& 0mtntj gdtotjafe. Uenut A. I'arso.ss, Jh. Editor THURSDAY, MARCH 27. 1873. letteh moa flchsa. Jacksonville, Fla. ) March 15th, 1S73. J Dear Advocate : In our last chat with you we were iu Savannah Ga., now in Jacksonville in (he land ol Flowers. At 4.40 p. m. Monday, 10th inst. we took leave of the "Forest City" cn-rovte for tins pLco. Tho evening warm and pleasant with a bright nioon above us to cheer and give iutrrc-t to the journey. The balmy mildness ol'j the atmosphere was not disturbed until we reached the OkeSuokco Swamp when it was suddenly interrupted and the inter ruption seopibly felt, as overcoats and shawls which had been laid aside for the niht, wore looked up, and every body wrapped himself and herself up as though they were passing a frigid region. You can form no idea of the suddenness of the change, unless you make the pn---agej we were told that nt all times the change from aliimst insufferable hcut , to ohilly coldness was the aaine while pass ing tiiis dismal swamp of America. We noted no particular change in the surface of the country between Savau- nah nod this place, with the sceptiocs of rice fields, and these were now for the most part under water. Well about 8 o'clock 7 ursday morn ing we readied tin? New York of Florida, the city of Jacksonville. From tho Depot of the Jacksonville, I'eusaeola and Mobile Hail Rorl, we wended our way to the St. John's House, owned and kept by Mrs HuJuall, and found it all that the weary trt-volor could desire. It is more of n boarding house thr.u a hotel, and one of those neat, well ar ranged hotves that always hut the air ol comfort about ; so rci'i e-hiag to the travel worn ruc:-.l. Oar follow boarders here represent the States of IVnnsylvutiia, Ma.vsre'.iusV.ts, Kentucky, New York, Georgia nn-1. scvt.val oth-r States, all hik-; :nd gentleman of cuuure, aud ol tho highest order of sociability. Out Snodisdy is a iady ol tho highest, order of reiUieirent, and in all cur Lutueruus rambles we never saw her superior iu making her house seem like horue. It the Advocate or any of itj reader. contemplate a viit to this sunny region in search of health or pleasure be sure and call at the .St. Johns and they wili receive more ' than the picturesque departure of 54.50 j.cr diem, at a uiueh less figure. i-:ov w-ra as to Jacksonville. As we ha-ro ic'-uiacd it is the huiest civ of Florida, 5vlig a pnnl-f.iou iu the city proper of stark lO.i'-C) inhabitants It is i-uuve o- t'n ',?.') River "5 Jiiiiei lYoul t;.J A '..;! lie 0 -a:'il. The rivsr I.ero fo.-i-i a bay, oi-d make. a tto'.-t forrploto harbor. Thr-ro are several saw miila on tho buy having a capacity i'.ir c-.ttiag from CO.'JCO to 75,000 fvet ol yvl..T jiiiu per day. XL ks'i Oiv.t cjb.'er trade is cx:en-ivclv tuiilcl cj, iiiu" every Eiorcing you cuii pure'.ase Cab cajtigh fr i"0 cents to make a good brrakfa.it fbr ten men. Hut I mr.st close fur the present. Yours truly, h. a. r. Thje constitutional Convention has been debatiog tho matter of making ap propriation cf public money, but iu ali its reported h'ik wo pes little of a practi cal ohsraeter to protect the public rev enues. The public purse should be placed beyond tho reach- of all logislu ti?e bodies, estimates made for allolReiid expenses lor ten years, at.d these tl.'ii fixed in the otgjuie law. This cuuid easily be done lor the States, and il it were so arranged the saving in public money would astoi:isl. every tix payer. State Journal. Governor llartrautt dc.-erv-a ere Jit for his veto of (be bill appropriating 575.000 to the relief of tho Sinner-at sufferers lie points out that the money is not to bo applied to the lclief of needy or suff ering, but to io.J. i'iijily citizens i r loes by fire, and protc.-.ts that th.; State shall not assume tho functions of an insurance company particuhirly siuco it receives no premiums on that .-.ere. The Goveri or is right. J iUnburgh Gazette. Now that the Supreme Court ban pronounced the Local Option law cor. stitutiooa', the people will have a free chance t' pronounce judgment tgaiust a traffic which is the source of all crime, all misery, a:l degradatiou, all shame, and all suffering; and if we would get a public view of the docket of every po lice magistrate iu tho State our asser tions would be sustained by the facts re corded therein. State Journal. Nova Scotia yielded in the ten years ending Januaiy 1, 1871, adout eight tons of gold, valued at 53,040,350. More than nine millions of bricrwood and ether woudeu 'pipes are made yearly iu this country. 1 he State Appropriation bill (which is now pending before tho Committee of Conference) contemplates an expendit ure of 875,000 during tho current year upon Normal School. To eoiuo, per haps, this may geciu extravagance but any one who understands fully the func tions of normal schools will be otherwise minded. Hie educational system of Pennsylvania, has been Irequeotly and warmly landed, yet there is time of our Htato institutions more in need of reform. Not one among fifty of our teachers are trained for the work before thrro. Who would think of entrusting n suit of clothes to a tailor, or a pair of shoes to a shoemaker who hud never undergone an apprenticeship to his trade? Is edu cation a matter of less moment? The greatest benefit that could be done for Pennsylvania to-day would be a thorough revision of its school system, and the en actment of a law providing that all teachers be instructed in their art before entering upon active duty, llcnco, not only should the existing Normal School be supported, but a sufficiency of new ones should be established, and dually every teacher should bo compelled to go through a course cf at least six months at one of these institutions. Suouer or later this will cirne to pass the sooner tho better. Pittsburgh Gazette. The CiiRArNi:ss of Pkhiotmcal IjITKU aTI'R E. Jn the Publisher' e- purtmcnt of the .April Number of Scrib- ner's Monthly, we fiud the following statement. Very few persons appreciate the cheapness nf period'eal literature. The four bound volumes of SeribtiPr's Month ly, which are cold for $10 00, contain more thau ha'fadozen serial-, nearly uliy short stories, more than cue hun dred poems and sonnets, nearly five huu- ed sketches and essays, reviews, tales o! travel and adventure, editorials on "Topics of the Time," eto., by the best writers, embellished with the choisest illustrations by American and European artists. an amruut of reading matter nune than equal to ten tliuu-imd ordin ary book pages, with more than one thousand iilustratious. They muke a complete library of current litcmtiue.and in boo'; t'.rui wordd cost about 510(1. 1 he price of these volumes is about oi-e-trmh the rnce paid for the saw quanity ol literary matter iu books. The series of illustrated articles shortly to be commenced in Serihncr's entitled, '-The G'ent Sou'h." to be writtn by F.dward King, to he iliutratcd by a corps of artists, anions whom are I'haiupney. Sheppard, 'J litmus and Peter Morati, and ethers, with the illustrations, will cot M.me $'" OtiO to g:j 1.000 ; no linnk publisher woull think for a mo ment of undertaking such an enterprise and givin.' the results to the public, iu a book as profusely illustrated as these wiii bo. for his than 510 to 515 a copy : mid et a party who subscribes for the moodily, and erinniior.ecs his sulseirp- noii witn ttie oitit.nin;; ol tins series, nil! uet the entire twelve papers for 51, 1 ( 'des ull the oilier attractions of the .Vi'nuvzloe. !r ilolbiiLl's serial "Arthur Honui-ea-olc.''' no r n ij u i si r through the Mug izii.e, with it- illnstrutions by Mi's Jfal oc!;, v.l.e'i pnbii-hnd io a book, will -ell for 81.75 to ol) per copy, and jet the suLseribers to S.ribiier's receive the story entire, sod ail the other attractive 'e oir.g matter o! the Monthly, more than pitwl to twelve such books, tor mi i v l.KTTKii Wmrixi;. Of all thiols on earth to make trouble, cummeud me to a letter! You write as you would say it, but it goes to your fricud without the g; ace of a voice, the inflection, the gest ure, laugh that would make a joke of it. There are just the haid, oohl words, he can only see what is said, and he is deeply grieved, or angered, lust to you, poi hups, forever. The thiug you write in ono uiood finds your friend iu another may be in the very one which of all iithcrs is least ho.-hiublo to your mcss ago. 1 have seen a whole family cast lown by some piece of wrilen pleasantry on the pari ot an absent member "of it. Ai.d if there is this cla'iger when you know the writer's ways and phrases so well, how much greater the peril in the case of more acquaintance. I think cor respondence shuuhi be conducted mainly by means cf printed forum. Theodora suggests that no one should wiite without these forms who had not been examined by a committee of experts and pronounc competent. Then auotlier committee should pr .nounce upon the competency if persons to whom written letter.-, are ad. 'ics-sd The Old Cabinet; Sciibuer's for April. TlIE I'heuolooiral Juuruul tor April, t ike it ad in all, is one of the best num bers yot issued of a tuagasine that is justly distinguished for usefulness. The tulik. of contents is of a. character to at tract ail cla-sns of readers, although "seiiiitiunalistn" seems to claim uo place therein. The following subjects seem to us o! more special interests: Charles I'. Kimball, the well-known Carriage maker of Maine; Inborn Strength, au essay on the elements of human advance ment; Educating the Sexes Together; 1 ho Foiomost l'roblem; From AV hence to No Whither, or the Future Consider ed; Alimeutivcnes:!, its Use and Abuse, iiiuitrated; Wilder on 1'hrcnology; Its Worth to Me, a Frank Admission; A Dream Not All a Dream; A Temperance AlV'gory; Ti juda, the President of Mexi co; The Civil Service aad Its Tendencies; The Cheerful Face; Thomas Gutbrio, D. D. ; The Maple Tree; Origin of "April Fool": East Tennessee aud Its Resources, etc.; also an excellent list of recent publications. Terms $3 a year. Sioglo Numbers. 30 ceuts. 8. K. Wells, N. Y. Tha CotiCTOsslonal Appointment Eill as R ported fcy the Houst Committee. Harrisbubgh, March 12. The fol lowing apportionment bill has bcea re ported in the House. District l.The 1st, 2d, 7th and 20th wards of the city of Philadelphia. 2. The 8th, 9th, 10th, 13th, 14th and 20th waids and all that part of the 17th ward lying west of Second street, Philadelphia, 3. The 3d, 4th, 6th, 6th, 11th, 12th and 16th wards, Philadelphia. 4. The lSth,21st, 24th, 27ib, 28th and 29th, wards, Philadelphia. 5 Tho 18th, 19tt,22d, 23d nnd25tk wards, and all the 17th ward lying east of Second street, Philadelphia. 6. The counties of Chester and Dela ware. 7. Lancaster. 8. Derkn. 9. Montgomery and part ol Bucks county not included in the tenth district. 10. Noi'thamtoo, Lehigh and the townships ol Durham, Milford, Spring field, Richlaud, Kockhill, Haycock MockamixoR and Tinicum, and tho borough of Quakertown, in Ducks county. 11. Pike, Monroe, Carbon and Wayne and the townships of Duck, Dear Creek, Biakely, Carbon dale, CoviDgton, Jeffer son, Maddison, Hearing Drook, Spring Drook, and the bouroughs of Biakely, Goldsboro,' Gibsonburg, tho city of Carboudale and the Twelfth ward of Scranton. 12. All that part of Luzerne county not included ia the eleventh district. 13. Lebanon and Schuylkill. 14. Dauphin, Northumberland, Juniata aud Perry. 15. Bradford, Susquehanna, Sullivan, Columbia aud Wyoming 10. Tioga, Potter, M'Kean, Cameron, Lycoming and Montour. 17. Franklin, Fulton, Bedford, and Somerset. 18. Snyder, Mifflia, Huntington, Bluir and Cambria. 19. York, Cumberland and Adams. 20. Uuiou, Centre, Clinton, Clearfield, Llk and Forofct. 21. Westmoreland, Green and Fayette. 22. The city of Pittsburgh and the townships of Chartiers, Union, Scott, Stone, Hobiosou, Upper and Lower St. Clair, Baldwin, Suovdeu, Mifilin and Jefferson and the boroughs of Mansfield, Chartiers and West Elizabeth, in the county of Alleghany. 23. All that part of Aleglianey county not included iu the twenty-second district. 24. Washington, Beaver and Butler. 25. Clarion, Arms'roug, Indiaua and JblTeraoo. tO. Liavrtouco, Mp.rnnr a. .J Oi--l..i. 27. Erie, Warreu and Venango. The Appropriation Eill. The appropriatiou bill, which has al ready passed the lu.wcr braticb of the DegisiaUiru, is a heavy one. We class ify the items as follow : Executive Department 814,000 Secretary of Commonwealth 27,225 Aucitor General's Office 25,025 Surveyor Geueral's OiFioe 25,150 Attorney General's Office 7.200 Adjutant General's Office 10.450 Pensions and Gratuities 00.000 State Trtaurcr's Office 14,100 Common School Department 817,17"' soldiers' Orphan's Schools 150.2(10 State Library 0,200 1'riuting (Journal excluded) G1,!SU0 The Judiciary 33,000 The Legislature 207,400 Charitable Institutions 7-0,0G0 Interest on Public Debt 1,508 000 Miscellaueou 20,000 Total 3,801,085 Here we have a total of nearly four millions of dollars, aud if halt a million is approoriated for the Centenuial Coui missiou, the bill will be au unuall heavy one. The amount is stiil further swell ed by the increase of Legislative salaries lrom 51,000 to 81.500 tor ihesessiun. 1 bis,iucretse io iu imitation of the exam ple set by Gtngress, which is now caus ing such a feeling of indignation through out the country. The jutuess of the increase is questionable, and we fear that it will not meet with a hearty ap proval lrotu tax prayer of the Gotnmon-we&hh.-Villiamspuit Gazette & Bulle tin. Tine Michigan Legislature has not ouly passed a prohibitory law, but one imposing heavy penalties for selling watered milk. Whieb prompts the Iu diauapolis Journal to inquire "if men are uut allowed to put whisky iu their water nor water iu their milk, what is water cood for?" Jefferson's advice to his daughters was to avoid breaking with disagreeable people as long as they could with honor. Sacrifices aud suppressions of f'ebltog for such an object, he thought, cost much less pain than open separation. The ef fort of self-control was soon forgotten, but an open breach haunis the peace of every duy. There is a woman at Dulutb who weighs .'500 pounds. At a little distance it is difficulty to tell which is the large er of the two, the town or the woman. The maddest man in CamJen is Smith. He wound up his clock regu larly every night for fifteen years, and then discovered that it was au eight-day clock. ropui.AR Erhohs To think the mote a man eats the fatter and stronger he will become. To believe that the more hours children study the taster they will learn. To conclude that be cause exercise is good, tho more violent it is the more good is done To imagine that every hour taken from sleep is an hour gaiued. To arguo that whatever remedy causes one to feel immediately better is good for the system, without re gard to more ulterior effects. To eat without an appetite, or to continuo to eat after it has been gratified, merely to t ratify the taste. To eat a hearty sup- per for the pleasure experienced during the brief time it is passing down the throat, at the expense of a whole night of disturbed sleep, aud a weary waking iu the aiorning. To act on the pre sumption that the smallest room in the house is largo enough to sleep iu.-Good Health. A decision of ousiderable import ance to debtors and creditors was render ed a few days ago, iu tho Uuited States District Court of New Jetscy, to the ef fect that where a man was bankrupt he was not entitled to the five hundred dollars exemptioii of the United States low, but was entitled to the two hun dred dollars allowed by he Statu ouly; not to both the State and National ex emption, ns that, in some cases, would leave nothing fur the creditors. Id another case it was decided, as to what property should be restrained under the bankrupt act, that all property must be gived into the hands of an assignee, ex cept, that amount exempted by the State law, aud that tho other exemption mnst come through the order of the Court. It is to be presumed that the same principle applies in other States. Fx, Tnn commercial marino of the civiliz ed world comprises 50 727 sailing ves sels, measuring 14, 503, S3!) tons and 4, 333 steauiLhips, aeasuring 3,080,070 tons. The supremacy of Great l'ritaiu will be seeu iu the fact that (he has one third of the sailing vessels, or 19,182, with a tonnage of 5. 300, 827. and two thirds of the steamships, or 2,537, with a tounage of 2,382.145. The Uutited States h .s 7,092 sailing vessel, with 2, 272,120, aud 429 steamships, with au agiegate of 401,044 tons. Norway and Italy rank third and fourth in the possession of sailing vessels, and Ger many and Franco are next. In regard to steamships, France ranks third aud Germany lourth, An exchange having said : The fi.-.st robin has been seeu ; but one robin dosen't mike a spring. The. Auburn Bulletin retorts : '"Try him wit'.i a bug and see if dou't spriug." New Advertisements, ADMINISTRATORS MJTICE. Letters of Administration upon tho estate of VICTOR NORTON, deceased, lnive been duly granted to the uiiduisigucd by the Register of Elk Ceunly. All persons in debted to the estate of tho deceased arc requested to make p.ijmeut, aud those hav ing claims ugaiust the csute will present the suuie fur settlement without dtfluy. D. C OVSTEIi .March, Oth, lSiS.nSU. BEEEIIT'B SALS. Py virtue of a writ of Fieri I'noi.w issued out of the Court of Cuiiiiiina I'li.is of Elk county and to mo directed; waving inqui sition and I'lemptiun, I will expose to salo by PU 111.10 VENDUE OR OLTu'RY at the Court liouse in Kidgwnv, Elk Co., I'a. ou MONDAY, the 11th DAY of APRIL, A. D. 1673 at ono o'clock, p. ai., All tho right, title, interest claim and do maud whatsoever of 11 EN II Y MoCRKADY di l'cn.latit in said writ, of in to or out of all that cert. in tract p eceor pmcelof land situate iu tho Township of Eox, county of Elk and t-'mte of Pennsylvania, adjoining lands of FRANCIS O'NEIL formerly SMITH MEADE and described as follows: boun.te 1 on the east by hinds of EARLiil- & HEHSUEY, on the south by lands of I HAM.IS O NLILL., on the west by laads belong io l!io JOili JI.Vl.ONE esiatc, on the north by land of S SE1FRED i.ud O'hers containing about one hundred a'tres, thirty-five c.crei of whicii is under improvement audcultivatiou aad ihe baian. u of said one hundred acres is wood laud upon which pttiuises ono frame dwelling house one burn and lime kiln uud liiuo sheds with other out buildings. Heine tho same premises conveyed by EDWAIID McCltEADY and wile uy deed dated tho lHtli day of January. A. u. IS08. to HUdll McCKEADY in trust for HENRY McCltEADY und EDWARD JleCREADV and duly recorded in the Recorder' othce in and for Elk county in Deed Rook ' (i page 403 etc. lieiug the same piemises on wh!ch EDWARD JlcCRIiADY now re sides. Seized aud taken in execution as Iht property of HENRY McCKEADY, aud to be hold by L. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sniuirr'a Oif.cB V Ridgway, Pa. March 1:0, 1873, n3to. llanhccd: How Lost, How Restored. jjrtspu6' published; a new edi SfysJii2i tioo of Da. Ci'LVEswiLL'a Chlebkatio Esbai on the radical cure (with out oiediciue) of SiKaM atorhh&a or Semi nal weakmss, Involuntary Seminal Looses, iMPOTEttci, .Mental and Physical Iacapao ity, Impeiiinanta to Marriage, etc; ale, Oonsi'Mpthh, Epiikpsy and Fits, induced by self iniulgence or sexual exiravagaaoe. CJtI'rte in a sealed envolope, only 6 eenu. The celibrated author, ra this adruirab'e essay, eletrly demonstrates from a thirty years' p ratine, that the alarmiuinhg cous quences tf self-abuse may be radically cured witlout the dangerous use of inter, nal niedioue or (he application of t he knife; pointing ut a mode of cure at ouce simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every suil'trer, no matter what his condition may be cm eure himself cheaply, private ly, sad ladically. feal'Ms Lecture should-be ia the bauds of every youth aad every man in the land. Sent, inder seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpard on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell'i ' 'Marriage Guide," priee 60cents. Addrss the Publishers. I CHAS. J. C. KLINE 4 CO., 127 Bosery, New York, Post Office Box 4 686. .3, Elk County Directory. President Judgo 1. D. Wettnore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V. Honk. ' , District Attorney J. K. P, Hail. Sheriff 1). C. Oyster. Trotlionotbry J-o., Fred. Sohocning. Treasurer O. K. Barley. County Superintendent Rufus Luoore. Commissioners dtobt. Campbell, John Barr, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George D. Messenger, and C. W. Barrett. Count v Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jurv Commissioners. Joseph Kerner and Charles Mead. R' UFUS LUCORK, Atlorny-at-Law, llidgway, Elk Co., Pa. Olhoe ia iiu s new lirick euiiuinz. cmnus ior collection promptly attended to. v3ully. IN THE MATTER 1 IN TUB COURT OF of ilio iiicorror- Commen Pleaa of lion f Alvnn B. Elk County Preston and oth- i No. 24 of April ers as "Tho He- Term 1873, formed Church of Wilcox." NOTICE is hereby givea that AWanB. Preston and others have made application t the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, to be incorporated auder the name, style and title of "The Reformed church of Wilcox," and that no sntlioient reason ap pearing to the contrary a decree of incorpo ration will be made at the next term of said Court. FRED. SCHCENING, Prothonotary. GEO. A. KATHliUN, Att y. v3n!4w. AGENTS WANTED! The unparalelled success of the "Victor Sewing Machine," Enst and West, opensa good opportunity for Sewing Mnchins agents and responsible men to take the ageney for this County. Foi Circulars, samples of work and terms, address, VICTOR SEWIXii MACHINE COMPANY. J. L. FERGUSON, . MANAGER, Ho. 1227 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA, sov. 27 lui. mm .A 1 BOOK AOKSTS rORTHK Funny Side of Physic. 800 i'cyrs, and 250 Engraving. A startling txpose of Medical Humhits of the past and present. It ventilates Quacks Travelling Doctors, Noted Fenia'e Cheats, Fortune Tellers and Jlodiiinis, and gives interesting narrative" of Noted Physicians. It reveals slnrthng secrets, and it is invalu able to nil. We give exclusive territory and liberal commissions For circulars and terms address the puV.ishers. J. It ISVHK & IIYDh, HARTFORD, CONN'., ok CHICAGO, ILL. AGENTS WANTED FOR TIIE GREAT INDUSTRIES OF THE V MI ED STaTES; This work is a compete history of all brnnelies of industry, nn 1 is a complete en cyclopedia of arts and manufactures. One ngeut fti)!d 1U3 copies in eight days, another sold !lii8 in two weeks. Specimens sent free on receipt of stamp. J. B. EUE3 Si TIZZ, Publishers. HARTFORD, Cc)NN., or CHICAOO, ILL A NEW" BOOK Ry a a popular Author, will be ready in a lew week-;. Agents who would secure ter ritory, should apply at once. J. EUES & HYDE, Publishers, HARTFORD, CONN., or CH1CAGO.ILL. - By MAIL, as CENTS I L PAHKROW I P. W. HAYS, OKALBt IS Dry Goods, Notions, Grcceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Barley P. O. vln47tf. A3E1IT3 WAIT! "INSECTS AT HOME." 700 paB; upwards of 700 cuts; 11 fall page eugraviucs. '.Just tho Rook for in telligea rural homes." "The drawings are faithful represcaiatioua of Insect aud I'laat." 8eud for Circular. Address Gio. li rooks, 124 North Seventh St., Philadel phia. AGENTS. $10 to $20 PER DAY GUARANTEED. Specimens and full particulars free. Address WOODS LITER' ARY AND ART AGENCY. Viwturfch, K. J. THE ELK ADVOCATE. THE OLDEST PAPER IN TIIE COUNTY, HAVING TIIE LARGEST CIRCU- ATIOxV, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN TUB COUNTY gcvt( to h gfntmjit.4 f tUt tcvlt ei $ltt Couuty. TEMS:$2.00 PEP,YEAE. BRING ALONG YOUR ADVER TISEMENTS AND GET THEM INSERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES. If jou want to Sell anything, let the people know it through the Advocate, the great advertising medium. Job Printing OMce5 la the Court House, Ridgway, Fa. The best work done, and at the yery lowest pi-toes. Blanks kept constantly on hand at this offioe. HaBd bills priuted at the shortest notice Cull in and get onr prices for advertis ing and jobbing. Satisfaction warranted Orders by mail prortptlyatteoded to Abduhs, HENRY A. PARSONS, JR., BlBQWAYj Pa. BUSINESS CARDS. 1 A. BATIIBUN, JT Bidgway, Pa. Attorney-at-law, 2 2 tf. JOHN O. HALL, Attorney at law, Eidg J way, tut county l'a. mar.2fc'6lil J O. W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT- LAW. ymoj. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler'a Life and Acol dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. jfEYNOLOS HOUSE, aBTVOLDSVILLE.JEFFEaSONCO, FA. H. S. BELNAP, Proprietor . J D. PARSON'S, Manufacturer tfnd Dealer ia Boots aud Shoes. Main Bt., opposi te the H tel, Wilcox Pa. J,S. 0DWELL,L1. D, Eclectio Physician and Surgeon, has remov ed his office from Centre street, t Main it. Ridgway, Pa,, in the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store. Othce hours: 8 to 9 a ra: 1 to 2 p. tn. 7 to 8 p, m. jan 9 73 Cl G. MESSENGER, X Druggist and Paraceutist oorncr cf Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domcstio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. Tln3y. ry 8. IIARTLET, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Hidgway, Fa. Othce in Walker a Building. Special attention given to Burgcry. Office house from 8 a. ni. to 10 p, ra. Residence on coiner of South and Court streets, op posite the new School House. All calls promptly attended to. vln.yl. (CHARLES HOLES, J Wntthmnkpr, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, done with he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis aclioa guaranteed. vlnly. W. C. HEALY. DEALER IN E2Y GOODS, 633:23133, P337iS:W3 I'HOBUGE, ritUITS, &c. vlnStf. West End, liid-jway, Pa. HVHE HOUSE, Riooway, Elk Co., Ta, W. IJ. SCHKAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct 30 18611. T THE OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, Kane, McKcan Co., Pa 11. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thauhfu! for thepatronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort nnd convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. The only stables for horses in Kane aud well kept nieut or day. Hall attached to tho Hotel. " vlniWy).. II ALL & BliO Attorneys - at - Law ST. MAitrs, ELK CC'JNIY PilKSYLYAKIA. JO, IN O. 11 ALL JAS. K. V. HAL KERSEY UOU8E, CtiNTBKVlLLE, ELK Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liber illy bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, t merit a continuance of the same. S. A. ROTE, PHOTOGRAPHERi . AND DEALKR IN Chromos, Stereoscopic Viowa, Picture Frames, &o. WEST END, RIDGWAY, ELK CO. PA v2n2tf. F RED. SCHOENING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IU PIANO-l'OlUES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC 1JOOKS. Pianos and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. Prothouotary's Office, Ridgway, Pa. viuOtf. EW STAGE ROUTE. J. C. JU'XXS, Proprietor. The subscriber having secured the con tract for carrying the U. S. Mail between REYXOLDSVILLE & BROCKWAY VILLE has placed on that road a Jline of hacks. Hacks leave the Exchange Hotel in Ucynoldville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday on the ai rival of the Erookville stage, and return the same day. These hacks connect at lirockway ville with the Ridgway stages, making connection with trains on the P. & E. Road, both east and west. Every attention to the comfort of patrons of this line will be given, and a liberal patronage solicited. Aug. 13-72tf. THE NATION i.V ENGLISH AND GERMAN Nothing like it. Strikes everybedy as just the book they neeJ. It ia an Uncyclo poedia of the Government. Single pages in it are of themselves worth the price of the book ow 600 paijtt and only A 1CU HARVEST, for Canvassers ladies and gentlemen farmers, i&chers and students. One ayent took 75 orden in a few dnyi, with circular alone, before the book pppeared. $20 A DAY can be cleared in fair territory. Write at once for circular and information. NEW WORLD PUB LISHING Co., Cor. 7th and Market Streets, Pkil!pkiav vl7yl.