Farm, Garden and Household. Hint! About Farm Work. . Fall plowing is good. Fall fallowinc U better. Fall work in euro to crowd us. . It al ways does. .Prepare for it. Bow grass seed on vacant spots in meadow and harrow it in. Firewood (should be provided for win ter, if not alrerdy attended to. Trim the sides of ditches, and cut down all weeds in fence-corners, etc. Everything that can be done this month had better bo done now than 1 iter. Potatoes that are ripe should be dug early, so as to be out of the way of pressing work next month. Make the weeds grow and then kill them next spring. To do this plow and harrow as much as possible. If prices are satisfactory sell at once. This is always a safe rule for everything, but it is emphatically so for potatoes and c'ther bulky articles. Attend the fairs, and take your hired men and boys with you. Try and in terest tliem in the implements, ma chines, and improved stock. Drawing out manure for grass land may be done at any time this month when the men and teams are available. Spread it at once and evenly. Corn should be cut as soon as the grain is glazed. The fodder will be wanted next winter. Better cut too early than run the risk of having it in jured by frost. Ditching on low land can now be done to advantage. Commence at the outlet and make the water follow you tip into the land until your ditch is from three to four feet deep. In this way you will lose no fall. Clover seed should be ready to cut this month. Nearly all our combined reaper and mower machines cut it to perfection and rake it into bunches. The crop should be well cured and put in the barn. It is a difficult crop to se cure in a stack without thatching. It is better not to thrash until cold weather In England, great crops of wheat are raised by turning over a clover sod and drilling in the wheat as fast as the land is plowed. We could do the same thing here provided our land was in as high condition and the season was wet enough to insure the germination of the seed and the growth of the young plants. We spend labor enough in many cases in preparing our land for wheat, but rarely give time enough. To plow twice in two or three weeks, and harrow and roll until the laud is as mellow as a garden, is not the way to secure a good wheat crop. The same amount of labor expended over a longer period would produce far better results. The ladies should by all means go to the fair and have a good time. They should go to enjoy themselves. Take a basket of refreshments along. The eating arrangements at our fairs are usually of the most wretched descrip tion. If you see one of the Agricul turist's editors around, looking tired and hungry, ask him to have a bite. Animals. When hay is scarce and high, as it now is with us, it is desirable to let all the animals run at pasture. Horses when running at pasture, un less it is unusually good, should not be worked as many hours as when fed on hay and grain. They require more time to eat. Give a feed of nnts mnv... lug, noon, anu night. Oroom well at night before turning them out. Cows will pay well for a little extra food night and morning. Corn-meal is now the cheapest food we have. It should be mixed with cut feed. Sheep do not require any special care this month, but should not be neglect ed. See that the ram does not get to the flock of ewes unless you wish very early lambs. If you do, select out the strongest ewes and feed them a little grain for a week or so, or until they are starved. Lambs should be weaned, and the ewes put in a rather poor pasture and at some distance from the lambs. Let the hiinbs have the best of pasture and half a pint of grain each day. Milk the ewes if necessary. Dip the sheep in a solution of carbolic soap to kill ticks and prevent scab, etc. Swine. Pigs that are fat should be disposed of. Pigs intended for fatten ing this fall should be X'nshed forward as rapidly as possible. Let them run out at pasture if convenient, but give them all the corn they will eat. Breeding sows should have the run of a good clover or grass pasture. They will require little other food. Young pigs ought t o get the richest and best of food. There is nothing so good as skimmed milk and cooked corn meal. American Agriculturist. The 'ova Scotia Gale. Additional particulars of the recent disastrous storm on the Nova Scotia coast como to hand. It is estimated that thirty vessels, with all hands, were lost in the North Bay alone. The loss of property on shore is immense. In Cape Breton, those farmers who have lost their barns will have difficulty in saving their crops. It is feared there will be starvation among the fishermen; and it is probable that even among the farmers, who sustained heavy losses by the gale, there will be much suffering. The country will not get over it for years. Fifty-six vessels are ashore at Ari chat, some of which have been con demned and sold. Many wrecks have been found at sea, deserted, with little if any chance that the crews have been saved, and alto gether the loss of life and property is most disastrous. Settled It. When the three-months' men were called out, says Thurlow Weed, the Colonel of some regiment an insignificant-looking fellow appealed to me to help him off. What do you want ?' I asked. 'Well,' said he, 'I've ordered some accoutrements for men, and the manufacturer won't let us have them until he can be sure of his money !' I wrote a note which settled that matter, and the regiment went away. About three months afterwards a bill was brought to me for $1,900, and what do ii i 'l . r.i ; r you iuiuk it was lor r Slapping lur. Smith on the knee." "Indeed I can't imagine." " For officers' swords and belts and sashes and such things," said Mr. Weed, " which the service didn't provide, and I had to pay the money out of my own pocket. I do wish I could think of that fellow's name. The Hon. Fred O'Donnel has de clined the f armers'nomination for Lieutenant-Governor of Iowa on the ground that he is oiily twenty-eight years old, and tlie lav requires that the Govenror and Lieutenant-Governor shall be thirty years of age. An American Tlchborne. A Caie In which Borne of the Mont Promi nent Men In Pennsylranla are Interest-.ed-The Wonderful Adventure! of a Claimant to 940,000,000. There is now pending in the State courts of Pennsylvania, says a Mauch Chunk correspondent of the New York Sun, one of the most important lawsuits on record. It was instituted by Mr. O. H. Wheeler, a lawyer of this place. It is for the recovery of 4,000 acres of val uable coal lands in Luzerne county, Pa., saia to do wortn $f4U,uuu,UU0. The his tory of the proprietorship of the land is full of romance. Some forty years ago there died in a hospital in Philadelphia a man named James Turnbnll. He had been a man of means, and was one of the first to invest in land in this region when the discovery of anthracite coal was tardily followed by mine developments. He purchased the tract of 4,000 acres in Luzerne county. Bad speculations led him to dissipation and he died as stated, declaring that he still had a title to the coal land in Luzerne, although others claimed it by virtue of tax purchase. A short time before his death his wife was divorced from him, and given charge of their only child, a son, also named James. He lived with his mother in Philadelphia about ten years after his father's death, then, at the age of sixteen, went to sea. In 1852 the divorced widow, being in destitute circumstances, and believing that her son, if living for she had not heard of him for years was the real owner of the coal lands in Luzerne county which her late husband had ne glected, came to Mauch Chunk and called on Mr. O. H. Wheeler. He had formerly been a friend of her husband's, the two having had years before real estate transactions together. To him she stated the case of the ownership of the land, and exhibited certain papers in her possession that once belonged to Turnbull. Wheeler examined the paper, and searched the record. The result con vinced him that young Turnbull had, through his father, a perfect tittle to the property. He at once set about to find, if possible, the whereabouts of the wandering heir. Advertisements were inserted in the journals of all countries, in all languages. Letters were written to every point where it was at all proba ble that James might be, but without avail. Not-a word could be obtained that gave any clue to his whereabouts. The lands meantime had fallen into the hands of Asa Packer, the Pardees, and other famous and powerful capitalists, who still hold them. One day, in the fall of 1871, James Turnbull's mother received a letter posted in the City of Mexico. It proved to be from her son. He was living in Mazatlan, on the western coast of Mex ico, and wonld in all probability be home in another year. Thus, after a ceaseless effort of twenty years, the lawyer and the mother were at last re warded with the news of the lost son. Mr. Wheeler employed a man to go at once to Mazatlan and bring James to America. This was done, and about a year ago Turnbull landed in Phila delphia. His career had been one of peril, hardship, and adventure. The vessel he left Philadelphia in was shipwrecked, and he and eight others of the crew were the only ones saved. When the boat which they succeeded in launching -..o jjii-Kta uf, ucm tlio lolaml of St. Thomas, after flouting iiiutj days uu the ocean, Turnbull was the only iiving oc cupant. He was laid up three months in St. Thomas before he recovered from the effects of the fearful voyage after the wreck, and then embarked on a British trader. Subsequently he went to Central America. He worked on the Isthmus of Panama until the stories of the discovery of gold in California reached that section, when, with hun dreds of others, he hastended to the spot. He was a Forty-niner, and made sev eral fortunes, which in turn he lost at the gaming table. He tired of the reck less, lawless life of the mines in two years, and went to Mexico, and subse quently to Texas, where he made money in capturing cattle for speculators in New York and Philadelphia. The na tives becoming too hostile, he had to flee the plains. He started to return to Mexico. On the way to Mazatlan he was blown up by the explosion of the steamer he was on. Hundreds per ished, but he was again providentially saved. He finally reached Mazatlan, where he went to work on a canal that was being dug. He was placed over a gang of natives, and kept a ranch where they obtained their supplies. This was broken open several times and robbed. One night he was attacked by a party of Mexican soldiers, and left for dead with twelve dagger wounds in his person. Recovering from these, he again be came a wanderer. He spent a year among the silver mines of Peru, getting possession of a piece of land said to contain silver deposits. Failing to find them, he disposed of the property for a song. In less than a month a rich vein of silver was opened upon it. He then went to Chile and worked under Harry Meiggs, the great South American railroad prince. By a sub contract under Meiggs he made several thousand dollars, and had he possessed a less roving disposition could have re mained in Chile and accumulated a handsomo fortune. Completing his con tract, he went to Brazil and endeavored to get himself appointed as an overseer in the diamond mines and failed. After roviner throuch South America for sev eral years, leading a life of the wildest adventure, he again visitea the western shore of Mexico, and then determined to return home, lie wrote his mother, not knowing whether she was dead or alive. When the agent arrived from Ameri ca, Turnbull had changed his mind as to returning home, and would soon have been on his way to the diamond field of bouth America. . To cap the climax of his eventful life, the bout which was conveying him to the steamer which was to bear him to Philadelphia capsized, and he barely escaped with his life, losing many valu ables. Upon the arrival of Turnbull in this country arrangements were at once per fected for commencing the proceedings, The fyuds for conducting the suit are furnished by a stock company at a ven ture. If it is successful the mem bers will be richly rewarded ; if not, they lose all. Some of the most prominent men in Pennsylvania are interested in the case, and it will be prosecuted to the fullest extent, imminent lawyers have been engaged on both sides. Jt came up at the last session of the United States District Court at Williamsport, but was postponed on application of the defend' ants, as Judge Woodward, W. H. Arm' strong, Esq., and others of their coun sel were members of the Constitutional Convention and could not be present. The Had Chinese Lover. i ' A Yonng Lady's Narrow Escape. The San Francisco Chronicle fur nishes the following account of the mad Chinese lover whose attempt at murder and subsequent suioide at San Jose were briefly reported by telegraph : "The ranch of Mr. Dubois, about one mile and a half south of San Jose, was the scene of a startling tragedy. Mr. Dubois is the father of two daugh ters, named Blanche and Alice, the lat ter some eighteen years old. A hand some young Chinaman named Ah Gim, employed on her father's ranch, attract ed by the girl's beauty, fell madly in love with her, but the passion was not returned. The almond-eyed Celestial, however, continued to urge his suit, and in the madness of his infatuation cut off his queue, so as to make his person more acceptable to the object of his adoration. He was nineteen years of ago and had been employed by Mr. Du bois nearly five years. He did not live with the Dubois family, but occupied a cabin by himself some distance from the house. Failing to win the heart of his ladv- love, he determined to worship her picture, aud entreated Miss Alice to give him her photograph. She in dignantly refused to grant him even this favor, whereupon Ah Gim, with the ciinning of his race, and animated by his strong attachment for the girl, re solved upon securing it without her consent. An opportunity soon present ed itsel, and the distracted Chinaman hastened to improve it. While Miss Alice was absent visiting some friends, Ah Gim crept into her chamber, and going to her trunk abstracted a photo graph of her. His next step was to take it to an artist in the city whose studio is on wheels, where he had several copies of the photograph made, some of which he sent to his relatives in China. After Alice returned from her visit. Ah Gim manifested unusual anxiety to have her visit his cabin, saying that he had something there that he desired to show her. She informed him that if he had anything to show her he must bring it to the heuse. He pleaded earnestly with her to accept the invitation, add ing that the object he wished to show her was nailed to the floor of his cabin. but met with a positive refusal." In the meantime Alice discovered the theft of her photograph, and also ascertained that it was in the possession of her Mongolion- suitor. She rebuked him for ' stealing it, and insisted upon his returning it at once. " Ah Gim appeared at the house with a package in his hand. He walked quietly into the sitting-room where were seated Alice and her mother. Stepping up to the table at which Alice sat he placed the package on the table, re marking that those were her pictures. Without deigning to raise her head, the young girl impatiently exclaimed : 'Burn them 1' Goaded to fury by her scornful words, the Chinaman stepped back a few paces, drew a five-shooter from his pocket, aud holding it within about two leet ot Alice, hred. With a wild shriek of terror the young girl sprang away from her chair, and opening one of the doors, started to run, when the China man fired another shot. Apparently neither had inflicted any injury, for the flight of the terrified girl was unim peded. As she ran down the main avenue toward the main road the maniac again dischorged his revolver, fortu nately without effect. " Vinf. rlrvwlatlooa kolioTrinQ I, a Tia3 mortally wounded the girl and indeed her escape was miraculous he returned to the kitchen, and placing the muzzle of his weapon against his head fired his fourth shot into his own brain. The result was instant death, and he fell on the floor with his head close to the door. The coroner summoned a jury in the afternoon, and after viewing the body and taking the girl's testimony, ad journed the inquest until the next day. " The girl s escape from the bullets of the assassin was really wonderful. The first bullet struck her on the left side, but coming in contact with the steel stay of her corset glanced off. The second bullet cut away her apron strings from behind. The third bullet whizzed past her left ear. The girl sus tained no miury, but was, as may be imagined, considerably frightened. Ah Gim was a member of the Ling Xong Company" The Kelsey Case. During the funeral services f Chas. G. Kelsey at Huntington, L. I., the Kev. Mr. Knox came forward to the lec ture. He was very much affected, and his voice was husky with suppressed feeling. He said: Dearly beloved brethren and friends, words are inade quate to express the condition of the publio mind of this place on the sub ject of the fate of the man whose burial service we are now attending. The ques tion, when it does arise, carries another with it: they are synonymous and can not be separated. The question of the life or death of Charles G. Kelsey in volves one of the guilt or innocence of other people, and neither can be asked without exciting violent heart-throbbing and stirring up feelings which are any thing but pleasant. The name of our little village has not only been soiled, but blackened. Where others have de cided regarding the great question I have remained undecided, and the golden balance of Justice is poised on the diamond point of truth. Hope and fear are in me, like two deer met upon a narrow mountain path with antlers locked, and it requires but a breath to dush either down the chasm. I am speaking her to tell of the respect I en tertain for the convictions of those as sembled. I am in favor of law and or der, which should not be outraged. am decidedly opposed to lynch law. There are cases where justice is slow or rather inactive; she is bound hand and foot, and cannot move where it is re sorted to; but this iu not the case in Huntington. All can have their wrongs adjusted and their differences settled in a quiet and peaceable way. I care not by whom the outrage was perform' ed. I denounce him as a disrespector of justice. We have learned a lesson which, if properly taken, is prolifio of advice and warming. When we consul er justice we should also consider the punishment, and if this be done none will be dealt with too severely. I can not believe there is a crime so black or an iniquity so deep but that a flash of boldly spoken truth would lighten and fathom it. I insist that some one knew all of the deed, and could and should if he has any regard for justice, tell all he knows. I would rejoice to know who was the perpetrator or perpetrators of this most foul and villainous crime, for tne suspense is terrible and wearing, The truth must come. If not to you and I, it will be known to all " when their sins shall all be made known.' Killed bt a Fall. Charles A. La mont, a prominent member of the Board of Brokers of New York, fell from a window of his house, and was killed by striking upon the sidewalk. The Saltwcll Disaster. Fifteen Person gared and Fifteen Urea , ,. . The disaster to the Steamer Saltwell. during the Nova Scotia gale, by which fifteen lives wore lost, is thus described: The steamer struck on what proved to be Say Shoals, off Scatary Island. She nnui:a nt luwraus unco umoiou uuc. before sticking fast, striking each time about midships. The water began rush, in immediately after she first struck, and quickly put out the fires. At the first shock tho chief engineer rushed to the engine room, but in a very short made of olive, slate, biue, and myrtle time returned and reported that the green cloths, trimmed with velvet or ship was sinking. All hands below were silk revers, pipings, and cords, and but roused and the boats ordered to be low- tons of steel or pearl colorsd to match ered. Rockets were also fired, in the tho cloth exactly, or else with buttons hope of attracting attention from shore, of oxidized silver beautifully carved. The first boat attempted to be launched The roueh but stylish yak braid is used was the starboard lifeboat. In assisting to get this boat out. the chief engineer, who was standing on the .nil int i. : i i ..ii n. - Kin, 1UD Jim UUlllUCe, IVLL 111LU 111V DC. and perished. Five men got into this boat, but in the confusion at tho mo- ment they cut away the after fall, let- ting the boat drop, stern foremost, while suspended by the bow. The men were washed out and the boat was smashed against the ship. The next boat tried was the starboard cutter. which being on the lee side, was launch- ed without difficulty. Aft attempt was then made to get out the port lifeboat, but it being on the weather side, the effort was difficult and dangerous; yet with strenuous exertions she was safely launched. The remainder of the crew were then distributed in the two boats, A : . ii ' mo limn iMuuci gumg in ciuuga ui nie cutter. The captain took charge of the lifeboat, and gave orders that the two boats should leave together and keep as near as possible to each other. W hen about to leave the ship the Captain looked over the side to apprise moss in tne cutter, dui sue was not to be seen, and has not since been heard of. The probability is that those in charge left at once and got lost among the breakers in making for the light. When the lifeboat got clear of the ship sue was neaded lor J-iouisburg J-iight, oearing about southwest, but after a time this course had to be abandoned. owing to the violent headwind and the heavy sea, the night being intensely dark. We then followed the course of the sea, keeping the boat easy until daylight, when land was seen and the boat was headed for it, but again we were doomed to disappointment, for on nearing the shoro the sea was found to be one mass of huge breakers, through which no boat could pass and live. We had then to pull off shore, and after four hours rowing again saw a light ahead. which we steamed for and succeeded in lauding at Fourche, C. B., where we were cared for by the inhabitants, and next day walked to Sydney. Fifteen of the steamer's crew were lost and fifteen were saved in the lifeboat. The great fire in Havana rendered 2,400 people homeless. A SOVEREIGN BALM Can be found in that great and reliable family medicine ALLEN'S LUNO BALSAM, By the use of which health and happinegi is restored to tnuse amictea wuh any iung or jnroal disease, Cd, Cougm, Atthma, Bronchitis, Consumption. UNSOLICITED EVIDENCE OP ITS MERITS. BEAD THB EOL1.0W1NQ 1 Dr. A. L. BCOVILL is the inventor of several medical preparations which have become very popular, una nave neon uocriviiy.uBcn. Among nis uveituoiis are " nan jaaiwa. r,r inn t,uiitfs " ana etter remedy has been offered to the rmblit. Rend the fallowing letter from Da. BCOVILL referring in 11 ; Mkssks. J. N. Harris A Co. : rnts I make the lollowincr statement from perfect conviction and knowledge of the benefits of ALLEN I LiUNO 11 Al.PAM 111 CUUllg tne DlOlt Oeep- leatei rutminaru (.uniitmuoon nave witnessed ts effects nu the young and the old, and I can truly lav tliat it is bv far the best cxDCctorant remeilv Wltn wnicu 1 am acquainted, r or cougns, nnd all the earlv statfea of Lung ComnUinta. I believe it to be a certain cure, and if every family would keep tt oy tnera. reaoy tu nuiniuiter upon tne nret ap- EeHrance of disease about the Lungs, there wonld e very few casts of fatal consumption. It causes the phlegm and matter to raise without irritating those rielioate organs (the Lungs), and without producing constipation of the bowels. It also gives strongcu to tne system, stops tne nignt-sweats, and changes all the morbid secretions to a healthy state. luuii, xcnpeutiuuy, A. L. BCOVILL. "IT SAVED MT LIFE." Columbia, Ala., March 8, 1373. J. N. Harris ft Co. : Hear Airs I am taking ALfaxn's Luivo B al?ah fr a disease of the Lungs of thirteen years stanoiug. I have used every remedy offered, aud this is the only remedy that has given me any relief. I know it saved my life last spring. At that time I com menced using it. ana received immense reuer. t stopped on my lungs in ten nours. xou are at perfect liberty to publish this letter, for the bene- nt OI sunering numautty, ana wuu.respect, 1 remain, zoura truly, D. D. Fool. Such, mv Buffering friends, are the If ttere receiv ed dailv. and do vou doubt for a moment the effica cy of this valuable medicine. Bein time, and take to your home a bottle of Allen's Luno Balsam. Ton will nnd tn it a glorious prize, ana a uever- tuiuug friend in time of need. CAUTION. Be rot deceived. Call for ALLEN'S LUNO BAL SAM, and take no other. Directions accompany each bottle. 3. N. HARRIS ft CO , Cincinnati, 0.. Pbopbietobi. For sale by all Medicine Dealers. FOR BALI WHOLESALE, BT JOHN F. HENRY, New York. GEO. 0. OODW1N ft CO., Boston. JOHNSON, HOLOWAl ft CO., Philadelphia. THIRTY YEAUV EXPERIENCE OF AN OLD MUSK. Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup la the prescription of one of the best Female Physi cians and Kurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never failing safety and success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble Infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects aciaity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. We believe It to he tho Bes and Surest Remedy In the World tn all eases of DYSENTERY aud DIARRHOEA IN CHIL DREN, whether It arises from Teething or from auy other cause. Full directtonsfor using will ae enmnanv eHch bnttle. None Genuine uuless the fac simile of CURTIS ft PERKINS is eu the cutslda wrapper. gold by all Medicine Dealers. CIIILD11KN OFTEN LOOK PALE AND SICK from bo other causa than having worms In the stomach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Warms without injury to the child, being perfectly WHITE, and free from all coloring or other Injurious Ingredient! usually used in worm preparations. CURTIS c BKOWN, Proprietors, No. a I Fulton Street, Mew York. SrJd lu Bniqqisls and Chemists, ant dealers in Meet tones at twekty-Fivb cektb a box. THB HOUSEHOLD PANACEA. AND Family liniment Is the best remedy In the world for the following complaints, Tit.: Cramps in the Limbs and Stom ach, Pain in the Stomach, Bow. Is or Bid, Rheu matism in all its forms, Bilious Colic, Neuralgia, Chol.ra, Drsent.ry, Colds, Flesh Wounds, Burns, Bora Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains and Bruises, Chills and Fever, For Internal and Ex ternal as. Its operation is net only to roll the patient, but entirely removes th cans of the complaint. 11 penetrates ana pervaaes xne wnoie syBiein. re storing healthy action to all it part, and Quicken- The Household Panacea I purely Veg- Prepared by CUItTIS fc BROWN. No. il Fulton Street, New Tork. For sale by all Druggists. jAciDioa, sin Disiasm, and Affections of th Bladder and Kidneva. kri removed bv Dr. Javue'S Sanative Pill. They produaehealtty secretions of the stomach, liver and other organs of the body, and are ben Aoia4-when ever an alterative or pur- yw.p mpuniii, is refuirea BHAja-iKBaaaaa's Pills are the one remedy that never fails to cure Fever and Ague. The most stubborn eas 1 cured imai.dlauly. This is a lUNIWruMCI, English Walking Jacket The Enchnh walking Jacket again appears in this country, acoording to a iBBUion journal. It umauum warm, rnno - .i nooW Vinlf nn innh think. yCt as soft as camel's-hair, and known ns camel's-hair cloth. It retains its jaunty shape, fitting like a gentleman's CQat with high shoulder seems, double- itreaatea trout, coat coiiar, ana uiree back seams far apart at the waist, with lappets below the waist, but no position pleats. Coat sleeves and pockets with flftpS complete this trim, tidy, and withal masculine-looking jacket. It is for trimming also : sometimes there is n. row of iuch-wide braid, with two narrower ones above, and in other cases .... i l i l .1 : l. me JllCKeu la UlIUUBb UUVeieu Willi iu- tricate design done in fine vak soutache, Dork blue, black, and iron gray cloth jackets are shown closer fitting than the ordinary English saoque, and much loncer : some are longer in front than behind, and have an extra basque pleated on the back, like a riding-habit waist, Blue etos grain bands with a lighter blue cording on the upper edge trim blue cloth jackets prettily ; the buttons are then blue steel or else oxidized uil- yer. When single-breasted jackets are shown, they are usually finished with a sailor collar and a silk ruff. Children's and misses' jackets are shown in pre cisely the same shapes and colors just . .-, , i . ... i noted, noil oeaver ciotu jncnetu mo bordered with beaver or seal-skin fur, and have a fur boa sewed around the neck, with tails hanging in front ; others have the collar and cuffs of seal-skin or beaver fur. Small muffa of cloth are trimmed with fur to match these jackets, The Chaparral Cock. The chaparral cock, or chura, is very common at this season of the year iu California. The latter name originated with the Indians. The chura is about the size of a curl?w, having a topknot and a long tail of beautitul colored feathers. The bird is very useful in gardens, destroying snakes and all kinds of insects. It is the dreaded enemy of the rattlesnake. The manner in which it destroys this dangerous reptile is pe culiar. In the heat of the day, when the snake is asleep, the chura may be seen carrying leaves of the cholla and forming a circle around it. As soon as the circle is complete it throws a leaf upon the sleeping snake and then pa tiently awaits developments. The snake awakes and endeavors to free itself fiom its Bimple, yet secure position. Its ef forts are in vain, and it dies, covered with the prickles of the painful cholla. The chura then devours its delicious aud well-earned food. The above is vouched for by many who have wit nessed the modus operandi. Thechura, when pursued, relies entirely upon its neetness lor escape, it is easily do mesticated, and when properly cooked. is superior to chicken tor eating. Vinegar Bitters the Greatest Tet A few doses stir up the life-current ; sluggishness departs, pain vanishes, and after continued use of the remedy the whole body glows with a new energy and a new being. Purge the blood and every organ will perform its function perfectly. The stomach will be no long- or torturoil Svitli ),vwfii'l t.Vitt lnnrrn will be free from Consumption, the liver active, the heart healthy, the brain clear the nerves braced, and the mind elastic. Use the "Vineoar Bittnrs," and purge your blood. WTiether tho disease be fever, Consumiition, Dyspepsia, Affec tion of the Liver, or Kidneys. Dronsu. vatarrn, uneumatism, (Jour, or nams and aches of any kind, attack it in its stronghold, the blood the fountain of life and it will soon surrender and abandon the outposts. To do . this you must nave tne vinegar hitters ; there is no complaint to which the hu man system is liable, that will not yield to its influence, and there are thousands which do other remedial agent will re move. Com. Young John Morrisev was blown r with powder with which he was playing near Glen Station, N. Y., and seriously injured. The attention of our many readers is called to the attractive advertisement of J. N. Harris & Co., advertising their great and valuable lung remedy, " Al len s Tiung iialsam. This isalsnm has been before the publio for ten years. Notwithstanding this long period, it has never lost one whit of its populari ty, or shown the least sign of becoming unpopular, dui, on tne contrary, the call for ithas been coustantlyincreasing,and at no previous time has the demand been so great, or the quantity made been so large, as at this day. We earnestly recommend its trial by any ono who may bo afflicted with a cough or cold and we warrant it to cure if directions are followed. It is sold by all our city uruggisis. i,om. Flagg s Instant Belief has stood twenty yearn' teat. Is warrauted to give imme. mate relief to all ltlioumatic, Neuralgic, Head, Ear and Back achea.or money refunded. Com, We would not commend the frequent v. bu.iniuii. udo ui mijr uivuiauo, at in nu portaut to take even a Rood article Judiciously. J'anons' Purgative 1'ills are eafe, prompt aud rename an a laxative or catliartic. com. Base ball is undoubtedly good ex erciae and capital amusement, but it often oc canions bunged eyen, broken ehina aud blistered iiaiuiH. e can tell you tnat in all such canes, if Jnhnson't Anodyne Liniment ia resorted to. it will reduce the swelling and stop the pain. vom. Peruvian Syrup contains no alcohol. Avoid the Peril of the Season. Autumn, although th most radiant portion the American year, has it drawback. The heavy evening dew and morning vapor and the great disparity in temperature between night and day, give rise to many painful disturbance of the bowels, such as colic, cholera morbus, diarrhcea and dysentery. The digestive organs are also un favorably affected by the change of season, and dyspeptic generally auffer most severely during the fall. Derangement's of the liver are likewise common, and miasmatic fever prevail in newly- settled district and low-lying and marshy locali ties. These unpleasant contingencies of the soason are not, however, unavoidable. By strengthening, toning and regulating the system with Bostetter' Stomach Bitter even the mot delicate may escape them. At the expiration of summer all the bodily power are in a somewhat exhausted state. They require the wholesome stimulation which this genial vegetable lnvigorant aupplies. Under its renovating influence the nervous energy which the wiltiug heat of July and August had kept iu abeyanee or partially extinguished, crops out afresh j th flaccid muscle) reoover their elastici ty i the appetite take a sharper edge ; the pro cesses of digestion and assimilation beoome mora rapid and perfect ; the spirits rise, and the whole 01 Ion acquires it maximum of activity and resistant power. Even persons ef comparatively feeble eonatttutiona. when thu fortified asainat the perils of the season, will have little cause to fear a visitation from any of the disorders to which we nave referred. As a protection avaius.1 nuas matio fevers and all epidemics engendered br malaria Histetter's Bitters may be Justly pro nounced uot only unrivalled but unapproached. Look well to the label and trade mark, as there ar many counterfeit aud umUUvn iu the market, PwippFn Hands, face, rough fckin. pimples, ring-worm, ealt-rhenm, and other cu taneous affections cured, and the skin made soft and emooth, by using the Jcnipeb Tab Roap, made by Casweli,, Hazard & Co., New York. Be cortain to got the Juniper Tar Soap made by tia, an there are many imitations made witu common tar wiiion are wonmoBs. com. Cristadoho's Excelsior Hair Dtk etanda unrivaled and alone. Its morits have been so universally acknowledged that it would be a supererogation to descant on them any further uothius can beat it. Con. Frank Miller's Harness Oil is the best. OltRAT flKNSATION I Agents Wanted. itxg I'ackage Free. Hetter than G-oirt. Address t imc-f, P. A. Kl L8 ft CO., harlotte. Mich. CANVASSING BOOKS SENT FREE FOR UNDEVELOPED WEST OR. Five Years in the Territories. The onlf romnlete history of thtt vait region be tween the Miasm. inol and the Pacific : Its Resour ces, Climate, Inhabitants, Natural Curiosities, etc. 11 columns nnn eiiKntviiiga .11 tne DcnBry, anus, Feojilo ana uuno-meB ni tne ureat west, rente are selling from 1 ft to Se5 contra a day .and we send a canvassing hook free to ai.y book agent. AdrtreB. stating experience, etc., NATIONAL ITB LlBHlr. CO., rniiaaeipnia, r a TJUSIJiKSS That will make your fortune. XJ Address, UllKA. rUHTAHUK TABI.K IJU 713 Oliver Street, St. Louis, Mo. TJTTCTTV'T?CG Bntorpristnir you tiff and men ambitious to make a successful start In busi jj j j mil k. k ; miuaie-airea men ana wo ness, are offered superior facilities for preparing tnemseives at me wi Rrtfjun-iAn jsubimkbb cul. LEOK. Milwaukee, wis. R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Cures the "Worst Pains ik rnoM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. ' NOT ONE HOUR AFTEa KIADIKO TIt ADVXBTISIMSHT Need any one Suffer with Pain. Radway's Ready Relief is a cure for every Pain. IT WAS THE TinST AXS IB THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY that InBtnntly stops the most encrnciatlnff pnlns. allays Inflnmut ions, ftiul cures Conffestions. wheth er of the Lungs. Stomnch, Bowels, or other gluudl ! or urpmis, oy une hjiijiiuhhimi, IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, n matter how violent or exnrurlntlnff thfc pain tha RHEUMATIC, Bed-ridden, InfUm. Crippled, Ner- ous, xti'uraitftc, or prostratca vmo attease may RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFrORD INSTANT EASE. Inflamatian of thft Kidnevs. Incarnation of the Bladder, innamauon ox tne uoweia, Congestion of the Lungs Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, Croup, Diptheria, Catarrh, Influenza, Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cold Chills, Ague Chills. 6 The application of the RKATVV RELIEF to the part ri:irta wlifie tne nam or uitucultv exists will at turd eae and comfort. Twenty drops m hair a tumbler or water will in a few minutes cure Crumps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Uolie, Win' In the Bowels, and oil Internal Pains. WAY'S REAT1Y RELIEF w ith them. A few drops In water will pre vent sickness or pains from change Trav.'l:frR ennui t nl wnvi carr V a DOMIO 01 KA1 oiwutor. It is better inaiirrencn ur&uuyor div ters us a sutnuiaiu. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AOrE cured for fifty rcntl. There is nut a ri3ip'il:il ntfoiit tn this worm that will cure Fevrrixna Affix, Ann nllrnhor Sliilartons, ButoilB Gai let. Tvj hittd. Y' llmv, mut other Fevers faidco bv R AD WAY'S FILLS) Bj quick as BADWAY'E BEAEY K1.I.1EF. i'.IJt'Tr C'iiKXB J: .tilt iJUXXLiU. HEALTH, BEAUTY, 5TE0!f G AND PTJRE EICH BLOOD-WCBeASE AKD BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION 6E CUflEDTO ALL. OH. RADWAY'S Samnarillian Sesolvent Has made tho most astonishiuar Cures ; bo quick so rapid are tne cuanees tne uoay unaersoes. unaev the Influence of this truly "Wonder ful Medicine, that Every Lay an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen ana Felt. Tho GS-reat Blood Purifier Every dron of tho SATtSAPARTLMAX PESOV WAT ortiiimiitirrt.tPH thrmifjli tho Hlodd. Sweat. Urine, i-Hd other fluids and juices uf the system the vigov of life, for it repairs the- wustcs uf the body wiui new una Bmna materia, eciunua, bipuuib, ConsumiitUui, Chrome DyBp'pBia, oiuuduiar an east-s. fleers in the, throat. Mouth. Tumors, Noil. in till ii.iiii mid oiht-r ii.'uiB oftiiQ sv stein, bore Eyes, Mtruinnrotifl riis bai tfes from the Ears, si d tho woi Bt forms of Skm 0 ibcusi s. Eruptions. e Sores, Hvuld Heart, Tliutf Worm, Salt Rheum, Erys; elaa, Ame, lilaik (Spots, Worms in tho Flesh, 'i mors. Calipers In thu Womb, and all weakening s; painful discharges, Mtrht Sweats, Loss ef Bpei and nil wiis tea uf Din Ufa nrinrinle. ara within t ' curativo rantf' of this Modern Chemistry, cmdaf. w daye' uan will piwve to any person using i"i either of these forms uf diseaso its potent power t- cure mem. if tho patient, cany bceomtncf reaucca wastes and decomnoBition that is conUuiii' - ir'- (fressintf, sneceefis in arresting theso w ,fc,anu rtn;iir tho Bunm with new mnteriti fiae from healthy blood and this the 8ARHAP .iLLIAN will and does secure a cure is certui ..r when once this remedy commences its v : of purification, and succeeds tu diininishiiir c i"Bs of wastes, ita repairs will bn rapid, an .very day the patient willfeol bimsi'lf grow. letter and stronger, tnn food digeuting bet . eppotito improving, and uesn ana weight t ..rising. Kot only does ... c arsaparilmait ResoTjVKWT ex eel all known ...edial aiontf in the cure of Chron ic, Bcrofniutj, Constitutional, aud Skill dilcasuSt uut tt is .lie only positive cuia lor Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Trlnary, and Womb oideaees, Gravel, Diabetes, Dronav. Storinatra oi Water, lncoutinuenceof Urine. Bright's Diseuse, Albuminuria, and in all casta, where there are brick-dust deposits, or the water Is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the whito of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious nonetirance. and white bone-dust deposits, nod when there ie a pricking. Durntng sens itiou wnen passing water, nnu pain li: tne bmuii n me d.-u n una uiootf ne loids. Tumor of 12 Years' Growth Cured hj Eadway s Resolvent PRICE $1-00 PER BOTTLE, DR. RADWAY'S Perfect Purgative aud Regulating Pills perfectly tastrloas, elegantly coated with sweet Kum, purtru, regulate, imrify, cleanse end strength' en. RADWAY'S TILLS, for the euro of alldiBurder rf the Stomach, Liver, BowclB, Kidneys, Jllail:er, KervottB Disease, Htadachc,Consti jmtion. Costive, nefll. Iiiiiiipstlon. IlilioilBliefts. BiliOMB. Typhus and Typhoid Fevers. Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and alj DeranKeinenta or the Internal ViBfera. Warranted to effect a rtcsitive Clirft. Pure ly Ve-Ketublu, containing uo mercury, iniuerMl,or delete rioudrn KB. Observe the following Bymntoms resulting from disorders of the Digetive Organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood In the Head, Acidity of the Stomach. Naueet, Heart-hum. DtHtriifit ofFood. Fullness or Weight iu the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flutter log at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming uf ti e Huad, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Flutterli g at the Heart, Choking or Suflocating Scnsatloi when In a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dct or Webe before the Bight, Fever Bad Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Pereplratton, Yellowness ol the Skin and Eyes. Pain tn (he Side, Chest, Liml s, aud auddeu Flushes of Heat. Buruinff in the Flesh. A few doses of RADWAY'S PILLS will free tbesyt- loin irom all tn above uameu aiaoraers. Pries 23 cent per Box. Sold by Druggists. BEAD 41 FALSE AKB TRFE." Bend one letter tamp to EADWAY CO., Ko. 32 Warren 8t., K. Y. iurormauou worm inouaanae wui db eeut yon. GONSEWnSH Its Cure. WILLSON'S Carbolated Cod Liver Oil Ta a ac.lentlfle. combination of two well-known medi cines. IU the ry i. I rsl to arrest the decay, then build up the system. Physician, flnd the doctrine cor rect. The really startling cure performed by 'Wilt- an,,' mi ... nrnnf . Cxxruollc Add pastUrehJ arrests Decay. It-la th most powerful antiseptic In the known world. Eu trlne into the circulation. It at once BTBODlcs with corruption, and decay ceaae. It purine the sources of disease. Cod Liver OUU Katwe'tbett assistant In reslatlnf Consumption -j Past up In large wedge-ehapeil bottle bearing the Inventor' aiguuturr, aud ia Oia ny UU uvil ki umi. (ivinticu u T. xx. wiUiBon', ii Jglta fttrcct, KW York. I Dr. J. Walker's California Vin egar Bitters ars a purely Vcgctablo preparation, made- chiefly from the na tive herbs found on tho lower ranges of tho Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without tho uso of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked, "What is tho cause of the unparalleled success of Vixesar Bit tkrs?" Our answer is, that they remove the causo of disease, and the patient re covers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of tho world has a medicine been compounded possessing the rcmnrkabla qualities of Vinboar Bitters in healing the sick of every diseaso umn is heir to. They are a gentlo i'urgauvo as wen as a ionic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. The nronertics of Dn. Walker's Vinkoar Bittkhs ore A unriuiit, Diaithorotio, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretio, Sedativo, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera tive, ana Anti-liinous. , It. 11. McUO.V'ALn A. CC.. Dnttrjrisls nmKlen. A-rM., S'in Fr;ineisen. Cnlifirai;i,' and enr. nf Wnshintrtnn nnl (.'hnritnn sts., X. Y. nolil by nil DrusraWt ntitt Dealers. K. Y. N. P.. No. 37 Agents TTrtixtoci. BEND FOR TA1 AT.OGUE. Domestic Sewing Machine Co , N. Y NONPAREIL WrLTj Hmiri - CiriiiitiiiK "If I T T U Alpe, Cntroii-Scert 111 I I jl J. Ten flle, Ill l.liHll. illustrated pamphlets free. AUitress J. bkl'OKHKEK. I'ainetvi lie, oniry Peerless Clothes Wringer. L-. HEYNIOEB & CO., 18 Fulton Street, N. Y AGENTS WANTED JWfil.M nnd Pretoiva Health, by W. Gleaon, M. D. Study and UirlTtinl ynnreolf. 'lermn liticrnl. Cot-1?n porflayi Atfcnti wm.ted I All claisei iJ viU ot old, make mote money at work lor tin in their parw momenta or an tno time inin m anyirmip bibs Particulars free. Address O. BTIN30K tt CO.. Port luid, Me. Thea-Nectar IB A FURB 331tcls 1 UA. Wnn the Green Tea flavor. Tt best Tea Imported. For Ba'e everywhere. And for Bal6 wholesale only by the GREAT ATLANTIC PAC.HC THACO No. lil Fulton Bt. 4 24 Church St., How Vork. P.O. R" ,6,8 fiend for Thea-Nectar Clrenlar. $10 TO $20! I ererywherfl. Particulars fr per dav. Asents wanted L.u.uiatrc uo..ut.L,ouis.B'o r o nnllCH WEEK AGE! ?P a.J If Business legitimate, BACH WEEK AOENTB WANTED rarttu" ir wi. J. WOBTH. St. Iinnls. wo Iron in the Blood THE PKHrVIAN BY 11 UP Vitalize! and KnricheB the lilood. Tones up tho hysU'iiijsiiiiusiipin I nnHVt'll-U'.nwi. vumi 1r emalo . oniolcinw, I trnumv Di'hilitV- II U- I mors, lysK'iaia. ic Thousands havo been, changed by tha use ol this remeoy frum weak, Bicklv, etifferiniTcrvatures, to 6 Iron p, healthy, and happy men and women; and Invalids cannot reasonably heiiitato tofrive It ft tria'. Caution. lie sure you gut the right article, P i ' that "Peruvian Byrup" la blown in the c as. Pamphlets free. Sendforone. ft EX 11 W.KOLii A SONS, Proprietors, lioston, Mass, I'or alo I IrufcKista eenendl v. STRAUB MILL COMPANY MM'IXXATI, O, Miimitaoliirrrsor Poritw Mo 1!il!s,Vll ul. Ob II, sir r-rl,Mill'tiiiiuili) ttii di r-iiniiM-iK, -i-lc licsul tHpiT-runnei'K lor Fni'ii SI f.rrlinilt Worll. Kind lor j'uiujihlul and Trices. Uamiison WliitfliUI Co., llo. 3S Cortlnorlt Ft... N. . "W. and C. Scott & Sons' fine Breech-Loadinir Double Guns I" as furnished to the "Caw Oaw'"lluD of Milwaukee, and others, believed to be the test breech loader now in use. AIbo " Muscle-Loaders,', every variety of style, site ana frtee. ids w ScottA Fons' Now Illustrated Work on Breech-Load-ers," bound in morocco, liScents by mail. Send for irice luts ana circulars 10 nu-uiaM IONS. 13 Fanenil Hall Square Boston. Agents. PKU MONTH, I'IKUll Agenta (mala or female) wanted .rT ' Address, with etamp, J.NO. W. JUtlXbON 4 CO.. Dux 272J. St. Louis, Mo. ii AMERICAN SAWS." EEST IN THE WORLD. MOVABLE-TOOTH ED C lHtXXAUS, PERFORATED CROSS CITS. , Send for Pamnulet to AMERICAN SAW CO., SEW YORK,, A DDKKS8 n. IIUIISE, M. !.. Ho. IC a H.l.l.d Bt. CUicya. biwrtftlly 1 Ten Thmatmmnt or Hkamt UiKA,Ha THE BEST IN THE WORLD anpiiiiwii iMw,wfaMaj VlONrSBWINGlMXtlllNEll mil v - - - j- 1