The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 06, 1873, Image 2
Henry A. Parsons, Jr. - Kditor THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 0, 1873. Tub following (terniljlo artielii we copy from the Willininspurt UnzcUr. unrl BuUctin nud it kIiouM receive the enre Jul consideration el'evi-ry thiuking uiur: Why is Money so boarciJ There is much complaint about thu ex treme scarcity id money iu the country at the present time, uud many persons are at a loss to nccyant, for it. The eause of the scarcity is eai-ilj explained. When the exeitetneut was ruisod about eorttin banks a few weijkfi aco, biiiii'iI de positors became seized with a pnuio and drew out, in the- ngRrcgiito, hundreds of thousands of dollars Ir.jin the best and soundest banks iu the couutry, which they placed iu their pockets, where it retunius to this day. A preut proportion of thisnioucy so-.-Midden with drawn from circulation belonged to the laboring clusacs, mccuuics aud others, who had it on interest. The mouicut it was pocketed, interest ceased, and the banks were deprived to a great cxteut from beiug ublo to accommodate busi ness men, because they had no funds. The result of this short-sighted policy in pocketiug money to make it secure, as many supposed, is now showing itself in the suspension of hundreds of manu.'ac. luring establishments and the discharge of thousands of workmen, because no money can be obtained to pny them. The very persona, therefore, who became panicky and withdrew their small de posits, have been largely instrumental in bringing about a state of affairs that will not only themselves, but many others, to suffer. In other words, the small depositors have killed the goose that laid the golden egg. The ques tion is plain and bears the answer on its face. In order to revive business as speedily as possible, and avert much suffering among the poor this wiater, those very persous who are bow carrying their money in their pockets should deposit it at ouce in the banks so that business men, manufacturers, te., may be able to obtain accommodations. If money is kept in circulation, business will move briskly if it is withdrawn and hoarded, stagnation is 6ure to follow, because there will be no circulation medium This must be apparent to all who will give the question a lew moments of thoughtful consideration. This is the reason, then, why money is so scaice. If you have a dollar to spare, deposit it in some bank at once, that it may be put in circulation to aid in restoring good times. TnE I'HorosEi) Payment of Sil ver. A Washington correspondent writes that there is considerable curiosity about the proposed payment of silver coin by the Government, which is to go iuto operation this week. The first pay ment of any aecouut will probably be made toward the last of the week, when the clerks in the various departments will receive their salary for the month. It is proposed to pay them partly in sil ver. As most ot the salary of Govern ment officials is expended there, Wash ington will be the first city to experience the new sensatiou ot a hard money cir culation. The general impression ap pears to be, that an silver is not valuable on account of a premium, there will be little demand for it after a few thousand dollars h-ive been put in circulation, be cause for all purposes of conveuicuce and trada greenbacks are preferable. GENERAL NOTES. The Pope is now in excellent health, and holds daily receptions. Liverpool has received its first invoice of Pullman palace cars. A Minnesota man has become insane from the excessive use of tobacco. By the burning of a shanty in Toledo, Ohio, three persons lost their lives. The Chinese Government has resolved to make energetic efforts to suppress the Coolie trade. It is now asserted that within eleven weeks 1,500 persous died of the yellow fever in Miniphta. Mrs. Virginia L. Minor, of St. Loui indignantly refuses to pay tuxes unless (he is allowed to vote. A lady reporter sent to an agricul ura' fair wioi ot a lot of pigs: "They look too sweet to live a minute." No Saratoga hotel except Congress Hall paid expenses this last teusou Stewart's grand hotel lost 880,000. The grangers of the States of the Mississippi valley, lately in session at Keokuk, decided to establish a systemol agricultural statistics iu every State iu the Union. Mrs. Patterson, daughter of Andy Johnson, aud who was mistress of tu White House, while that gentleman wu President, has been awarded the pre mium foa the best butter at a Tennessee fair. An anti-secret society journal has ap peared at Yale College, edited by tome of the student?. The United States Signal service has ea'.abiibbed a branch prioting oflico at I3angor, Maine. It la suggested that belle-pulls would be appropriate appendages to the door plates uow worn on ladies' belts. A Western woman complains that ince her husbaud joined the Patrons ot Husbandry, be has sown nothing but wild oats. Twenty-lour lawyers are engaged, twelve on a side, in a Keutucky libel uit, and it is proposed to assign a couple io every juryman aeperately. There is a business firm in St. Paul, tfiun., wbioe has not paid its taxes lor Ate years, and now owes on aecouut something over $20,000. Swiuerland ha 7C0 primary fchools, 6600 tearchers and 400,000 scholars. T ho education of children is compulsory ;u ull the cantons except Geneva and Uri. Prospectus for 1874 Seventh Year. THE ALDI1TE, An Illustrated Monthly Journal, univer sally n.lmillH to be (lie Handnomext Periodical In the world. A Representa tive ami t'linmpiou of Americnn Taste. Not lot Sale in Hook or News Stores. THE ALDINE. while issued with all the regularity, has none of the temporary or timely intircM characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It is an elcgnnt miscellany of pure, light and graceful literature; and a collection of picture, the in rent specimen of arlistio skill, in Muck and while. Al though each succeeding number all'otds a fresh pleasure to its friend, the real value and bonuty of THE ALPINE will be nioxt appreciated nf:cr it has becu bound up at the close of the year. While oilier publi cations may claim supciior cheapness, as compare! with rivals of a similar class, THE Al.DINE is a unipue and original con ception alone and unnppronched abso lutely without competition in price or character. The possessor of a complete volume cannot duplicate the quantily of fine pnper and engravings in any oilier shape or ntimher uf volumes for ten limes the cost: and llien, there are the c!ivamos, besides! AltT DEPARTMENT, 1874. The illustrations of THE ALDINE linve won a world. wide reputation, aud in the art centres ot Europe it is nu admitted fact thnt its wood cuts tire examples of the highest perfection ever attained. Tin com mon prejudice in favor of "steel plat es," is rapidly yielding to a more educated and discriminating taste which recognizes the advantages of superior irtislio quality with great facility of production. The wood cu'.s of THE ALDINE possess all the deli cacy and elaborate finish of the most costly steel plaid, while tl.ey afford a better ren dering of the artist's original. To fully realize the wonderful work which THE ALDINE is doing for the cause of art cultuie in America, it is only necessary to consider the cost to the people of any other decent representations of the productions of great painters. In addition lo designs by the members of the National Academy, and oilier noted American artists, THE ALDINE will re produce examples of the best foreign mas ters, selected with a view to the highest artistic success and greatest general in terest. Thus the Btihsoribers to THE ADDINE will, at n trifling cost, enjoy in his own home the pleasures and letining influences of true art. The quarterly tinted plates for 1874 will be by Titos. Morau and J. D. Woodwifrd. Tllo Christinas issue for 1874 will con tain special designs appropriate to the season, by our best artists, an 1 will sur pass in attractions any of its predecessors. PREMIUM FOR 1S71. Every subscriber to THE ALDINE for the year 1874 will receive a pair of chromos. The original pictures were painted in oil for the publishers of THE ALDINE. by Thomas Moran, whose great Colorado picture was purchased by Congress for ten thousand dollars. The sutjecis were chosen to rcprejeut "The East" and "The West." One is a view in The White Moun tains, New Hnmpshire; t he other gives The Cliffs of Green Kivcr Wyoming lerritory. The difference in the nature of the scenes themselves is a pleasing co. trust, and affords a good display of the artist's scope and coloring. The chromos are each worked from thirty distiutt plaics, and are in size 42xlt5) aud appearance exact lac-similes of the originals. The presentation of a worthy example of America's greatest InnJst-npe painter lo the subscribers of THE ALDINE was a bold but peculiarly happy idea, and its successful realization is attested by the following testimonial over the signature of Mr. Morau himself Nf.wabk, N. J., Sept. 20th, 1873. Messrs. James Sutto.n & Co. Gentlemen 1 am delighted with the proofs in color of your chromos. They are wonderfully successful representations by mechanical process of the origiual paiut iug. Very respect tully. (Signed.) THUS. MORAN. These chronios are in every sense American. They are by an original Ameri can process, with material of American luanuiiictore, fom designs of American scenery by an American painter, and pre seined to subscribers to lie first successful American Art Journal. If uo better bv cause of all this, they will cerlaiuly possess an interest no foreign production can in spire, and uciiher are ihey any the worse if by reason of peculiar facilities of pro duction Ihey cost the publishers only a trifle, while eijual in every respect to other chromos Ihat are sold singl for double tue subscription price of THE ALDINE. Per sons of taste w ill prize these pictures for heinselvcs not for the price they did or did not cost, and will npprccittie the enter prise that renders their distribution possi ble. If any subscriber should indicato a preference for a figure subject, the pub lishers will send "Thoughts of Home," a new and heautihtl chromo, 1-1x20 incites, representing a little Italian exile whose spatkling eyes betray the longings of his heart. TERMS. .") per annum in advance with Oil Uliromos free. for 50 CENTS EXTRA, the chromos will be setn, mounted, varnished, and piepaid by mail. THE ALDINE will, hereafter, be obtain able only by subscription. There will be no reduced or club rate; cash lor subscrip tions mist tie sent to the publishers direct or handed to the local canvasser, without responsibility to the publishers, except in cases where the certificate is given, bear ing the fac simile signature of Jaues Sittox & Co. CANVASSERS WANTED. Any person wishing to act permnneully ns a local canvasser will receive full aud prompt informal ion by applying to JAMES SUTTON & CO., publishers. 68 Maiden Lauc, New Vork. In the Disrtiot Court of the United Slates. Wesiern District of Penusylvuuia In the mailer of ) JESSE CLVPOOL, V NOTICE is hereby Hank in ul. I Given that up n application of D. C. Oys ter, assignee oi tne esiuie oi jesse nay pooi, Rnnkrupt, to it is ordered Ihut a second I iniflinir of said Uankrunt be held at Kidsaay in said District, on the "0 day .... ... II I. . ot jNoveniuer, a. u. ifio m o cioc ui., at the office of 8. E. Woodruff, cue of the lhi..i)ai in ltiinlnrimlr.v in Knid District for the purpose named iu the Iweuty-seventh seolion of the bankrupt act of March l!ud, lBui. 8. C. McCakdiess, u33-lw Clerk. .Worth and Beauty. WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE Ann THI CHROMO Y0 SEMITE! Having control of the magnificent OIL CHROMO, T O SEJilTL, we are able to offer a combination of literary and arlis tio work of genuine value, and at prices un precedented. This fine copy of a piece of Nature's grandest work, is not presented in the us ual limited style. it dimension, 11x20. making a picture of very desirable size, in .(self AN ORNAMENT TO TDK ROOM graced by its presence. lint few copies of this her -'tiful Chromo will tin allowed to go to the retail, stores, aud those will be sold at thoir Actual Retail Thick, Sd.00, while if ordered in connection with our Magazine, both will be furnished lor $1.50. As a rrciuium the picture may be obtain ed by sending us two subscriptions for the Magazine al &I.OO. eneh. or by subscribing lor the Mag nine two years in advance, al $1.00 per nu n ii in, Address, WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE, Kewhnrgh, N. Y. HARK THE VI' TOR SEWING MACHINE CO.. want reliable and energctie Agents in this County. The "VICTOR" is a Lock-stitch, Shuttle Machine, with Sclf-settiug Needle, best furnished and nust perfect Machine offered. Au increase of over ftOO per cent, on sales of 1872 over 1871. for Terms &e.. Address. VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO., 1227 Chestnut St., I'Liladclphia, Pa. nSOto. f ii. w. MiiasFoni), Attorney aud Counselor at Law And Solicitor of LAND PATENTS. Office, 1332 K St., Post Oflio Do171 Washington, 1). 0. Practices before n'.l the Courts of the United Stales and the Executive Departments. Special attention given to Claims under the cation of Public Lnnds by Cash. War rants. Agriotiltura College Script, Pre-emption or Homestead, aud to Claims for MINERAL LANDS. P. W. HAYS, DKALBfc IN Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Eat ley I. O. vln47if. Kdw'd J, Kvans &, Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, VOKK, 1'K.NN'a ("Catalogues Mailed to Applicants"! Refer (by permission) to Hon, J. S,-Dlack, Washington, .D. C. Weiseb, Son & Caul, bankers, Vork, Pn. 2-6mv. (Fobmibi Wood & Mure.) STATIONARY i PORTABLE Steam Engines. The Best & Most Complete Assortment In the Market. These Engines hare always maintained the very highest standard of excellence. We make the manufacture of Engine. Boilers and Buw MilU a (pecialty. We have the Urg-eot anil moat complete works of the kind in the country, with machinery ppeciauj aaapwa to tne woric. specially adapted to Mines, Saw MilU, Ori.t Mills, Tannenea, Cotton Qiiu, Thtwltera and all cluae Of manufacturing. We are now building the celebrated Lane Circa lar Baw MiLl, the boat and moat complete ua$ mill aver invented. We make the manufacture of Saw Mill outfit a tpecial feature of our biuineaa, and can fumiaU complete on the shortest notice. Our aim in all caaea ia to furnish the beat ma Ohinurf in the market, and work abaolutely un q oaled fur beauty ot deahrn, economy and atrangth. fiend fur Circular and Price Liat. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. rricA, w. t. BV MAIL as CENTS 4GEO.BBOWEi.kACO ' k PARK RQWI o ADVERTISE THE ELK ADVOCATE. THE OLDEST TAT&ll IN THE COUNTY, HAVING TIIK LARGEST CI11CU- ATIOX, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN THE COUNT!' JQri'ottd U thf Untwist of the people of (lh (founti). TEHMS:..$2.00 PER YEAR. BRING ALONG YOUR ADVER TISEMENTS AND GET TIIEM INSERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW HATES. If you want to sill anything, let the people know it through thcAnvocATK, the great advertisiug medium. Job I1 ruling Iu the Court II, llidyway, l'a. The best work done, and at the very lowest pricm. Bluuks kept constantly on hand at tli is office. Hand tills printed at the bhortest notice Cull in and :ct our prices for advertis ing and jobbing. Sutisf'uctiou warranted Orders ty wail pri aptly utttfcded to Addreos, HENRY A, PARSONS, JR., UmawAY Pa. nu NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, AND HOUSEFURNISHITO GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Tools, Lumbermen Tools. fn fact everything usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store A FIRST-8LA5S UN SHOP, Employing none but first-class Workmen anil nothing but first class materialiiseth OPPOSITE THE COURT - W- S- 1 F YOU WANT TO UUY GOODS CHEAP ao to JAMES II-II AGE UTY Main Street, I'.iJgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND ' WILLOW-WARK. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS ot FLOUR Constantly ou hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. HAGERTY. GIVEN AWAY. A Fine German Chromo. WE 8KXII AS EI.KOAST CIIHOMO, MOIIITBU AMU UKA1IY I'OH FHAMINII, I'llEK TO kVEHT AUKST FOR Underground . Oil, LIFE BELOW T HE SURFACE til' TllOS. IC. K.VOX. Pages Octavo. 130 rinetSngravigs. Rclntcg Iuciilets nn'l Accidents beyoml llie Liglil of Dy : Sinrtling Adventure in nil pans of llie World ; Mines nnd Mod of Working; them : Uudencurrcnts of Society : Gambling mid its Horrors; Caverns nnd their Mjnieries; Tlie Dnrk Ways of Wick edness : VrUoiis nnd their Secrets ; Down in the Depths of the Sea; Strango Storiea of the Detection of Crime. Tlie book treols of experiences wifh hrignnds; oiglits in opium dens'and gamb ling hells; Life in prison : Sloriee of exiles; ndveuiures among Indians ; journeys through Sewers unp Cntnconibs; accidents in mines; pirates and piracy; tortures of the inquesions ; wonderful burglars; un der world of llie' great ciieis, tec, etc. for litis work. Exclusive territory given. Agents can make $100 a week in selling I his hook. 8eud for circulars and terms to agents. J. II. Ilurr & Hyde, HARTFORD, CONN., or CHICAGO, ILL. Elk County -Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P Vincent. Associate Judges Clias. Lulir, J V. Honk. District Attorney J. K; P. Hail. Sheriff D. C. Oyster. Prothonotury J-o., Fred. Sohucning. Treasurer C. It. Earley. County Superintendent Rufus Lucore. CiiuniissionerB ltobt. .Campbell, John Earr, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, -George D. MesscLger, and C. W. Barrett. Couniy Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury "ommissineri. Joseph Kern or. and Charltt Mead. HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. SERVICE & CO- SEND FOR CATALOGUES or ITovello's Cheap Music- Xovcllo's Glees, Part Songs, etc., G to 12 ctnls. Novello's Church Music, b to 12 cents. Novcllo's Octavo Edition of Operas. Pr'oe$I; or $2, bound in cloth, gilt edges. N vcllo's Octavo Edition of G ratorios. I i Taper from GO cents to SI; cloth with gil edges, $1 te $2 encli. Novello's Cheap .Editions OF riAXO- FORTE CLASSICS. llach's 48 Preludes and Fugnes, 00. Cloth, Deethovcn's S8 Sonatas, nud. Full gilt $3 50. Eeet'ioven's 31 Pinno Pieces bound. Full Kilt, Sit 00. Elegantly Elegantly Chopin's Vnlses. Stiff paper covers Chopin's Polonaises ' " Chopin's Nocturnes " " Chopin's Mazurkas " " Chopin's linllnds ' Chopin's Preludes " ' Chopin's Sonatas " " 1 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 SO 2 uO Mendelssohn s Complete "Piano Works. Elegnnt Folio Edition. .Full gilt. Com plete in 4 volumes $20 00 The Same. vo. F'ull gilt. Complete in 4 volumes $14 00. The Same. 8vo. Paper. Complete in 4 volumes $10 00. Mendelssohn's Songs Without Words. Folio Edition. Full gilt $' 30. Octavo Edition. Full gilt 3 50. Octavo Edition. Paper covers 2 50. Mozart's 18 Sonatas, Elegantly bound. Full gilt 3 00. Schubtrt's 10 Elegantly bound. Full gilt 3 00. Schuber's Dunces. Complete Elegantly bound. Full gilt 2 00. Schubert's Piano Pieces. Elegnn'ly bound. Full gilt 2 00. Schumann's Forest Scenes. Nine Easy Piecas. Pnper covers 80 cents. Schumnnu'g Piano Forte Album. Ele gantly bound. Pull gilt 00. The Same. I"nper covers 1 50. MOTHER GOOSE, or National Nursery Bhyuies. Set lo Mui-ic by J. W. Elliott, with fio benmiful llhif liutions engraved by the liiolheis Dnlziel-. lionrds SI. 50. Splen didly bound iu cloth, gill edges, $2.50. ASK FOR NOVELLO'S EDITIONS. Address. , J.L.PETERS, C'.iO Broadway, New Vork. Agent for Novello's Cheap Music 22t9. NEW HVEItY STABLE IN w s rut DAX SCItlBNER WISHES TO IN form the Cittzena of liidgway, nni the publio gocerally, that be has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES udBuijies, to let upon the most reasona ble terms. BgL-He vill also do job teasing. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at tie Post Office will meet prompt attention Aii 20 1870. tf. BUSINESS CABDS. I 1 A. RATHBUJI, Alt ornoy-nt-lnw, JC Ridgway, Ta, 2 2 tf. HALL ( 31' VAC LEY, Attorneys nt-Li.v. Office In New Brick Building, f tain St Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v;!r.2if. J 0. W. BA1LET, ATTORNEV-ATLAW. vlnjyl. Ridgway, Elk County, l a. Agent, for the Traveler's Life ar.d M el dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. RUFUS LUCORE, AUorney-ct-Latr, Kidgwny, Elk Co., l'a. Oflico in Hull's new Brick Building. Claiiui Ut collection promptly attended to. v3nlly. TfEYNOLOS HOUSE, a2Yi7otrsviLiE.JsrrEEScco, ix H. S. BELNAP, Proi-riitoh JAMES A. FULLEIITOX, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigwny, offers his professional ser vices to the citizens of Kidgwny anil sur rounding country. All work warranted. Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up. stairs, first door to the left, 3-n-i!2-ly J. S. EOELWELL, M, S, Eclectic Thysician nnd Surgeon, has remov ed his office from Centre street, to Main t. Kidgwny, Pa iu the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, eppo sito Hyde's store, OlMue hours: 8 to 0 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. 7 8;p. m. jan 'J 73 GO. MESSENGER, Druggist nnd Paraceutist corner ( Main ond Mill streets, Kidgwny, Pa. A full assort incut of cnrefully selected For eign nnd Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vlnSy. f"ST S. HARTLEV, M. D., A. Physician ana Surgeon, Kidgwny, Pa. Oflice in Walker's Building. Special attention given to Surgery. OHioe liiuisu lrom 8 ii. in. to 10 p. ni. Residence on corr erof South nnd Court streets, op posite the new School House. All calls promptly nl tended to. vln2yl. C CHARLES HOLEsj J Waicliiiiaker, Engraver ar.d Jeweler, Main street, Kidgwny, Pa. Agent for the Howe fc'ou ing ; Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, done with hu same accuracy us heretofore. Satis aclion guaranteed. vlnly. RVDE HOUSE, KinowAV, Elk Co., Pa. V. II. SCUltAM, Proprietor. Thankful for llio patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new prcpricior, hopes, by pnyiug strict at tention to llie comfort nud convenience of guests, to merit a cominuauco oi the same. Oct 30 lSiiH. flMlE OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, I Kane, MeKeau Ce., Pa K. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Tli a ii k t it I tor the pairouuge herelofotc so liberally bestowed upon Uuu, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict ntteuiiou lo the coiiitoit and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. The only stables lor burses in Kane and well kept night or duy. Hull attached to ike Hotel. vlu23yl. I I ALL, & 13 no Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELK CO'JliTY PNKSYLYAKIA, JO. IN Q. 11 ALL JA9. K. t. IIAL1 K ERSE V HOUSE, Ckntu tviLLK, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, l'roprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liber illy bestowed upon him, the new profrietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, t merit a contiuunuco of the same. JAMES PENFIELD, lSucc- sor to W. C. Ilealy,) DEALER IN LBY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, PRODUCE, FRUITS, &o. v3u"tf. West End, Ridway, Pa. S. A. EOTE, P II O T O G 11 A P II E R AND DEALER IX Chromos, Stereoscopic Viewa, Picture Frames, &o. WEST END, RIDGWAY, ELK CO. PA v2u2if. jredTbciioeninq, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL I1EALEB 19 PIAxNO-l'ORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC 1300 KS Pianos and organs to rent and rental ap plied if "purchased. Prothonotury's Office, Ridgway, Pa. v2n20tf. IS EW STAGE ROUTE. J. C. Ji USA'S, Proprietor. The subscriber having secured the con tract for carrying the U. S. Mail between KEYNOLDSVILLE & BROCKWAV VILLE has placed on that road a liue of backs Hacks leave the Exchange iiotel in Reynoldville every Tuesday, iuuitua and Saturday on the at rival of the Erookville stage, and return the same day. These hacks connect at Vrockwayville with the Ridgway stages, making connection wi h trains on the P. & E. Road, both east and west. Every attention to the comfort f patrons of this line will be given, aud a liberal patronage solicited. Aug. 13-72H. JOHN W. FRAZEE, Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor of PATENTS AND CLAIMS, BcZ Coo f PATENT cases. Office, 009 7th ST., WASHINGTON", D. C. Refers by permission to Hon, Henry D. Coolie, Ueverner oi'o ? '! ,himbiL