The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 29, 1873, Image 2
(Bill qfounfij glduoqnte TIenry A. Parsons, Ja. Editor THURSDAY, MAY 29. 1873. MEETING OP THE EEPUELICA1T COUNTY COMMITTEE. The members of the Rcpublicm County Committee, arc requested to meet in RiJgway, on Tuesday, June 10th 1873, to transact such business as may come before them. By Order, E. SOUTHER, Chairman. Revenue from Postal Cards. If the New York Times is correct in its figures, the postal card system will bo a vast addition to tba revenues of the Government. According to Postmaster Crcsswell the potsal cards cost the Gov ernment $1.86 per thousand. The or ders up to date have reached the enor mous amount of 25,000,000, of which ta cost to the people will be $250,000, and to the Government $34,000. Al lowing $16,000 for the additional ex pense of delivery which, wo presume, is a liberal allowance and the net ad dition to the revenue is 8200,000. This is within $10,500 cnoiigh to pay the sal aries of the President, his seven Cabinet officers, and the Justices of Supreme Court of the United States, at the ad vanced rates; it is twice the amount of the cost of the Tribunal of Arbitration at Geneva; it is nearly as much as tho cost of the national currency for ouo year; and it is twenty-five per cent, more than the cost ot the signal service for one year. The Postmaster General is confident that the demand, though it may drop off for a while, will bo steadily very great. GSSTEEAL KETCS. A remote ot kin lays claim to tho en. tire town ot Hickman, Ky. Fulton county, Illinois, has paid ?,V.H for wolf scalps iu the last tour weeks. A Peoria woman lately took advantage of her husband being on the grand jury A bust of Fred, Douglass, by Muudy, is to be placed in the new City Hall iu Rochester. A Kentucky woman ha? been sup plied with an iron jaw. Her terms are twenty dollars a lecture. The sugar crop at Jamaica is reported as heavier than during any former season. New ooal discoveries are reported in Indiana, and also in several parts ot Kansas. A colony of Friends, some thousands - U rn snttlp in Wffjt"" lexas. The Kickapoo and Lipon Indians of Mexico continuo their raids ou the ranches on the frontier. The epizootic has at last reached Walla-Walla, Wyoming Territory. Alaska will come uext. The buildings of the Terre Haute car works cover three acres, and the ground eight acres. Columbus, Georgia, has built six cotton factories siucc the war, and has three more under way. A Mississippi river desperado was baried recently in a coffin made of some of the lumber he had stolen. The coming horse is reported to be a four-year-old bay gelding, called Ticon deroga, now in traiuiug near Roston. The latest addition to the list of ex- plosives is a blacksmith's bellows, which ; a few days ago "burst into fragments,1 at Pelham,N. II. A queer Dclawarean, by his will, di vided his property anions: his children, and left Iris bones to his enemies "to make whistles of." An Apache Chiefs, convinced of the I impropriety of polygamy, h-a fit Brigham Young an example by killing five of his six squaws. The New YTork horse-shoers, by their late strike, put their "foot in it." They are still idle, and their places have beeu filled by non-society meu. A man with a big heart lives in Allen town, Pa. lie found a child's pocket book, containing five cents, iu the street the other day, aud advertised it. The ceusorious public of Bushford, N. Y., treated an enamored swain ol nearly ninety years to severul ducks in the river because he wanted to marry a duck of a girl aged sixteen years. John Knox traveled all tho way from Dubuque to jump over Niagara Palls, and got into a unhi with a hackman, licked him beautifully, aud concluded that he was not living in vain after all. A Bangor clergyman, last Sunday, alluded to the spriDg bonnets as "those incomprehensible huddles of finery aud frivolity which ladies place upon their heads." Incomprehensible buddlo is good, even for a clergyman. A Federal soldier is to be tried by the civil court at Canandaigua, N. Y., for the murder of his sergeant, both being members of the First Artillery, ten years ago. Several witnesses have been summoned from Florida by the Govern ment. Forty years ago, says bd exchange, Hon. Asa Packer arrived at Mauek Chunk, Pa., penniless, and all bis worldly property embraced in a handsaw aud jack-plane, which be carried with him. He now abuses the Assessor for returning bis property at 830,000,000. Such a career id possible for every other young man who can contrive to get hold of a handsaw and jack-pluuo. Spcaker Elaine will assist in the Ohio Republican canvas. A paper is to bo started in Japan to reflect tho views of Americans in that land. The reports from Southern Illinois nro to the effect that tho winter wheat buls fair to rroducc an uncrniel crop. pring dons, roasted and "nrnished with mint, are served up at the Chineso restaurants in San Francisco. An Iowa Congressman, havimr snout his grab, would like to borrow an amount sufficient to redeem his patriotism. Despite tho croakincs of orchnrdists, the indications for an average peach crop are pood in most sections of tho .State. A clumsily drawn ordinauce makes any man who shaves himself, in l)es Moines, Iowa, ou Sunday, liable to a fiue of$5. A Cairo cook seasoned the simp with a bottU of hair dye, and it had a won derful effect on tho boarders, ono of whom went crazy. A man has been discovered in Maine who has 20 childred, a wifo, four grand mothers, three grandfathers, and seven brothers and sisters in his family. Potato bugs have made their appear ance in thp neighborhood of Zancsville, Ohio. It is said the ground in many localities is completely covered with them. A Kentucky town reports the foun dation of a new order, the members of which "sit around, eat, drink, and pay nothing: sit back ami sav nothing." The order is not new. This unkind fling at the Congressmen who have returned their back pay and kept their names from tho public, is made by the Boston Traveller: ''Being Congressmen, naturally they are asham ed of acting honest. "Are you not alarmed at tho approach of the king of terrors '! said a minister to a siek man. Oh, no ! I hava been liv ing .six and thiitv years with tho queen of terrors the king cannot be much worse. Pope Pius IX. was eighty-two years old on Tuesday, Pith inst. lie became Poro on the Lih dav of June, IS 111, 1 and if tie lives until the ltith of next : month he will have been the head ot the 1 R.un in Catholia Church for 27 years. i A Wisconsin Congressman is per il plexed about his lack pay. He is i airaid if he takes it he will be sailed a thief, and if he refuses he will be called a fool. As be is still undejided. his friends have agreed to end his trouble by calling him both. Judge Berkely, discussing libel, says it has been adjudged when a person said of a lawyer that he htd as much law as a monkey, that the words were not ac tionable, because be has as much law, and uiDrealso; but if lie had said ho hath no more law than a monkey, these word? would have Lk'cu actionable. Whitclaw Rcid, nt the last meeting of the Trihuni' stockholders, was unani mously elected editor aud publisher of f'rfjl ..... .. ..O. ... W. - j .... . the JUth of January last, tinder a con tract July signed and a forfeit of cfiO, 000 in case he should be iu any way hindered from exercising absolute con trol over both the editorial conduct and business of the paper. 'It is not generally known." remarks the Washington Star, "that Mr. Chase was the last of his line. Although he had six or seven brothers, none ol them had nialo issue, and all died befoie the Chief Justice. And as he died leaving no son, it follows that the line and name of Chase, to far a? his father's immedi ate branch of the family is concerned, became extinct with bis death." Mr. Colfax has written to a friend in Paris, a letter containing this emphati? and sanguine passage: "1 never received a dollar from Ames on any account whatever, in check, in cash, in stock, or nviaeiHJs or bonus. J have 1ml faith that lie who knoweth all things will in His own good time make my entire in of this cruel and wicked mani fest to even the bitterest of my enemies." Liquors. A teacup is one gill. Two gills ore half a pint. Two pints rn ono quart Poor quarts arc one gallon. A large wine class is two ounces. A table.' poouful is hall an ounce. Forty drops equal one tfaspoonful. Ei;iht larire tablrsponsf'nl arc "tie ''ill Four largo tabiespnunsful arc half a gill. A common-sized wiuc glass is half a gill. Four Icasroonsful equal one tahle spooulul. A common-sind tumbler holds half u pint. Sixteen large tablespoonful are half a pint. Not Gk.veham.y Known. Martin Van f'uran is the only man who hold the office of President, Vice President. Min ister to England, Governor of his iswn State, and member of both houses of Con gress. Thomas II. Benton is the only man who has held a seat in the United States Senate for thirty consecutive years. The only instance of father and sen iu the Senate ac the same time, is that of Hon. Henry Dodge, Senator from Wis consin, and Augustus C. Dodge, Senator from Iowa. Gen. James Shields is tha ouly man who ever represented two States iD the United States Senate. At oue time he was Senator from Illinois, and subse quently Senator from Minnesota. John Qnincy Adams held positions under the Government during every ad ministration from that of Washington to that ot Polk-duriog which he died. He had been Minister to England, member of both Houses of Congress, Secretary of t'tate, and President ot the I nited Mates lie died while a member ot tho of llepresentives. TrtR Lui'joR Trade, Tho orcan of tho liquor interest in New York has ta ken pains to collect aud group nil the laets connected with the trado in this country. Tim amount ot tax on spirits collected by the United States in 1872 was $10,475,51G,;!G. This represents about 100,000,000 gallons, worth at wholesale 85,000,000, but which bought at retail, about $317,000,000. This aggregates a money interest of over $400,000,000. The beer trade pays a ax to the government ol $8,573,4(J8,46. This represents t retail value ot over 8212,000.000, which, added to the value of the article to the manufactures, represents a money interest of about $o00,000,000. Tho wine trado repre sents an interest of $75,000,000. The import trado of liquors, beer and wine represents a retail value of liquors of $27,000,000 ; of beer, $2,800,000; of wines, $135,000,000, or a total of nearly $105,000,000. Added to all this the capital invested in buildings aud ma chinery, etc., together with the expen ses connected directly and iudireetly with tho trade, the footing is at least $1,500,000,000. Miss Johanna Mavgnosscn, of Chicago, aged something like forty-three, walked three miles before daylight the other morning for the purpose of hanging her self to a post in the back yard of her faithless lover. 11 ALL & WALLET, Attorneys-at-Liw. Office in New Brick Building, Main St., Ridtwny, Elk Co., Pa. vonl2tf. WANTED. Agents nnd Peddlers for our PRESS AND STRAINER Presses and strains jams, herbs, vegetables, lard, tallow, meats, chec3e, &c. Every family wants it. Sewing Machine and other established agents arc tiuding this very profitable. Circulars free. Littlefield & Dame, No. 10- Washington St., Boston, Mass. nlli-18 Kmv'n J. Evans & Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, YoHR, PKSN'A 6tiJ" Catalogues Mailed to Applicant s"ifa Refer (by permission) to Hun, .1. S, Black, Washington, D. C. Wrtsitn, Sun & Caul, Rankers, York, Pa. v; ti 1'J I'mi. Unite i States Internal Revenue. Notice to Special-Tax Payers. The law of December 21, 1S72, retiuires every person engaged in any business, avo cation, or employment, which renders hiia liable to a SPECIAL TAX, to procure ati'l place eonxiicurnisly in his rs or place of biiKinrm, A STAMP denoting the payment of said Special Tax before commencing business The taxes embraced within the povisions of law above 'quoted are the following, viz: Rectifiers $-00 0(1 Dealers, retail liquor -5 00 Dealers, wholesale liquor 10'.) IK) Dealers in malt liquor, wholesale... f0 01) Dealers iu nmlt liquors, letai1 2D 01) Detail dealers in leaf tobacco ut.'O U'.l and on sales of over cU.OUO, fifty cents for every dollar iu Cieevs of$l,0t0. Dealers in manufactured tobacco... S 00 Manufacturers of stills 50 00 and for eaci still or worn manu factured 20 00 Manufacturers ol lobucco 10 00 M.iuutaoturer;" of cigars U) 0 ) Peddlers of tobacco; first class (r.iore than two horses GO 00 Peddlers cf tobacco, secoud class (two horses) 23 00 Teddlers of tobacco, third obiss l one burse) 13 OO Peddlers ot tobacco, fourth chss (on foot or public conveyance) 10 OO Prewcrs of les than 300 barrels... 10 OO Brewers of iH harcls or mare 1( 0 00 Ai'' person who yhail tail to comply wPli tho fov-'pciiia requirement:! will be subject to severe penalties. Special-Tax Payers throughout the United States arc reminded ibwt tln-y must make application to the (olleclor (or Deputy l'o!!ector) of their rcspuc'.ivu dis tricts, and procure ihe propel stamp for the Special-Tax Year, con iocncitig May 1, Jbi'j, without wailing for turther notice. H. P. DAVIS, Col. Int. I,ev. l'.ttii Di.-t . Pa. Application may be ni.vlj to, aal-:a n ps procured of P. FOK1), Deputy, C( .Hector. 1.10; I. Hn;i t )i uri . IV STATIOfiilRY P0P.T45LH engines. T!io IJe.l;t & Not-t Complete Assortment iu Uio .Market. Tho) Knplnns hriTO alwnyn maloUlnM the vc-y liihctit Htutidfirtl of cxccll(Tnix). We nmlr nmimf'tf-tun of Kuint-s, liml rn nnl Haw Milldft specialty. We have thelumist nul mtjt.oouiiUo works of the kind in the country, witit iutciiiuary pdal y nUapU'il to tha voi k. Wo keep count nutly inprotwna lfirpe numbrr of Eiuriiiui, which we furnish nt tii" vwy lwtt prict tin on tho Hhorteat no ion. Wo buiM Kuirinri ej-feiully adapted to Mini, Kuw Mills Urwt Mill, Tanneries Cotton Uau, llirctthera nnd 4 dud of mtuiui'ucturiiif?. We are now buiMinff the c-i brntl Tno Circu lar Baw Mill, the Uut aud luobt commute nuw mill ever invented. We muke the manufacture of &iw Mill outflU a fpecial feturo of our budinuu, aud can fuxninb Complete on the shortest notice. Our aim in all caaes in to fumiab the bct ma ehinery in the market, and work absolutely un qutilwd for beauty of desUm, eoonuuiy aud tttreut'th, tiend for Circular and l'noe List. UTICA STEAM ENCINE CO. CTICA, IV. TT STEMilGIE w-r:,.ii':r::.:!.:-': ik. Ai fit IHk!& Kfiv&ZMr' S3- -A- -M mm NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. 3 "S3 w urn tbuji 10 i 4 -j Wii ui.u) wj HOUSEWARE, 'AND HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Tools, Lumhcrmens Tools. In fact everything usually kept iu a first-class Hardware Store. Employing none but fiast-class Workmen and nothing but first c&ass mateE'ial used, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSERIDGWAY, PA. W- S- -tf. 58EW DISOOVERY In Cbcmicnl and McdlcKl Science. Dr. E. F. GATtVIN'S SOLUTION AND COMPOUND ELIXIR FIJiPT AND OKI.Y POI.rTTOX PTPr.tnnrtc In one mixture of Al.l. THE TWELVE vuluablo uctivc innciple ot the wull kuuwu curutive ugunt, TIlEi: TAR, r?.'EQr ALT.ED In ConPh. Colds, CbUttIi, Asthma, ltruucliitis, uwl Coasuuiptiou. C'UIlEa WITHOUT PA1X A recent eold (n ))iiip to lx rior; nnf. 1so, tiy lt Vn'ALlZX.NU, l'UKIFYING mid 6TIMUJ.ATINU t-ir-L-t upua tbi- geuc-rul syawm, in rouiaikuuly effica cious in nil 1.1SKASES OF THE III.OOD. Incluiiiu Heroiuia and Eruptions of the hkni, Ty -leiwiu, IHsciiMtof tlw Liver aud Kidneys, lleirt 1). -ea;, ami ijeueril Delulity. ONE TRIAL. CONVINCES I Rie. (sauvivs VOLATILE SOLUTION of TAR MEDICATED tt" A remarkably ralunble discovery, wliich poei livuly curt CATAH1CII, BKOIVCIIITIS, ASTMMA, and nil Oisoasos of the JVOSE, Til ICO AT and THE COMPOUND TAJi AND MAXJWAKE PILL, for use in connection with tho ELIXIR TAH, is a mniHntit um of the TWO most vulusble. AL'i'KKA T1VK Medii-ines known in the l'rofession, and ren dent tins l'Ul without uxoupUuu the very best ever offered. Solution and Compound Elixir, j f S? Tar and Mandrsko Tills, 25cts per hux. Medicated Inlinlalion, 3.1io per Taekao. Bend for Circular of POSITIVE CURES to Tour Druggist, or to I. F. HYDE fc CO., BOLE PKOPKIETOB3, 105 Seventh Ave., Notv l'orlc TO CiOOSi. V.t.Vl'.lSSEHS. a ni:w WAV OF Ill'NMNU A Subscription Book. can .si: 1. 1. thousands:: PLAIN IIOMH TALK In plniu lalk ulioilt the lioily nml II J 1 1 J' .s i c n 1 mill Kouiul iievild.' Dr. K. li. I'uotk, uullmr of "Mvdiuitl Comniott Sense " of No. 10 Lexington Ave., N. V., who cnlerhtiiiH cvi-rjuody with hU cn, uiul ctires every. Iioiiy by lii h tikill, in its itiilhor. In iu llioiiMimJ p.iges it answers a tli'iiisiiiul iueslious you don't want lo go to your j.hyiticiuu iiboul. tt in, us in Khtuipeil iiiuii ill cover, "u book for jirivnie itml vonsid erule reading." I'riou ir:5.'.'-j. und Bent, jioBtnue prepaid, everywhere. A heuutiful original chroino, mounted, "Tnuow 1'iiysio to tub Diius," worlli $11), goea witb tho book. Ho ciitoino witUuul the book No book witliout the cliroiuo. Ail-lie-s M UK RAY HIM, I'l'ULlSJIl.NG COUl'ANV, No. l-'J EuatBlU btteol, New Vurk. ni lat. SieJ symfr SIN- OF iSS TIN SHOP, SERVICE & CO- 10 PEE CENT. INVESTMENTS SECURED PV FIRST MORTGAGE TIIKEE TIMES THE SUM LOANED. Interest Payatle Eeni-Annually. At the Bnnldng House of A I, I, E X, S T E P II E N S & C O., In New Yovk Citv, or at any Rank do-.-ijjnuted liy t'.ie lender. T7E ARE INVESTING FOR EASTERN p&rlios runny thousands of ilolhirs per month in first mcrtytts on improved property in Illinois, and such hns been the deiiirnd for these desirable securities, lint we have, during tho lust fifteen months, placed iu them nearly ni million dollar, the fcn.i-aniMiul interest on which hns, iu each and every C!i9e, been promptly paid. These mortgages are in the foroi of Trust Deeds, nud can lie closed in 20 days should there he a failure to pay interest or taxed when duo. We invent r.nv . urn, be it larac or small, and collect mid remit interest nud principal as it matures, all without expense to the lender. Can refer to pin tics for whom wc have loaned lare tunnunts, and who have never lost a dollar c'.ther of principal or int. orest in this class of S'":tiri!iM during the lat. ;''(( -cm year', tieirl ior our pamphlet. "Jl'ittoin as a place of JhcMltnait," mailed free. HENRY C. YVUSiW, GEO. W. TOMS. I7A,S'(9A' ,f- TOMS, lE.i.r.:;: in Uka l Est at b Ten Per Ci'. NT. i?ECCi:l7IKS A X !) Scilufil. Q LO O M i V OTO N , ILL! N 0 ! 3 . jau Hi ' T :i 1 EO',7 TO GO Tiiis is an inquiry which every one rihoiili iiave tfiitinh iiDswercil before hi) jiliirt.s mi his jnumoy, ami a little cure ttiketi in t'X:iiiiin:i'.iiti ul Koutes will iu munj ease's sava much trouble, time ami tnutipy. The "if., 15. k Q. 11. R.," runnii) lKiin Cliifii;;!), throi!:.';li Gnlct-burj; to lurliti;rtjii, and the '-1., IJ.ilcW. Route,' nititiinj; from ii'liaiiajiolis, tlirough IJIooDiitigton to Hurliuton, liave achiev cil aKploi uiJ r iutation in (lie lust to years at? the Icatliiii; Pussungurs lloutts to tho Wwt. At Bui liiiejtiiri they con nect with the 1- f; M. U. 11. and from the jrreat IJuiiiiiirtou Route, which runs direct through Southern Iowa to Nebras ka and Kansas, with connections to California and tho Territories ; aud passengers starting from Elk County, on their way westward, cauuot do better than to take tho lJuuLiNtiTON Route. This Lino lias tublinhed a pamphlet called "How to go West," which con tains much valuaoio information; a large eon-cut map ot the Grca'' West, which can bo obtained freo of chaige by ad dressing tho tleueral Passenger Agent o) the 15. it M. K-, JJurlington, Iowa I F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMES.II- IIAGEI1TY Main Street, Eidgwuy, Pa. PRY GOODS, NOTIONS, 'ROOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND OAJKHNS W ARK, WOOD AND W1LLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries ancU-Provisions. The REST RRANPS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTY. NEW LIVlillY STABLE IN DAN SCRI13NER WISHES TO IN form the Cittzcns of Ilidgway, and the public generally, that he liaB started a Liv ery Stable nnd will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES d Buggies, to let upon Vhe most rensoua ble terms. ErgIIe nill also do job tcan ing. Stable on Rroud street, nbove Main. All orders left nt the Tost (Jfiicc will meet prompt attention. . Aug 20 1870. tf. HOOK AOESTS FOH Til F. Funny Sids cf Physic, 800 l'wjix, ami 2'")0 Eiiijraci'r.ijx. A startling expose of Medical llumbncs of the past and present. It vent ilalos t,uacks Travelling Doctors, Noted Female Clients, Fortuno Tellers nnd Mediums, and gives interesting narratives of Noted 1'hysieians. It reveals startling secrets, and it is invalu able to all. We give exclusive territory nnd liberal commissions For circular.-: and terms address the publisher. .. li. UUIlll ii 11 YD!:. HARTFORD, CONN., or CHICAGO, ILL. AGENTS WANTED FOR TEE .SHE AT IHA3USTIIIES OF THE UNITED STaTES; This work is n complete liifti.ry of all bi a'ichcs of industry, and is a complete en cyclopedia of art; and manufactures. Oue agent, snlil 133 copies in eight days, nnother sold 80S in two weeks, specimens sent free on receipt of stamp. J. 2. EUEESJi HYDE, ruUi&ters, HARTFORD, CONN., on C'HICAOO, ILL A NEW BOOK I!y a a popular Author, will he ready in a few weeks. Agents who would secure tcr. ritory, should apply at once. J. . EUBE Si IIYLE, Publishers, 1URTFD11D, CONN., ou CIIICACO.If.L. i BY WAIL as CENTS I f K HOW I RANTED. We will give men and wo y men BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY. from $ 1 to $8 per day, can bo pursued iu your own neighborhood; it is a rare chance for those out of euiploymeut or having leisure time, girls and boys frequently do as well as men. Particulars free. Address J. LATHAM & CO., 2!)2 Washington St., Boston, Mass tilitO SEEDS, TLANTS, TREES, PREPAID DY MAIL. My new priced descriptive Catalogue of Choice Flower and Garden Seeds, 2-3 sorts of either for 81; new aud choice varieties of Fruit aud Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens, Roses, drapes, Lillies, Small Fruits, House aud Border l'lunts and Bulbs; one year grafted Fruit Trees for mailing; Fruit Stccks of all kiuds: Hedge l'lunts, &c,; tho most, complete assortment in the country, will be sent gratis to any plain address, with P. O. box. True Cape Cod Ciauberry for upland or lowland, jvG per 1000; $1 per 100, prepaid by uiuil. Trade List to dealers. Seeds on Commis sion. Agents wanted. li. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries ami Seed Warchous, Plymouth, Mass. Es tablished 1812. ADYEBTISE BUSINESS CARDS. ( J R Attorney-at,-w, 2 2 If. idgwny, l'a. J O. W. UA1LKV, ATTORNEY-ATLAW. vln.jyl. Ridgway, Elk County, 1. . Agent for tho Traveler's Eifc and Accl dcut lniiurnucc Co., of Hartford, Conn. IJUI'US LUCORE, Attomoy-nt-Lair, JLV Ridgway, Elk Co., l'a. Offioe in nail's new liik-k Ruilding. Cluims for collection prouijitly attended (o. vnlly. JjEYNOLOS HOUSE, EEY1C0LISVILLE, JIFFL ESC1I CO, r A. H. S. BELNAP, Peopbietor . J. S. EOELWELL, M, D, Eclectic Physician nnd Surgeon, has remov ed Ina otlicc from Centre street, to Main at. Kidgway, Pa,, iu the second story of the new brick building of John O. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store, Ulhce hours: to 9 a- ni: 1 to 2 p. ta. 7 8 p, in. jan U li G G. MESSENGER, j" Druggist and l'arnceutist eorner of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Douiestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vlu3y. T S. HARTLEY, M. D., Physicinn ana Surgeon. Itidgwny, Ta. Oflice in Walker's Ruilding. Special attention given to Surgery. Office house lrom 8 a. m. to 10 p, m. Residence on corr.erof South and Court streets, op posite the new School House. All calls promptly attended to.' vln2yl. (-111ARLES. HOLES, ' J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jrweler, Main street, Kidgway, l'a. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, nnd Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, done with he sauio accuracy as heretofore. Satis actiou guarautued. vlnly. ri'UIAYER HOUSE, J RILEY & BUO., Proprietors. tor. Mill aud Centre Sts., Uidgway, Ta. The ptopriitors take this method of au l.ouucing to tho public thut they have re futed, revised, and improved, this well known hotel, nud arc prepared to entertain all who favor them with tueir patronage, in. the best style and at low ru'es. Good stabling attached. vSnCtf. HYDE HOUSE, Ri now at, Elk Co., Pa. W. 11. fcTliUAAl, Proprietor. Thcukful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, tho new proprietor, hopes, ty paying Btrict ai teiitiou to the couil'urt nnd convenience of guests, lo merit a continuance oi tho same. Oct 'M Ufi'.i. HK OLD LLCKTA1LS HOTEL, tvaiie, MeKean Co., Pa R. E. LOOKER, I'loprieior. Thankful tor the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro. priet'jr, lioies, by paying strict attention to tile comtui t and convenience of guests, to iiK-rit a continuance cf the same. The only stables tor horses iu Rime aud well kept infill or day. Ball attached to the Hotel. vlu2iiyl. 1 1 AL..L, Co JiilO AtLoi'ucy,-! - at Law '6 i. MAKI'i-, JO. IN U. r.ALl...... I AS. K. i'. EUSEY lloLSE, JL. CLMutviLLi;, Elk Co., Pa. John I'ui.i.ixsi, 1'ioprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretotoro so liberiliy bestoweil upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict ut letiliou lo the comfort and convenience! ot guests, I merit a continuance of the same. JAMES P&NFiELD, (Successor to W. C. Healy,) LEVr.Ktt IN PLODUCi, EilUITS, &o. vouTtf. West-End, Ridgway, Pa. S. A. BOTE, P II OTOG li A P HER, AND UKALLU. IX' Chrotnos, Stereoscopic Vkjws, Picture Fiames, &o. WEST END, RIDGWAY, ELK CO. PA.. v2n2tf. JEERED. eCHOENING, WllOLtSALt AND BLIAIL UEALLU IN PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC ROOKS. I'innos and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. Prothouotary's Office, Ridgway, Pa. vJuJOtf. P. W. HAYS, DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. . Ear ley 1. O. vlulTtf. 1 E)V STAGE ROUTE. J. C. BURNS, Proprietor. The subscriber having Becured the con tract for carrying the U. S. Mail betneeu EEYNOLDSVILLE & RROCICWAY V1LLE has placed ou that road a liuo of hacks. Hacks leave the Exchange Hotel iu Reyuoldville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ou tho ui rival ui' the Brooitville stage, uud return tho same day. These haclts connect at Brockway villo with tha Ridgway stages, making couueoliou with trams ou the P. 4: JS. Road, both east and west. Every attention to the comfort ot patrons of this line will be given, und liberal patronage solicited. Aug. 13-72U.