereafter; and in tho election
ofsjid officers each qualified elector shall
vo'e for no more than two persons, and
tho three persons having the highest
number of votes shall be elected; any
causal vacancy in the office of county
commissioner or county auditor shall be
ulleu by the Court of Common Picas of
the county in which such vacancy shall
occur, by the appointment of an elector
of the proper county who shall have
voted for the commissioner or auditor
whose place is to bo filled.
Section 1. Cities may be chartered
whenever a majority of the electors of
any town or borough having a popula
tion of at leuft ten thousand shall vote
at any general election in favor of the
Sec 2. No debt bhall bo contracted
or liability incurred by any muncipal
commission, except in pursuance of an
appropriation previously made therefor
by the muncipal government.
bEC o. Every city shall create a
sinking fund, which shall be inviolably
pledged for the payment of its funded
Section 1. All existing charters, or
grants of special or exclusive brivilcges,
under which a bona fide organization
shall not have taken place and business
been commenced in good faith at the
time of the adoption of this constitution,
shall therealter have no validity.
Sec 2. Ihe General Assembly shall
not remit the forfeiture of tho charter of
any corporation now existing, or alter or
amend tho sume, or pass any other gen
eral or special law for the benefit of such
corporation, except on the condition that
such corporation shall thereafter hold i'.s
charter subject to tho provision of this
Sec 3. The exercise of the right of
eminent domain shall never be abridged
or so constructed as to prevent the Gen
eral Assembly lrom taking tho property
and franchises of incorporated companies,
and subjecting them to public use, the
same as the property of individuals; and
the exercise of the pulice power of the
State shall never be abridged or so con
structed as to permit corporations to con
duct the business in such a manner as
to infringe the equal rights of individuals
or the general well being of tho State.
Sec 4. In all elections for directors
or managers of a corporation each mem
ber or shareholder may cast the whole
number of his votes for ono candidates,
or distribute them upon two or more
candidates as he may prefer.
Sec 5. No foreign corporation shall
do any business in this State without
haviug ono or more knowuuplaces ot
business, and an authorized agent or
cuts in tho same, upon whom process
may be served.
Sec u. JNo corporation shall engage
in any business other than that expressly
authorized in its charter, nor shall it
take or hold any real estate, except such
as may bo necessary and proper for its
legitimate business.
Sec 7. No corporation shall issue
stocks or bonds except for money, labor
done, or money or property actually re
ceived; and till Edition-! increase of stock
or indebtedness shall bo void; the stock
and indebtedness of corporations shall
not be increased except in pursuance of
general law, nor without the oouaent ol
the persons holding tho larger uuiouut
in value ot the stock first obtained at a
meeting to be held after Fixty days' no
tice given in puruance ot law.
Sec 8. Municipal and other corpor
ations and individuals iuvested with the
privilege of taking private property for
public use shall lualce just compeosatiou
for property taken, injured or destroyed
by the construction or enlargement of
their works, highways, or improvements,
which compensation shall be paid or se
cured before such taking, injury or de
struction. The General Assembly is
hereby prohibited from depriving any
persou ot an appeal from any preliminary
assessment of damages against any such
corporations or individuals, made by
viewers or otherwise and the amount of
such damages, in all cases of appeal
shall, on the demand of either party, be
determined by a jury according to the
course ot lbe common law.
Sec 9. ' Every banking law shall pro
vide for the registry and countersigning
by an officer of the State, of all notes or
bills designed lor circulation, ana that
ample security to the full amount thereof
shall be deposited with the Auditor Gen
eral for the redemption of such notes or
Sko 10. The General Assembly shall
bate the power to alter, revoke, orannu
any charter or incorporation now exist
ing and revocable at the adoption of this
constitution, or any that may hereafter
be created, wheno'ver in their opinion it
may be injurious to the citizens of this
Commonwealth, in such manner, how
ever, that no injustice shall be done to
the corporators. No law hereafter en
acted shall create, renew, or extend tho
charter ot more than ono corporation.
Seo 11. Nj corporate body to possess
banking and discounting privileges shall
he created or organized in pursuance of
afly law without three months previous
publio notice at the place of the intended
location, of the intention to apply for
such privilege bb granted for a longer
period than twenty years.
Sko 12. Any association or corpora
tion organized for the purposo, or any
individual, shall have the right to con
struct and maintain lines of tolograph
within this Stato, and to connect the
same with other lines; and the General
Assorably shall, by genoral law of uni
form operation provide reasonable regu
lations to give full effect to thi. section.
No telegraph company shall consolidate
with or hold a controlling interest in the
stock or bonds of any other telegraph
company owning n competing lino, or
accquire, by puchase or otherwise, any
other competing lino of telegraph.
Seo 13. Tho term "corporations,"
as usod in this articlo, shall be construed
to include all joint stock companies or
associations having any of the powers or
privileges of corporations not possessed
by individuals or partnership.
Section 1. All railroads and canals
shall bo public highways, and all rail
road and canal companies shall be com
mon carriers. Any association or cor
poration organized fur tho purposo shall
e the right to construct and operate
a railroad between any points within thin
State and to connect at the State line
with tho railroads of other Slates.
Every railroad company shall have the
right with its road to intersect, connect
with, or cross nny other railroad, Rod
shall receive, and transport each the
others' passengers, tonnacfe, and cars,
loadpi or empty, without delay or dis-
Sec. 2. Every railroad aud canal cor
poration organized in this btate shall
maintain an office therein, where trans
fers ot its stock shall be made, andj
where its books shall be kept for inspec
tion by any stockholder or creditor of
such corporation, in which shall bo re
corded 'he amount of capital stock sub
scribed or paid in, and by whom, the
names ot tne owners ot its stock and the
amounts owned by tlicm, respectively,
the transfers of said stock, and the
names and places of residence of its
Sec.!3. All individuals, associations,
and corporations shall have equal right
to have persons and property transport
ed over railioails and canals, and no un
due or unreasonable discrimination shall
be made in charges for or in lacililies
for transportation of freight or passen
gers within the State, or coming from
or going to any other fJtato. Persons
and property transported over any rail
road shall be delivered at any station at
charges not exceeding tho charges for
ransporlation of persons and property of
the same class in the same direction to
any more distant station ; but excursion
and commutation tickets may be issued
at special rates.
Sec. 4. No railroad, .canal, or other
corporation, or the lessees, purchasers,
or managers ot any railroad or canal cor
poration, shall cousoudate the stock,
property, or franchises of such corpoia
tion with, or lease or purchase the works
or franchis3s of, or in any way control
any other railroad or canal corporation
owning or haviug under control u paral
lel or competing line, nor shall any offi
ces or such railroad or canal corporation
uct as an officer of auy other railroad or
canal corporation owning or having the
coutrol of a parallel or competing line,
and the question whether railroads or
canals are parallel or competing lines
shall, when demanded by the partycom-
plainant, be decided by a jury as in
other civil issues.
Seo. 5. No incorporated company do
ing the business of a common carrier
shall, directly or indirectly, prosecute or
engage in miuing or manufacturing ar
ticles for transportation over its works.
nor shall such company, diroctly or indi
rectly engage in any other businoss than
that ot common carriers, or hold or ac
quire lands, freehold or leasehold, di
rectly or indirectly, except such as shall
be necessry for carrying on its business;
but any mining or manufacturing com
pany may carry the products ot its mines
and manufactories on its railroad or
canal not exceeding fifty miles in length.
Sec. 6. No president, director, offi
cer, agent, or employee of any railroad
or canal compony shall be interested,
directly oi indirectly, in the furnishing
of material or supplies to such company,
or in the business of transportation as a
common carrier of freight or passengers
over the works owned, leased, controlled
or worked by such company.
Sec. 7, No discrimination in charges
or facilities for transportation shall be
made between transportation companies
and individuals, or iu favor of either, by
abatement, drawback, or otherwise, and
no railroad or canal company, or any
lessee, manager, or employee thereof,
shall make any preferences in furnish
ing cars or motive power.
Sec. 9. No street passenger railway
shall be constructed within the limits ot
any city, borough or township without
the oouseot ot its local authorities.
Sec. 10. No railroad, canal or other
transportation company, in existence at
the time of the adoption of this article,
shall have the benefit of any future legis
lation by general or special laws, except
on condition of complete acceptance of
all the provisions of this article.
Sec. 11. The existing powers and du
ties of the Auditor General in regard to
railroads, canals, and other transporta
tion companies, except as to their ac
counts, are hereby transferred to tne
Seoretary of Internal Affairs, who shall
have a general supervision over them
subject to such regulation! and alters
tions as shall be providod by law; and in
addition to tne annual reports now re
quired to be mode, said Socretary may
require special reports at any time upon
any subject relating to the business of
said companies from any offioer or offi
cers thereof.
Seo. 12. The General Assembly shall
enforce by appropriate legislation the
provisions of this article.
Section 1. Any amendment or
amendments to this'constitution may be
proposed in tho Senate or House of Rep
resentatives, and if the same shall be
agree to by a majority of the merabors
elected to each bouse, such proposed
amendment or amendments shall be en
tered on their journals, with the yeas
and nays taken thereon, and the Secre
tary of the Commonwealth shall causo
the same to be published three months
before the next general election in at
least two newspapers in each oounty in
which such newspapers shall be pub
lished; and if, in the General Assembly
next afterwards ohosen, such proposed
amendment'1 or amendments shallt be
agree to by a majority of the members
elected to each bouse, the Secretary of
tho Commonwealth shall cause the same
again to bo published in the manmr
aforesaid, and such proposed amendment
or amendments shall bo submittal to
tho qualified electors of the State
in such manner, and at such time, at
least three months after being so agreed
to by the two houses, as tho General
Assembly shall prescribe; and if such
amendment or amendments shall be ap
proved by a majority .of those voting
thereon, such amendment or amend
mcnts shall become a part of the con
stitution; but no amendment or amend
ments shall be submitted oftener than
once in five years; when two or more
amendments shall be submitted they
shall be voted upon separately.
That no inconvenience may arise from the
changes in the constitution of the Coin
monwenllh, ana in order to curry the
same into complete operation,lt is hereby
declared that:
Section 1. This 'constitution shall tuke
effect on the first day of January, in tho
year ono thousand eight hundred and
seventy-four, for all purposes not other,
wise provided for therein.
Sue. 2. All laws in force in this Com
monwealth at the time oftbe adoption of
this constitution not inconsistent therewith,
and all rights, actions, prosecutions, and
contracts, shall continue as if this qpusti
lution had not been adopted.
Sec. 3. At the general election in the
years one thousand eight hundred aud
seven'y-four and one thousand eight hun
dred and seventy-five Senators shall be
elected in all districts where there shall be
vacancies. Those elected in the year ono
thousand eight hundred and seventy-four
shall serve for two years, and those elected
in the year one thousand eight hundred
and seventy five shall serve for ono year.
Senators now elected, and those whoso
terms are unexpired, shall represent the
districts in which Ihcy reside until the end
of the terms for which they wers elected.
Sec 4. At tho general election in the
year one thousand eight hundred and
seventy-six, Senators ehall be elected from
the even numberedVlistricts to serve for two
years, and from odd numbered districts to
serve for four years.
Sec. 5. The first election of Governor
under this constitution shall bet the gen
eral election in tho year one thousand eight,
hundred ond stiTtnty-flve, when a Gov.
ernor shall be elected for three years; and
tlio term or the Uovcrnor elected in tho
year one thousand eight hundred and
seventy-eight ami of those thereafter
elected shall be four years, according to tho
provisions of this constitution.
Sbo. 6. At the "irenerat election in tho
year one thousand eight lundred and sev
enty-four a Lieutenant Governor shall be
elected according to the provisions of this
Sec. 7. The Secrefaryof Internal Affairs
shall be elected at the first general election
after the adoption of thfe constitution; and
when the said officer shill be duly elected
and qualified, the office of Surveyor Gen
eral shall be abolished, and the Surveyor
General in office at the time of the adop
tion of this constitutiot shall continue iu
office until the expiraton of the term for
which he was elected.
Sec. 8. When the Superintendent of
Publio Instruction shal be duly qualified
the office of Superintendent of Common
Schools shall.cease.
Sec. 9. Nothing contained in this con
stitution shall be construed to render any
person now holding any State office tor a
first official term ineligible fur re-eleoiion
at ttie end ot such term.
Sec. 10. The judges of the Supreme
Court in offico when this constitution shall
tako effect shall continue until their com
missions severally expire. Two judges in
addition to the number now composing the
said court shall be elected at the first gen
eral election after the adoption of this con
stitution. 'ec. 11. All courts of reord and all ex
isting courts which are not specified Jn this
constitution shall continue n existence un
til the first day cf Decomter, in the year
one thousand eight liundnd and seventy-
five, without abridgment tf their present
,1imta;cnon, nut no longef. The Court of
First Criminal Jurisdiction for the count iee
of Schuylkill, Lebanon aid Dauphin is
hereby abolished; and all causes and pro
ceedings pending therein h the county ot
Sehuylkill shall be tried aid disposed of in
the Courts of Oyer anl Terminer aud
Quarter Sessions of tin Peace of said
Sec. 1.. 1 lie llegisten' courts now in
distance shall be abolshcd on the first
day of January next siucecdiitgtie adop
tion of this constitution,
Sec. 13, The General Assembly sliill, at
the next session after the adoption of this
constitution desiguale the several judicial
districts .'as required by this counliiu-
tion. The judges in commission
when such designation shall be niado shall
continue during their unexpired terms
judges cf the new districs In which they
reside. But when there shall be two judge
residing in toe same district the president
judge shall elect to which district he until
be assigned; ana the auuitional law juiige
shall be assigned to the other distriol.
Sko. 14. The General Assembly shall, at
the next succeeding session after each d.
cenial census, and not oftener, designate
the several judicial districts as required by
this constitution.
Sko. 16. Judges lbarned in the law of any
court of record holding commissions iu
force at the adoption of this constitution
shall bold their respective on ices until tnu
expiration of the terms for which they were
commissioned, and until their successor
thall be duly qualified. The Governor
shall oommisaion the president judge of
the Court of First Criminal Jurisdiction for
the counties of Schuylkill, Lebanon and
Dauphin as a judge of the Court of Com
mon Pleat of Schuylkill county for the un
expired term of his office.
Sec. 16. After the expiration of the term
of any president judge of any Court of
Common P'ets in commission at the adop
tion of this constitution, the judge of suoh
court learned in the law and oldest in com
mission ihfcU be the president Judge thereof,
and when two or more judges are elected at
the same time in any judicial district, they
shall deoide by lot whioli shall be ores (dent
Judge; but when the president judge of a
court snail oe re-elect eri lie shall continue
to be president judge of that oourt. As
sociate judges, not learned In tha law,
eleoted after the adoption of this constitu
tion, shall be commissioned to hold their
offices for the term ot five yenrs from tho
hrst day or Jauuary next after their dec
Sko. 17. The General Assembly (it. the
first sS'lon aftei the adoption of this con
stitution sluill fix ami determine the com
pensation of the judges of tho Supreme
Court and of the judgi'S of the SMVernl ju
dicial dislr ots of th-j Commonwealth, and
the provisions of the lift will ! sent inn of
the article on Legislation shall not he deem
ed iiiRonsinlent herewith. Nothing con
tained in this ooimtiliition ffin.ll Im held In
reduce tho cumpeiiMiilion now puld tti nny
law judga ot this Common wi-nlili now In
Sko. 1H. The Courts tit Cnirrunn Mens In
the counties of I'liiliidi'liiliin and Alh'glmny
shall ho ootnpnsod of the pri'sidi-nt jiidnn
nf the District Court and Court, ol Common
I'lnn of nil i tl counties until their oil inns
slutll scvoriilly end. mid of rit'di other
udges as may from limn to time bn selected.
For t he pin pose nf first orirutimil ion in
Philadelphia Ihe 'iidze of the Court mini.
bcr ono shall he Jndgm Allison, fierce nnd
l axton; or Mm Court number two. JiKigns
Hire. Mitchell nnd one cither judge to bo
elected; of tho Court number three, Judges
Ludlow, Finli'tter nnd Lynd, nud of the
Court number four, Jn Iges Thayer, llrlggs
anl ono other judge to be elcntel.
The judge first named shall bo president
judge of said courts respect ively, and t here-
tilter th president judge shall be the judge
oldest in coinnnsiion: but nny president
judge re-elected in the sumo court or dis
tnot shall continue to be pre-iident judge
The additional judges for Courts numbers
two and four shall tic voted for aid elected
at the first general election after the adop
tion of this constitution in the sme man
ner us the two additional judges nf the Su
premo Court, and they shall decide by lot
to which court they shall belong. Their
term of office shal commence on the first
Monday in January, in tho year one
thousand eight hundred and seventy-five.
Sec. r.l. In the county of Allegheny, for
the purpose of find organization under
this constitution, .the judges of the Court
of Common Picas at tho lime of t!:o adop
tion of this Constitution shall be the judges
of the Court number one, nnd the judges
of the District Court at the same dale shall
be the judges of tho Common l'lcns num
ber two.
The president indues of the Common
rieas and District Courts shall be president
udges of s:iid Courts number one and two
respectively until their offices shall; end.
ond thereafter the judc oldest in commis
sion shall b6 pre ident judge; but any
president judge re-elected in 'he same
court or district shall continue to be presi
dent judjjo theicof.
He-, y.0. The urbanization ol Ihe t.ourts
of Common, I'leas'iinder this constitution,
for the counties of Philadelphia and Alle
gheny, shall take effect on the first. Monday
ot January, one" thuusiuid eight liuildred
and seventy. five, and existing courts iu
said counties shall continue with their
present powers ami juris i tot ion uniil that
late; but no new suits shad be instituted
a the Courts of Nisi Prius after the adop.
lion of iliisX'onstitution.
Sei;. "1. Tne causes nnd proceedings.
pending in the Courts of Nisi Prius, Court
of Common Pl?n, and District Court in
Philadelphia s1h1I,!jC tried an t disposed ol
iu tho Court of Common Pleas. The records
and dockets of said couns thall bo trans
ferred t-j the Proihonotary'B oilice of baid
Skc. '22. The causes and proceedings
pending in the Court of Coimnou Pk'aJ m
the county of Allegheny shall bo tried nnd
disposed. of in the court number one; nud
the causes and proceedings peudiug lu ihe
District '''ourt shall be tried and disposed
of in th court number two.
Sec. -3. Tho Piothouotary of the Court
of Common Pleas of Philadelphia shall be
first appointed by the judges of said court
on the first Monday of December, in the
year one thousand eigiit nuuurca, nnd
seventy-five and the present Prolhonotary
the District Court in said county shall
be the ProthonoUry of the said Court of
Common Pleas until said ,date, when his
commission shall expire, and the present
Clerk of the Court of Oyer nnd Terminer
and Uuartcr Sesions ot the Phil
adelphia bIiuII be the clerk of such court
until the expirat ion ot ins present coin-
mission on tho first Monday of December in
he year one thousand eight hundred and
Seo. 21, In cities containing over fifty
thousand inhabitants (except Philadelphia)
all aldermen in othue nt ihe timo of the
adoption of this constitution shall continue
m office until the expiration of their com
missions, and at ihe clcctiou for city an J
ward officers in the year one thousaud
eight hundred aud seveuty. five ono alder
man shall be elected in each ward, as pro
vided in this constitution.
Siu. '2b. In Philadelphia magistrates In
lieu of aldermen, shall bo chosen fti re
quired iu this constitution at the election
in said city for city and ward ollicers iu the
year one thousand eight Hundred and
seventy .live; their term ot olnce sliull cuui
uicuee ou tho first Monday of April suc
ceeding their election.
The terms ot ol!lce ot alderman in said
city, holding or entitled to commissions ni
tho time ot tho adoption ot tins constitu
tion shall not be affected thereby.
Sec. - All persons in otuoc in this com
monwealth nt tho time of the adoption of
this constitution, nud at the first election
under it, shall hold their respective o:lices
until the term for which lltey have been
elected or appointed shall expire, und until
their successors shi;ll be duly qualified, un
less otherwise provided lu this constitution.
eo. 27. Tho seventh article of this con
stitution, prescribing an oatn ol uuice.
shall tuke cited ou aud utar ihe first day
of Jauuary, one thousand eight hundred
and sevouty-tive.
Seo. 2o. Tub terms ol uiuee ot county
commissioners aud county uuditorn chosen
prior to the year one thousand eight hun
dred and seveuty five, which shall not have
expired before the first Mouday of January,
in the year one inoiisauu eigni uuuuiei
and seventy six, shall expire ou tha: day.
Sec. -'J. All Mute, county, ciiy, ward,
borough, nnd lowuship officers iu oil ice at
the lime ol llic adoption ot tins constitu
tion, whose compensation is nut provided
for bv salaries aloue, shall continue to re
ceive tho compensation allowed them by
law until the expiration ol their respective
terms of office.
Sec. IU) All Slate and judicial ollicers
her elufure elected, sworn, iitliriiied, or in
office when this constitution shall take
effect, shall, severally, withiu ono mouth
after such adoption, take and subscribe uu
oath (or alfirinution) to support this con
Hkc. 31. The Geuural Assembly, nt its
first session, nr as soon as may lie alter tho
tdnplion oi tin constitution, shall pass
such Inns as may lie necessary to carry
the same into full force and etloct.
Sko. Hi. The ordinance pacsed by this
coiveiitiun, entitled "An ordinance lor
Mhuiittiiiir the amended const it ul ion of
Ptnasylvikuia to a vote oi the electors
tli'reot." Shall be held to be valid fur all
ur j0se tteieof.
1 tko. 83. The words County Commis-
sinless," whenever used iu this consiilu
lion, ud in any ordinance aocumpauyiug
the ane, shall be held to include me com
misSynors for the citv of Philadelphia.
Aipted at Philadelphia, ou the third
day f November, in the year ef our Lerd
oils' thousand eight hundred and seventy
flrrina n
UnrrUhnro Nov. 18. 1873.
1 certify that the foregoing Is a correct
copy of the new Constitution, propun m
the people of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania for their approval or rejection, ns
the same appears of iccord In this offico.
M 8. QUAV.
Seoretary of Commonwealth.
( r.i.KCTohs tiirrrof, as tabskh
lit il iinlainnt htj in Vnnntitulionat Cunrrn
tmn nf the Vommunu (tilth, nf I'mnnjlvnnla,
an frllnwt
I. 't hat the amended Constitution pro
paind by this Convention, ba submitted to
llin qualilln I electors of this Commonwealth
for their adoption or rejection, at an elec
tion to lie held on the third Tuesday of
Dniii'iiilier next ; except as hereinafter or
dered and directed, the siid election shall bo
held mid conducted by the regular election
officer In the several election district
throughout tho Commonwealth, under nil
Ihe regulations and provisions of existing
laws relating to general elections; and the
sheriffs of the several counties shall give
at least twenty days notice of said election
by proolamal ion.
U. The Secretary of the Commonwealth
shnll, at leant twenty days before the said
election, furnish to the Commissioners of
each county, a sufficient number of prop
erly prepaicd circulars of instruction. The
Commissioners of the several C 'linlics shall
cause to be printed ot least three times as
many ballots of affirnialivo votes as there
are voters in each county and tho same
number of negative votcsi and Ihe Baid
Commit-siourrs shall, at least five days bo
fore Mini election, couse to bo fairly dis
tributed to the several election districts in
their respective counties, the said ballotj,
inlly-lists, returns, circulars of instruction,
and such other papers nnd bcoks as may be
necessnry. The ballots shall be printed or
written iu the following form: On the out
side the words "New Constitution:" in the
inside for nil perso is giving affirmative
votes the words "For Ihe New Constitu
tion," nlnl lor all persons giving negative
votes the words "Against tho New Con
stitution." 3. If it shall nppcar that a majority of
tho votes polled nre for the new Constitu
tion, then it shall be the Constitution of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on
uit l after the fir.'-t day of Jnnunry, in the
year of our Lord one tlousnnd eight bun
ird and seventy four; but if it shall ap
pear that a majority tf the votes polled
were ag iitut the new Constitution, then it
shall bo rejected ntid be null nnd void.
4. l ive Commis doners of l.lection.jviz:
Edwin If. Fitter. Kdward lirowning, John
P. Verrec, Henry S. Ilacort, and John O.
James, nre hereby appointed by this Con
vention, who shall have direction of the
election upon this amended Constitution in
t ii o eity of Philadelphia. Tho Slid Com
missioners shall be duly sworn or affirmed
to perform their duiiea with impartiality
an i fidelity. They shall hIsj have power
to fill vacancies in their own number. It
shall be tho duty of said Commifsioners, or
a majority of them, and they shall have au
thoi ity to make a registration yf voters for
the several election divisions Of said city,
and to furnish the lists so made to the elec
tion effieers of each precinct or division:
to distribute the tickets fur said eity pro
vided for by this ordinance to be used at the
election: to appoint a judge nnd two in
fpe'lois for each election division, by whom
the election therein ehall bejheld nnd con
ducted. No person shall serve ns an elec
tion officer who would be disqualified under
Section 15, Article?, of ihe new Ccns:itd
lion. Tlie Ber.eral return of the eiectionin
he said city shall be opened, computed nnd
certified before the-aid Commissioners, aud
with their approval which npproval shall
be endorsed upon the return. They ehall
make reoort, directed to the President of
his Convention, of their official action un-
djr this ordinance and concerning ut e con
duct of the said election within the said citv.
The Judges and Inspectors aforesaid
shall conduct the election iu all respecs
conformably to the general election laws ot
this Commonwealth, and with like powers
and duties to those of ordinary tlection
officers. Each Inspector shnll nppoint oue
clerk to assist the Board in the performance
cf its duties, nnd all Ihe election officers
shall be duly sworn or affirmed nccording
o law, and ehall possess all the qualilica
ions required bv law of election off icers in
this Commonwealth. At haid election By
duly qualified elector who shall be unreg'u-
tend, shall be permitted to vote upon mak-
ng proof ot his right to the election otti-
ccrs. according to the general election laws
of this Commonwealth. Keturn Inspectors
and their clerks and au hourly count of the
votes shall be dispensed with, but overseers
of election may bo selected for any precinct
by saidh'ecuou t'oniunss'.oners, whose du
ties and powers shall be the same ns those
of overseers of election in said city under
existing election laws npplicablc thereto.
Returns of the election shall be made in
said city ns iu the case of an election for
Governor, but a triplicate general return for
said city shall be made out nnd forwarded
o the President of the Convention at Unr-
risburgh. ns is hereinafter provided iu case
of county returns.
5. In each case i.f the Counties or tno
Cuinmouwealth, (except Philadelphia,) the
returns or the election shall be made as in
tho case of an election for Governor, but
Ihe return iudges in each county shall make
out a triplicate county rcturu and transmit
he same, within ave days alter ine ctecnou,
directed to the President of the Convention,
ut Ilarrisburg.
Done in Convention llns lliird day ot
November, in the year of our Lord, one
thousaud eight hundred nnd seventy-three.
J NO. II. rVALKEll, Piesidcut.
D. L. IMlilUK, Clerk.
A truo copy of ordinance of submission.
M. 8. tUAY,
Secretary of tho Commonwealth.
want reliable and energetio Agents in this
Couulv. The "VIC J Oil is a Loclc-Btilcn,
Shuttle Machine, with Self-setting ISeedle,
best furnished and mast perfect Machine
offered. Au iucrcaso of over 500 per
cent, on sales of 1872 over 1871. For
Terms &c, Address.
V221 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa
from $4 to $8 per day, can be pursued in
vnnrown r flieliliorheod: it is a rare chance
fn t li aba nut of emnlnvrnent or havinff
leisute time; girls and boys frequently do
as well as men. rarnouiars tree.
Address J. LATHAM & CO.,
292 Washington St.; Boston, Mass
IjT Ridgway, fa.
2 2 tf.
Office In New Prick Building, Main El.
Ridgwny, F.Ik Co., Ta. V3n2tf.
v1nx.,yl. Ridgway, Elk County, Ta.
Ay fit for the Traveler's Life and Al
dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn.
RVVVH LVCOHK, Allorney-al-Lawi
ltidgwny, Elk Co., Pa. Offioe id
Hall's new liribk Building. Claims fo
collection promptly attended to.
II. 8. BELNAP, rHor-itUToa .
Surgeon Dentist, having permanently io
cated in Rigway, offers his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Ridgwny and eur-
rounding country. All work warranted.
Office in Service At Wheeler's Building, up
stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-32-ly
Ecleclio Physician and Surgeon, hasremov
cd his office from Centre street, to Main stt
Kidgwny, Pa in the second story of the
new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo
siti Hyde's store.
O'licc hours: 8 to 9 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. T
8, p. ui. jan 9 73
" Druggist and Paraceutist corner of
Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Ta. A
full assortment of carefully selected For1
eiyn and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at all hours, doy of
night. Vln3y.
m S. HARTLEY, M. D.(
Physician ana SuTgeon,
Kidgwny, Ta. Office in Walker's Building,
Special attention given to Surgery. Office
house lrom 8 a. m. to 10 p, in. Residence
on corrcrof South and Court streets, op
pusite the -new School House, All calls
promptly attended to. vln2yl.
I Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,
Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for tha
Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold
Pen. Repairing Watches, ete, done with
he same nccuracy as heretofore. Satis1
actioi E"arau,ce'l- vlnly.
RinowAT, Elk Co., Pa,
V. II. SCUltAM, Proprietor.
Thankful fur tho patronago heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict ai
teiitiou to the comfort and convenience of
guests, to merit a continuance oi the
Oct 30 1800.
I Kane, McKean Co., Pa
R. fc. LOOKER, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore se
liberally bestowed upon him, the new pre
prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention
(o the c.inifurt aud convenience of guests,
to merit a continuance of the time. The
only stables lor horses in Kane and well
kept night or day. Hall attached, to tae
Uotel. vln23yl.
Attorneys - at Law
JOilMO. UALL.............JAS. K. P. BALI
EKSEY HOUSE,, Elk Co., Pa.
John Collins, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liber illy bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the couilori and convenience
of guests, t merit a continuance of the
Succ- sor to W. C. Healy,)
vSuTtf. ' West End, RiJway, Pa.
Pianos and organs t o rent and rental ap
plied if purchased.
1 rot uouotary b (Jlnce, Kitigway, ra.
J. C. BU3NS, Proprietor.
The subscriber having secured the con
tract for carrying the U. S. Mail between
has placed oh that road a line of h 'Ck
Hacks leave tne fcxenange r.otel in
Revnoldvillo every Tuesday, Thursda nd
Saturday on the at rival of the Brookville
stage, and return the same day. These
hacks connect at Brockwayville with the
Ridgway stages, making connection wl h
rains on tne i . & r,. rioad, both east and
west. Lvery attention to the comfort r
patrons of this line will be given, and
liberal patronage soiioneu,
Aug. 13-72tf.
nr.ALKa in
Goods, Notions, Groceries,
and General Variety,
Earley P. O-
Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor ef
of PATENT easea.
Office, 909 k ST., WASHINGTON, D. 0.
Refers by permission to Ho. Heart P
Cooke, Geveraer or vittriti er tie