The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, June 26, 1873, Image 3

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    (Silt (founts Qimzit.
THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1373.
Car Time at Milttgway.
Erie Express East 2:35 n. m.
do do West 2:39 a. m.
do Mnil East 6:00 p. m.
do do West 2:23 a. m.
Renovo Accommodation Knst 8.65 a. tn.
do do West 6:20 p. m.
elk lodge, a. y. m.
JThe itnted meetings of Elk Lolgs, No.
879, are held at their hall, corner of Main
und Depot Btrccts, on the second and fourlh
Tuesdays of each mouth-
D. B. DAY, Sco'y.
Hates of Advertising.
One column, one year $75 00
i " 40 00
i " 25 00
t " " 15 00
Transient advertisements per square of
eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser
tions, $1.50, three insertions ?2.
Business cards, ten lines or less, per
year $5.
Marriage and Death notices inserted
Advertisements payable quarterly.
.-.Don't, forget the hop at the Oyster
llotel on the evening of the 4th.
Tiie Riley Rros. are building on an
addition to the Thayer House.
No paper will be issued from this
office next week, owiDg to the prevelance
of the Fourth of July.
The Hyde House has received a new
-outside coat of paint which greatly im
proves its appearance.
Cook. & Brewer arc having the
front room of the building, adjoining
the bakery, converted into a meat
Among the Arabs the inability of a
wife to make bread is a good ground
of "divorce. What a business the
courts would do if that were the law
in this neighborhood.
A recent calculation relative to the
principal European languages shows
that English is spoken by ninety mil
lions of persons, German by fifty-five
millions. Spanish by fifty five millions,
and French by forty-five millions.
Hereafter, marriage notices will
not be inserted in this paper unless ac
companied by a one dollar William.
Death notices of ten lines inserted free
more than ten lines at ten cents a line.
Subscribers pay'rag in aivauce will be
entitled to a quarter column elougy,
A YOUNG matj iu St. Mary's'seat
off his first postal card on Thursday
anorning. After writing a message on
"the back, he pnelosed it iu an envel
ope, claped on a three-cent postage
slump, and dropped it iuto the post
office, remarking that it was a very
.handy arrangement, and should hare
Jbocn introduced yours ago.
Lutheran Services in Connec
tion with the Corner-stone Lay
ing. Services will be commeuced '
the Court House, Ridgway, at 20 J
o'clock, a. ra., in the German language
by ltev. Prof. Gilbert of Tiel College--Communion
after the sermon.
At 2 o'clock, p. ni., at the same place,
a sermon will bo preached by Rev.
Prof, ltoth in the English language,
after which the ceremonies of the lay.
iug of the coruer-stone will take place
on the site of the new church.
Also preaching in the evening, at
71 o'clock, iu the English language.
Grant Mills Burned. Last Sat
urday evening, Juno 21st., while the
hands were at supper, smoke was dis
covered issuing from the mill, and so
rapid was the spread of the flames
that the mill was burned before any
effort could be made to stay them.
Two men, who were in the mill at the
time the fire was discovered, barely es
caped with llieir lives. The caugo of
the fire is not know but is supposed to
have caught from a spark from the en
gine. Grant Mills were situated on the
Clarion river, about a mile above
Baught's, and were owned by Steib &
Co., Pittsburgh. Loss about 830,000.
Insurance $12,000.
Taking White Vitrol for Salts. On
Saturday night or early Sunday morn
ing, Mr. Joel Willet, of Shippen town
ship, feeling the need of a dose of salts,
got up and took as he supposed, a god,
square dose, but very soon he became
convinced that he had made a mistake,
for he felt as though a second edition of
the Chicago fire was raging under his
waistbands. Upon investigation it was
discovered that he had taken a good
eized dose of white vitrol, A man was
at once dispatched on horseback for Dr.
Craigen and his stomach pump but by
the time be got there the pump was not
needed, as Joe's wife had very fortu
anately poured buttermilk and eggs
-down him until he was relieved. Joe
has concluded to diet on broth and milk
until the burnt district is built up agaia.
Cameron Herald, 19th inst.
Hospitality to tub Band. The
Ridgway Silver Cornet Band has been
perambulating our Btrccts during tho
pleasant evenings of lovely Juno, and
discoursing their best musio for the
benefit of whoever lias cars. Many of
the citizens have extended to them ap
preciated hospitalities, in the way of rare
delicacies of the season and substantial
pecuniary aid.
Last Friday evening is one long to
be remembered by the members of the
baud, as an evening of unabated enjoy
ment, save the slight annoyancy of E.
K, Grcsh's gnats, which was seon for
gotten in the ready aud liberal donation
to the band treasury, and tho aggrava
tion was hurried beyond recall soon after
by the perfume of J. K. Whitmore's
excellent cigars and the flavor of his
Later in the evening Judge Dickin
son was serenaded, and ho evidently ap
preciated the efforts of the musicians
to please, judging from the princely
style in which he entertaiued them.
Not one will soon forget tho delicious
strawberries from tho Judge's own gar
den, or the excellent ico-crcam served
witbthem, and Mrs. D's coffee aud
cake could not be excelled, and the
few who tested the ulo smacked their
lips approvingly. After spending a
pleasant hour with the Judge, partaking
of tho delicacies tendered, and receiv
ing a very liberal donation to the uni
form fund of the band, the band dis"
coursed some of their best music, and
retired feeling thankful that Judge
Dickinson is a citizen of Ridgway, and
wishing him many years of life and
happiness. The band cannot forget an
eutevtaiument like this, which is a
power for good, and stimulates the
members to try and excel in their pro
fession if they may be called profes
sional musicians.
They will soon appear in full mili
tary uniform aud with new music.
The Erie Dispatch of the 21st inst.
contain the following account of a mur
der in that city: A terrible tragedy oc
curred in this city botwecn the hours of
10 and 11 o'clock on Monday uight, a
tragedy which cost one man his life aud
which imperils the neck of auother.
The victim is Joseph Patterson, whom
many of our readers well kuow, as he
drovo oue of the ico wagons of the Erie
Ice Company. lie was ordinarily
quiet and peaceable; was about 22 years
of age, and lived with his wife and child
in a house rented of another of tho
teamsters, Jos:ph Masters, on Second
street, between Walnut and Cherry
streets, close by the Cascade ice houses.
Frederick Giek, Jr., tho murderer,
was a team.-tcr iu the emptor of Patrick
Doyle. Giek has loug been known to
the police as being of a quarrelsome dis
position aud liable at any time to foment
a disturbance.
That portion of the street on which
the tragedy occurred, is occupied by a
number of small frame houses, chiefly
homesteads of tho poorer class, and
we explain their location as the majority
of the witnesses were occupants of one
or the other of three houses, of which
that occupied by Patterson was the cen
tre; tho next eastward was occupied by
Mrs. Foster, who wa3 at her fence at the
time of the tragedy, the Dext westward
is Duffcy's boarding house there being
no fence between it and Pattersous'
aud the edgo of the grass plot that
shows the dividing line between the two,
is the place where tho deed was com
mitted. It transpired in the evidence that the
quarrel which was the instigation of the
dreadful crime, grew out of the merest
trifle, being a bet as to the speed of a
couple of steam yachts that happened to
pass in view of the parties. When
Patterson was struck he walked back to
his doorstep and tore his shirt open and
then the blood gushed and spirted from
a wouud in the lelt breast, almost delug
ing the steps and door-posts. He spoke
only a few words and fell down on the
kitchen floor, expiring in a short time
afterwards. The murderer, who had
fled immediately after striking the blow,
stopped at tbe house of an acquaintance,
telling him that he had stabbed a man
and looking on the knife to see if any
blood were visible, lie stayed thcro
until between 3 and 4 o'clock in the
moruiug, and was arrested at his father's
house by Policeman Jeff. Miller at about
6 o'elock yesterday morning.
Coroner Vincent empanneled a jury
and held an inquest over tbe remains,
which lay where Patterson fell, on the
kitchen floor of his house. There was
a small wound in the left breast, in the
region of the heart, which went in and
down to a depth of between two and
three inches, amply sufficient to cause
A Liverpool paper speaks of "Arte
mus Ward Beecher, the great Ameri
can humorist,"
A Sad Case of Drowning. Last
Sabbath afternoon a young man named
Blake Lawless, aged 18 years, in com
pany with two other young men, started
to take a bath in the Tioneta Creek,
near Rockwell's tannery, in Sheffield
township. It seems that none of the
party could swim, though young Law
less inferred that his companions were
experts in that line. On arriving at
the place selected for the bath, quite a
deep hole, young lawless stepped to the
water's edgo and plunged in. lie
gave evidence of his inability to help
himself out again, and his companions,
through fear or some other unaccount
able cause were powerless to assist him,
though it' is said he was not more than
three feet from the bank at the time,
and his body was found that near the
shore. The cries of his comrades at
tracted same fifty or sixty persons to
the scene of drowning, some of whom
plunged in to save him, but without
avail. IPs lifeless body was found aficr
remaining in the water about half an
hour. From the story of our inform
ant, this is the most singular drowning
we e?cr heard of. Warren .Ledger,
A Convenient Taisle. It fre
quently occurs that when one of the
dwellers iu this lumber country is called
upon to convey an idea of the yield of
timber and lumber on our streams to a
stranger intelligible. Tho following
table can be easily remembered from
its symplicity, and will answer for all
ordinary estimates:
Good average timber land supports
about twenty-five trees to the acre, good
average trees will cut five logs each, and
these will average Gve logs to tho
thousand feet, or five thousand los to
the million feet of sawed lumber, board
measuie, will run below that of pine.
In most lumbering districts where
piece lumber is manufactured the stand
ard measure for logs is P.) inches in
diameter and 13 feet long, which gives
100 standard inches.
In Canada the government standard
for selling stumpsge is by reckoning
three logs to the thousand feet. The
expression wo often hear among timber
operators; that a stick "will go double t"
''three times," "four times" etc., means
that the number of cubical feet in the
stick is that multiple of the liuear feet.
Thus, a stick measuring 11 by 13
inches ''goes once," because it enntaius
20 cubical feet when twenty feet in
length, 21 cubical feet when 21 feet
long. A stick 12 by 12 inches con
tains 20 cubical feet wheu 20 feet long,
and so on as iu the first example.
A stick 16 by 18 inches contains -10
cubical feet when 20 feet long, 42 cu
bical feet when 21 feet long, or, it
"goes double." A stick 17 by 17
inches also "goes double" A stick 21
by 24 inches "goes four times." Ga
z ette and Bulletin.
Killed by the Cars. On Friday
the 13th inst. tho coroner, Dr. W. J.
Craigen, was notified that tho body of a
man had been found lying on the track
of the P & E railroad, about three
miles west of the borough, near tbe
residence of Mr J K Morrison. The
coroner at once summoned a jury, con
sisting of L Taggart, O P Warner, Geo
DeGabrielle, J E Rogers, John S
Douglas, and J K Morrison, and pro
ceeded to tho place where tho body was
lyiug. From the evidence elicited lie
fore the inquest, it appears that the de
ceased was John P Collins, of Renovo;
that he lelt Renovo Wednesday night
on Friday morning he was seen about
the depot at Ridgway in an excited con
dition, (whethei intoxicated or not is
not knowo.) aud about twelve o'clock,
Friday, his body was discovered by Mr.
Morrison on the railroad track. The
bead was entirely severed from tho
body and the left foot, thigh and arm
were badly mutilated and his clothing
badly torn; one shoe was found on the
track about one mile from the body and
the hat was missing. It is supposed
that he got on a freight train at Ridg
way to steal a ride to Emporium or
lleuovo aud fell between the cars.
The jury returned the following ver
dict: "That the said John P Collins, ou
the 13th day of Juno, in the year
aforesaid, at a road crossing the P & E
railroad near J K Morrison's residence
accidentally or casually, about 12 o'clock
M. fell from a freight train running east
wardly, was theu aud there run over by
said train of cars and was instantly
killed, and the jurors aforesaid 4o say
and believe, and the said Johu P Collins
n manner and by means aforesaid acci
dentally, casually and by misfortune
came to his death and not otherwise."
A telegram was sent to Renovo, and
his father and mother came up and took
charge of the body, taking it to Renovo
oa the evening mail. Cameron Herald.
Parties from Paducah, Ky., report the
appearanco of cffolera in that city. Five
deaths occurred there on the 20th.
gKiBNER8' for Jlly. "The Great
South" series of magnificently illustrate!
articles begins in Scribncr's for July.
In the first paper entitled "The New
Route to the Gulf," Mr. Edward King
gives us graphio descriptions of the
movement of the army of emigrauts into
the great South-west land, and of the
romantic border life past and present
of that Strang but now rapidly modern
izing country. An entertaining illus
trated paper on "Low Life in Berlin,"
follows this. One of tho most interest
ing magazine articles of the day is Rev.
J. A. Reed's defence of London from
the attacks of certain late biographers.
Another noteworthy article in this num
ber Is Dr. Newell's siugular autobio
graphical paper, entitled "Recollections
of a Restored Lunatic." There are, be
side the continuation of Arthur Boonin
castle (in which is chronicled tho death
of Old Jenks), stories by Adcliue
Tralton and Miss Osgood; a bright little
article on "Children's Magazines;" a re
markable paper by "An Orthodox
Minister" on "The Liberty of Protes
tantism," and poetry by MacCorald,
G. P. Lathrop, B. F. Taylor, Miss
Annnn, and others.
In "Topics of the Time," Dr. Holland
discusses American Morals, Skilled Do
mestic Service, and Summer Play. In
"The Old Cabinet" we find The Stove
that. Makes its own Twilight, Within
nod Without, Ideal and Real, Song of a
Heathen sojourning in Galilee, A. D,
32. The Book Reviews are more than
usually lull arid readable, and tho other
departments have their customary in
terest. Bret Ilarte's new story will be
gin in the August, number.
TnE Pennsylvania Coal Sltily
The Pittsburgh Commercial shows that
the coal fields of Pennsylvania can
hardly bo called inexhautablc. They
comprise about 5,000 square miles.
The yearly rate of exhaustion, taking
last year's statistics for a bisis, is about
2,700 acres, or five square miles ; but
there can be no calculation upon tha fu
ture rate. It will probably bo doubled
in ten years, and so on, until at the be
ginning of the uext century, ten thous
and acres of coal will be used up yearly.
A Southern editor, remarking upon
the subject, says he knows all about
cotton and rice, but doscu't understand
hemp at all. Perhaps he may get the
ao' of it.
New Advertisements.
Something New.
An elegant Alhuni for 25 cents, holding
-4 full sized caids, bouna iu full gil' cover
an J sold at the low price of 25 cents, suita
ble lor the pocket or centre table. Order
sample sent by mail, postpaid on receipt of
-5 cents. 3 for 00 cents, or IS for $1
Address, Dl HKUW & CO ,
Bali-imork. Mil
8.-sJ?Agetts Wanted. Catalogues of lk-oks
I'ictui-es, &o., scut free.
Distri billion
Tlie Ohrnmo "Cute" elegantly framed
and a xliui-e in the DISTRIBUTION of
87-iO Premiums amounting to $41,000.
Every subscriber to that Popular Weekly.
Our Fireside Friend.
Chrouios arc delivered at once. The dis
Iributinn iriil POSITIVELY take place on
THREE. OUR CIIROMO "CUTE" is 10x20 incites
in size, acknowledge I to be tho finest and
handsomest picture ever given with a paper.
OUlt FIRESIDE FKlhND is an eight
page illustrated family nnd Btery weekly in
its third volume, has now over (SEVENTY
rapidly increasing which insures the suc
cess of the present distribution. The pub
lishers of Our Fireside Friend have sent to
its subscribers this year over SEVENTY
THOUSAND copies of the Chroino "Cute"
and are shipping hundreds every day,
LARS PER YEAH, which gives tbe sub
scribers FIFTY-TWO numbers of the best
Family Weekly, the cliromo "CU I'E" finely
framed, and numbered CERTIFICATE
cniiiling the holder to one share in the dis
tribution of premium.) for 1873. Subscribe
now with the ajrent or send direct to the
Publisher. SPECIMEN COPIES, particu
lars, etc.. sent free.
A fWIVTQ Eitl'"localo,
XXVJl i lO canvassing iu
WANTED ek -ss
pay and the best outfit, bend at once for
terms. Addres
Office in New Brick Building, Main St.,
Uiduway, Elk Co., Pa. voiil2tf.
WANTED, Agents and Peddlers for
Presses and strains jams, herbs, vegetables,
lard, tallow, meats, cheese, &e. Every
family wants it. Sewing Machine and
other established agents are rinding this
very profitable. Circulars free. Littlelield
& Dame, No. lOU Washington St., Boston,
Mass. n!2-l8
In the Diit. Court of the United States.
Western District of Pbnn'a.
r"T1HE undersigned hereby gives notice of
J. his appointment as assignee of Fred.
Wilmarih and . W. Kolfe, lute doing busi
ness as partuera under tlie firm name of
WilmartU & Kolfe. at Wilmarth, iu the
County of Elk and State of Pennsylvania,
within said District, who have been
adjudged Bankrupts, upon their own pe
tition, by the Distriet Court of said dis
trict. J NO. G. HALL, Assignee.
Ividgway, Elk Co., Pa.
May 29, 1873. at.
Firmly believing that tie world moves,
nnd that the demands of the public m e con
stantly increasing, the proprietors of the
(Brand nii;al JStoip
have just returned from the eastern and
western cities with tho most perfect and
complete stock of
You cannot
they do not keep, aud they have
of high prices. They buy for cash and
Ri.lgway, May 1st, 187:1.
rrnusiiKi) iiv
J. L. PETERS, oft!) Broadway, N. Y. !
And mailed, post-paid, on receipt of marked
Above nnd Below. Sncred Song, By j
Jiiich, price 30 cents. i
1.,.L- tn ll.l Il,i.n finn .i !
Chorus, Stewart, 80 cents.
Beautiful Form of my Dreams, Stewart,
30 cents.
Darling, Weep no more. Song nnd
Chorus, Hays, 3-) cents.
Do not Weep so, Sister darling. Song,
Stewart, 30 cents.
Don't forget to Write me. Song and
Ch urn s. Cox, 35 cents.
Fold we our Hands. Song or Duet,
Boihlieu. ."') cents.
Gone to the Heavenly Garden. Song,
Chnmbcrlnin. 35 cents.
If you were I, would you? Song, Shat
tuck, 30 cents.
Kiss me, Darling, ere wo part, Stewart,
30 cents.
Little Blind Nell. Song nnd Chorus,
Mncy. 80 cents.
Little Dan. Song nnd Chorus, Hays, 40
Lord, forever at Thy Side, Dunks, 25
Meet me, Bessie, in the Dell, Stewart,
30 cents.
Meet mc, Dearest, with a Kiss, Danks,
30 ceuts.
My Boy across tbe Sea, Hays 35 cents.
Oh! Give me k Home in the South, IIs,
40 cents.
Oh, Sam! Song nnd Chorus, Hays, 35
Only for You! Ballad, Delinux. 35 cents.
Our Little Pet. Song nnd Chorus, Hays,
40 ceuts.
Pupa, stay Home. Tempcranco Song,
Hays, 40 cents.
Save one Bright Crown for me, Hays 40
We pray you Sing that Song. Duet.
Dolphus, 35 cents.
Wilt thou Weep when I am Low? Walker.
35 sents.
POLKAS. Sunbeam, by Kinkcl, 35 cts.;
Belle of Saratoga by Victor, 35 cts.t May
Flowers, by Simon, 85 ots.
MAZURKAS Awakening of the Birds.
50 cents, Happy Thoughts, by Walker, 30
cents; Laughing Wave, by Wilson, 50 ets.;
Sunbeam, by Pachcr, 40 cts.
G A LOPS. Ctiarlie'B and Freddie's, by
Kinkcl. enc 35 cent.
SHOTT1SCUES. Fatal Glance, by
Young, 1!0 cts.; May Morning, by Schmidt.
50 cts.; Sunbeam, by ilnmpel, 35 cts.; and
Willie's, by Kinkel, 35 cts.
MARCHES. Belle of Saratoga, by
Buumhuch, 40 cts., Mollie's, by Kinkel, 35
WALTZES. Clarita, Georgia's, Lottie's,
Sallie'g and Maggie's, by Kiukel, each 35
cts.; Drops of Dew, by Allard, 40 ots., Sun
beam, by Muse, 85 cts,
FOUR HANDS. Amaryllis, 50 cents;
Jocus Polka, 35 ots.; Love's Chase Galop,
85 els.; Praise of Woman Polka-Mazurka
all by Dressier.
SALON PIECES. Danco of the Hay
makers, Vt ilson, 7o cts.; Loves Caresses,
Kiukel, 40 cts.; May Blossoms, Kinkel, 50
ots.; Plainte des Fleurs, 40 cts.; Whisper
int Breezes, Wilson, 60 cts.
ny of the above mailed, post-post, on
o- eipt of price.
Address, J. L. PETERS, 509
Uroadway, New York.
Elk County Directory.
President Judge L. D. Wetmorc.
Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. T
. Associate Judges Chas. Lulir, J V.
District Attorney J. K. P, Hail.
Sheriff D. C. OyBter.
riothonotury c, Fred, Scheming.
Treasurer C. R. Earley.
County Superintendent Rufus Lucore.
Commissioners Kobt. Campbell, John
Barr, Geo. Ed. Weis.
Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George D.
Messenger, and C. W. Barrett.
County Surveyor Geo Wilmslcy.
Jury Commissioners. Joseph Kcrner
nnd Charles Mead.
Manhood: How Lost, How
Just published; a new edi
tion of D. CiLvenwELL's
Cklkdratkp Essay on f he radical cure (with
out medicine) of Spbrmatorrhuja or Semi
nal weakness, Involuntary Seminal Lo scss
Imtotency, Mental nnd Physical Incapac
ity, Impediments to Marriage, etc: also,
CossrMi'TioN. Erit.r.i'sY and Fits, induced
by self indulgence or sexual extravagance.
ICjI'rice in a sealed envelope, only 0
The celebrated author, in this admirable
essay, elenrly demonstrates from a thirty
years' practice, that the alarmininhg cons'
qucuces of self-abuse may ke radically
cured without the dangerous use of inter
nal medicine or the application of the knife;
pointing out n mode of cure at once simple,
certain and effictual, by means of which
every sufferer, no matter what, his condition
may be can cure himself cheaply, private
ly, und railicallt.
Bfy'This Lecture should be in the hands
of every youth and every man in the land.
Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to
any address, pvsipard on receipt of six cents
or t wo post stamps.
Also, Dr. CulverwelVs ' Marriage Guide,"
price 6U cents.
Address the Publishers.
127 Bowery, New York, Tost Office Box 4
580. g m-
(Fobmeult Wood & aLuw.)
Steam Engines.
The Best & Most Complete Assortment
iu tho Market. ,
These Engines htivo nlwavsTaaintriined the very
highest standard of excellence. We mrike the
manufacture of Engines, Boilers nnd Saw Mills a
specialty. We have the largest and raosteomplete
works of the kind in the country, with machinery
specially adapted to the work.
We keep constantly in process large numhers of
Engrinea, which we furnish at the very lowest prices
and on the shortcut notice. Wo build Enpinea
fwcially adapted to Mine, Haw Mills (irist Mills,
aunenca, Cotton Gius, Thrc&hcru and ail classc
Of manufacturing.
We are now building the celebrated Lane Circu
lar Saw Mill, the beat and modt complete saw mill
ever invented.
We make the manufacture of Saw Mill outfits a
special feature of our business, and can furnish
complete on the shortest notice. ,
Our aim in all coses is to furnish the best ma
ohinery in the market, and work absolutely un
equaled for beauty of design, economy and strength
fiend for Circular and Price List.
Solicitors of l'ateuts,
No. Ofi'l Seventh St.. WASHINGTON, D. C.
INVENTORS and other? interested in
Patent. Business should address KDSON
BROS., Patent Lawyers and Solicitors, 459
1'tli St., Washiugton, D. C, for Advice and
l.'we repoi-t an invention patentable -wc
are willing to vs nil for our fee until a pat
ient is nllowcd.
I cheerfully cviv.u.eml to al! i crsoas who
have business in the Paiteiit Otiioe firm of
Ednjit Bros., as L-i-i.tlemcn of prompt busi-
ne:-s habits, and in every respect worthy of
lonhdcnce. Hon. V. P. Hoi.r.owAT.
1 concur in tlie above. 1. V. Iiikakeb.
OFFICE P18 F St., Washington, D. C.
The CIIEAPEjsT and most reliable Pat
ent Agency in Washington. Full particu
lar. Address G. J. FERR1SS, Box 05,
Washington, D. C.
CigyAdVertisements inserted in papers in
every section of the country.
EfeyRateE Lower than those of any other
agency iu the United States.
BfeJ Advertisers will consult their own
best in'erest byaddressiug PENNYWITT,
BENNETT & CO., Box 345, Washington
D. C.
St. Cloud Hotel,
On the American and European plans.
The most centrial location in the City.
Opposite the Patent Oflioc, Masonic Temple
and one block from Ueucral Post Otlice De
partment. The F and Ninth Street Cars,
commuuicating with the Capitol, Execu
tive Mansion, Treasury, War and Navy De
partments and the B. & 0. ond B. & P. De
pots, pass the door.
N. B. Take F-Street Cars at B. & 0.
Depot and get out at 9th street. Take 9th
street Cars at B. & P. Depot and get out at
F street. J. E. LYON, Prop.
B3y-Cnt this out.-j
ON and after SUNDAY, OCT. 27 182,
tho trains on the Philadelphia
Ens Railroad will run as follows!
Mail Train leaves 40 p. m.
" " " Kidgwny - 2.28 p. m.
" " arrive at Kriu. ....... 7.65 p. m.
Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12. 40 p. m.
Kidgway 2.39 a. tn.
" " arrive at Erie ...7.45 a. m.
Accomodation, leaves Uenova,...2.10 p. m
. i. Hidgwny,..B. 20p. m.
an at Kane 7.30p.m.
Mall Train leaves Eric 11-86 rn.
" Ridgway 6.00 p. m.
,i ii arriye ftt philad'a... 6.65 a. tn.
Erie Express leaves Enc 9.05 p. m.
" l'.idgway... 2.04 a. m.
" " ar"at Philadelphia.. 3-30 p. m.
Accomodation, leaves Kane 7.55 a. tn.
Ridgway... 8.56 a. tn.
" nrr at llcnovo 12.30p. tn.
Mail East connects cast nnd west at Erie
with L 8 M S K W and at Corry and Ir
vineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny K
R W.
Mail West at Corry and Irvineton with
Oil Creek nnd Allegheny U R W.
Warren Accommodation East and West
with trains on L. S. & M. S. R. W.east and
west nnd at Corry with O. C. & A. R. R. W.
Frio AccommodstionEast at Corry and
West nt Corry and Irvintton with 0. C- $
A. R. R. W.
Gen'l Sup't.
Winter Arrangement
Time Table adopted SATURDAY, March
1, 1K73. Trains depart from and arrive at
the lUilfnlo, New V'ork & Philadelphia
Mnilwny depot, corner of Exchange and
Louisiana streets.
TIL further notice, Trains will run
as follows:
7:10 a. m. Local Freight nnd passenger,
arriving at Emporium at 5.10 p. in.
12:t)0 m. Philadelphia Mail arriving
at Emporium at ti:U0 p. in.
2:'JO p. in. Local Freight and passenger,
arriviim tit Olenn at 8:05 n. ni.
o.UU p. in. uiean Accommodation ar
riving nt Olcun at 8.25 p. fu.
1.10 p. ni. Mail Arriving at Buffalo at
7.10 p. ni.
7.00 a. ni. Local Freight nnd Passenger
Arriving at liutliilo at 5.50 p. ni.
5.15 a. ni Accommodation arriving at
Iiullalo at 8. -j a. m.
r .m r i r- ,
i v n. ui, L.uuti x rv;gni iiuu passenger,
arriving at Bull'iilo at 1.10 p. m.
Leave Buffalo at 10.00 a. ni., arriving at
Olcau at 1.15 p. in.
Leave Olcan at 2.45 p. m., arriving at
Buffalo at 0.00 p. in.
Passengers for Renovo, Lock Haven,
Williams-port and intermediate noints on
tho Philadelphia & Erie Railway leave
Buffalo at 12 in., arriving at Emporium at
11. p. m., Renovo at 8.35 p. in. Lock Haven
at y.4 ) p. m. nnu YV illianisport at II. Oo p.
Leave Williamsport 8.30 a. m., Lock
Haven at 0.15 a. in., Renovo at 11.05 a. m.,
Emporium a 1.10 p. m., arriving at Buffalo
at 7.10 p. m.
For list of Stage Connections apply at
Ticket OHices.
fiuftaltf Omnibus Line running from all
II. L. LYM AN, fien l Pass Ag't.
J. D. YEOMANS, Superintendent.
Commencing Feb. 2ttli, 1874.
OuiTalo Express leaves Corry at 11 10 a ra
Leives Irvhieton, 7 58 am
Arrives at Pittsburgh 8J55 p ni
Night Express Leaves Irvineton, 520 p m
Night Express leaves Corry 5 15pm
Arrives at Pittsburgh (J 15 am
Day Express leaves Corry C 10 a m
Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 05 p m
Oil City Accom. leaves Oil City 4 55pm
Arrives at Brady's Bcud 9 30 p m
coiso NORTH.
Bila'.o Express leaves Pittsburg at 7 60 a m
Arrives at Corry Ji 25 p m
" " Irvineton 8 50 p m
Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 9 00 p m
Arrives at Corry 8 55 a m
" " Irvineton U 54 p m
Day Express leaves Pittsburgh 12 lOp m
Arrives at Corry 10 45 p m
Oil City Accom. leaves B. Bend 6 40 a m
Arrives at Oil City 11 00 a m
Connections made at Corrv and Irvinn.
tou for noints on tbn nil rv,.i, --.I .i.-
Allegheny Valley Rtil Road.
Pullinun Pallace Drawing Ttnnn, ol
ing Cars on Night Express Trains between
Corry and Pittsburgh.
Ask fur Tickets via Allegheny Yallcy R.
3. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Supt.
From aud after Monday, Feb. 6th 1873.
Traius will run on this Road as follows.
Leaves Earley 7 30 a. m., arrives at
Daguscahonda Junction 8 10 a. m., con
necting with Accom. east 8 14 a. ni., and
with Mail wetst at 9 15 a. nr.
Leaves Daguscahonda at 9 20 a m
arrive, at Earley 10 09 a.m. Leaves
Parley d oO p. in., and arrives at Dagus
cahonda at 5 00 p. m., connecting with
Mail east at 5 09 p. m-, and Accommo
dation west at 5 40 p. ni.
In case P. & Pi. trains are late, Daus
cahonda train holds twenty winutes'be
yond the above time.
i Tickets should always be procured
oelora leaving stations.
C. R.EAREY, Lese,
C,rt,iIi!Ihe,J?V krheads, Note
hedd, Tags, Envelopes, etc. nS
printed at the :ADVOCATK -Court
House, Ridgway, P. ffice'