The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 11, 1873, Image 2
(Klh djourtln gukotte Henry A. Parsons, Jr. Editor THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 187S. Republican State Ticket. For J udge of the Supreme Court. HON. ISAAC 0. GORDON, OF JEEFER86N COVNTY. For Stat Treasurer, HON. R. W. MACKEY, Of ALLEGHIHT COUNTY. GENERAL NOTES. Mrs. Walworth has returned to Sara toga. Miss Anna Ditkenson has gone to Colorado. The flhampion postal card writer of Charleston, S. C, has mob. 2 014 words- Davenport, Iowa, has had four fatal cases of Asiatic cholera in one day. In the past ten days there have been ten deaths from cholera in Pittsfield, 111- The grasshoppers are becoming a fear ful scourge in Nebraska and Kansas. The statisticts of the chewing gum makers show that Indiana chews five times as much gum as Michigan. The fcalp of a Modoe warrior killed n the lava beds, recntly came through be mail to a man at Brattleboro, Vt. J. C. Cloud, the oarman, arrive at Cincinnati on Saturday, on his way to New Orleans. P. T. Barnum sailed Saturday in the steamship Scotia for Europe and the Vienna exhibition. Warren, Iowa, pretends to have a woman who weighs 753 pounds, united to a 518 pound husband. A new steamship line, under the American flag, is to bo established be tween New York and Venezuela. Gratz Brown is in good health and looks remarkable well. He hasn't tasted a watermelon this season. Helen Josephine Mansfield Lawlor is under medical treatment at Paris for cancer, whioh threatens her life. The grange movement takes with the women. They love to be "Patrons of Husbandry." Olive Logan doesn't believe that one mairied couple out of twenty have any love for each other. Letter carriers state that young ladies generally write "Private" on the cor uers of their postal cards. Mrs. John fteill, of Savannah, and thirteen children, including four pairs of tffina, were lately at Saratoga Springs. An Omaha girl introduced a romaotio mode of snicide. She stuffed her lover's letters down her throat until she suffo cated. The first woman in this oouoiry ap pointed to fill the office of Deputp Col lector is a Mrs. Dr. Moody, of Greens burg, Ind. TheJoliet (111.) Methodist Episcoal Conference has voted itself williog to li cense Mrs. Jennio E. Willing to preach the Gospel. A few days ago a man run entirely naked from Middlctown to Ilighspire, a distance of several miles. lie said he was running for a suit of clothes. News is scarce in Minnesota. In the effort to present something fresh, a Lanesburgh paper has found it neces sary to publish thejep .Commandments. The farmers of Illinois propose to cut down the ealeries of oonuty officers to figures proportionate to what is paid for similar services in private life, and save the State $250,000 The large supplies of Austrian tin now coming into the Eurepeaa markets are reported to be seriously affecting the English tin mining interests. A man on his way to the Columbus State prison passed himself off as a mem ber of the Ohio Constitutional Conven tion, and came near makiDg his escape. A Texas paper keeps the oonmand raents, in type at the head of ite editor ial page, and the united Congressional delegation of the State are trying to crush the sheet. There is a singular natural curiosity in Sadawga Pond, in Whittngham, Vt., consisting of 150 aores of land floatm on the surface of the water. The tract is oovered with cranberries, and there are trees fifteen feet high. When the water is raised or lowered at the dam of the pond, the island rises and falls with it. It affords a fine shelter for fish, large numbers of which are caught by boring a hole and fishing down through, as through the ice in winter. Active steps are being taken in Phila delphia for the esrablishment of a zoolog ical garden in Fairmouot Park. Eighty five thousand dollars have been sub scribed thus far toward this end, and a number of liberal citizens will contrib ute $25,000 when the fund shall have reached $125,000. The Pres$ predicts that before 1876 Philabelphia will have the greatest free zoological garden on tho continent. It is rather late in the year to record celebrations of the last Fourth of July, yet it is nd trivial matter to knew that our national anniversity was celebrated in Chinese waters by thunder of cannon and flying of bunting, not only by the United Slates ships in those distant seas but by all vessels of war from England and Rusbia. France and Holland alike, which were near the crafts manned by our countrymen. This tribute Jo Ainer ean Influence as a nation among all the peoples of the earth roust be gratifying to every patriotic heart. The handponiest thing in shawls is a pretty girl. Savannah, Ga.( has a fetualo street car conductor. Our navy has fourtem admirals and twenty-five commodores. Lancaster, N: II.. reports the first frost of the season on Aug. 17, The Rev. Newrasn Hall is now peti tioning for a divorce from his wife. New discoveries of lead have been made near Baxter Springs, Kansas. The chinch bugs have attacked the fields of corn in some parts of Wiscon sin. The man who wrote, ''I'm saddest when I sing," was foolish it he sang much. The Centrial Pacifio Railroad Com pany uses 90,000 tons of coal every month. The subsidired iron interest of Amer ican employs altogether only 137,545 persons. Destructive forest-fires have lately been raging in the woods of Noithen Michigan. The largest farm in England, com prising 8,000 acres, is owned and man aged by an American. Mrs. Samuel Six-Shootcr Colt's in come is six hundred dollars per day, and sno can't spend halt ot it, There are 4,000 slaves at Quiloa, East Alrica, offered at from hah a dollar to $3 each without finding a purchaser Pennsylvania, next to Connecticut, raisesthe finest tobacco for smoking pur poses produced in the United btates The Grand Union Hotel at Saratogo Springs, which is owned by Alexander T. Stewart, is the largest iu the world, Walter Trumbull, son of the Senator, has entered the journalistic list, and is now engaged as an editoiial writer on the New York Sun "Stamps" is the name of the editor of a North Carolina paper. lie who finches from him his good Dame com mits a larceny indeed. Cahironians are drying grapes into raisins with success. One hundred pounds of grapes worth a dollar will pro duce twenty pounds of raisins worth $2.50. A young man at work near Indianola, Iowa, stood on a straw stach and boasted that he could turn a triple somersault in reaching the ground, lie made the at tempt aud broke his neck. Ninety railroad accidents occured in this country during last month. Ihesc occurances caused the death of eighteen and the injury of one hundred and nine teen persons. Catclessuess and incom petency somewhere Reports from Columbus, Nev., do not speak well tor the prospect of the town The population is estimated at 250, of which 150 are professional ramblers, nicy laooring men, working at 81 per day, and tatty dead-brokes who live on what they can beg of thoso who have money. "Eli Perkins" writes that Dan Marks a veteran baggage smasher, experienced religion at Round Lake, N. Y., and has since confessed in open meeting that he had smashed 812,000,000 worth of trunks in twelve years, and had been too sick a good deal of ot the time to attend personally to the business A young man in Galveston, Texas, by birth a German of noble fomily, but who had gradually grown so poor as to have become a helper in the kitchen of an in fenor hotel was recently convicted of stealing. He begged that he might be sent to the penitentiary, where he would bo taught a trade by which he might earn his living, which was accordingly done. The lady who tapped her husband gently with a tau at a party the other ' night, and said, "Love, it's growing late, I think we had better go home," is the same one who after getting home shook the rolling pin under bis nose and said, "you mean old scoundrel you, if you ever look at that mean, nasty, oalico faced, mackerel-eyed thing that you looked at to-night, I'll burst your head opeu One of tbe mcst atrocious instances of "stealing the livery of Heaven to serve tbe Devil in" has come to light in Green wich, Conn. A burglar who has been opperating pretty boldly in that village was caught tbe other night and was found to be "Rev. Dr. John Moore." who had been edifying the good people with leotures on "Science and the Bible," and who preached last Sunday from the text, "Go ye about ana do good. The Voice of the Frog. In th Bible it is recorded that "Aaron strech ed out his hand over tho waters of Egypt ; and the frog came up and cov ered the land ot jt,i;ypt; I here was a gimilur occurrence in Cass county, Indi ana, the other day. The Lojransport Star Mates the event and vouches for its truth. For some davs past the weather had been dry, and the ponds on the prairie failed in water. Tho turtles and frogs that had been living in the vi cioity of one of those stood it for a day or two, but it finally became "too dry for frog endurence, and they dicided to migrate. The nearest pond that coo tained water was three miles distant, and to this turtles and frogs started in sol earn procession the turtles in advance. sagaciously piloting the wav, and the frogs bringing up the rear with their deep bass and blirill tenor cries : "Go it, go it ;" "water, water." The procesBh n stretched out over the prairie a quarter of a mile wide and three quarters of a mile long, and steadily marched on t) the eon!, when such a rol!o'iig scene as ensued can better be inagined than de scribe!. It may be modestly added that this is but another illustration of the genuine spirit of energy aui enterprise pi evaded the Hoosier State, and iu which Hoosier frogs tally one. The clectiousin California on '.Tuesday hinged mainly on the opposition to rail way monopoly, Instead ol bein;.' dis contented with the height rates, tie Cal ifornians find their special grievance in the high rates of passenger fare, and mean to vote against the railroad inter ests. A comparison of the rotes with those in voguo East show that while from San Franoisco to San Jose the dis tance is only fifty miles, the fare is $2, and 50 cents extra if a ticket be bought on the cars. To Sacramento distant 133 miles on one road, and 81 miles on the other, the fare is $4.5C. To Ogden, 881 miles, the fare is $50, all the fares be ing payable in gold coin. In the East, from New York to Albany, distance 145 miles, the fare is f3.SU; to Chicago, 061 miles. $18 50. Though these rates may probably be warranted by the dif ferent circumstances in cost ot construc tion, densencss of population through which the respective roads run, etc, yet anti-railroad is the fashionable war cry, and through ehorts to bring down freight charges at the East and passage fares at the West the threatened rail road crusade may eventuate in a great national party, which, if it absorbs the acrimony that characteiizes present po litical partizan zeal will not bo wholy without good. It is said that tho Nebraska Indians are allowed to ride on all trains they can jump on while tbe latter arc iu motion. The tribe is being reduced very rapidly. This is by all odds the most effective and economicle system ot dead-heading on record. New Advertisements. JOHN AV. FRAZEE, Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor of PATENTS AND CLAIMS, Speciality of PATENT cases. Office, 909 7th ST., WASHINGTON, D. C. Refers bv rermisHinn frt tlnn. TTpnrw T). Cooke, Governor of the Di9t., of Columbia. WANTED Wo will give men & women BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY from $4 to $8 per day, con be pursued in your own Leiguborheod; it is a rare chance lor those out of employment or having leisure time; girls and boys frequently do as well as men. Particulars free. Address J. LATHAM & CO., 292 Washington St.; Boston, Mass. n28te. I. N. ARNOLD, Solicitor of PATENTSc-iKV WASHINGTON. D. (J. Makes examina tions in the Patent Office to ascertain the patentability of inventions for $10. A majority of cases are now rejected, being anticipated by existing patents less to ap plicant usually about $50, often more. After making the preliminary examination I charge no fee unless I secure a patent. II. W. DUELS FORI), Attorney and Counselor at Law And Solicitor of LAND PATENTS. Office, 1332 F St., Post Oilice DoxJ171 Washington, I). C. Practices before n'.l tho Courts cf the United Slates and tho Executive Departments. Special attention given to Claims under the locution of Public Lands by Cash. War rants. Agricultural College Script, Preemption or Homestead, and lo Claims tor MINERAL LANDS. U. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, 'ICE, -) in. 1873. J W. D. of PcnLsylvani Pittsburgh, August 28, 18 11113 IB TU lilV bUTlCb: That on the 23d day of August A. D. 1873 a War rant in bankruptcy was issucu against the cstateofL.C. I10RTON & E.J. MILLER co partners and individuals of Ridgway iu the County of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, who have been adjudged bankrupts ou their own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any properly belong ing lo such Bankrupts to tbein or for their ueo and the transfer of any property by them is forbidden by law: that a Meeting of the Creditors of the faid Bankrupts, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of their Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to he lioldeu at the Hyde House iu Ridgway. Elk Co., Penn'a. before S. E: WOODRUFF Esq., Register, on the 80th day of September A D 1873 at 8 o'clock a. in, JOHN HALL, U S Marshal for said District. n27to P. W. HAYS, DLALKfc IN Eiy Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. MlarHy I O. vln47tf. Kdw'd J. Evans & Co , NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, VOKK, 1'KNN'a fiSr"Catalogucs01ailcd lo Applicant s-XSifl Refer (by permission) to Hon, J. S, Black, Washington, D. C. Wkiskk, Son & Caul, Bankers, York, Pa. 2-timv. ADVERTISE BY WAIL 26 CENTS 41. PARK ROW NEW YORK K5 4 the V CvA NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, AND HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Toos, Lumbermens Tools. In fact everything usually kept iu a first-class Hardware Store. ft FIRST-SUSS TIN SHOP, Employing none but first-class Workmen and nothing but first class material used. OPPOSITE THE COURT W- S- -tf. i F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO JAMES.II- HAGERTY Main Street, Eidgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ROOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILIAJW-WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Slock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS ot FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as tho CHEAPEST. JAMES II. HAGERTY. GIVEN AWAY. A Fine German Chromo. WE SEND AN ELKOANT CHROMO, MOUNTED AMU HEADY FOB FRAMING, FREE TO KVEBY AUE.NT TOB, Underground OR, LIFE BELOW THE SURFACE BY T1IOS. W. KSOX. 942 Pages Octavo. 130 Fine Engravings. Relates Incidets anil Accidents beyond the Light of Day ; Startling Adventures in all parts of the World ; Mines and Mode of Working them : Uudencurrenis of Society ; Gainb'ing and its Horrors; Caverns and iheir Mysteries; The Dark Ways of Wick edness; Prisons and their Secrets; Down in the Depths of the Sea ; Slrango Stories of the Detection of Crime. The book treats of experiences with brigands; nights in opium dens and gamb ling hells; Life in prison ; Storiee of exiles; adventures among Indians ; journcyB through Sewers imp Catacombs; accidents in mines; pirates and piracy ; tortures of the inquesions ; wonderful burglars; un do world of the great cileis, tea., eto. for this work. Exclusive territory given. Agents can make $100 a week in se in I his book. Send for circulars and terms to agents. J. Ii. It ii i r & Hyde, HARTFORD, CONN., oa CHICAGO, ILL. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Lulir, J V, Houk. Distriot Attorney J. K. P. Hail. Sheriff D. C. Oyster. Prothonotbry j-o., Fred. Schouning. Treasurer C. K. Earley. County Superintendent Rufus Lucore. Commissioners Robt. Campbell, John Barr, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George D. Messenger, and O, W. Barrett. County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissi tners. Joseph Keruer and Charles Mead. HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. SERVICE & CO- SEND FOR CATALOGUES OF Novello's Cheap Music. Novello's Glees, Part Songs, etc., 6 to 12 cents. Novello's Church Music, b to 12 cents. Novello's Octavo Edition of Operas. Price $1; or $2, bound in cloth, gilt edges. Novello's Octavo Edition of Gratorios. Tu paper from 00 cents to $1; cloth with gilt edges, $1 te $2 each. Novello's Cheap 'Editions OF PIANO- FORTE CLASSICS. Bach's 48 Preludes and Fugues. Cloth, $5 00. Beethoven's 8S Sonatas. Elegantly ounJ. run gilt 5o uu. Bccthoveu's 34 Piano Pieces. Elegantly bound. Full gilt, $3 00. Chopin's Valses. Stiif papcrcovcrs. 1 f0 Chopin's Polonaises ' 2 00 Chopin's Nocturnes " 2 00 Chopin's Mazurkas " " 2 00 Chopin's Ballads " " 2 00 Chopin's Preludes " 2 CO Chopin's Sonatas " " 2 00 Mendelssohn's Complete Piano Works. Elegaut Folio Edition. Full gilt. Com- pieto in 4 volumes $20 00 The Same 8vo. Full gilt. Complete in 4 volumes 9 14 UO The Same. 8vo. Puper. Complete iu 4 volumes $10 00. Mendelssohn's Sungs Without Words. Folio Edition. Full gilt $0 50. Octavo Edition. Full gilt 3 60. Octavo Edition. Paper covers 2 50. Mozart's 18 Souatas. Elegantly bouud. i ull gilt 3 00. Schubert's 10 Sonatas. Elegantly bound. Full gilt. 3 00. Schuber's Dances. Complete. Elegantly uouna. t un gut -j uu. Schubert's Piano Pieces. Elegan'.ly UOUUd t un gut -J. uu. Sobuniaun's Forest Scenes. Nine Easy V lecas. 1'aper covers oU cents. Schuniauu's Piano Forte Album. Ele gantly bound. Full gilt 2 HO. The Same. Paper covers 1 oi). MOTH ERGOOS E, or iNatioual .Nursery Itbynics. Set to Music by J. W. Elliott, -with 03 tieautilul Illustrations engraved by the lirotliers Dalziel- Hoards 5i !.;(. Kpleu didly bound in cloth, gilt edges, $2.50. ASK FOR NOVELLO'S EDIIION3. Address. J. L. PETERS, 6'J!I Broadway, New York. Agent for Novello's Cheap Music. 22t9 NEW LIVEHY STABLE IN I DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO IN. form the Citizens of Ridgway, and the public gccerally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES d Buggies, to let upon the most reasona ble terms Bfl,IIe will also do job teasing, Stable on Broad street, above Main, All orders left at the Post Oiiioe will meet prompt attention. Aug 20 1870. tf. THE ELK ADVOCATE. THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY, HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCU- ATION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY gjn'oM to the utm$;tis ot the ICwpU of (?tb County. TEEMS:..$2.00 PER YEAR. BRING ALONG YOUR ADVER TISEMENTS AND GET THEM INSERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES. If you want to st.ll anything, let the people know it through tho Advocate, the great advertising medium. Site (gilt giuoeaty Job Printing Office. In the Court House, Ridgway, l'a. Tbe best work done, and at the very hiwest prices. Blanks kept constantly on liuud at this office. Hand bills printed at the shortest notice Call in and get our prices for advertis ing aud jobbing. Satisfaction warranted Orders by mail promptly attended to Address, nENRY A. PA RSON8, JR., Ridoway Pa. BUSINESS CARDS. G ""I A. r.ATHBUN, AUornev-al-lA. Ridgway, Pa. 2 i tf. JIALL ik M'CAULEY, Attorneys-at-Liw. Office In New Brick Building, Main St. Kidnway, Elk Co., l'a. v3u2lf. J 0. W. BAILET, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. vlnul. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler'! Life and Acoi dent insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. RUFUS LUCORE, Attorney-at-Law, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Olfioe la ii all's new Brick Building. Claims for collection promptly attended to. ySnlly. jfEYNOLOS HOUSE, REYNOLDSVILLE, JEFF ESSON CO, FA. II. S. BELNAP, Propbiktor . J. S. EOELWELL, M, D, Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, has remov ed his ollico from Centre street, to Main st. Ridgway, Pa in the Becond story of the new brick building of John 0. liull, oppo site Hyde's store, Ollico hours: 8 to 0 a m: 1 to 2 p. m. 7 8 p. in. jan 9 73 GG. MESSENGER, Druggist and l'araccutiat corner -A Mum and Mill streets, Ridgway, l'a. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescription;! carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. lu3y. m S. HARTLEY, M. D., Physician ona Surgcoa, iuugway, Pa. Office iu Walker's liuili'h g. Special attention given to Surgery. Oilice house lroni 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Rcs.dence on comer of South and Court streets, op posite the new School House. All calls promptly attended to. vlu2yl. C CHARLES HOLES, J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, l'a. Agjut fer tho Howe Sewing Machine, and Mo 'tou o"l ( Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, loco witit he same accuracy as heretofore. Dalits action guarauteed. vlnly. rpiIAYER HOUSE, J RILEY & DUO., Proprietors. vol. Mill aud Centre bis., Kidgway, Pr.. Tbe proprietors take this method of ;-n-uuuuciiig to tho public that the huvu .e -titled, revised, aud improved, this wei. known hotel, and are prepared to entertui ull who fuvor them with tneir patronage, iu the best style und at low rates. boci( stabling utlauhed. VooGil'. TTVDE HOUSE, 1 RlUUWAT at, &k Co., Pa, W. 11. SOliKAM, I'foprietur I, 1'fop Thankful for the patronage her-.tofure so liberally bestowed upon him, the n proprietor, hopes, by paying ,.svyi';i -u-lention to the comfort aud ccuvwuHElc. .f guests, to merit a continuance oi .iii same. Oil 30 lSUO. T 1UE OLD DUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, Kane, McKcan Co., 1 R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretol'uie to liberally bestowed upon him, the new vr " prietur, hopes, by paying strict utiuiiuou to the comfort and convenience of yuc 3. to merit a continuance of the suuic. " u o only stables tur burses in Kane ami kept night or day. Hall attached so ut Hotel. vln'.:;y':. 1 1 ALL & 131-iO A 1 1 o r ii o y s -at -Law ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY PNNSYLYANU. JOtlNQ. ii ALL J AS. K. f. UALI K ERfcSEY HOUSE, CkNTuaviLLK, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Pioprietor. Thankful for thn nnlrannffn ..rnfAtnt-A so liberilly bestowed upon hiui, .he new pro prietor, hopes, by paying s ,'ict at- icunuu tu uiv uuuiiuib nm vueuieuce of guests, t merit a continuance of the same. JAMIS PENFIELD, (Suco sor to W. C. Heuly.j DEALER IN ley goods, gsocebiss, rr."; PRODUCE, FRUIT.S, .', v3u7tf. West End, RidgHa l a. S. A. ROTE, PHOTOGRAPH i. , AND DKALEa IS Chrouio8, Stereoscopic Vi-jwd, 1 '!.. js Frames, &a. WEST END, RIDGWAY, ELK i'A 2n2tf. RED. tsCIIOENIXG, WHOLESALE AND HETA1L DJEALEB. Hi PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC 1)00 US. Pianos an J orzans lo rent nml ni. ,. 1 im plied if purchased. 1'rothonotary's Office, Ridgway, I t. 2n20tf. ' EW STAGE ROUTE. J. C HUXNS, Proprietor Tbe subscriber having secured th oon tract for carrying the V. 8. Mail bet , .:eu REYNOLDSVILLE & BROCICWAYV;LLE has placed on thai road a line of h Hacks leave the Exchange Hott. ;li6. 14 weynoiuvme every Tuesday, Thursday md Saturday on the at rival of the Broon ..ile stage, and return the sumo day. Xu.isa hacks connect at Brockwayville will 1U4 Ridgway stages, making connection ..tit trains ou the P. & E. Road, both eas uu 4 west. Every attention to the com' , patrons of this line will be given, at liberal patronage solicited. Aug. 13-72U.