-.-JWilbVkftA WUk if' "i .11 - - - Henry A. 1' AltSOHS, Jll. - IvIlllPl' THURSDAY, MARCH 13. M. The New Senate. The new United States Senate now in session under tho President's pi.iohitii a tion, consists ul forty-four RopnblioiiH and twontjf-cilit DemocrAta mi 1 Lib erals, with two unlecidcl seals one irom Alabama and one from Louisiana. M'Millan and Pinchbeck nro the con testants for the Louisiana scat, one hav ing been chosen by the Kclloiz Legis lature and the other by the Wartuoth 'body. Roth claim to be Republican", although the former was chosen by a Democratic body. Spencer and Sykes both claim irom Alabama. Spencer was re-elected by one branch of the Legis lature and Sykes by the other. The former has the certilcate of election ; the latter is a Deinocnrat. Since the union of the two Legislative bodies there hn been no ck ctlon. An attempt to go into an elec'.ion was defeated by the refusal of tho presiding officer of the House to entertain a motion for that purpose. A suit has been brought in the United States Court on the ground that the election was defeated be a con spiracy. Harrisburah Telegraph. The residents of Cbanibersbur.r and vicinity, in this Stale, are responsible for a ueat little aunual comedy, upon which they have expended much ingenuity and mathematical talent ; hut scaroly to any paying parposc. Everybody hs. heard of the Chauibersijup war raid claims. They havcbcen before tho Legislature from year to year, and arc uahi occupy ing the attention of that body ibis Spring It will be recollecticd that the rebvls paid Chambersburg a visit during t.ie war, and foraged around in that neighborhood with more freedom than success. Si ill the inhabitants of the place claim 000,000 in consequence of appropriation j? their property by the "Jolm'tos.'' They are uot cruel credit vs lining!) : they would willingly accept certificates of indebtedness running twenty years, aj six per cent, interest, up in their clams. This would amount per annum to 51S0, 000, or in twenty years to S:i,(JU0,UU-:t, wherefore the aggiegate demands upon the State Treasnry. tosatiafyhe-ju claims may be set at 8G,GOO,000. The ieipu deuee, as well as the magnitude t! the movement, forever precludes t lie possi bility of lis sucees. I'itt.-buryh )!..' patch, A VERY escch'tit idea was broached iu the Senate yesterday, to wit, that the Committee on Elections he instructed.! to devise a plan tor the election of Pie.-i-dent and Vice President simpler and more satisfactory thau that at present io vogue, aud also fir the e iii.-'i'n: i m of a tribunal to deteniiiue co'jtc-tol e'ec ti'ini. The fact has been long recog nized that the existing sys'oui of choos ing our executive officers is clumsy", and liable under certain ciroum.siauccj to serious derangements. There ought t.i be no serious difficulty in devising ri;e better suited to the necessities of the case. As for the tribunal to deterui'ue contested elections, it is surely a consum mation devoutly to be wished lor. At present, these jo before Congress and consume a great deal of its time and at tention, and frequently deei-i m i when arrived at bear unmistakable evidence of having beeu influence! by prejudice. A retrospective review of ths proceed ings in tho divers Senatorial and oilier contests during the lale s.-ijn of Con gress, and of the fcc-blcuo of the con clusions delivered iu most instances, will show how much belter it would be to have one Court, fair aud imartial to decide upon such issues. Besides i-eeur-ing guarantee of more correct determi nations, it would relieve Congress from tho tedious pioeess of investigation which heretofore haj greatly liamperel that body. Httkburgh Dispatch. A highly iuteresting ecti;t of history has recently come to light in ru'iitieo to .Mr. Liacolu. Upon the auhorily (o we are reformed) of one of tho early set tlers of Illiuois, .Mr. Dixon, the founder of the city of Dixon, Leo county, it is stated that about the year, while Gen. Z. Taylor, afterward president of the Uuited States, wus in commuud of the fort at Dixon's Perry, nair where Dison now stauds, Jefferson Davis, who was a lieutenant ia the Uoitcd States svevice (tt that lime, and serving under Gen. Taylor, administered the oath to Abraham Lincoln, then a captaiu in the volunteer militia of this State. It i.s also stated upon the same authority that Gen. Robert Anderson, of Purt Sumpter fame, was a lieutenant and prcseut ut the .iaie. Oakcs Ames is said to be nearly sev euty years of ago. lie ia largely inter ested in the manufacture of shovels, in Wassachusett, with his brother Oliver. Two hundred births and fifteen deaths is said to he the proportion io Jewell "e'.Iiry iviuHi. An Evil and its Hcinsdy. Vv'Kelip tliu following' from - uu ex- change ! ")ne ninn with tiny trade in wn th a thousand without ami A return t t tie oM plan of apprenticing boys to it-mlee is being advocated. The hosjs of young men in every large city who apply fr employ ment ntd tail t n pet it, fm the reiisoe that they cannot tmtliliilly aHiiiii ihiil they are cducHrd or cspecilly fitted for any iiiirli ' ular !sincss. constitute n potent argument iu I'uvor of reform. t inier the apprenl ice system we should linve fewer ignorant ui oliiiinc null incompetent Iiuiiics ucit. A trade is liulf a man's fo.tuuo. There is a volume of wholesome truth in it. It presents in a iinltOiell the gnat evil of the time. 11 iw many thousand of young men are there, now idle ia our gctat cities, in our towns and villnccs. who profess to be seeking work, yet who avoid the foundry, tho ninehine whop, the shop of the builder, and every other place whcic useful trades are taught and practised, as they would avoid a pestil ence Theyseek only such employments as promise little work and large pay. With tho most f our young men the learning a trade is not ''respectable." And who is to Harm for this sentiment so universal among our youth ? It is the parents, it is society so called. Society is understood to taboo the mechanic aud woikiug man, and hence it is believed that theie is no road to respectability through the mechanics' chop. No greater or more fatal mistake- was ever made. No system ot education was ever so false and dangerous as that which inculcates the idei that labor is a bad of dishonor, or that the laboring I man is uot the peer of the most exaultcd iu tho land. The workshop is the best and the surest road to usefulness and to i'vitune. It lies directly in the path of honor and distinction and wealth. It is the best theatre now offered for the most perfect development of the man of genius aud of talent. There is no place where the man of education can demonstrate his capac ity for usfuluess, better than in the ma- j ehaine shop and nuiidst tho stenm aud machinery ol our great manufactories. It is, above all others, the p'ace for the young man who iv.illy wants to work and w in his way to wc-ahh and to be houorcd mid honorable position among his fellow men ' We need not go beyond our own city, to find examples which any young man however distinguished his family or illustorous his linage, may well emulate. These men a'e the great builders of the d-y. They vreate wealth, ao i illustrate ire beauty and the power of labor. And the cjuntiy points to them withpii.le The front rank in the irraud army of pro'.:re-s is accorded to them ami. to mot) of their stamp through.'!!1: tho land. Let oui' young men ol education look to the eiaiuol which thu life of the sturdy , . , , , ineelumie furnimew, a.s one worthy to be I'ollow.'d, and we si and lii-S'dulo youth, on th.tuisci" cs, an 1 upm their fauiilies, faclurur. all h ive fewer Mlo bringing nii.-ei y u:)- s'laiuc. au 1 di.shou r Americjti Manu- Gm.NT'a PLATfwnt ti His f ec ii.Ml '1'khm Id his inaugural alre.s, Presideut iraut erected -i platform c in- laliiln;' t'.ie ! I'win g strong tui'i s'.iuijiit ' X '.lined planks j I'liM. Ihe relor.i:iofl o' l'-iOi. ing bctweeu file did.'rent siJlijos ol ihe c uutry, St-eou i. Sp. eie payt..cnts. Third. Cheap traii.iportations. Fourth. I'cacc with the world. Pillh. The ie-establisbmeiit of our j C'jrnujercj. I Sixlh. The eiioouragenent of home industry. iSeveni'u. A hunnne Iudian policy. Pisjhth. The reform of the civil ser vice. Hero is a plutlurni upon which ouch and every ouo of ui ztii ttand, irrerpeo live of party lines n-id pist political affiliations. That it will be endorsed by the people, we have nol the least doubt. State Journal. Tuts lltuiiT to Vors. The Constitu tional Convention passed the following supplemental section to the report on sutlVuge, by a vote of 40 to 'd'l : "For the purpi.se of voting no person shall he deemed to have gained a residence by reasou of his presence, or lose it by reasou of his absence, while employed iu the service, either civil or military, ol the 8tate or of the Uuited States, nor whilo engaged iu navigation ot the waters of the State or the Uuited States, or ou the high seas, nor while a student of any seminary of learning, nor while kept in uuy poor house or other uiyluin, nor while confined iu any public prison. Efforts ere being made iu St. Louii to induce capitalists to develop aud mine the large deposit of blue specular -iron ore near Piedmont, Wayue eounry, Mis souri, Mouni Monaduock, iu New Hamp shire, is being stripped of its forests by saeriiegious wood-choppers- . A New Orleaus young mau fatally stabbed his brother in a quarrel about a fiity cent '.S i.;.-. Treatment of iTs.v Dwelling 2ooias. Tne itainpn. s-ol nevV', li.n.i ieii r niiii is not due so much to he water used iu inixiii: the plaster, .i-. to the water ot hydiatiou ol the lime, liberated by the action ol carbonic acid, Tho action ol the unall quantity prei-eut in the normal ntmorphore, would, however, lie so slow, that, no injurous tfl'tols could result. But as soon as the r.fouis become tonan.- 'ted, the1 large amount of c iromiic' acid given off in respiration citned such rapid displacement of water, aud with it other matter indicated by llie peculiar odors that unpleasant aud inj t.ioui lesults may follow. Treatment ol the rooms with caibonio ucid, before occupying them suggests itself, atou'ie, as a means of rendciing them rapidly- teuautable. Although, bv Chlculation it w.mid re quire carbonic acid f rom the combustion of about 320 pounds of coal, to displace the hydrate in watoi iu the walls of a room of about 1,500 square feet of sur face, in practice the consumption, iu a suitable way, ol about five pounds of charcoal per day, for days, tu tho roor.i, would answer, because the interior por tions arc protected Irom rapid actiou of carbouic acid, as aoou as a lajer of about one-teuth of au iuch has beu acted on. This is proved by the fact that Prof. Fuchs has detected caustic lime iu walls centuries old. A Man's Way and a Woman's Way When a woman has a hen U drive into a coon she takes hold of her hoops with both hands, aud shakes then) quietly towaods the delinquent, and says, 'iMiew there. the lieu takes one look at tho object to convince herself that it's a woman, and theu stalks majesti cally iuto the coop in perfect disgust of the sex. A n;au don't do that way. He goes out of doors and says, "It is singular nobody "in this house eau drive a Leu but myself," and, picking up a sliek of wood, hurls it at ll.c otiending biped, and observes, "(Jet in there, you thief." The hen immediatly looses her reason, and dashes to the opposite cud ol the yard. The man straighway dashes alter her. She comes back again with her head down, her wiugs out, end fol lowed by au aiortment ol stove wood, Iruit caus aud coal clinkers, with a much pulling aud very mad man in tho rear. 1 lieu she tkims up on the ttoop, and under the bru. and over a leuee or two, and around the house, and back ugaiu to the coop, all the while talking us only an excited hen can talk, and till the while fullowcd by things convdiicut for lund lit.g, and by a man whose coat is on the saw buck, aud whore hat won the grouud. and whose peispiiatioii and prolanny aopears to have no limit. By the time j t lie other hens co.we out to take a hand i iu the debate, and help dodge the mis- st'es unu inen-iiie man saj" "mi eteij i lieu on the place shait tie sola iu itie iiioi nitis;. and puts ou his things and "ots down ihe street, and the woman ' '" 'Ta- ' ""8 uv"' """ - !, , , 1 I ...I uioc liens nua-eu atiu vuiiiuuieu in I1)ir .s BllJ lijt od! S!)j iearj 1U , ijltf ,r,.u,irf j., i!.c hammering by the j u!de.-t L. i . v , i he loei.ii: the b'.okcii pick- ! ets. LL'-mhuiy Ncs. 1 j P.t i'(ii:.t n Cauii-Plavixo. The I S'pi'iiigtit..tl !'.' publican was . bockc J be ! v'tid measure tho other evening, .on j j:'.iiii 1 1 tho leading looms o! tl.e Voung : iitn' Ohiifitiau Assoctation.ro t.e a colli ' pany ol iiiioioi !ai beings, ranging in age IXii'eU to liiil' -O'.e, piayinz a tt mil. Is. Yes, Hoy W: re gei.ir.ite ' ;.ine 1 la-tlioalds. lin our Mi.,pr:e ;.i in- I ', tci.-e as we .-a,' in phice ol the Jack - ' that i. t'.ie ilc-vtl an i he fitle.'ii, and hi : piihaid niajty the kii.-. t'O.'ii pi'oMtc cr u'tie- s .j'o.j (i. hiti.er, Mi'.es h:a.ioili t't.d ciiul'.o. It paii.ed U:i lo -j?oe Join) tiie Dipiist. wU is.; vaiaitiiii w is i of camel hair uu I who.-e in- at w.is h oust aud w ild houey, uj',u..-.te) ii!r; to ) ou'.hlul Usijiaci'in. Ah: vt en we 11s.nl to i wesiuii lor I lie past, lImv from the too cio-e otxervation oi t.ii.-l tuiiMits to enjoy a 20od of Iliiiii-Low-Jacl: in the haymow. Jut upon such cads over the tahle as "Tale ot Two Ci'ies," "The Last of tho Mohiciitis." 'o. (live us the sweet old sounds, "1 her," "I pass." "Make it." But the hoys did saeiu to enjoy tho.uselves over tho.-e regenerate .eaids last evvuiug. That unfor'unate set ol men known as Washington's body servants are bciiit thiued out so rudidly by death oi late, that not inoie thau a few thousaud will, he kit, 1 1 take part in the coining Ceti teoribl Otiehiatioii at Philadelphia. The last one killed was named BaMl Lee; uiet his untiii. ely death in North Caro lina reccLily whilo he was buruiu; brush in a new ground and near a tree some men lolled wit li an ax. They hallooed at hiui aud told hi:n to got out of toe way, but bein rather deaf he did uot her them, uod the tree led ou hitu and killed him. He was a former slave ol (ieneral Washington, and was twelve years old when General AYash ave hiiti his cii.jice to live with him at Mount Yernoii or to he sold, llo pre ferred being sold and was sent to Rich mood aud put on tiu block, and win bought by a member of tho Lee family in North Carolina, and has remained as that laniily ever siuce. There is a broad distinction between character and reputation, for oue may be destroyed by slander, while the other can Bever be harmed save by its posses or. Reputation is iu no man's keeping. You aud 1 oan not determine what other meu shall think aud say about us. We cau ouly determine what they ought to thiuk of us and say ubit us, and wo oao only do this by acting SMtu-J'i !y 'J. ?o urn- cvn ieuuu. t'l,.ltKVll.l.i:, .Meci-i ' ,U"'.V loisllio in Kt neeoinnioOa in jns ioenl tile pence in t4' ;.tate. Ho 'is ready to many anxious eaiit!aio lor inairiMniny on the shortest not. re, and i Miaiineft place, lits l.Mt exploit, is thus r. iiited: Lu-f Sunday, a week Hg 'i Pilch, and 9 ficntliniaii, Mr. iicKinght, lioih of Hartford; Trumbull county,' Chio; tailing a drive, in some way wauuerea to the wonderous little village of (Harks vilic. . '1. hey- inquired for a '.'Squire," and when.' he was intViwiuced ! to theiu their debeate desires with all the ae. conipanyintf hesitation and blushes. They started for'our legal jrentleinuu's residence. A smart rain began to fall. The covered bridge over the old canal had to bo passe i, and s Tom caught siht of i.s shelter, a new idea made his eyes twinkle. Turning to the impatient couple, he remarked that he "guessed they bad letter stop iu out of this awful raiu. They could sit iu tho carriage, and ho could do it just as well thero ns elsewhere." Tho amorous ones agreed to this, and there, in the old bridge and the dusk of evening, under tho pattering rain, amid a group of curious ones who all knew the tricks of the old joker, these two were pronounced husband and wife. In all tho records of strange marriages in strange places thie oue must stand without a parallel. "Us Boys." The interrogated style of lecturing or public speaking is not always a successful one. An incident in the career of a certain temperance lecturvr sufficiently illustrates the fact. Billy Boss, a temperance lecturer at Rushville, Illinois, was preaching to the you l2 on his tavetito theme. lie said: Now, boys, when I osk you a question, yon mustu't be afraid to speak right out nod aiifwerme. When you look around aud see these fine houses, farms aud cattle, do yon ever think whoowus them uow your fatheis own them do hcy not? 'Yes, sir," shouted a hundred voices. "Well, where will your lathers bo twenty ycais from now '(" "Bead !" shouted the boys- "That's right. And who will own all this propercy then V "Us boys !" shouted the nrchins. "Bight. Now tell me, did you ever, in going along the streets, notice the drunkards lounging around the siloon door, v-aitiug for tosuebody to treu tbem," "Yes, sir, lots of them." "Well, where will they be in twenty years from now V 'i'ead I" exelamed the Imivs. ' And who will be the drunkards then?" "Us boys!" Billy was thunderstruck for a nion out. bat recovering hlm-icl!, he tried to tell tho boys how to escape such a late PkoI'Li: talk ol hard times, and well iey mi:y. cchanu Wc are lust becoming a nariou ot schcmeis to live without genuine wotk. Ou: boys ure not learning trader ; our inriu ets' tons are crowduig into ciiics, leofc iu& for eleikships iiluI posli-fljees ; hmdly one American j;i;! in each hundred wii' 1j housework lor wages, howsver uigoiil her need j ko iye a'e tel. ding to Krcupe for worki:tg.'iie'i and bttyiag of artisans miilioiis w.nill of products that we l.ud ought to make uuilf. Wc uiu.-rt turn over u new leaf. The Oil Pu;.u. t i;u.N. According to 1 1 : . late oil repot Ui in tho TittitsviKe livralii the proiluciii.u lor the 3 tat 17:1 Was an loliows ; Io .Lit uuy the pi iductof the Peuri s!vhiiia d'.stritt averaged nearly llli..!'.' I bat rt Is daily. in lVbruary there was an iuciease to 17.tJ!' ) hui'ieis, but i;i the succeeding uioiiih the avciaewas but ! 15.300 bands. Iu April and .'d iy tho ! product iueiensed, and .lining the iatiey ; mouth ro.ie (o au average of about U','J0 oarreis. j ocre wa ii:cu n j.:g..i ue- 1 !. ii'i. ...... .1. . : k .1. ; oii ne, but in Ju.y and Auu- t another inere.e took place, and the dai.y yield in the latter month rose to 18 KOI) bar rels, Li September a movement to re duce the product was inaugurated, uinl in the latter part of the month many ot the pmducioa wells were stopped. In October there was a partial siEpcosou of operations and a very considerable falliut; oB' iu the yield. Iu Novamher, however, all the welfs were pumped, and the daily yisld reached (he uupteoe dented average ol nearly w3,SJ('J barrels, uud more than 3 000 barrels greater than t9 ever produced. The year closed with a daily pield oi upwaids of 22,000 barrels. 1 An old taw lug was latly got out 0! the woods back of Tuibulville, North uajberlatid county, which contained 211 cttbi feet waking 2,892 feet board mcasuri!' aud weighed eight tous. It was entitled the "tviug ot tho Woods." The Corry Blade says that there is an iron ore bed about fifteen miles from Corry The thickness of the vein is not known, but it has been tested to the depth of seven lect; and the tjp of tho vein is not very deep iu the grouud. Win. Sterner, of this, place, last week bought of David iiaitd, of Dunusiabte twp , 27 cases of tobacco amoutitiug to 1.832.48. Mr.Steruer shipped 00 some cases last week. This is gettiog to be a very considerable It tide u this county, there having been, as we are in'ornied, about 1,800 cases cured ou the flats be tween Lock II mn and Jersey Shore, in 1L0 yejr 1 7 J. -t 'timon I'nonblicm. I nr. Ceu'e iniil Appropriation bill as reeeiuly Hfiemled, will be up in tho House lor a third reading on Thursday. A it now stands, it provides $500,000 to be devoted to the erection of one of ihe building for tho Exposition, the same to continuo tho property ( the Commonwealth. This veTy miterial modification of the original demand for 81,000.000 absolute donation, seem t have mollified the opposition which for merly existed and tho bill will probably pass.--Pitt fcburjrh. D'fcpatch- New itdvertisements. 1) CKI S LUCOIUS, Atiorney-i-Law, J. I l, ItktBway, Elk Co., Fa. Uiftoe in Hull's new Brick Building. Claims for collection promptly attended to. v3nlly. IN THE MATTRR 1 IN THE COURT OP of i lie incorpori- Common Pleas of t inn of Alviin B. Elk County. Vreston and oth- No. 24 of April erg as '-The Ke- I ' Terai 1873. formed Cliurcli of Wilcox." J NOTICE is hereby given that AWan B. Preston and others have made application to the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, to be incorporated under Ihe name, stylo and title of "The Reformed church of Yvilcox," and that no sufficient reason ap pearing to the contrary a deoree of incorpo ration will be made at the next term of said Court. FRED, 8CH(ENINO, Prothonotaj-y. GV.O. A. UAIHBUN, Alt" jr. v3ul Jw. AGENTS WANTED! The unpfirnlelled success of tho "Victor Sewing Machine," East and West, opensa good opportunity for Sewing Machins agents and responsible men to take the agency for this County. i'oi Circulars, samples of work aud terms, address, IE VICTOR EEWIXi MACHINE COMPASV. J. 1j. FEliaUSON. MANAGER, ITo. 1227 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA, nov. 27 lui. ItOOK AGtNTS 1011 TUB Funny Side of Physic. M00 l'mji.s, and 250 Kiiiraving. A stai tlinx tixpose of Medical Humbiies of llie past ntnl presen!. It ventilatesQiiueks Travelling Dnciors, Noted Keir.ale Cheats. Fortune 'InHers and Mediums, and gives iniere-i Iff narratives of Noied 1'li.ysieians. li rrvvtils fjaitliup secrets, ainl it isinvalu nUe to nil. Wc give ex.:'.ii"ive territory and . Ik ml ( n nun-Kiis. For cirt-ulois and Itims ai'dl ess the j uhlishei s. J. Jl. Jll liJ! a UYliF., HAKTFOKl', Cti.NN., cut CHlCAliO, ILL. AGKNTS WAST KD FOR THE CHEAT III: USTRIES OF Till tN) TED ST-tTES; This work is a complete hislnry of all l.riiaches of industry . im l is n cemplete en cycler.eilin of tins nad uianNl'aetures. Ona Uj-'cni tn!d 13:5 vepies in eiglil days, another sui t ;! ; in two weeks, t-'iieciiucus sent I'ree m receipt of stump. J. E. BUS3 Si HYDE, Publishers, ilAKTFOHD, CrtNN., or CHICAGO, ILL BOOK Py a a n-.ijj;ir Author, will be redy in a few weeks. Agents who would secure ter Vital', slii.u'il spl'v at oni'e. J. S EUS'lZ7Tj2t Publishers, HAUTFVHI), CONS'., on ( H1CACO.ILL. nT sAiy i ttra M. f ARK ROW I NSVYGKK y P. W. HAYS, cr.Ai.Ki. x:.' and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Hurley T. O. vln47tf. vox "IIISECTS AT HOME." 700 paees: upwards of 700 outs; 21 full page enirraviLcs. '.Just Ihe Rook for in- itlligeu rural homes." "The drawings ir faitlitul representations of Insect and Plaut." Seud for Circular. Address Gko. Pbooks, 124 North Seventh St., PuiladsL phia. A GENTS. $10 to S20 PER DAY A GUARANTEED. Specimens and full ... ..,1 .niiu t tmi.1. mi oculars true. Auuress iit"jua i.iir.iv ARY AND ART AGENCY. APVEOTlSE) THE ELK ADVOCATE. THE OLDEST TAPER IN TUS COUNTY, IJ.AVINO THE LARGEST CIRCU- ATION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY gtvrttd U tit I tttrrtstiJ tt tht people TEEMS:..$J.OO PEE TEAE. BRING ALONG YOUR ADVEU- TISEMOTS AND GET THEM; INSERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES. If you want to sell anything, let the pcoplo know it through the Apvocati the great advertising medium. Job In the Court Hause, Eidgway, Pa. The best work dose, and at the very lowest priees. Blanks kept constantly on hand at this offioe. Hand bills printed at the shortest notice Call in and get onr prices for advertis- c log and jobbing. Satisfaction warranted Orders by mail promptly attended (0 Abdbeus, HENRY A. PiRSONS.JR., BiBGWAT, Pa. BUSINESS CARDS. 11 A. KATHltU N, Attorney -at -law, 2Ti if. Kulgwny, To. JOHN G. HALL, Attorney at lav, Ridg. way, Elk county l'a. mar-22-tiUl T O. W. 13A1LT, ATT0RNEY-AT LAW. Inzoyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aeol dent Insurance Co., of liartford, Conn. T)EYNOLO& HOUSE, ESYHOLDSVILLE.JEFFEUSOMCO, PA. 11. S. BELNAP, pRorBHTOR . J D. PARSONS, Manufactmr and Dealer in Boots- and Shoes. Main st., opposi te the II tel, Wilcox Pa. J. S. E0EDV7ELL, !! D, Eclcctio Physician and Surgeon, has remov ei his office from Centre street, tsMain at.. Ridgway, Pa,, in the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's starsv Oihce hours: 8 to 9 ft" m: 1 to 2 p, at. 7 to I p. m. jan 0 73 C G. MESSENGER, T Druggist and Parseeutist eorner of Mniu and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For- ekgn sjnd Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day er night. viuiy. 3d A 8. HARTLEY, M. D., l'hys.cian ana Surgeon, deway, Ta. Office in Walker'B liuildinc. Special attention given to Surgery. Office house from 8 a. in. to 10 p. m. Residence on corner of South and Court streets, op posite the new School House. All calls promptly attended to. vlnyl. (1HARLES HOLES, J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,. Main street, Kidgwny, l a. Agent lor the Howe Sewing Mitc'uiue, and Morton Gold 1 Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, done with he same accuracy as heretofore. Sakia actioa guaranteed. vlnly. W. C. HEALY. DEALEtt IN BK aooi)g CEOCESIES, PSOVISIOKS PRODUCE, FRUITS, &c. vln8tf. West End, Ridgway, Par. HYDE HOUSE, Hihgway", Elk Co., Pa, YV. 11. SCUKAiM, l'roprictor. Thankful for the pntronnRe heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict lention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi th ttime. Oct 30 1800. , rpUE OLD RUCKTAIL'S HOTE1, I Knne, .McKeivu Co , P K. LUUhK, rropnetor. ThauUfnlfur the patronage heretofoie so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro rrietor, hopes, by payiug strict at tent 10 lo the comtort aud convenience of guests. to merit a continuance ot the same, lb only stables tor horses in Kane aud well kept night or day. Hall attached to the Hotel. vliilioyl. JI AL.L. & BHO Attornoys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELE CO SliTY FITNSYLYAl'IA. JO.INQ. HALL JA8. K. P. UALI KERSEY HOUSE, Cbntkeville, Elk Co., Pjs. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage herotolore so liber illy bestowed upon hi'n, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comtort and convenience of guests, t merit a continuance of the same?. S. A. ROTE, PHOTOG HAP II E It , AND DEALtll IK Chromos, Stereoscopic Views, Pictuie Prauics, &.o. WEST END, RIDGWAY, ELK CO. PA, v2n2tf. F RED. BCUOENING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALKK IN PIANO-l'ORTKS, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC DOOKS. Piano and organs to rent and rental a p- plied if purchased. l'rotUouotary'8 Olu.ce, KiUgway, l'a. v2nJOtf. AGEEiVST ROUTE. J. V. BURNS, Proprietor. The subscriber having Becured the con tract tor cunyiug the U. b. Mail between EEYNOLDSVILLE li BROCEWA YVILLE has placed en that road a lio of hacks. Hacks leave the Exchange Hotel in, Reyuoldville every Tuesday, Thuisday and Saturday on the ai rival of the Lrooaville stage, aud return the same day. These hacks connect at lirockway ville with the lliugway stages, waking connection with trains on the P. & E. Road, both east and west. Every attention to the comfort of I . 1 . ,: . . 1 1 . 1 jiairoua ut tun iiu win ue iven, ana a "D?rai r?Ze 0110uea- THE NATION, i.V ENGLISH AND GERMAN Nothing like it. Strikes evervbedv as just the book they need. It is an Eucyclo- pusui 01 mo uovernuenl. single pages in it. are of themselves worth the price of the book ouer 600 paget and only $2.50. A 1C11 HARVEST, for Canvassers ladies and gentlemen farmers, teachers sua giuuenis. une agent took 7o orders in a few day, with circular alone, before the book fppeartd. $20 A DAY can be cleared in lair territory. Write at once for circular aua lnloruiation. NEW WORLD PUB- L1SI11NU Co., Cor. 7ihand Market Streets, i-anaaejpa. vlua7yl.