(Sill fljnuntg giwtafc. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1973. gg-JUL LP . , . Car Time at Mdg-tcn'j. Erlt Express East 2:04 a. m. lo do West 2:39 a. m. do Mail Knst 6:05 p, m. do do West 2:62 ft. m. Benoro Accommodation East 8.55 a. m. do do West 0:25 a. m. elk Lodge, a. y m. The stated meeting of Elk Lolgs, No. 879, are held at their hull, corner of Main and Depot streets, on the second nnd fourth Tuesdays of ench month- D. B. DAY, Sco'y. Hates of Advertising. On column, one year $75 00 1 ' " " 40 00 J ' " ' " 25 00 I 15 00 Transient advertisement rer square of eight lines, one Insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions. $2. Business cards, tcu liues or less, per year $5. Advertisements payable quarterly. The trial list will be published next week. There are twenty-one cases put don for trial. Tax State Fair begins its exhibition on the 30th inst., at Erie, and will continc four days. Hev. Mr. Johns, of Warren will preach at the Court House next Sunday morning and evening. Coukty Commissioners will meet at lhair office in llidgway, on Monday, Nov. 10th, 1873. By order C. II. M'Cauley, Clerk. W were visited by a heavy frost on last Monday night. The frost, in eonie places, remained on the ground until bout 9 o'olock a. m. Notice is hereby given to jurors to b punctual in attendance on court, on Monday moriing, November 3rd. Fhed. Sciioening, Clerk. Thb light tbat oceured on the street in "front of ihe Post OiScc, last Tuesday alternooo, created quite au excitement in that pare of the town. The croic was undoubtedly the victorious party. Last Tuesday two boys of Edwin Paine, while crossing the chuto at Port land, this county, on a board, became cftccy-headcd and ell on the apron of tho dam. Daniel Davidson's boy aged About 13 years, being close behind, jumped in and rescued them before tbey passed over or they would probably i-ith have been drowned, as the water below the dam is about 20 feet deep. AIx. Tuos. Goodwin was severely injured at iiagle Valley last Wednesday. He was working on N. T, Cummings' new bouse, and was sawing off a rafter when the piece he was standing on, gave way, percipitating him ten foet to the floor below, the piece of rafter striking liim ia the face, producing u never: goiih, It is thought he will recover, although Lis wounds are very painful. Last Thursday a son of Daniel Dav. idson, aged about nine years, at Port laud this county, while gathering bur rtemuts, fell from a limb, about IS fee to the ground, breaking his right arm nd mjuiiog himse If severely otherwise vr. i. o. isoraweu set ttie arm but Lis internal kjurics will probably cause his death. Since the above was written the boy lias died and was buried at this place. We would caution all persons against leaviog their produce, merchandise, etc., when (liy would likely be disturbed by domestic) animals. A case of this nature was fully illustrated last Monday eve ning, to the undcscribable disgust of a certain young man, residing not a thousand miles from Grant street, this plaee. The loss was about a bushel of choice apples, that wero captured by talfadozen calves, pasturing in th j lot east of the Hyde House. No insurance. ' Godky's Lady's Book for October is oo .our table and as usual replete with good things. The steel engraving en titled "A Rurai Scene in Autumn;" is unique. The fashion plate and choice misoelUny are as Usual, very good. The proprietor of this exoellent Magazine intends to issue a chromo in the Decem ber number and ono in the January No. Besides each subscriber for 1874 will receive a copy of the magnificent chromo entitled "Trne to Nature," which, is said to be very beautiful. Send 25 cents for a specimen number to L. A. Godey, Philadelphia. The report that the new fifty-cent note hs been counterfeited is without founda tion. A gentleman who supposed he Lad detected such a counterfeit under took to describe the difference to Gen eral Spinner, United States Treasurer, by showing that each genuine note was mirked on the upper margin by the let ter "P" in General Spinner's signature. The lattor immediately produced a sheet of the notes printed iu two columns of seven notes each, and asked the gentle how the two notes at the top could be thus marked. This collapsod the coun terfeit story. General Spinner author izes the offer of $100 for a counterfeit tote of this issue A Cruel (?) Mistake. On last Thursday morning the tica janitors of our school building rang the first or half- past eight bell at 7.S0, thus convulsing the whole village. Many a "pnter-fa- inilias" was seen to funiblb for his far futned timekeeper, to look eager fy and steadfastly into its hue, to bring its face again and again to his ear all the time shaking the watch as a truant child, and wondering if it had at last proved un- faitfhul. Mahrnal I'arrnU whose chil dren were not yet dis uised in brushed hair, scrubbed luce and clean apron, ran about in a phreuzy asking, cross hus bands for excuses to send with the dear ones who were soon to be tardy, and con sulting their near neighbors in regard to clocks. School Directors were seen on the streets very much exercised about some thing (steak for breakfast, perhaps). The Principal of the school thinking that the building was on fire, rushed from his breakfast table like a fugutivo from justice. When cooler all decided that the ringing ui mat bell was very much like the Graphic Balloon Amtcn glim, if welt meant it was poorly exe cuted. Janitors please do not bo so naughty again till about the first of April, and oblige Gerald. GE1TE3AL NOTES. Tin shirt fronts are the. fashion at Nor wich, Conn. An Iowa woman found a live snake coiled abuut the door knob. The yellow fover is raging at Key West and the Dry Tortugas. Twenty thousand dollars are to be ex pended for inproviug the Baltimore ca thedral. A new morning pnper is talkop of in Chicago, under the editorship ol ex-Sen ator Doolittle. The labor troubles in Charleston. S C, have not been quieted, but the strik ers are not successful. A bank cashier in Turner's Falls, Mass , is undar indictment for ballancing his accounts on the Sabbath. An English jury recently returtied a verdict of "Not guilty, but we believe he broke into the house for all that. A man who will deliberately and will fully cheat a printer, ought to bekicked to cteatli by au iniuriatcd saw-buck. A French lady, hearing that a tunnel cost 5,000 yard, importuned her bus- bund to her a dress of t hut material. There is a colored man running lor the Assembly in Hamilton county, O., for the first tiiua iu toe history of that State. Suburban Peorians mistake their new letter carriers for book ageutsaud light ning rod peddlers, and throw .-ilou'iS at them. J3y order of tie Shah, the Grand Vizier, who accompanied his njugesty on his recent vioit to Europe, bus becu scut to prison. Sermonettc is the Illinois title for a short Sunday discourse suited to the hot weather and thinly attended churches of summer. The shade trees of Cleveland. Ohio, in the belief of the JJerad, are falling victims to the coal smoke aud gases which pollute the atmoehpere. A singular epidemio has broken out among the hogs at Salem, Vermont. They refuse to cat, turn a dark red or purple color, and die iu a few hours. The Baltimore Sun gives notice that Maryland will spend no more money on the Chesapeake aud Ohio Canal, and Congress will be asked for a subsidy. Miss Margaret Uenuett, a sister of the late James Gordon Benectt of the New York Herald, died receutly at Huntly, Scotland, in the eightieth year of her age. The track entering the Iloosao tunnel will soon be connected wiih tho main roud, the necessary cut through tbe rocks to the westward being nearly com pleted. Levenworth, Kansas, boasts of a frost on Sunday uight a week ago. At Fair, mount, near Leavenworth, the lrost was so heavy that letters could bo traced on ho fence boards. The periodicals of tho United States, according to the latest estimate dF How ell's Newspaper Reporter, number 5,872 aud those of all the rest of the world ouly 7,712. The droughts in Maine causes lower water iu tho Penobscot river than has been kuown siuce the year 1825, aud tho Kennebeck and other rivors aud streams are also unusually low. The three Ku Kluk captured bv the aid of the Louisville Courier-J turnaCs correspondent escaped soon after thev were locked up. The correspondent says .1 i.e.. . J ma; mey were icii in an open corrouer, The farmers of Missouri are to hold a State Convention at Jefferson City on the 1st of Ootober. The Grangers have already carried the heretofore ltepubli- can couuty or voaoway by a large ma jority. Jack Shepphard, at the City Gardens ran Francisco on the loth inst., huc- ce6stully accomplished the task of walk ing one thousand miles in one thousand hours, lie suffered extremely during tne last portion or the walk. The Temperance society of Leaven worth, Kansas, is trembleina; before the threat of a wholesale liquor dealer, who says tie will bring suit against their president for inducing a certain druggist to resnip a barrel ot whisky. . The British Government has decided on destroying the Ashaotees. Uy D ceniber the troops will be ready to take tne neia. filteen hundred aditional European soldiers will be placed at the bead of the existing force. After the Ashantee army has been defeated a raDid march will be mado upon the Capital Coomassio, which is to be destroyed. Alaska may turn an Artio Eldorado. A. steamer recently arrived at Portland, Oregon, from Sitka, brought two tons of gold quartz. A mine has been discov ered where, it is paid, gold can be picked out with a knife, and placer mines, said to be exceeding rich, are being worked about 225 miles from Fort Wranulo Tho discoverer of all this was himself frozen to death. Some of the course gold, iu pieces worth from $2 to $12, was brought to Portland. If tho mines hold out Alaska will soon have a larger population than Nevada. A Whole Family Married off IN A Day. Application was tmido in the Probate Court, yesterday, for marri age license on behalf of two sisters aud their brother, the daughcrs aud son ol Mr. Henry Yost, of Liberty stteet. Mr. William lioeltgor took out the li cense for Miss Lcuu Yost, and William Tateinau the license to tuurry Miss Liz zie Yost... J. II. Yost, the sou, procurod the third license for his intermarriage with Miss Amelia Broch. The young folks all leave the parental roof tor the hy menial altar on the same day. Tuesday ot this week, on which occasion the trip ratite wedding will bo celebrated. Cin cinnati Commercial, Dth inst. The Boston Traveler tells us that Ontario people are asked to give one cent each towards a statute of Tecumseh. If a fine of one cent were imposed upon the estate of every one who killed tho noble savage, the statute could be had without troubling the Canadians for money. Hew Advertisements. SEGISTEE'S NOTICE. Notice is bareby given that the Fiual accounts of George Null Jr., admistrator of the Estate of George Nulf Sr., late of Hortou Township, Elk county, deceased, has been filed in my Office, aud that the same will be presented at the Orphan's Court of Elk county for confirmation, on the first Monday of November next, be ing the third day. FRED. SCHCENING, n30-t4. Agister. LK COUNTY COURT PKOCLAMA TION. Whereas the Hon. L. V. Wet. more, President Judjje for the Oth Judicial Distriet of Pennsylvania, and Chas. LuliF and J. V. Mouk, Esqs., Associate Judges in Elk county, have issued their precepts to nie directed, for the time of holding of Orphan's Court, Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at Kidgway, for the County of Elk, on the 1st Monday of November, (be ing the 3rd day) 1873, and continue two weeks. Notice is therefore given to the Coroner, Justices of the I'e ice, and Constables in and tor the county of Elk, to appear in their own proper persons, with their rec ords, inquisitions and rcmcuiberanccs, to do those things which of their offices and in their behalf appertain to bo done, aud all witnesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any person or persons are required lo bo then and there attending, mid not lo depart, at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance at Ihe Appointed time, agreeable to notice. 9 Given under my band and neal at the Sheriff's office, in Ridgway, the "5th day o.' September, in t lie year of our Lord on tuuusauu eigne nunureu u u Bvveuiy three. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. TITE VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO want reliable and energctio Agents in this County. The "VICTOR is a Lock-stitch, Shuttle Machine, with Self-setting Needle, best furnished and most perfect Machine offered. An increase of over 500 per cent, on sales of 1872 over 1 b7 1. For Terms &c. Address. VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO., 1227 ChestnutSt., Philadelphia, Pa, h30t5. LIST OF JUKORS. The following is the List of Jurors drawn for the November term ot Court, couimcnciug Monday, November 3rd, 1873 : TRAVERSE JURORS. Benezette Dennis Taylor, William Murray, George Eoglish. lSenzinjrer Nicholas Dewalt, Joseph Lenczel, Fransis Cassidy, Henry Gaus onen, Joseph Fries. Fox. James W. Itosrcrs, Horace Spangenbury, Jeremiah Hewitt, Jutnss 11. Taylor, Joel S. Taylor, David Mere dith, Z. 13. Earley. Highland Wm. J. Stubbs. Ilorton Allen Giles, Adam Kem merer, Harvey Parsons, James Mc Clcllan, J. C. McAllister, J.hn 11. Kelts. Jay Francis J. Spangler, Oliver Dodge, Martin Clover, James Itatenian, Josiah R. Morey, Houston Urnwnlee. Jones Johu Kleissath, John Kitt- ner, Charles Paul, C. A. Paiue. Kidgway W. S. Hamblen, J. K. Wbitmore, John Van Orsdall, Kobert Warner, W. C. Geary, 0. W. Uarrett, James Hickard, 11, K. Eubody, &.buer Malen. St. Mary's 13oro' Edward E. Mo Bride, John li. Alilis, John Hmmett, Philip Wilhelm, Micheal felibich, Will iam Gics. Spring Creek George Saxton, J. U. Tiice, D. K. Moore. GRAND JURORS. Beuezette Mirty Hays, (Blacksmith") John Emery, Win. F. Waiuwright, W. D. Dellaas. Benziuger George Nissel, Lawrence Gahr. Fox George B. Taylor, Audrew Howe. Ilorton N. M. Brockway, S. A. Olmstcad. Jay John Hess, Wm. P. Luce. Jones R. W. Brown, Michael Dill. Uidtrway. C. E.Beman, Geo. Blanc hard, D. D. Cook, Horace Little, Adam Gower, John E. Mooie, II. 8. Thayer. St. Mary's Boro' C. 11. Sexton, Thomas Zimmett. Spring Creek. Taylor Rhius. 4 LIST OF JURORS. The following is the List of Jurors drawn for the November term of Court, commencing Monday, Nov. 10th, 1673 : (SECOND WEEK.) Benezette Isaiah Ilollicsworth, Ellis Lewis, II 1) Perr. Benzinger John Teitncr, Joseph Young, Geogo Vr'Ut Michael Lawler, CIiui-Ims Schneider, Georgo Seller. Fox Michael Gillen P W Hays Reesninn Meredith John Malniia U T Kyler Jeremiah Sullivan Henry M Gross Ralph Bell Adolph Timm. Hortou Wm Bennett Fred Ray winkle Joel Taylor Stephen Fox Henry Reedy Jay Barley Wheeler Wm B Hew itt Benjamin Rrowulee. Jones Theodore Cook Issao Keeler Johu Crawer. Millstone William Kelley Adam Zimmermann. Bidgway Geo W Unities Horace Watner llemy Wilsou C Holiday S W Miles Johu Cassiley W II Sc!iran. Amos B Wheeler J L t-uinmins Pat rick Dailey Edward Derby. St. Mary's Boro' F X llabcrbush J B Butscli Joseph Wiufclder Edward Bubel Louis Volimer. rpo THE UTiZKNS OF PENNSVL JL VANIA. Your attention is specially invited to the fact tb t the National llankx arc now prepar ?d to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the Centennial Eoard of Finance The funds realized from this source are lo be employed in the ereo tion of the buildings for Ihe International Exhibition, and tho expenses connected with the same. It is confidently believed that the Keystone State will be represented by the name of every citizen olive to patri otic colnmemoi'iit ion of Ihe one hundredth birth-day of the nalinu. Tho shares of stock are offered for J 10 each, and sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of t-tock, suitable for framing and preservation a a national memorial. Interest at Ihe rate of six per o Jnt. per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment lo January 1, 1870, Subscribers who are not near ji National Bank can remit a check or post office order lo the undersigned. FUED'li I'KALEY, Treasurer. 90 i Walnut St., Philadelphia. WANTED men & womeu BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY from $4 to $8 per day, can bo pursued in your own Leigliborhaud: it is a rare chance for those out of employment or having leisure time; girls and boys frequently do as well as men. Particulars free. Address J. LATHAM & CO.. 202 Washington St.; Boston, Mass. n28t6. I. N. ARNOLD, Solicitor of PATENTScuSf.,,, V ASHINUTON. I). 0. Makes examina tions id the Patent Office to ascertain the patentability of inventions for !?10. A majority of cases are now rejected, being anticipated by existing patents loss to ap plicant usually about $60, often more. After making the preliminary examination I charge no fee unless 1 secure a patent. II. W. BllKLSFOltD, Anorney ud Counselor at Law And Solicitor of LAUD PATENTS. Office, 1332 F St., Post Office Boxt71 Washington, D. C Practices before a'.l the Courts of the United States and the Executive Departments. Sp cial attention given to Claims under the ction of Public Lands by Cash. War rants. AgriculturalCollege Script, l're.euip.ion or Homestead, and lo Claims for MINKUAL LANDS. U. S. MARSHAL'S OFriCE, ) W. D. of Pennsylvania, 1 Pittsburgh. August 28, 1873. J THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE: That on the 23d day of August A. D. 1873 a War rant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of L.C. I10KTON&E. J. MILLER co partners and individuals of Kidgway iu the County of Elk and Stale of Pennsylvania, who have been adjudged Bankrupts on their own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any properly belong, ing to such Bankrupts u them or for their uso and Ihe transfer of any property by them is forbidden by law; that a Meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupts, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of their Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Eyde House in Kidgway, Elk Co., Penu'a. before S. E: WOODRUFF Esq., Register, on ihe 80th day of September A D 1873 at 8 o clock a. m. JOHN HALL, U S Marshal for said District n27t5 P. W. HAYS, DKALEb. IS Dry Goods, Notions, Grcceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Ettrtey I. O. vlu-17tf. KDW'D J. EVAN8 & CO., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, YOHK, PENN'A "'Catalogues Mailed to ApplicantBfl Refer (by permission) to Hon, J. S, Black, Washington, D. C. Weiskk, Son & Cabl, Bankers, York, Pa. 2-6mv. i MAIL. 28 CENTS 4GEO.RRQWEmrCO b PARK WOW I Tnewyork ADVERTISE FRED. SCHOENING & CO. Law, Commercial, Book, and Stationers. JlIDG WA Y, ELK CO., DKALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID AND COPYING INK. LEAD TENCILS OF ALL. KIMDS AND TRICES. Estcrbrook'M Celebrated Siccl . Peust ihe licst Jtladc. All Kindb of Job Printing done in the Rust Stylo and at Low Prices. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN- VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN ANY QUANTITY. Milt mmi Ma-Ww.yMPMB3Wr i iinn mnn POWELL & KIME. A MAMMOTH STOCK I firmly believing lint the world moves, and' t!i ut lie demands of the public are con stantly inereasint, the proprietors of (he (Brand Gjtntyal JtorLe have just returned from tho eastern and western cities with the most periect and complete stock of MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. You cannot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do not keep, and they have absolutely BROKEN THE BACKBONE of bigh prices. They buy for cash and SELL FOR CASH I CHEAPER THAN TnE CHEAPEST ! Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. Worth and Beauty. WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE AKD THI CUHOMO YO SEMITE! Having control of the magnificent OIL CHKOMO, TO SEMITE, we are able to otl'cr a combination of literary and artis tic work ot genuine value, and at prices un precedented. This fine copy of a piece of Nature's graudest work, is not presented in t lie us ual limited style. its dimensions, llx'JO. muking a picture of very desirable size, in itself AN ORNAMENT TO THE KOOM graced by its presence. But :ew copies of this beftiful- Chromo will bn allowed to go to lue retail stores, and those will be sold at tbeir Actual Retail Puio, $6.00, while if ordered in connection with our Magazine, boiu will be furnished lor $1.50. As Premium the pioture may be obtain ed by sending us two subscriptions for tbe Maguzine at $1.00. eaeh, or by subscribing lor the Magazine two years iu advanee, at $1.00 per annum, Address, WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE, Newburgh, N. Y. and General Jot Printers, rTICA (Fobmxslx Wood ft Uaxh.) q STATIONARY & PORTABLE ' Steam Engines. The Best & Most Complete Assortment in the Market. , TTheae Bngtaea hiwe oIwats maintained the very Ughest standard of excellence. We make the manufacture of Engines, Boilers and Saw Mills a specialty. We have the largest and most complete mirks of the kind in the country, with machinery peoially adapted to the work. We keep constantly in process largo numbers of Engines, which we furnish at the very lowest prices and on the shortest notice. We build Engines erpedally adapted to Mines, Saw Mills, Urist Mills, Tanneries, Cotton Gins, Threshers and all clauses Of manufacturing. We are now building the oclebrated Lane Circa lar Baw Mill, the best and most complete saw mill ever invented. We make top manufacture of Saw Mill ontflte a pedal feature of our business, and oan furnish complete on the shortest notice. Our aim in all eases is to furnish the best ma fthinery in the market, and work absolutely nn- KJU&lMfnrfei'orWiKT.'" iWttBWBlnju. tiend for Circular and Price List. . UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. DA&USCAEONBA KAILF.OAD. From and nf er Mondny. Feb. 61I1 18":'. Plains will run on this KuuJ as follows. Leaves Earley 7 3C a in., arrives at DaUaCuhoiidu Junction 8 10 u. m , con ncctin;; with Accum cast S 14 a. in., und with Mail wtst ut 0 15 u. ni. Leures Puuscahunda at 9 20 a. in. arrives at Karley 10 00 a. in. Leaves Earley 3 30 p. ui., and arrives at Ibgus cahouda at 5 00 p. in., connecting with Mail ea-it at 5 09 p, m, and Acconimo lution west at 5 40 p. in. In case P. & lv traius are late, Dugus ealionda train holds twenty minutes be yond the abovo lime. Tickets should always be procured before leaving stations. C K. EA.ULEV, Lew. !l U NEW, FHESII, AND SPARKLING! THE CLUSTER A NEW MUSIC BOOK FOR THE USE OF CONVENTIONS, SINGING CLASSES, CllUUCH CHOIRS, AND THE HOME CIRCLE. THE CLUSTER By S. WESLEY MARTIN, J. M. ST1LLMAN, AND T. MARTIN TOWNE. Price, $13.50 per Dos. Single Copies sent, post-paid, $1.0. Address. J. L. TETEHS, C09 Broadwuy, New York. FOR SCHOOLS. Fairy Voices A NEW SI.'aiNG-CH8 BOOK, COMPILED AND ABRANOED BY WILLTAM DKESSLER. Price. $6 per Dot. Single Copies sent, post-paid, lor to cents. Address, J. L PETERS, 6'J'J Broadway, New York. The Song JKcho The Popular Singing-School Book BY II. S. PERKINS. Price, $7.50 per Mot. Single Copie sent, postpaid, tor to cents. Address, J. L. PETERS, ili.il 593 Kroudway, New York. HKI1 RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Philadelphia t Erie R. R. Division. . WINTER TIMK TABLE, ON and ftftor SUNDAY, JULY 20 1878, die truins on tlio 1'liilmioipliia trie lUilroiidwillruiiaa follows: WKKTWA1UI. trie .Mull leaves rt.ili.dclplila-1 1.65 p.m. Hciiovo 11. 05 p. in. St.. Mmy .... li.'JO p. in. Kidgway 2.0S p. ni. arrive al wn. ...... P- m' Erie Ll leaves l,biludelpbia...ia.40 p. m jtenuvo .11.16 p. in. St. Mary's... 2.10 a.m. i Kidgway ii.SU a. m it it arrive at Erie -7.46 a. m. Niagara fcx. leaves Philadelphia 7.0 a. m. t, t. .. Kenovo 3.60 p. in. i it it Kiuporiuiu.. o,2a p. ni. " arr at Niagara Falls 11.45 p. m. Accomodation, loaves t!enova,...2.10 p. m i. tit. Mary's 5.07 p. m. t Hidgwiiy,..6. 25p. ut. it err at Kune 7. BO p. tu. BASTWAKI). trie Mall leaves Kric 11.30 a. ra. i it ! Kidgway 6.06 p. m. it ii ti ! Mary's ... b.8'6 p. ni. i it ti Kenovo SI. 06 p. ru. arrive at i'hilad'a... 7.10 a. in. Erie Express leaves Kne - 0.05 p. m. it ii f idgway... 'Z.Vi a. m. i ii St. Mmy ... 2.8 a. m. ii Kenvo 6.25 a. ni, " ar'al Philadelphia.. U.30 p. m. Ningaiv Ex. leaves Niagara Falls 7.15 p. m. i. Emporium- 1.10 p. m. it it ii Kcnovo 3.10 p. ru, ' nn at l'Hlndelpliiii 12.1!0 a. ru. Accomodaliou, leave Kane 7.55 a. in. Kidgway... t.05 a. in. Ji S;. iljiiy's 11.24 a. m. arr at Kcnovo 12.30p.m. Mnil East connects east and west at Erie wiih h 8 M S 11 W and at (Joiry and Ir viuetou with Oil Creek and Allegheny K It W. Mail Weft with east and went trains on L S & M S U W and at lrviiielon with Oil Creek and Allegheny R K W. Warren Accommodation Eust and West with trains on L. S. & M. S. K. W. east and west and at Corry with O. C. & A. U. R. W. Frie AccominodstinnKast at Corry anil WeetntOrty and Irviutlon with 0. C- d; A. 11. K. W. Eluiira Mail and Niagara Impress mftke close connections at V illiameport with N 0 .1 IV trains north and south. WM. A. BALDWIN. Oeu'l Sup't. OK AX I) OPENING Slimmer Arrangement BUFFALO, NEW YORK AND PII I L A D E LP II f A R A I LWAY. Timo Talile adopted .SUNDAY, August 10, 1873. Tiains licnurt from and arrive at he Buffalo, New Voile & Philadelphia Railway depot, corner of Exchange anl Louisiana streets. ON AND AFTER AUG. 10, 1873. UN TIL further notice, Trains will run as follows: LEAVING iiutiAbU fi:15 a. m. Local Freight and passenger. arriving at Emporium at 5.00 p. m n:3U a in l'hilailelnlna and Baltimore Express Arri ling at Emporium at 12:45 m., stopping only at Last Aurora, Ar cade, Frankhnville, Olcan and Port Alle gheny. 11:20 a nr Local rreigut Arriving at Pjrt i. cg.my nt 9:00 p. m. li:2U p m N.ght hxpress Arriving a Emporium at 12:45 a in. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 2:40 a oi Night Express Arriving at Buffalo at 8:20 a iu. 3.10 a. m. Local Freight and Passenger Arriving al Buffalo at 2.35 p. ra. 5:24 p m Niagara Express Arriving at Buffalo at 0:45 p in., stopping only at Port Allegany, Ulenn, t ranklinville, Arcade and East Aurora. LEAVE PORT ALLEGENY. 10 8.' .m, Local Freight and pa set ger arriving at Buffalo at 7.50 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Buffalo at 10.00 a. m., arriving at Olean at 1.15 p. m. Leave ISnnalo at 0:20 p m.: Right Ex press , arriving at Emporium at 12:45 p m. Leave Ulean at 2.4a p. m , arriving al Buffalo at 8.00 p. m. Leave Emporium at 2:40 a m.; TSigtit Lx- preBs, arriving at Buffalo at 8:20 a m. Ticket Offices. Buffalo Omnibus Line running from all trains. H. L. LYMAN, Gen'l Tass Ag'U J. D. YEOMAN'S, Superintendent. NEW TIME TABLE. Comm encing July 7th, 187H. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS BURGH AND POINTS ON THE PHI L'A. & ERIE R. R. OOINQ SOUTH. Buffalo Express leaves Corry at 11 00 a m Leaves Irvineton, 6 60 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 8 45 p m Night Express Leaves Irvineton, 5 25pm Night Express leaves Corry 6 60 p m Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 25 am Day Lxpress leaves Corry B 16 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 05 p m Oil City Acoora. leaves Corry 4 80 pm Arrives at israay s uena v So p m QOlMO NORTH. Bffalo Express leaves Pittsburg at 7 60 an Arrives at Corry 6 08 p m " " Irvineton 7 10 p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 9 60pm Arrives at Corry 8 60 a m t Irvineton 11 55 a m Day Express leaves Pittsburgh 12 10 p m Arrives at Corry 10 45 pm Oil City Aooom. leaves B. Bend 6 50 a m Arrives at Oil City 12 20 p m Connections made at Corry and Irvine- tou for points on the Oil Creek and the Allegheny Valley Kail Road. Pullman Pallace Drawing Room Sleep. ing Cars on Night Exprees Trains between Corry and fittsburgb. Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley R. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. SupL JOB PRINTING. Cards, Billheads, Letterheads, Note hedd, Tags, Envelopes, etc, neatly printed at the ADVOCATE office, CourtHeou'a, Ridgway, Pa.