The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 23, 1873, Image 2
itor THURSDAT. OCTOBER 80, 1878. tetter from Ohio. Cincinnati. Omn, ) Ootobcr 20th, 1878.) TJbar' ADtorAT : Some folks don't brlirve in state f future pinisuuirnl; rU of thcwf folk you are undoubtoJly one. In rwont letter t very startling instinoo. of jnt rstribution- for n)iprinttn;, was given you Id tbe Mrtorj of Preoon Smith on the printer who couldn't read Lit man uscript. It doesn't item to hare been of anj effect. For instimee, week, be fore last I spoke of a printer "trying to tell' the truth-aud making a ' miserable failure" and it read in the Advocate a "seasonable failure" and when I spoke of the old Presbyterian who made a minister- of the boy, those unraly type tnado it that piou- man had made a "missionary" out of his boy. . Again, last week, I announced my willingness to hare the Rojai North American politieaa slaughtered, and I read in print my antety to have the It. N. A. Repub lican made way with. Now there was onee good man noted for his vigorous node t expressing himself, whenever his anger passions rose up. This gentle youth hauled ashes in a eart; and one day his tail board oanie out at the foot of hill and the more he climbed the hill tfce faster eame the ashes out of his eart. Of eourse he was fallowed by a crowd of young reprobates, who anxi ously waited the moment when he would discover the accident. When he got to the hill top end saw how things were, he rollei tp his sleeves; took a good long breath; the muscles of his manly face twitched in agony; his lips moved, but just as the e:owd was at a fever heat of anticipation, the stricken man heaved a sigh and in a voice choked with emo tion, gasped out "Boy's ! 'Taiat no use; I cant do it justice." BARD TIMES AHEAD. sseem inevitable during the coming win ter. Already the Station Houses are crowded nightly by people asking for lodging. The majority of them, the people say, are well dress ed and respect able; but who have lost their rooms or boarding places by reason of the stop ping of so many large manufactories. The usuaI class well known to the Po lice as "Lodgers" who sleep in the Market Houses and Lumber Yards in the warm weather, and in the Station Houses iu the winter, have not as yet applied iu any numbers at the Stations Ofer500 men were disearged from two factories last Wednesday; and the same lay 700 were put on half time at a furn iture factory which it was thought would ot be compelled to yield in the slightest degree- To-day the failuro of the Gay lord Pipe company is reported. Some of tbe more sanguine people look for better times and resumption of sll the factories very soon; but it would be wiser to be ready for tho worst. It s ferns like laughing in the face of Death for the Secretary of the Treasury to be talking of the resumption of specie pay ments at a time like this. The Secre tary proposes resumption by commencing to pay out silver at all Government De positories and Sub-Treasuries, when it may be requested. Horace Greeley's plan for resumption was by resuming "The way to resume" he said "is to ro sunie." It may be pardonable ia me to suggest that the time and the mode of Specie resumption will be determined by tbe kfiexible laws of money and trade and cannot be determined by Treasury or other regulations. The Government can assist, but not control. COURT BUrilNTBS. The fall has brought with it the sess ions of all the Courts, which will have a steady sitting until next June or July, as the business may require. The Criminal branch of tbe Common Picas has quite a bloody calendar, interspersed with many other crimes of bloody nature. Since last March five men have been itiJieted for murder in the first degree; and as Cincinnati has not all of the ten derness of New York. There is a lively prospect of verdiets of guilty and exe cution of seutenccs. This feeling is nut shared, however, by the prisoners; each one of whom has hopes of acquittal. Tho first on the hit is John Henoiog who stabbed William Schmidt in a sa Iood. He oeeupiee his time in decorat ing the walls of his cell, and is seem ingly, perfectly unconcerned. .The sec ond is george Charter, who on Apri' 28th, most brutally beat William Cooke (while be was asleep) over the head vita a shove!, until he died. Both were in the employ of some Circus. Number three is named Daniels, who for love of a sixth street "street walker," in broad day light and dnring market hours, walked up to John McDennott, as he stood at his stand in the market, and. drawing a pistol he shot his rival dead. Number four is Charles Fox who wat employed us private policeman in a saloon. The vii't'ini was youDg man named James O'Keofe, between whom and bis mur- Hsrkt A. Fatibons, Jr. . . Edi dew eristi-d, n is said, a 4rmWy t. the aflections of one of the gaudy cr, turee who sing at the low concert saloons of which, I am sorry to say Cinoinmit" has her full share. Numbor five is Dennis Carly, of wboso mutder of Nev ille I have already written. With the exception of Carly and Nevlll who are Irish lo n, the bloody tii ol slayora and victims is make up o' Americans. Be sides these arc several notorious abor tionists who follow thw ostensible trad of "Clsirvoyantes." One of them the bluest devil in the lot Madame Sidney Auintine Freior, liaa boen hap pily convicted; though it took- considera ble trouble to aoooatplish. the dnmrablo ends- Men, who should have been aslutued of themselves, (but who, doubt less bad spocial reasons,) took the great eel inteicst in her defense. Sho had tks very ablest counsel in tlie- State, and il is but fair to them to say tSey did their part faithfully. Several of her clan yet remain to be tried; and with their conviction it is hoped faheir devilish trade will disappear) at least from Cincinnati. AMUSEMENTS' are dull just t" present. Pantomimes and sensational plays are the rage. Last week the Georgia Minstrels, composed of Simon Pure negroes were at Pike's Opera House. They drew excellently; and it is. said are the best Minstrel Troupe now traveling; not excepting the Aeolians. Perhaps their fame has not completely died out in the- bill and val leys of old Ellick. As the Constitutional Convention probably called the Con Con. sits in this city November 1st, perhaps Amusement stock may look up. It is composed, as is usuaP, of solemn old pumps who have as much idea of a joke as life is anything but a joke, per haps tbe Con. Goners are at least half night in wrapping themselves up in ponderous wisdom and discussing ques tions with the gravity of owls. I think though, a- Convention rs like a comic paper, a joke once in a while improves it. Dan Bice exhibited in Covington, last week, but did so poorly that he had to pawn his watch to pay for License. He was on a jolly spree, and in explana tion, said he dfdint care for money; be had enough; but, as, he was in hit native place he couldn't help getting a little high, and so had got strapped; he said he intended to run for Congress again. Does anybody know just low many na tive places Dan has on band? THE CRY IS STILL THEY COME! Just when the folks at Columbus will get through counting the votes cast at tbe late election, is more than I can say. After much trouble they footed up that the Demorcats had carried the Governoi and the Legislature; and the oi tbe State had gone to the devil I mean the Republicans had it bnt yesterday the news came that Daugherty a Frenchman had beaten Little, & Re publican, for Attorney General, by some 235 majority. Of course I don't object to the whole Dcmocratio ticket being elected, but I would just like to know when to quit celebrating. The Time$,Re pubKcan says some of the Republicans out in the "WeUern Reserve" voted for Daugherty through a "stupid bluu der,'' which- is a new way of explaining a loss. It seems to me tbe Democrats had bet ter do all their rejoicing now; for if they lay ia an extra stock ot old Bourbon to jubilate over their suocess in the next Presidental campaign, they'll lose tbe interest on their investment, and will have to use the whiskey at a wake instead of a jubilee. The Republicans are now trying to get up a row in the Democratic Legislature, hoping to have Thurwan set aside and Govrrnor Allen sent to the Senate, but as this little game would make Lieut. Governor Hart, Republican the Governor, it is hardly probable it will succeed. It would not surprise me, however, to see Pendleton "Gentle man George" loom up against Tbur man, but ho can't win. Tburman has twice carried the State under difficult circumstances, while Pendleton Las in variably been whipped. Tbcn the Democratic Committee wanted to coal esce with the Liberals, and give up the party name and machinery. Tburman flatly refused them permission to do so (He owus the party now). His devise was to "blow the born and rally the boy's"; aud, it must be admitted, he and "old Bill alien" blew a strong blast. I don't believe the etory, but it is vouch ed for, that a lot of dead men who had known Bill Allen a oouple of hundred years ago, came back to vote for the old chap, thinking he would be killed out right by defeat, and join them imediately in the happy poker grounds But the old gentleman has a new lease of politi cal life, and proposes to enjoy it. L. J. B. P. W. HAYS, DIALS.. ! Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA, Eariey J. . VlB7tf. II m et-tmmti 4 triry , do ' lieiltill's roortuoin nno has ..m... d a nhrinkini stoee tbe nnu equai o twenty 3i i 'lions of dollar LIST OR JURORS. The following is tho List of Jurors drawn for the November term ol Court, ooiomonciog Monday, November 3rd, 1873: TRAVERSE JUR(VH. Beoetette Dennis Taylor, William Murray, tfeorge English. Beusinger Nicholas Dewalt, Joseph I.eoczcl, Fransis Cassidy, Henry Gaus oncn, Joseph Fries. Fox. James V Rogers,, Iloraco Spangenbury, Jeremiah Hewitt, James H. Taylor, Jool 8, Taylor j. DaviJT Mere dith, Z: B. Karley.. Highland Wm. j!. Stubbm. ' Horton Alien Giles, Adam. Kcm merer, Harvey Parsons, James Mo Clellan, J. C. McAllister, John 3. Kelts. Jay Francis J. Spangler, Oliver Dodgo, Martin Clover, James Bateman, Josiah R. Morey, Houston Brownlce. Jones John Klcissath, John Kitt ncr, Charles Paul, C. A. Paine. Uidgway W. S. Hamblon, J. K. Whitmore, John Van Orsdall, Robert Warner, W. 0. Geary,. O. W. Barrett, James Rickard, K. K. Eubody, Abaer Malen. St. Mary's Boro' Edward E. Mo Bride, J-ohn B. Ahlis, John Emiaett, Philip Wilhelm, Micheal Stibich, Will iam Gies. Spring Creek George Saxton, J.. B. Rice, D. K. Moore.. OR AND JURORS. BenezetteMirty Hays, (Blacksmith) Johu Emery, Wm. F. Waiuwright, W. D. Dellaaa. Benzinaer George NLsseL Lawrence Gahr. " Vox George B. Tav.lor,, Andrew Howe. Horton N. M. Brockway, 8. A. Olmstead. Jay John II ess, Wm. P. Lue. Jones R. W. Brown, Michael Dill. Ridiiway C. E.Beman, Geo. Blanc hard, . D. Cook, Horace Little, Adam Gower, John E. Moore, H. S. Thayer. St. Mary's Boro' C R. Sexton, Thomas Zimmett. Spring Creek. Taylor Rhine. LIST OF JURORS The following is the List of Jurors drawn for the November term of Court, commencing Monday, Nov. 10th, 1873 : (SECOND WEEK.) Benezette Isaiah Hollinsworth, Ellis Lewis, H D Derr. Benzinger John Teitner, Joseph Young, Geoge Fritz, Michael Lawler, Charles Schneider, George Seller. Fox Michael Gillen P V Hays Rccsmau Meredith John Malone R X Kyler Jeremiah Sullivan Henry M Gross Ralph Bell Adolph Timra. Horton Wm Bennett Fred Ray winkle Joel Taylor Stephen Fox Henry Reedy. Joy Barley Wheeler Wm B Hew itt Benjamin Brownlce. Jones Theodore Cook Issao Kcelcr Johu C rawer. Millstone William Kelley Adam Zimmermann. Ridgway Geo W Rhines Horace Wamer Henry Wilson C Holiday S W Miles John Caspiloy W II Schrani Amos B Wheeler J L Curuiaias Pat riik Dailey Edward Derby. St. Mary's Boro' F X Haberbush J B Butsch Joseph Winlelder Edward Babel Louis Yollmcr. (Foamai.1 Woob j Hum.) SmiOMRT ( P0RTIBLE $team Engines. The Best Jfc Most Complete Assortment la the Market. t. Tbsss Zagtoaa alwmn taabUtnel th very alftMBt Uodud of ollnM. Wa nuke tba waufMtim of EagliM. BoUen and Saw Milla a, pecialtT. fit han tbelugeit aad moat oompleoa Work of tin kind in tha tonatrf, vitlt machinery Sncteaa, vhicb. w fumlab at tb ttt lowaat prioea and oa ta abntart nodes. W build Engine awalaUr adapted to Mines, Baw Hills, Oriit Kills, Tannmias, Cotton Qins, Tanahsis sod all rim Of msnnXaetuioa- W an now boil ding the celebrated Lan Ciieo l Saw BOIL U beat and most templets saw mill fiw InTsntsd. Ws nuke toa raaBnfaeturs of Saw atOl oatota pesial featnr of our business, nnd oaa famish omplets on tbe shortest noUos. , Out aim In nil esses is to furnish the beet nu ehlnary in the market, and work absolutely as. queled fur beauty of desira, eoonomy and stnas-tn. bead fur Circular end Pnee List. . UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO, r 3'-- ,-- my mail ae cents 4aEQ.R no wemco) steam wm 0 IM OIDE3T PAPER IN THE COUNTY, IIAYINO TnE LARGEST1 CIRCU- AtflON, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY fttvotrt to tht Iutcrrsft0 of tttt wple ft lb GTownty. EHMSr..$2.00 FEU TZKR, BRING ALONG YOUR ADVER . TISEMENIS AND GET THEM INSERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LQW &ATEJ?, If you want to sell tanytbing, let the people know it through theJAnvocATE, tbe great advertising medium. Job Prining Office, In the Court House, Ridgway, Pa. The best work done, and at the very lowest prices. Blanks kept constantly on hand at this office. Hand bills printed at the shortest notice Call in and get our prices for advertis ing and jobbing. Satisfaction warranted Orders by mail promptly attended to Address, HENRY A. Pi RSONS, JR., IillXJWAY Pa. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. hotisewahe, ahd housefurhishing goods. CarpcntcrsTools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Tools, , , Liunbcrmcnsi TdtoTs. In fact everything usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store. i ... . A FlBST-CitSS TJM SHOP, Employing none but first-class Workmen and nothing but first class materialised. OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. W- S- -tf. 1" OH WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMES H- HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgw;, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS- . WARE, WOOD AND W1LLOW-WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Lnrge Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS ot FLOUR Constantly ou hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES n. HAGERTY. GIVEN AWAY. A Fine German Chromo. WE 8EHD AN ELEGANT CBBOMO, MOl'KTKD XVD BEADY FOB FBAM1NO, FBEK TO KVBBI AGENT FOB Fnderground OR, LIFE BELOW T HE SURFACE BY Til OS. w. jr.vox Pages Octavo. 130 rinejtSneraviga. Relates Incidcts and Accidents teyonil the Ligtit of Day ; Stertliug Adventures ia all purts of (he World ; Mines and Mode of Working tliem ; Uudencurreuts of Society I Gambling nnd its Horrors; Caverns and ihcir Mysteries; The Dark Ways of Wick edness; I'i'ibous and tbeir Secrets; Down in the Depths of tbe Sea; Strange Stories of the Detection of Crime. The book treote of experiences with brigands; nights in eplviW densjandjgan(b ling lie'.lB; Life in prison ; ptoriee of exilwi; adventures among Indians ; journeys through Sewers anp Cataoombs; acoidents in mines; piratts.and piraey ; tortures of the inquesions ; wondertul burglars; un derworld of tbe great cileis, tec, etc. for this work. Exclusive territory given. Agents can make $100 a week in selling Ibis book. Send for circulars and terms to agents. J. II. Burr tt Hyde, HARTFORD, CONN., ob CHICAGO, ILL, Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P Vincent. Associate Judges Cbas. Luhr, J V. Houk. District Attorney J. K. P. Hail. Sheriff D. C Oyster. Prothonotsxy o., Fred. Bohcaning. Treasurer C. R. Earley. County Superintendent Rufus Luoore. Commissioners Kobt. Campbell, John Barr, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Clark A. Wiloox, Georgs D. Messenger, and C. W. Barrett. County Surveyor Geo Wslmsley. Jury CommUsi-nrs. Joseph Kerner. Ad Charles Mttvd. SERVICE & CO- SEND FOR CATALOGUES OF Novello's 'Cheap Mnac. N'tvello's Glees, Part SoEgi, etc., 6 to 12 cents. Novella's Church Music, to. 12 cents. Ncvello's Octavo Edition of Operas. Price $1 ; or $2, bound in cloth, gilt edges. N vollo's Octavo Edition of Gratorios. I i paper from CO cents to $1; cloth with gil edges, $1 te $2 each. Hovello's Cheap, 'Editions OF F1ANO-FORTE CLASSICS. Bach's 48 Preludes and Fugncs, Cloth, 00. Beethoven's 88 Ponntas. . Elegantly unJ. Full gilt $3 60. Beethoven's 34 Pinno Pieces. Elegantly bound. Full gilt, $3 00. Chopin's Yalses. Stiff paper covers. 1 50 Chopin's Polonaises ' " 2 00 Chopin's Nocturnes " " 2 00 Chopin's Mazurkas. " ' 2 00 thopiu's BalladB " 2 00 Chopin's Preludes " " 2 CO Chopin's Sonatas " 2 60 Mendelssohn's Complete JSPinno Works. Elegant Folio Edition. Full gilt. Com plete in 4 volumes $26 00 The Same. 8vo. Full gilt. Complete in 4 volumes $14 00. Tbe Same. 8vo. Paper.' Complete in 4 volumes $10 GO. Mendelssohn's Songs Without Words. Folio Edition. Full gilt $6 50. Ootavo Kditiou. Full gilt 3 50. Octavo Edition. rp.f covers 2 50. Mozart's 18 Sonatas. Elegantly bound. Full gilt 3 00. Schubert's 10 Sonatas. Elegantly bouuid. Fnll gilt 8 00. Sclmbei's Dances. Complete.' Elegantly bound. Full gilt 2 00. . Schubert's Piano Pieces. Elegantly bound. Full gilt 2 00. Schumann's Forest Scenes. Nine Easy Piccas. Paper covers 80 cents. Schumaun's Piano Forte Album. Ele gantly bound. Full gilt 2 00.' The Same. Taper covers 1 50, MOTHER GOOSE, or National Nursery Bhywes, Set to Mime by J. W. Elliott, with C5 beautiful llhiptiatious . engraved by the Brothers. 1'alz.iel- Boards $1.60. fciplon-. didly bound in cloth, gilt edges, $2.50. " ASK FOR NOVELLO'S EDITIONS, Address. J.L.PETERS, 500 Broadway, New York. Agent for Novello's Cheap Music 22(9. NEW LIVEIiY STABLE IN DAN SCIUBNEIl WISHES TO IN form the Cittzeos of Iliilgway, and tbo puhlio goterally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES nd Buggies, to let upon the most reason ble terms. Bfc.He will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Offioe will meet prompt attention BUSINESS CARDS. I JV, RATIIBTJS, Attorney-aUaw, y Ridgway, Ta. 2 2 tt HALL & M'CAULET, Attorneys-at-Ltw. ' Office In New Brick Building, Main SI Ridnwny, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2tf. J 0. W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vlnyl. Ridgwaf, Elk County, Pas. ' Atrcntforthfi TrnWlop's T.ifs 4..s dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. RUFUS LUCORK, Allorney-at-Law, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Office in Hall's ncw-Brick Bunding. Claims fot collection promptly attended to.. vSnlly. "OEYNOLOS HOUSE,- JLV ' . it. ' ' i 2BTO0L.ESVILLE, JEFFZESOW CO, IS II. S. BELNAP, Pbopbutoe . . JAMES A. FULL SR TON, Surecon Dentist, hnvl nir nnrniAnsntlT Ia. dated in Higwayj. offers his professional ser vices to me cuizeus or uidgway and snr. rounding country. All work, warranted. Office in Service & Wlinnlnr'n lnil,lin i.n stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-32-ly . J.'S. EOJlI)WELL,lI.r, Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, has remov ed bis euuie from Centre street, to Main tt. Ridgway, l'u,, in the second story ef the new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store. Oflice hours: 8 to 9 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. 7 8, p. jan 0 73 GG. MESSENGER, Druggist and Paraceutist eorner t Muin and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescription, carefully dispensed at all hours, day er night. vln3yv rp s. HARXuLr, m. d., .L Physician ana Surreca. niugway, i'a. utiice in walker's uuildiag. Special attention given to Surgery. Offioe house from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Residence on corcer of South and Court streets, posite the new School House. All calls, promptly attended to. vln2yl. ttllARLliS HOLES, ' ( Walchmuker, Engraver and Jeweler,, Mojn -street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent ter the. Hows -Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold. Pen. Repairing NY ate lion, etc, doue with he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis uctioa guarauteed. vlnlyv HYDE HOUSE, Ridqwat, Elk Co., Pa Vr. II. SCHKAM, Propriety. Thankful for the patronage heretofore) so liberally bestowed upon him, the new prcpTietor, hopes, by paying strict tention to the comfort and convenience ef guests, to merit a continuance ot thai sume. Oct 30 18G9. rUE OLD BUCKTAIL'S H4JTEL,, I Kaut, McKeau Co., Pv. R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Tliauklut lor the piitionage heretofoie se liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort aud couvcuieuca of guests to merit a continuance ot the same. Ion. only stables lor horses in Kaue and well kept uiht or day. Hull auncued to tke. Hotel. yi.nzayt. I I AL14 (S; BHO AttovnQj'ts - at - Ia'nf ST. MARY'S, ELS COWTY PITITSYLYANL JOilN O. HALL JAi. K. r. HAM KERSEY HOUSE, Ctxmsv,tLLBi.Ei.s; CoPa, Joiin CoLtiN8, Pioprieto. Thankful for the patronage hvretolor so liberally bestowed upon him, the nev, pro prictor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort, 'and convenience; of guests, t merit a continuance of the, same. JAMES PENFIELD, ( sor to W. C. Heal,) DEALER IS LEY QOPDS, Q&0CEBI5S, PHOYISIOIC I'RODUCE, FRUITS, vSuttf. West End, Ridgway, Pa. S. A. ROTE, PHOTOGRAPHER AND VKALKB IU Chromos, Stcreosoopio Views, Pi.c(ur Frames, &a. WEST END, RIDGWAY, ELK CO, f v2n2tf. F RED, SCUOENING, WHOLESALE AND EETAIL DEALBljls PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MTJSIC and MUSIC BOOKS Pianos and organs to rent and rental n plied if purchased. Prothouotury's Office, Ridgway, Pa v2u20tf. EW 6TAQE ROUTE, J, C. BUSNS, Proprietor. The subscriber having secured the o.on,-. tract for carrying the U. S. Mail bete REYNOLDSVILLE 4 BROCKWAYVILLB has placed on that road a line of beaks'1 Hacks leave the Exchange Hotel iu Keynoldville every Tuesday, Thnrsda and Saturday On the ai rival of the Brookville AlairA. nnd rnturn liiA nnma fl... " "'" sw hacks connect at Brockwayville with tti) mugwsy Binges, Dinning connection Wl a trsina nn tho P ft V. H,.oH h,.tK west. Every attention to the comfort ef natMnno -1 il.!. 1 i ...111 V- J - ui lui. iiu. win ue given, ib(i s) liberal patronage solicited. Aug. 13-72tf. JOHN W. FllAZEE, Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor ef patents and claims, 6c; o of PATENT cases. Office, 9C9 7tU ST., WASHINGTON, D. C. Refers by permission to II ou. Henrr J).