The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, June 05, 1873, Image 3

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    ;tuursday, june 6, ms.
Car Time at ilitlguaij.
Erie Express East 2:35 a. m.
do do Went . .
do Mail Enst 6:00 p. m.
do do West 2:28 a. m.
RcroTO Accommodation East..?.. 8.65 a, tn.
l,o do West 6:20 p. m.
elk Lodge, a. y. m.
The stated meetings of Elk Lolgs, No.
879, are held at their hall, corner of Main
and Depot streets, on the second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month-
D. B. DAT, Scc'y.
Sates of Advertising-. -
One column, one year $75 00
40 00
f " ' 25 00
t " ' 15 00
Transient advertisements per square of
eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser
tions, $1.50, three insertions, $2.
Business cards, ten lines or less, per
year $5.
Marriage and Death notices inserted
Advertisements payable qunrtcrly.
Dust io our streets.
The weather is warm and pleasant.
Brandon, of the Gazelle was in our
sanctum one day last week.
Our boys are going in swimming
The trees in the coart yard are leav
es. Messrs. Dill & Wensel arc laying
sidewalk on Centre ptreet.
TiiOMAS Noon has erected a new
building house on South street back of
John Van Orsdall's lot.
Early rising contributes as surely to
personal beauty as the dawn does to the
beauty of the world,
TnE Knights Templar of this State
will hold their next annual conclave at
Bellefonte on the second Tuesday of
May, 1874.
Potato bugs have commenced their
Tavages in Washington and Beaver
counties, and are causing great alarm
amoui' fanners.
Wall Paver, Borderisqs, and
Window Shades. 1500 roll of Wall
Vtper, fine patterns, selected with care
from an immense stock. For sale at tho
Book Store and News Depot, Centre
ptreet, St. Mary's. Call and examine.
Murder at St. Mary's. Last
Mouday evening a murder was com.
mitted at St. Mary's. Tho victim was
Hungarian, who had served out a
form of six years in the penitentiary
lorstabbingi man. We will give par
ticulars next week.
Some men spend a fortune coloring
their pipes. Otliors spend a fortune
ojloring their faces. We know one aun
Kvho hus spent 820,000 simply in color-
inn his rnise, and is not satisfied yet.
We hold him up as a beacou.
An absent-miuded man in Tennessee
used a roll of greenbacks as a stopper to
ho molasses jug, und tho next day he
icarly tore the inside of his house to
kieces looking for tho missing money.
lis wife set things all right when she
iaked gingerbread that afternoon.
Mrs. Pat. Malone's hens have had
1 meeting and delegated one of their
lumber, a very small pullet, to lay a
peciinen egg, and they have forwarded
he result of the committee's labor to
he Advocate in the shape of an egg,
ize 71 by GJ
A Berks county farmer has been
done" out of several thousand dollars
by a sharper operating in patent wash-
Inn' machines. Thorn is a vast. Aninnt. n(
Viscality perpetrated through patent
ights, and innocent parties had better
ie very careful in investing in that direc-
Once a Week. This is the title of
new eight-page weekly, recently started
it Lewistown, Me., by Miss S. W.
Hand ford, and Mrs. E. S. Gretchell.
Che paper is well printed, and will, we
(lave no doubt, receive a generous sup
port.- Terms 82. per annum.
flow lonesome is tho fire-side where
here is no local newspaper? Ask the
pan who has a family newspaper to read,
vith latest news the good stories, the
lseful lessons, and tho witty sayings of
he newspaper ask him its value. Let
liui be deprived of it for a few weeks
nd then ask him to put au estimate on
t; it will have risen above all price.
To Drive off Rats. Take a bunch
A matches and soak them over night io
1 teacup of water; then take out the
natches and thicken the water with
Indian meal to a thick dough, adding a
poonful of sugar and a little lard. Lay
ibout the premises where the rats aro,
nd nothing will gee it. It is decidedly
he best exterminator extant.
The Timber Supply.
The rapid decrease of the timber sup
ply of (be country is beginning to attract
general attention. It has been stated by
some who have paid particular attention
to the subject that within thirty years
lh "entire available timber land of this
country will have been cut over and ren
dered practically useless for supplying
the constant drain upon it." It is hard
to say (observes the Buffalo Exprcti)
how much truth there is in this state
ment, but considering the fact that the
consumption of lumber is increasing enor
mously every year, while the stock is
rapidly diminishing, it is certain that tho
supply will at least be greatly restricted
in a very few years. Last year over
6,000,000.000 feet of lumber was pro
duced in the United States. Thousands
of acres of forest land are cut over every
season, and a largo proportion of such
land is then cleared for cultivation. The
Western praries, which are gradually
being covered with villages and cities,
arc almost destitute of forest trees. The
people of those towns must draw their
supply of wood from tho -sources which
the Eastern States and foreign countrie3
aro already draining. Tho Michigan
timber lands are being swept bare at a
rapid rate, under this growing demand
from all quarters, and the same may be
said of the Maine and Canadian timber
The fores-ts of this country have long
seemed almost illimitable. Trees have
been regarded by the setlers as obstacles
of cultivation, and therefore rather in
the light of nuisances than otherwise.
The time seems not far distant when the
remaining forests will be preserved as
carefully as they have hitherto been
recklessly swept away. The increscd
expense of bringing lumber from great
distances, and the constantly diminishing
supply, will doubtless induce the owner
of timber lands to take greater pains to
develop and renew the forests. Wood is
such an indespensable material, in this
new country more than in any other, that
any failure in tho supply becomes a ques
tion of enormous importance. But the
so called, "wood famine," of which we
begin to hear prophesies, is not so des
perate a matter as an exhaustion of the
ooal supply in England, for the reason
that with care and time the foresti will
up again. Tho coal deposits, however,
when onco exhausted will hardly be re
newed in time to be of service.
ABLY CHEAP. For sale at the
Book Store, St. Mary's. 500 pieces to
select from.
The Western Pennsylvania hospital
for the iusaue, hus 222 iumates.
Peanuts nre to be the coming crop of
A n Omaha farmer, in diurffinir horse
radish, struck a crock of SG.UOl).'
New York is iiilinsr with theatrical
people from all parts of tUe counory.
I WO hundred aud forty nnnrativos am
employed at thoScranton silk factory.
Lewistown Me., is to have water tanks
at the comers of the priueipal street
during the hot season.
A new French settlement in tho va
cinity of New York is projected, to bo
known as the new City of Strasbourg.
A Swede woman of St. Paul receutly
astonished tho natives by carrying an oil
barrel through tho streets on her head.
Gov. Osborn, of Kansas, has added
82,000 to the reward for the capture of
the Bender family, or S500 fur any one
of them.
The ladies of Utica rejoice in showy
"Modoc" hats, and also in bonnets styled
"scur-faeed Charlev" and "Boston Char.
Louisville casts in Boston's handsome
teeth the imputation that they're usual'v
false ones, whereto Boston retorts that
Louisville has a false tongue.
At Ilartfotd. Kv.. lately, a minister
appeared in a stato of intoxication to
testify to disturbances in his church, and
the trial was nostDoned on account nt hi
inability to give his evidence.
A Worcester woman, who weighed
only one hundred and twenty pounds,
had forty-one pounds of that cut away
recently, in the shaue of a tumor, the
. 1 '
job being performed by five surgeous.
t hundred and fifty homesteads
have been located in Reno county, Kan
sas, dnring the past year, and 1,5000
acres of railroad land sold duriug the
past six months.
A Newark man naid a claim of thrp.n
hundred dollars all in old-fashioned cop
pers. They woiarhed four hundred
pounds and took three men to carry
Tho following notice was recently
found posted on the doors of the Arkan
sas Senato chamber : ''Job work exe
cuted with economy and dispatch."
'Nnodat hit mer Wcare dat lan
tern?" were tho exclamations of an aeton
ished Elmira darkey, after being thrown
souieuuog uKe a nunurea leet by a loco
A Washington icveutor is hard at
work on a model for a dog that can run
alonsr the ton of a fence. r'Li pvnprts tn
) wreak destruction on the cats aud be
come WPalthinr than tho IJ..V,onk;U,
-- - " tut. i,V.WVUIIVPi
Our Wall Papers are from ten to
twenty per cent, less than Philadelphia
retail prices and no more than Williams
port or Erie, (fall while the assortment
is gcod aud fresh. Remember the
place at Blakely's, on Centre street, St.
Potato Bugs. We have at last got
the genuine Colorado Potato Bug, in all
its glory. This morning Elliott Fenton
who lives on Lake View Avenue, se
cured a good mess at one picking from
his garden, and the potatoes are just up.
As a remedy for this bug, we have been
informed by a gentleman who followed
agricultural pjrsuiis in Iowa several
years and who has been through tho po
tato bug mill, that the ouly way they
rid the country there of the bugs was to
plant buckwheat in the potato hill. The
bugs don't like buckwheat, and after the
potatoes arc up strong enough to take
care of themselves the buckwheat can
be pulled up. It is worth a trial.
Jamestown Journal,
Tetkus' Musical Moxthlv for June eon
tains the following New Music. You can
buy the Monthly for 80 cents. The music
will cost in sheet-form the prises annexed :
I have no Home, Song and Chorus,
Hays. $0 JO
Meet me, Bessie, in the Dell. Song and
Chorus. Stewart. 30
The Sweetest Bird is Missipg, Song and
Chorus. Danks. ;;o
My Soul is Dai k. Ballad. Walker, B0
Glory be to God on high. 4 voices
Dressier. 50
Springins-fcU Galop. 4 " hands.
Paclier. 35
Sallie's Waltz. Kinkel. 85
Sliver. Moonbeam Sehottiscbe. Becht. 80
May-pole March. Mueller. 35
Autumnh Leaves. Kinkel. 50
Think of it ! all the above piece3 for 30
cents, or t lie same pieces in sheet-form for
S3.U5. Send $1 for the lust six months'
numbers of 'Peters' Musical Monthly,''
nnd you will never regi-ct it. Address,
J. L. PETERS, 6H9 Broadway, N. Y.
Death by Ligiitnino. Monday
afternoon between 4 und 5 o'cluck
Henry Gray, a young man ubout 21 years
old , sou of Mathew Gray, of Wnyuc tivp ,
was killed by lightning while in the field
It appears he had been suwing grain,
and sat ou a stone to rest for a few mo
ments. A flash of lightning came,
which was seeu by the hired man, who
was dragging iu the field, to strike as he
supposed, the ground near young Gray j
causing the dust to rise ; and lie like
wise f aw Gray fall over, lie immedi
ately ran to the spat took him up, and
turned him around, and louui immedi
ately that life was extinct. The body
was immediately taken to the house, and
telegrams sent to Corry and Erie to ap
prise his relatives of the occurence.
The saddest part of it is that lenry
Gray was to have been married on
Thursday of this week to a lady in Kuin
boro : and the wedding guests had been
invited. Few cau know the fuc'.ings
which fill the heart of that widowed
bride; lor it is a calamity which but
seldom occurs. The young man was
highly respected by all arouud. Corry
Telegraph, 20th, u:t.
Robt. Atwood, prominent in the insur
ance business at Louisville, Ky., havinr
pleaded guilty to ten indictments for
forgery, has been sentenced to twenty
years' imprisonment on each. When he
shall have served out his two centuries,
it is said that still further charges ure to
be profercd against him.
Both the political parties in Ohio are
actively preparing for the coming (iulicr
natiorial State campaign. Tho Republi
cans have placed their tickets in the
field already. Noyos, the present Execu
tive, heads it. Among the resolutions
adopted by the nominating convention
was one condemning, without reserve,
the voting for or receiving increased pay
for sctvics already rendered, and de
manding that the provisions of the lute
act of Congress, by which salaries were
increased, shall be promptly and uncon
ditionally repealed.
There is a prospect of peace at last in
turbuleut Louisiana. President Giant
has issued a proclamation ordering '-all
turbulent and disorderly persons 10 dis
perse and retire peacahly to their re
spective abodes within twenty days, and
hereafter to submit themselves to the
laws and constituted authorities of said
State." No one doubts, from what the
Presidenr has heretofore said, that he in
tends to make tho proclamation effective
while he will take care to act 6trietly
within the limits of the authority con
ferred upon him by the Constitution aud
laws. 1
One of our exchauges estimates that
it requires the product of 500,000 acres
of limber to supply the annual require
ments of our railroads. Of this, it is
estimated that 150,000 acres is needed
for the annual supply of ties for repairs.
In this calculation, the whole uumber of
ties io use is estimated at 150,000,000,
and as they last about five years, it re
quires a0,000,000 for aunual repairs.
At 200 ties per acre, this would require
150.0U0 acres of timber. It is further
estimated that tho product of 500,000
acres more are needed to Bupply other
wants of our railroads, or 1,000,000 in
"Prize packages" of every sort are
banished fron railroad cars in Illiuois by
aot of the Legislature.
Planting Trees. 1'ie-iident N.
Ohmtr, at a meeting of the Montgom
ery, Ohio, Horticultural Society, said :
What a mistake it is to suppose that a
tree will grow aud do well, when plant
ing, to crowd tho roots, which aro often
two feet in diameter, into a hole one foot
wide, then throw on a shovelful or two
of dirt and parvcl, then stamp hard with
tlu foot. This is how many plant trees.
You have all observed the same thing.
When you buy a tree, lot it be fruit or
shade, get one that has plenty of roots J
dig your holes not less than thrco feet
across, aud two feet deep ; partly fill up
the hole with pood soil ; then put in
your tree, a little, though not much,
deeper than it was in the ground when
takcu up; spread out the roots with tho
hand and fingers ; then more dirt (keep
ing your tree erect); then, when you tiro
done, press the soil with the foot.
Shade trees should be protected with a
box as soon as they aro planted. Trees
planted in this way will almost invaria
bly grow aud do well, and be a source of
pleasure und comfort not only to the
owner, but to the great public. Rural
New Yorker.
Canned Fuuit, Jellies, etc.
3(1 Cases Canned Fruits aud Vegetables;
5 Cases Assorted Jellies.
fit?' As tho above goods were pur
chased .before the late rise. We oOer
them bytho ease or dozen at eastern
prices, cunning only added. W. J.
Blukely, Centre street, St. Mary's.
Advertising Agents. Many are
the inquiries io relation to advertising
agents. "Are they prompt?" Arc they
responsible? Do they understand their
bti.-iness? In many esses tho inquiries
are to be answered in the negative. In
all huge cities an agency conducted by
competent mil leliable parties is abso
lutely necessary all others are a direct
and positive injury to both advertiser
and publi.-her To conduct the business
sueee'.-slnllv requires thtir.muh knowledge
ol tho standing, influence and circula
tion of papers, to kiiiiw when and wheie
to place the ad ortismcnt that it will be
must ( lleetive. The mere fact of an ad
vertisement being iu a piper is insuf
ficient, but have it wiitten in f'urm to be
effective and placed in papers where it
will be. read and understood by ill.' par
ties intended to be reached All this a
competent agent cau do, and such au
agency Pitt-burgh now has in tho one
conducted by Tims. L. McClelland.
Mr. McClelland is well known to all
l'ittsburghers, has beeu a resident ofthc
city all his tile, with the exception ol a
few years passed iu New York and Phil
adelphia iu 1I13 advertising business
Our merchants and manufacturers, all
bear (esiimiuiy to his energy and busi
ness tact, added to this ho enjoys the
confidence ol all city jinblisho! s in fact
lie is the only nout recniinized by the
entire city press he has uo interest in
any lists, makes no ijontraeis lor column
space to be paid fur whither used or
not (n inn-ti n! mi ir!'f must jiosft.'refi
end in lots to liul't A'ivrrlinr nil.- V'ni
lisiur ) his business is strictly that ol
an agent, not ol a speculator. Such an
agency our city will support, while
others may last for a short lime and then
close with loss to a!i supporting them.
Hie city press and publishers iu the
country are at pie. . ni giving eon iiiera
hie aUeiili'.'ti to advertising agents in
Pittsburgh, and to then we cordially
commend Thus, L. McClelland. His
office is in the Dhjt i, h b-iildiiig, 07
and Fifth aveiiu.!, and is fitted up
every convenience.
Mr. McCltdliiiid is ii'o'.y assi,-.ted by
Col. 11. jl. I loughuin, lung connected!
with the press el Chicago and Hust rn
cities. lie has also engaged the ser
vices of 11 first-class artist, who designes
for this agency. The art ol advertising
is closlv attended to, and every new and
attractive, form til : tlvertisin is at
once adopted. Pittsburgh Sunday
A sensitive IVnn-ylvanian last week
went tint ami kiileii himself because a
few friends laughed at him ; und at
about the same date, mi Alahaniian
under siinaiar eiieuiiistjiict s went in and
killed a lew friends.
New Advertisements.
Office in New licick Duildiag, Main St.,
liiiltf'.vny, K!k l'o., v3nlgtf.
yrWNTKU. .Vents and 1'cddlers ioT-
Vf our 1'1US AND STUAlXflt
I reses and strains jams. Ileitis, veiretaliles,'
lard, tallow, limits. c-Ih(mi .!. K
family wants it. Sewing Machine and
other established r.gents are fui'ling this
very protitaiile. ( irculars tree. Liitlefiehl
& Dame, No. 102 Washington St., lioston,
Mass. u!2 18
u.vs: i" a s. 1 l v.
riIIE nner-si;?iie;l assignee of Wilniarth
J & Bo'.fe, l!:inirii.i3, will expose to
l'uolic Hale, at Wiliu irtli, in Klk County,
fa., on
FKIDAV, JUNE C:li, 1S73.
a large qnan'ity of 1INE, CHEItRV nrel
'if-H-oiiv Ll.MlifcK. ilie Hemlock is of
all sizes, and 12, J 1, 10, IS, 20, 22 und 2i
feet in length.
This lumber is dry and ready to ship; is
piled immediately along iho track of the
I'hiludclphia and Erie liailroad, at Wilmarth
station. The sale will be peremptory.
JNO. G. 11 ALL, Assignee.
May 2!), 1873. 2t.
tssiv. 1 -ee s ro rtcv.
In the Hist. Court of the United Stales.
W'estek.n District or Penn'a. f
rpiIE undersigned hereby gives notice of
1 his appointment as assignee of Fred.
Wiluiarth and . W. liolfe, late doing busi
ness as partners under the firm name of
Wilmarth & ltolfe, at Wilmarth, in the
County of Elk aud Slate of Pennsylvania,
within said Didtriet, who have been
adjudged Bankrupts, upon their own pe
tition, by the Distriet Court of said dis
trict. JNO. O. HALL, Assignee.
Kidgway, Elk Co., 1'a.
May 29, 1873. 3t.
Firmly believing that tie world moves,
nnd that the demands of the public nre con
stantly increasing, tho proprietors of the
(Brand (Jjjcntipt jSfoip
have just returned from the. eastern and
western cities with the most perfect aud
complete stock of
You cannot
they do not keep, aud they have
of high prices. They buy for cash and
P.idgway, May 1st, 1S73.
J. L. PETE US, 599 Broadway, N. Y.
And mailed, post-paid, on receipt of marked
Ahovo and ISclow. Sacred Song, lly
Jiaeh, price 30 cents. .
l'.ack to the Old Home. Song and
Chums, Stewart, 30 cents.
. He.iniiful Form of my Drcaais, Stewart,
30 cents,
Darling, Weep no more. Song and
Chorus, Hays, 35 cents.
Do not Weep so, Sidier darling. Song,
Stewart, 30 cents.
Don't forget to Write me. Song and
Churns, Cox, 3o cents. j
Fold we our Hands. Song or Duet,
Buildieti. 30 cents.
Gone to the Heavenly Garden. Song,
Chamberlain, 3j cents. J
If you were 1, would you? Song, Sliat
luck, 30 cents. J
Kiss me, Darling, ere we part, Stewart,
30 cents.
Liule Wind Nell. Song ami Chorus,
Macy. 3(J ceni s.
Little Dan. Song and Chorus, Hays, 40
' Lord, forever at Thy Bide, Danks, 25
Meet me, Bessie, iu the Dell, Stewart,
30 cents.
Meet me, Dearest, with a Kiss, Danks,
30 cents.
My l!oy acrois the Sea, Hays 35 cents.
Oli! (jive me a Hume iu the South, Hajs,
iO cents.
Oh, Sam! Song and Chorus, Hays, 85
Only for You! Ballad, Dclioux. 85 cents.
Our Liule Pel. Song aud Choru3, Hays,
10 cents.
Papa, stay Home. Temperanco Song,
Hays, 40 cents.
Save one Bright Crowa for me, Hays 40
Wo pray you Sing that Song. Duet,
Dolplms, 35 cents.
Wilt thou Weep when I am Low? Walker,
35 cents.
rOLKAS. Sunbeam, by Kinkel, 35 els.;
Belle of Saratoga by Vicior, 35 els.; May
Flowers, hj Simon, 35 cts.
MAZCKKAS. Awakening of the Birds.
50 cents. Harpy Thoughts, by Walker, 30
cents; Laughing Wave, by Wilson, 00 eta.;
Sunbeam, by Pachcr, 40 cts.
GALOPS. Charlie's aud Freddie's, by
Kuikel. eao 35 cent.
SllOTTlSCHES. Fatal Glance, by
Voung, 20 cts.; May Morning, by Schmidt.
50 cts.; Sunbeam, by Hampel, 35 cts.; and
Willie's, by Kinkel, 35 cts.
MAUCiES. Belle of Saratoga, by
Baumbach, 40 cts., Mollie's, by Kinkel, 35
WALTZES. Clarita, Georgia's, Lottie's,
Sallie's and Maggie's, by Kinkel, each 35
els.; Drops of Dew, by Allard, 40 cts.. Sun
beam, by Muse, 35 cts.
FOUR HANDS. Amaryllis, 50 cents;
Jocus Polka, 35 cts.; Love's Chase Galop.
35 cts.; Praise of Woman Polka-Mazurka
all by Dressier.
SALON PIECES. Dance of the Hay.
makers, Wilson, 75 els.; Love's Caresses,
Kiukal, 40 cts.; May Blossoms, Kinkel, 50
cts.; I'lainte des Fleurs, 40 cls. Whisper
ing Breezes, Wilson, 50 cts.
Any of the above mailed, post-post, on
receipt of price.
Address, J. L. PETERS, , 599
B roadway, New York.
Elk County Directory.
President Judge L. D. Wctmoro.
Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P
Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V.
District Attorney J. K. P, Hail.
Sheriff!). C. Oyster.
Prothonotfcry c, Fred. Scliccning.
Treasurer 0. K. Earley.
County Superintendent Rufus Lucore.
Commissioners Hobt. Campbell, John
Barr, Geo. Ed. Weis.
Auditors Clark A, AViloox, George D.
Messenger, nnd C. W. Barrett.
County Surveyor Geo Wilmelcy.
Jury Commissioners. Joseph Kerncr
and Charles Mead.
2d Annual
$10 to 5,000
Our Fireside Friend
Every Subscriber is sure of one premium
any way, and also has au equal chance of
receiving n CASH Premii.m, OR A PIANO,
etc., etc.
Pages, Large Si7C. Illustrated, the Family
Weekly, is in its THIRD VOLUME ami has
any paper published in the West, Its sue.
cess enables the proprietors to furnish the
best, most desirable and most useful origi
nal reading matter in great variety, that
money can buy, and Io make it n HOME
W1T.KLY suited to tho wants of every
family Subscription price S3 per year of
X2 numbers.
Size 10 x !i0 inches, 10 colors. Acknowl
edged by all to bo the HANDSOMEST and
MOST VALUABLE- premium picture in
Amciicn. EVERY SUBSCRIBER, is pre.
sented with this Chromo at the time of sub
scribing, (no waiting.) and also receives a
THE HOLDER TO A SHARE iu tho distri
bution of 25,000 in cash and other pre
The distribution takes place on the second
Tuesday in June next. Tho Chromo and
Certificate sent on receipt of. price. Speci
men copies, premium list, etc., giving full
particulars sent tree to any address.
A l"iVr8Q Either local oi
Tl l i iTl canvasMiiz in
every town.
Large cash
pay and t lie best outtit. Send al once lor
terms. Addres
OUR IlF.FtlD FRIEND, Chicago, 111.
Manhood: How Lost, How
published; a new edi-
",n 0' Dri- Cl LVEBWELL S
Cklkukatlu Essay on t lie radical curt (with
out medicine) of Speumatohuhoia or Semi
nal weakness, Involuntary fccnunal Lo boss
Imi-otencv, Mental and Physical Incapac
ity, Impediments lo Marriage, etc; also,
Coxst'Mi'TioN. Epilepsy and Fits, induced
by self indulgence or sexual extravagance.
ir.T'l'ricc in a sealed envelope, ouly 0
The celebrated author, in thin admirable
essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty.
years practice, that the aiai'miiiiiilig cons'
pionces of .sell-abuse lmiy lie radically
cured without the dangerous use ot inter
nal medicine or die application of the knife:
pointing out a mode of cure nt once simple,
certain und effectual, by means of which
every sullcivr. no matter what his condition
may be cm cure himself cheaply, private
ly, nnd ni'liciillf.
ti-.v- this Lecture should be in the hands
of every youth nnd every man iu the land.
cent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to
any address, jmnljiard on receipt of six cents
or two post sianius.
Mso, Dr. Culverwell's ' Marriage Guide,"
pric3 50 cents.
Address the Publishers.
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58(j. n m-
WelDster's Unabridged
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ON nnd after SUNDAY, OCT. 27 18715,
the trains on the Philadelphia A
Erie Railroad will run as follow!
Mail Train leaves Philadclphis11.40 p. tfw
" " " Ridgway 2.28 p. mt
" " arrive at trio 7.C6 p. m.
Eric Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12.40 p. in.
" " " Ridgway 2.89 a. to,
" " arrive at Erie 7.45 a. tn
Accomodation, leaves ltenova,...2.10 p. m
" Ridgway,..ti. 20p. m.
" arr at Kauc 7.30 p.m.
Mall Train leaves Eric 11.35 a. m.
' " " Ridgway.... M 6.00 p. m
n it arrive at Philad'a... C.65 a. m
Erie Express leaves Erie 9.05 p. m-
" " " Ridgway... 2.04 a. m.
" " ar'at Philadelphia.. 8.30 p. m.
Accomodation, leaves Kane 7.55 a. m.
" " Ridgway... 8.55 a. m.
" nrratllenovo 12.30p.m.
Mail East connects cast and west at Erie
with L 8 M S R W and at Corry and Ir
vincton with Oil Creek and Allegheny H
R W.
Mail West at Corry and Irvinoton with
Oil Creek and Allegheny 11 R W.
Warren Accommodation East and West
with trains on L. S. & M. S. R. W. east and
west BDd at Corry with O. C. & A. R. R. W.
Frie AccommodstionEast at Corry and
West at Corry and Irvine ton with O. C- &
A. li. R. W.
Gen'l Sup't.
Winter Arrancemcut
Time Table adopted SATURDAY, March
1, 1873. Trains depart from and arrive at
the BuH'alo, Nc 1'ork & Philadelphia
Railway depot, corner of Exchange and
Louisiana streets.
TIL further notice, Trains will run
as follows:
7:10 a. in. Local Freight and passenger.
arriving at Emporium at o.lO p. m.
liiiOO ni. Philadelphia Mail arriving
at Emporium at. 0:00 p. m.
J:J(l p. m. Local rieiphtand passenger.
arriving at Olean ut 8:05 p. ni.
0.00 p. in. Olean Accommodation ar
riving ut Olean at 8.123 p. m.
1.10 p. m. Mail Arriving at Buffalo at
I'J Jl. 1U.
7.00 a. m. Local Freight and Passenger
Arriving at Biitlalo at 5.00 p. in.
jY 1 ."l n.. 111. - A Pfit-inntl 1.1 n i ii-m aKKivinn a I-
Buffalo at 8.25 a. m.
.11, m T 1 I ' . 1 1 ,
f a. in, jjuuu. l re. u i unu passenger,
arriving at Buffalo at 1.10 p. in.
Leave Buffalo at 10.00 a. iu.. arriving at
Olean at 1.15 p. in.
Leavo Olean at 2.45 D. m.. nrrivinir nt
Buffalo at 0.00 p. m.
Passengers for Renovo, Lock Haven,
WilliamSDort and intermediate nnints nn
the Philadelphia & Eric Railivnv lnuva
Buffalo at 12 ni., arriving at Emporium at
. p. ni., lvenovo ai a.oo p. ni. joclt Haven
at 0.4-3 p. m. and Williamsport at 11.05 p.
Leave Williamsnort 8.30 a. m T.ftnlr
Haven at 0.45 a. m.. Rimnvn at 11 or, o m
Emporium at 1.10 p. m., arriving at Buffalo
at 7.10 p. m.
ror list of btace Connections nnnlv nt.
Ticket Offices.
Buffalo Omnibus Line running from all
II. L. LYMAN, (icn'l Pass Ag't.
J. D. YEOMAN'S, Superintendent.
Commcqcing Ftb. 24th, 1873.
jjuiiuu ad roiXTij ON THE
Buffalo Express lnnvps Pni-i-u nt 11 in
Lo 'ves Irvine! oa, 7 58 a m
Arrives at Pittsburgh 8J55 p m
Night Express Leaves Irvincton, 520 p m
Night Express leaves Corry 6 15pm
Arrives at Pittsburgh 0 15 a m
Day Express leaves Corry C 10 a m
Arrives at Pitlsbui trh r. nr.
Oil City Accom. leaves Oil City 4 65 p ni
arrives Ul uruuy S liCUtl O 30 p m
001X0 NORTH.
Bffalo Express leaves Piitsburg at 7 50 a n
Arrives at Corry 0 25 p m
" " Irvinetcn 8 60 pm
Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 9 00 p m
Arrives at Corry 8 55am
' " Irvineton n 54 p m
Day Express leaves Pittsburgh 1 lOp m
Arrives at Corry 10 45 p m
Oil City Accom. leaves B. Bend 0 40 a m
Arrives at Oil City 1100am
connections made at Corry and Irvine
ton for points on the Oil Creek and the
am-gueuy ulley Kill Uoad.
Pullman Pallaee Drawing Room Rl
ing Cars on Night Express Trains between
Corry and Pittsburgh.
Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley K,
From and Mouday, Feb. 6th 1873.
Tra'ms will run on this Road as follows.
Leaves Earloy 7 30 a. m., arrives at
Daguscahonda Junction 8 10 a. m con
necting with Accom. cast 8 1-i a. ra., and
with Mail west at 9 15 a. m.
Leaves Duuscahomla at 9 "0 a ni
arrives at Earley 10 00 a.m. Leaves
Parley d o0 p. m., and arrives at Daus
cahonda at 5 00 p. connecting with
Mail east at 5 00 p. nr, and Accommo
dation west at 5 40 p. ni.
In case P. & h. trains are late, DaoU8
cahonda train holds twenty minutes be
yond the above time.
t Tickets should always be procured
oclore leaving stations.
Ca.r(ls.. Billhead, Letterheads. Note.
l.tlllrr. UnnoA 1J ! .1 T, r
, .vuot., iilugwilYj fa.