The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, July 10, 1873, Image 3

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    & 0mtiitjj gitoratc.
C'nr Tis liidgirny.
Erie Express East 2:01 n. m.
do do West IWifl n. m.
do Mail ERst. 6:00 p. ni.
do do West 2:2S a. m.
Rcnovo Accommodation Post 8.55 a. nr.
do do West 0:20 p. m.
elk lodge, a. y. m.
The stated mortices of Elk Lolprs, No.
879, are lield at their linll. corner of Mnin
nnd Depot streets, on the second mid fourth
Tuesdays of each month-
D. n. DAY, Scc'y.
Hates of Advertising.
One column, one year..
" " " ..
$75 00
40 00
15 00
Transient advertisements per square of
eight lines, one insertion $1. two inser
tions, $1.50, three insertions $2.
Business cards, ten lines or less, per
year $5.
Marriage nnd Death notices inserted
Advertisements payable quarterly.
Some cool weather the past few days.
TnB round Josephine waist is around.
The Fourth passed off very quietly in
Jas. IIaoerty has lately received a
new stoek of summer eoods,
Sheriff Oyster advertises another
lot oi laud, for sale, in this issue.
Eo. Paine has broken ground for n
dwelling house on the Fuller lot on
South street.
Methodist Services in the Court
House next Sunday, morning nnd even
ing, by Rev. J. V, Davis.
Geo. Rhines is erecting a nevr
building ou Main street, near the 15utik,
to be used tor a billiard saloon.
Special Correspondence to tiic Advocate.
The Fount ii at Kane. The P7th
anniversary of the Independence of the
United States was celebrated in almost
very city and town in tlie c.iuntry, but
in no place vms there a more quiet or
ucce?;l'ul celebration than at Kane,
where the birthday uf At'icricrn
Freedom was made a diy of ioj-iiciny;.
to every ouo who participated in the
f ativities of the day as conducted by
the C. T. B. Society of that littly village
upou the mountain. The lnoruiiiu; hmirs
were wet and gloomy, eaiiMiiy ni.iDy to
put tin long faces, predicting a rainy dis
agreeable) day, but at nine o'clock the
rain began to abate, and at lYf P. Wie
the Silver Cornet Hani from llidgwaj
put in an appearance, and a aiier pros
pect was presented, at 10 oVIuc': tl.p
sky began to show itself throngli tho
clouds, and the society convened &t I lie
church, wher the pr.,co.--i in v:::s formed
and headed by flu Hand marched to the
residcuco of Gen. Tln m. Tj. Kano who
for once was in hi.i t.wu oaiup,
captured, and inarched through the
vruods and strcctr. uf Kane &r; uo'-ei;U
ing prisoner. Tlie beautiful grove near
the Kane hotel wr.s the scene of the
festivities. The ticivtuunics wcie opened
by music, followed by the reading o! the
Declaration of Iudcpjudenuo by Gen
Kane, who delivered a brief oration.
After this formal opening of the day
everyone gave tlu-uiceivos- up picas-are.
Those inclined to trip the light fantastic
toe foru ed on the platform erected for
that purpose in tha grove, and io.umc,
dancing, and feasting were the order of
the dty. The ladies of the society pro
pared a tempting array of eatables
toward which many a longing jinnee
was cast until the command was heard,
"fall iu for rations," which was obeyed
with alacrity, and justice done to the
provisions, but great injustice to the
etomacba. Dancing couticued in cue
grove until c.Muiug, wheu all adjourned
to the spacious hall in the Kane hotel,
where were convened the bright, gay,
and beautiful, iu sufficient numbers to
fill to overflowing the large ball room
which was generously thrown open for
the occasion by Gen. Kane, This dance
was the crowning event of the day, and
a more joyful sight to behold than the
Btniling faces of that happy company, is
seldom seen iu this vicinity. The floor
managers were kind aud obliging, aud
excellently performed their part of the
work, and uutil -past the small hours of
morning the dauco cootiaued; wheu
last the company dispersed it was with
the kinliest feelings toward the society,
which by its excellent management bt
btowed so much unalloyed enjoyment.
In short Kane enjoyed a truly yhn'otu
Fourth. The Ridgway Band aided
greatly to the enjoyment and success of
the day, their excellent music aud bright
dashing unfiormsj pleasing both car and
eye. The society, under whose auspices
this celebratiou was held, realized a
handsome sum to be applied toward die
advancement of the truly nobhi work iu
which they are engaged. M iy they en
joy many happy returns of the "day wo
celebrate." ' X. T. Yty.
Kane, July Cih, 1S73.
FiiiE AT Empohium. Last Tmsday
afternoon, Cook's block, opposite the
Bidillc houso was entirely consumed by
fire. The Cimeron Jla-uld office was
located in this block and is a total lo-s.
The cause of the fire is not known to us.
Loss from 510,000 to $15,000. In
surance about 52,000.
Corner-stone Latum. Sunday,
the 29tlr ult., was a memorable day in
the history of tho Lutheran church of
this village, ns the comer-stono of the
future church edifice was that day laid
with the usual imposing ceremonies of
such occasions. Tho services were
opened in- tho morning by German ser
vices conducted by the Rev. J. Brcne
tnan, assisted by Rev. Prof. Roth of
Tiel College. At 3 o'clock, p. in., ser
vice in English and an eloquent dis
course by Kev. Roth, after which all re
paired to the site of tho proposed church
on South street, where :he coiner-stone
ceremonies were conducted by Prof.
Both, before a largo and' deeply inter
ested audience. In the evening services
iu German and English were held iu
tho Court House, and tho people of
Ridgway, seldom, if ever, li.-toiicd to so
eloquent and piaclical a discourse as that
delivered by Prof. Both. 1 he day was
all that could have been wished tor, and
we congratulate; the Luthetars of Bidic
wap ou the happy eoiii.iiaiKcJiieul of a
work of so much interest to themselves
and to the people of Bi 'g-.v .y.
Commencement Exercises at
Edinboro State Normal School.
On Thursday, June 2Gih, it was our
good fortune to bo proscut at the com
mencement exercises of tla Kdiuboro
Normal School. The day was ail that
that could be desired for such an occa
sion, and wit!i loijuets, white dresses,
:! beami.ig faces the scene was one
that will bo carried with those present,
especially those graduating, as a blight
nictne:i'o. At 10 o'clock a. n.r the ex
ercise., consisting of craiions aud essays
by the members of thj graduating ola--,
iutcrpcred by vocal aud instrumental
music, began, aud continued utitil noon.
At two o'clock p. iu., the exercises were
re:U!i::.a s
lour. Tt:
of ten iy!
few exc.
U iui.-prt
, consisting
S'.a-s, Prof.
rad .'-laiM-r Cl;;-
cod ten yc::
O.on-'., ocqtiitcd
: eui'Wtiru; o:" d
Contcr, y-riri'MpIo ot the scliool, invited
the gr;;iu:rC3 to his hotise, vliciu tlioy
wore rogailc-J with su csccileat tutch,
c-)a'stit!g of ice cream, stiawlvrriiv,
ci-kc i;id cold chiiluii. The Edinboro
i Xoru't! Schjo! is an liotLor to the .St.ite,
and increases in
undir the u:a-ia::
Useitliness VI
incut of Prof. C-.i'pcr.
L?ttor iron Washington.
ing, July :, );
Tlio Kouith wis
cchbiated hero
eordiug I'J the usual cur toni, there, bi'.ir.g.
no foriu.i! pub'ie disjday. J'ir.atc pic
nics, c:--cuisio!:s doiva tho lltoaii-.c by
sicatiur ::r:d f. ! 3 to tho i-:untry t..wtis i!o: dip 'roi:' r.iilrou-1 1'kjjs there
v,e:e witho-it. nnnihii-. 'j hero was a
policial rush lor cod and shady places,
livery possible mode of conveyance was
called into requisition. Those who ob
oljccted to spending the day ou board
crowded steamer J found other mei.hods
(if getting out of towu. Some bore
v. ith the ii.coi:v"niciHvs of crowded
railcad trains till they could reach some
quiet vilh'ge. noar which they found
shady woods and Jcoft grass-piais; others
went to tho country ia carriages
and omnibuses cud ambulances ami ex
pre:.j wagons; others took the street cars
aud rode nut to fho suburbs in the
neighborhood ol the Soldiers' Home,
Moe.t.t Olivet, Uniontown and George
town Heights; others to-;!; row-boats and
pulled up the river to Tallo Rock, th:
Chain Bridge or to Littlo Palls; others
went on loot and others contented them
selves by going no farther than to some
uf wic spl. iidid parks with ,'liich our
city ubtatids.
Though there was a gr-oeral exodus
from the city early in the morning it
was by no means a quiet day. Ex -icily
at twelve o'clock the guns i.t the .Nui-y
Yard and ut the Arsenal belched i.uih
their deafening roar iu honor of Inde
pendence Pay, Hid Uncle Sam w.:s
1 poorer to tho extent ot a gool many
hundred pounds ot guupov.jer. Ex
actly at the same the- fire-bells
and the cl.urch-bciis rang ou;, liiiiug tho
air with the voices of their hundreds of
tongues. And last, but not least in
making a noise, were our boys God
bless the boys, we envy thorn tho fine
sport they have ou the Pouith. Well,
our Washington boys aro like all other
boy.--, and they have bceu making it
lively hero for a week past, much to tho
discomfiture of timid and nervous people.
Last night was especially uu important
event io them, as ''tire Fourth of July
comes only once a year." The sky
rockets, the Koinan candles, the grass,
hoppers, the devil-chase rs, the piu
whc'els, ibe red lights, the blue lights,
the grceu lights and tho white lights
with which our streets wero lighted up
and our ears siuuucd wore to those lads
the source of such iiumeuse fun that
one cuiiuot help but feel that such mo
wcnts come but sold ):u br one's lifetime.
Aud not only to the boys wero su-Jr
tilings a source of enjoyment. The
streets were crowded with little fgirls
who cLii'iicd their bauds and shouted in
i-,.iv inc. !'ien h.roer folks seemed to
like it, as every door ,tcp and balcony
was crowded with young in;n and
maidens whoso plcaf jnt laces tostiGeil
that they were not insensible to what
was going on about them. Eveu older
lolks looked on viih countenances de
noting an interest iu the proceedings.
Here nnd there wcio falheis nud even
grandfathers out in the middle of tho
utreet surrounded" by groups of little
fellows to whom they imparted instruc
tions as to how to manage their most
complicated toys. Tako it all in all the
Fourth of July is a great day with us,
and it is well we havo such a day, the
scenes of which quicken our blood and
cause us to love more and more the in
stitutions of a free and glorious country.
Although much attention has recently
been attracted to the order of the Pat
rons of Husbandry, which has become
quite an important element iu the po
litical and economical affairs of the
country, but little has hitherto been
known as to its origin. But noiv that
it is fo well established its founders have
concluded to make public tie circum
stances of its origin aud of the rise and
growth of an organization which num
bers an.oiig its members huuJreds of
thousands of f.irnieis throughout the
land. Tlie people of this city were as
much astonished as unylmdy to be told
that it was started only a lew years ago
by a few govcfLiiieiit clerks. In lS'Jii
a Mr. () 11. Kelly, at that time con
ticctcU with the l)epar!u:i i;t of jipti
culture, was si sit ti oa t -ur of observa
tion through wi'St of the Southern
States. While considering the state ol
agl iiultuie in that section and through
out lac country ho formed a p'an lor
organizing a s-ooiety i-viiii' lor its object
the geui .ra 1 i'.itou ,-ts el agi i ultttre, aud
on completing his tour retired to his
larui in Miuuesolj to perfect h plans.
Id November o! the came year he re
turned to Wu.-.hi'igtou feud obtaining a
clerkship iu tho Post Ollice Depart meut
began to look ubcut for some one to co
operate with him. Most ot those wlini-i
lu addressed o: tie sui j-'Ci ImJ little
coniidciieo iu the scheme cud look nj
iiiteio.-t In it. Aitcr ft iwno, howevei,
lu sue'.i'eiie.i in iioeiing a lew who en
gaged hi aiiily la the ii)ovonie:H nud in
Au;:!:', I ."ni 7, tho Srst liiect'iiig el tlie
older was In ,J. JVomineiit au:oog those
eng'i'.'.vd in t!:e iiii;i::c..ry si. ps wtro Mi.
U'lliii'i! Sauiid..-;-s, .-Uj-c-.ttin t.deiit of the
experimental fu;:n beiongina to the Ag
ricultural J'i; Mr. William
Belaud, ciii'.-t clerk of the finance Di
vision ul t :so i'o-'t Olliccj C.'iptiiin .Klin
II 'i'houit.soi!, a;i iiiiiio 'ie iri-'nd oi
corropofdei;t, and others. Mr. S-iun-d.
rs si.irted ieriH; ii.-O .-i y fi-r a tour ii
toe Wt.-t :.iid en iln. 1'in oi Auj.ii.-t
established a gratif.e in St. ,ouis, Mo.
He al.-o aioii' U the iol.-rr-M- of a iiuni-
b I of loading nyi ieoit'.it ists hi 'he 'Y
1 he iiitr.tial iraiu:'' w:s oruntiis 'cl nil
Dccmibtr, Bi'lT, in Washit; u al the j
oifico of hi r. Saunders luni circulais j
wercs'-nt out a-Kiouneiiig tiie rljec's o! j
1 tho order. The next s; ring Mi. Keilv
j started out lo organize gtanges in
! various: Mates, and though at !ir-
the !
' llict with if! iiiU VCM' :-'!i:i:'--; i!t! kept ut j
jwoiK and in P.-il ii'.olog tlmt til
growing wp'UiV lie came to tnis
to l esioe. II -ing thft s.-t rotary ...
too 1 1 ran to uis liou-.; isun!
a headquarters aud btt.-ine-- oihec for
the fame.
j1 1'ulii tl-o '-laiisrii'S that !o:febc;i
published it will bo sten that the
s'retigth of the order is mainly iu tint
West and South, .Now eik haviug but
live t.i'an.;is, i '..!;:isy : a;.'a b:it ilnee,
Vermont t .venly-ihroe, ( lii.e iu iowa
thoro are 1, in Illinois in Neb
raska 2Ci', and s-.- on. j lie Cie-iiiborsbip
is vaiiousiv cstiii'ai'M at inun
to 'J.cUoaV
i lie lau.:.
are c ou-
posed of both tueii and weuiou, and
there arc seven degioes, tt. l oo or futir ol
which arc taken by the wives and daugh
ters of tbe lannci s. The ol jeet is, in
great iart, to counteract the monopoly
id' the railroad companies, the cost ot
transportation of pr.du;;o to eastern
mcrkots being so p.verit as to absorb the
profits ol gra'ti raising iu the V,st,.
Bat '.lie rUcr tak..:: accoiwef ol ail tho iosts oi a o ii:aUu:e, -iu-1 i
alsa a sore of co-operative association,
one object being uie ii'eba-o of snp
iilios for its li;oi ibo- H i -.v rate-. It is
not iiitcoJo I to lie
tion, luuugh of hit.
; oiitieal or.'!-.e,i:;a-it
ilas aeled with
t k ;-.-o:-i:!;:ed t::ai
Let ia Eii
i'.-; meribor V;i'! p. .!';.- t.i c.eia theii
political ii.'ilaciiCO el '.'side ed tl:0 asso
ciation, except when a treat wrong
ag.-iicrt them i to bu rcmcuiod, us lor
CXam'!o, wl';i;:i a irivt't i.o-.oiopo'v ccts
r.0jS:e.--';--.-i o' 1-...: . -ia .;;r
Tho v..
New Vo.
don't tu:-n
mriug Wi'li"
k is a li i!
oat weii.
t i
j i.
plan iu
o :;U0Jtf
There is a ji-uu,
namod piico, who
hiuh. 1'eopio sa
; l ily
in Yorkshire
ot live iiiehcs
ia six
y thcro
arc won.-en
abov-3 l'i ico. '
e dun I bi lievc it-
They have discovered footprints on
the sands of time io Oregon three b et
long, supposed to belong to the lust
A Troy schoolmaster
lo.s been dis
a proper pro
j if to ti.e luao
missed tor trying to U-at
ntii.ciatioii ut the ict'.or I
of a little lispi-r.
Tho late J dm V:nBnrm nucc, on the
Hudson liver, asl-.aJ his friend's friend
J 'he cnap sua ho
m' an inirodjotion.
had not tho pleasiii-o oi an izarod action.
lBi;t," ea;d Prince jJu, "vou know
enough to drink."
The young .': I Loinleiio is twenty
three mouths old, and lives in August i,
Georgia, it threw an ale bottle at its
growii colored nurse, who was lying ou
the lloor, btiiktug in the head und
causing au abscess that proved fatal in
ten days.
Ju l re Joseph S'liorrurd and wile, ol
Winchester, Ya., celebrated their
golden wedding u f'j-.r darts ago, The
clergyman who married them and the
two gentlemen who acted us srrooru-tucn,
fifty years ago, all slill survive.
A lutoKE.v n EAitTED young thing
writes to a weekly paper as follows :
"About three years ago I becamo ac
quainted with a young gentleman J and,
although ho never paid me any particu
lar attentions, ho would often accompany
mo to and from chuich, Ac. But lately
1 have noticed a great chatigo in him.
lie avoides me as much as possible, and
starts if 1 address bim. Can he have
ceased to lovo mo? for I know ho did,
though he never said so. if 1 thought
he had, it would break my heart."
Perhaps we ought not to interfere in
this little matter; but, as we know ex.
actly -what should be done with the
young man, we feci as i' we ought to
speak out. Do not attempted to reason
with him or cajole him or pacify him.
The next time ho calls take a monkey
wrench, fasten it securely upon his nose,
lead him off to the dining-room, and ask
in a firm voice what he mentis. If he
won't answer, twist the wrench three or
four times, nnd butt his head up against
the stove or tho mantlepiece until his
gloom is dispelled. If he says he has
ceased to hvo you, let your fingers dally
with his rintrlets lovingly for a few min
utes, and thou suddenly lift out a couple
ol hatidsful, nnd havo an Irishman at
hand to come in and sit on him arhile
and knock out his teeth and jump up and
down on him, nnd bo sociable. Then let
him go, and commence your arrange
ments to rope in a fresh man. You can
not afford to waste your young life upon
such a wretch ns this; and where heart
will not throb to heart, or soul respond
to foul, the best thing to do is to cou
ture the nose at once. Max Ai.der, in
SmiJtii Jh'.-pncll.
The fruit growers of Delaware held a
meeting at l iver the other day, at which
the estimate of the peach crop of 1 473
war-given at 2,13.830 baskets. This
estimate is over 100,000 baskets mure
than that of last year, when the yieli
was "i !.!!),'.! HO baskets more than tho es
timate. Villi an equal margin the clop
this ytar will ! e very largo.
Tho V.::y tian iccrcyal nursery con
laiiM f-vl.t olive branches.
Ik'" Advertisements.
'. -1 BY S A J 'V EBT 1 S K M E VI.
Glasgow oi IX'i-fy,
tefiyajje irein -New York
62!) 00
;;i oo
''(Uii New York to St.
P A Y A li I. K !N
ci.j.Mi, na i.A.Mi, and ."cotlaxd
MAY III' 1 1 A I li'UM
Office ct the Book Store, Centre St.
Sonethinu How.
An clr;:anl Ait.ta t'.o- t-'-" (ent-i, liohlin-'
- 1 full sisi'i! caul-', buiiiiil in lull gib cover
i.n 1 a.! ! ai t!o; loiv 'i-ice of tl"i ceii.s, suil.-i-l.U-
fur t ho pii -kel er i-vntro tuMc I lr li-v n
s-io-plj set i I..' iii.ii', ti:p.tii on receipt of
.'j :t i.t i ij cr:iN. in li fur SI
A'!-b-:ss, f TKltOiV .S; CO ,
r.Ai.riMoiu, Mil.
lj-':"'A;er.t-- V.'iineed. dualuguus of ltooks
l'ietiii-, ,vo., s.-a- iVee.
t&i f .- .T 9 S A
ISl B'f but'EOII
Tlo: (lionio ''Cute" clegnnllv framed
and a share in the fUM'M llli'l'li N of
T-iO I'l iiiiuiim in to 11,000.
r.very subscriber to that Popular Weekly.
Our Fireside Friend.
Cbviiinos ore de!:veicl nt onci. Thedis
llibuli.m will I'lHI II VliLV I nil a .:ic ou
the TWON fli.i'il p.AV Ol- AtCit'ST.
li! : in 'A,'. )! I'MiJ- iCU L oilVLiMV
'i li 1- IT. CIliHiMO 'CL"T!i" is 1 tlx JO leches
:n si,-.p, in-ka nvb -dgci lo bu the liue-t uad
baud, eno st pie'ioe i-var plvon with a nnper.
liiL'l! KililCSlllK HilK.NU is an" eight
1'iu e i'.liis'rale 1 lamiiy and story weekly in
its iMul volume, ha-i now over SEVENTY.
r.ipid'y increas'ii" which insures I lie suc
cess of the present distribution. The pub
lishers of Our Fireside Friend have senl to
its f ubsciibers this year over SKVLNTY
THOUSAND copies of tha Chromo "Cute"
and are shipping hundreds every day,
.(.'r.St'I'.lPTlON PitiCK, 'J'I I It KE POL
PliB YEAK. which gives the sub
scribers FIFTY-TWO numbc-fs of the best
Family Weekly, the chromo "CUTE" finely
framed, nnd numbered CKIU'IFICATE
eiuiiliug tlie holder to one share in the dis
:ribuiioii of prvuduiiu for lfc7d. Subscribe
now wi'h (lie ne-il or scud direct to the
I'ub'.idi. i-. SL'EClMfiN COPIES, particu
lars, etc.. sent tree.
Either local oi
I'lvaosiiiL- in
I jmy ,UiJ tlie best ouiht. tfend at once for
i lenas. A.ldi-i s
OUtt. nilE.-IDE FRIEND, Chicago, 111.
(Mlice in New Brick Building, JIain St.,
Midgv.-iiy, Klk Co., Pa. 3alJtr.
yANTEr), Agents nnd Peddlum for
Presses and strains jams, herbs, vegetables,
bird, tallow, meats, cliceoe, ko. Every
family wants it. Sewing Machine and
other established ngents are finding this
tcry profitable. Circulars free. Littlctield
V llauio, No. 102 Wusliingtou St., Boston,
Muss. nl2-i8
Hi J im m l.t i A.m
Firmly bclicvinn Hint tLo woilj niuvrs,
and that the demands of tbe public arc con
stantly increasing, the proprietors of the
(Grand fljtnlpl toi;c
have just returned from the eastern mid
western cities with the moat perfect and
complete stock of
Y'ou cannot
they do not keep, and they have
of high prices, Thoy buy for cash and
Ridgway, May 1st, IS"!.
m 1 w
io ni.isiii.i) u v
d. L. PETERS, oil!) Broadway, N. Y.
Ami mailed, post-pnid, on receipt of marked
Above and Below. Snored
Jinch, price l!0 cents.
Back to the Old Home.
Chorus, Slewart. St) cents.
!?nn, liy
Song and
Beautiful Form of my Prcnais, Slewart,
30 cents.
Parlinjr, Weep no more. Song, and
Chorus, Hays, ce'ils.
Do not Weep so, Sister darling. oiiir,
Stewart, "0 cents.
Don't forget to Write mo. Song nnd
Chorus, Cox, So cents.
Fold we our Hands. Song or Duct,
Boildieu. MO cents.
Germ to the llenveoly Garden. Soiij,
Chamberlain, S.!i cents.
If you were I, would you? Song, Shnt
luck. HO ci'uis.
Kiss me, 1'aiiing, tic wc part. Stewart,
SO i:nts.
i.iille Blind Nell. Sotig nnd Chorus,
Macy, :it) ceii3.
Little Dun. Hong nnd Chorus, Hays, -10
Lord, firever at Thy hide, Dauks, '2b
Jleet me, liessie, in the Dell, Stcvart,
SO cents.
Meet me, Dearest, with n Kiss, Dnnki,
SO ecu Is.
My Boy across the Sea, Hay a 3 cents.
Old Give me & Home in the Souih, Has,
10 cents.
Oh, Sam! Song and Chorus, Hays, So
Only for You! Ballad, Delioux. 35 cents.
Our Little Pet. Song and Chorm, Hays,
10 cents.
Pnpa. stay Homo. Temperance Song,
Hays, 40 cents.
Save one Bright Crown for nic, Hays -10
We prny you Sing that Song. Duet.
L'clphiis, So cents.
Wilt thcu Weep wheu I am Low? Walker,
35 cents.
FOLK AS. Sunbeam, by Kinkel, 35 eti.:
Belle of Saratoga by Victor, 3j cts.; May
Flowers, bv Simon, 35 cts.
M AZL'BKAS. Awakening of tho Birds,
60 cents, Happy Thought s, by Walkrr, 30
cents; Laughing Wave, by Wilson, 60 cts.;
Sunbcnni, By Pnoher, 40 cts.
G LOPS. Charlie's nud Freddie's, by
Kinkel. eao 35 cent.
SHOTTISCUES. Fntnl Glance,' by
Young, 20 cts.; May Morning, by Schmidt.
60 cts.; Sunbeam, by JInmpcl, So cts.; and
Willie's, by Kinkel, 35 cts.
MA BOIES. Belle of Saratoga, by
Bauuibach, 40 cts., Mollie's, by Kinkel, 35
WALTZES. Claritn, Georgia's, Lottie's,
Sallie's nnd Maggie's, by Kiukel, each 85
cis.; Drops of Dew, by Allurd, 40cls., Sun
beam, by Muse, So cts,
FOUR HANDS. Amaryllis, CO cents;
Jocus Polka, 35 cts.; Love's Clin so Galon,
35 cts.; Praise of Woman Polka-Muzurku
all by Dressier.
SALON PIECES. Dauoe of the Hay
makers, Wilson, io cts.; Loves Caresses,
Kinkel, 40 cts.; May Blossoms, Kinkel, 50
cts.; I'luinte des Fleurs, 40 eta.; Wnisper-
iut freezes, ) Uson, 00 cts
ny of the above mailed, post-post, on
i o eipt or price.
Address, J. L. TETEHS, j'.'O
Broadway, New Y'ork.
v ' y.-rr-rm V
Ell: County Directory.
I'lesiilont Jiiilge I. L.
Alilitiuiial Law Jmlo Hun. Jno. P
Associate Julia's Chas. Luhr, J V.
lijsirict-Attorney .1. K. 1', Hail.
Sheriff U. O. Oysier.
l'lolliouoiury yo., i'red. Scha'uing.
Treasuicr J. 1(. Knrlcy.
County -iipciiiileiidcnt Uufus Lucore.
Coiimiissionnrs l'olit. Campbell, John
Uarr, (Jco. l'.il. eis.
Auditors ( iaik A. AYilcoi, Ocorgc 1).
Messenger, and C. V. Unrrelt'.
Counly (Surveyor tieo AV rlmsley.
Jury Commissioners. Joseph Kernel'
nnd Charles Mead.
Manhood: How Lost, How
tSjIust published; a new cdi-
wiLv-iS ' 't-'-VllilWKl.I.'s
Cklkiir.m ki Kfsav on ilie rmhcal cure (with
out, medicine) of Si'KHMATonnmi: or Semi
nal weakness, Involuntary S-'eminal bo sess
ImI'Otkni'v, Muntiil and l'l.ysical Incapac
ity, Impediments lo Marring;!, etc; also.
Co.Nsu.iirrio.s. Ki'il.l PSV Hiii Kits, induced
liy self iudiilae-icii or sexual cNiravajraiice.
fCJ"l'rioe in a sealed envelope, only 0
The celeln-ii od author, in this admirable
essay, cU-nrly deinoiistiaies from a thirty
ycar.i' piaylicc. tint the- niarniiuiulig cons
iicnces of sclf-!u;s may be radically
cured without tlie- dangerous use of iuier
nal medicine or tin; application of the knife;
pointing cut a mode of euro at once simple,
ceil nin and cl!':ctual, by mtvms of which maitciMvhat his condition
may bo can core hinool.' cheaply, private
ly, nnd ?'or,--'.
fji-jV'This l.eclui c should bo in the hands
of every youth and every man in the land.
.Seal, under seal, in a plain envelope, to
any address, ;..-i'rrf on receipt of six cents
or livo post slumps.
Also, Hi . Cu'.c: well's ' Marriage Guide,"
price Co cenls.
Address the. Publishers.
CHAS. .1. 0. KMXE kCO.,
1-7 IJowcry, New Vork, Post Oilicc llox 1
titiii. j; m-
(FonxEiiLie Wood 6t WLJtit.) Q
smmm a portable
team aaemes.
Tho Best & ?Iost, CompMo Assortment
ia tho Market. i
These Knpincp ihr;ivs mnintntnl ihn very
Liirhwt Httin-iar-l of o.ri. liOMi". make tho
Utimiliictur-' of 1 niN, iinil -i-s nTi'l Saw Mills a
upvci-ilty. Wo I; r.o ihKirj-i r uni niostromvlt!to
works ut tl.(; V'h'i in 1 1-u c-mutrj', vritli uiiwhiQory
Bpctiully n.VipUnl to thu worlt.
We keep ro.-it:Liitiy iupi'.--liinre nnmcrs of
Euiiic3, wUv.'h w f'iii-1. .1 ittU:-: very Inwr.'t price
nnd en tl.u rlmrt..t. iiofi?-;. 7- T)u;M I'.nTitica
PIH-cinlly ii:l;;r 1, i"'r; i-"1-. ''-'I't Mills,
Tuini'.-ruv, -oft, -hi (iitu, Tlu'c.jiw:td uail uil classes
Of iiitinul'acturiri.
Vic &rf; mm liuiiuincf Ihs c lf .bratfl T.fnc Circu
lar 6aw I-.liii. tli: bual uuu lu-t cumpluto Baw mill
ever invonlo-.
Wo muku tle niiriiifcrturu of haw Jliil outfits a
Bpccial feature of our hauiicsd, uud cuu furuih.
COrilJilL'tt' OM t,bt bliUT U-St Ut'Lii'-O. t
Uuruiiain i-.U cii-fj w to f-iminh the hent ma
chinery ;a llt mark' U ttnd work aboolutcly un-equuhili'vrl.MUtyoliit.'.-iL'ii1i.-coiiomy
aud atreagUu
fiend fur (,'irciilur and i'ricvj l-itt. j
rxicA, w. y.
.itjHX W. i i: Ki:.
A X I' oi;n E Y -.VT-L a w
AS 11
Solicitors of I "al.Tit.s,
Scveiitl; St., V, t- li i No'J'ON, D. C.
IV!':T()!M :.. .vlii-r-; intcrosU-.l in
P.-.lont Pii.:::;;':-i thou! 1 EiKStlV
P;'.ti:., pj.-ent i,:.:r,i.:i and .Solicitors 4-'J
'.i;h '-t., V.'ai'lilrii'.ti, l. C , for Advice an l
1 : we report an inveMin'i ' wo
in e willing I j w,.;i fur- f i:r I've iioii'i
tent is allowed.
I ch':erf:'i' ci". !i'.te!.. m n'i pi ri'ons who
linvc 1m.liitf in i'iih i'mtt-m Ollict- n.-ir, of
Ed.-t.n Pro.--., t.s ;r--i.t li-ui on of pn.iopt liuisi-
.e-s h.,is iii'd t'-ci.v r -''ia vur Uiy ot
.oiil:.leii'..e. lion. D. 1. lioi.i,ov.-.v
1 eoiicur in ihe lii-ivc-
T. C. TiimKi'.H.
OFFICE lilt F St., V.'iis1iiii(ion, 1). C.
& Ol. 1 CI TOR.
The CIIEAPIvr and most reli-lilo Pat
ent A trorii-v in lull particu
lars. Addres:' 0. .1. FEHl'.ISS, Rox '.',
Washingion, U. C.
wasiusctgx; I), c.
PQ5"Advertiseiiipnt's inserted in papers in
every seetion of ihe country.
gY"Rales Lower than those of any other
n-ri-ncy in the United States.
fiy-AdvcrtiMTS will consult their own
het-t in'erost t y a.ldie si ip PENNVWITT,
REN NEXT & CO., Pus ol-3, Washinjiton
P. C.
St. Cloud Hotel,
cobm K J.ii.iu r irui
On the Anicrican and European plaub.
The most cimi il cation in tho (.'i y,
Opposite the Puttut ('t'cc, Masonic Ternpie
nnd one block (Voia O .vicrni 1'osi (iilioo jje
partment. The 1' 1 jiiuih ;.-trccl Cars,
commuiilcutiiifr viiir ti o C.piud, Exeou
tive Mau.don. Trcifi.ry, War aud I.'avy Pe.
partuieuis and the R. .t O. ond R. f; i1. De
pots, pasrf ihe di.or.
K. 15 lake l'-Slrfct Curs at 11. & 0.
Depot and get out at Oih street. Take 'Jih
Ul, P:,l -J .1 It i: 1 ll.M,.,l . ..,1 ....I .ol ..
F street. J. E. l.vtiN, i'uoi'.
l-y Cat this out.-vij
ON nnd nficr SUNDAY, OCT, 27 1872,
tho trnins on the Philadelphia
Li-ia Railroad will run ns follows t
.Mail Trniu leaves Philndclr..hin..ll.40 p. tn.
" Ridgwny 2.28 p. m.
ii arrive nt Erie 7.65 p. m.
Er ic Exp leaves Philndelphin... 12.40 p. m.
Ridwn; 2.89 a. m.
" " arrive nt Erie 46 s. m.
Accomodntiou, leaves l'.cuovn,...2.10 p. m
Ridgwny, .. 0. 20p. m.
nrr at Kane 7.30p. m.
Train leaves Erie 11.35 a. m.
. " Ridgwny.... 6.00 p. m.
" " arrive nt Philad'a... 0.65 a. m.
Erie Express leaves I'.no H.05 p. m.
Ridgway... 2.04 a. m.
" " H.r-nt Philadelphia.. 8.30 p. m.
Accomodation, lenves Kane 7.65 a, m.
Ridgway... 8.55 a. m.
" nrrntReuovo 12.30p.m.
Mail Knt. connects cast and west at Erie
with L S M S R W und at Corry and Ir
vimtton with Oil Creek aud Allegheny tt
R W.
Mnil West nt Corry and lrvineton with
Oil Creek nud AlieBheiiy R R W.
Warren Aceoiamodntion East nnd West
with trains on L. S. & M. S. R. W. cast and
west and at Corry with O. C. & A. R. R. W.
Erie Aoconuuod:'tionEast at Corry and
Yes4 at Corry and Irvintton with O. C- j:
A. R. R. W.
Gcu'l Sup't.
Wru'cr Arrangement
Time Tabic adopted SA1URDAT, March
1, l!-7'3. Trains Ucpnrt from nnd arrive at
Ihe lluffnlo, New Vork & Philadelphia
Railway depot, corner of Exchange and
Loui-iana strecla.
TIL further notice, Trains will run
ac follows:
7:10 a. in. Local Freight nnd passenger,
ai i'iviiij! at Emporium nt 5.10 p. m.
12:00 in. Philadelphia Mail arriving
at Emporium U 0:00 p. m.
2:20 p. in. Local Freight and passenger,
in-riving at Oleau nt t:0o p. in.
'.(!'' ).. in. Olean Accoinaiodation ar
riving ai '.'lean at 8.25 p. in.
1.10 j. in. Mail Arriving at Buffalo at
7 in )i. i:t.
7.0 a. in. Lcnl rre.'jflit and Passenger
Arriving nt JJuilalo at o.oO p. ill.
5.15 n. m.--Acccmsu ji'ulioii arriving at
liutlalo nt M.'J'i a, io.
7 20 a. in, Local i'n''it and passenger,
nrriviin; at Uu Haiti at 1.10 p. in.
Leave liiifl'aio at 10.00 a. nr., arriving at
Oieau nt 1.15 p. m.
Leave Olean at 2, 15 p. li., arriving at
Miit'.alo nt u.OO p. Hi.
Pnscngi.-rs for Rcnovo, Lock Haven,
U'i ins jxiit and intermediate points on
I the Philadelphia & Erie Riiilwuy leave
j liiittido ai 12 in., niriving at Eniiorium at
' il. p. in., Renovo dt p. in. Lock Haven
: at 0.4-1 p. in. and Willinnisport at 11.05 p.
! Leave Willinuisport. S.30 a. in., Lock
U iveii at O.P" a. ni., Reuovo at 11.05 a, ni.,
Einp .rmii. :.l l.lo p. in., arriving at RutTalo
j u t 7. ill p. in.
; For list of Stride Connections apply at
1 Ticket llii'.C'S.
l!;i"'a!o Oiuuiljus Line r uniiing from all
t I1III1H.
H. L. LVMAV, fleu'l Tass Ag't.
J. P. EU.'iiANS, ijti.eriuteudcnt.
Commencing Feb. 24th, 1S7:J.
PHIL' A. & HUE R. R.
ll.ia":tlo Express leaves Corry at 11 10 a m
Leives livlueto.1, 7 58 a in
Arrives nt 1' urph 8'55 p m
Ni'ht K press Leaves lrvineton, 620 pm
Siyhl Express leaves ferry 5 15 p m
Arrives ni - Pittslmrgh U 15 a nr
Pay J.xprcsx lenvta Corry ' 010am
Arrives ut Pittsburgh 0 05 p m
Oil City At-coia. leaves Oil City 4 55 p in
At rivet at P.iudy's Rend 9 UO p uj
(10INJ NOltril.
Illl'ulo Express leaves Pittsburg at 7 60 a m
Arrives at t.'orry li 25 p m
" ' lrvineton 8 f.O n io
Kir jit Kxj.ros leaves PittshurgU 0 00 p m
iViiives ai Ltury b 55 am
" ' lrvineton 11 54 p m
Pay Express leaves PittshurgU 12 lOp m
Arrives at ( ony 10 45 p m
Oil City Aceoiii. leaves R. Rend C 40 a m
Arrives at Oil Ciiy 1100 am
Connections inado at Corry and Irvine
tou for po:nt.r oa the Oil Creek and the
Alie-heny Valley Rtil Road.
Pullman Pallacu Drawing Room Sleep,
ing Cars on Nigiu Express Traius between
Corry and Pittsburgh.
Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley R.
J. J. LAWRENCE', Gen. Supt.
From uud after Monday. Feb. 6th 1873.
Trains will rutr ou this Road as follows.
Leaves Earloy 7 HO a. in., arrives at
Uaj:utcahi n la J uuctiou 8 10 a. nr., con
necting wittr Accom. east 8 14 a. m., and
with Mail west at 9 15 a. in.
Leaves Daguscahomla at 9 20 a. m.
arrive. tit Earl'ty K 00 a. m. Leacpir
Earloy a 30 p. nr., and arrives at Dacus-
caiiouua at b 00 p. nr., connecting with
Mail cast al 5 CO p, nr, and Accommo
dation west nt 5 40 p. nr.
In caso 1'. & h. trains are late, Dagus
cahoiida train holds tweuty minutes be
youd tlie above time.
Tickets should always ta procured
btilure leaving stations.
Cards, Ijillhead?, Letterheads, Note,
hedd, Tags, Envelopes, eto., neatly
punted at the ."AL" VOU ATE office,
Court House, llidgway, Ta. '