THURSDAY. M A lini 27 1873. ,' Tlmral tttielrftratf. Jrie Express Ennt 2:35 ft, m. to ilo West 2:r,0 a. m. r.o Mail East. . B:fO p. m flo do West 2:2H a. in. Rinovo Accoujinouaiiun Knst .... 8:65 a tn. do do (In West I'r.iO p. m. Batos cf Advertising. I Ot e oolumn, one year , $75 flfl I ' " 40 00 I " " 25 00 e " " " is no transient advert tinn per square of eifht lines or less 3 times or less 2 00 Busiucss cards, ten lines or less, per ye " 5 00 Marriages and Death noticed inserted g. nri s. " 7 J " iiiii , Elk LoJ.39, A. T. M (Ita'ed meetings of Elk Lodge will he hnd ut their hall on t he second and fourth IVesdnys of each month. 0. L. MoCitACKEN. Suc'y. -J-Li!lL" ! L" More Snow. Yesterday suow fell ben to the depth of several inches. Lutheran Services. Next Sun day, at the Court House. German in the morning and English hi the even ing by Rev, I. IJrcneniart. Those wishing prime Apples will do We-1 to Call at lloilTON & MlLLER.'s. Trey hae a largo lot on h-iiul, for sale by the bushel or barrel, $l.i!3 a bushel or .53.23 a band. Land Saiss. The finale adjourned sa'e of unseated lands for taxes, for 1S70 and 1871, yet duo and uupaid, will be tnld at the Court House iu Ridgway, on .Monday April 14th, 1373, at oue o'clock p. m. Mabjr By A. W. Orny, Esq.. at lite fl ee in Jay township, on the I'J.h uli., tit David W. Benncit, lute of Bradford county. Ph., to Miss Mary A. Rothrock, tf i-.ne7. jtt e. The Bradford boys (like most other lo calities) have their peculiaru'es which are noticeable in tlieir eeleoiiou of wives; iu tb ir estimation tlierc are tlneo essential qualifications, viz: beau-J, j id;;rieui, and the 'irt of making good buckwheat cakes. Whn-.i lliey fiad a youiig lady who combines he '.hree they go tor her. A. D.M CSCAIiONDA, ) March, 1th, 1S7j J 1 Rt F.N D pAlu-iONS. My chfrojrra pliy , jiiu'sciug Ironi too errors in my la-t com munication uust !io very poor. Iu the 5th paragraph joa otuit an entire tvoid, "otui" whioh should hive bv.'jn p!ac.d muiedia:e'y aflcr the word "iron" there by Dorvort'i.g the induing of the sen tence. Thi's are the bright ideas of rna ly auili. r.i !o?t upuu tho world; and t' truth of the old ev'tplurul saji'j- ju: . now la.-cibly resents itself to iny iijind, and runs something in this wise, 'east not your pearls before twine etc." A very atunsiup; incident occurred at this place a short tiiuo ago. One of our lumoeriiien had occasion tosendh's man Jo:.jn" to the woods in quest of some cher.y bn'c which he had tn use as a medicine for his horses. To au ineredib'e short Fpaee of time "John" returned wi:h a largo basket of what ha called chary bark but uj un inspection it proved 'o be bh: bark and when infoi uied of the fact, he would uot bo cotiviuccd, but when ovei; evidence was brought to bear iu the uiut'er, he earnestly declared iliac if it wis bireh bark ha obtained it frou. a cherry tree. Ibis is the only in htarce of tho kind that I ever heard of birch bark growing on a cherry tree. Scientific men take ti'itico. Vfe have intimated that oar new steam mill will be ieady for business about April loth, however wo would not vouch for the truth of the statement. That matrimonial affair referred to in my last baa not jet taken place, but 1 see by a notice in jour last, issue that the Editor of the Advocate is ahead of Pioneer. 1' , S. Long tuuy he wave. T.VritAT Constitutes GAMntiso. Chief Justice Thompson, of Pennsyl vania, in a recent casa avo his opinion in tho following words: "Anything wh'uh induces men to risk their money and propei ty without any other hope of rctura t'oau to g 't tor nothing any given amoutt from ano h.'r, is gaioullnj;, nud demuralizing to the cmnuiunity, no mut ter by want r;a!no i' miy be called. It is the i-ame whether tho promise be to pay on the color of a curd or the fleetness of a horse, an 1 tho saiu) minerals indicate how much is lo-fc or won in either cae, and the liug party bus received junt Do much for tho mouey parted with iu one case as the other, viz., nothing nt all. Tho lucky winner h of course the a;aiuer, and ho will couunuo so until fickla fortune, in doe time, makes him feel the woes he has inflicted on others. All gnibliiip; i.s immoral. I appre hend that the losses incident to the practice disclosed within fivo years have contributed more to the failure and em bezzlements by pivhlio tllicers, clerks, agents and others aeMng; i.j judiciary ro lalions, pub.'io and private, than any known, or perhaps all other eau.-en; aud the worst of it is, that iu the tiaiu of its eveife there is' a vaat amount of misery and suffering by persons entirely guiltess of any participation iu the oauo of it." li.rnom, i'A., Miiveli 2ith IS?:!. I'l .vr inw TK, As your luuoli valued pa;.i r i'ltiuri'e" iluit locals are always c ctpiahls, perliaps a lew lines from over the ri'lje. niny bo inleiesting to Borne of your readers. The mliroad being built up our Branch Is steadily but slowly progressing; cars are rnnning up ns far as the Roger mill, about ten miles from Driftwood. The raUitig season Is here and our lum bermen are busily engaged rafting in and running oil' lumber; there is about tho usual amount ot dqunre timber with a pros pect of good demand and fair prios. Log driving has not fairly oomnicnoed yet, although something is being done on the smxll streams by means of splash flood). The prospective railroad Station is giving new impetus to business in Eenezctte, already preparations are making for several now buildings, an oil well, aud a tannery aic in contemplation. Benezctte is a stalo old town of slow growth, but there is yet some enterprise in her people, mure especially among the young people as the frequency of matrimonial connections clearly indicates, and when the arrangement is made all ob stacles are overcome nud the programme is carried out nt all hazzards, as was demon strated on tho l'Jih ult., at the office of A. VV. CI ray. The Squire in response to a rap at Ihe door, tloncd ilieunmenlwnab'cs, turned up tho light aud (always ready to ao commodate in suoh cases) nt elevon fifteen p. m. stood the anxious aod exoited couple up before him and in shirt-sleeves and slip pers made them happy in hymeuial chains. The phrase in common parlance "too thiu" is not applicable to their case. V. ectlville iu Jay township is o point of some note, mainly for Jew peildlars and dead Irishmen. It is remarked that it is ulmoijt a daily ceourrenco to find a dead Irtehninn in the place, cause, "visitation of God superinduced by bad whisker, blasting powder, or standing iu front of a reming ton." As this has grown unexpectedly lengthy I will close and leave it with you to use part or all as you choose for publication. Ancnr.LAis. A CoWAUiu.Y Attack. A man xtulx two olfu-r men in iJiv lack. One Kill 2r'lul'!g h'e. On Monday Inst, between two aud three in the alteruoon a Cght occuied near tho depot between John Kelly, a stoue cutter, and Patrick Dougherty, a gtavol train hand, Kelly forcing J.'ougherty into the fight, Dougherty, alter beinr struck several, knocked Kelly down and in few minutes cliuohed and while in this po ku'u n a man named James Krogh ran up to them and stabbed Dougherty iu biick three tiroes once ou the righ1 shoul ler blade, oucc oa the left shoulder blade and once on the rump. Alter this Jatnrs O'Neal another gravel train baud .seeing Krogh coining toward him stutopted to escape iu flight, when Kri'gh ran alter him rod plunged the kui.e imo his back inflicting a serious, if not mortal wound. (J '.Neal is low in a critical condition, with doubts enter tained fi.r hi: recovery. Krogh, Kelly aud a man mined Delany were arrested, and lodged in the look up for disordly conduct aiid bofors they were released on this charge iulormatiou was made be fjie Ju-tice Voilmer and they had a Louring ou Tuehdny uroiuiiig, Kelly w is hold in coU'J bail, Krogh in 81000, and Dcltaoy discharged iu the Dough erty c;:.;e and in the O'Neal case Krogh was held iu SoOUJ dail udtional bail. ioih tLeso woithys were sent to jail in llidgway In default of bail. Gazette of liOth in st. Ar-PLKs! Api'I.e.:: A large lot of prima Apples, embracing Greeuiags liusseta, jjaldwins and Spi'.zenburgs, ou hand aud fur bale at the Kast End Store of Ilorton & Miller. A Vermont paper insists upon it that there is uo Stats where 'good, Equate, upright living" is easier had than in its own. BiI.Ltlt.AD3, letterheads, etc., printed at the Advocate office. Seud iu your orders. Andrew Johnson is out in a letter fa voring a convention to revise the Con stitution of Teuuesseo- There are 10,000 Chinese iu San Francisco, and it is estimated that they occupy less than 70J dwelling. A Frenchman cannot prououneo "ship." The word is "sheep" in his mouth. ueciog an iron-chd, he said to a boy, "ish dish a war .sheep?" "No, sir;" ant.we.ied the boy, "it's a ram." The Men phis Appeal tells of au Irish man who got laughed at lor making faces over some persimmons, and who retorted, "Ye may grin, ye mutton headed idiots! but 1 cuu lather the sowl out of the man that spilt viueg:tr over tliim plums." To be perfectly freo from the insults of furtuno we shovld arm ourselves with the relieetiou that nono but intellectual possessions are what we can perfectly ca;I our own that all tbiuijs from without are but burrowed that what fortune gives is not ours and whatever she gives sho o;u lake away. Freights having been pretty generally started out West for the seuboard, we are glad to see it stated that money is becoming mure pleuty. The farmer is puting his crops iuto market, for which lie gets the cash, pays his home bills to his home stureketpnis aud mechanics, wbo in turn pay their bills for stocks iuruished from the large cities. Thus lie wheel goes steady urouud and all are wade comfortable. Miruisi: in J!t;.-i.Ebs. Wcliko enterprise, and we knew of no class of business nun displaying more ol it than the newspaper publishers of America. The Publibhers ol Our Fireside Fricud, Chicago, announce this week in our col umns, their second Annual Distribution of premiums to subset ibers. This ex cellent Story and Family Weekly is now in its third volume. Its success has bscn great. It is firmly established as one of the lending weeklies of the Union, with the largest circulation of any paper in the West. Its success may in no slight degree be attributed to its method of distributing premiums which is perma nent with this paper, being held annual ly. Its distribution last year gave gen eral satisfaction. Their list of premi ums is fine and secures to every sub scriber for 1873 a premium either in cash or some oue ol tho valuable articles mentioned in the Let. We cheerfully recommend the paper. Their plan of distributing premiums is a notable part of their well conducted enterprise, and our readers need have no doubts as to their being fairly dealt with. The paper is a financial success. Its immense cir culation enables its publishers to offer this valuable list of premiums and to fully carry out their plan of disturbing them. Specimen copies of the paper and pre mium list i;iving full particulan may be hud by addressing the Publishers Chicago. LI031TS3 NOTICE. TAVERN LICENSE. IILNI.ZKTTE TOWNSHIP. Martin Entz, D. Kuncs. EENZ1NOER TOWNSHIP. Jacob llerbstritt. FOX TOWNSHIP. Woifg-ing Autriiin, Kock & Son, (Kersey.) JAY TOWNSHIP. A. Turley, (Wnedville.) T. J. & J. A. Burke, P. II. Burke, B. Brownlee. Junes township. Horace Sjtark. st. mary's Boaouoa. B. Conner, D. Scull, A. J. Lay ton & Co., Mathias Wellendort. EATING HOUSE. UENZINUEtt TOWNSHIP. i . 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 10 17. 18. 19. 20 L'l, 1'. F. -org, Duport. fox township. F. Gill, (Kersey.) James McCloskej. jay township. Thrs. J. Burke, t Weedville.) hT. MARY'S BOROUGH. Charles Klausciuati, J. B. H indie, George Schaut. STOUE. JAY TOWNSHIP. B. E. Morey. JONES TOWNSHIP. Martin Sowers. Fl'.EI). SCIICENING, Clerk. SELDS, PLANTS, TREES, PUEFAID KY MAIL. My new priced descriptivo Catalogue of Choice Flower and Gardeu Pds, 25 6orts of cither for SI; new and choice varieties of Fruit nud Ornamental Trees, Kbruhs, Evergreens, Roses, Cirapes, Lillies, Small Fruits. House and Border Plants and Bulbs; ;.ne year grafted Fruit Trees for mailing; Fruit St cks of all kinds: Iledje Plants, &o,; the urnst complete assortment in the country, will be sent gratis to any plain address, wilh P. 0. box. True Cape i"od ("i aulierry for upland or lowland, jUS per 1000; SI per 100, prepaid liy moil. Trade List to dealers. Seeds on Commis sion. Agents wanted. B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries and Seed Warehous, Plymouth, Mass. Es tablished 1812. 2d Annual Distribution 75,730 PREMIUMS BANGING IN VALUE FltOM $10 to 5,000 GIVEN AWAY TO THE SUBSCRIBERS OF Our Fireside Friend Every Subscriber is sure of one premium any way, and aNo has nn equal cliauce of receiving a CASH Premium, OR A PIANO, ORGAN, tATCII, 8E,VING MACA1NE, etc., etc. FIRST GRAND CASH PREMIUM 85, OI.R FIRESIDE FRIEND. Eight Pages, Larue Size, Illustrated, the Family . eek'v. is in its THltlD VOLUME and has nttaiued the LARGEST CIRCULATION of nny paper publishel in the West. Its suo. cess enables the proprietors to furnish the best, men desirable and most useful origi nal reading matter iu great varietv, that money cnu buy, nud to make it a F.OME WFEKLY suited to the wants of every family Subscription price $3 per year of oJ numbers. THE ELEGANT CHROMO "CUT E. " Size lfl i 20 inches, 16 colors. Acknowl edged by all to be the HANDSOMEST and MOST VALUABLE premium picture in America. EVERY SUBSCRIBER is pre. seutcd Kith this Chromo at the time of sub scribing, (no waiting, ) and also receives a NUMBERED CERTIFICATE ENTITLING THE IIOLHER TO A SHARE iu the distri bution of 25,000 in cash and other pre aiiiims. Tho distribution takes place on the second Tuesday in June next. The hrcmo and Certificate sent on receipt of price. Speci men copies, premium list, etc., giving full particulars sent free to any address. A fT1 1 'XTTG Either local oi rLVJT Cii 1 JL IO canvassing iu WANTEDS ss pay and t'le best outUi. Send at once for terms. Address OUR FIUESIDS FRIEND, Chicago, lib 100 NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, AND HOUSEFUmSIIItfa GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Tools, . Lumbermen Tools. In fact everything usually kept iu a first-class Hardware Store. FiRST-CiaSS TiU'SHOP Euiployiaig none Workmen and nothing class material used. 'OPPOSITE THE COURT -tf. T II 13 WEW Oil In Cbcinicnl and iTIciIicul Science. 3 tS-: T vs . .t,..v,i.v v.. jr I)r. E. 2. G SOLUTION AHD COMPOUND ELIXIR or F3 im FIRST AX") CMV rr-T.TT"' "tT rrrrraado in one mixturi? of Atl. 'iJJK 'I'WKLVE valtmblo netivj piiuuij.lvn i i t wt.i i.wu curuiivu aeut, PINK TIIXK TAll, TTNEQTTALT.EDin Tmu'ln, CoUf Ciitiirrfc, Asthma, Jironchilirt, aud Corisu:(.;AioJi. A recent coH in ihror in hn-irs; twA alfo, v it VITAL1ZJM, l'rUiL'V1N(r mid PTIMUJ .ATINO effeota upon the fjui rai yblt;Iil, i-i ivi'iiirUubly tsilicu cioua in a) 1 lUHASn CIV T15P. K7-OOD Includi-.ijf rScjDuiM an 1 1:im; ions ot' thy skin, Dy pepsin, Iit?t-awo tt' T i ; I.:v. r and Kiducyi, Huurt D. east;, and ieu.Lr;i! 1-hiiiiy. ONE TftlAL COWVIMCE3 I VOLATILE SOLUTION of TAR FOR I.HASATIOIV. Sir A remarkably vnluub'.e iliscovrry, which posi tively enrcs CATAKltH, EEOJjOISITIS, ASTIJWA, unl all Discuses of the KOSE, TUIJOAT uiad THE COJIFOrXD TAB AX I) UrAXnitAKE riLL, for use in connection witti tlio TT.TXIR TAR, is a oombinatinn of till TWO tnimt Tlualu ALTERA TIVE Medicines knuwn in iho Pi-ulioKion, and ren ders thia Fill without exception tho very best ever ottered. Solution and Compound Elixir Tar and Mamlrake Tills, 25cts $1 per large Bottle 50c. "hiiiiiU " Tar and Mandrake Tills, 25cta ier liox. Medicated Inhalation, 5.00 per Fackuge. Bend for Circular of POSITIVE CURES to your Urugg-ist, or to L. F. HYDE & CO., SOLE PXtOPHIETOES, 198 Seventh Ave., New York,- i TO JiOOJi. CJJt'9aS8EilS A NEW WAIT 'O? RUNNING A Subscription Book. CAN SELL THOUSANDS!! PLAIN HOME TALK Is plain talk about the body and its physica and social ueeds. Dr. E. B. Foote, author of "Medioal Common Seuse "-of No. 120 Lexington Ave., N. Y., who enterta us everybody with his peu, and cures eve4 y. body by his skill, is its author. InbiU thousand ptges it answers a tbous ud questions you don't want to go to your physician about. It is, as is stamped upon its oover, "a book for private and consid erate reading." Price $2.25. and sent, postage preruid, everywhere. A beautiful original-caromo, mounted, "Tuaow Pmsio tu inn uuus, worm yiu, gun wnu lue v..i, v. -L .;.!.... v.i. m. $10, book without th ohromo. Aduress MUR- a 1 niiihlUDLiouiinjeuJirddi, flo. 129 East 28th Street, New York. vn2 13t. 3 hut first-class hut first- HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. W- SvSERVlCE & CO. 10 PEE CE1TT. INVESTMENTS SBCCRED BY FIRST MORTGAGE ox Ileal (gstatc 3Iorih TUIIEE TIMES THE SUM LOANED, latcreet Payable Swni-Annually. At the Banking House of ALLEN, STEPHENS C O., In New York City, or at any Bant de signaled by the lender. E ARE INVESTING FOR EASTERN per month in jlrji mortites on improved properly iu Illinois, and such has been the demrnd for these desirable securities, rtiat wo have, during tho last fifteen months, placed in them uearly one million dollars, the semi-annual interest on which has, in each and every e.ise, been promptly paid. these martgiges are in tho form of Trust Deeds, and cm be closed in 20 days shonld there be a failure to pay interest or raxes when due. We hiTcst any siuo. be it large or small and collect aud remit interest and prinoipal as it matures, nil without expense to the lender. Can refer to patties for whom we have loaned 1-irge amounts, and who have never lest a dollar either of principal or int. rest in this class of securities daring the last fifteen years. Send for ,our pamphlet. "Illinois as a place atJnvestment," mailed free. HENRY C. WILSON, GEO. W, TOMS. WILSON ds TOMS, DEALER3 IN lf.Al. EsTATE TEN PER Cknt. Securities and Scuool Bonds. BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS. jan 10 '71 yl HOW TO GO 772ST. This is an inquiry which every one should hivejruttfttlj answered befere ho Btarts ou his journey, and a little care tukeu iu examination of Routes will in tuaoy casses save muoh trouble, time and money. Tho "0., B. & Q. R. R.," running fiom Chicago, through Galesburg to Burlington, aud the ''I., B. &Y. Route,' running from Indianapolis, throogh Bloouiiugton to Burlington, have achiev ed a splendid reputation in the last two years as the leading Passengers Routes to the West. At Burlington they oon- neut with the B- Jt M. R. R. and from the great Burlington Route, whioh runs direct through Southorn Iowa to Nebras ka aud Kansas, with close conneotions to California and the Territories ; and passengers starting from Elk County, on their way wostward, cauuot do better than to take the Burlington Route. This Line has published a pamphlet called "How to go West," which eon tains much valuaoie information; a large . . Tnr. 1.:v, nnrreot man ot the Grea' Weit, which i caQ be obtained free of charge by ad , . .v. n 1 Xaaan-, a unl dressmg the General Passenger Agent ' rrf the B & M. R . Burliugtoa, Iowa Powell & kime. Powell & KJuie Having ereoted large aad well arranged new Btare House en the eld ertte, since the fire, and filled it from cellar te garret with Hie Choicest geods of all descriptions, thtt can be feund In any market, are fully pre pared to reeeivethetrcM customers, and supply their WMate si kettom figures Their assortment is noveotnplete, prising DBY GOODS GROCERIES, CROCKER!, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SH018, HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS,ito., ete, PORK. FLOUR. SALT. Feed, B aae. Butter, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, Canned Goods, In shert everything anted. in thee'Country by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINER8, TAN NERS, LABORING MEN, EVERYBODY Also, full iteek ef MANILLA FVOPE of the best nanafacture, ef suitable sixes for rafting and rannhas parpeses. IUdfwet Va., Vlarek, HFJX I F YOU WANT TO BUY r GOODS CHEAP ao ro JAMEB.H- IIAGERTY Main Street, Rldgway, F. 1 ? DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND UAro, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of t Groceries ami Provisions. Tbe BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as tlin CHEAPEST. JAMES H. IIAGERTY. NEW LIVERY STABLE ID&WAY. DAN SCR1BNEB WISIIKS TO Ilf- form the Cittzens of Kidgway, and the publio jenerally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES aud Buggies, to lot upon the most reason ble terms. B3gwH will also do job teaming. Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the Post Oflioe, ou MiB street. All orders left at the Post Office will mee prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. RAILROADS. PHILADELI KIA AND ERIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after SUNDAY, OCT. 27 1872, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows: WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia..ll.JO p. m. " " ' Ridgway 2.28 p. m. " " arrive at Erie 7.65 p. m. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia. ..12. 40 p. m. ' " " " Ridgway 2.39 a. m. " " arrive at Erie 7.45 a. m. Accomodation, leaves Rcnova, ...2.10 p. m " Ridgway.-tt. 20p. m. " arr at Kane 7.S0p. m. EASTWARD. Kail Train leaves Eric 11.35 a. m. " " " Ridgway 6.0t f. m. " " arrive at Philad'a... 6.65 a. m. Erie Express leaves Kue 9.05 p. m. ' " " Ridgway... 2.04 a. m. ' " ar' at Philadelphia.. 8.30 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane 7.65 a. m. " ' Ridgway... 8.55 a. in. " arr at Renovo 12.30p.m. Mail East connects east and west at Erie withLSMS'R W and at Corry and Ir vineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny K R W. Mail West at Corry and Irviueton with Oil Creek and Allegheny It R W. Warren Accommodation East and West with trains on L. S. & M. S. R. W. cast and west aud at Corry with O. C. & A. R. R. W. Frie AccomuiodstionEivst at Corry and West at Corry and Irvineton with O. C- $ A. It. R. W. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing Feb. 24th, 1873. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS JJUKOit AND I'OINTSON TUB PHIL'A. & RIE R. R. OOINO SOOTH. Buffalo Express leaves Corry at Leaves Irvh etoi), 11 10 am 7 68 am 8 65 p m ArriveB at Pittsburgh Night Express Leaves Irvineton, Night Express leaves Corry Arrives at Pittsburgh Day Express leaves Corry Arrives at Pittsburgh Oil City Accom. leaves Oil City Arrives at Brady's Bend 0 80 pm 6 15pm 6 15am 6 10 a m 6 05 p m 4 65 p n 9 30 p m OOINO SOSTR. B.Talo Express leaves Pittsburg at 7 60 a a Arrives at Corry 6 25 pm " " Irviueton 8 60 p m Sight Express leaves Pittsburgh 9 00 p m Arrives at Corry 8 65am " " Irviueton 11 51 p m Day Express leaves Pittsburgh 12 10 p m Arrives at Corry 10 4o p m Oil City Accom. leaves B. Bend 6 40am Arrives at Oil City 11 00 m Conneotions made at Corry and Irvine- tou for points on the Oil Creek and the Allegheny Vallay Rtil Road. I'ullioun Pallace Drawing Room Sleep. irg Cars on Night Express Trains between Corry and Pittsburgh. Ask for Tickets via Alleehenv Tallev E. &. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Buut. DAQUBCASOUDA EAILEOAD. From and Monday, Feb. 6th 1871. Trains will ruu on this Road as follows Leaves Earlev 7 30 a. m.. arrives at Daguseahouda Junction 8 10 a. m., oon- necting with Accom. east 8 14 a. m., atd with Mail west at 9 15 a. aa. Leaves Daguscahonda at 9 20 a. m. arrived at Earley 10 Of a. m. Leaves Earley 3 30 p. m.fcnd arrives at Dagus eahouda at 5 00 p. ., conueoting with Mail east at 5 09 p. ra-, and Accommo dation west at 5 40 p. ui. In ease P. & E. trains are lata, Dagus cahanda train holds twenty tuinutes be yond the above time. Tickets shauld always be prooured before leaving atatioos. C. R. EABEY, L.