(Silt (tyomrtg glduoqute Henry, A. Parsons, Jr. - - Editor THURSDAY, JUNE 6. 1873. MEETING OP THE REPUBLICAN COUNTY COMMITTEE. The members of the Republican County Committee, ore requested to meet in Ridgway, on Tuesday, June 10th 1S73, to transact such busincM as may come before them. By Order, E. SOUTHER, Chairman. The Game Law. We have received with the compli ments of Governor Hartranft, a pam phlet containing the General Laws of the last session of our Legislature. It contains only 101 pages, while the spec ial laws will no doubt make a large vol ume. This law provides that squirrels shall not be killed between January lsti and July 1st ; hares between February 1st and October 1st ; wild turkey be tween January 1st and October 1st ; plo ver between January 1st and August 1st ; snipe between April 20tb and Sep tember 1st ; woodcock between January 1st and August 1st ) quail between Jan uary 1st and November 1st; ruffed grouse betweeu January 1st and Sep tember 1st. Trapping grouse, quail or woodcock, is prohibited under a penalty of ten dollars. Salmon or speckled trout can be kill ed only during April, May, Juuo and July, and the first fifteen days of Au gust. Black bass, pike or pickerel can not be killed in March, April, or May Set-nets and seines arc prohibited. It is made the duty of the Mayors and police of towns to proceed against per sons having game or fish in their poses siou during the peiiods prohibited it this act. We copy the entire first section relat ing to deer as follows. It provides : That no person bball kill or pur sue in any part of this State, any elk or wild deer, save only from the first day ol September to the first day of January, in any year ; no person shall have in his or her possession, or offer for sale or transport any elk, or wild deer, or fresh reuison, save only from the first day of September to the first day of Januray, in any year; no person shall, at any time, kill any fawn when it is spotted coat, or have the fresh skin of such fawn in bis or her possession ; no person shall pursue any elk or wild deer with dogs in any part of this State, or shall kill in the water any elk, or wild deer, or fawn which has boon driven thereto by dogs; uo person shall, in any part of this State, set any trap or other device at any arti ficial salt lick, or other place, lor the purpose of trapping any elk, deer or lawn, and catch or kill the same except for consumption in his or her family; any pcrsou offending against any of the provisions of this section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be li able to a fine of fifty dollars for each elk, wild deer or fawn so killed, pursued or trapped, or fresh elk, wild deer or fawn skin had in his or her possession, and may be proceeded against ia aoy county of the State wherein he mav be arrested having in his or her possession : provid d iwwever, I hat any person may sell, or have in his or her possession, the elk, or wuu aecr aforesaid, between the first day of December, in aiy year; and the first day of February next following, without liability to the penalty herein imposed : Provided, He shall prove that such game, if killed in this Stato, was lilled within the time allowed by this act, or was killed outside the limits of this State, and at some place where the law did not prohibit sueh killing ; dons pursuing elk,wild doer or fawns may be killed by any person, and any constable or town official may kill any dog that habitually pursues elk, wild deer or fawns, and the owner of such dog shall be liable to a penalty of ten dollais for each elk, wild deer or fawn killed by such dog : Provided, That so much of thiBBCction as prohibits the running of deer with docs shall not apply to the counties of Coutro, Clinton, Fayette, Schuylkill and Wyoming. A tornado, the like of which has never before been heard of, swept over Wash ington and Keokuk, Iowa, May 2Srd, ult. In the line of the storm everything except here and thtffe a mile or two over which the whirlwind seems to have jumped, is desolate-looking. Scarcely a house, barn, shed, or granary is left. All were swept away. The exact starting point of the storm is not known, but it it believed to have been in Keokuk county, probably a few miles west of Lancaster, which town, it it said, is totally demol ished. It approached the line of Washington, where it jumped a distance of about eight miles. It swept along the ground for six or eight miles and then disappeared in the middle of the town ship as suddenly as it had appeared. Those who witnessed it saw timber, cat tle, sheep, mud, fences, trees, and human beings, whirled into the air with terrific force. Many saved their lives by going into cellars. Some who con sidered themselves safe intheir dwell ings found themselves sprawling on the ground in an instant, the houses being thrown over by the tornado. Boards and heavy timbers were driven into the ground so firmly as to be un movable. About fifty people were killed. Nothing so terrible or violent has ever befallen this section of oountry, and it is consid ered a miracle that many more Uvea were not lost. GENERAL NEWS. Lavabedonins is the latest for Modocs. Good Bleighinc at Netraurieo. Wis., is reported. Seuator Suuinci's health continues to improve. Water is as expensive as wine in San tiago do Cuba. The word "immortal" occurs but once in the Bible, 1 Timothy, 17. The yellow fever ia raging at Uuoa- tan, Mexico. The price of coal has been advanced at New York. The Cuban insurgents have sustained another defeat. Train is to undergo another examina tion as to his sanity. Another railroad war is in progress at Youngstown, Ohio. Petroleum has been found in small quantities near Chicago. Chicago hotel waiters arc on a strike. The guests are waiters now. Portland, Oacgon, expects to put up 3,000,000 cans of salmon this year. A Minnesota hen has got into the newspapers by Iayiog thirty-six eggs in sixteen days. Stokes suspense will not be relieved for several weeks, the Court of Appeals hazing postponed the case. A decree has been promulgated in Spain prohibiting the use in official doc uments of titles of nobility. The awards of the Indian Commission for annuity goods have been approved by the Secretary of the Interior. During the year ending April 1st, 310 boys and 317 cirls were born in Portland, Me. Potatoes aie to be raised at the fron tier army posts to give a mealier-ratiou to the soldiers fare. No wonder our Iudian affairs look squally we look to the squaw for all our diplomacy. Another peril seems to have broken out in New lore in the revival ot the mysterious air-gun. Attorney General Williams has given no opiniou whatever as to what should be done with the captured Modocs. Mrs. Iledden, a respectable elderly lady, committed suicide at Ilawesville Ky., Tuesday, because of ill health. In the English libel case of O'Keefe vs. Archbishop CuHen, the plaintive was awarded one tarthiug damages. A thousand singers aio to participate in the Saengerlest at Dubuque on the 20th and 21st ot June. A youth in a Hampton, Conn., school has been working ou the alphabet eight years and hasn t mastered it yet. Efforts are beinj made to have the Constitutional Convention ot Ohio ad journ from Columbus to Cleveland. A Louisville man had to pay 850 for clipping hair from a child s head for bis daughter to make hair flowers with. A youug woi'in at rail River at tempted to cowhide a young man the other day, and came out second be.t. At wooden weddings in Moutana c'ubs are among the gifts to the married pair. A man at AVolcottville. Couu,, has wind-mill 70 feet high and of ten horsi power. They are encouraging indigestion in Northern Iowa, by ottering prizes for mince pie at the lair. The fourth Go.spc-1 set to music has been louud anions some fourtecnth-cen tury relies in Holland, A man in Otsego, Minn., lately had an orchard of 100 fine apple trees all cut in cue oijjiiu by some nijjh-uwuiea enemy. There are 321 convicts in the Kansa State Peuiteniary, which speaks well for the mciease ol populatiou in that youn State. The '"GheTka" is a new and popular brand of California wine, a lew glasses of which never fails to "jerk" a mau off his feet. A reverend gentleman in Wheaton 111., thinks he sefis in the Granges '-a flank movement of the Masonic lodges to rope the farmers." Many professional theives have left New York since the passage of the ait authorizing their arrest as suspicious characters. Internal revenue receipts fur the year will probably exceed the estimates by 15,000,000 or 8 1,000,0(10. They were cspective to reach S110,00(J 000, Twenty-five thousand bushlcs of wh eat were bou ht on the Southern Minnesota Railroad, May 17, at prices ranging f'r.uu SI to SI. IS per bushel. The extensive condensed milk factor ies in Switzerland use 20,000 quarts of milk daily, and four-filths of the pro ducts, are exported to Englaud. A colored convert in Georgia got a religious conviction at a revival one morning last week, and a secular convic tion for thelt at a police court in the af ternoon. Some idea of the lumber trade of Pu get Souud may be formed when it is stated as a fact that the average of forty acres ot land are denuded of their forest each day. According to Methodist statistics, the increase of their denomination in the United States for twenty years has been fifty per cent, greater thau the increase of population. An eminent citizen of Boston once boasteJ that at the age ot aixty he had never slept out of Boston, been rn a rail- load car, or seen a skuuk. A man ot tour score in Eastern Massachusetts claimed that he had never been sued, drunk, or voted for a Democrat: and now comes along a Vermont veteran- of eighty-eight winters, who never has bad the doctor but once, never had the headache, and never was a candidate for office. Mercantile Appraismont. Following is the report of the Mer cantile Appiaisiuent of 121k County for the year 1873: VENDERS OF MERCHANDISE. Bcnezettr,. Class. Tax. 8 7 00 12 50 12 50 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 14 Miles Dent, 12 K. l' lutcher & Bro.. 1 Y m. Johnson, II .Tl, Vn.,VlLl.-,. vwiiu i mi r uiatiiuvii 13 E. C. Lewis & Co., 14 John Dailcy, Fox. 13 P. W. Hays. 12 P. W. Hays, 12 Kocb&Eutz, 12 J. J. Taylor, 12 50 12 50 12 50 25 00 7 00 9 Koch & Son, U M.Mohan, Jjurlnn, 12 N. M. Brockway, 12 50 15 00 ll .C. A. Wilcox, Jay, 13 B. E. Morcy, 10 00 20 00 10 00 7 00 12 50 7 00 10 Thos. A. Riley. 13 "David Kuncs, 14 James A. Burke, 12 A. J. Avery, 14 J. S. Thomas, Jones, 4 Wilcox Tanning & Lumber Co 80 00 11 Aldrich & Patton, 13 Martin Sowers, 14 J. C. Malonc, 14 Dr. A. M. Straight, 15 0C 10 00 7 00 7 00 jVilliUone. 11 Staib&Co., 14 Moore cC; Bro., 15 00 7 00 Iiidyu-ay. Kc stone State Circus 7 00 ! 14 J. R. Nannv. 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 7 00 3D 00 10 00 10 00 12 50 20 00 12 50 10 00 7 00 12 50 10 00 25 00 30 00 10 00 5 00 7 00 12 50 12 50 7 00 7 00 14 Jos. M. Heard, 14 G.T. Wheeler & Co., 11 llorton k Miller, 14 Hartley & Young, i Powell & Kime, 13 W. S. Service & Co., l.i Charles Ilo'es, 12 McGloin & McGeehan, 10 James Pcnficld, 12 J. V. Ilouk, 13 Thayer & McCracken, 14 Cummings & Brendel, 12 James II. Ilagcrty, 13 E. K. Gresh, 9 W. II. Osterhout, 8 J. S.& W. II. Hvde, 13 Hyde & Cody, 7 W. II. Schram, 13 Mrs. A. Ruhlman, 12 G.G. Messenger, 12 Grant & llorton, 14 S. May, Sjrinr CrcrJc. 14 Wilson Caise, St. Mary's. 14 Henry C. Hendricks, 12 James Sneeringer, 13 Weideubroencr & Whitman, 12 Chas McVean, 12 Lyon & Bro., 14 A. Loefder, 14 II. M. Bolte, 10 Wcis. Bros., 14 Soesyiiheimer & Son, 10 Walker & Son, 5 Jos. Wilhehu, 11 Ad. Foch'man, 13 L. L. Putzel, 10 L. B. Cook, 14 M, E. McNally, 7 Gifford, Hull & Co., 14 Juincs Blakely, G J B. Coryell & Co., 11 Churles Luhr, 12 Phillip Wilhehu, 14 E. McUrid. 11 J. E. Weideubroencr, 14 J. D. Spatl'urd (' Bro., 14 John Misel, 13 Reynolds if- Gainer, 14 C.'L. Beayer, 7 00 12 50 10 00 10 Oil 12 50 7 00 7 0(t 2't Oo 7 00 20 00 CO 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 7 00 40 01) 7 00 50 0U 15 00 12 50 7 00 15 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 RtST AVKANTS AND EATING IIOL'SS. Ilidijinti. 7 Enbody 0 Converse, G Bobt. Warner, 5 00 12 00 St. Mary's. 5 Thomas Zinnnett, 7 George Schaut, 7 Chas. Klausman, 20 00 . 10 5 00 5 oo 5 00 12 00 7 Jacoh Krans, 7 Joseph Windlulder, G U'ni. Geis. 7 Alison. Showers, 7 John B. Uiuule, 1MI.MARD I1AM.3, Pidriviiy, o 00 5 CO Enbody & Converse-, 50 00 SY. .Vary's. Smith & WindeMcr, 40 00 E. R. Shutiuek, 4U 00 liKEWKRinS. St. Mary's. 9 Ceis & Jricbe?. 15 00 9 Joseph Wiiidielder, 1 OO 8 V. X. Surg, i: oc. 8 Win. Ze!t, 15 00 8 Elizabeth Volk. 15 00 TAKE NOTICE that I have rated you undei ('lasses above specified, and assessed you with tax us above stated. Ad appeal will be held at the Commissioner's Office, Ridgway, on Tuesday, July lst.i 1873, where you feeling aggrieved by said assessment, can have 6uch redress as the law provided. D. C. OYSTE'It, Mercantile Appraiser. Edw'd J. Evans & Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, YOKE, PENS' SQf Catalogues Mailed to- ApplicantsjS Refer (by permission) to Hon, J. 8, Black, Washington, D. C. Whiseb, Son & Cabl, Bankers, York, Pa, v3-nlS-6ia. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, A1TD HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS. Carpenters Tools, x Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Tools, Lumbermen Tools. in fact uvcrytliing usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store. A FIRST-CLASS TIN S Em ploying Workmen noise and class material used. 1 OPPOSITE THE COURT W- S- -tf. E8EW DISCOVERY Iu Chemical and Medical Science. K A i A 1 MX. Dr. E. F. GATtVIN'S SOLUTION AND COMPOUND ELIXIR FIRST ANT) fiXLT FOLTTTOS- evrTmnde in onemixtm,! i.f AlA, THE TWELVE valuable active prim-ii'lc oi tliu well knowu curative ugent, THEIR TAK, rXEQV ATJ.rT) in CoucIir, Colds, Catarrh, Asthma, llruurhitiB, ami Cunsuuitiun. CUUE8 -WITHOUT FAIOLi A repent cold in tliroo to six Iiours; nnd n.1sn, Vv It8 VITAI.IZINO, rillUFYIXU and STIMULATING elfectH upon the gcnurul syttza, U rttmarkubly tllica cious in nil lUKlIASES OF THE m.OOIJ. Including (icniiulu and Eruptions of tho hkiii, Py l.pam, inseusuut the Liver and bjuuiys, ueurt u. ' eusu, and ikuirnl Ki bilily. ONE TRIAL. CONVINCES I RI6. GAEIVIVS VOLATILE SOLUTION of TAR MEDICATED FOR I$E5ALATI0i. 3 A remarkably valuable discovery, vhich posi tively cures CATARItll, BRONCHITIS, AST EI 31 A, and nil Diseases of the HOSE, T1IISOAT nud IX'IVGS. THE COMPOUND TAB AX I) MAXDRAKE PILL, for use in connection with the EI.IXIU TAR, is a combination of the TWO most vuluiililu ALTERA TIVE Medicines known in the Profession, and ren ders thu l'ill without exception the very best ever offered. Solution and Compound Elixir. i1.130 Tar and Mandrake Pills, 25cts per lioi. Medicated Inhalation, $5.00 per Package. Bend for Circular of POSITIVE! Ctn.ES to your Druggist, or to L. F. HYDE & CO., BOLE PKOPRIETOKS, 19S Seventh Ave., New York, TO ilOtHi. V.tVliS!imi8. A NEW WAY Or HUNN1NO A Subscription Book. CAN SELL TIlOUsUN'OS!! PI..AIN home talk Is plain talk about the body and its physical and social needs. Dr. K". b. Footb. author of "Medical Common Sense." of No. 1-0 Lexington Ave., X. V., .who eutertaius everybody with li'n pen, and cures evi'ry. body by bis skill, is ila author. Iu ils thousand pages it answers a thousand questions you dou't want to go lo your physician about. It id, as is stamped upon its cover, "a book for private and consid erate reading." Price S-J.-5. and sent, postage prepaid, everywhere. A benutiful original chronio, uiouuted, "Tnuow 1'iiYsic to tiir Dous," worth $10, goes with the book. No chromo without the book No book without the chroino. Address MUtt HAV HILL PUBLISHING COMl'ANV, No. 129 East 28th Street, New York. 2 liH. wifrw i HOP, but first-class nothing but first- HOUSE,RIDGWAY, PA. SERVICE & CO- 10 FEE CENT. INVESTMENTS . SECURED BY FIRST MORTGAGE rss. THREE TIMES THE SUM LOANED. Interest Payable Semi-Annually. At the Hanking House of A L I, E N, S T E V II E X S & C O. In New Yovlt City, or at tiny Dnnk de signated by the lender. TJE AKE INVESTING FOK EASTERN parties tunny thousands of dollars per month in Jlr.it uiortit-r on improved property in Illinois, and such has been the di'inrnd f.ir these desirable securities, hat wc have, dutiiia Hie last fifteen months placed in tlumi nearly one milii.iii tlutlar. the semi-annual luierest ou nliicii lias, each and every case, been promptly paid. These mortnajres are iu the form of Trust Deeds, and can be closed in '20 days should there be a failure to pay interest or taxes when due. He invest any sum, be it larcre or small and collect and remit interest ami principal as it matures, all without expense to tho lender. Can refer topaities for whom we have loaned large amounts, and who have never lo.-1 a dollar cit her ot principal or mi crest in this class of securities during the lnet lit'ii'.'ii .un rr.. Send for our umnnhlct "uioi! s' place of Iitctsiimut," mailed free. II EN 11 Y C. IV I LSi N, 0. !-,0. W. TOMS WILVOX .fr TOMS, PEAMOHS IN l'.K SU Est.VVE TEN Cent, if KCfit tin's an;j Schooi 1n ns. B LO O M !'G TC N , ILL! li J I jau l'i '7'i yl .e:7: Tlii.- is zr, i:iiuiry wl itli every one should liavc tritlltnHy uiiswitcI before he starts m his jnurucy, ami a little care tukeu in cxainin.itiiMi oi Routes will iu many casses save iniieL trouble, time ami uiviity. The li. & (l K. K., ruuDiu, froin Chicago, through Galesburg to RuriiriMti. att l the "I.. li.&W. Route running fiotn tiilianapolis, throu Rlooiniimtoii to Buiiiiiton, have aehiev eJ a splci:ili.l reiUt;.tion it the last two years ua the leadius I'aaicngers Routes to the West. At Ruiliugton they coti tiect with the 15- fc M. II. K. and from the jireat Euriimrtou Route, which runs direct through Southern Iowa to Nebras ka uud Kansas, with close connections to California and the Territories; and passengers starting from Elk Couuty, on their way westward, cauuot do better than to take the Ucrmngton Route. This Liue has published a pamphlet called "How to go West," which con tains much valuaoie information; a large correct map ot the Grea'- West, which can be obtained free of charge by ad dressinj' the General Passenger Ageut id tbe 13- & M. BurliogtoD, Iowa JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP" OO TO JAMES.II- HAGE11TY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DHY GOODS, NOTIONS, ; BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND W1LLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTY. NEW LIVEllY STABLE IN DAN SCBlBNElt WISHES TO IN forui the Cittzeus of llidgway, nnd the i public generally, (lint be lins started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES I Bu;rg'c-J, to let upon the most veasona ble terms. BQlIe will nlso do job leaning. Stable on Broad sired, above Main. All orders left At the Tost Olhce will meet prompt attention. Aug 20 1870. tf. BOOK AGENTS FOR THE Funny Side of Physic, 800 I'ik'S, and 2o0 Kiianuiuj::. rV startling expose of Medical ITJtiibups of the past and present. It ventilates I'uacks Travelling Doctors, Noted Female Clients, rortuuo Tellers and .Mediums, and gives intercsiins narratives of Noted-Physic-inns, It reveals startling secrets, and ii is invalu able to all. We give exclusive territory and liberal commissions For circulars and terms address the publishers. J. li. it unit a UYPh. HAUTFOUD, CUNN., or CHICAGO, ILL AGENTS WANTI'.l) FOR THE GREAT I1TEUSTRIES OF TIJK UNITED STATES; This work is n complete Iii.-tory of nil brnnches of industry, an lis n complete en cyclopedia of arts nnd manufactures. One ngenl 30ld 13:! copies in eight days, nnoiher sold 80S in two weeks. Specimens sent tree un receipt of stamp. 2. EU2?.::& HYDE, Pufclisfors, HAKTFOUD, CONN., on CHICAGO, ILL V NEW BOOK I!y a a popular Author, will be ready in a few weeks. Aironts who would secure ter ritory, should apply at once. J. . LUES & HYDE, Polishers, HAIiTE'DRD, CONN., ou CIUCACO.ILL. Br MAIL BS CENTS GEC5.R HQWELLCQ. 1 41. PARK ROW I TTANTED. We will give men and wo- y J men RU8INESS THAT WILL PAY. from SI to $8 per day, can be pursued iu your own neighborhood; it is a rare chance for those out of employment or having leisure time, girls and boys frequently do as well as men. Particulars free. Address J. LATHAM i: CO., S01 Washington St., Boston, Mass liUttj SEEDS, PLANTS, TKEES, PREPAID BY MAIL. My new priced descriptive Catalogue of Choice Flower and Garden Seeds, !io sorts of either for $1; new and choice varieties of Fruit aud Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens, Hoses, Grapes, Lillies, Small Fruits, House and Border Plants and Bulbs; one year grafted Fruit Trees for mailing; Fruit Sucks of all kinds: Hedge Plants, &o,; the most, complete assortment in the country, will be sent gratis to any plain address, with P. O. box. True Cape Cod Cranberry for upland or lowland, $ti per 10OO; $1 per 100, prepaid by mail. Trade List to dealers. Seeds on Commis sion. A cents wanted. B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries and Seed Warehous, Plymouth, Mass. Es- tablisbed 1812. ADVERTISE BUSINESS CARDS. A. KATI1BUN, Ridgway, Pa. Attorncy-at-Uw, 2 2 tf. J O. W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-ATLAW. Tln'-toyl. Ridgway, Elk Coutily, Pa. Agent for (ho Traveler's Life and Aooi dent lnflurnncc Co., of llurltord, Conn. TUFUS LUCOUti, Atioruey-t-Law. Ridgwny, Elk Co., l'a. Office in jihiI s ticw inck Jiuildinp. Cluims for collection promptly attended to. v3nlly. JEYNOLOa HOUSE, EEYi'CLESVILLE, JEFFERSC1T CO, PA. II. S. BELNAP, Proprietor . J. S. QUE WELL, K, D, Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, lias remov ed his ollice from Centre street, to Main si. Ridgway, Pti,, in the second Btory of the ticw brick building of John O. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store, Olliue hours: 8 to 0 a" m: 1 to 2 p, m. 7 8 p, m. jan U 7o G G. .MESSENGER, Druggist and l'uiaccutial corner of Mum nud Mill street?, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domcstio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vln3y. T S. II A It I'LL V, SI. D., l'hysicinn ana Surgeon, ludgtvny, l'a. Oflice in Walker B liuilding. Special attcntioa given to Surgery. Office house irom 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Itesidence on cort.er of Soutli and Court streets, op posite the new School House. All calls promptly attended to. vln2yl. tUIAKLESJIOLES, ( Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Alain street, llidgway, l a. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, nud Morton Gold l'en. Kcpou-iiig Watches, etc, done with he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis actioa guaranteed. vlnly. Ml AY Ell HOUSE, lilLEY & DUO., l'ropvictors. Cor. Mill and Ceuire Sis., llidgway, Pa. 1 lie proprietors take this method of an nouncing lo ihe public lhat the have re futed, revised, and improved, this wclL known hotel, and are prepared to entertain, all who lavor them with tueir patronage, in the best style aud at low rates. Good, stabling attached. votiUtf. ir YDE HOUSE, UiDGWAY, Elk Co., 1'a, W. 11. SCHRAM, 1'roprietor. Thankful fur the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new prcpiictor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi the tame. Oct 30 1800. M1E OLD LUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, Kane, McKean Co., Fa ll. K. LOOK. Kit. Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofoie so liberally bestowed upon him, ihe new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention iu the coiului t and convenience of guests, to merit u continuance of t he same. The only stables lor horses in Kane and well kept night or day. Hail attached to the Hotel. vln'iSyl. JiALL & JJltO Altoruoys -at - L iv av trr. MARY'S, JU.1N (i. 11 ALL.. ,..JAS. K. . I1ALI K EltSEY HOUSE. Cl.NTKEViLLK, ELK Co., Ta. John Collins, 1'ioprietor. Thankful for the patronage hcretolora so liber illy bestowed upon lam, the new proinetur, liopes, by paying strict at tention to the comlort and couvenieuca of guests, t merit a contiuuauce of the same. JAMES PNFIELD, (Successor to W. C. llealy,) IE VLEll IN GOOES, GltOOSItlSS, PROVISIONS rnoDuca, rnuiTs, &o. 3u7tf. West Knd, Ridsnay, Pa. S. A. ROTE, PHOTOG It A P HER, AND DLALLtt 121 Chromos, Stereoscopio Views, Picture Frames, &c. WEST END, ltlDG WAY, ELK CO. PA., vJu!2if. KED. SCIIOENING, WHOLESALE AN 1) RETAIL UF.ALEU IN PIAKO-RUITES, ORGANS, SHEET JUUSUJ, aud .MUSIC ROOKS. Pianos and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. Prolhouotary's OiUce, llidgway, Pa. vJniUtf. P. W. HAYS, LlEALtR IN Dry Goods, Notions, Grcceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. JJartey 1'. O. vlulTtf. EW STAGE ltOUTE. J. C. IWliiYS, Proprietor. The subscriber having secured the con tract for carrying the U. S. Mail between HEYNOLDSVILLB h BROCKWAY VILLB has placed on that road a line of hacks. Hacks leave the Exchange Hotel ia Keynoldville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday on the atrival of the Broonville Btage, and return the same day. These hacks connect at Brockwayville with the Kidgway stages, making connection with trains ou the P. & E. Koad, both east and west. Every attention to the comfort ot patrons of this line will be given, and a liberal patronage solicited. Aug. 13-72H.