GENERAL ITEMS. Tits activity of Jove Is goodness. ' A Notice of a Peal Lightning. A good eidc-sliow A pretty cheek. Detroit has Invested $1,070,003 In street-paving. Ought a strong boy to be paid a week ly salary? To im able to bring your thoughts to a point Is genius. Cornfields that require neither plow ing nor sowing the feet. No other creature has the hold on Heav en that a mother has. Ill-health Is often not only a sin, out a prolific mother of sins. Would not stearin' candles be the best Illuminators for light houses? Cai stealing tea be called a crime when it Is only lea Staking? The magic mirror A beautiful face lit up with smiles. Faith, not siht, must be our guide. We cannot do without a compass. Blessed Is the day whose morning Is wakened by the patter of little feet. A oksws has discovered how to cut wood without using an axe or saw. ' He uses a hatchet. Work done Under protest, like an oath taken with a mental reservation, lacks its true life force. To i speak aloud nnd all alone, has the effect of a dialogue with the Qod one has n iuiiu one s sell. A wittv little housewife of our ncquain tance says there is no venison in the mar nut, nut, pienty ot dear meat. Would you rather go through a giddy wait with a pretty girl, than go through a pretty waltz with a giddy girl? We pause tor a reply. Tim superfluous blossoms on a fruit tree are meant to symbolize the larsre thmgs Wh'ch God love8 t0 do Plcnsaut Clouds never send dwn to ask the Vlniitsand grass how much they need: they rain for the relief of their own full bosoms. WnAT is the difference between a mur derous attack and pig-killing ? One is as sault with intent to kill, and the other is a kill with intent to salt. Ik your neighbor's hens are trouble some and steal across the way, don't let your angry passions rise, but fix a place tor them to lay. No heresy was ever yet killed bv sup pression the deeper it is thrust into the ground the stronger will be its root, and the surer its bloom. It has been remarked, in a purely ab stract and general way, that you can never fully appreciate the extreme loveli ness of the feminine heart until vou see one woman beginning to have her saV about another woman younaer and fairer than herself. xwV"1? Loen witt"y Pnit1'" TS the ew lork 2T, "that as much capital necessary to write a history as to start a grooery-buslness. The great historians of the world have all leisure and ample properties. In like maimer, to bo an emi nent discoverer in science, a man must have the fruits of a good income time and means to study and experiment, and suits''01"' outside of his Intellectual' pur- Ik men would only open their eyes to the fact which stares them in the face i ?u lH$ry, mul Is made clear enough by the slightest glance at the condition of mankind, that humanity is of immeasura bly greater importance than their own or any other particular belief, they would no more attempt to make private proper ty of the grace of God than to fence in the sunshine for their own special use and enjoyment. Holmes. How to Wash Dishes. In the matter of washing dishes many servants are wofully deficient, and yet a sticky plate or cup is the abhorrence ot all neat house-keepers. To avoid un necessary annoyance, we should teach our domestics tp wash first, and dry immedi ate y, all glassware, then cups, saucers, and spoons; after that the greasy dishes from which all scraps have been scraped : then the knives and forks, taking care that the knife-handles are not pufln the hot water, as that loosens and blackens thorn, win e they are readily cleansed by a damn cloth. .Silver forks, whether solid or plated, should never be tossed about in contact with steel knives, as the latter are sure to inllict unseemly scratches. The water for washing glass nnd deli cate china should never 'be very hot, and even granite or stone ware should not be in water where you cannot easily b pr your hand, for though the dishes may not actually break, they soon become full of unsightly small dark checks. A very lic tle soap sufliocs, more than just the quan ti.y to remove grease is apt to leave a dis agreeable roughness. For delicately painted French china, fair warm soft water without any soap is best. Two tin pans, one lor washing and the other for rinsing, rather deeper than milk-pans, and painted on the outside to prevent rut, are often preferred to the wooden dish-tub, flanging from pegs over the sink should always be kept a hemmed dish-cloth i unhemmed, it is sometimes ant to find its way, unaided of course, to the fire or the barnyard, to save the trouble of washin" It), a teacup towel, and one for saucepan" etc. One of the first, two of the second and four of the third named, will ordina rily be sufficient for a week's mo. All should be distinctly marked that there uu no. excuse lor taking a teacup towel to wipe the spider. All milk uteu fills should be thoroughly scalded with Doilinr suds, tin- cloth wrung as dry as possible from hot . w, lu ntj.i m uii airy piaee. ,in"U Jar as it may seem, a perfectly dry towel whil'LV'' be """Ployed to wipe tins iiij tc wim'ii u.-cu ior noiding milk 1 he reason Is that a stickiness is left be. iniiu oy ttie dry towel, which will soon wiine a buui ness. licurth and Hume, German Immigration. tm i , . ' voiume oi immigration to this country seems destined not to decrease but to attain tliis year enormous propor tions. Ihe president of thn ftnrmnn im migration Society at Washington has re ceived information from Germany to the eltect that an enormous immigration to this eonnrrv will taha . . " J ..... daC una Mirinir, notwithstanding the many detrimental ...iiumiiues piaceu in tneir way. The lin penal Government in rl posed to it. the rates of fYnm 1. i!. terior to the German seaboard ports hav- ...s uwu iiiuieuseu, una sun tney are bound vr waa; A. commission of German capitalists and pioneers has been appointed to come w l..,.wu,n,, iii me west, and pur chase land in large quantites. Among the classes coming in thn unrim, :5 to be 12,000 from the German wine coun- I i ir V,, crop "as ,aUe'3 anl e effects of the failure cannot be recovered irom ; and lu.uuu tobacco growers, who ol ject to the internal tax and cannot make any money under it. Many more, espe wiy.r?. h J:Pff men, will' come Bro uicir iortuncs 111 the West becausa - of the uniform dissatisfaction over military rule and the irksome dis charge ot army service, which all are compelled to enter. Excessive taxation rise n cost of living, low prices of Ubor, and the possibilities of future wars lead them all to think and long lor a home in America the land of peace and plenty. Jv f , 061)8118 r"Port thero-is found alrea(Jy in tui8 country 1,000,410 persons of German birth. During the Lea-xw"Ithe tal ""migration amounted to 229 039 and for 1872 it foots up to 291, f1,whle'1 1.000 came from Germa ny, ine total number will probably reach 400,000 in the present vear. We have room enough for them. Plant them I on the Western prairies, where corn and pork and food is nlentv. A7. Y. Inde pendent. A Dakota Romance. Four years' ago, a young Swede left his young wife and two children in the old Northland, until he should cross the oceans to the poor nwn's paradise of the West, and there make for them and him self such home and harvests as other eml- f rants had made and written back about, ntelllgent In his social class, he lot no time after landing here In hastening to the cheap lands of the Northwest, andlnvost Ing the modest sum he had brought with him in as many virgin acres as the great er portion thereof would buy. Fargo, in Dakota Territory, was the place of his settlement, and "while winning there the esteem of his human neighborhood and a fair average return for his toil, it was nearly four years before he had redeemed and civilized his new estate sufficiently, by tireless labor anl sacrifice, to make him satisfied to summon thither the tender and helpless ones from across the sea. At last, however, one of his home letters said "Cornel" and the epistle in answer then to informed him that wife and little ones would surely sail in a certain ship from one of the more northerly Swedish ports on a certain day. Thenceforth he counted the months and weeks with something less of patience than had been given be fore to harder yours, and kept himself alert for the eastern train that he should meet, with swelling heart, at Glyndonj But that tialn came and did hot bring mem. aiui ot tiers', MVd otlirrs ; and men came the awful tidings that the emigrant ship hud been lost in a storm of the North sea, oil" the Norwegian coast, with all on board. Lund's fellow-settlers heard the shocking news, and were astonished at his bearing under the blow. impatient .mid forever Journeying prematurely to the Glyndou station before, ne now became suddenly ntiiet and firm In his whole manner, and to every friendly inoulry an swered that he was as sre'oi seeing his wife nnd children coming out of the cars to meet him yot as of a God in heaven. "They Will come. They will novas. I know it," were his word"! 'over nnd over again. The tidings of the wreck seemed to have beti ho more to him than an d mouitlon to miraculous faith, and, while not disputing them in terms, his manner appeared to set. them in vincibly aside. He secured a f riend, or agent, t Glyndon to watch for that sure ly coming train And Send him word when It came, mid Worked on unwearfed'.y as at first to make the new hems more pleasant for his children and their mother. This winter Ids neighbors had been drawing to the Conclusion that he w..s M&rmlessly and mercifully mad', until an Incident of the latest fearful fnow-storm in their tract changed their minds. One night, when the gale roared, and earth and air were one uncli8tlnguishaiile swirl of white des olation and i;eath, Lund thouflit that he heard cries for help borne Upon the piti less blast, and started out upon a trusty horse to save or be himself overwhelmed. Many a man in the Territory was lost and frozen to death that nipht at half the dis tance frcm borne traversed by the kindly Swede to lescue others from the like fate ; but he went on through the wild tempest to the place of the cries, and came back lrom thenra to his house as safely, the good polar spirit of the snow, piloting f rom deatli a wagon in which were a man, his wife, and three children, who but for him must have died in the storm. Thank ed beyond words by these as their heroic benefactor, he seemed troubled to find that the half-frozen children were three insteal of two, and talked so strangely of nis own nttic ones coming to mm tnat tne rescued family knew not how to under stand him. They were on their way to Glyndon, they said, to meet an Eastern tram bringing friends of theirs, and his quick, almost fantastic declaration that he should accompany them thither after the snow was not calculated to make him more comprehensible. On the second day thereafter, when his guests started anew, ne reany was tneir companion, though without" further explanation, and was at their side, watching with them. when the train was expected. It came the Eastern mail with its young adven turers and middle-aged rpeeulators. and old men, women and children ; and among tnese msi were tne wile ana three little ones of the Swedisli emigrant ! In the wreck off the Norwegian coast some of the passengers had been saved. The mother, with her own two children and one poor liltie babe whose parents had been lost, were taken on board a Danish ship, which after a long voyage readied Boston, where a German consular agent gave them the means to go onward to the eft. Such was the story poured into the ears of the husband and father, whose filth had been deeper than the depths of tne sea, aim Humanity tenderly welcomed to a warm foster-paternity that tniru and fatherless wait tnat Had been foreshadowed to him by the three children of the snow. A. Y. World. Measuring Land. In the English law courts, cases often occur which Interest us on this side of the water. 1 ,c bases of our laws have much iri common, and wlien there are no spe cial enactments here to meet unexi ected i-uM'-i. r.ngii-ti precedents have much in- fluciiC ; in deciding ea'es of our own. In a recent one the question involved was what constituted a half mile of groum I he defendant sold a tavern to plaintiff. bargaining that he would not build an other within half a mile of It. The land away from the tavern sloped considera bly, ami, measuring down this slope, an other house was built beyond the half mile so measu ed. But plaintiff contend ed that the half mile should bo in a hori zontal direction, and i;sue was according ly taken. J ho judges were undecided about it, but ultimately found for the plaintiff, anil in accordance with the hor i.ontal views; but an appeal was taken to a high' r court. Ueeently the case came up again before what is known as a lull court. There were many learned arguments on both sides. It was contended that the distance one hud to travel along the surface should be the measure of the mile. It was, how ever, decided by a majority of the bench that the horizontal line is the true meaS' ure that is, the measure as it would ap pear on a map independent of any undu lations in tncKuriacc oi the ground. IMs seems common sense as well as law. It Is flie principle on which land is always sold. Some people argue that they get more land surface on an undu lating surface, when the measure is thus taken horizontally, than when they buy a niece oi aDsoiuteiy level land, inev do have more surface, nominally, but act ually there Is no more. Plants grow per pendicularly ; and no matter how great the slope, they must stand erect, so also the horse and man tl:at works, or the cat tle which graze over it. must have an up. right position ; and it takes more surface to accomplish this In proportion as the land slooes. Thus, supposing rows of corn be plant ed four feet apart on a level ; on a slope oi one leet in lour, tne rows wouiu nave to be planted live feet apart in order that that the corn should grow but four feet from one another. This may be made still more clear by taking a piece of board, say a foot wide and two inches thick. Flat on the ground, a ro-v of plants on each side would be twelve Inohes apart ; but set the board nearly or quite on edge, and the plants, having to grow in an upright po sition, if planted on a line with the bot tom and top of the board would then be but two inches apart. 'As, therefore, plants grow upright, it is the horizontal me only which anords the proper base surface, and hence there is no gain what ever in an undulating farm surface over one quite on a level. The undulating farm of course looks much larger, but re ally there is just the same amount of grow ing surface, Forney' Press. Improvement of Homo ('rounds. From Vlck's Klnrol Guide for 1873. TREKS AND SHRUBS IN LAWNS. Two great errors are; usually made, both by gardeners and amateurs one destroying the lawn by cutting It np With unnecessary walks and flower bsds. the other producing the same result by almost covering it with trees and shrubbery. Grass cannot grow well among the roots and under the shade of trees and shrubs, and no lawns can look well cut up in sec tions by numerous roads. Most of the little lawns we see in the country are al most destroyed by one or both c f these causes. The main part of the lawn should be left unbroken by tree or shrub, as a general rule, and ttany tree Is admitted it should be only an occasional fi no specimen, like a purplo beech or magnolia, or cut-leaved birch. A tree or two in cer tain appropriate laces for shade, Is of course desirable; but plant for the fu ture, not for tho present, and always have In view tho size, form and habits of the trees when full grown, ond not their present small size and perhaps delicate form. 1I.ANTINO FOR Cl'BVF.II WAI.nS. Rvcry ciirve in a walk should lie a sen sible one-, that Ifr, have A reason for its course, either rfal or apparent; therefore arrange yoir planting so as to make an apparent necessity for every turn, Tl Idea is shown In the above engraving, where the walks turn to accommodate the trees. One great dilliculty with American gar dens is that they arc too large, nnd not sulllclcntly cured for If we give the same amount cf labor on a quarter of an acre that we row expend on nn acre, tho re sult would be much more satisfactory. No one should have more ground In gar den than he can keep In the hlsrhest state of cultivation, it li this kind of excellence that affords pleasure, while failure or par tial success is a source of pain. It U not only a fault to cultivate too much grounl, but even too many flowers. .Some seem anxious to obtain and grow everything. This is not best, especially where there is not a good deal of time and money to be devoted to the work. A choice selection is best, and I like every cultivator of flow ers to have a pet or hobby. Take, for in stance, the Pansy, and "make it a" pet. Obtain the choicest seed, and give the plants the best of care, and you will see to what wonderful perlection it .can be grown, in a few years you will tire, per haps, of this. Then adopt the Balsam, or Stock, Or Aster. Always have something choice something grown better than any one else is growing it something you have reason to be proud of. It will aston ish you to see how flowers thrive under such petting, and what a wonderful exhi bition they make of their gratitude. 1'I.OWKR-IIBDS. Some persons may think from what we have said in favor of grass in front of the house in preference to beds of flowers, that we are no friend of these beautiful treasures these delightful children of the neid and garden, who speak in every fra grant breath, and lovely tint, and c-racefUl form, of Him Who tpake from naught this matchless beauty. I only wish them to be treated In a proper manner. In the center of the lawn, especially if opposite a window, it is well to make a round or oval bed, and on the borders, or near the edges oi tne lawn, bfds of various grace ful forms. A few plans for these are giv en in the alinex'.d engraving. ihese beds should be filled with flowers that will keep in bloom during the whole season, and It, is best generally to have but one Kind in a bed. l'lilox Drummondii, Verbena, i-ortuiaca, ami the scarlet Geraniums, are well adapted for this purpose. These beds, it must be re membered, are for tho or nament ol the grounds, and they lurnish no flow ers for the house no presents for friends, no Dorpier, ior the dining- room, or for schools or churchesrtlie sick room l hese we must have. Ho just back of the lawn make generous beds of flowers that you can cut freely Asters, Balsams, Zinnias, Stocks, Mignon ette, Sweet Teas, etc. In these beds you can also grow ttie Kverlasting Flowers for winter use. It is best to make the beds oblong, about four feet ii width, so that you can reach half way across. with alleys or paths be tween. A few well filled vases are a tii.e and appro priate decoration ot any grounds if kept in good condition with healthy plants. The evaporation from baskets and vases is very great, much more than is generally supposed, as every side is exposed to air, sun, etc., and they must receive a copious supply of water every evening in dry weather, to keep the plants in a neaitny condition. HOCK FLOWER BHDS. Another very pretty ornament for the garden is the uockery, made ot rough stones, tistefully laid up, with eartli suf- ncient ior tne growth or plants suitable lor this worK. Jow growing plants with suceuient and ornamental lounge, are ap propriate to tne rockery rortulaca is admirable. We give an illustration of a bed ot this kind. Sternk, the author of the Sentimental Journey, who had the credit of treating his wife very ill, was one day talking to Garrlck in a line, sentimental manner, in praise of conjugal love and fidelity. ''The husband," said he, with amazing assur ance, ,lwho behaves unkindly to Ids wife. deserves to have his house burne'd over his head." "If you think so." replied Gar- rick, "I hope your house is insured.'! When you see an old irentlemnn nf si v. tv. on a clear, bright, frosty day. carrying a blue cotton umbrella, tied tightly about the waist with a shoestring the umbrella tied,' not the old gentleman you may look out for snow before night, but the probabilities are that you will not see it. 'Fun- mrkf l..,i'a vaoimlniw tl..,t .. .-.1 . , fr est tvne of the life in nnnrher HfV wkinh is the essence of real human love, feels the presence of the cherished child even in the base, degraded man. Those men are always best, noblest. and most harmonious, in whom is seen the reflected influence of elevated and re lined women. There are some things it won't do to to trifle with for instance, a woman's opinion and the business end of a wasp. USEFUL SUGGESTIONS. Cleaning: AVoon Work. There )g nothing better for cleaning painted wood work than a piece of common India-rubber. Jtub the wood as if you were erasl ng pencil marks, and then pass a dry brush over It. No water is necessary. To Remove Stains from Mattrasses. Make a thick paste by Wetting starch with cold water. Spread this on the stnin, first putting the mattrass in the sun. Hub this off alter an hour or so, and if the tick ing is not clean, try the process again. Frk.cklk tjOTioNs.-Muriate Of ammonia, one dram ; distilled water, seven ounces ; Cologne water, two drams. Another remedy for these unsightly marks, is to procure powdered niter, moisten it ith water, and apply eight and moi'ning, and they will soon disappear. Cement for Leather. Ten parts of carbon dlsulphide and one part oil of tur pentine are mixed, and as much gutta percha added as Will readily dissolve. The surface of leather lhlist be freed, with a hot Iron, from fat, and the parts once join ed should be well pressed until they art flrmly united. To Make Ci.oTn Waterproof. Into a half bucket of soft water put half a pound of sugar of load. In another half bucket of water, put half a tio'tnd alnrrt. fUir till dissolved and then mix the two solutions togather. Slir wrll, let stand till clear and pour oft", rut tho garments In the li'inid for '24 hours, take out and hang up to dry without wringing. Acetate of alumina Is hero the watcMepelling salt. lo Clean Silver. Dr. Klshcr -savs that hot '.-ater tioilred olt Potato barings or boiled potatoes Is admirably adapted to clean silver. The oniect can do easily rubbed bv the fingers with the settlings of potato meal, and they become as bright as they usually do when rubbed with tiipoli. The. process is particularly ad vantageous for engraved and raised ob- ects, where tne powder is liable to collect in tile cavities. German silver and plated ware can bo cleaned in the same way. Po tato water which has become sour by long standing can be substituted for acids to clean copper vessels. How to Uepaiu Leaky Hoofs. Melt together, In an, lrou pot two parts by wiuii ui uuiuiiii'ii pituii uuu tine jNirb ui gutta-percha. Tins lorms a homogeneous mild much more manageable than gutta percha alone. To repair gutters, roofs, oi other surfaces, carefully clean opt of the cracks all earthy matters, slightly warm tne edges with apuimuer s soldering iron, then pour the cement in a fluid state upon the cracks while hot, finishing up by go ing over tne cement witn a moderately hot iron, so as to make a good connection and a smooth joint. The above will repair zinc, lead, or Iron, arid Is a good cement for aquariums. To Fasten a Horse. When there is nn lilt-.l!n rr T,rtcf l,flir n lini-cn mntr safely tied in the following manner, name ly : Take tho reins and pass them round underneath the nuo outside ot the wheel, and give them a hitch on to one of the spokes. If the horse start the reins are drawn up, instantly checking him. and as soon as he commences to back they are as instantly loosened. If in addition to this when there are a pair of horses one of the traces are loosened, the team will seldom move far enough forward to start the wagon without being checked by the bits. Xo team, however, should be left without tying, if it can possibly be avoided. Bekf Tea. A writer in the Canada Lancet gives a new process for making oeei-tea, as ionows : "Take a thin rump steak of beef, lay it upon a board, and with a case-knife scrape it. In this way a red pulp will lie obtained, which contains pretty much everything in the steak, ex cept the fibrous tissue. Mix this red pulp thoroughly with three times its bulk of cold water, stirring until the pulp is com pletely diffused. Put the whole upon a moderate lire and allow it to come slowly to a boil, stirring all the time to prevent the 'caking' of the pulp. In using this do not allow" it to be strained, but stir the settlings thoroughly into the fluid. One to three fluid ounces of this may be given at a time." The "Woman Movement." It is interestlag to see how steadily the great "woman movement" is advancing, and specially to observe that the wo men who are demanding all the privi leges enjoyed by the male citizen not un frenuently exhibit a willingness to accept all his responsibilities. In order to show their capacity for doing all things that men do, two young women, of Scotland, had recently a scientific set-to in the ring, in which they exhibited quite as much pluck, if not so trained a skill, as the best prize-lighters display on these occa sions. The' young ladies went to the place selected," accompanied by their re spective backers and friends (of which sex these were the accounts do not state): seconds and a referee were appointed, and the combat began, each fair one having, in imitation of her male exemplar, close ly cropped her locks, golden or other wise. The struggle went on with exact regard to the laws of the noble art, until tyrannical man, in the aspect of a police officer, interrupted the performance, leav ing the world forever in the dark as to which was the better combatant. The interposition of women in politics and aflairs, you know, is to retine ruder man and extinguish his barbaric tastes I Ex. Many persons say that tliev have tried almost every yemedy that has been recom mended for humors, nnd they are no better now than when they commenced them, and they have no confidence in anything that is advertised to cure Salt Itlieum. Erysipelas, and all similar humors. We would say to these that there is now a remedy that iis yet has never failed of curing thone diseases. It acts upon an entirely ditferent principle from anything ever oll'ured for them ; it throws humor out of the blood through the skin, which is the only channel through which the system, can be entirely freed from them. If you will try it, vou will not say of this as you have by the others, for it will cure you. We refer to Dr. Weaver's Salt Uheum Syrup. For sale by all Druggists. Medical Guesswork.! The profes sional treatment of diseases is in a great measure experimental. If one medicine fails another is tried, and sometimes this hit-or-mlss practice is pursued until the resources of the faculty are exhausted. This, in the truest sense of the word, is empiricism. But when the physician has made a valuable discovery, he is called by his professional brethren an Empiric be cause he advertises the result f his labor and research. When Dr. Walker of Cali fornia introduced his celebrated Vinegar Bitters as a remedy for all blood dis eases, he struck a tremendous blow at the empirical system, as applied to our hospi tals, and in private practice. It was soon apparent that bis medicine was pot a mere palliative or alleviatlve that only modified the symptoms of a disorder ; but that It reached r7te very source oithe malady hi the blood and the secretions, and literally rooted it out. The process of renovation and disinfection went on together, vigor was imparted to the organs from which tho virus of disease had been expelled. That such is the eflect of this peculiar vegetable remedy, no one who has had opportunities of observing iti operation in casep of .liver complaint, indigestion, aflectious of the bowels, gout, rheuma tism and pulmonary disorders, can possi bly doubt. Do YOU suft'nr from wakefulness at niirht. dimness of vision, flushing face, hot hands, cic. r ii bo, my irienu, jusi, uy u uutuu of Parker's Compound Fluid Extract Buchu. It will afford vou the mostpromnt and permanent relief. These symptoms are but the beginning of serious disease, and if you are wise enough to thus treat them at once you will avoid many a fit of sickness nnd save a coHsermnntlv Inn? doctor's bill. Sold by all drugglsU, everywhere. For Bronchial, Asthmatic and Pul monary Complaints " Brown's Bronchial Tro cW manifest remarkable curative properties, Tun I.itwna Ann SmAtNKn andHackkd liornistpnt Cniurh. the 'iwnrrnl utrenitth wnstert. nnd an lnriirnble complnint edtnbllshi'rt thprcliy. fnr Coughs nnd Colds, and exarta n bpnoflcln! el feet on the Pulmonary nnd llronchlal Clrgans. THE WEEK I. T HVti. . , Only 1 a Tear. S Puces. Tmi Best Familt PAMta. The Weekly N. T. Sun. 8 pages, ftl a year. Sena four Dollar. Tna Bft&t AotuccirtmAi, PAPun. The Weekly M. l.biui. 8 pages. in year, oenu your iionar. Tit Best Political PAritn. The Weekly N. Y. Bun. inuepenuentaniiraiimui. Adfttnsi i-uiuio Plunder. 8 pages. $1 a year. Send your Hollar. Tii Bert JsrAfKn.."-Tlio Weekly Nrw York oun, a pages. i a year, ncuu your ionar. a Has All tub News. The Weekly New York Sun. 8 pages. CI a year. Send your Dollar. Trm Best Story Paper. The Weekly N. Y. Sun. 8 pages, tl a year. Send your Dollar. Tun Bert Fashion TlRroivrs In thn Weekly K. Y. win, 8 pages, via year, nynu youruonpr. Tim Bert Market nltf ofltS I" tHWeljly N. Y. oun. 8 pages. l a year. Bonn your Doiinr. The Bert Cattle Reports in the Weekly N. Y. Sun. 8 pages. 81 a year. Sena your Dollar. The Best Paper In Every Respect. The Weekly . I.Bun. 8 pages. "layeHr. oenu your uonar, AJureis THk BLTrJ, fccw Yttfh City. Arthur's Illustrated Home Maoa nb. Anionic the ninny gooil thinjrs In the Mnrch number lire: "The Sacred Kiverof Inilm, and the Cities of Hb Valley," with several lllun- trnllnnni 'The Denrrst T.lttlc Wife In the World" story byT. S. Arthur, with Illustrations ' 1 Crookqd' ' continued ; "Tho fleucon's Household," by i"ipnisslny Pot's J "'Imrles Dickens First Time nnd Last," by Virninla F. Townsendi nnd several other stories, poems, anil illustrations. Terms, 2. 60 a year, or $1.50 for six months, with a reduction for clubs. A cony of the beautiftil steel engraving, " I he Christian Graces," sent free to ench subscriber, whether for six months or n year. Address T. 8. AiiTiicn & Son, rhilndelphia, la. The CniMmitx's Hour. The number for March Ib very attract Ivo., ami tlio little oncfl Will teivc It a hearty, joynus welcome. Its iic tiiri's arc pretty and appropriate, nnd its stories, Bketchcn and poems an; of a kind to interest and amuse the youthful readers, while making them better and wiser. Tiie tefins of The Children Hour arc: $1 .ar a year five copies, $j t-n, and oneextra, $10; extra inducements are offered to Ketters-up oi clubs $ T. S. Aitrucn A Son, rhil- a'leipma, i'u. Thn Judgment of the Iulillc Doctors disagree. Kach school of medicine lias its own theories, and as ihese theories differ wide ly. It is clear that few, if any of them, can be right. ItHt If medical men cannot agree upon any theoiy r system Of practice, the public find no Ulfflculty in agreeing aB to notorious matters of fact. For Instance, theyiave observed for many years that Hostetter's Stomach Hitters uniformly cure dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatism, bil iousness, nervous debility, and many other dis eases which the prescriptions of the pharmacopeia do not and cannot cure; and they know, therefore, that there can be no mistake about It. On this point they are firm and positive. They take their stand on Incontrovertible facts, and they state to one another verballv, and sometimes by letter, what they know about relieving and preventing sickness with the Btandurd vegetable tonics and al terative of America. Here, then, the Invalid lias a guarantee of value that can be relied upon, viz: the sober Judgment f the public. After twenty years of observation and reflection, the American people pronounce, Hostetter's Bitters the best Invigorating and regu lating medicine at their command, and give evi dence of the faith, that is in them by purchasing more of It than of any other advertised medicine manufactured on thlB continent. A large number of physicians, too, however much they may dlil'er on other points In therapeutic?, admit the extraor dinary merits of the Hitters as a tonic and altera tive, and recommend it as a preventive of may larlous diseases, and as a remedy In Intermittent and remittent fevers. TTTHEN writing to advertisers mention the VY name &f this paper. Is extended to the v tr!d To place before the public a better Cotish or I.uus ltenictly thau ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. It Is warranted to break up tho mnst troublesome On'tiMi In nn incredibly slmruiline. Tlu-re is n remc 'lvi:i:it e:m tOnnv more evidence of real merit than lids CALK AM for curing Cou6Uiuliun,Cuui;lie, Colds. Aoij.iaa, Croup, etc. It Acts on tho Kidney! It Act on tli o l.ivcr! Which makes it moro than t'ouih Hornedy LATEST EVIDENCE. Whnt wrll known DriiiriiisU of Triinreucu nay about Allen's Ijtinir lln Nuiii, :fnri..i. Ton"., pt. ", KI'J. GRNTLEMKif: rioaso shin us six doz. Allen's I.iiiir Balsam. We- have not a bottle in the ttov. It li;ts more reputation than anv Coittrli Medie'.ne we have ever sold. Have been In the drmr btKine ; yeais. Wo mean iut what wu bay. Very truly yoi.i!-. What tho Doctors Kay, Pre. Wilson & Wsird, riiyslelans nnd Dru&rUts, write from CeirtrevlUe, Tenn " We purchased Allen's Luiif? Balsam, nnd H sells rapidly. We are practicing physician, as well ut driitfpists, and take pleasure in reeuinmeuding a great icnu'dy, mich as we know this to be." I'hyslelans do nt recommend a medicine which has no merit ; what they say about ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM Can be taken as a fact. Let nil a filleted test it at once nnd he convinced of Unreal merits. It is harmless to the most delicate child. It Coiitalim no Opium In Any Frm. OAUTIOIC. Be not deceived. Call for ALLKX'S LUNG BAL SAM, and take no other. t3T Directions accompany each bottlo. J.N. HARRIS & CO., Cincinnati, 9., rnopr.iETons. tVHold by nil Meilictue Dealers. tiie roi;iniY iti: oui. AN Illustrated Monthly MttKazlue, edited by C. V. Hkatow. Kurniliifttnu. Illinois. Mlui-e lis consolidation With tile Amrrirmi Vottltry (iaz'tt It Is tbe only Poultry paper west of New York City. Only 11.00 per veur. Sen. I 10 ernts lor speci men copy and dedect It If you afterwards sub scribe. Address: POULTRY KKCOltK, FimnliiKlon, Illinois, Hewing Machine , IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. A gen in Wnnted BEWINU MACU1KE CO..N.Y. S. SIMONS & CO., MANtTPAOTUBBRB OF PRINTERS' FURNITURE, Cases, Stands, Cabinet u, Quoins, Ac, 272 West Lake Street, Chicago, III. Also, our New Patent Combination Cabinet, the Cheapest and Beat manufactured. tiTA large lot of good Hecoud-hand Cases, Stands and CubmetB f or Bale cheap. rtf&eud for bn eel men bfieetand Price List. Cranio Slit, 0 by l'ilaobof, worth $10, kJSto every pur. ohtituror Dr. Foote'i wonderful work,W2lF "PLAIN HUMB TALK.' No competition tbe most takims Combine tioo ver offered. Agents ire meeting with unparalleled luooeii. Booki and Cromoi ready nd delivered together. Send $'2.00 for I'roapectui and Cromo rRA.UBi a coup lxti outUt, Send early to lecure territory. Full table of Content! and Term ent on application. Addresa The UNION PUHLISJilNG CO.. Obioago. Kvery Cromo completely muunlud. 1THEA - NECTAR l.V 18 A PUHK BLACK TEA, with tbe ureen tea flavor. War ranted to suit all tastes. For sale everywhere. And tor sale whole sale only by the Great Atlantic A PaelBcTeaCo.191 Fulton st.and A4 Church Bt.N. Y M0 Bend for Tkea-Nectar circular. $10 toJtZO per day. At unit wanted eve rywhere. 1'artlculura !. ULA1K A CO., bt. Louis. Wo. DR. WHITTIER, BTbiTOiVJREEi Loiiueat eoguuiini, and iimst gut'ee-sU 1 ib btuiiiu ul Ui age, Conbuluttiuu or buunbU-t liuo. i'nii or writa. Building Felt, (no tar,) for outside work and in side instead of plaster. Felt carpetlngB,&c- bend S sumps fur ciro. A samples. C. J.i'ay ,Camden,N . J, CELEBRATED Horse and Cattle To wdcrs. Thin nrepiiriitlm, tend snil f or hit known, will thorourMT M-lm l(r orate broken down adi )ow-plrltci! horses, hy strrnprthon Ihu it fid clen- Innr me Bimuni-n miu imus ft 1b a sure prevrrttve of all ns Asn Inclilrnf to lull jnln'a'.. J" MINK FBVFW. GLAMifcltb, FOUND Kit. I.OHH ATK- the. a.nI) vital FmiHiY, Ac. lis uso Improvei the wind, in.M.... thn niincltle vlves a Biimoth and jrlosny Bkln ami trans, inrnn tho miserable ekcloton into BHiie-looklug and splrtled hore, fn kerni-r Of f'ows linn pnpnr- ftl on a invRjiiaiiif Inalile. It Is a sure an1nst Hlmlerpenl, n, etc. it "its been nreventlvo il.illfiw llnrn. proven by actual experiment In Increase Ilia quantity of milk atul ereatn twenty per cent. , and make the hiitler linn anu sweri. mini' tciilne callle, It kIvc tlit-m an np- tirllle, lunsen thulr Ulde, and muaci kes Ilium thrive much lasler. In all diseases of swine, mu h as Cotitslie, tjlccrl In Hie Limns, I.lver. sc.. iiMsaru elHaclsAsA Sp'-IHc. Iy pultlliK lii.ri onolmlf a paper f" paper hi a hiitn l r awlU Ihe aliovu .ll.- .run will eradicated or entirely prevented. If (riven In "bue. a c;r i iin preventive and euro lor tua lloK Cholera. DAVID K. FOIJTZ, Proprietor, llALTIJIORf:, Md. IJAIKiTFAU 4C0..714N. Fifth Street, AKentl '"f orii'iie'ilyDnurfrlsta and Storekeeper! ttiroiiiMi. .,1 l Hie l.iilliMlHtiilea. UKlanamlXoiitll America rEambllahed 1830.1 WELCH & GRIFFITHS, Mnnlifnrtnrpr-B nf flaws nriPKKlOH TO ALL OTHERS. T.' ' f I. V utiV WIDDI VTF II Files, Belting and Machinery. lirXIMEKAl. UlMI't'l .'V IS-U gSTTrlee lists and Circulars free. WELCH & GRIFFITHS, Bnmon, Mm.! and Detroit. Midi UBE the KeishnTCWSTCh Lock and Support to FASTEN TOUR WINDOWS! TCopnrlnrto hreak. it .nttlnpof sashi cheap, dura, liln. very easily appHert-Imbls sash at any place do slreil, imil a self fiiatcncr when the sash Is down. Send stamp for circular Circular and sin copper-bronzed lncks went In nnv flflilresH In the I.. 8.. POMimld. OH re ceipt of 5lle. I. literal Inducements to tlietrade. Afjcnts wimti-il. A'l'IreHH Iiel(-lhu;rr bssll Luck Cl.,0. 418 Alnrket street, ilarrlshnrir, Pa I For Illustration of this cheapest and best lor, see Wood's Household lfagaanc, N. F. Intttpentent,&c. AO MOTHERS! MOTHERS !1 MOTHERS!! ! Don't full to procure LOW'S SOOTIIINO tHILDREN TEETIIINU HKS. WINS. fsYltll' FOlt This valuable prenarntlnn bus been used with NKV jill-KAILING HITCK8S IS TIIOUSAK1I80K CASKS, 11 (,,,1 n.,U- relieve the ohllfl from nuln. but luvlir oriiii s the moiiihcIi and bowels, corrects acidity, and .. vis tone nnd enertry to tho wiu-io system, it win alt-u hiatuully relievo Griping in the Bowels and Wind Colic. We believe it the BEST and SUREST REMEDY 1 rilK WulII.I), ill nil enes of DVSEXTEKY AND .MAIUlWKA IN CIIII.DI.KX, whether arislug from .eeiiilnp; or any on r e.iuse. Iiepi ml upon It, mother, It wl'l plve rest to your reives, ttud Relief and Health to Your Infanta, lie sure ami call lot "MBS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP,' ITftvlnpr the fne-eMnilo of 'CURTIS 1'EIiKISS" u the omxhle wrapper. fgnSuM by drui-slsts throtiehout tho world. IN EVERY PIECE. OTHER GENUINE. r T:.e GrTPT. 1? published Quahtbrly. 23 cents pays for thf year, which is nut half the cost. Those vr nfivrwards send money to the amount of One l)o! I in or more fur Seed may also order 2-1 cents' worth extra the price paid for the GrmE. The Firm VffVr is beautiful. Riving plans for making lit n nil IIoiucm, DiniiiK-Table Docorn lions, Window itrrieuH, &c, nnd a mass of in formation Invaluable to tho lover of flowers. 130 pnpes. on tine tinted paper, some 500 Engrnvlnps, una n superb Colored Pluto nnd ChromoCoTr. The First Kditiou of 200,000 Just printed ifiiEllsu and Gorman. JAMES VICK, Rochester, New York. Tho .T-inrnry No. - ii .i PETERS' MUSICAL MONTHLY ir l.i'O w trih or Sonirs ;.ua t 'uin n t'leues, Pi ii :io iu. or ;MN n Your, 1 o back numbers, our own eeJeocioa, ior uu eta. Four for Ri ota, Addresa J. Is. I'KTEHS, tvi Broadway, N, Y, ElEWARP S R T"or nnv ciso of Pllpi 1 I J H lllllll l'lle l)R Ilixu': S h I U I'll.K linio.v falls ti 1 7- N , t'uii'. It IK iri-paii'd ' i t I I l't's'v t.1 i'llro tin- rilt'i B-o" try' riff. f.M Ir THE L AT KMT IXVCXTIOK, PARCHMENT COLLA Twice the Strength of Cloth-Lined, PATENT API'MED FOR. METROPOLITAN COLLAR CO , SI6 8m Hroiirlnny, Bf. V. Works Jay, Wkslilncton ft Greenwich Bts. , N. V Capacity, U0,ouo,000 per annum. TO FARMERS ! ! Don't fall to subscribe for THE ST. LO VIS MIDLAND FARMER! A. large quarto monthly. Only 50 cents a year. Every Farmer should sub scribe. Handsomely printed and ably edited. Enclose 50 cents and Address BOWMAN A MATItEWS, Publisher, 414 North Third Street. St. Louis, Mo. GREATEST CURIOSITY ;-Av.cS!3S selling weekly. Price M cents. No humbug. Address GKOIiGE A. HEARD & CO., Huston, Mass. n Ann. AGr NTS WANTED. Samples sent tree bv mall. Two new artlnlns. salable as dour. AddreEsN. H. WHITE, Newark, N.J. Employment; $lU0per week; agents & others to sell a new article; Indispensable to merch's & tnanf'rs. AdrswtthBtarup E B.buiith & Co,96 Liberty st.N.Y AUt.fiT WANTEIk.-A splendid chance for agents to make lujney. Cuttuibers Int'orma tlon lor the People, In two vols., royal octavo, of nearly 1,7(0 puges and nearlv 1,000 engravings, dia grams and maps. (New and Revised edttlou.) "old by subscription only, bend for circulars asd.see our terms. Address D. W. JONFS & CO.. 3U N. Third titreet, Bt. Louis. Mo. HOW THE HABIT OF USING TOBACCO MAY BE CURED. Bent for to cents. ' P. O. Box D. Castle Creek, N. Y. BOOK of Medical Wonders. Should be read bj all. Bout free for 2 stamps. Address Dlt. BOXArAHTE, Cincinnati, O. difc xn (tjori per day! Aire ul wnnlort I Allclaasesof DJ iU lJ)iU vurkntKieiiU', nf I'lthcrsi'x.yuuiior fill, iitake liuire uiuim v nt work fur us in their Hturu iiii(iiii iit:ior all the liuir Ihuualaiiylhihelt-e. Vartic ulars free. Address U. r'tlusuu & Co., l'orUuiul.MiUae. AOnn AMOBfTIIMAI.ABYto Acents, male JlV' aud female, Aadress, with stamp, JiKl. UAX,MKULJCy., 713 Olive St., bt. Louis, Mo, -- Vinpinir Miitei'tt are not a Tiie f ancr naL made of Poor Rnm, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Rerun nuors, drrctored, npicea, ma SATcctencrT ?r piewc im taste, called " T omes," " AppctireTs," UeMorerV' c, that inrt t" tippler on 10 aninwnM ana ruiov but nre a true Mcnicine, made from tne native roots and herb of California, tree from all Alcoholic St imulavta. (tcy are the Ureat liiooa i-unner sma a t,egmng rinciple, ft Jrfect Renovator and InTigoTator of th Mnnrl tn 9 IimI ilit crmflition. enrichine it. retreshirtai and invigorating both mind mt& feody. They are ea nfr and i enable in .ill forms of disease. No Person cttlt take thono BMtcra accord ing to directions and remain long unwell, provided their bones 75 not destroyed by mineral powon or other means, and tho viul organs wasted beyond tho pot of repair. Ifynpepnitx or inaiffSTn rea;icne, rum the Shot:l-'er, CoiirIis, Tightness of Ihe Chest, Eh- !. .Snur iLrilCT'ons- or tne ommacn, una i a?w in the Mouth. Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of tha Heart, Inflammation of the Lung Pain in the regions ol the Kidnej-s, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the ofHrrins of Dyspepsia. In thene complaint u k-. .n BnimT tin A nnt 'hntt will nrnve a bUer cmai sntee of its merits tiirtn ?! lenethy advertimenV. For Femnlo CoiitfrtMlf m young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or tha turn of life, tfiese Tonic Bitters dispJay so decided aa influence that a marked improvement soon prup ible. For Inflnmiiinf ory nnd Chronic It hen - mntimii and Gout. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Hiliou Remittent and Intermittent evtr diseases of 1 Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters hava been most successful. Such Dise.ittc Jre caused bf Vitiated Blood, which generally produced by derange ment of the Digestive rgnns. Thoy are a Gentle PiirRistlve nn wrll ntt a Tonic, possessing also the peciriiar merit of acting as a powerful aaent in relieving Congestion or Inflam- mauon oi ine i.iver ana Tisccrai rAi, uu m wi-m Diseases. For Skin Ilsenwfl, Eruptions, Tetter, Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules Boils, Cat buncles, Ring worms, Scald-Head. Sore Eyes, Ery sipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Decolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by tne use ot tnese tnuera. jne potuc is such cases will convince the most incredulous of tneit curative effects. Cleniifte the Vltlncd III nod whenvH ltd find its impurities bursting through the skin in PimplM, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse ft when you find it -?b-structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when tlr foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the Woo, pure, and the health of the system will follow. i rate nil ttinuHfiiHia proclaim Vinegar Bt tbrs the most wonderful Invigurant that ever sustained ne sinKing system. Plt Tape nntl other Wormn, lurking is :he system of so manv thousands, are effeetuallv d- (troyed and removed. Says a distinguished physinU gist : There is scarcely an individual upon the face of the ;arth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy leposits .hat breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmin- in, win Mcc ine byM-cin iruin wurins hkc ineae du- ers. Slechnnlcnl Dlsenses. Persons eniraced ia Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, will 3e subject to paralvsis of the Bowels, To guard against this take a dose of Wai.krr's Vinbgar Bitters once or twice a wee!;, as a Preventive. Billon. Kcmittcnt, imi1 Intermittent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys ofoc great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten nessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Cojorado, Braioa, kio viranne, reari, Aiaoama, Aiooue, savannah, Koap oke( James, and many others, wnii their vast tributa ries, througliout our entire country during the Summef and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons ol unusual neat aim dryness, are invariably accompanied !jv extensive derangements of the stomach and liver. dA ther abdominal viscera. There are aiwavs more or lese instructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable stat of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upo these various oi gms, is essentially necessary. There ia .10 catnartic ior tne purpose equal to UK. J. Walkbn s Vikkgar Bitters a thev will speedily remove the lark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are oaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions oi he liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions )f he digestive organ. Srrofiiln, or Klnc's Evil. White Rwellinea. Ulcers, Erysipelas, Pwelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Ai fections, Old Sore. Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eye. etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Dis eases, Walker's Vinbgar Bittbrs have shown their ;reat curative powers in ths most obstinate and in tract- able cases. Dr. Walker's California Vtiieirnr Bit fere act on all these cases in a similar manner. By purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the effects of the intkimiration fc'he tterculpr deposits) t iTlVii.1 it! p;n k re if!'i e hi a th, til a pi m. n m i cio The propertlen of Dr. wai.krr's Vinbrar Bittfrs are Aperient, Diaphoretic and C'.irminauve, Nutritious. Laxative. Diuretic. Sedative. Counter-irri tant. Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. The Aperient and mild Laxative properties ol Dr. Wai.khk's Vinfgar Bitti:rs are the best safe guard in all cacs of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect the humors ot" the fauces. Their Sedative properties sillay pa wi in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either from ion, wind, colic, cramps, etc Their Counter-irritant influence extends throughout the system. Th'.-ir Diuretic properties acton(the Kid neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Anti-Bilious properties stimulate tle liver, in the secre tion of bile, and us discharges through the biliary ducts, and are superior to all remedial agents, for the cure oi Bilious Fever, Kever and Ague, etc. Fortify the body ngutnat disease by pun ryimj all its fluids with Vin:gr Bittkks, No epi demic can take hold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves are rendered disease-proof by this great invtgr orant. Directions. Take cf the Bitters on going to bed at night from a half to one and one-half wineglassfulL Eat good nourishing food, such as beef steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed of purely veget able ingredients, and contai-n no spirit. J WALKER, Piop'r. R. II. McHOXALO A COn Druggists and Gen. Agts. , San Krancise an-i New York. sT SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS & DEALERS, . ONT wear that BprlnR Truss, whl Is kllltag I vnu. but send for circular for MOWK'M i klAMTIO HKI.T Tltl'XM, which Is as easv to wear at u garter, ami has cured patient, in from 5 to '& weeks. Address Box 158, IDCNltV HOWE. Council BlutfB, Iowa. ws EALTH& of the TlTEST.Hon.w.E. JDEES Bo"""1"8 VV EBB. Author Our new pbtn i3 mneulficcnt Chromos FBFF) immrnM'lu ((rt"i.''ri. MO nipitiil enough, & no riakfl AGENTS WANTED Hook . fpnd for crm fidmtial U-rm,vtc. K. IIan'N'afohd A Co., Cincinnati & Chicago. Kcliabie Kemody in Dinea sos of the Kidneys and Uri- Inary Organs. For Rheuma tisin, Dropsy, Gravel, Boils. Skin DtseottBBColdB, It has no superior. Tone up tho iyBim steer Ague. ruv iiolans prescribe it. 8old 1 IJrURfflBlS. LARGEST 0KOAN ESTABLISHMENT IN THE W0KLD1 7 Extensive Factories. J. ESTEY & COMPANY, BrotUeboro, Vt., V. S. A. THE CELEBRATED Estey Cottage Organs. T he intcet ana best lmnrovempnt.. VmMthina i The latest and best Improvements. Evcrythln, is new and. novel. The leadline Improvements is new and novel. The leading Improvements fu that gaus were introduced urst in this establishment. or- ESTABLISHED 1S46. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. CANVASSING BOOKS SENT FREE FOB Prof. FOWLER'S GREAT WORK On Manhood, Womanhood and their Mn tnal Inter-relationg ; Love, Iti Laws. Pow er, eto. Agents are selling from 80 to 80 conies of this work a day, and we send a canvassing book free to any bork asent. Address, stating experience, etc, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., bt. Louis, Mo. DR. WHITTIER, 8 BT6Srii.8M1plia't Lonirest sogagedr'.Qr' w4 suw...fulYhrioia Ifc. aaa Coa.ultoa wiwmfua 'm. Clwrita, Laxnrlani Whisker., noasiaeklos, brows, t'.tc Martina's World Knowned I'o. made forces Whiskers and Moustachlos to grow on the smoothest face without injuring the skin. A sure remedy for baldness. Sent free on receipt of ii.OO and LOUIS MAHT1NA A CO. 126 C.lark Street, Chicago, 111. Agents Want DECT T,hln 9" 1 enU wanted everywhere DLUl Profits immense; business permanent Address Eukkka Mva. CO., Carliuvllle Illinois A.N.K., B.L. J (l-SM ViT) HO JFACH WKEK-A8KNTS WAN KD, Business legitimate, ranlru. Uxj u oe i. WOaTU, bt. Louis. Mo Erx till.