r HENRY A. PARSONS, Jr., Editor and Publisher. NIL DESFERANDUM. Two Dollars per Annum. VOL. III. KIDGAVAY, ELK COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1873. NO. 22. Conductor Bradley. Conductor Bradley falwavn mnv Ilia numA Be said with reverence !) as the swift doom camo. 1 Bmittcu to death, a crushed and mangled framo, Bank, with the brake he grasped juBt whore he stoou To do the utmost that a brave man could, And die. if needful, as a tme man l.nnl,l Mcu stooped above him j women dropped their tears On that poor wreck beyond all hoi es or fears, Lost in the strencth and irlotv of bis renin What heard they ? Lo ! the ghastly lips of pain, Dead to all thought Favo duty's, moved again : " Put out the signals for the other train !" No nobler utterance since the world began From lips of saint or martyr ever ran, Electric, through the sympathies of man. Ah, me ! how poor and noteless seem to this The sick-bed dramas of self-consciousnoss, Our senBiial fears of pain and hopes of blisB ! Oh, grand, mprcme endeavor 1 Not in vain That last brave act of failing tongue and brain ! Freighted with lifo, the downward rushing - train, Following the wrecked one, as wave follows wave, . Obeyed the warning which the dead lips gave, Others he saved, himself ho could not save. Nay, the lost life vat saved. He is not dead Who in his record still the earth shall tread With God's clear aureole shining round his head. We bow ni in the dust, with all our pride Of virtue dwarfed the noble deed beside. God give us grace to live as Bradley died ! A LEFT-HANDED JOB. "I never siwbutone literal gaucherie in my life," said Frank Delnmere, as we leaned over tha bulwarks find watched the quaint old houses of Panama melt ing into the receding background of forest; "and this was how it happened. On mv first visit to New Orleans, I fell in with an Englishman by the name of Moutfort. I hud got lost no very diffi cult matter iu a town like that and was asking my way of a niggro, who seemed to know rather less about it than I did myself, when, luckily for me, this fel low Moutfort happened to pass by. The moment he saw that I was at a loss, he stepped forward, and very politely of fered to pilot me ; which he did, going consi crably out of his way to do it. When we got to my hotel, of course 1 couldn't well do less than ask him in ; we got talking, and his talk amused me somehow, ro that, when he got up to go, I begged him to look me up again when he had nothing better to do. He did so, and in a little while we became pret ty intimate as intimate, ht least, as any one could get to be with him. Not tha't he was what you would call reserved ; lie would talk freely enough about tht tilings he had seen nnd done, and the strange places he had visited, and tht strange people he had met ; but when you came to think it all over aftewards, you would begin to notice that he had not said 11 word about who he was, or wheie he came from, or what he did ; and although we were so constantly to gether, I knew no more of him the last day than on the first, except that we were fellow-countrymen. ' Another of his queer ways was do ing things that nobody else did, and not things that everybody else did ; and that, too, not at all like an affectation, but as if it came quite natural to him. He uied to walk the most uuheard-ol distances in the heat of the day, when all the rest of the town was having a siesta ; and to go to bed early in the evening, just when every one else wat going out ; und then to get up early m the morning, just when every one else was going to bed. Then, on the other hand, he neither smoked nor drank, never played cards, and (which was even more astonishing to the New Orleanser) never made love ! At New Orleans, you know, you make love to every woman you meet, as a matter of course ; but this fellow (though, t- do him justice, he was always perfectly polite to them) seemed hardly to know whether they were women or men ! " You musu't suppose from all this, though, that he was unpopular. Let a fellow qnce get a character for that sort of thing, and it's ten to one the women like him all the bettor for it. Then, too, his feats in theathletio line, and the re ports that were afloat of his won derful adventures, and above all, the kind of mystery that enveloped him, were points iu his favor. He wasn't or namental, certainly a square, heavy built fellow, with a biglumpy forehead, and a long, hooked nose, and a hard mouth half-covered with a thick mous tache and beard ; but he had a strange ont-of-the way, picturesque style ol talking that was rather attractive ; and with all he had seen, and all he had read, he was worth listening to. But it will save you a great infliction, if, in stead of describing him any further, 1 just quote you part of a conversation we had one day. '"I suppose you'll be here some time yetrs.il I. "Not likely,' he answered; 'I've been here six weeks already, and that's too long for any man to stay in one place, without special object. New scenery renews individuals, just as new blood renews races ; and besides, I've been far too comfortable here as it is.' " ' What the deuce do you mean ?' asked I, fairly puzzled. " I - mean',' said he, 'that too much ease relaxes the muscles of the mind as well as those of the body ; you need hard work, and danger, and adversity, to come nnd fling cold water on you, nnd rub you down with rough towels, and stir your blood into action once more. When anything goes wrong with me, it's just like a shower bath ; and after the fire t shock, I feel ten times fresher and stronger than ever ; but prolonged enjoyment, with nothing to ruffle it, is not good for any one. Just think- what a burden life would be, if there were nothing to fight against!' " Well,' said I, (I really conldn't help it) 'there's no fear but you'll have enough to tight against, if you always go slap in the teeth of established us agon as you've done here!' " Very true,' he answered, as coolly as if I had paid him a compliment ' 1 can't expect everv one to think as I do. and very likely it would be a bad thing if they did. But when a thing has got to be done, done it must bel' " I can't give you an idea of the way he brought out that Inst sentence ; every word sounded like a niil driven into a wall. I didn't say any more to him that time. " Now I must tell yon, that at this time the belle of New Orlpans was a certain Miss Georgiana De Conrcy, the handsomest girl, and the greatest heir ess in Louisiana, and what counts a good deal in the Southern States of one of the oldest families in the South. She was certainly a splendid woman without an atom of heart or conscience, beautiful as a leopard, vain as a pea cook, and greedy of admiration ns a well as a woman ; one of the finest crea tures Altogether that I ever saw in my life! Well, as you may imagine, before she had been in town a month, all the young swells of the place were at her feet ; nnd the most ardent of all was a yrmg Frenchman, Henri Le Vaillant by name, a man of good family, and origi nally of good fortune; but'he had con trived to run through such a lot of it before lie came of age, that as Paddy says in the song ' When ho came to man's estate, It was all the estate he had.' This being the cue, it was only natural that he should think it a good idea to recoup himself by winning the favor (and fortune) of Miss De Conrcy ; nnd, to give the devil his due, he was just the man to make any girl like him if he had n mind that way. To begin with: he was a very handsome fellow slim and graceful as any statue in Romp, and with that beanie du diablc which von see so often among high-caste Frenchmen ; then he could sing first rate soups, and dance like any Taglioni ; and, to crown all, he was the best rider, and, what was more to the purpose, the best fencer in the town. Indeed, he had pinked so many men in various quarrels, that his chums, in a kind of ehnff upon his double capacity of lady killer and duellist, nick-named him " Peree-ccenr." Se, when it was known that the " Pierce-henrt " had got his eye upon Miss De Courey, you may think that her other worshipers began to feel rather put about. "Now it so happened that I had brought an introduction to the girl's father, Colonel De Conrcy, whom she ruled as completely ns she ruled every one else, and he find invited me to a grand ball thnt they gave a little after my arrival. It was at this ball that I sot my first sight of Le Vaillant a slight, delicate-featured man, with a little black moustache,- but supple as a grey-hound and active as a tiger. Of course, he was horribly conceited, as these fellows always nre : but barring that, he struck me as rather pleasant company, and I couldn't help thinking that if 'ho really meant business as le garded the De Courcy, he stood well to make his game. " Well, the ball was like every other ball plenty of heat, and crush, and chatter ; lots of dancing ana flirting, and ices nnd champagne ; n few people worth talking to, and a great many bet ter worth leaving alone. About two in the morning (having just made my es cape from a dreadful woman who had never been to Pans, and would insist upon knowing all about it,) I went out upon the veranda to recover myself, and came bump against another man who was just coming iu. I turued round to apologize, and saw Mout fort ! " I don't think I was ever more taken aback in all my life. Here was a fellow who neitherdanceu, drank, nor ilirted who always went to bed at ten, and didn't know a woman from a milestone cropping up all at once in the middle of a ball ! It was Saul among the pro phets with a vengeance ! "Hollo, Montfort!' said I, 'isn't this rather a violation of your prin- iples ?' -: "'What would you have ? One must do in Roma as the Romans do. Here it's the fashion to go Jo balls, and go to them. In the Andes, where I'm "oing presently, it's the fashion to elinib peaks, nnd scramble along; rock-ledges, and I shall climb and scramble with the rest. Good-night I must be going.' " This (as poor Dickens says some where) was 'pilin it up rayther too monntaynious. The idea of Montfort, i all men on earth, doing a thing be cause other people did it, was a little too good ; I d as soon have believed in lorn Sayers joining the IVace Society. And my doubts were not dispelled by a fragment of conversation which I over heard just then from two men who were standing on the veranda a little way off. " ' Who was that fellow who was out here just now with Miss De Courey ?' " Don t know ; but 1 fancy it s the same man who takes those wondertul walks Moffat, or Montfort, or some such name.' " ' Well, he seemed to be making the most of Lis time anyhow.' And the two passed on. As for me, Iwent home very much out of temper with myself. I had been wont to brag that nobody could throw dust in my eyes; and yet this fellow Montfort had done it as thoroughly as one man ever did to another. To judge by pres ent appearances, his former show of as ceticism must have been all humbug ; and upon my word, I was rather sorry for it. To me this man was a kind of rare specimen a Codex Sinaiticus, a new hieroglyphic ; and I valued him as Professor 'Tischendorf might value the one, or Sir Henry Rawlinson the other. In this easy-going age, bristling with every conceivable invention for making man indolent and luxurious, it was something to find even one living creature who seemed to defy, without an effort, every determination that can as sail humanity ; and now it appeared all at once that he wasn't the man I took him for. The only thing to be done was to find out at once how the case really stood ; so, direotly after break fast, I posted off to Montfort's quarters, and found him near the window (as fresh as,if he had been in bed all night) writing a letter with his left hand. "Hollo ! " said I, " is your right arm paralyzed with handling lemonade ? " "No; but it's as well to keep in prac tice, in case I should hurt the other hand. That's one thing my travels have taught me to be as handy with my left as with my right.' " 'Why, do you mean to say that you can carve, and write, nnd handle a cue or a single-stiek, ns well with one hand as with the other ' ? " " 'Pretty nearly, so far nslhave tried yet ; one of these days I'll give you a specimen.' " (So he did in a way that I little dreamed of.) " 'Well, look here,' snid I, coming to the point, 'aren't you a pretty fellow to be by way never making love, and all that sort of thing nnd then to go walking on a veranda- at two in the morning with the prettiest girl in the town?' "A,s I spoke, I looked keenly in his face for some sign of confusion. I might as well have looked at the Great Sphinx. "'Ah! you think I'm in love with Miss De Courey? ' snid he, with a quiet laugh. ' Well, you're not the only one who does me the honor to hold that opinion ; but yon rate my good taste too high. The young lady is an extremely interesting study ; but as for my admir ing her, happily, even public opinion cannot turn that fiction into a fact ! ' "'D j you mem to tell me, then,' cried I, 'that you can't fall in love, even if you tried ? ' " 'I mean to tell yon,' he answered, drawing himself up, and looking really grand for the moment, ' that I should not count life worth having, if I were overcome, even for one moment, by nny influence that Icould not shake off, which is what understand by love. The great est pleasure of life, take my word for it, is the free use of one's own will.' "'I suppose, then,' said I, ' that if you did fall in love, and she played fast and loose with you, you'd kill yourself? ' " 1 Not nitse,' he answered very quietly ; anil then he put away his wait ing, and asked me to come out for n stroll. And so the subject dropped. But I now began to suspect (not for the first time) that my friend Montfort wasn't quite right in the head ; and when you hear the rest of the story, I think you'll agree with me. " Well, for about a month after that everything went on as usual. The sea son was well iu by this time, nnd I had my hands full balls, masquerades, musical soirees, private theatricals, and what not. Once oi twice I lighted upon Montfort in the very thick of it ; but for the most part he seemed rather to fight shy of going about, in spite of his theory about 'doing as the Romans did.' However, he occupied a good deal of my attention just then ; for, to tell the truth, I was rather riled at the way he had thrown dus in my eyes ; and i de termined to find out, by hook or by crook, whether he was really spoony on the De Courcy or not. But I might as well have saved myself the trouble, for, look as sharp as I might, I was just as wise at the end of the month as at the beginning. One thing I found out, though that Montfort and Le Vailhiut liked each otherabout as well as a badger and a terrier, and thaji tho least thing would kindle a row between them. Le Vaillant had managed, by dint of his dueling renown, to exact a kind of def erence from everybody heknew ; whereas Moutfort made no more of him than it he had been n crossing-weeper, and, indeed, had rather shut him up once or twice, when he began to brag a little too extensively. Now, I needn't tell you that yon may do anything to a French man rather than make him look small before a whole roomful of people, es pecially when half of them are ladies. Then, again, Le Vaillant's blustering ways riled Montfort ; and so, bit by bit, they came to hate each other like poison. 'Now, I shouM te1.! you that while n1! this was go'rg on, I had become rather thick with Cilonel De Conrcy, Georgi ana's father ; not that I had any idea of her, but at that time I was rather mad ou sportitig, and the old colonel seemed to have hunted and shot every beast that came out of the Ark. So, pretty nearly every other day I used to stroil up there, aud fiud the old boy sitting in his garden over a weed and a mint-julep ; and we would have along palaver about the big game, and tho best spots for finding them. Well, one nfternoon, about five weeks after that ball I was speaking 4f, I turned up in the colonel's garden, but didn't find him in his usual place ; and I was just thinking of going up to the house to look for him, wheu, all at once, just on the other side of the high shrubbery behind which . I was standing, I heard voices ; and Ihpy were the voices of Miss De Courcy and Moutfort ! " Of course, you'll say I was a con founded snob for listening, and I don't deny it; but, at the same time, I could no mora help it than I could help breathing. Through the leaves I could see them standing in the sidewalk ; and though they spoko low, I heard every word. " ' Mr. Montfort," says she, 'I have a great favor to ask of you ; and although fieople call you ungallant, I cannot be ieve that you will be so unkind as to refuse me. Will yoa do what I ask ?' ("Talk of witchcraft! you should have heard her voice, and seen the look she gave ! It was enough to drive a man stark mad ; and I know it made me tingle all over, as if I'd fallen into a bed of nettles). "I await your commands,' said Montfort, as coolly as if he'd been read ing Euclid. (I couldn't have done it in his place, I know that !) " Well,' says she, I find that Mr. Le Vaillant that young Frenchman whom you met here the other day has been showing to all his friends a like ness of myself, which I was foolish enough to give him, and has the inso lence to boast of it. as if as if I had in short, as if more importance might be attached to it than itreally deserves.' (The way she did that little bit of bash fulness would have made her fortune ou the stage). ' You are the only man whom I can trust to check his imperti nence, for all the rest seem afraid 'of him. May I count upon you to defend my reputation ?' " She took both his hands in hers, (I suppose to add emphasis to her peti tion,) and east her eyes on the ground. It was well that she did : for there eame over Montfort's face such a look of kill ing contempt as made me fairly shake. He drew himself up, as if he could have trampled her under his feet ; and for that moment he looked really splendid just ns I had seen him look when I chaffed him about being, in love with her, the morning after the ball. " ' I am at your service, says he, bowing ; and with that away he went, without another word. As for me, I stood like a fool for good five minutes before I could recollect myself, the whole thing took me so aback. This was worse than I had ever dreamed of. All that I ever bargiiined for was n little flare-up between Montfort and the Frenchman, which would blow over and leave all clear again ; but here was a fa more serious business. Whether the He Courcy had got tired of having Le Vaillant always hanging after her, and wanted to get rid of him, or whether it was only her coufounded vanity that was tickled at the idea of settiug men Hhting about her, I can't tell; but I've alwayB thought (though it seems a hor rible thing to say of any woman) that she was riled nt Montfort for not bowing down to her ns every one else did, and that she meant to punish him by get ting him knocked on the head. Look at it which way I would, it was a very bad business. Apart from my liking for Moutfort, I couldn't abide the thought of nn Englishman being killed by a Frenchman, and the whole town crowing over it, as they'd be sure to do. And yet how was I to stop it ? I and tho other two meu were invited that very day to dine with some Vir ginian bigwig (Fortescue, I think his name was,) and then to go to a ball that Colonel De Oburcy was giving the same evening; so that even if they missed each other at one place, they were sure to meet at the other. Altogether, it really seemed ns if the powers for mis chief had contrived it ; and I went home feeling bad all over. "Well, to Fortescue's I went, and didn't manage to get near Montfort till dinner was done ; but when we turned out to have our smoke in the garden (a famous big place, with a fountain in the middle, and dark shrubberies all round hung with colored lamps, just like a scene in a theatre,) I got hold of him, and drew him into conversation, mean ing, nt least, to stick by him all the evening, in caseof anything happenixg. But just then, as ill-luck would have it, who should come swaggering past but that beast LeValliant, with his chorus of worshiper about hira, and of course he must bring out Miss De Courcy's likeness, and begin bragging about it before them nil. " Thus it is that we Frenchmen win the day,' said he iu his boastful way ; 'everything is possible to those who dare. It is only those who hang back that get nothing, like those English cowards in the Crimea !" "I jumped up like a shot at that, you may be sure ; but Montfort was before me. With one stride he was through the circle, nnd confronted the French man, looking him full in the eyes." " Did I understand Monsieur to say,' asked he, bowing, that the English are cowards ?" " I did,' answered the other, looking up nt. him insolently. " You lie, then !, says Montfort, and gave hi ma slap in the face with his open hand, that, echoed all over the garden hike a pitt l-shot. " Then there was a row, if you like. Everybody ran foiward at once, shout ing and screaming. Iu an instant the two had their coats off, and were stand ing face to face, each with a small sword in his hand, on the bit of smooth turf beside the fountain. It was evi dent, as soon as they began, thut Le Vaillant was the better swordsman of the two; and iu a few minutes, (just su had fenred,) Montfort got a thru-t through the arm, below the elbow, that made him drop his weapon. Of course all Le Vaillant's chums shouted for joy; but how they stared wliou M ut fort coolly twisted his handkerchief round his right arm, drew the kuot with his teeth, tonk up the sword in his left hand, and said, quietly 'En garde, monsieur 1" "It was then, for the first time, that the Frenchman began to look disturbed; and certainly there was something aw ful in this dogged, bloodthirsty persis tency, which no paiu or danger could shake. Two or three of Le Vaillant's party tried to protest, but the others overruled them, and the fight began gain. The two faces were a sight ; Le Vaillant looked like a wolf in a trap full of a kind of frightened fury ; Mont fort's face was quiet, and cold as mar ble, but with a look of grim sat Ufavt ion ou it, as if he were sure of his man at last. And so, indeed, he was. In those days, the French schools didn't gener ally teach their men how to meet a left handed attack; nnd Le Vaillant, who had never seen anything of the kind before, was fairly puzz'ed. His breath began to fail, his hand shook ; bh1 nt last, as he overreached himself iu mak ing a thrust, Montfort sprang in, and went clean through him. from breast to back. Then, picking up the miniature, he flung his coat loose over his shoul ders, and flew out of the garden like a wild-cat. x loiiowea mm ' as hard as 1 could pelt, (you know I couldn't tell what he might do in the mad fit that seemed to be on him), and I tell you that in all my life I never had such arun. He never slackened pace once till he get to Colonel De Courcy's, where the ball was just at its height ; and there, he bolted through the gate, burst into the ball-room, right through the midst of the dancers, aud rushing up to where Aliss JJe uourcy was stuuding, flung the miniature at her feet. " Talk of theatres ! that scene beat 'em iUL Everybody seemed turued to stone ; and several ladies fainted out right, without any one minding them. Aud well they might. Montfort was white as a corpse, in spite of his hard run ; his clothes were all splashed with blood ; his right arm hung down at his side ; and his face glared as if he were mad. " ' Are you satisfied ? ' he asked, in a voice us ii buiiio uua were cuomng mm. ' You commanded, aud I have obeved you. Take your likeness,' (he crushed it under his heel as he spoke,) 'and so perish every memorial of the woman who dared to weigh her caprice against the life of a brave man ! ' " He looked round upon the company who were all standing like statues as if he could strike them dead on the spot, aud then vanished into the dark' noss, like an evil epiiit. "I never saw or heard of him after that night; but he had his revenge, if that did him nny good. The De Courcy never got over the fright he gave her ; she fell into adecline, aud died eighteen months later; and Her father wasn't long in following her. Now, then, what do yon say to a hand at ecartef " A Spanish Prison. A correspondent writing fron, Madrid gives a vivid description of the city prison of the Spanish capital. He goes on to say that, h ving traversed well lighted passages, we stumbled down a dark, break-neck and filthy staircase, and making our way through groups of ill-favored, ragged denizens of the place, stop before an iron-bound door, at which my conductors knocked loud ly. It is opened. We enter another passage nnd halt for a few seconds. A man with forbidding countenance, him self n prisoner, shouts loudly, an nouncing the Governor's visit, and a crowd of filthy, miserable objects in human form hurry past. The Governor beckons me to follow, nnd we find our selves in a long, dismal, vaulted cham ber. The offensive stench for nn nstnnt makes me recoil with disgust. Throughout the whole length of this horrible abode is sloping wood-work, similar to that iu guard-houses, which serves for the prisoners' bedsteads. Standing on these sleeping places, the wretches, about ninety iu number, had taken their position. No bidding of any kind is provided for them, and un less they have friends outside who char itablv supply them with a mattress, the scum of society crouch for the night on the blackened, filthy boards, huddled together like wild beasts in their lairs. The authorities have not a sufficient quantity of blankets to provide one for each prisoner. And now, although the weatlr was mud, within tins vaulted ileu the pestilential ntmosphere was damp and chill. The inmntes who hnd blankets kept them tightly diawn around their shoulders for warmth, and for fear of their being stolen by their associates. On the walls are long lines of wooden pegs, to which are suspended the extra rags ot the prisoners entitled to consider the portion of the plank beneath his sleeping place. High on the wall, to tue lett Hand, are a few small unglazed apertures with iron grating, which dimly lightthe den, and afford the only and far from suf ficient means of ventilation. Toward the centre of the wall is a recess, the state of which is indescribable. And in this den, unfit for wild beasts, human flesh and blood must pine and rot until tardy Spanish justice either releases the wretched tenant, or sends him for trial or to the Bugue, which is, by com parison, Paradise. The brawls and lights which sometimes occur are terri ble. Imagination reiuses to picture to itself the horrible and depraved scenes enacted when the sun has set, and those two poor little lanterns, swinging by cords from the roof, shed their faint, dickering light ou the man of human wretchedness shut iu from the outer world ! A sojourn iu the Saladero would demoralize the strongest mind. .Therein the innocent become criminal, and depravity doubly deprived. The abuse of power, the total disregnrd ol humanity, nnd the disgraced adminis tration of law, which my visit to this hellish place has revealed, would also justify the overthrow of the govern ment that lias tolerated tnem. A Sight of Terror on Lake Erie. The details of the fortunate escape from drowning of live men of Cleveland who passed anight and a day adrift in a boat on Lake Erie duriug a gale have come to light with the return to Cleve land of the party from Dullulo, whither they were carried after having been res cued. The men in a boat left together for Rocky River on Sunday morninu last. Crozid had chartered the boat, in open yacht twenty feet long, and the others went to sail her, or for their own imusemeut. After Crozad had finished his business, the party set out on their return to Cleveland. The breeze fresh ened, and the yacht was running along very well, when an accident happened to the rudder. Two hours time was consumed ' in the effort to repair the damage, und in the meantime the yacht had dritted helplessly out to sea. one wus now distant eight miles from shore, and the wind was blowing away from the land, while the gathering of thick, black clouds betokened a coming storm. In spite of all efforts the boat could not be made to near the land, and at every tack made she was further away. One of the Benjamins took charge of the helm, as be was the only man of the party who knew aught of the manage ment of a bout. The night came on, aud the wind, now increased to a gale, drove the yacht, drifting under bare poles, the sails having been clewed down, far out to sea. The sky was of inky blackness ; the rain fell in tor rents ; the waves rolled nround the bout, threatening each moment to sub merge her, und the scene was rendered more fearful by the glare of the light ning and the incessant crash of thun der. For hours, with not a light to guide them, and half expectant of grave in the angry waters of the lake, the crew of the yacht waited for the break of day. They were exhausted, as none of them had eaten anything since breakiast the previous morning. When daylight made things visible they could see fifteen sail in the distance. But none of these noticed their signals of distress, and they continued to drift until towards suudown. After nearly thirty-six hours of fearful physical fa tigue and mental torture, they wre res cued by the schooner A. Bradley, bound for Buffalo, and were carried to that port. When picked up, only the jib sail and a single oar remained to the castaways. They were at the time forty miles below Cleveland, and in sight of the snore of (Janada. The owner of a hotel in Skye has brought an action for slander for &!H) against a gentleman who made the following entry in the visitors' book: " I have been in many indeed in most hotels in Scotland, but nowhere have I encountered so much drinking,' or so much, squalid untidiness and, dirt, (Signed) Malcolm. MNieU." The Boy Whose Mother Cuts Ills Hair. You can always tell a boy whose mother cuts his hair, says Danbnry. Not becar.se the edges of it look as if it had been chewed off by nn absent minded horse, but yon tell it by the way he stops on tke street and wriggles his shoulders. When a fond mother has to cut her boy's, hair, she is careful to guard against any annoyance aud muss by laying a sheet on the carpet. It has never yet occurred to her to set him over a bare floor nnd pnt the sheet around his neck. Then she draws the front hair over his eyes nnd leaves it there while she cuts that which is nt the back. The huir which lies over his eyes appears to be surcharged with electric needles, nnd that which is silently dropping down under his shirt baud ap pears to be on fire. She has uncon sciously continued to pUBh his head forward until his nose presses his breast, and is too busily engaged to no tice the snuffling sound that is becoming alarmingly frequent. In the meantime lie is seized - with an irresistible desire to blow his nose, hut recollects that his handkerchief is in tho other room. Then a fly lights on his nose, nnd does it so'unexpectedly thnt he involuntarily dodges, nnd catches the points of the shears in his left ear. At this he com mences to cry and wish he was a man. But his mother doesn't notice hi in. She merely hits him on the other ear, to in spire Viim with confidence, and goes on with the work. When she is through, she holds his jacket collar back from his neck, nnd with her mouth blows the short bits of hair from the top of his head down his back. He calls her at tention to this fact, but she looks for a new place on his head and hits him there, and asks him why he didn't use his nndkerchief. Then he takes his awfully disfigured head to the mirror and looks nt it, and, young ns he is, shudders as he thinks of what the boys on the street will say. Narrow Guagc. Mr. Hall, of the Catskill Recorder, writes to his paper from Colorado. He says : " At Golden we were transferred to a new narrow guage (3 feet) railroad, the first of the kind I have seen. The passenger coaches were neatly and com fortably constructed, with double seats on one side and siugle seats opposite one-half the length of the car, and then alternated, to preserve equilibrium. But little motion, or jar, is observable, and one rides ns comfortably as upon the New York and Erie six-feet guage. I'his road is a marvel of engineering und enterprise, and ns great a curiosity as can be found on the continent. Some of its heaviest grades are 170 feet to the mile, while the average is 14U leet. it is completed only to Floyd's Hill, 18 miles from Golden, but will soou be ex tended to Georgetown, about 21) miles urtlier, with a branch (now in opera tion) to Central City. The roadbed is nearly all "made," of masonry, nnd is a complete succession of short curves almost the entire route. In fact, I do not think there are, in the entire 18 niles, forty successive rods of straight track. Our partv wisely gave the opeu observation ear' tho preference. A Private Still. We heard a good story lately. A rev enue olhcer was sent into ine mien whisky distilling district in Kentucky. He knew illicit distilling was going on, but he could get no basis to work from. Coming to an Irishman who was toler- ibly drunk, the omcer tapped mm on the shoulder, and said, " My man, do ou want to make ten dollars t Is H ten dollars? said Put, "sure aud 1 lo." " Th,Kn," said the officer, " show ue a ' private still.' " " I'll do the same; follow me, yer Honor." The oiheer followed across lots nnd ields to the camp of a company of sol- liers that had been sent there to aid the revenue officers. The soldiers were ti hue dress parade. "Do you see hat red-headed man ? aslied rut. pointing to one of the soldiers. " Yes," replied the oflicer. " tie is, said rat, ' my brother, tie s been in tue service welve years, tie u be a corporal niter i while, but he is 'a private still.'" ' Ten dollars gone, and no illicit whisky found, moralized the omcer as n wended his way back to his hotel. Madison Courier. The Capture of Khiva. Dispatches from Khiva give the fol owing account of events subsequent to the capture of the city ; The Khan voluntarily entered tue Russian camp and gave in his submis sion, formally declaring lumsell a vassal f Russia. Gen. Caufman then restored him to the throne, and appointed council of administration to assist him n the government during the ooenpa. Hon of the Khanate by the Russian torces. The Khan, in token of gratitude, issued on the 2ith of June a decree forever abolishing slavery within his dominions. Gen. Kaufman has sent dispatehes to Teharan, notifying the Persian Govern ment to make preparations lor tue re ception of ten thousand natives ol Persia released from slavery Dy the Khan 8 decree. An Indian Wedding. Gov. Sockalexis, of the Penobscot tribe of Indians, was married at Old Town, near Bangor, Me., to Miss Moddlin. who is a daughter of P Sockalexis Glossian, and reported to be 'iu Iudian maiden of great beauty. The Bangor Whig says that the interesting ceremonies inoluded a revival ol tue old Indian dance, the marvelous snake dance, and the still more intricate Mio mac, being skillfully executed by stal wart mtn and maidens brown. J-iate in the evening' the fashionable dances of the white man were introduced, and the younger members of the tribe took part with much apparent satisfaction The bride was attired in a brown and white striped silk dress, heavily flounced and long train ; black lace shawl ; flesh colored kids ; white lace hat, trimmed with white ribbon and pink flowers. The Chignon is no longer Been at fashionable watering places, Items f Interest. The recent forest fires in Michigan destroyed about eight thousand aores of wood 8. A Maine farmer 1ms put nn on his land a sign reading: " No Gun iN aloud Hear." Vermont is ft fortunate State. Its ontst itidiug debt now amounts to only $297,500. A party of Englishmen have arrnnged for the purchase of 20,000 acres of land in Kansns. The Fall River Co-operative Associa tion has declared a quarterly dividend of 12 per cent. The Iowa State Fair will beheld nt Cedar Rapids, from the 8th to the 12th of September, A little boy nt Mnysville wns with dif ficulty saved from death from the bite of a caterpillar ou his tongue. Fifteen persons were bnclly in;'uved by an nccideiit on the Nashville Di vision of the St. Louis and Southern Railway, A rattlesnake bit a boy on the finger lately nt Hamilton, Gu., and the boy's mother chopped the finger off iu time to save him. The New Hampshire Agricultural Fair will be held in Manchester, be ginning September 30, and continuing four days. The keeper of a town farm iu Peacharo, Vt., is accused of kicking a little boy to death, aud has left for parts unknown. " What's the date of your bustle ?" wns what nn noxious papa of Cobleskill asked his well-dressed daughter, after searching for the latest copy of his paper. The farmers of Tennessee will hold a State convention in Nashville on the 15th of September, at the suggestion of the farmers of East Tennessee, who recently met in Kuoxville. Gov. Carpenter, of Iowa, has decided not to call the convention of Western and Southern Governors, to consider the transportation question, until the ill. A Boston jeweler has on exhibition hat he claims to be the largest dia mond in the United States. It weighs thirty-two carats, and has a yellow tinge. A Connecticut farmer, who set out au elaborate seure-crow in his strawberry patch, was disgusted to find that a pair of robins had built their nest, aud were raising their young, under its hat. Thev fouud the body of a boy in the lake at Chicago, the other day, with a pair of skates on his leet. it was identified ns tho remains of a lad who wnt through the ice, a tuihi from shore, m New Year s clay. His Holiness Tope Pius IX. will, it is said, create the Most Rev. Archbishop Manning of Westminster, England, nnd two Americnn Archbishops Cardinals if the Church, nnd forward to each of the prelates a scarlet hat. From returns lately published, we learn that there are in India 313 differ ent newspapers, of which G8 ure Eng lish. 30 in the dialect wincu pusses as English among the natives, and 211 are u the native languages. A Lancaster (Pa ) man had what he htUL'ht to be a very painful bunion ; but ou paring it he found the cause of the irritation to be a long lmman hair, which had by some means become im bedded in the flesh of his foot. The libel suit of Miss Linda Gilbert gainst the Chicago Keening Post was iven to the jury, with instructions to bring in a sealed verdict, lhe jury ame into court with a verdict tor the plaintiff, assessing the damages at six cents. A western traveler suggests a new keeping car regulation, which shall prohibit porters from extracting a pusseuger's well-polished boots from under his pillow, aud charging twenty dve cents for setting them on the floor in front of his bunk. The great log raft from Michigan has irrived at Chicago. Not a single log vas lost, no heavy weather having been xperienced, save during the last lour lours of the trip. It is estimated that he profit over the old method ol trans portation was ubout $1,500. The will of a Kentuckian, which was made before his marriage, and gave nil tiis property to the lady who afterwards became his wife, has been successfully contested by his legal heir, it being held that the marriage ucted as a revocation, tnd that the widow is entitled to only one-third. A lady in Providence was accosted a few evenings ago by a stranger, who handed her a new purse, containing a sum of money, which he hnd stolen from her three years before. He simply remarked in giving it back, " I took it. I was in bad company, and was tempt ed, but I never meant to keep it." A professor of physiology, in explain ing to a class of female students the theory according to which the body is renewed every seven years, said, 'Thus, Miss B., in seveu years, you will, in reality, be no longer Miss B." I really hope 1 shan t, demurely re sponded the young lady, casting down her eyes. New Jersey, although the twentieth State in population, is the sixth in the value of its manuiacinres, wnicn are steadily increasing. Newark is the third city in the Union in the value of its manufactured produots. The pot teries of Trenton are more extensive thun. any other in the country. The glass manufactures are large, and more than one-half of the zino products in the Union are mined and made in New Jersey. It seems that every member of Con gress elect who, holds the proper certi fioate and whose seat is not contested, now draws a salary monthly at the rate of g052 per month. Thus, there having been no March session, members may draw $."),G25 before they take their seats in December, which is $625 more than the whole amount of the old salary, and is to be paid before a day's service hn been rendered, or before even the fo& of membership has been complied ritb.