Editor THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1873. GENERAL NEWS. Warren, Ohio, is to have a womnn brass band. Washington i county, Now Jersey, ' still has threo feet of snow. A skeptical citizen oi Rock ford made a ghost siok last week, with a revolver. Tho first fractv.rci log of this year's base ball season is reported from Iowa. In Wisconsin a jury never agrees un til it has consumed a small keg of lagor. New York wiil sond twenty journalists to the Exposition. ' Graashoppars are getting in their work in Parker county, Texaa. Savannah, Ga., has tallied ono for the first sunstroke of the season. Ncllio Grant will be eighteen years old on the 4th of July. , There are elephants in Kansas, bv.t you hr.ve to dig for them if want then:. Tennassee pensions forty-nine soldiers of the war of 1812 and four of the revo lution. A lately deceased millionaire's estate Jn San Fransisco in chimed by four law ful widows already. A bill making civil marriages compul sory is about to bo introduced 'a the German Parliament. A London pas company has dispensed with stokers, and proposos to niuke its gas by machinery. A Colorado banker sends a brick to the Vienna Exposition. It is of solid gold and weighs 400 pounds. Michigan sever brags about it, but she has sixty murderers in her prison under life sentences. Preparations are making for tho sur vey of the route of a railroad from Johnstown to Bedford. Advertising reminds people of thinps they had been wanting all along, but had forgotten all about. The Atlantic Cable Companies have increased their rates to one dollar and a half iu gold per word. High-toned gentlemen who throw pepper in tho eyes of those they wish to they wish to rob, are called "Cayenne artists," in New York. It is said that in Scotland one man in every thou.-aud goes to college ; in Ger many the proportion i one for every 2.000; in England it is one for every 5,8(10, The Iuternal Revenue Bureau has re deemed over 200,000 worth of stamps pinco tho last act ou account of the abolition of tho tax on many dutiable ar ticles. ' A Terre Haute (Indiana) mr.Io saved a valuable hosse for his owner a few nights ago by kicking tho thief out of the stable. Sunday bootblacks about Court Square, Boston, make from 815 to 825 a week, and have huuureds of doll ira in tho savings banks. Two candidates for a local ofllce in Illinois roc.ciyina nnt -x"-, s.:'J"'whia'ti -Wum'TTuvo the oince. A South Carolina Lothario has ruined the peace of one family by seducing one daughter, marrying another, and run ning away with a third. The hornets and wasp?, which ore of an industrious if not afluetiomito disposi tion, are beginning to reconnoitre for summer residence?. A Buffalo tirl, pretty and eighteen, has sold over five hundred sewing rtia- chines in the last two yeao. She c!s with a horse and wagon. trav A Minnesota lover lately captured his uuioinea, ageu unccn. iroin her reluctant parents, and drew her to his forest home a distance of eight miles, on a hand-sled I ho Director of the Mint has fixed tho chuge for coming the nnv? trade dol lar at half ceut per cent piece, which is the lowc.-t possible rate under the law j-uu man ioa or tno nnston hra is placed at 870,000,000. Total insurance $54,000,000. 80,875.342, or 057 3-10 per cent, of the entire loss has been paid A man at Montezuma, Iowa, said his prayers, took a club, waded into his corn crib, and slaughered 151 rats. This ho swears to before a notary public. A six foot abla bodied constable at Hennepin, III., recently knocked a blind man down, and shot seven times at a six year o'J b y before tho Utter sunend ered. Requisitions aggregating fro.u fifteen to twenty millions for new postal cards were received at the Postollice Department. Philadelphia alone wants one million, first iu3iallment. As but five million will be rer.dy on tho first proximo, it will be necessary to cut down most of the requisitions, and in doing this preference will by given to larger cities, where it is presumed the demand will be greatest. Those requisition will not bo passed upon until the firut of May, and immediately after will fce sett to the postal card agency at Springfield, Mass.. to be filled. As it will take three or four days to exanmiue this requisition, it is not probable that tho new cards will be on hand end for sula in the dif ferent larger cities beforo tho 8th or 10th of May. The Supreme Court of Illinios ha3 just rendered a decision which is of im portance to the public, as confirming the principle that railroad corporations may not make contracts between themselves that are detrimental to the publio inter ests, and that contracts which impair their duty as common carriers are void as to the public, even though they may be enforced as between the two contract ing parties. IlENBY A. PAR80NS, Jr. A Ciiicaoo paper tolls a storv of real life thus : "Uocpuse Rhe did not have boiled cabhago for (inner, last Thursday a Peoria husband would'nt speak to his wue an an :ue rest ot the day, etayid out all Dight, and took his meals down town next day ; nnd for the noxt veek he had boiled cabbage three limes a day. Worcester, Massachusetts, papers tell of a woman topping ia that city, not J3t thirty years old, who is the mother of thirteen childern. The horse in which Andrew Johnson was born ,in Raleigh, N. C, was torn down b.tcly, and the people flocked about to secure tho nails and splinters for relies. So rays a local paper, hut wo imagino the people can God a better uso for old nails and kindlbg wood. . At Piochc, Nevada, a boring shaft, at a distaco of three hundred feet, struck into a subterraneous rivor, moving with so rapid a current ns, at onca to cause a powerful draft of air downward through the shaft. As there is no running stream in the neighborhood, this subter raneous river is to be made se of for irrigation. It is generally bolcived now by met eorologists, says tho New York Thie, tint we are to have a cycle of very hot summer.-!. An eminent sanitarian in the Health Departmoni, Dr. Stephen Smith, has already issued a report suggesting measures aunng tho coming summer, which shall prevent the fatal effects of the expected heat. Omaha, April 25. A dispatch from North Platte, Nebraska, reports that a party of Meoorogno Indians are on the war path on Burnt Wood creek near that point. J he troops stationed there, to cnther with many armed citizens have gone in pursuit of tho band, who threaten to murder all settlers in that territory in retaliation oo whites for kill ing an Indian a few weeks siuce. No uews has been received yet from the ex pedition. The Indians The entire number of Indiaus having relations with the United States, exclusive of 70,000 in Alaska, is about 300,000, of which 130, 000 are self-supporting; 84,000 are supported in part by the Government; 31,000 by the Government entirely ; the remainder, 55,000, living by maraud ing and hunting. Ia the Iudian report. 07,000 are set down as civilized, and 78,0110 as wholly s-ivago. In the 97, 000 "civilized" the Mo-iocs were in cluded. We hope we shall have no more specimens of a similar ci ilization. The littie island of Cuba-beautiful as a Euubccni on the eca waters-has but fiifteea per ceut. of her lands under cultivation. Yet she exports annually to the amouDt of 810,000.000. There is a yearly revenue of 37,000,000, only $10,000,000 cf which goes to the par ent government, the balance being ex pended on the inland government officials According to a valuable exchange, a third of the island is covered tUo rarest timber, which yiolds woods of the rarest kinds. It is also rich in gold, copper, lead and iron. .wZJ'?.. '"A'V.'.'Ura'"u'i"uie 'delicious peach to learn that there is every prospect of a large ciop iu Delaware, The Wilming ton Com mere in I informs us that the crop, which stio time ago was believed to L'e setioi'.sly injured by the severe cold of the winter, now promises to be the largest that has been grown for several years. In the cciral end lower portions of the peninsula the trees have bloomed and are liter.-.'.ly covered with rose-tinted blossoms. T liu crop, however is cot be yond possible injury, for it is a.tecded with enemies eve-i up to maturity ; still the indications are that the crcp will be an unusually large oue iu the districts named. Who Are Entitled to Pens-ions. Among the provisions of the new pen sion aot ore tho following : All pcrpons who have lost a le above the knee, nnd are so disabled thereby that they cannot use an artificial limb, shall be rated in the second class, aud receive twenty-four dollars per month. All persons having lost the hearing of both cits, to receive thirteen dollar.) per month. Section five provides that tho rate of eighteen dol lars pet month may bo proportionately divided for any degree of disability es tablished for which tho second section makes no pV.ivisiou. The new law also adds two years to the limitations under which c!aiji3 may be established. Friday. There is a superstitious m- tiou extensively prevailing thut Friday is an "uulucky" day -that enterprises origi nated or begun on that day invariably end badly. This superstition is peculi arly prevalent among sailors. An at tempt was made in England at ono time to eradicate it bv laying the keel of a ship on Friday, launching her on Friday, cristeuing her on Friday, and starting her upon her voyage on Friday. It was with great difficulty marines enouffh oould bo found to man her. She started upon her cruise, and that was the last that was ever heard of her, bo that the plan taken to eradicate tho superstition only confirmed it. Friday has been an eventful and auspicious day in American history. It was on h riday that Colum bus started ou hU voyage of discovery oo inlay, ten weeks after, he discovered Ap:crica. On Friday, Ilenty VH'gave John Cabot the commission that led to the discovery of North America; on Friday the Mayflower, with the pil grims, arrived at Princefowu ; on Friday George Washington, waa born ; on Friday Bunker Hill was seized and fort ified ; on Friday Saratoga was surren dered j on Friday Cornwallis surren dered at York town ; and on Friday the motion was made in Congress that tho United States were, and of right oujrht to be free and independent. Pitts burgh Telegraph. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, AND IIOUSEFURNISHIITG GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Tools, Lumbermen Tools. In fact everything usually kept iu a first-class Hardware Store. Employing Workmen and nothing but first class material used. t & A ? OPPOSITE THE COURT W- S- .tf. MEW DISCOVERY In Cbenkcnl and TCoitical Science. Dr. E. F. G ATIVIU'S SOLUTION AND COMPOUND ELIXIR FIRST H ONLY ROLT-TTOX cTPr.matle In ouv mist nr.- of A 1. 1, THE TWSLV K valuaUe a'ajve priociju&i ibe wt-U known curative agent, TI3VU TR33R TAR. TOFOrALT.F.t) in Couqha, Colds, Catarrt, Asthma, Muiituius, nun vuraumpuout CUKES WITHOUT PAlIi A rwnt cold In tlirrc to nix hour; nnfl also. V if II AI.IS.INH, PUKIFVINtt and BTIMUJ-ATINO etfion upon the (jencm! Btem, ia remarkably etlico- BISKASES OT? THE BtOOD, moiaim riuruiula and Eruptions of the skin, Dy . pepsin, liiseusenf the I,iv..r and Kidneys, lleai t D. eiutt, and Munernl Dehility. ONE TRIAL CONVINCES I DK. OAJtVIM'S VOLATILE SOLUTION df TAR MEDICATED B3A remarkably Ta'.unble discovery, which ponl- CATAKKST, IlKONCJSrilS, ASTHMA, and nil Diseases of the KOSJG, THROAT ana THE COMPOUND TAR AND MANDRAKE PILTj, for in connection with tho ELIXIR TAIl, is a STJr " of tbB TWO mut Taluible ALTERA Tlvh Alcdicinea knwu in the profession, and ren ders thia Pill without asoaplioa tho very best T3T ollerea. Eolation M Ccmpound Elixir. ) f'1. 'rawBottto Iat mi Jlrndrako Pilla, S5cU per Box. Medicatea Inhalation, $5.00 per Prxiege. E?na for Clroular of POPITIVK CtUIii to your Drufce '.it, or to r. HYDS tc CO., aOLB PBOSBIETOBS, 19fi Seventh Ave., Xew York,- TO HtoiiK. CAJri1SSEMS. A NE'.V OF Bl'.NNI.NQ A Subscription Book. CAN SELL THOUSANDS!! PLAIN HOME TALK 13 nhin talk about ihg body anJ its physical eocui. necai. ur. ;. tooTE, author of '-Medical Corr.tnou Sanfc." cf Ko. 120 Lexington Ave., i ., 'who eDterttvins evcrj-bc.l.v witU his pea, and cures overy. body by hia skill, in irs author. Ia he tuou?inil pages it rvnswora a thousina qitestinns you don't rvnnt to go to your physician about. It ij, as is stamped upon its cover, "a book for private and consid erate reading." Irice ivl.25. aud sent, postage prepaid, aver; where. A beautiful original o'lionio, wouuted, "Xuaow Puysio to tuk Does," worth $10, goes with the book. No chromo without the book No book without the chrouio. Address MUR RAY hill ruiinsm.vq companno ii: taaizwu btieet, Now xork. Bi It. mm 3 none but first-class 4i is &m HOUSE, RIDGWAY. PA. SERVICE & CO- 10 PERCENT. INVESTMENTS SECURED Bi' FIRST MOllTGAGE ON (Estate SSaorth THREE TIMES T11E SUM LOANED. Interest Payable Semi-AnnuaUy. At the Banking House ot a. T. T. ia m-. " - a f u u u j ir. Iu New Tork'City, or at any Dr.nk de signated by the lender. K ARE INVESTING FOR EASTERN p&rtius innny thousniid of dollars per month in firut mortya.ts on improved properiy in Illinois, ana Kucli !ms been the dciurud for theso de.iiruhle eecurities, liat no haye, during the la3t fifteen nionlhs, placed in them nearly one miiiion dollar), the senii-uuujul intereit on which has, iu each and every case, been promptly paid. Those mortg:ea ai-3 in the form of Trust Deeds, and can be clossd in 20 days should thero be a failure to pay interest or taxes when due. We invest any sum, be it largo or small, and collect and remit interest and principal as it matures, all without expense to the lender. Can refer to parties for whom we have loaned largo ninount:i, nnd who have never lost a dollar either of principal or int. crest in this class of securitiss during the last JitecH tiins. Send for our pamphlet. "Jllinoit as a place of Investment," untiled free. HENRV C. WILSON, GKO. W, TOMS. WJLSOJV A TOMS, Dealers i.v Ukal Estate Ten Peu Ck.nt. EcuKrms and School Konds. BLOOMINGTCN, ILLINOI? jau 16 71 yl ECW TO &0 WEST. 1 bis u an i.-Kjuiiy which every one shuuld have truthfully answered before ho blurts ou his juurncy, aud a litth care taken in examination of Routes wil in many casses save much trouble, time and money. MM . ,.n Tl f- .. . j no o ox . .," runtung from Chicago, throu''h Galesburg to Turlington, and the "I . B. &V. Route runiDDi; from Jndiaaapolis, throu);h Hloomington to BurliDgton, have achiev ed splendid reputation ia "the last two years bm the leading Passengers Routes to the West. At Uurhngtou they con nect with the 13. & M. R. R. and from the great Burlington Route, which runs direct through Southern Iowa to Nebras ka and Kausas, with close connections to California and the Territories aud passengers starting from Elk County, ou their way westward, oanuot do better thau to t ike the Burlington Houte. This Line has published a pamphlet called "IIow to go West," which con tains much valuaoie information; a lurge correct map ol the Grea- Wesi, which can be obtaiued free of chaige by ad dressing tho General Passenger Agent ft, it T f I. n -n ,. -I tue a. ov VI. it.. KurllDClOD. 10W i F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO JAMESJI- IIAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa,. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTY. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN BIDGWAY. DAN SC1UBNER WISHES TO IN- form the Cittzens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that at has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES n d Buggies, to let upon the most reasona ble terms B?i,He will also'do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt attention. Aug 20 1870. tf. BOOK AOENT8 FOR TUB Funny Side cf Physic. 800 Paget, and 250 Engravings. A stnrtling expose of Medical Humbugs of the past and present. It ventilate? .Mincks Travelling Doctors, Noted Female Cheats, Fortune Tellers and Mediums, and gives interesting narratives of Noted Thysicinns. It reveals startling secrets, and it is invalu able to all. We give exe'.usive territory and liberal commissions For circulars and terms address the publishers. J. IS. BUKU & 11YDK, IIARTFOKD, CON., or CHICAGO, ILL. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT I1TEUSTRIES vr iiiti BMTEH KTATKS; This work is'a complete history of all branches of industry, and is a complete en cyclopedia of arts and manufactures. One agent sold 133 copies in eirht days, another oum ouo in . wo weoKs. specimens sent :reo on receipt of stamp. J- B- BUE3 i HYDS, Publishers, IIARTFOUO, CONN., oir CHICAGO, ILL A NEW BOOK Ily a a popular Author, will be readv in few weeks. Agents who would secure ter ritory, should apply at once. J. . BUSS & HYDE, Publishers, HARTFORD, CONN., on CHICAGO.ILL. .By MA 11. 2B CENTS) J1 1 41. PARK WOW I " 1ewyorH RANTED. Tt'c will give men and wo- BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY. from $4 to SS per day, enn be pursued in your own neigiiooriiooii; it is a rare chance for those out of employment or having leisure time, girls aud boys frequently do as well as men. Particulars free. Address J LATHAM & CO., Washington St., Boston, Has i.Ct0 SEKDS, PLANTS, TRUES, PREPAID BV MAIL. My new priced doscriptivs Catalogue of Choice Flower and Uardeu Seeds, 25 sorts of either for$l; new and choice varieties of Fruit and Urumicntal Trees. Shrubs. Evergreens, Roses, Urapag, Lillieg, Small Fruits, House and Border Plants and Bulbs; cne year grafted Fruit Trees for mailing; Fruit SucV s of all kindd: Hedze Plants, &o,; the most, complete assortment in the oountry, will be tent gratis to any plain address, with P. O. box. True Cape Cod Cranberry for upland or lowland, $Q per 100O; $1 per 100, prepaid by mail. Trade List to dealers. Seeds on Commis sion. Agents wanted. B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries ana beea VNareuous, i'lyiuoulu, ilass. tabUshad 1842. .' wo.-. Mpivuwiu, . .(IUUU.U, WUfl. i ADVERTISE ' LIST of Traferse Jurors drawn for Speaial Term of Court, May 19th, 1873, Bcnezcttc. Wm. E. Johnson, H. R. Wilson, Ed. Fletcher. 1 ' Benzinger. Thomas Kerner, Peter Herbstritt, Joseph Kerner. Fox. James McCloskey,J Lewis Iddings, Daid Shudders, John Collins, William Wood. Highland. Tkomas Campbell, Jr. Horton. Joseph Hollo, Joseph Clinton. Jay. John Murphy, Jacob Ovill. Jones. John Marsh, John Miller, Joseph Nye, John C. Johnson, Jr. Millstone. G. C. F. Heoff. Ridgway John Bryndle, Melvin Gardner, W. W. Brewer, Isaae Horton, Jr., E. K. Gresh, Geo. Messenger, Jr., John Kemmerer, Patrick ltiley, Jr., Jadlcs PenGeld. St. Mary's Boro. Geo. Weiden boerner, James Sneeringer, Leondard Wittman, Henry Fochtman, Peter Wilhelm (tailor), Daniel Scull. Spring Creek. Luman B. Elliott, Aaron Fullmer. New Advertisements. 80 DOLLARS Worth o f goods advanoed to agents to commence business with, and largo commissions allowed for selling. Address, J. 8. CON OVER, Coldwater, Mich. n8t!3. JAMES PENFIELD, (Successor to W. C. Healy,) DEALSa IN GOODS, G10CEUI2S, PK07ISI0N3 PRODUCE, FRUITS, ko. v3n7tf. West End, Ridgway, Pa. SHESIFP'S 3ALR By virtue of a writ of Ven. Ex. issued out of the Court of Common Ploas of Elk County, and to me directed I will expos? to sale by publio vendue or outcry at the Court House in Ridgway. Elk Co., Pit., on MONDAY, THE 19th DAY OF MAY, A. D. 1873, at one o'clock, p. a., all the right, title, interest, claim nnd demand whatso ever of the following described property: All that certain pieco or parcel of ground situate in (he Boronch of St. Mary's Elk County Pennsylvania, described aj follows to wit: Bezinniuc at a post in Washington street, being tho northeast corner jof lard owned by B. ECKLE, thenco south thirteen degrees east along u. LtaLti S iana u.neiy two feet and sixteenth of a foot to the Fouthea3t corner of B. ECKEL'S land, thence south eighty ar.d one-half degrees west etehty-two and 1ive-tenth3 ieet to a post, thence south thirty-seven and two thirds degrees east nincty-nino feet more or less to the line of the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad, thenoe along the lino of oaid railroad north forty-two degress and forty minutes east one hundred and seven feet to a post, thence north nine degrees wes one hundred and fifty -nine foet more or less to a post, on the lme ot Washington Btreet, thence south eighty-one degrees west sixty-five and five-tonfas feet to the place of beginning, containing thirteen thousand six hundred and eighty-eight square feet be the same more or less. Be ing part of a oonvcynnce made by the said B. ECKLE to the said JOSEPH WIND- FKLDKIt bv deed dated tho ninth day of June, A. J). upon whion premisuu J nrecteJ oue frame house tvro stories high --iOU 1UUU .HSU UUC OUm.v . 4. Baloon 12x20 foot ono story hirht. Ihe above property being known as the Alpine House property. ALSO All that certain piece of land in the Borough of St. Mary's in the County of Elk and State of Pennsylvania. Be ginning at a point on the Philadelphia & Erie depot road, at the north-east corner of JOHN KRUGH'S lot, thence north fifty.lwo uegrees and forty minutes east one nun dred and fifty-six foet more or less to the northeast corner of LOUIS BAYER'S lot, thence south thirtytwo and one-half de grees, east one hundred nnd seventy-three feet, thence north seventy-three degrees west seventy-five feet, thence north seventy five feet, thence northseventy-six and one half degrees west seventy-one feet, thence south eighty-three degrees west sixty-two feet more or less to the rear line of JOHN KRUGH'S lot, thence north thirty-four and one half degrees west twenty-five feet more or less to the place of beginning, con taiuing thirteen thousand six hundred and our (Iou04) square feet more or less, lie ing part of a conveyance made to NICHOLAS HILL by MATHIAS BEN ZINGER and others, upon which premises is erected one frame burn one story high 40x48 feet, aud harness room 10x10 feet Being the property on which the Alpine House barn is erected. Levied upon as the property of JAMES A. LAKUAi, and to be sold by D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Offick, Ridgway, April.24lh, 1873. f 8te. GET 1 HE BEvVl' Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. 10,000 Words and Meanings not in other Dictionaries. SOOO Engravings: 1840 Pages Quarto. Price $12. Webster now is glorious it leaves nothing to be desired. Pres. Ray mond, Vassar jCollego. Every scholar knows the value of tho work. W. H. Preseott, the Historian. en oue of my daily companions. John L. Motley, the Historian, &c. ST. erior in most respects to any other nown to me. fOeoree P. Marsh. he best guide of students of our lan guage. TJohn G. Wbittier. ITxcels all others in defining scientific 2j terms. President Hitchoock. Remarkable compendium of human knowledge f W. S. Clark. Pres't Ax. College. A necessity for every intelligent family. student, teacher aud professional man. What Library is complete without the best English Dictionary? . ALSO Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary 1870 Pages Octavo. 600 Engravings. Prioe $5. The Work is really a gem of a Dictionary, just the thing for the million. Americas r-uucational Monthly. furnished by U. & V. MEKRIAM. Springfield, Mass. Sold by all Booksellers. BUSINESS CARDS. A. 11AT1IBUN, Attorney-at-law, 12 2 tf. Kidg-ray, la. J OHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg. way, Elk county Pa. niar-ite'Olil J O. W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vlnioyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. . Agent for the Traveler's Life and AooJ dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. T) UFUS LUCORE, Atlorney-at-Law, XV Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Office ia 11 a li s new Dnck Building. Claims for co Uection promptly attended to. vSnlly. jEYNOLOS HOUSE, B37N0LDSVILLE, JEFFS S30N CO, PA. II . S. BELNAP, pRoraiEToa . r D. PARSONS, Manufacturer uDd Dealer in Boots end Shoes. Main St.. orroti te the 21 tel, Wilcox Pa. J. S. BORE WELL, 1&, D. Eclectio Physician and Surgeon, has remov ed his office from Centre street, to Main st. Ridgway, Pa in the second story of the new brick building cf John G. Ilall. oppo site Hyde's stor?. Oluce hour.': B 9 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m, 1 8 p. m. jan 9 16 GG. MESSENGER, Druggist aud Paraceutist corner of iVlriltl ATvl Mill RtrpPtH. Kirlrrttrni. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign ana uomestio uruga. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night vln3y. m 8. HARTLEY, M. D., .S. Physician and Surgeon, ludgway, Pa. Office in Walker's Buildiug. Special attention given to Surgery. Office house lroin S a. m. to 10 p.m. Residence ou corner of South nnd Court streets, op posite the new School House. All calls promptly attended to. vln2yl. t1IIARLE3,HOLES, ' Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Itowo Se-flrtg Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, done witU he samo accuracy as heretofore. Satis action guaranteed. vlnly. rpiIAYEtt HOUSE, K1LEY & BUO., Proprietors, cor. Mill aud Centre Sts., Itidgway, Pa. Tho proprietors take this method of an nouuuiug to the public that they have re fitted, revised, uud improved, this well kuuwu holtd, and are prepared to entertain all who lavjr them with tueir patronage, in the best stylo and at low rates. Good stabling attached. vftntkf. TTVDE HOUSE, 1 1 Riiiowat, Elk Co., Pa. W. U. SCHRAM, Proprietor. 'rhaakful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct "0 1800. rjjUlli OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, JJ Kane, JVIcKean Co., Pi R. !. JLOOHJUH, 1'roprielor. Thankful ibr the put rouRge horolot'orm so i nr KHwa(, iiin. .-..., .he ct pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to tho comfort aud conveuicuoe of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. The) ouly stables lor horses in Kane and well kept night or day. Hall attached to the Hotel. vln2yl. J 1 ALL & UliO Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELK CC'JKTY PNJTS7LYA1TIA. JO.ING. HALL JAS. K. P. HALI K ERSEY HOUSE, CENT11SV1LLE, ELK Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the niltl-onnirn lioratntnra 80 liberilly bestowed unon him. thn m. proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at- euiiou to me conuori and convenience of guests, t merit a continuance of the same. S. A. BOTE, PHOTOGRAPHER, AND DEALER IU Chromos, Stereoscopio Views, Pictura Frames, &o. WEST END, RIDGWAY, ELK CO. PA v2u2tf. F RED. SC1IOENING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER III PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOKS. Pianos and oreans to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. Prothouotary's Office, Ridgway, Pa. v2u Mtt. P. W. HAYS, DEALKfc. IK Dry Goods, Notions, Grcceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Ear ley J. O. vln47f. .1 EW STAGE ROUTE. J. C. BUXXS, Proprietor. The subscriber havinir geniim.l h traot for oarrying the U. 8. Mail between REYNOLDS VILLE i BROCK.WAY VILLB has placed on that road a line of hacks. Hacks leave the Exchange Hotel ia Revnoldville everv Tn.u rk...i.. . Saturday on the airival of' the Broonville wKo, ami reiurn tne same day. These backs connect at 'Brookwayville with the '. Ridgway stages, making connection, with trains on the P. & E. Road, both east aud west. Every attention to the comfort of patrons of this line will be given, and a liberal patronage solicited. Aag. iB-JZtl.