Henry A. Parsoxs, Jr. Editor THURSDAY, JCLY SI, 1878. Professor Wise's ballooH, io which he and Mr. Donaldson, with others, are to make the attempt to cross the Atlan tic ocean, is steadily approaching com pletion. Besides the large, principal balloon, there will be two small balloons, to be used is feeders, all oi which are to be oonstruotcd of muslin, varnished. The difficulty will be to secure a sale as cension, after which it is claimed no trouble will be encountered "in the machinery," on the Toyage. The grand start is to be made on the 15th of ,ugust, when we will be better able to make a statement on all these points than we now are, for the enlightment of the reader. State Journal. GENERAL NOTES. A daring boy swam across the Niagara river at the foot of the falls last week. An Indian girl who was dumb re covered her speech while swinging. A St. Louis engineer has been in thirteen smaabups and he still lives. A farmer in Muscatine county, Iowa, bas just paid $J,JbU lor two cows. Iowa grasshoppers eat up the tobacco plants when they can bnd any. The British Provinces have sent many strawberries to the Eastern States this year. It is said that mocking birds and canaries sickened and died in Tennessee towns where cholera prevailed. A techy Wisoonsin man stopped his subscription to tho local newspaper, just because the editor eloped with bis wife aiaine now nas eisntccn cnecse factories in operation, nearly all new ven turee. A Brooklyn penitent has lately added ten cents to .treasurer Spinners con science iund. Newburyport, Mass., has an armless newsdealer who writes a neat "fist with his mouth. Divorce will next be obtained on the ground of "emotional insanity," such as marrying an empty purse. New York is at present employing 0,012 men on the public works, and their monthly pay roll is 8206,500. Among the inducements to become Mayor in Sioux City are diamond pins presented Dy gratetul constituents. A stone mason in New London rode to the toy of a spire of a new church astride the capstone he had made for it. A revereDd clergyman at Logansville, Wis., has been arrested for getting drunk and beating his boy, eleven years old, nearly to death. A recent visitor to one of tho islands on the coast of Maine, discovered a school of forty scholars, all of whom were graddchildren of one man. The Treasurer of Lyons county Minn., kept the funds in the drawer of a sewing machine, and S3,i7 was drawn from it without his knowledge. A new kind of stone mug for lager beer has been introduced. It is so that it keeps very cool, but it does not hold much beer. A new English novel is called "Made in Heaven," whence we infer that it is a good book, is ut how the author got there to make it is one ot those, things that no iellow can bnd out. Marcus Morton was the defeated can didate for Governor of Massachusetts fifteen times, and succeeded at th sixteenth election by a majority ol one voto out of 102,0GG votes given. The horse-chestnut is now used in France for the manufacture of starch The nut yields about 17 per cent, of pure starch. Washing it with water containing carbonate of soda is said to remove the bitterness. The Toledo Blade says the Liberals and Democrats are not shaking bauds across the bloody ebasm as much as they were, but they are shaking fists at each other and making all sorts of horrid faces. George Smith, of Waco, Texas, the father of twenty-three children, all living, is the envy of all his neighbors, because he makes a handsome living playing poker with his boys. A town in Massachusetts is the proud possessor ot a cat that picks up pins and puts them into a paper, whenever she finds one. After getting a buudred she exchanges them for meat at the butcher s, lbo beauty 'ot tale is its undoubted, undeniablo truth. The colors or natural flowers ex posed to the smoke of a cigar are so aneciea by it mac piue ana vioiet now crs turn green, carmine and red flowers turn yellow. So says the American Chemist, on the authority of a London technical journal. Younsr ladies contemplating an east em tour should provide themselves with peanut stands. The Shah married the reigning belle of bis harem when she was a peanut girl, and a yankee peanut girl eould oi course do better. At a social science meeting in Boston General F. A. Walker read a paper on the prospective population of the United States, in whioh he contended that, instead ot reaching 100,355,185 in the year 1900, as calculated by Elkanah Watson, or 100,337,309, as ealoulated by De Bow, or 107,000,000 as calculated by Commissioner Wilson it will only be somewhere between 69, 000,000 and 84,000,000, most probably 73,000,000 to 06,000,000. ITew Advertisements. WORKERS WANTED For WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE, which with its premiums. Is an of the most attractive In the country. Price of Magazine ONE DOLLAR A YEAR- Commissions liberal: offer-in a lucrative and agreeable business to those willing to give it proper attention.' Vol. XIII, begins with JULY, 1873. Examine oar Clubbing and Premium Lists. 2 first-dues periodicals for the price of one. TtSuFor specimen Mneaiiae and further information, Address, WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE. Newburg, N. Y. 8. E. SHUTES, Publisher. u,, ,t. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. The undersigned assignee of FRED WILMARTH and E. W. ROLFE, Bank, rupts, will expose to sale at PUBLIC AUCTION on WEDNESDAY the 20th day of AUGUST J873, at Wilmarth, Elk county, Pennsylvania, the following described prop, erty. Four circular saws, one iron safe, a lot of files and axes, etc., the property of said Bankrupts. ALoU About seven million feet of hem lock logs, about four millions of which are in the Btreatn and on its banks, about one and one. half million in the woods cut and skidded, and one and one-half million in the woods cut. The property of said FRED WILMARTH. JNO. G, HALL, Assignee. Ridgway, Pa., July 81st, 1873 22t3. ASSIGNEES SALE OF HEAL ESTATE IN ELS COUNTY. The undersigned assignee of FRED WILMARTH and E. W. ROLFE, Bank rupts, will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION at wilmarth, LUc County, Pennsylvania, on WEDNESDAY, the 26th dny of AEGUST, 1873, all the right, title, riilerest and es tate of the said FRED WILMARTH in and to the following described tracts of land, with the improvements and appurtenances, situate in Elk County, Pa. The thousand acres known as the 'Johnsonburg tract" and bounded as fol lows viz: Beginning'at a hemlock corner standing 4U rods west or the Clarion Kiver, arid about 52 6-10 rods west and 25 rods south of the southwest corner of the south abut ment of the Rail Road bridge and 43 8 10 rods north and 51 rods west of the original southwest corner of warrant JNo. 62ai, thence east 813 7-10 rods . a post corner, thenco north 510 rods to a post corner, thenoe west 313 7-10 rods to a post corner, thence south 510 rods to place of beginning. Containing 1000 more or less. ALaO That certain tract or piece of land beginning at a post standing 96 rods north of the southwest corner of said 1000 acre lot, thence north 3S6 rods to the north west corner of said 1000 acre lot, thence west 80 rods to a hemlock corner, thence south 306 rods to a post corner, thence east oU rods to place of beginning. Containing l'J8 acres ot land. ALSO That certain tract or piece of land laying upon the east side of the above named lOOO acre lot. Beginning at the northwest corner of said tract, thence south on the east line of said tract 250 rods to a post in the same for a corner. thence east 100 rods to a hemlock corner, thence north 250 rods to a hemlock corner, thence west 100 rods to place of beginning. Containing 156 acres ol lund. Excepting and reserving the lollowing described piece ot laud vii. Beginning al a post on the south line of sftid 1000 acre lot, 4 'JO feet east of south west corner of said tract thence north 835 feet to the R nil Road line, thenoe along the line ot said Hail woad south bz east 421 feet to the middle of the Clarion River, lo the southwest corner of said lOOO acre lot, thence west along said line to place of be ginning. The foregoing described three tracts of land comprising the "Johnsonburg Mill Property" on whieh are erected two Btenni saw mills with a capacity for cutting fifty thousand feet of lumber per day. One keg iuctory with a capacity for cutting four hundred kegs per day. One dwelling house, two boarding houses and ten tene ment houses. The interest of the said FRED WILMARTH to tho above described "Johnsonburg Mill Property" ii the uudi vided nine-fuurteenths thereof that is to say, the undivided one-half of said prop brty, under a contract in writing with GEORGE DICKINSON, of Ridgway, Pa., which one-half will be sold subject to the balance of purchase money due thereon, and the one-seventh of the other undivided one-half of said property, which one seventh did descend to the said FRED WILMARTH as an heir of L. WILMARTH late of Elk County, deceased, and which one-seventh of the L. WILMARTH one halt will be sold, subject to sifh dbts of tie -Hid L. WILMARTH, deceased, as are luins. of sundry such there are. ALSO The vndivided one-seventh of the following described tracts of lands and parts ef tracts, which one-seventh did de scent to FRED W1LMAKTH as an heir of L. WILMARTH, deceased, and willbesoU subject to such debts of said decedent are leins, if any such there be. All thut certain tract or piece of land known as warrant No. 2374 situate in Ben- linger township. Elk County, Pa. Con taining 002 acres. ALfcO All that certain tract or piece of land situate in warrant No. 3200 in Jones township. Elk County, Pa. Commencing at a post corner 161 rods north aud 53 rods west of the south'. as t corner of suid war rant, thence north 144 rods to a post, tlieace west 247 rods to a post, thence ibeuce south 144 rods to a post, thence east 247 rods to pluce of beginning. Coutainiu 229 acres. ALSO All that certain tract of lnnd siiuate in Highland township, Elk county i'a. Containing four hundred and ninety six acres more or less, part of warrant No, 8660 and being all of that portion of said warrant within the County of Eik, except the eastern one-fourth part or said warrant owned or claimed by M. vVMDLbft. ALSO All the undivided one. half of all that certain tract or piece of laud situate in the township of Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. and being parts of warrants Nog. 8285 and 4s50, bounded as follows viz: Beginning at the centre of the Clarion River in the south line of the 1000 acre Johnsonburg traot, thence west 45 rods to a hemlock co.uer, it being the southwest corner of said lot, thence north on the west line of sane 96 ods to a post, thence west 80 rods tow post, it being the southwest corner of the 108 acre lot on the west side of the Johnsouhurg lot, thenoe north on the west side of the same 20 rods to a poet, thence west no z-iu roes to a post, it be ing the northeast corner or the 440 aore coal lot, thence south 176 rods to a post, thence east on line or .said lot 150 rods, thence south on line ot same 174 rods to a pest, thence east 225 rods to the centre of Clarion River, thence up the liver to place or Deginmng. containing 48 acres. JNO. G. HALL, Assignee. Ridgway, Pa., July 8!st, 1873. Legal Advertisements. List of causes sot down for trial at August Term 1873. Commencing on Monday, August 4th lb73: 1. Drank A. Leash et al vs Frank Keller. No. 32 April term. 1872. 2. Wm. J. M'Cartv et al vs Elk and McKean R. R. Co. No. 17 August term 1872. 3. B. E. Wellendorf et at vs Elk and McKean R R Co. No. 18 August term 1872. 4. E. E. Williard et al vs Elk and McKean R R Co. No 20 August term 1872. 5. E. E. Williard et al vs Josiah Bordwell et al. No 21 August term 1872. G. August Secgcr ct al vs Martin Ilerbstreet. No 31 November term 1872. 7. Sosenheimer & Son et al vs Ed ward Mcl5rid. No 32 November term 1872. FRED. SCIIOENING, Prothonotary. ELK COUNTY COURT PROC LAMATION. Whereas the Hon. L. D. Wetmore. President Judge lor the 6th Judicial District of Pennsylvania. and Chas. Luhr and J. V. Houlc, Esqs., Associate Judges in Elk county, have issued their precepts to me direct ed, for the holding of Orphan's Court, Court ot Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Ter miner, at Ridgway, for the County of Elk, on the 1st Monday of August, (be ing the 4th day) 1873, and to continue one week. Notice is therefore given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables in and for the county of Elk, to appear in their own proper persons, with their records, inquisitions and re membrances, to do those things which of their offices and in their behalf apper tain to be done, and all witnesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any person or persons, are required to be then and thure attending, and not to depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance at the ap pointed time, agreeable to notice. Given under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's office, in Ridgway, the 30th day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight buudred and seventy three. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of annexed writs of Fieri Facias waving inquisition and exemption, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk county, and to me directed, I will expose to public salo or outcry at the Court House, in Ridgway, Pa., on MONDAY, THE 4th DAY OF AUGUST A. D. 1873, At one o'clock, p. m., all the right, title, in terest, claim and demand whatsoever of JAMES A. M ALONE, defendant in said writ named, consisting of twenty two and one-half acres of land willed him by JOHN MALONE, deceased, June 17th, A. D. 18(35. hich interest is contained in that cer tain tract piece or parcel of land situate in Township of Fox, County of Elk and Slate or Fenusylvania, bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning at a hemlock id the cast line of JOHN GREEN'S land thence east one hundred and forty. eight rods to a beech, thence north partly by land of WILLIAM MEAD one hundred and five and four-tenths rods to a post, thence west one hundred and seventy rods to a post, thence south seventy and fout -tenths rods to a hemlock, thence south thirty-five rods to the place of beginning, containing one hundred acres and allowance being the premises conveyed to JOHN MALONE by a. r. LITTLE aud wife and HENRY SOUTHER and wife bv deed bearing dnte December 21st, A. D. 1855. Seized and taken in execution as the properly of JAS. A. MALONE and his interest to be sold by D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. SlIEriFFS Ot'FU'C, 1 Ridgway, Pa , June 20, 1873. J SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Fncias is sued out of the Court of Common Picas of Elk county, and to ino directed, I will ex pose to sale by Publio Sale or outcry at the Court House in Ridgway. Elk county, Pa., on MONDAY, the 4ih day of AUGUST, A. D. 1873, at one o'clock, p. m. All the right, title, interest claim and dc mand whatsoever of the following described property. All that certain pieco or parcel of land being situated in Jay Township, Elk county aud State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning at a post about sixteen perches east of Bell Run at the south side of the Township road thence south thirteen perches to a post thence north twelve und one-fourth perches to a post at the south side of the township road thence along said township road in an easterly d.reclion lo the place of beginning, containing two and oue half acres of laud more or lees being a portion of warrant 5286 which land was sold by P. W. HAYS, High Slier ill of Elk County, as the properly of HOBEilT ROT1IER1CK to HENRY SOUTHER by deed duted the 5th. day of July. A. D. 181)4. ALSO all the right, title, interest and claim of the defenduut of in and to the fol lowing described piece or parcel of land situated in theoointy and State ufo esaid bojuded and descrmed as follows to wit: Beginning a: a post corner about (3) three perches east ot Bell Run at the north side of the township road, thence north thirteen perches to a post, theuce east thirteen per dies to a post, thence souti thirteen per ches t a post at the north side of said road, thence along said road westerly to tbe place of beginning, containing one acre of land more or lees being part of warrant No. 5268 and the west moiety or one-half portion of two acres of laud conveyed by J. N. RUHIROCK and wife to SAMUEL VASB1NDER by deed bearing date April 20th, 1800, on which Is erected a frame house used as a hotel 24 by 40 feet, two stories high with wing attached 18 by 22 feet 1 stories high, a'so on frame barn 24 by 32 feet, together with outbuildings, Beized and taken in execution as the property of T. J. BURK, and to be sold by v. j. uicir.il, snenn. Sheriff's Offici V Ridgway, Pa,, June 20th, 1863. J Edw'd J. Evans & Co , NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, your, fenk'a ("Catalogues Mailed to Applicants"!! Refer (by permission) to Hon, J. 8, Black, Washington, D. C. Weises, Boa & C.tRL, Bankers, York, Pa. 2 tiruv. km NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, AND HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Toos , Lumbermcns Tools. In fact everything usually kept in a first-class II aril ware Store. A FIB Employing Workmen ST-si&ss im sum class material used. -OPPOSITE THE COURT W- S- -tf. NEW DISCOVERY In Chemical and medical Science. Dr. B. JF. GARVIN'S SOLUTION AND COMPOUND ELIIIR FIRST AND ONLY SOLTTTTOTT ertmade in one mixture of Al.l, THE TWELVES valuable active principle of the well known curative agent, PINE TItEE TAR, UNEQUALLED in Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, and Consumption. CUKES WITHOUT FAlXi A recent cold in three to six hours; sna also, j It' VITALIZINO, PUKIFYINQ and STIMULATING ettects upon the general system, is remarkably effica cious in all DISEASES OF TIT.E BXOOD. Including Scrofula and Eruptions of the skin, Dy". pepsia, Disease of the Liver and Kidneys, Heart D. ease, nd Uencrul Debility. ONE TRIAL CONVINCES I DR. GARVIN'S VOLATILE SOLUTION of TAR MEDICATED FOR INHALATION. KWK remarkably valuable discovery, which posi tively cures CATARRH, BRONCHITIS, ASTIIiriA, and all Diseases of the s.'OSE, THROAT and LUNGS. THE COMPOUND TAB AXD MANDRAKE PILL, for use in connection with the ELIXIR TAR, is a combination of the TWO most valuable ALTERA TIVE Medicines known in the Profession, and ren ders this Pill without exception the very best ever ottered. Solution and Compound Elixir. JJP ,', jJlBo4Ua Tar and Mandrake Fills, ISota per Bos. Medicated Inhalation, 5.00 per Package. Bend for Circular of POSITIVE CURES to our Druggist, or to Is. F. HYDE Sc CO., BOLB PfiOPEIETOaa, JOS Seventh Ave., yew York. TO 1IOOK CAJrilSSEItS. A NEW WAT Or RUNNING A Subscription Book. CAN SELL THOUSANDS!! PLAIN HOME TALK Is plain talk about the body and its physical and social seeds. Dr. K. D. Footk, author of "Medical Common Sense," of No. 120 Lexington Ave., N. Y., who entertains everybody with his pen, and cures every, body by his skill, is its author. In its thousand pages it answers a thousand questions you don't want to go to your physician about. It is, as is stamped upon its cover, "a book for private aud consid erate reading." Price- $3.25. and Bent, postage prepaid, everywhere. A beautiful original oUromo, mounted, "Tubow Physio to th Doas," worth $10, goes with the book. No chromo without the book No book without the chromo. Address MUR RAY HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY, No. 129 East 28th Street, New York. n2 13t. 42. none but first-class and nothing but first- HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. SERVICE & CO- Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. Vincent. P V. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J Ilouk. District Attorney J. K. P. Hail. Sheriff D. C. Oyster. Pi oilionotbry c, Fred. Schocning. Treasurer C. R. Eni-'.cy. County Superintendent Rufus Lucore Commissioners Robt. Campbell, John Barr, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George D. Messenger, nnu (J. VV. Jlarrett. County surveyor Geo ilmsley Jury Commissioners. Joseph Kerner and Charles Mead. .list of jurors. ihe tollowinj; is the List of jurors drawn tor the August term of court, commencing Monday, August 4th, 1873: GRAND JCRORS, Eenezette Luther Lucore. Fox Jones Gillun, John Brown, Robert Wilbcr, Hugh McCready, Daniel JJclJarty, Jones Hays, John spooler. II on on Willis Taylor, Jacob Bode- racco, (Jhauncey Brock way. Jay An I bony Wise. Jones J. L. Brown, John Ernhout. MilUtone II. J. (jlyce. Ridgway Tho m its Nei'.l L. C. Dick inson, John K. Kune, U. 13. Day, John Kennedy. St. Mary's Boro. Anthony Aunmn Spring Creek D. G. McKnall, A. W. Irwin, Clinton Paine. TRAVERSE JURORS. Benezetle J. W. Winslow, Charles H. VViuslow, Jacob S. Johnson, Decatur Hewitt, John W. Johnson, Timothy Uuilloyle. lienzinaer Anton Jiauer, Adam upp, Philip Kraikle, Jacob Vollnier, Fox Bruco Ilarriojion. Frank Rhed, Hayes Kyler, Abel Grash, John Koch, John Mayer, Jr. Uorton Nathan Hippie, Clark A Wiloox, Bedford Segare, Joseph W Taylor. Jones Martin Sowers, A. A. Clay Joseph Tanbine, J. C. M alone, Christo pher Dill. Millstone G. D. Donahey. Bideway Chauncey Fields, Chas Holes. Phillip Lesser, Nelson Gardner. St. Marys Borough George Rettger bebastiao IJauber, Joseph ilanhauser. Additional List of Traverse Jurors drawn for August Term, 1873 couamcnoing Mouday. August 4th: Benezette Andrew Overturf, New too Johnson, Ueortre Mohan, James M. Barr. llenzinier (Jharles Kitter, JMictioias Krononwetter, Geo. Sieker, Jr., Wend line Cundle, Michael Cundle, Frauds Fry Hcrton ftobt. Mcintosh, llczekiah uorton. Jay Wm. G. Thomas, Annul Turley Jones U. C item, Henry Krai.ken Ridcwav Daniel Svribupr, Peter C Keuituerer, Simon Bryudlo, K. 1 Dickinson. Wui. II. Hyde. St. Mary's Boro Phillip Meyer, Frank Gerg. Spriug Crock Jesso Clnypool. Something New. An elegant Album for 25 cents, holding 24 full sized cards, bound in full gilt cover and sold at the low price of 25 cents, suita ble for the pocket pr centre table. Order a sample sent by mail, postpaid on receipt of 25 cents. 8 for 00 cents, or 6 for $1. Address, BURROW & CO., Baltimore, Mp. jerAgetts Wanted. Catalogues of Books p.ctuies, 4c, tent free. JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP 00 TO JAMES.H- HAGERTY ' Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, TBOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. HAGERTY. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISIIHS TO IN- form the Citizens of Ridgway, and the publio generally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES d Buggies, to let 'lpon the most reasona ble terms. lg&.He will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt attention. Aug 20 1870. tf. GIVEN AW AT. A Fine German Chromo. E HMD AN EI.EOANI CHROMO, NOCSTEP AUD HKADY FOR FRAMING, FSKK IO EVERT AGENT FOR Underground OR, LIFE BELOW THE SURFACE BY TIIOS. W. KA'OX. 912 Fsjes Octavo. 133 Tine Engravings- Relates Incidets and Accidents beyond the Lieut of Day ; Startling Adventures in all parts of the World j Mines and Mode of Working them ; Uurtencurrcnis oi society ; Gnmb'ing and its Horrors; Caverns and their Mysteries; The Dark Ways of Wick edness ; Prisons and their Secrets ; Down in the Depths of the Sea ; Strange Stories of the Detection of Crime. The book treots of experiences with bricands: nichts in opium dens and gamb ling bells; Lire in prison; Bioriee oi exues; adventures among Indians ; journeys through Sewers 4 np Catacombs; accidents inclines; p; rates and piracy ; tortures of the inouesions : wonderful burglars ; un derworld oi the great cilcis, tec. etc. ABBOTS mTJTTA for this wo'-k. Exeluhe irvio.-y given, Azenis can make 100 a week in sein g this book. Send for ciicilars pud terms to agents. J. D. Dnrr & Hyde, HARTFORD, COXN., or CHICAGO, ILL. 4GEO.R ROWELMCg 'YORK "ITTANTED. We wi!1 gi men and wo BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY. from $4 to $8 per day, can be pursued in your own neighborhood; it is a rare chance for those out of employment or having leisure time, girls and boys frequently do s well as men. Particulars free. Address J. LATHAM & CO., 292 Washington St., Boston, Mass Ii6t0. SEEDS, PLANTS, TREES, PREPAID BY MAIL. My new prieed descriptive Catalogue of iuoice i lower ana uaruen seeds, xo sorts of either for $1; new and choice varieties of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens, Roses, Grapes, Lillies, Small Fruits, House and Border Plants and Bulbs; one year grafted Fruit Trees for mailing; Fruit StccVs of all kinds: Hedire Plants, &o,j the most complete assortment in me country, will be sent gratis to any plain address, with P. O. box. True Cape lyOd utanberry for upland or lowland, b per 10OO; 1 per 100, prepaid by mail, Trade List to dealers. Seeds on Commis sion. Agents wanted. B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries and Seed Warehous, Plymouth, Maes. Eg lished 1812. - rr maiu as CENTS BUSINESS CARDS. A. RATHBUN, Ridgway, Pa. Attorney-at-law. 2 2tf. JO... BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vlnoyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acci dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. IT TJFUS LUCORE. Attornev-At-Lav. Ridgvfay, Elk Co., Pa. Office in a all's new llrick Building. Claims for collection promptly attended to. v3nlly. "jEYNOLOS HOUSE, BETOCLESvlLLE.JIFFESSCNCO, PA, H. S. BELNAP, Pbophiitob . J. S- EOEDWELL,H.L, Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, has remov ed his office from Centre Btreet, to Main at. Ridgway, Pa,, in the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store. Office hours: 8 to 9 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. 7 8 p, m. jan 9 73 GG. MESSENGER, Druggist and Paraeeutist corner of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vlnSy. T S. HARTLEY, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Ridgway, Pa. Office in Walker's Building. Special attention given to Surgery. Office house from 8 a. ru. to 10 p. m. Residence on corner of South and Court streets, op posite the new School HouBe. All calls promptly attended to. vln2yl. "lUARLks HOLES, J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main Btreet, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, eto, done with he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis action guaranteed. vlnly. HHAYER HOUSE, L RILEY & BKO., Proprietors. Cor. Mill and Centre Sis., Ridgway, Pa. The proprietors take this method of an nouncing to the publio that the have re fitted, revised, ana improved, this well known hotel, and are prepared to entertain all who fuvor them with their patronage, Id he best style and at low rates. Good stabling attached. v3n0tf. HYDE HOUSE, Ridoway, Elk Co., Pa, W. H. SCULIAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, bopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct 80 1800. T IHE OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, Kane, McKean Co,, Pa R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. The ouly stables for horses in Kaue and well kept night or day. Hall attached to the Hotel. vinayi. J I ALL BltO Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELE COUSTT PHNSYLYANIA. JOilNO. tiM.L JAS. K. t, BALI KERSEY HOUSE, Ckmtbiville, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore to liUf i'iUy bestowed upon him, the new pio r rieior, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, t merit a continuance of the same. JAMES PENF1ELD, (Successor to W. C. Healy,) DKAl-A IN LEY C3CDS, G 11:023, F30VISXOH3 RlODUCH; f KUlTa, &o. l SuTif. Weil Ed. E idgway, Pa. S. A. ROTE, PHOTOGRAPHER, AND DEALKB IS Chromos, Stereoscopic Views, Picture Frames, &a. WEST END, RIDGWAY, ELK CO. PA N2n2tf. RED. eCHOENING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PIALIB, IB PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOKS. Pianos and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. Prothonotary's Office, Ridgway, Pa. v2n0tf. P. W. HAYS, DEALEB M Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Earley J. O. In47tf. IS EW STAGE ROUTE. J. C. BUSNS. Proprietor. Ibe subscriber having secured the eon tract for carrying the U. S. Mail between REYNOLDS VILLS & BROCKWAY VILLE has placed on tha; road a line of hacks. Hacks leave the Exchange Hotel in Reynoldville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday on the ai rival of the Droonville stage, and return the same day. These hacks connect at Brockwayville with the Ridgway stages, making eonneotion with trains on the P. & E. Road, both east and west. Every attention to the comfort ot patrons of this line will be given, and a liberal patronage solicited. Aug. 13-72U.