(lk (fyrontg giduorate. THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1373. RepuMican jftate Ticket. For Judge of the Supreme Court. UON. ISAAC G. GORDON, OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. For State Treasurer, HON. It. W. MACKEU, OF AtLEOHENY COUNTY1. Car Time at Itidgtvay, Erie Express East 2:04 a. m. do do West 2:39 a. m. do Mail East 6:05 p. ni. do do West 2:62 a. m. Renovo Accommodation East 8.66 a. m. do do West 0:25 a. m. ELK LODGE, A. V M. JTlie stated meetings of Elk Lolgs, No. 8 7 '.I, are held at their hall, corner of Main and Depot streets, on the second and fourth Tuesdays of ench month- D. n. DAY, Secy. Hates of Advertising. One column, one year $76 00 ' ' ' 40 00 J " " 25 00 I " ' " 15 00 Transient advertisements per, square of eight lines, one insertion $1 two inser tions, $1.60, three insertions. $2. Business cards, ten liues or less, per year $5. Marriage and Death notices inserted gratis. Advertisements payable quarterly. The weather is pleasant. Stamps wanted at this offiee. Deeii hunting commences next week. Blackberries have been plenty here (his season. Dfmorcatic County Convf.ntion on the 2d of September. A contemporary has been studying lihouotypy. Here is a specimen: "Wat kanrb qrd must be ndurd." Persons desirious of attending the M. E. Conference at Brookville, will be carried on the stage at half the usual rates. Lutheran Services at the Court House next Sabbath at 11 a. ui., in the HngliHh language, by Rev. J. lireucinan. Subject, "Baptism." G. G. Messenger, we notice by last week's Elk Demon at, has purchased (he material of that paper, E. J. Miller ft ill acting as manager. Wl are in receipt of a nwviage notice from an Early correspondent, un accompanied by the requisite amount of 'filthy lucre," consequently wc respect tally decline to publish it. jrOTICE.4ll Mercantile Licenses tn ' for the years 1ST and ?3, remaining un paid September 1st, tell! be placed In the hands or an . torncy for collection. C. . EtllLE Treas. Four Dollars' worth of Music for 30 CTS. Dy sending for the Sep tember Number of Peters' Musical Monthly, price CO cents, you will get Four Songs, a Sacred Quartet, a Four Hand Piece, and Four Instumental Pieses, worth $4 in sheet form. Thirty cents is but a small outlay to test the merits of Peters' Magazine. Send for a copy, and our word for it you will never regret the outlay. Address J. L. Peters, 599 Broadway, N. Y. Fire. Burning of Lesser and Dibits' Wagon Shop and J. S. & W. Hyde's Harness S'top. Las: Monday night at about quarter past ten, our citi zens were startled by the cry ot fire which was soon ascertained to ba in the wagoa and blacksmith shop of Lesser & Dible. When first discovered the fire was seen to emerge from the small harness shop adjoining the wagon shop, am from the fact that there had been no fire in this shop, it 'seems conclusive that the fire was the work of an incen diary. Id a few minutes the flames had gained such headway that it was thought that not only would the wagon aud harness shops be destroyed but that the tin shop of Hyde & Cody, was in immi nent danger, and the chances looked fa vorable for haviug a number of buildings destroyed, if notthat entire porii.n of the town. Tho bucket biigade, however; was on hand, and ladders being accessi ble were brought and jilaced against the burning building, and as Galagher's run flows immediately under the wagon shop affording an abundance of water, the supply was almost exhaustless, and in a short time a stream was turned on the fire by the brigade, aforementioned, re sulting in putting it out after about a hour's bard work. The loss is nearly 500 partially insured. The loafer's brigade was alsV) on hand aud did efficient service as usual. Such ex quisites should have a, fire of their own that they might 'learn to appreciate fire. The members of tho Republican Stato Central Committee are called upon to meet in the Hall of the Iloase of Rep resentatives, at Harrisburg on Wednes day, September 3d, at half-past eleven o'cock a. m. The oil men of Titusville continue to discuss the feasibility of a piping scheme to carry oil from tho region of its produc tion to Philadelphia. A correspondent to the Titusville Herald tells the oil princes that they can, for 84,40G,150, lay a six inch east iron pipe from Titusville to Philadelphia, and with a system of pip 'ng and tanks distributed along the line, deliver 7,300,000 barrels of oil, yearly, in Philadelphia, at a cost, including in terest on investment, of $412,717. Nino cents per barrel would bo the actual cost of delivering 20,000 barrels per day. Those inquisive people who waut to know what becoras of all the fruits and vegetables that are grown, gathered but not consumed, are answered by the Journal of Applied Chemistry, which paper, after much careful tabulating, states that in 1872 12,000,000 cans of eorn preserved for the table use in the full aud winter months. So popular and proGtable has this preserved canning of vegetables and fruits become that the amount of crops of this kiud preserved this year will exceed 1872. In addi tion to this summer business of prepar ing canned delicacies are to be added tho preserved lobsters of Maine and the many millions of oysters which the State of Marylaud prepares for market eveiy winter. In the important trade of the luxuries which serve our tables so acceptably all the year round, there has not been any free trade suggestion of importing at a lower figure than home producing now costs us. Iudeed, many cans of vegetables and fruits are annu ally exported, and this trade, too, is be ing augmented. About Insurance. There ia prob ably no business so generally participated in as insurance in which so little is practically known. Many think if they insure a specified property for 5,000, and the property is partially or wholly destroyed, .that they will recover the lull insurance, regardless of the fact that the property destroyed may not be of half the value. This is a common error, though of course confined to the less iu-l foriucd in such matters. Others, carry ing a stock varying in value from 2o, 000 to 30,000, and au insurance lor the smalle r um, suppose that, in ease of dauiiigo by fire, involving a loss of the greater amount, they can recover the en tire face of their policies, when, in truth the insurance companies arc lial lo only pro rata for the ljss sustained. If the insurance policies iu pluiu terms for 25, Ol'O, they wiil cover any loss on stock valued at SoO.OOU to which they apply up to their full specification But it they contaiu what is known as '-the aver age clau.se," which leads, "It is under stood and agreed that claims under this policy shall only be for such proportion ot the entire loss as the uninuut uf this insurance bears to tho whole valiu. of the property insured," then in a case of loss on any part of Sll 0,01.1 :) stock, with 25.000 in.-urauce, the companies will pay five sixtsof the loss aud the insured will bear the other sixth himself. These are pieces of information well worth holding iu remcmbeniuce, espec ially by the less iuformed on the sub je ct. Ledger. "Emotional insauifior" is a new name for whiskey. Town committees on hidi weights are ! not necessarily , tat men. If you are out iu a driving storm don't attempt to hold the rains. When does a farmer work a miracle? When he turns his horse to grass. A woman is like tar only melt her, and sho will take any form you please. To hold an umbrella over a duck in a shower is the height ot benevolence. If the Granger movement succeeds, maoy an old politician who has lived iu clover will go to grass. Mobile, Ala., hasju-t constructed her first steumboat since the war. Paris, Ky., has 1J barrells of whisky ou hand for each inhabitant. Piize fighters' challenges always con tain the appropriate words, "mean bus ness." The Kansas farmers are did to be planting largo numbers ot black walnut trees, Rochester has a Wolf in its police force, Cleveland a Lyou, Detroit u But ton and Chicago a Cartwheel. New Haven Is to have a new railroad depot two hundred and seventy-one fjet long and fifty-five broad. Brooklyn lawyers have failed to make gowns fashionable iu court-rooms, uud have thrown them aside. The Secretary ol the Treasury has di rected that the September interest, amouuting to about 5,000,000, be paid on and after August 25, without rebate. The Whitehall Times thinks Chiacgo fitly named, lor there is no place on the Continont where a man can get rid of his she-cargo with less trouble. Postal cards are now used for the de tection of criminals. Photographs of the person are pasted on the cards, which are 6ent broad-cast in every direction. The Californians have a new domestic fowl, the chaparral cock or churra, which is easily domesticated, and, when properly cooked, is said to be superior to chicken for eating. The Northwk.stksn Wheat Chop 'leports from all sections of the North west regarding the crops indicate a most lieautiful harvst. In Minnesota and Wisconsin the yield is literally immense. The Milwa'ice Chamber of Commerce are already alarmed nbout their capacity to store the 40,000,000 bushels of sur plus grain they calculate upon seeking a market there. Telcgraphio aiviccs from forty-five point in Northern Iowa (on the 8th inst.) spouk of the wheat havest as being nearly over and a splen did crop gathired averaging net,r to twenty bushles per acre ; outs good, and heavy yield in most localities about fifty bushles to the acre while in some few spots the yield will be small; corn promises splendidly in some places, but in others the prospects aro very ditour aging suffering for rain, and only one half or three-tourlhs crop expected; bar ley, reports generally discouraging un usually light yield, in many places blighted and poor, and in some others of excellent quailty. Grasshoppers have caused great loss in all grains in parts of Minnesota, Wisconsin aud Northern Iowa ; Book county, Minuesota, in southeast corner of the State, suffered a loss of lull halt its crops in a little over a day, ending on 31st ult., fortunately a heavy tain and strong wind stayed the destruction. A Good article of culFue has been raised iu Venturu couuty, California. Indiunoplis swells her city revenue by the aid of licenses issued to 1,700 dogs. A horse pistol marked "Julius" hag been louud in California. It is supposed to bo a relic of Ceasaristu. A girl who marries well is said to make a lucky hit, though she is liurself said to be a lucky miss. I lla Switzerland, it is stated 20,000 girls gain a livelihood by making watches, or, in other words, live ou tick. The Peoria Democrat demands the arming of the letter carriers ot that sity, so that they can help the police kill off the dogs. Blonde-haired maidens at Long Branch do not swim, dive, and gu to church. They '-nutate," "submerge," and "uttend sacriliee." Why is a pig the most extraordinary animal iu creatiou? Bccuuse you first kill him and then cure him. A Yankee, according to the latest au thority, sees aqueducts in bubbling springs, buildings in etuues, and ca.-h in everything. Charles Mathews has been acting "The Liar" in London. There luve been several politicans doing that iu this country. Ccrebro-spinal-njeningitis is a louiih word for telegraphers to get hold of on the wires. A Sioux City lightning jer kcr worte it out "C'ara'jo Speucer's Me nagerie." Govern nient employees at Fort Leav enworth have claims ugaiust the Gotern mcnt under the Eiuht-liour law amount ing to 50,(00 The lobby lawyers will collect it for a fee of 849,000. Josh Billings philosphicuily rem-irks that we laff at sheep hekause whi n one of thetu leads the way all the rest, follow, however ridikilus it may be; and I sup pose sheep hill w hen they see us do the very same thing. The Poughkeepsie Eagle states that it has been resolved to return to the old methods of punisliiug retactory prison ers in Sing Sinn by tying them up by the thumbs or placing them iu a dark cell. The Minneapolis Tribune becomes serious : "(Jakes Ames' will reveals $i. 745,251. And yet he died of diap puiutmeut aud chigiiu. Hippier is hon esty in a hickory shirt aud an oilcloth cap than dissimulation in a plug hat anil a shirt that buttons behind." A Philadelphia lady is said to have speu' several weeks at one of the Sara toga hotels, and when the time for de parture came it was dicovert d, to the inexpressible horror of all the other la dies, that she only had one trunk. A Railway King. Mr. Vauderbilt controls 2,150 miks of railroad, repre senting 215,000,000 of securities, with a gross income of forty-live millions of dollars. This involves the mastery of the trade of the three States cf Now York, Ohio aud Iudiuua. t At a picuic of railtoad employers at Hartford, lately, the men had a three legged race. The eoute.-tauts eutrred in couples, aud had their two adjoining legs tied together, so that tho pair had one double leg aud two sit:gle legs to ruu with. An engineer ou the Western North Carolina Railroad shouted lo a crowd ol rustics, who had pitlierni to sec the fir.-t train of cars come in, '-Put duwu your nmbrellas; ou'll scare the engine off the track!" The umbrellas wcje lowered at once. A young married friend tells a good joke on himself prepetruted by a tiitee year old "pride of the family." She is the only pledg ot love that has twined itselt around the hearts and affection of him.solf aud wife. A tew evenings siuco a minister visited tho family aud remained until after tea. At the table the reverend visitor aeked the blessiug, aud the little one opened her eyes to ihe fullest extent in startled woudermcnt. She could not uuderstaud what had been done, und it was with great peisuasion that her mother could keep her quiet during the time they were at the table. Wheu they left it, she walked up to the minister, lor whom she bad formed a great friendship, and said : "What did you say at the tablo before we com menced eatiug?" "My little darlins, I tbauked God for his goodness in giving us to eat, so that we might grow aud be strong." "Papa don't say that." "What does papa say?" "Papa says, 'Godle urighty, what a supper!' " An Important Indian Treat. Hon. Felix 11. Brunot has been highly successful iu his recent aegotiations with tho Mountain Crow Indians of Montana. The stipulation by which they exchango their, reservation on the Yellowstone for a much smaller one on the Missouri, is one of tho, most important which has been mdo with tho Indians lor a long time. The abandoned reservation con tains mo;e than 6,850,000 acres and will be traversed through its entire lenght nearly 250 miles, by tho Northern Pa cific Railroad, which, now that. Indian titlo is exliniiUiUiod by the voluntary withdrawal of the Indians, will be en titled under its charter to receive grants of alicrnuic sections for twenty miles oo each side of its line, equivalent to a tract of nearly 3,000,000 acres ot land. The Crows have occupied their reservation on the Yellowstone river since 1808, and havealways maintained most friendly relations with the whites. The General Superiiitoudaut and their own agent in their peaceful disposition iu the warm est terms, uud said they were a barrier of dclense to all settlers iu Eastern Mon tauy, protectiug the in against incursions of hostile Sioux. The Crows had been so continually hurrassed and attacked by Indian foes that they were glaj -d the opportunity to remove to a safer res ervatiou. Ihe treaty will come before the Senate next winter for retifieation. AsKKI) TO lloLU IllS TONtiUE. This ih what the Charleston Courier and a good luauy other papers and poli. ticians at the South wuut Jeff. Davis to do. The Charleston Courier says, "the same lack of foresight aud chronic in discretion" iliat prompted his recent speech at the Virginia Springs hastened the tail of the Confederacy. The Courier then goes ou: "We must say plainly that Mr. Davis is one of the most truulesoma elements that the South has to deal in its efforts to bridge the chasm of war and secure reunion and peace. For whatever Mr. Davis says the Southern people are held responsible. II is rash words are laid at our doors. It is useless to deny or ex pluin. The answer is "Oh, yes, you say what is politic, but Mr. Davis says what yon think.' This was the case with the Atlanta speech, aud it will be the same with the speech just , delivered. The Southern people have honored Mr. Davis and trusted him. He ewes' it to the South to hold his tongue as the best service he can render this people. Servant girls iu Montana get SG0 u mouth, and use the piuuo and M-iu: iiiHchiue, und every oilier night off Notth Carolina fuvuisbes a Inrger part than any other State ot the 400.000 ndults iu the country, who cuu new'liur read nor write. It has beti estimated that the cotton supply annually increases four per cent, faster lliau the cotton consuming popula tion of the world. II this thing is to continue comets will become a dru iu tho market, A very fast one has been discovered by Bortlli, at Marscills. A stranger who preached recently at Stratford, N. 11., is said to have beeu obliged to sleep in the church all ui)jlit, because uo one would give him a lodiiini;. HALL .1- M'CAULEY, Attorneys-at-Liw. Office in New Kiick Uuilding, Main St. Bidmmy, Klk Co., l'a. Volltf. Worth ancL Beauty. WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE AND TUB CUROMO Y0 SEMITE! Having control of tlie magnificent OIL Oil HOMO, !- SEMITE, we are able lo otlei- a combination of literary and artis tic work o genuine value, aud at prices un precedented. " This line copy of a pioco of Nature's grandest work, is not presented in tbe us ual limited iyle. it dimcusiunv, 14x20. um Hug a picture of very desirable size in .tself AN OUNAMKNT TO TIIK KOO.M graced by its presence. Hut :ew copies of tins beautiful Cliromo will b allowed to go lo lue retail stores, uud those will be sold at their Actual Bet ail Prici-, $6.00, while if ordered in connection wiiU our Mugaziue, both will be furuishvd lur $1.50. As a Premium the picture may be obtain ed by seudiug us two subscriptions for tbe Magazine at $1.00. eaeh, or by subscribing lor Ihe .Magazine two years iu advauce, ai $1.00 per milium, Address, WOOD'S IlOl'SliHOLD MAGAZINK, Newburgh, N. V. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL ADVERTISING AGENCY OF WASIJLSGTOX, D. C. f Advertisements inserted iu papers iu every section of the country. C-Kates Lower than those of aoy other agency in the United States. ffSy-Advertisers will consult their own best interest by addressing PENN VWITT BENNETT & CO., Box 845, Washington MCSIO -.The RIDGWAY SILVER CORNET BAND is now fully uni formed and will furnish music for Pic-nics, l'ublio Meetings, eto-, at most reasonable rates. FRED. 8CHCE.MNG, l'res't. C. W. Bahiktt, FitED. SOHOENING & CO. Law, Commercial, Book, and General Job Printers, and Stationers. R1 DG WAY, ELK CO., PA. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LAW BLANKS, AND TRENCH, KNULISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONER.'. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID AND COPYING INK. LEAD TENCILS OE ALL KIMDS AND PRICES. JEsterbrook's Celebrated Steel Pens, the Itest Made. All Kinds of Job Printing done in the Best Style and at Low Prices. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN ANY QUANTITY. POWELL & KIME. A MAMMOTH STOCK! Firmly believing that the world moves, aud that the demands of the puhlicare con stantly inereasinT, the proprietors of the (Brand !cnti;;.l jStoiy linvr just returned from the eastern and ne.-r'n: ciiit.-! with the inotit period and - ti.lt't. (" k of .v.?-;:;c;iA.NL-lSES OF EVERYJ)ESCRIPTION. You caouot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do not keep, aud they absolutely have BROKEN THE BACKBONE of high prices. They buy for cash and SELL FOR CASH! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. Manhood: How Lost, How Restored. SC3E Just published; a new edi tion Of I) a. Cl'LVEaWELL's Cblkbkatkd Essay on the fWirai cure (with out medicine) of Spbhmatoruhxa or Semi ul weakness, Involuutary Seminal Lo sess I m potency, Mental and Physical Incapac ity, Impediments to Marriage, eto; also, CoMsvui'Tios, Ei'ilki'sy and Fits, induced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. nee m a sealed envolope, only b cents. The celebrated author, in this admirab'.e essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' practice, that the larniininhg cons' iiuences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of inter nal medicine or the application of the knife; pointiug out mode of cure at once simple, certain and eff actual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his oondition may be can cure himself cheaply, private ly, nd radically. teyThis Leoture should be in the bands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, poitpard on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell'i 'Marriage Guide," prioe ou cents. Address the Publishers. CUAS, J. C. KLINE & CO., 7 Bowery, New York, Poet Office Bos 3 rTICA (FoBHSBbX Wood St ILurs.) Q STATIONARY PORTABLE Steam Engines. The Best & Most Complete Assortment ia the Market. ( These Engines have always maintained the very highest utandard of excellence. We make the manufacture of Engines, Boilers and Saw Mills a specialty. We have the largest and modt oomploto works of the kind in the country, with machinery specially adapted to the work. We keep constantly in process large numbers of Engines, which we furnish at the very lowest prices and on the shortest notice. We build Encrines specially adapted to Miuen, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Tanneries, Cotton Gtins, Threshers and uli classes Of manufacturing. We are now building the celebrated Lone Circu lar Saw Hill, the beat and most complete saw mill ever invented. We make the manufacture of Saw Mill outfits a Special feature of our business, and can furnish complete on the shortest notice.- , Our aim in aU cases is to furnish the beBt ma chinery in the market, and work absolutely un equal ed for beauty oi'desifm, economy and strength fiend for Circular and Price List. j UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. VT1CX, W. Y, JOHN W. KUAZKK, ATT O R N E Y-A T-L A W AMI Solicitors of l'attufs, Xo. UI19 Seventh St.. WASHINGTON, D. C. I N V I'? N TO IIS nu-l others interested in I'lilent llusiiness should address EUSUN BUCKS., Talent Lawyers nml Solicitors 45'.) nli 1st., Washington, U. tor A'lviee anil Circular. 1.' we report on invention patentable wc arc willing to wait fur our iee until a pat- tent is nlloweu. I cheerfully ciSmiiend lo alt persons who Iiiivh business iu the 1'attcnt Office firm of Edson liros., as cei.tloinen of prompt busi ness habits, and iu every respect worthy of confidence. Ilou. 1). V. Holi.owav. 1 concur in tuo ubove. 1. U. Iueakkb. U S ! i NEW, FIIKSII, AND SPARKLING! THE CLUSTER A NEW MUSIC BOOK FOR THE USE OF CONVENTIONS, SINGING CLASSES, CHURCH CHOIRS, AND THE HOME CIRCLE. THE CLUSTER HY S. WESLEY MARTIN, J. M. ST1LLM AN, AND T. MARTIN TOWNU. Price, $13.50 per los. Single Copies sent, post-paid, i;l.6'J. AdJress, J. L. PETERS, 59'J Broadway, New York. FOR SCHOOLS. Fairy. Voices A NEW SISOISQ-CLAS BOOK, CO.MI'ILtn AND AHUANQKD BY WILLIAM M1ESSLER. Price, $6 per Doz. Single Copies sent, poBt'paid, for GO cents. Address, J. L TETERS, 699 Broadway, New York. The Song Echo The Popular Singing-School Book BY H. S. PERKINS. Price, $7.50 per Doz. Single Copies sent, pout. paid, for 75 cents. A ddress, J. L. PETERS, 22tl2. 5i9 Broadway, New York. STEAM ENGINE iFBi - RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA HAIL ROAD. ' Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division. WINTER TIME TABlA. ON and after SUNDAY, JULY 20 1878, the trains on the l'hiladelphi l.i is Railroad will run as follows I WKSTWAKl). Erie Mail leaves Philadelphia.il. 65 p.m. Renovo 11.05 p. m. St. Mary's 2.!M p. in. ' RidgwayM...M 2.62 p. m. i arrive at trie........ 7.66 p. m. , Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12.40 p. m. .. Renovo ..11.16 p. m. .. St. Mary's... 2.10 a. m. i Ridgway....... 2.89 a. m. " arrive at Erie -...7.46 a. m. Niagara Ex. leaves Philadelphia 7.20 ft. m. Renovo 8.66 p. rn. ii a Emporium.. 6,26 p. w. " bit at Niagara- Falls 9.45 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Renova,...2.16 p. m .. St. Mary's 6.57 p. nv. i. ' Ridgway, ..6. 26p. m. 1 1 arr at Kane 7.80 p.m. kabtward. Erie Ma'.l lcavos Erie 11.30 ft. m. .. Ridgway 6.05 p. m. St. Mary's ... 6.83 p. m. ii ii it Kenovo 9.05 p. m. . ii arrive at Philad'a... 7.15 ft. m. Erie Express leaves Ene 9.05 p. m. .. .. Pidgway... 2.04 a. m. H St. Mary's... 2.28 a. m. .1 i' Renovo 5.25 ft. m, " " nr-at Philadelphia.. 8.80 p. m. Niagara Ex. leaves Niagara Falls 7.16 p. m. . .. Emporium- 1.10 p. n. Renovo 8.10 p. m, " arr at Philadelphia 12.20 a. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane 7.65 ft. m' " Ridgway... 8.65 ft. ' " St. Mary's 9.24 ft. m. " nrr at Renovo 12.30p.m. Mail East connects east und west at Erie wiili L 8 M S R W and at Corry and Ir vineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny & It W. Mail West with east and west trains on L S & M S It W and at Irvineton witlt Oil Ojek and Allegheny R R W. Wnrreu Accommodation Eust and West with trains on L. S. & M. S. R. W. east and west and at Corry with O. C. & A. R. R. VT. Fl ic Accommodation East at Corry and West lit Corry and Irviuctou with (3. C- $ A. R. R. W. Eluiira Muil und Ningara Express make close connections til Williauisport with NU tt W train s north and south. VM. A. BALDWIN. Ocu'l Sup't. GltAND OPENING Summer Arrangement BUFFALO, NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA RAILWAY. Time Table adopted SUNDAY, August 10, lb'i'i. Truius depart from aud arrive at t lie Bufl'ulo, New Vork & Philadelphia Railway depot, corner of Exchange and Louisiana streets. ON AND AFTER AUG. 10, 1873, UN TIL further notice, Trains will run as follows: LEAVING BUFFALO (i:42 a.m. Local Freight and passenger, arriving at. Emporium utl2.45 p. m 1 2:00 ut. Philadelphia Mail arriving at Emporium at 0:00 p. in. i:'10 p. ni. Local Freight and passenger, arriving at Olean at 8:05 p. m. 6.00 p. in. Olean Accommodation ar riving at Oleitn at 8.25 p. m. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 1.10 p. ni. Mail Arriving at Buffalo at 7.10 p. in. 7.00 a. tn. Local Freight and Passenger Arriving ut Bullalo at 5.50 p. m. LEAVE OLEAN. 5.15 a. in Accommodation arriving at Bullulo at &.- a. m. 7.20 a.m. Local Freight and passenger, arriviui; at Gurlalo at 1.10 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Buffalo at 10.00 a. m., arriving at Olean at 1.15 p. ui. Leave Olean at 2.45 p. ni., arriving at Buffalo at 0.00 p. in. Passengers for Renovo, Lock Haven, Williauisport and intermediate points on ihe Philadelphia & Erie Railway leave Buti'ulo at 12 m., urriving at Emporium at ti. p. in., Renovo at 8.35 p. in. Lock Haven at. 9.45 p. ni. nud Williauwport at 11.05 p. m. Leave Williamsport 8.80 a. m., Lock Haven at 9.45 a. ni., Renovo at 11.05 a. ni.. Emporium at 1.10 p. ui., arriving at Buffalo at 7.10 p. m. For list of Stage Connections apply at Ticket Offices. Buffalo Omnibus Line running from all truius. H. L. LYMAN. Gen'l Pass Ag't. J. D. YEOMANS, Superintendent. NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing July 7th, 1873. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. It. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS- BURGH AND POINTS ON THE PHI L'A. & ERIE R. R. COINO SOUTH. Buffalo Express leaves Corrv at 11 OOa m Leaves Iivineion, 6 60 am Arrives at Pittsburgh 8 45 p m Night Express Leaves Irvineton, 6 25 p m Night Express leaves Corry 6 50 p m Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 25 am Day Express leaves Corry 6 15 am. Arrives at Pittuhurirli n fiR n Oil City Aocoui. leaves Corry 4 30pm Arrives at urady's Bend 9 85 p m. GOINQ NOETIl. Bffalo Express leaves Pittsburg at 7 50 a m Arrives ut Corrv 6 08 p m " " Irvineton Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 7 10 p m 0 50p m. 8 60 am, 11 55 a ni 12 10 p ra. 10 45 p m. Arrives ui corry Irvineton Day Express leaves Pittsburgh Arrives at uorrv Oil City Acoom. leaves B. Bend 000 am Arrives at Oil I'.ilv 10 'l - j a. v u Connections made at Corry and Irvine-, tou for points on the Oil Creek and tha Allegheny Valley Rail Road. Pullman Pallace Drun-inir Rnnm Sl.. ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Corry and Pittsburgh. ask lor iicneis via Allegheny Valley R, J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. 6uBt. JOB PRINTING. Cards, Billheads, Letterheads, Note hedd, Tags, Envelopes, etc, neatl? printorh.t the ADVOCATE office. Court House, Ridgway, p.