fur-' Henry A. Parsons, Jr. Editor THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1873. What thi Lkoislatwr Both branches ot the Legislature will ndjotirn to-day at noon, and what u done by the body during its long session, remains yet to be understood, because the greater part ot the mischievous bills passed were nerer printed, and will only become fully understood when they go into the pages of the official volume of laws. The amount of private legislation secured at this'sessioo, aotwithstanding he Irce use of the veto power by the Governor, was immense, and much of it of a mischievous character. The great corporations got all they wanted, while the attempts of little combinations to se cure incorporate privileges were either snubbed in the Legislature or crushed in the Executive Chamber. Of course, there were wliolcsomo.laws enacted, but of these we cannot speak, until we see them in priut, and it is better therefore to refrain from free criticisms' at pres ent. Every years' expsrionce convinces us of the necessity of more closoly defining the powers of the Legislative branch of tho government; of restraining within certain limits, and making the Constitu tion as plain and comprehensive in i's control and direction of legislation (hat we know just what a Legislature can and cannot do. Under the present rul ing, there is no limitation to the powers of a Legislature. By long practice un- rebuked it assumes to be the supreme power of the government, to dispose of its franchises and wound its vitality, as its caprice or interests uiaj dictate The press has fearlessly warned the people of this growing tendency to evil, and when the disaster comes, which is the legioal result ot such a course of action, the people will have themselves to blame for all they snfler from its effects.-St.ite Journal, 10th inst. B The Science oe Health for May opens with "Health against Fashion," il lustrated. "The Diet and Regimen of a Nursing Mother" is important ; "Sea sonable Dishes" tells how to prepare and cook early vegetables, and how to make Graham biscuits or Gems, with illustra tions; Teeth among Different Nations ; Disease and its treatment ; Popular Physiology ; Flatulence and Heart burn; Health of Mechanics; American verm Chinese Medicine. These, with the in formation contained in answers to corres pondents, and other valnable notes, make up a good number of this excelleut Magazine, which uhould find its way into every family. Subscription price only 2 a year; Single numbers 20 cents The Publishers offers it three months, oa trial,for 23 cents. All may try it. Address S. R. Wells, 330 Broadway, N. Y. Explosives. We feel sometimes inclined (says the Boston Glule) to agree with that philosopher who, seeing how the present was wiping out the lond traditions of the past, gave vent to the immortal expression : "Things is changen'." These remarks are drawn foith by the curious propensity the most harmless things have lately acquired to explode. It was but a short time since that we read a explosion of a mince pie, and it was not long ago that we beard of a bottle ot sweet oil going off with a bang like a pistol. The papers have re corded the explosion of ladies' chignons, and a harrowing account was lately published of the explosion of one of those mysterious articles of the female toilet that are mainly instrumental in proiucing that graceful angle known as the Grecian bend. But these are nothing to the fact that Miss Lottie Osgood, of Gotham, New Hampshire, was seriously injured by the explosion of a handful of of scraps of paper which she threw into the stove, a few days ago. It this sort of a thing is to go on, we shall have to follow in the wake of navies of the world. and protect ourselVes with sheet-iron, or something of the kind. Discharged from Debt. It is common impression thai it a debtor pays 50 per cent, of his debt, and tulce fVom his creditor a receipt in full, the creditor cannot thereafter enforce the payment of the balance of his claim. the con trary, however, is the case. No credi tor is bound to take less than the full a mount ot claim Jin satisfaction of it, even though be promises to do so, unless the promise to release the debtor is based upon a consideration. As, for instance, if one promise to release bis debtor upon his payment of a portion of his claim, the promise is without consideration and void: in other words t be debtor mvea nothing to the creditor for making it. His payment of a portion ot the debt is not a consideration tor tbe debt be always owes and is bound to pay. But if the ereditor promises to release the debtor upon bi paying him a protion- of the claim, and, in addition, pertorming some sorviee, here the set vice per formed would be a consideration for the promise, and the release a valid one This is common law, well settled throughout our country by numerous deoibioos and more recently in the ease of llyan vs. Ward, deoided by the Com mission of Appeals at Albany. Amer lorn Grocer. LETTES FSOM FL0E1BA. Jackson villb, Fla. 1 ; " , . April 5th, 1873 Dear Advocate. I am Dot quite sure what kind of weather you are hav ing up there in your latitude but of this one thing I am certain, "Old Sol" is on duty in fine earnest down here, and has been keeping the murcury well up for some days past, so well up that the writer has had no uso for woolen goods of any description for a week past, and for that matter cotten and linen has been as weighty as comfort desires. The weather is not only warm but the atmo sphere is dry and balmy, having about the same effect on the system for toning it up, that a dry bitter oold day would have in our Northern climate, without the unpleasant sensation upon the sur face that always attends a sold day. Now while I write (3-30 p. m.) the thermometer stands at 85 yet there is a very pleasant breeze from the south, and one of the advantages of hot weather here is, that we have pleasant nights, so that tbere is no trouble about that little matter of 6leep so extensively indulged in by the people of this section. North ern health and pleasure seekers are be ginning to leave for the north, stopping on the way at diffeient points, having their calculations to reach home from the 1st to the middle of May. But you may be, to some extent desir ous of knowing something abuot the price of real estate, and the character of the soil. Well as to the price of land here it ranges between 75 cts. and $25, 000 per acre. A good wide margin, I say you, so it is but such is the case, but when I speak of lands worth $25, 000 por acre we mean the high priced city lots in this city, (where lots rate as high as $150.00 per foot from lands worth 75 cents per acre, are, so far as soil is concerned in very many iastauces superior to that ot the high priced luuds in city lots, but they - lie in the interior, and are what I would call wilil or uncul tivated lands. So far as I can learn lands on the'St. Johns liiverlroiu this noint to Enterprise wdistancet of 205 miles, could not bo bought at uny point for less than $20 per acre. There are a great many iuquiriesforjaud suit able for the culture of the oiauge,aud every one seems to have orange groves on tho brain, and on. the south and castas Wis ot the St. Johns has the rep utation ot being the best iorkthe growth ot the orange. Yet it would seem that when there is frost enough here to in jure the orange, it is also injured as far soutb as the Indian Ri?er, 300 miles soaib of this pluce. Persons wanting information as to any of the peculiarities of the soil in any part of the state, can obtain it by writing or calling on J. II. NortOD, real estate agent, Jacksonville, Fla., who is thougbly acquainted with every part of the state andchcerlullj anvvers all questions to persons wanting information about Florida Lands.Nor ton is a Northern man, and a prince among the princes of men. Well yesterday was Election day with us (but the subscriber didn'tjvote) and a more orderly Election wo never witness ed any where than here. The ''Ameri can Citizens of African deeout" exercis ed their right of franchise in an orderly and intelligent manner,in a way to reflect credit upon them as citizens. The people's ticket was elected, most of the men elected were straight republi cans. The City Marshal, and three of eight Alderman are oolorcd. A peculiar and by no means uupleasaut feature of the election was the presence of a most excellent band discoursing tho best of musio at intervalls all day, and at the close of the polls went to their rooms playing ''put me in my little bed." &c Our little Hotel De 6t. Johns is still lively, and our hostess Mrs. HuJnall now as ever is minuteriog to the comfort of her guests, at tho moderate rate of 810 per week. Yourj as ever, Q in the Corner. Twenty years ago, hemlock timbor lands were considered a great nuisance no one knew what to do with the trees when cut down, tbo logs were left to rot by the road side, and it was general con sidered that a hemlock patch was the bane of any country where it was located Now, however, all this is changed, and hemlock lands have suddeuly. become the most valuable the price of such lands being continually on the increase Great tanneries are now being establish' ed in the hemlock forests of this State to which hides ire sent 'row long distan ces, it being cheaper to sod the hide to where the bark is found, than transport the latter to the former. State Jour nal. An article you can always borrow troupe. How many people put a two-cent tamp on a newspaper of ordinary weight, requiring only one cent to pay the postage. Hut it is at; right, tare lessness ought to be taxed as a luxury, NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, AND HOUSEFURNISHIITS GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Tools, Lumbermens Tools. In fact everything usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store. A-FIRST-CLASS TIN SY Employing none but first-class Workmen and nothing but first- class material used. OPPOSITE THE COURT W. S- .if. NEW DISCOVERY In Cboinicul and Medical Science Dr. E. F. GARVIN'S SOLUTION AND COMPOUND ELIXIR FIRST AND ONLY FOLTTTTON ever,Tnale In one mixture of A l.l. TIIK IWELVK valuable active principles of vue well kuowu curative agent, IITVT3 TREE TAIt, UNEQUALLED in Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, and Consumption. CUKES WITHOUT FAIL A recent cold in three to six hours; snd also, y it VITALIZING, PUHIFYINO and STIMULATING effects upon the general system, is remarkably enica ckjus in all DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, Including Hcroiula and Eruptions of the skin, Dy . pepsio. Disease of the Liver and Kidneys, Heart 1). ease, and (General Dehility. ONE TRIAL CONVINCES! IIt. GARVIN'S VOLATILE SOLUTION of TAR MEDICATED FOR INHALATION. SPA remarkably valuable discovery, which posi tively cures CATARRH, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, and all Diseases of the NOSE, THROAT and IAJX&S. THE COMPOUND TAR AND MANDRAKE PILL, for nse in connection with the ELIXIR TAR, is a combination of the TWO most valuable ALTERA TIVE Medicines known in tbe Profession, and ren ders this Pill without exception the very best ever ottered. Bolution and Compound Elixir. JJ ljWjffeBottto Tar and Mandrake Pills, 29ctt per Box. Medicated Inhalation, $5.00 per Package. Bend for Ciroular of POSITIVE! CURES to your Druggist, or to Is. F. HYDE & CO., SOLE PBOPHIETOES, 195 Seventh Ave., New York, TO KOIIK CJ.riVSlS. A NEW WAV or BUXN1KO A7.Sutscriptioii Book. CAN SELL THOUSANDS!! PLAIN HOME TALK is plain talk about the body and its physica and looial needs. Dr. E. 15. Foots, author of "Medical Commou Sense." of No. 120 Lexington Ave., N. V., who entertains everybody with his pen, and cures every body by his skill, is its author. In its thousand pages it answers a thousand questions yeu don't want to go to your physician about. It is, as is stamped upon its cover, "a book for private and consid erate reading." Price $2.25. and sent, postage preraid, everywhere. A beautiful original chromo, mounted, "Thbow Physio to tuk Dogs," worth $10, goes with the book. No ehromo without the book No book without the chronio. Address MUR RAY HILL PUBLISHING CO.UPANY.No. 129 East 28th Street, New York. d2 lot. W 3 HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. SERVICE & CO- 10 PER CENT. INVESTMENTS SEC L' RED BY FIRST MORTGAGE ON Seat- Bjstafe SKorth THREE TIMES THE SUM LOANED. Interest Payable Semi-Annually. At the Banking House of ., ALLEN, STEPHENS CO., la Jfew York City, or at an Bank de signaled by the lender. E ARE INVESTING FOR EASTERN parties many thousands of dollars per month in flrtt mortgajet on improved property in Illinois, and such has been the demrnd for these desirable securities, that we have, during the last fifteen months, placed in them nearly one million doll an, the semi-annual interest on which has, in each and every case, been promptly paid, These mortgaged are in the form of Trust Deeds, and oan be closed in 20 days shonid there he a failure to pay interest or taxes when due. We invest any Bum, be it large or small and collect and remit interest and principal as it matures, all without expense to the lender. Can refer to pai ties for whom we have loaned large amounts, and who have never lost a dollar either of principal or int. erest in this class of securities during the last fifteen years. Send for tour pamphlet. "Illinoit as a place of Inveitmtnt," mailed free. HENRY C. WILSON, GEO. Tf. TOMS. WILSON A TOMiS, Dealers in Real Estate Ten Per Cent. Securities and School Bonds. BLOOM! NGTON, ILLINOIS. jau 16 '71 yl HOW TO 00 WEST. J bid id ao inquiry which every one should have truthfully answerod before he starts oa kid journey, aud a little care takeu io exatuioution of Routes will ia many casses save much trouble, time and money. 1 lie "V., IS. y. H. It., ruiiDiDg now Chicago, through Galesburg to Burlington, aod the -I., li. &V. Route,' running from Iudiaoapolis, through Bloomingtoo to Burliiigton, have achiev ed a splecdid reputation in the last two years as tho lead ins; Passengers Routes to the West. At Rurliogtoo they con nect with the B- A M. 1. R. aod from the great Buriiogtoo Route, whieh runs direct through Southern Iowa to Nebras ka and Kansas, with olose connections o California and the Territories ; and passengers starting Iroui Elk County, on their way westward, cannot do better than to take the Burlington Rodtg. This Line has published a pamphlet called "How to go West," which con tains muoh valuaote information; a large oorreot map ol the Greas West, wbioh can be obtained free of charge by ad dressing the General Passenger Agent ot the B & M. R , Burlington, Iowa JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO JAMES.H-HAQERTY Main Street, Rldgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, IBOOTS, SHOES, HATS AINU DAfB, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES H. HAGERTY. NEW LIVERY STABLE IK DAN SCR1BNER WISHES TO IN- form the Cittzens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that be has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES nd Buggies, to let upon tbe most reason ble terms B$lle will also do job teaming. Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the PostOffioe, on Mil' street. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. AGENTS WANTED! The unparalelled success of the "Viotor Sewing Machine," East and West, opensa good opportunity for Sewing Machins agents and responsible men to take the agenoy for this County. rot Circulars, samples of work ana terms, address, SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. J. L. FERGUSON, MANAGER, No. 1227 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA. dot. 27 lm. BOOK AGENTS FOR TBB . runny Side of Physic. 800 Panes, and 250 Engraving. A startling expose ef Medical Humbugs of the past and present. It ventilates Quacks Travelling Doctors, Noted Female Cheats, Fortune Tellers and Mediums, and gives interesting narratives of Noted Physicians. It reveals startling secrets, and it is invalu able to all. We give exclusive territory and liberal commissions. For circulars and terms address tbe publishers. J. Ji. BURR & lll'DE, HARTFORD, CONN., oa CHICAGO, ILL. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES; This work is a complete history of all branches of industry, and is complete en cyclopedia of arts and manufactures. One agent sold 133 copies in eight days, another sold 308 in two weeks. Specimens sent free on receipt of Mamp. J. B. EUER & HYDE, Publisher HARTFORD, CONN., oa CHICAGO, ILL A NEW BOOK By a a popular Author, will be ready in a lew weeks. Agents who would secure ter ritory, chould upply at once. J. . EUEE & HtDB, Publishers, IIARTFDRD, CONN., oe CHICAGO.ILL, i Br WAIL as CENTS PARK ROW HEW YORK TTT ANTED. We will give men and wo T f mB BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY. from $i to $8 por day, can be pursued ia your own neighborhood; it is a rare obaoee for those out of employment or having: leisure time, girls and boys frequently do a well as men. particulars tree. Address J. LATHAM & CO., 292 Washington St., Boston, Mass &Gt6. lAPVEiSE THE ELK ADVOCATE. THE OLDEST PAPER IN THX COUNTY, HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCU. ATION, IT TS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY Scvrttd U the internet of the geople oi Clh County. TEEM5:$2.00 PERiYEAB. BRING ALONG YOUR ADVER TISEMENTS AND GET THEM INSERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES. If you want to sell anything, let the people know it through the Advocati, the great advertising medium. She (61k gdwaty Job Printing Office, In the Court House, Ridgway, Pa. The best work dose, and at the very lowest prtees. Blanks kept constantly on hand at this office. Hand bills printed a. the shortest notice Call in and get oar prices for advertis ing and jobbing. Satisfaction warranted Orders by mail promptly attended to Addeims, HENRY A. Pi RSON3, JR., Ridgway, Pa. BUSINESS CARDS. A. RATHBUtf, Kidgway, Pa. Atloiney-at-law, 2 2 tf. JOHN O. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg. way, Elk uounty Pa. mr.22'tiol J O, W. BAlLEYj ATTORNET-ATLAW. vlnio1. Rldgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's fife and Acci dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. RCFUS LTJCORE, AUorney-et-Law, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Offioe in iisu a new Uric It Building. Claims for collection promptly attended to. v3nlly. JEYNOLOS HOUSE, BEYNOLDSVILLE, JEFFS BS0N CO, PA. II. S. BELNAP, Propbibtob. . D. PARSONS, Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots and Shoes. Main st., orposi te the II tel, Wilcox Pa. J. S. ORB WELL, M, D, Eclectie Physician and Surgeon, hasremov- ea bis ouice irom centre street, to Main st. Kiugway, ra in the second storv of tha new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store, Omce hours: B to 9 a- m: 1 to 2 t. m. 7 8 p. m. jan 9 73 GG. MESSENGER, Druggist and Paraceutist corner of Main and Mill streets, Kidgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vln3y. T 8. HARTLEY, M. D., Physician ana Surgeon. Kidgway, Pa. Office in Walker's Building. Special attention given to Surgery. Office house lrom 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Residence on corter of South and Court streets, op posite the new School House. All calls promptly attended to. vln2yl. (CHARLES. HOLES, J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, l'a. Agent lor the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, eto, donojith. he same accurucy as heretofore, satis actioa guaranteed. vlnly. T iHAYER HOUSE, RILEY & liKO., Proprietors. ior. Mill ana Centre Ms., Kidgway, Pa. The proprietors take this method of an nouncing to the public that the have re futed, revised, ana improved, this well known hotel, aud are prepared to entertain all who favor them with tueir patronage, in the best style and at low rules. Good, stabling attached. v3n6tf. HYDE HOUSE, Ridowat, Elk Co., Fa. W. II. SC11UAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comtort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct 80 18G9. T OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, Kane, McKcaa Co., P R. X. LOOKER, Proprietor Thankful for the putronaee heretofoie so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention i to the comfort and convenience of guesiB. to merit a continuance ot the same. Tbe only Btables for horses in Kane and well kept night or day. Hall attached to tho tiotel. vinZ3y. J I ALL & BRO Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ILK COUNTY mSYLYANIA. JOiIN O. HALL... JA8. K. P. BALI K ERSEY HOUSE, Cbntesville, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, t merit a continuance of the sm. S. A. ROTE, PHOTOGHAPHER. AMD DXALEE IN Chromos, Stereoscopic Views, Picture Frames, &e. WEST END, RIDGWAY, ELK CO. PA v2n2tf. RED. BCHOENINO, WHOLESALE AND BET AIL DEALEB 1ST PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOKS, pUU if purch3M " P" rrotbonotary's Omoe, Ridgway, Pa. T2n20tf. P. W. HAYS, SALEn III Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Eartey J. O. vln47tf. EW STAGE ROUTE. J. C. BURNS, Proprietor, The subscriber having secured the con tract for carrying the U. S. Mail between REYNOLDSVILLE & BROCKWAY VILLE i has placed on that road a line of hacks. Hacks leave the Exchange Hotel ia Reynoldville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday on the airival of the Rrooarille stage, and return the same day. These i backs connect at Drockwayville with the tuagway stages, malting connection with trains on the P. & E. Road, both east and west. Every attention to the comfort ot patrons of this line will be given, and a liberal patronage solicited. Aug. 19-7Ztt.