Farm, Gnrdcii nnd Household.' The Rnsxlnns in Klihn. Honsehold Recipes. Canniso SmAWDF.nnres. After re tnovinp; the hulls, weigh the fruit anil then tho nngar, tnking pound for ppund. Put the sufjnr with a little water on the stove, and let it boil twenty minutes ; put in the fruit nnd let it just boil, taking care that ench berry gets scalded. Have tho cans ready hot, and seal im mediately. Keep the fruit in the cellar in the dark. 2. To one quart of berries take a tea-cup of whito sugar with enough water to form a sirup. When the sugar is perfectly dissolved, put in the berries and cook fifteen minutes. Can immediately in tin nnd solder tightly. Keep in the cellar. From the various experiences nnd recipes given for the preservation . of this fruit it seems that either tin or glass may be used with equal success ; that light in jures tho color of the fruit but not its flavor ; that the length of time the berries are ia tho scalding sirup is not a vital point. All agree that they should bo air-tight and kept in n cool place. Sealing wax for cans is made of four parts of rosin and one part of beeswax with a small quantity of Venetian red as coloring matter. Almond 1?lasc-makoe. One gallon of cream. Suf ten in n small portion of this cream (cold) two ounces of isin glass. Have ready blanched two pounds of sweet Rlmonds, two dozen and a half peach kernels or bitter almonds. Heat these fine in a mortar, with a little rose water to prevent their oiling. Put the gallon of cream with the melting isin glass into a preserving kettle ver the fire, and stir until perfectly dissolved, adding meanwhile one pound nnd a quarter of white sugar. Let tho cream come to n boil. Stir in the almonds smoothly just as you take the blanc mango from the fire ; set nside in a bowl to cool, stirring occasionally until lukewarm, when pour into moulds pre viously dipped in cold water. Breast or Veal. Cover thickly with crumbs of bread, put small lumps of butter about on it, nnd sprinkle with pepper nnd salt when baked, making a gravy of butter. This is a very nice dish. Both the rack nnd breast, ns commonly dressed, are but little es teemed, yet iu this way make excellent dishe3. Almoxd Cake, Pure. Two pounds, and a half of flour, equal weights of butter and sugar as in p-VAnd-cake the whites of thirty eg3, one pound and a half of sweet almonds, with two teaspoon fills o extract of bitter almonds to be pour-t,, ovpr fl0 sweet almonds ns you pi;uud them up in a mortar. IjOI'ise Prnmxo. Six eggs, six spoon ' fuls of flour, three-quarters of a pound of sugar, two spoonluls of butter cream ed with part of the, flour, a gill of wine, half a teaspoonful of mace ground up fine, half a pint of cream, nnd a pint of milk. Baked in n deep dish without lining of pastry, nnd eaten without sauce. Dctilrnble (ltintltUs In a Pig. Harris says; Of nil the desirable qualities in a pig a vigorous ajipetite is of the first importance. A hog that will not eat is of no more use than a mill that will not grind, nnd it is un doubtedly true thnt the more a pig will eat in proportion to his size, provided he enn digest and nssimilute it, the more profitable ho will prove. The next de sirable quality is, perhaps, quietness of disposition. The blood is derived from the food, and flesh is derived from the bluod. Auim:il force is derived from the transformation of flesh. The more of this is used in unnecessary motions the greater the demand on the stomach, and the more food will there be required merely to sustain the vital functions and the more frequently flesh is trans formed and formed again and the tougher and less palatable it becomes. This quality, quietuvss of dispositio'n, combined with a small amount of useful parts of offal, has been the aim of all modern breeders. ltd importance will readily be perceived if we assume that 75 per cent, of the food is ordinarily consumed to support the vital functions, nnd that the slight, additional demand of only one-sixth more food is required for the extra offal parts nnd unnecessary activity. Such a conrse, restless ani mal would gain in flesh and fat in pro portion to the food consumed ouly half as fast as the quiet, refined animal. To assume that a rough, coarse, savage, ill bred, mongrel hog will require only one-sixth more food than a quiet, re fined, well-bred Berkshire, Essex, or Suffolk, is not extravagant. Packing Butter, When the working is completed, and the butter is to be packed it should be done immediately by the use of the ponuder, in n manner to thoroughly ex clude the nir from among it, and give it a solid, compact nppearance when turned from the tub. Xo tub should be filled with the product of more than one churning, for however perfect and uniform the process of manufacture, a slight variation iu appearance may re sult from other causes, ns a change in the feed of the cows, &c, and absolute uniformity both in the taste and appear ance of the butter should be insisted upon. When filled, a purely white linen or cotton cloth wet in pure brine, and cut to the shape of tho tub, but slightly larger, should be placed over it, nnd its edges tucked down in a neat, workman like manner, to exclude the air. If the butter is to be sent immediately to mar ket, pure salt, well sifted and of snowy whiteness, should be placed upon it to the depth of one-fourth of an inch or more, otherwise there may be a woody, unpleasant taste imparted to the butter by the lid. If to be stored, the salt should be an inch or more in depth, and should be thoroughly moistened and re duced thereby to a salvy state, from which it will soon change to a solid state again, and present a crusty appearance much like that of well-frosted cake, by which the air is almost perfectly ex cluded. Before sending to market, or to the butter-cellar, it is well to place it in the refrigerator for twenty-four hours, or until thoroughly chilled nnd hardened. The Knnsns Horror. What the English think About the brent Bear, The London Telcrjraph, writing on the subject of the Kussian assault on Khiva, and of the interests of Great Britain and other great Powers, nt pres ent ncutrnl, in the issue of the campaign says: England, India, Persia nnd Turkey may well ask whnt is the aim of n Tower which hns advanced a thousand miles to beoomo the master of nn oasis in the Oxus. We hnve an imperial promise thnt the occupatiou shall not be pro longed ; but Prince Oortohokoff has al ready dwelt ou the extreme difficulty of retreating from nny point once Possess ed. Except on tho Pruth nnd Danube, under restraint, there is no instance of Russian retrogression. The Emperor may find that he cannot keep his promise in the face of military, political and commercial pressure. Whnt then, is sought by tho men who control Russian policy by dint of aits acfomplisf Here we have nn advance which nay end in donhlingtheehnrgoupon the exchequer: a project of conquest useless save for ulterior cuds ; on enterprise which, if it stops short of Khiva, will be costly and burdensome. What is there, asks Sir Henry llawlinson, to compeimale llussia for throwing away a million a year, not to speak of the sacrifice of soldiers lives? Ture love oT civilization, an ambition to promote trade, a passionate desire to punish wrongs these are mo tives which do not account for the un resting sweep of Uussian power from her Northern wastes towards Klior:ssan and the Hindoo Koosh. Hi;- lleurv ! i; i . . . ' iviwimsou noes nor eo any reason as yet to feel anxietv respecting Kussian advance toward India. Xor does any thoughtful politician. The aim of Uussia is not the conquest or even invasion of India. The statecraft which has com pelled hcv to thrust her arms so far south consists in an effort directed to ward the establishment of a position close to Persia and Aflghnnistan which, she hopes, may neutralize or diminish the force England could exert in West ern Asia. That line of action hns been pursued in unbroken contiuity ever since the Treaty of Paris was signed. The march of Russia appears to threaten India ; in reality it menaces directly Persia, and Tnrkey. The goal of this political strategy is dominion ou the southern shores of the Euxine nnd em pire beyond the summits of Mount El- burz. What Russia desires is countries that will pay, strong naval arsenals, and ports crowded with shipping, and she can only find them by striking out to wards the Levant and the IVrsian Unit. Tushkeud, Samarcand, Khiva, the At trek, are subsidiary stages which she believes will lead up to her great ambi tion a rich, sunny, prosperous, power ful southern dominion. Central Asian encroachments oil tho part of Russia form, therefore, only a corner in the great Eastern question ; it is in that light they should be continuously re garded ; and every measure of counter policy which events may force on us should be shaped with the direct inten tion of frustrating designs so thorough ly hostile to the British Empire. A Stransre Story. Value of Trotting Horses. The calendar for 1872 has not yet been made up, says a magazine writer, but will show an increase upon that of 1871. It shows that in 1871 there were 1,576 trotting and pacing races in the United States, representing over a million dol lars in premiums and purses, besides the great value of the horses. The horses would average 81,000 each, and not less than three to each raoe, which would be $4,728,000, say $5,000,000, in horses alone, who have actually trotted in the several contests during that year. From this and other reliable data, we calculate the value of those in training and exercising, but not contending in races, and those iu the bleeding studs, all united, would amount to not less than $18,003,000, being that sum in vested in this country in trotting and The Wililit'reieer of n Pennsylvania Girl The Liifv of n Huntress. The Wheeling Jlfffintrr tells the fol lowing story, on the authority of Julia Messenger, of Windridge, Green county, Penn., for whose verivity it vouches : A man living near Windridge, Green county, Penn., had born to him five children, four girls nnd one boy. His name is Daniel Lewis. When quite young the boy and second daughter, named Lnciuda Lewis, developed quite a fondness for hunting, and were out nearly all the time, roaming the woods in search of game. They seemed to delight in nothing so much as the life of a hunter, and would be gone from home for weeks nt a time. Alter some four or five years the boy quit it nnd entered on the more industrious pursuits of life, but the girl continued in the chase. Drawng herself more nnd more from human intercourse and re straint, she has become a wild woman, fleeing from the approach of her kind with the speed of n deer. During the early years of her solitary ! life she used to approach her father's house nnd entice the dogs to follow her, learning almost nny breed of dogs to become good hunters. In the hope of bringing her back to her home and civilization, her brother followed her and shot the dog she had taken nwny, using every inducement to get her to go back with him. But all in vain. tot eighteen years, since sue vas twelve years of age, she has lived this wild life, sleeping in the centres of straw stacksduring thenight and hiding in them during the summer the wild and cultivated fruits she intends for her winter's store of provisions. She is now thirty years old, and is as wild as the most untamed denizen of the forest. Mr. Messenger says he at one time, while out hunting, met her in the woods. Her long black hair, covering her face nnd eyes, was matted with burs and leaves, and her black flashing eyes made her a startling picture. She remained perfectly still until he got within twenty feet of her, when she turned and fled with the swiftness no man could hope to rival. A few days since she was seen ngain, and then had iu her baud three pheas ants and four rabbits, but although these encumbered her she eluded every attempt to capture her. She has been so long in tho woods that she has be oome perfectly wild. Her dress is made of the (.kins of wild animals and a blanket that she has taken somewhere during some of her nocturnal predatory tours. Old Memories. The building in New York City so loug occupied by the Tribune in being torn down to make room lor a new structure. Of the old building the Tribune says : It is not nn antiquity ; tho building which is about to fall is comparatively a modern one; but it has lii i u the scene of many experiences, of various labors, of some failures and of some victories. On this, its last day, it is haunted by the ghosts of its old inhabitants, and their presence irlorifies its ignominious dilapidation. We see their old familiar faces; we hear their well-remembered voices; and we catch the sound of their footsteps upon the dusty stairway. We recall the earn est tone of serious discussion, or the light laughter following souie sally of wit or of humor; but we know that it is all a fond illusion, and that we shall never hear those voices agaki. The well-managed newspaper can know no decrepitude; it flourishes in perpetual youth; but those who have fashioned its character and whoso skill has secured its usefulness pass sway and give place to fresher hands ana to Drains less worn and weary. This is the fiat of fugitive and irreparable time. How the Victim were Slnnghtered In the Beutler Den, . As time passes, says n Kansas cor respondent, and' new light is thrown upon the murderous deods of the Ben der family of flendB, the horror deepens and the crimes committed by these monsters assume even ft darker hue. New facts nte almost daily developed which show that theso people were not alone in the section of the State in which they live in their plots against the lives of wayfarers. Already twelve arrests have been made of people living in the neighborhood, and who, there is good reason to believe, were the accom plices of tho murderers in disposing of the horses nnd vehicles of the victims. It is thought that there are other bodies in addition to those that have been found, concealed iu the orchard, only ono pall, of which has been explored. It is the purpose of the county authori ties to continue the Senreh. On Sunday two special trains were lMth to the scene of the murders. One went from Inde pendence and the other from Coll'ey villc. They took fully l.OOOsight-serrs, who went about, peering into the holes whence the bodies had heen taken, anil on their return carried away With them pieces of Iho wretched shanty which lias resounded with the moans and groans of so iniiiiy murdered men. I lie Ictidf I'dcu is adiuiralily situated for the purpose to which the lit-nds put it. It is iu tho northwest corner of Labette county, nnd is so placed that it commands full view of the np proi'chcs to it for a distance of half a mile iu all directions. Woe, then, to the single traveler who is seen from its doorways or its windows approaching, for then was the hammer placed in po sition and tho kuife sharpened ton finer edge against his coming. Parties of two or three might escape, but tho soli tary stranger was doomed. The house is nothing but n mere shanty, twenty four feet long and sixteen feet wide. The roof is painted, and not n sign of lath, plaster, or whitewash is to be seen. The interior is one lohg room, nud while the Benders occupied it it was divided off into two apartments by n white cot ton cloth which hung across tho whole length of it. In tho front room was a small counter, and ncross this counter the Benders made a pretence of selling groceries. Ou tho other side of the curtain was a table, a stove, three chairs, and a miserable sort of a bed. In the floor, near tho cloth partition, in this rear room, was a trap-door. Over this trap-door was placed the chair of the victim who stopped at the den for food or refreshments. He was so arranged that in leaning back the impression ol his head and back was made in the yielding cloth. The watchful villains rtio two male Benders on the other side of the curtain, holding the heavy sledga-hammer iu their hands, waited until the guest's form was thus outlined. Then with one terrible blow the victim's skull would be crushed in, and as the murdered man would fall forward heavily ou the table tho trap-door would b sprung and the helpless body would fall into the cellar or aperture below. Then would come the work of tho women, which was to descend, and, with n sharp knife, to cut the throat of the uncon scions man. This was the probable course of events that accompanied the commission of the crimes of the Ben ders. Here and there in the walls of the shanty are visible, however, holes made by pistol bullets, and it is clear that some of their victims at least made attempts, however iueffi ctual, to avenge their murder before consciousness left them. It is related as among the incidents connected with this death-hole that one night about three months ago a poor woman on her way on toot to Inde pendence, about fifteen miles distant, stopped at the shanty and asked its in mates for food and shelter. She lay on the rude bed for a while and dropped into on uneasy sleep. Suddenly she was awakened by a tap on her shoulder. She opened her eyes and saw before her the old hag of the place, the wife of the elder Bender, who pointed to the table ou which lay a glittering nrrav of knives nnd pistols, nud said sardonic ally, " Look there at your supper ; it is ready ! Hie poor woman, seized with mortal fear, yet managed to dissemble her true feelings. Making an excuse to leave the house, her fright being intensi fied by the sight of the beldame passing her hugcr over the keen edges ot the knives, she passed into the yard. Once out she staggered away in the darkness, and so escaped ; nut, looking back nt intervals, she could see the door open ng and shutting as the lutended mur derers came to it, expecting her return, ScARcrrr op Timber in German. The increasing scarcity of wood is one of the most anxiously debated questions of the day in Germany, both in its eco nomical nnd climatic relations. 'The gradual disappearance of Inrge forests through short-sighted economy is bit terly complained of. Reports from Hamburg state that the large forests iu the neighborhood bf that towi those of Sachsenwald, belonging to the Imperial Chancellor, nppeor to be doomed to de struction. According to a German pa per, Prince Bismarck ordered timber to the value of 100,000 thalers to be felled there during the past winter, and to the value of 70,000 thalers thepreviouswin-ter. Quaint sayings nnd queer doings nre often heard and seen, bat men nro doing noth ing queer thftt wear tho Klmwnod ('ollnr. Try it and toe how much you like It. Com. "0. M. P." Don't stand Helmut with nwo nnd fear, eyes nido open, lmir ou end. and Angora tightly clinched with tho idea that tliepo mysterious symbols arc cabaliHtic signs and represent some secret organization of masked demons, who carry terror and dismay with their midnight jirowlingH and dinperHO on tho dawn of morn ing. No! They are only the initials of Dr. I'icivo'M Uoldoii jfedical Diwovnry, that pleas ant niedieino, which has acquired a National reputation ami proven ho cmcacious in uougiis. Colds, DroiichitiH. Consuiniiliun and kindred .lisenHcs. For these complaints it has noequal. Sold by all DriiggiHts. C31 Public Speakers and Singers will find "TJroten'i Bronchial Troches" honcflcTal in clearing the voice before speaking or sing ing, and relieving tho throat after any exertion of the vocal organs. For Coughs aud CoUIb the Trochei are effectual. Co;t. Important to Hokhkmex. Prof. " An- dkiison's Dkumadou" is tlm lioct Liniment in isu for iIoi-hpk. Tlio fact is kImwii by iinnur ms letters from all parts of the country. A latn one reads as follows: o have been experimenting with vour Der- mador on horse llonh. and iind it a very superi or remedy much superior to any other liniment we ever used in our livery stanio. I'lcase send us two dozen large bottles by express. C. O. D. atbon v UoorF.n, Wavcrlv, Iiid. Another Triumph for the Wilson Sew ing Machine Co. At the Seventh Orand State FAin of the Mechanics' and Agricultural Fair Association it l.ouiMana. held Annl 23d. 1S73. at New Orleans, the world-renowned celebrated Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machines were awarded a Goi.n Mi-pal for tho best Sewing Machines, and five separate premiums for the best work done on Sewing Machines, thiiB making Forty-one Pre miums, .Miip Mdals and lline Diplomas that have been awarded to the Wilson Machines within a year. It is a notorious fact that, with out a single exception, tho Wilnon Sewing Machine Co. has nont its machines to even' State Fair and Exposition in this country and kuropo, where awards were osiorca to the uest Sewing Mackincs. in order to show the great lieoplo of the world that tho ' Wilson" is not onlv better than all others, bnt that it has the ability, capital, and pluck to defeat aud huniili- ite toe combined force of niuotcen competitors all of wIiobi have fought tho Wilson Machine inch hv men. to prevent it from getting a foot hold hi tho American market, and lo e impel the ilson hewing Machine Co., bv tuoir formid able competition, to raise tho prico of tho Wil son Machine to that at which theirs aro soul for. or else go out of the market eutirelv. But 'he people of America are with the Wilson Machine, and are too intelligent to be imposed ipon nv misrepresentation regarding the mer its of a machine which, without exception, has excelled all competitors in every contest, and been so decided bv an intelligent board of ami trators. There aro. we hope, but verv few po,,plo so ignorant as to bo imposed upon by misrepresentation, and tscn pav the impostor at least fifteen dollars for his success. The Wilson Sewing Machine Co. have waroheuses in every city in the civilized globe. Go and set their wonderful Machines. Salesroom iu New York at 707 Broadway. Com. Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will live more relief in cases of Chronic Itheunia tism, no matter how severe, than any other article known to medical men. torn. It is often remarked by strangers visiting our state, that we show a larger propor tion of good horses than any other State iu the union, llus, wo ten tncni. is owing to two nrnicipal reasons: m the hist place, we breed fmm tho very best stock: and in tho second nlaco. our people use Mwridan'i Cavalry Con 'Iti ion j'ouders, whicu aro oi incalculable ad vantage. Com. FiAoa's Instant Relief has stood twenty years' tost. Is warranted to give imme diate relief to all ltheumatic, bouralgio. Head Ear aud liack aches, or money refunded. Coin Put Vomnc-lf In Ills IMnce. Render, tint youriclf In the place of a dyspeptic and ttliom patient under the old-fashioned, regu lar treatment. Allopathio doiei of blue pill, pur gative! that go through him with the ImpMuoua ruin at an avalancho, opium when he can't sleep and a littla bscttoa to keep him alive under the assaults of the medicine men upon his stomach, his Intestines, his liver, and his brain, all thpfie he has to endure. Is It any wonder that ho becomes dreadfully weak, emaciated and drjocted ? Reader, If you have any " gumption" you would, undor any circumstaiues, and at all hns trds, decline to put yourself otherwise than suppositlously In that man's place. Now put yourself In the place of a person with tbo same complaints, who hns had the sense to resort to Hostotter's Stomach Bitters as a remedy. Ho takes that agreenblo and potent vege table Ionic and altci allvo, wo will say, three times a day. As a necessary consequence his appetite returns, Ills digestion Improves, his bodily strength increases, bis bowels become free and regular, his sleep is sound and refreshing, his spirits grow, buoyant, tie tinge of health returns to bis com plrxion,and in afow weeks the curs Is complete. Tills is no fancy picture, it Is a brief l struct of the xpertonre of thousands of dyspeptic, bilious, itobililated and despairing patients. Is it neces sary to ask tbo reader in w hich of the two places no would put himself If afflicted tth any disease f the stomach, the bnwrls, liver or Iho nerves flie Markets. BEW YORK. Beef Cattle Prime to Kxtra Uuilocks J-,rt Second quality Ordinary thin Cattle.... Inferior or lowest grade Milch Cows Hogs Live Dresecd Sheep Cottou Middling Hour Kxtra Western Slate Extra Wheat Red Western 1 State Mo. 2 Spring Rye Darley Malt Oats Mined Western Corn Mixed Western Hay Straw Hon '72s, .35 a .45 '71s, Fork Mcpb Lard P.-troleum Crude 81fa Ilutter Ktnte Ohio Fancy " Yellow , Western Ordinary Pennsylvania nue Cheese Ktnte Factory Skimmed Ohio bookb, i,HATB , .,,.,. , ,,,. can easily be dress at onee. """'"'.-:-',. - J. C, made Addross, , A. W Hi III It HOW. II i-Islol, Tfim, AOKIHTH VA'TKI. Send for rllome. IJO.MKWTIC KiaVlMl MAI II INK Co. ,11. V AMERICAN SAWS." BEST IN TI1K WOULD. BIOTAnLK-TOOTHEI 1 lKt'tl.ARS, I'EKFOH ATI-I Titos t XT. Send for I'nrr.-.lilct to AMERICAN SAW iNEW YORK. mi Him ii s n -'iiniriT rti-;"t"'H'" mm v. . ,'i i SOU li nsds ltk Oils Well Auger la roM territory. It Ivw dUm lr aoil di-j.tfi. fitirl ordlnnry Wflli t lh rmt 1 100 feet per day. Tli g rent, tu tool lu tti wttTltl for Prospecting for COAL. The fl(torfi armnde ofotiil AMtttw! tnd warrvi ! to bnreiosofl lime fltrnie, oft l-itid ttnfiC, i)te, coal nnd bard pan nnd hy theue of thadoor add lvc. pertc-t CTliudcf tutor ll -ormod, thni nnhing it tt.e onlj re-rul well auKT la 3L',CKSANI. 4 Knrni. T"wn-"blp nnd CoMit t rlchu .cr i.i .sat . ar.nn kEWAnD wiil(enatd ',()'' J tofitiTruotbiiiwUtlufcicnuii ofat'UB--i' . iVjJ inesa'thfitrwjtilrenaJiliiilcrapitfilHnd hi'i'V'a pT(taa wol inat h"wrl1bor1n:l'nsiDM. '.i W elDTitetherlcmhtriiHorrnie to CM- ... is 10 nnd B?e tlicauci-r work, nnti 11 11 lf I doo not work os rcpreMitM, we wli IS pnr tbHr Hallroad fare liih way. Fend wh.r-h exi.lrtln rwtf ihlntT. Ac'drcig WELTj AUOEH CO.. BOX G614, 8U L.ouia. Mo. H.-nut iful Clii-nmoK mmiod frro for iO vtn Am'uta wanted. I.O. ES CO., Medfni d, Mai. BUFFALO. EfiKH State. B.-rf Cattle Shct'p Uorh Live l-'lnur Wheat No. 2 Spriiiq , Ooru Oatti Rvp li'T : Lard ALBANY, Wheat rtye Stale Corn Mixftl Hurley State Data State pniLAnnLriiiA. V our-Penn. Extra Wheat Wt-pttTU lied Corn Yellow Mixed Petroleum Crude Heef Cattle Clover Seed Timothy B ALUM QBE, Cotton Low Middlings FUmr Extra Wheat Coru Yellow Oita .121 ,11 -,2M .11 a .11 ?4' .10 a .IP iii.-i nr.-. Sg $ TIA 11 STEAM ENGINE 5 : :i CO. 1.15 a 1 .ru 14.2.1 .17.8.1 fc4&r-J5'; IllUPj . 8.70 . -v '' S - l! . ri.fiil s (i.i'U Hq .v. .V.-' .-fe-iir-VS 1.15 a l.K) ..In H .M .41 .84 .85 l.l'O . 09 l.WI n 2.15 ,!I7 8 .'.17 .('," 4 .I'fi .81 "a 1.10 ,G4 . 8.21 l.W .l',4 R ft0 a 1.D7 a .i;4v .(',4 131$ R.'lillPdl'.U.i a ."i a 8.T5 a i.'iiy. .(15 t.llll 4.25 .IB 0..M1 1.11.1 .'5 .49 a .1H a 7.50 a 2.10 a .155 n .54 CmsTADono's Excelsior Hair Dy standH niirivuled and alone. ItB meritH have Ijeou no univernallv acknowledged that it would tie a nuit3i-fro.ruiHm 10 ui-ucuni on mem any further uotning can heat it. Com. For Loss op Appetite, Dyspepsia, indigestion. DeprcHniou of SpiritH and General Debility, in their vanons forum, r ekro-I'iuw pohatkd Ei.ixiu of Calihava made hv,, Hazard v Co.. ,ew lork. and Bold by nildmp- ',-iHtn, ih the bent tonic. Am a Htimulant tonic for paticntH, recovernis from fever or other ickncH8. it Iirh no equal. If taken during the season it prevents fever ana ague ana other intermittent fevers. Coin. A Postal Romance. The Melbourne correspondent of the Hay Standard tells the following very improbable story of Sir George Bowen: Sir George- Bowen, it must be remem bered, resided, at the commencement of his oilicial career, iu the Ionian Islands, aud there he met the Jady who now hears his name and title. At the time of their first meeting, Lady Bowen was then a widow, 1 believe, with a firm de termination to remain such, nnd this, In Galloway large craigsnre met with having ancient writings on them. One ou the farm of Knockleby has, cut deep on the upper side, "Liilt me up, and I'll tell you more." A number of peo ple gathered to this craig, nnd succeed ed in lifting it up in hopes of being well repaid; but instead of hnding any gold, they lound written on it, ".Liny me down as I was before." PAIN1 PAIN!! PAIN!!! WHERE IS THY BELIEVER? Readers, yon will find it in tbat favorite Borne Hemi-ay, PERRY DAVIS" F A IX-KILLER. It has fceen tested in every variety of climate, and by aim. st every iiutiun known ti Americans. It is the almost cot, stunt rGmuanion and inestimable , . , , 1 t ' If lend of tho missiohat y and travt-ler.on sea and liHvmu uuiuo lu mc iiiuwituL'e oi iuc l.nid, and nu one should (ravel on our lae or rivert young attache, promptsd within him a mischievous spirit to test the lady s strength of will. From his diplomatic education, he considered that he could safely carry on the siege without danger to himself, and possibly he might have done so, only, as the immortal bard says, "There is a tide in the a flairs of men," and so in the end found the youth who had schemes against a wo- m.-.n s resolve. 1 he charming widow, in reality, was tired of her solitary life, and was by no means adverse to chang ing her state of single blessedness, and the uttache was far from indifferent to her, but neither in the Ionian Isles or elsewhere, would a lady acknowledge almost to herself such a weakness. The game begun and was carried on with ardor on one side nud npparent indiffer enco on the part of the lady. The youthful statesman between 'indicting Stato documents and amatory verses was fully occupied, so much so' that one day he composed two papers, and one proposing a certain demaud to a friend ou a matter which he said they had long been considering, and if it whs agreed upon a reply was to be forward ed. With due oilicial care the letters were dispatched, and no more thought was needed in the matter. The lady and gentleman met a few dys after, when one morning a near relative of the lady calls nnd informs our diplomatist that his offer is acoepted by the fair widow, while Ins menu drops iu to know what the d 1 he means by send ing him nn ncrostio nnd passionate verses of the power of his eyes, which every one had acknowledged very indif ferent. Our poor diplomatist found, as did Sam Weller, that the widow was too much for him. auietlv struck bis cofors. nnd surrendered himself captive to bis Greek enslaver. Lidy Bowen is a wo man of high accomplishments and di tinguo maimer. R R R RADWAY'S ready BELIEF Cures the Worst Pairaa IK raoM ONE TO TWENTY KIN UTES. NOT ONE HOUR AfTCR KIADIIta TItB ADVIBTISiniKr Need any one Suffer with Pain. Kadway'i Keady Eellef Is a oar for every Fain. IT WAS ina FIRST JLXD IS THE ONLY PAIN 'REMEDY that Instantly stops tho most encrnrlatlns; jialno, allnvs lnflnmiilloiiB, and cures Congestions, vrhctlx er of the Luiiks, Stomar h, Bowels, or other glands or orirans, by one application, IN FROM ONE TO '1WBNTT MINUTES, nn mnner Irnw violent or excruciating the pain tho RHEUMATIC. Bed-rlilden, Infirm, enroled, Ner vous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. Inflamatlon of the Kidneys, . - Infamation of the Bladder, Inflamatlon of the Bowels, . .... Congestion of the Lang Sore Throat. Difficult Brentliinff. . . Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterica, Croup, Diptheria, ... ' Catarrh, Influenza, Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cold ChllL,,A?ue Chills. The application of the READY HFMRP to the par or parts where the puiii or uiilltuity exiats will af ford ease and coinfrn t. Twenty drops In half a tumbler of water will tn a Tew minutes cure Crump, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery Colic, Wind In the Bowels, and all Internal rainy. Trnvellers Bhool I always carry a bottle of JIAI WAY'S READY BT-L1FP with them. Afewdro in water w ill prevent si. kness or pains fromchanjt of water. It Is bettor than Frcmth Brandy or Bl tere as a stimulant. . FEVER AND AGUE. FEVF.U AND AnrH eitred for fifty cents. TharJ Ip not a remeillnl agent in this world that will euro Fever and Ague, and another ptnlarlnns, Bilious, Bi arlet. Tvph"id. Yellow, and other Fevers ( ilded bv RATIWAVS PILLS) so quiesi as RADWAY'S RiADY REI.IF.F. FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE. HEALTH, BEAUTY, AMD BEAUITFL'L COMPLEXION SE CVitEJ) 10 ALL. DR. RADWAY'S fit THE GREAT ALTERATIVE AND ELOOD PTJEiriEIt. It is r.nt a qunck rirstrnm. Tho irgrrdionts nro published on cnt-h Loftlo of medicine. It is used nnd recommended by rhysicians wherever it Iies been introduced. It will positively euro Cr.dFl LA in its various fita(f, L'JIJ-'V-MA TISM, WHITE S 117.- Lixa, ooit, cojtiu:, r.noNCJUTis, Jv.y.' vois DEL1L1TY, JXUPlES'l I MPTIOX, nnd nil dis-ent-es eiisirghim rn impure conditirn cf the I lord. Send for r-urrtos.rjAi.js Almakac, iu v hich you will find c Hitlerites fumrtlinblernd trustworthy riiysieiins, Jlinisteis cf the Gomel fird ethers. Lr. it. wiircn eorr, j-inmw, rr8 1 1-1 ri : i ii it in i i.fcui f m rofma ri d etLir ditiutis villi u.uili tutiefac-ticn. Dr.T.C.rugh,cr I'nit-rrore, vcrom- rrtuiU it lo t.l icrrouB tuurriiw vim dittoed r'cod, rnyil'K it is Ulterior lo al v j rr i lnticu 1 e 1 as ever tin d. F.ev. tatney Ball, of tlie J aii'more 51. h. etbiiiiliit- routb, r8 l:e L-ns 1 em eon :i h litcfitlid 1 yiimiri', tin he cletrfrlly nrcnnirts it to all bis tiieri'a errl r roiip'iitarcie. Craven to., I nwii-tH, t floroW vil:e. Vs., iy ii i:ecr Lu faiitd lo give .-atiifeet-'r'. Sam'l G. BTcradden, Murfriwiwo , Tn i i me, i.a it i nnd liiiu of HIku rcaliim v lies all c-Iee failed. TEE ROSAS AXIS IX C0SSECTI03 WITH OFI! (FonJtrni.T Wood & Mann.) STATI0NS3V & PORTABLE Steam Engines. The Bost & Most CoMiiilpto Assortment in tho Market. Thee Emrino have nlwuy maintained tlio very highest Btandur,l of excellence. We make the manufacture of F.iurines, lloilern anil Saw Mills a specialty. We have the lonre-st and most complete works of the kind in the country, with miiuliinery specially a-lnpted to tho work. We keep constantly in procoa lanre numbers of Engines, w hich w o furnish at the very lowest prices nnl on the t-hortei notice. We build Enrincs specinllv adapted lo Mine. Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Tiinn ries f oilon Oius, T hrcshcrs and all classes of inanufaetuiiiur. Wo are now building the celebrated Lane Circu lar Saw Mill, the best uud most cumpluto saw mill ever invented. We miike tlio manufacture of Saw Mill outfits a spoei-il f, iture of our business, and can furnish complete on the shortest no'iee. Our aim in all cases i-t to furnish the best ma chinery in the market, and work absolutely un eiuulcd for beau) y of design, economy uud strength. cS'.-nd for CirculiU' aud Price List. UT.CA STEAM ENGINE CO. VT1CA, IV. Y. Wat.vtioi-.iis, -U 'unri.::Dr Sr., Xnw York. C. G. YOUNG, Gen. Ant., 42 Coitlandt St., New York. I 0 10 I)tU ,,f working people of cither lex, youtip -r ol, iniko more nimit-v at worn mr mm men mnr iw -nieiila or all tho time t)mn nt anythlngelie. I'urti. nltn b free. Audrey Q. 8T1NSON CO.. Port Irtr.rt.Me. Thea-Nectar is a rrPK BlncU TJ1A With the fliern Tea Flavi-t ?st Tea lmpnrteo. ni 1-rvv.hore. Androrsnc lie oulv hv the OHEAT ATLANTIC rAflKir TFA t f Ku. I'M Fulton St. i! d 4 Chun I St., Ki w T.'ik. p. o. Box, fi.NUi Semi for Thea-Nectar Circular Has made the most astonishinxCnrcs : to quick so rapid are the changes thef ody u.ncier:oo3, under the In rtuence of this Truly Wonder ful Medicine, that Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. The Great Blood Purifier F.very drop of the SATtSArATULI.l.W riF.SOT. VEN'T comniillitcati s thioiiKli the HW"-il. Kim it. Urine, anil other lluiMs and Juices ' fine system me vlipir of life, fur It repairs tlio wisfs it ihelmdy with new and B'Uind niuteiUl. tk-nfi-l;i, Syphilis, Consumption, Chronic l)ysiTBia, GI.iimIiiI.-i dis-eas-s, t'Veis in the throat. Mouth. 1 unv-i s. N.-iies In the Olaiuls and other puts if the system. "ro Eyes, Smim-trotis ilia hamis f m tin- I.. is. ana the wo. st forma f Wtm iset Kmpii.-i s i ever Sores, Hcald Head, Rind Worm. S.ili Bhenm. hrysin elas, Acne, Blark Spots. Vmms In the l-lesli, Tu mors. Cancers lu the Womb, and all v, enkciiion ana painful diS'-harftes. Muht Swents. Lies if S-pcrm and all wastes of the life pi liieiple. are within the curative ranife i f this Modern ( heniistry. and atew days' use will pr -ve to any person usin It lor either of these fonu of disease its potent power to oure them. , . . A If the patient, flailv bccrmii.B reduced by tn wastes aud decompi sition that Is continually pro Kressiiig, snceee-ls in arrrslinsj thise wastes .and 1. ....... n,:il,-iii,l ni.H'e flOm healthy blond and this the SAliSAl'A AN will and does secure a cure is certain ; for when once this remedy commerces US work if purification, and succee.ts In di".inishii the loss of wastes. Its) repairs will be rapid, and every diiy the patient w ill feel himself growing better and sti onger, thj food digesting belter, appetite improving, and. flesh and w eight Increasing. Not only does the Baiisai amll.ian Rfsolvent ex cel all known remedial agents lu the euro i f Chron ic, Scrofulas, Coiistttutiomil, nnd Bkiil diseases! but it is the only pusitivo euro fur Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Urinary, anrt Womb otseascs, Gravel, Dinbetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, luiontiliiieiice i f Lrlne. U.I..1,,-- nu.,... All,ii,,ili,ui-t:i. and in till cases w here there are briik-dust deposits, or tlio w ater is thick, cloudy, mixed with sul siaiiecB like the white of an egg, or threads like while silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bone-dust deposits, and when there Is a pi n King, burning sensation when passing wnter. and Jtulu in ths Small of the back and along the Loins. Jiillliil i-Sfe, wuh tn L,- Pi -EC- 'i-tlL.Vf The bes 3 fLr-V' -s'V sale evei ?leJiVr wliob-s-i K-y li1 ATLAN'I without it. Its Merit abb TJ if ftjf parsed. If tou ftr ufferinff from INTERNAL PAIN Tuitu lo Thirtu l'roo$ in a Little Wuttr will al most iiiBtatitly cure you. There t$ nothing equal to ii. iu a ifw muiuuiiii 11 cures Vatic, Cramps, Spasm Heart-burn, Diarrhoea Dysentery, f lux, H tnd tn the Howels, bour Stumarh, Vyspepsia, Suk Headache, Cures CHOLERA, when all other Remedies Fail It gives Instant Relief from Aching Teeth. In spctioi't of the country where Freb awd Aur prevails, there it uo remedy held m greate eiteem. Foh Ff.vfb and AnrB. T-ike three t:bleipoort' ftils of th" Pain-Kilter in nbouthlfa pint ct hoi water, we ll vet',iied vlth id(J ibi I m the attack is cumiiin on. It;it hin v f' et-ly tho clit st b;i k and bowels with the Ptu-hUtr nt (he i:me time. Re pe itthe diiseiu twentv minut s if the that does not stop the hill, ghoul j it produce omitinf (aitU it prob -blT will- if the s'omuch is very fcul). tuke a little Fnm-Killer in coW wtr sweett-ned vilh bu-ir nfter each sp ism. V rseveranee in the nboTt) tie:ttmnit has cured many sveie aud obstiuato casts of this diseusu. OR FAT " CHOLERA VEMBDT PAIN-KILLER. It is an Fxterna and Internsl Remedy. Fr Hum mer Conipl iiTit or Jtfy other form i f bowel diseusa in cnuaren or aauits it it an mimiubi -m mhi rure. ,nd has without d- ubt. been more sui-cessim in mint tha varimii kinds f C than aiit other known remedy, or the most skillful phyMcinn. in inam. ah ica anq i ninit. urie hub u uh eas is more or less prevalent, the Pain-KiUtr is (Onsiiiered by the iiHtives as well nt by Furopenn rt tiilents in thote rllin .t. 1. A fcURE REMEDY: and while it is ammt efflt ient remedy for pain, it is a puift'ctly B.ifH medicine in tne most m Skinrui hands. It hat become a household remudy. f ou tho I f ic t that it tfivet immediate and permanent relief. I It is a purely vegetable preparation, made from the 1 best and purest muteiiiils. s;tfe to keep and use in every fimilv. It is recommended by pbysirlnns nd peraoi'S of ;U classes, and to-dny. after a public trinl of thiity years the avera((e life rf man it stands um ivMllcd and unexcelled, spreading its usefulness over the wide world. Direct. nut accompany each Bottle. Price 26 eta., 60 cts., and tl per Bottle. PERRT DAVIS 4 SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. J. K. HARRIS CO., Cincinnati. O , Proprietors for the Western mud South Western EUtca. For sale by all Medicine Dealers. FOE SALS WHOLESALE BY JOHN F. HENRY, New York (iKO, 0. GOODWIN A CO., Huston. JOHNSON, HOLOWA A CO., Philadelphia. will cure Chills and Fever, IJver Complaint, Dys pepsia, etc. We (n at an lee puperior to nil other Blood Purtncrs. bciid fur Descriptive C irculur or Almanac. Address CLEMENTS & CO., A S. Commerce St., Baltimore, Jff. Remember to ak vmr PrvrHyt for Itop.rAi t. fpEA.-TEA AOENi'S wanted in town and coun- ti v to sell 1 A . or Kt'I UU ( 1UD oruet mr ihl- largest Tea Company in America; importer prices uud inducements tu ukteute. Pemt 1 -r cuculur. Adiress, RHEHT WELLtt. Veaey Street, New YnrV I0THERS! MOTHERS MOTHERS! C .r.'l fail lo procure MHS. WINSLOW1 SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETH This vnlunhlfl prTftrstlon has hepn nsrd wit' NF.VK.R-FA1L1NO SUCCESS IN THOUSANDS Ol CASKS. .w .... It not ciniy tpubvps 111c rnim 11,1111 jibiu, win vixoratcs tho stiimai-h and bowels, corrects actdlt, and Hive s tmio and enerKV to the whole system. 1 will also instantly relieve Griping of the Bowels and Wind Oolic. We hclieve it the BEST and BrRUBT UPMEBY 1 THE WORLD in all rases of DY8KNTERY AN DIARKHIKA IN CHILDREN, whether arising fron teclhinuor anyotbur causo. Dupend upon it, mottion, It will give rest ti yoursulves and Relief and Health to Your Infants. Be sure and call for " MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP..' Hnvlng the fac-slmlls of " CURTIS t PEBKIN'S on the ouiside wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the World. YV 4 Y'ni? f Touiik Men siiid I.nill-a , Al 1. lltlJ t,i LEA.Jf TtLF.liH APllINIi. in nil positions a 872.0(1 EACH WEEK AGENTS WANTE1 ness legitimate. Particular Ulth lllllnn . A Allt NITI T. Mil I. T '1 . Afc.UI I. r 1 In THE BEST '.XljiEiiwjPi ' UfnOVIMAPI ftCCS MALE or FEMALE. 860a nunniituuLriduiii ScnruL4, ths dreaded, yet wide spread Boourge of the Htrnu Bace.canbe cured by Dr. Jayne's Alterative ; It overcomes tha disease tkoroughly by driving it from the system, wtHjkKitarautecd. Ht-specta irevt ning-: nocntutal rftmir- ;d;fufl irjtructinns and valuutiln p.ti-kai;e oi froidaaea1 vee by mail. AiMrcKs. with mx ci-nt r,-turn sldinti. T Jl. YOUKU 4 CO., lb GortliuxUt-st., .New York. CHICACO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY. (Milwaukee ft Et, Paul Eailway Co.) KxlPitdinirfroiii tliii'co lo Milvvaiikrc, L.s CiniHt, Wiiioimi llns'inua, SI. Paul " liiiiiotilioliii. AIfo to MitilUon, I'l-Hirle Hi ( l.ii n, Viisliii, llinlniini, t linili-a City. .lrtMiii I'Hvaiiii Aluomi t nlPr to .innravllle, HI 11 111 ne, ltliou, lltrlill and Km hmi-ttip inorf HtlaiiieaH Cvnl res and Pleas lire Kriiorte than nov N rthwfBtern line. I'lllrtl.ll IIKPUT-tomtr Caiial anil MuilUon mire eta. (with Pittsburg. Fort Wayned pi'i'i-sylvriiiia sort f'hirntro. Alton A St. Louis R'ys. WIIAVAIHKK IJ KHtlT Corner Keed anil Siintli Wnler alreets. CoiniKi iiiig iu bt. Paul wi,th all Railways dlverg lutf thence. Ntw Yob Orrica Sid Broadway. Boston OrFiCE 1 C-urt street. Oehesal UrriciB Milwaukee, Via. 8. 8. MERRILL, O en. Manager. JNO. C. OAULT, Ass't Gen. Manager. A. V. H. CARPENTER. O. P. and T. Agent. Tumor of 12 Years' Growth Cured by Radway's Resolvent PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. DR. RADWAY'S Perfect Purgative and Ecplalins Pills, perfectly tasteless, fleirnntly coated with sweet mun, puiKe, reguliite, imitfy, rlvunao anil strength en. KAIIWAY S PILLS, for the cuieof nil oiBorae ra of the Stomuch, Liver. Bowels. Kidneys. Uliulrler, Nervous Hiseuses, Hendio he.Coi.siiimtioii, ; snve-iii-bs. 1'idigestlun, Dyspepsia. llilii iism-ES. Bilious, Typhus nnd Typhoid Fevei a. Inflammation if Iho Bow els. Piles, and all Derangements of the Internal Viscera. Wai ranted to effeit u p. sit ive lure. Pure ly Vegetable, containing no meixuiy, minerals, or deleterious druifs. . ,..' Observe the following svmntoms resulting from disorders of tllH Digetive Ui gurs : n,j Constipation, Inward Piles. Fullness of the Blood In ibe Head, Aeidilv of the Stomal h. haiuje, . H."art-bui n, DisguBt of Food, Fullness or W eight in the Stomach, Sour Kructullons, biiikmgor 1-Hitter-lug at the Pit of the Stomaih, Swimming of tha Head, Hurried a:;d UiMcuit Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Bunoraurg rvi. when In a Lying rosture, nimnesa i , " or Webs before the Bight, Fever nnd Piill Pa"! "J the Head, lefletencv ol r-ersrirnTion, i -n, -the Skin and Eyes. Pal" In fhe Bide, ( hi st, Liinl s, and sudden Flushes rf Heat, iinrnti-g in um r A few doses of RADWAY'S TILLS wi 11 free IhcsjS- teinfrom all the above named disorders. Price 25 cents per Box. Sold b7 Drnists. BEAD ''FAI.tT? ANB TRFE." .Rend oiie letter utamp to UADW AY CO., Ku. 32 Warren St., . Y. I Information worth thousands will be eeut yon. .. ..... Ii Y H V Ku SI 12.000.000 ACEES ! Cheap Farms ! Thk Cbkapsst Lakd ill MAHxxT.for sale by the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO., In the GREAT PLATTE VALLEY. 3,000,000 Acres In Cent ml Kebrnaka Now for sale in tra U, of forty acn-i and upward 'in five and ten yeara' credit at 6 per ceut. ho Advance Interest required. Mild and Healthful Climate, Fertile Boll, an atm n dance of Oond Water. THK BEST MARKET IN THE VEST I The great Mtn in if ftitfinna of Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Vevada, btinjf supplied by the farmers iu the Plattk VALLtT. SUL.DIKR8 KNTITLED TO A HOME STEAD OF 160 ACHES. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOE COLONIES FPEE HOMES FOft ALL MMHnns rf acres At choice Government Lands open f r entry under the HnnifBteu'l Law, near, this Orettt hailroad, ith too'i markets and all the conveniences of an old gt'tticn country. Free pascs to porchoters of Ratlrnati Land. Bectionul Ma pt.. showins; the Land, oUo Dew edt tion of Descriptive Puuipult with new Maps mailed free everywhere. AQareii, O. F. DAVIS, Land Coiumlaalouer IT. P. U. K.t (3uialia. Neb. PORTABLE Soda Fountains, 40, S5U, tin anil 100. O00D, DUHABLE, AND CHEAP BHIPPKD KEADY FOR USE. Hiiufaelured hy J. W. CHAPMAN & CO, Madison, Ind. Bend for Circular. REWARD HOW 'TIS! 0E, or the Secret Out. II Muts, h aud Wlukers in 44 Ukys Tbis GREAT SECRET and 100 others. Oalnblers' Tri k, Can.i.lnvy. Vn ti iloquism, all 111 the ORIGINAL "Booksf Wendera." Mailed for W cts. Ad drusa 0. C. C0tLft, ertUau, Jlliuols. Dr. Whittier, "VSS,VR" "fjonfffat ii bra ire d and mmt iif'rtftiil nhvslMii ui tne age. liuuiuiuuoui or ajnpuiei tree. i;aj GtA A Week IN CASH tn good Atfuts OiU Addreis A. twin A Co.1CharlotWJMich. S1.0DD $10TO$20nfe For any case of Bliud-Bleedlne:, Itch Ilia, or I'leeraled Piles that Dr HIM.'a HLK REMEDY falls to cure. It is pre pared expressly to rure the Pil. s and nothing else HOLD BY ALL I'RI'(iOIST8. PRICE t. Agents wanted e Particulars free 10., et. i. null. Mo OreatOderl Pictures I Frames! Kew a imnle and 94 Paue tatalouue S eti. J I Jat GOULD 80 Brunineld St., B"Stun, Ids T)r Whittier 888,?ekh btkeex UI. W U1VL1CX, Pittsburg, Pa. Longest engaged and most successful bysielaa of the age. Consultation or pamphlet fraa. Call or write, Howard A asocial Inn, Philadelphia, Fa An lustitutiou having a high reut.iion for honor able enncuct surf ptr.fessional skill. Acting Bur goon, J. t. HOUGHTON, M, D. Ersays for Toung ten sent fiee of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSO CIATION, No a South Muth St., rhiiaaelhla, Pa. -