8lh Qouatn gduocalc, THURSDAY. MIRTH 13. J873. Var Time at nitigrway. Erie Express East..... 2:35 a. m. do 4o West... 2:30 a. m. doMjiilEast 5:00 p. m do do West 2:28 a. m. Renovo Accommodation East 8:55 a tn. do do do West fi:20 p. tn. Rates of Advertising. One column, one ycar. 75 00 i " 40 00 i " " , 25 00 L " " " 15 00 Transient advertising per square of eipht .tines or less 3 times or less 2 00 Business cards, ten lines or less, per ye,n,r 5 00 Marriages and Death notices inserted gratis. Elk Lodge, A. Y. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be held at their hall on th second nnd fourth Tuesdays of each month. G. L McCKACKEX, Pcc'y. Almanacs were first published in 1441. The penality fur using a postage stamp a second time is filty dollars. 11. O. MooRHEAl) of the Brockway ville Register, paid our offices a visit last week. Lutheran Services. Rev. I. Breneoien, will hold services, in English, morning and evening, uest Suuday, in the Court' House. Services will bo held in Grace Church, next Sunday morning an 1 eve ning, by Rev. Tho?. A. Steveiifinn. Morning services, at 1 1 a. ni., and eve ning services, at 7 p. tu. A cordial invitation to attend is extended to all. An Old Resident Gone. Mrs. El'zabeth Moyer, wife of Conrad Mover, of Fox township, this county, died on Monday, March "id 1870, at the ex treme old ago of 77 years 0 months and 4 days. The weather (or the past cck I123 bfen somewhat unsettled. Monday, looked very much kf spiiiiji! Tues day we had a heavy snorv storm, nnd on Wednesday, si '11 move smw, and at present writing a young winter kccius (0 be 00 the tapis. 13. K. Guru's, furniture room., owner of Maiu and Depot atroet iti tho pln to buy fu! nit re, tb-ro ym w : 1 1 fi id a larger and more varied ass jrtticni: of everything in tho furniture line, than hai ever bct'.irs hei bmV into this county. no cannot ciMtuerate tne ar ticles for lack of space, but w in! J s i visa nil to pay Mr. Grli a v'ait u 1 exini iuo his largo stock. Giv him a euii and be conviue: i. The Xhw Postal Cards-'I'Ivj Pot msster General lias issued advcrtistiii'nta f'jr bids for (he now penny postal cards. Jt is the ;nteiihion of the Department to have cards ready for issuo by the 1st of May. It will be imposible to make the ni.'ceiiiry arrangements soon r. The Geoeral has already received such cr dors for new cards as had him to believe that" 100,000,000 iil bo used tie first year. Uk who reads no uewspapers of any kind is only .spare! of hrtiveu that he may sit on a jsry. "Tins little poem of Or. Uolland's," snys the Springfield ,V)t.'i., 's even mure timely now than when it was written in 1830, albeit then tho sincerity nnd falsehood, of many of the popular politicians led those who sat too ner.r the inner motives and the secret actions of men to utter almost the depa'.ving cry for a new dispensation: God give us men! a time like this demands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands; Men whom the lust of nllice does not kill; Men whom the spoils of cilice cannot buy; Men who possess opinions and a will: Men who have honor; men who will not lie; And damn ls treacherous Uatteries with out winking. Tall men, sua crowned, who live abovo the fog In publio duty and private thinking; For, while they fabblo with their ihunb- worn creeds, Their largo professions aid their little deeds Mingle in selfish strife, lo! Freedom weeps, Wrong rules tle laud, and waiting Justice j steeps. Sale of Valuable Ilortr, PaopKitrv Tho well known Hyde House, at this place is now alfercd lor sale by the owner Mr. W. H. Sc'irain, who lias beon proprietor for u tiuiub'jv of years, a.id now desired to sell 011 account of ill health. This large and coiiiitWiuus house seems to be one of the most desirable" hotels iti this part of the state, situated us it is in the very centre of the business part of tho town, etj iying a large patronage ever binco Mr. Scl.ram assumed the piupietorship The house is well furnished, has an excellent supply of pure water; is situated at a convenient distance from the depot, and has a large and well arranged stablj attached. ADy one desiring to buy this property can be informed as to terms etc by ad dressing, W. II. Sobrain, llidgway, Elk Co., Pa. Communication. Pnguscahonda, Pa., March 10th, '73 Friknd Parsons. I noticed won pleasure in the last issue of the Advo cate of the return to the editorial etiair of yourself. HaviDg been au occasional correspondent of the Advooati during your absenco, and seeing no good reason why I may not continue as such 1 will try from time to lime to giva you the "locals" as they occur is this vicinity. .The Dagusoahonda Railroad is now doing a good busiuess. Thoj are ship ping from eight to ten cars of coal daily to points on tho Jine of the P. & E. west of here, and they intend in n short time, to be able to double the shipments. Parties from Buffalo, N. Y. ore now engaged in re-opeuing the 'dower mines" situated about four miles south of this place. They mteud shipping their coal to Buffalo via Emporium. The stone quarry at this place under the management of William Nolan, is doing a thriving business, giving em ployment to a large number of workmen. The stone -is shipped as fast as quarried to points east of here to be used for bridges, culverts, etc , on the double track of the P. & E. It. It. The quan. tity of stone is limited but is of first class quality. ' Wc are now looking anxiously for the coming of warm weather and more con genial airs aud hail every new indication of spring with manifestations of joy. 1 was awakeued from slumber yesterday morning by a souad which at the tinio I supposed lo be the croakiug of a frog, and thiuking that spring wassure'y with us I hurriedly donned the habiliments of day, and went out to give the uew comer a hearty welcome, nnd foind to my great djs;.ppointment that it was the cast iron on the railroad opposite my residence groaning under the weight of a heavy freight train which was pass ing about that time. Such are the dis appointment of lite. I iuleud to commit matrimony soon and shallot course ha obliged to chau'e my name when that" event takes place Therefore. I give notioe tbat shoal 1 you rcccivo a communication from this place ova another friguature, you may know it is from the pea of the same old PlONKVllt. Tup. Monkv Mahxet. The reports cur rent within the last few days of coailTiereia! failures in the West ami .South have caused some little c-xcitment in financial circles beicaud at New York. Kveryboly almost who at nil considers the financial sitaation of the country is apprehensive all the time of a revolution of greater or less sef erity, and t"jo smalest movement in that direction 'iiielieus apprehension. While the feeling is quite natural, we do uot see enough in surroundings to warrant the belief that the striiifreney in the Xcw York money market, the chief financial centre of the conniry, is well caleu'ateil to give force to evcy fict pointing to tho result feared. Rates for money there rule high, which is the measure that credit is low and confidence weak. Ko complaints can bo made against the hanks for withholding ucoouiino Jatious, for it was shown by their lust exhibit that they 'are lending more freely than they oitjht to do, largely trenching upon their reserves, as they are, to meet the demand. of their customers, and placing themselves in a worse position than they haxe been before for many years. However much the stringency may be intensified by spec ila tive manipulations there tire certain ele ments which are now exerting a more con trolling influence upon the money Fitiiatiou. These causes are: First, Tho vast destructiJu of property in this country by fire, equal to seven hun dred millions of dollars in less than two years. Second, The extension af our railroad eystem 'and other works of internal im, provemcnt. During 1872 seven thomand miles of new railroad were constructed representing a cost of two hundred aud eighty millions of dollars. Third, The retiring and cancellation 0! the three per cent, certificates. Fourth, The snow blockade, which in terferes greatly with business froai the in terior, more espeoiully with the movement of produce from faimoi's storehouses to railroad fcUtions, preven'ing the farmer from paying the storekeeper, md the store keeper in town from disuh irging his obli gations to merchants in the 1 irge cities. riflh, The outiiow of currency to tho interior, an operatiou uot only uuusaal but almost unprecedented. Sixth, The large shipments of specie to Eurjpe, the amount now held by th banks being smaller than fur the corresponding period of any previous year for five years pst. Seventh, The hiirh freight charges of railways Eighth, The hoar 1113 of legal tender notes iu the Southern States. AuU, ninth, the present condition of the New York banks, which are below taeir reserve. A combination of so m iuy can ei acting at the same time would certaialy socio to be sufficient to cause stringency in any importuut commercial centre, and ap prehensions everywhere. The remedy sug gested by the Express, to which we do not at all subscribe, ig free banking There is gt present too much business doing 011 too small a capital, and although greaUr facilities for runuiug iu debt might tem porarily relieve mauy from euibartassmeut PMMIWHBUP.M. and for a lime seem ti iucreasi the pros perity of tho country, yot the effect wou.d uot be lasting. More real money is wanted, and that want would not' be supplied bv any Issue of irredeemable paper, however large. Philadelphia Ledger. The number of fires of Philadelphia during the year 1872 was 603; tho losses aggregated 82,113,140; the total amount of insurance was $8.49,639, being sevrnd times the amount of the losses. Thb number of Errs shows an increase of 176 over 1871. They ore preparing in France to make drunkenaess an expensive lurunry A bill has just passed the French As sembly, without a division, which by a graduated scule offers sironger nnd stronger inducements to refrain. For the first offctice of being drunk is only five francs, but it rises considerable lor the seeoud, third nnd fourth offences, reaching as high as 000 francs fine, two months imprisonment, and deprivation of civil rights for two years. There are also stringent penalties for tavern keep ers who supply liquor to drunken men or to miners under sixteen years of age. Tub New York Tribune announco that the trades unions of that city are organizing for a "strike" for higher wages and less hours of labor on as grand a scale ns that of last spring. The capitalists, it further informs us, are preparing to resist the movement, and fur that purpose have formed a strong combination. A conflict paralyzing industry, crippling nil branches of busi ness, and resulting in serious loss both to the workiuiiiLuD and employer, there fore s "ems inevitable, unhss a better judgment prevails This, savs the Vfss, is h:ird!y possible, since jud gment of any kind rarely enters into these quarrels. That the contemplated strike will not be as disastrous as its predecess ors, is, however, cue consolation The fjet that the employers have resorted to fhe tallies of the trades unions and prop i.-e to fihf (ire wiih fire is evidrrne that it will he of chort duration. The evil heretofore lias been that the combi nation has b..eu only on one side. Now that both sides have resorted to it, it otuht to follow that u better plan for setlHmr the question wiil he adopted. The old one is brutal ami aims to solve the. most delicate !d difib-ult by com pulsion alone It cost New York in the loss of weges and property during a sin gle month la-t spriinj over c2,oU0,(i:hi, and for the whoh-'perioj o! the strike over Sl.OUO.ir.'J, wh'ch was equ'iliy shared lnwuikir.uieeu aud eat iu'.i-is. 1 ll' ' KS SOW asfi.o i: ;h the ;l,-y- ter. Nnnd an 1 IVuti-jlvjiiia i'ailway i W"nl:l be l!i!t on the 01 her side of ! l',,!ato 1. 'reek pro -.sing near lr 1 e!win"K We would much prefer having it run 0 1 t'ii- si -e ol'the creei, a freight, Ac, . wnulj tl.?n !d!t rnue'i i;earer the busi ness; part (if the toWO, bu' ,1:1 lli.itll-MS now stand, we can hardly hop' to see the road built on tins side. Tho men ; who have been o untiring in t J.etr e!- (oris to secure a 101 i through this see-: tiuu will urole.uhtediy bo the leuipitcuts of that con tin ned and uuoea:ti' fiiol of j ctirscs w bieh has alwavs been tiuurcd 111 - mill, even it ilia track is laiu us ' ueav us is Q )v c imtetUjdated - MeKeau i Miner. I Dn.MU.Ans, letterheads, etc., printed I at the Advocate oliicc. tend iu your i orJVs. : 1 There aie three k'ods of men in this wore' tie "Wills." and the -Wet's, 'j and tlio i.'an'ts," The tenner eiI'e;H ;' evei'3 t'nitie, and the ctlmr o.-po.o every- ' tiling, ut.,1 the latter latl iu everything- j Au expensive w'fe band. . de. a p usive bus- The hump of tiesti iic; ivoiicss -a railway collision. Why are the Esquimaux dogs like a beech tree'; Because they lere a very thin b.nk. Why is a tin pan tied lo a dog's tail like death? Because it s hound to H ear. l'.ailro Rls have ;auge, a 11m r iiuw three gauges :au.e uiol a moil -hroad SEEDS, l'HEI'AID J. M.w;,. My new j-ric ..1 Oe'cr-ptiv C-ituloguo tf Cuoice F.U'-or and Garnet. 8.-eis, 2a sorts of eiiher for? I; new and choice varioues of fruit nud tlrio'taealiil 'Jv.s, hiiruba, Kvfi'gref its, l!oes. (trap's, Eillies, Sumll i'ruits. House and ilndet- lUnls and iluflis; ..ne year g ai'ie i I'ruit -Trees tor mailing; Kruit St ct s of il l kinds: lie Ige I'l.inls, Sc.; the most complete assortiiiciit in Ihe country, will be scut gratis to any plain a i Ire.sS', with i'. bos. True Cape 'o 1 I'lanberry fi r upland or lowland, 5o per lO'.M; cr 1110, prepaid by mail. Trade List 10 dealers. i-ecUs on 'Juiamis. sion. Agents warned. If. M WATSON, Old Col. ny Nurseries and Seed i arehou-f, l'i -moiiti, Slass. Es tablishu I 18t2. TO ZiOi'Il C.!rt!X.HEns. A Ni:V WAY OF til SSl.MI A Siibscription Book. CAN SI.L I'llOL'.S.VNO.?:: PI.AIN HOMU TAIjK Is plain talk nboln the body and its physical and social nerds L)r. V. li. FoiiTk. author of "Medical Coiumoa Sense " 01 No. Lexington Ave., N. Y., who euierlains cveiybodv with his pen, uud cures every b-e'y by his ts L ill, in its author. In its thousand pages it answers a thousand questions you don't want to go to your physician about, tt is, as is stumped upon its cover, "a book for private aud consid erate ro.iding." l'rioe $J 2j. and sent, postage preruix, every where. A beautiful original ohromo. mouutel "ruaow I'uvsio to thk Dous," worth Sl'l, es with iho book No cliroino without tho book No book without the chroino. Address MUK K Y HILL i'L'liLl.-lUN') CO il'ANY, No. 120 East liHih Street, New York. v3o2 lot. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, AND HOUSEPURHISmO GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Tools, Lumbermen Tools. In fact everything usually kept in a first-class Hardware &torc. a FIBST-Sl&SS TIN SHOP, Employing none but first-class Workmen and noiliing; but first- clas material used. 1. .A: eat 13 4. OPPOSITE THE COURT W- S -tf. HALL'S VEBETABLE SICILIAN HAIR kEENEWEE. Every year increases the popu larity of this valuable Hair Prep aration, which is due to merit alone. We can assure our odd patrons that it. is kept fully up to Us high standard ; nnd it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Gkay or Faded Hair, to its youthful color, making it soft, luntrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic proper ties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes tho hair-glands. By its use, tho hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new, growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hair-Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applic.v tions, and gives the hair a splendid, giossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachu setts, says, " The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the Best Pueparatiok for its intended purposes." Sold by all Vmrgittn nnd TXxilert hi AfeJc?jij. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOB, THE WHISKERS. As our Kenewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we hav prepared this dye, hone preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish thk result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO NASHUA Jf.SC. HOT? 70 G5 V7E2T. This is an itirjuiry which every one shnhld have truthfully auswercd bcfure lie starts 011 his juiiruey, and a little care tukcu in examination of Routes will in many ca.-sis i-avo much trouble, time utel miHi.y. Tho )., l &, Q. R. R.," runuinK I'lo.-n Chicami, tiirougli Galcshurg to li uiriigiei), ani t'no "I., U.& 'V. Rnute,' innniii i'r.jiu Iu'liunapolis, through liioouiinjito to Rurlingtou, have aehiev ed a fjderdid reputatiuu in the last two years ss the leadina; Passengern Routes to tiie West. At liuiliii;tou they eon ntct with tho 1- ii! M. U. II. and J10111 the great Buriinjjtou Route, which runs direct through Southern Iowa to Nebras ka and Kansas, with close contuetioBS to Culilot nia nti'l the Territories j and puissenera staitiu froui Elk County, on their way westward, cannot do hetter than to take the Buklinuton Uoutk. 'Ihis Line has published a pamphlet called "How to go West," which otm. tains much valuauie information; a lar;e correct map ot the Grea'' West, which 1 cao be obtained tree ot chaige by ad- j dressing the General Passenger Agent I ot the B & M. &, Burlington, luw ' t- TCI HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. SKRV1CE & CO- 10 PEH CENT. INVESTMENTS 8WTRF.P IY MUST MOUTOAGE ON rtt.r. tf.4.-fA aAiu T11IUJK TIMES THE SUM LOAXF.D. Intcrost T&j&llo Somi-Animally. At the Ihmking House of A L L fi S T K " H K S 8 4 CO, In New Yoik City, or at any Eaek d- siginited by the lender. WE ARE INVESTING FOR EASTERN parties numy thousands of dol'ars per month in flrtt worhaes on improved property in Illinois, and such has been tin .leinvnrt for these desirable securities, rfcftl wo htiva, during the last, fifteen months, i laced in thin nearly one mlUU-n dollar, die tsenii-auiiuul interest on which has, iu each uud every case, been promptly paid. These mrt!t'Kei urn in ihe form of Trust L'ecJs, ami c;iu In- closed iu l'i) days should there be a lai.uie to pay intcust or taxes At. ell due. l'e inv.-st any sum, be it largo or small, and cel'ect and remit interest and principal 11s it ma'ures, all without expense to the lender. Can refer topaities for whom we have loaned huge amounts, and who have never Inst dollar oil her of principal or int. ore st in this class of securities during the last Jiitrn ("'. Send lor our pamphlet. Illinois as a place ot'Iiivtsimtni," mailed free. HUN MY C. W I l.SOX, CEO. W. TOMS. win SOX t- TOMS, Dealers im Ue.l Estate Tev Per Cent. Securities and School Bonus. BLOCM1NGTON, ILLINOIS. jau 10 '71 yl KanhoocUSHow Lost, How Restored.' jjP.yPjt Just published; a new edt- yJjr tio of Dk" Cciveaweit'a ( KLKiiiiATtn E8sTon the radical cure (with out medicine) of (Spermatorrhoea or Semi nal weakness, Involuntary luminal Losses, Impotesct, Mental and Physical Incapao iiy, Impediments lo Mairia);e, etc; also, CiNsrMi'TioN, Ki'itHpsv an l Fits, induced by self indulgence or sexual KtraragKnoe, VT'Trici) iu a sealed envolope, only 6 tcnti. The oelebratcd iiuLhor, in this aduiirab'e essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' practice, lhat the alarmining conse. iueuces of self-abuBe may ke radically cured without ibe dangerous use of inter nal mediciue or the applieation ofthekaife; peinting out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and ilieetual, by means of which every Butl'erer, no matUr what his condition may be cn cure himself cheaply, private ly, and radically. pafThis Lecture thould be ia the hands of every youth and every nan in ihe land. f ent, under seal, in a pluia envelop, to any address, postcard oa receipt af b'ix cents or 1 wo post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's ' Marriage Guide," prios 50 cents. Address the Publishers- t'UAS. J. C. KLIire 4 CO., 127 Bowery, New York, PuetOffioe Box, 4,. 586. m-3 TS. BordweH, M. D. Ecleotie Physiean . Olhce and 'residence opposite the Jail, on Centre St., Kidgway , Pa. Prompt attention will be given to all calls. Once hours : 7 to 8 A. M- ; 12 to 2 P. M. ; and U 7 P. M. Mar. 24, PuWELLft KIME- i cm eli & Kline V Ur lit tkt tU tilt, ! th fire, ad fill it fro ctUr to (arret Titk rht iioioMt goods of 11 tletoripttoal, (kat ea b ftnj In any markt, are fully pre pared te rteeiTttketr ld cmitomere, Md upely their wvDU mi kettt f (are WHOLESALE OS SSTAIL.' Their KssortDMmt ie em.eeatplete, oom prising GROCJCRIKS,. CIW)CKERT, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOX3, HATS AND Ci.1'3, NOTIONS,, etc., ete. POSE. FLOUB, SALT. Feed, Boans, Butter, DRIED APPJ-KS, PRIED PEACHES, Canned Goods, In short everythingwanstod.in thaTCountry by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, M IN Ell 8, TAN NERS, LABORING MEN, EVERYBODY Als full ateek ef MANILLA aOPE of the beet menafactare, of wimble aises for rafiing and ranaiag pnrpeees. fi ft II V. 1Ja-, . ftnaa VL&M&a iftiiiji UMMif Hjwy, Pa., Vtwch, ttl F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP O0 TO J A M ITS It. It AOT5RTY 1 Main Street, P.idgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, 1IAT3 AND CAPS, , GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provieions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap is the CHEAPEST. ' JAMES H. HAGERTY. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN DAN SCR1BNEII WISHES TO IN form the Cittieus of Ridgway, and the publie generally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES an t Buggies, to let upon the most reasona ble terms. BHe will also do job teaming. Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the Post Office, on Mill street. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. RAILROADS PHIL ABILl TU A AKD EEIE RAILROAD, WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after SUNDAY, OCT. 27 1872, the trains ou the Philadelphia & Eria Kailroud will run as follows : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadclphia..ll.40 p. m. " " " Kidgway 2.28 p. m. ' " arrive at Eric 7.55 p. m. F.iie Exp leaves PhiladelphUi...l2.40 p. m. " " " Ridgway 2.39 a. m. " " nrrive at Krie 7.45 a. in. Accomodation, leaves llcnova,...2.10 p. m " ' Kidgway, 20p. m. " arr at Kane 7.30p. m. EASTWAKU. U.'A Train leaves Erie 11.36 a. m. " " " Ridgway C.00 p. m. " . " srrive at l'hilud'a... 6.55 a. m. Erio Express leaves Erie 9.05 p. m. " " " 1'idgway... 2.04 a. m. " " avat Philadelphia.. 3.30 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane 7.55 a. m. " Kidgway... 8.55 a.m. " arr at Renovo 12. 30 p. m. Mail East connects cast and west at Erio with L 8 M S U W mid at Oorry and Ir vineton wilt Oil Creek and Allegheny K R W. Mail West at Corry and Irvineton witJi Oil Creek und Allegheny II R W. Warren Accommodation EnsOand.West with trainB on L. S. & M. S. R. W. east and west aud at Corry with O. C. & A. H. R. W. Erie AccommodstionUast at Corry and West at Cony and lrvincton with O. C- A. a. It. VY. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing Nov. 8d., 1872. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS- 15UUUII AND POINTS ON TIIE PHIL' A. & 1R1E R. R. GOING SOUTU. Dav Exnrass leaves Corrv nt. 11 00 a m 11 68 a m 8 30 p m ' 5 20 p m 5 10 p m 6 80 a m 7 15 a m 10 15 a m 4 30 p m 8 80 p m Le ives lrvhieto:i, Arrives at Pittsburgh Leaves Irvine on. Night Express leaves Corry Arrivpn at. Pittuhnrrrh rarKer a Accom. leaves Oil City Arrives at. Pnilf,' - , - Oil City Accom. leaves Oil City Arrives ai uraay s Delia OOINO HOBTH. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at 8 00 a a 6 00pm 5 00 d in Arrives ai vorry " " Irvineton Niaht Einress leaves Piltshurph 9 30 p m 8 50 a m li 68 p m 6 20pni Arrives at Corrv " " Irvinetou Parker's Accom leaves Porlttr Arrives at Oil City 9 00pm uu city Accom. leaves B. Bend 6 60 a m Arrives at Oil City 1 1 00 a ni Connections made nt. Cnrm n,l inim. tou for points on the Oil Creek and the A It 1 T 1, ,1 . 1 1, , nnvguvujr uner xviu noau. Pullman PlllhlRH llrawiniv Pmi fil.BH . ........ . VU1 ing Car on Night Express Trains between ' . 1 i: . . 1 1 .ivy ttuu 1 lUBUUrgll, JitiK lor liclcets Tia Allegheny Talley R, J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Sunt. DAGUSOAHONDA EAILROAD. From and af.er Monday, Feb. 6th 1871, Trains will run on this Road as follows Leaves Earley 7 30 a. m., arrives at Diiruscahorjda .Innotlnn f) til. .. necting with Accom. east 8 14 a. m., aad M:i . -. - ' 1 wiiii iuan west at ti id a. m. Leaves Daguscahonda at 9 20 a, m., arrivee at Earley 10 Of a. m. Leaves Earley 3 30 p. ni., and arrives at Dagus oahonda at 5 00 p. ., connecting with Mail cast at 5 09 p, nv, and Accommo dation west at 5 40 p. in. In case P. & li. trains are lata, Dagus cahanda train holds twenty aainutes be yond the above time. Tickets should always be procured . before leaving stations. 0. It. EABEY,L,