The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 06, 1873, Image 3

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    (Clh-Qjountj gulcocatc.
Var Time at liidgway. v
Erie Express East 2:35 a. i.
do do West 2:89 a. m.
do Mail East i 6:00 p. m.
do do West 2:28 a. m.
Renovo Accommodation En-it 8:55 a m.
do do do West. ...!: 20 p. m.
Eates cf.Adv.srtr8ing.
One column, one year $75 00
' 40 00
J " " 25 00
I " " " 15 00
Transient advertising pat square of eifrht.
lines orlesi il time? or li : 2 00
ttuV.ncs.s cards, tou !!a.-j or less, per
year.... . 6 00
Marriages aid Death aotices inserted
Elk Lodge, A. 1 M
Stated moetings of EIV Lodge will be
!ieM at their hull on the' nd and fourth
Tuesdays of each month.
Q. L MoCKA. KEN, 5ec'y.
Subscribe fur the A iyocati:, and
Lo happy.
Tjiursuay last fdow lull here to tlio
depthof several inches .
TllE Brookvillo JiepnUiam closed its
twelfth volume with lant weeks iuR.
Ox New Year's day there was 32.37C
l osf offices iu the United States.
Jon printing neatly and promptly
done at the Advocate office.
Items of local interests thankfully
received at this office, for publication.
Send the i'acts and we will arrange them.
The coal deposits cf PAe count), lud
ai'd attrac ting t'ie attention of eastern
cjpitali-iU. The seams are the thickest
Mmot:i in the United States.
Mas: -:u couiys in like a roaring lion,
i . r.ecordauee with the fcayioir wc
.V . :;ei the lo go out like a
1j .
' K. One o!' the f.oighU; going
v. , Tv.ek.'.' at l-.airmat station last
V. 'ay iisotL: n j; ii'e caia were d'Muwl
:Y. '. lut he cue was injur-, d. Tlie
ttvi..-'n!stit caused ai li'.:ht delay iu the ruu
i of tiai'.i ..
'! UL Warren Mail has donned a lis n
new suit, which add-; another eharn. to
this already oriiit, j;nod luokiug uows
ffij oi-. Success to you Bro. Cowan, and
may you live to oat the hou that
s'.MuJchcs over vour cravo.
U.Nii'ir. th i .vi .:orstitutnu ai! v;a rds
ijiu-ongli!! and !oTti;b;p avj to he divid
vd into election J :.-t rict.s hy tho Court
lit Common Picas of. ! proper county,
that uo district slu'l .ataiu more than
una hundred vote?. '' :is i a j".o'i idea, will tend s'.reatly prevent cuci'u-.-ion
and undue oxi ivweut on election
ta e JuuriiUi.
i'URMTUIlt:! II v.-' want to s e a
u:eu lot of fara-turo, ji'.-i step into the
furniture rooms ol K. K. Gresli, to:,
"i '.iuaud Depot btrccu. lie lit ..u
iii.d a large .ek r ;hiu.bcr :--ts,
looking glasses, ivutre l. l!- luattro. s,
bedsteads, tetters lom.ges, etc. Mr.
G rewh has ul.-o, a L-fjjc supply ol I ur'.al
c .sea uxA easkcti, on lu:. d.
Wi:st End At:r .' lekv. It set.ais
1 faui tllKt ,5. A.
Hutu's, Art ClalWy the Wont J'.nd,
w duliiij very '.utvrior voik, and e .pec
i.Uly does his .jev -;-'.s lcrmtypos do
credit to his rej .' u as a 6ri-rate
m tia. A i 1
jailer) liko the
West Ead Art Gullo-,, is an hoi or to
any towu, nnd deserves tlie libc: I sup
port of our citizens.
Local Onuts. '1 be r.r of the
elections held so far, on H.e lo 1 option
question, it as ful!o-.. :
For Klk, Fore? , Sehuyl.
kill, Northumberland, Cambria. License. CleaifieiJ, Brad
ford, Blair, Tio-'a, Jefferson, Cameron,
Lycomiug, Ceutre, Wanco, Vayue,
The counties in the balance of the
State vote on the third Friday iu March.
The iity.ol Heading has voted for
Sale or Valuable Hotel Property.
The well known llyda House, at this
j. 'ace is now ottered tcr Pale by the owner
Z'i r. W. 11. Schranj, who has been
prcprietor for u uauiber of years, and
now desired to t-c'l on account of ill
hilth. This !;t3o and commodious
ouse eocms i i -e one of the most
.':osiiab!e botels m part of the state,
; .tuatcd us it is iu tho very centre ol the
buBines3 putt cf tho towu, enjoyiug a
large patvoLago ever since Mr. Schraui
aiaumed lie proprietorship. The bouse
is well furnished, has an excellent supply
tf pure water; is Bttuated at a convenient
distance from tlie depot, and has a large
and well arrauged stable attached.
Any ouft desiring to buy this proporty
can be informed as to. terms etc by ad
dressing, W. II. Sehram, Ridgway,
Klk Co., Pa.
Elk Count7 Teachers' Institute.
The Teachers' Institute of Elk county,
convened in the lohool house at Ridgwuy,
at 8 o'clock on Monday, Feb. 17th, and was
called to order by Co. Supt., R. Lucote.
Organization was perfected by electing J.
C. Wharton, Seo'y, and Emma L. Garrett,
Ass'tSeo'y. Prof. P. A. Allen, of Mans
field, Pa., was Introduced and addressed
the Institute on educational matters. After
(fixing the time for the sessions of the Insti
tute, adjourned.
Evening Session. Leeture by Trof. F.
A. Allen, on "Tha New Departure in Edu
cation," closed with mu-io by the Rldgway
13:li. Institute , : , r.i-J by musio, follow
ed hy prsycr by Allan. Instruction
in the mihod of teaiiii g Primary Oeogra
pliyj by Prof. Allcu, v js followed by on
exercise in reidiiig by Miss Helcn'Martin,
of Ridgway. Afiev an jxercise in spelling
test words, adjourned.
Afternoon Scsaioa. Prof. Allen illus.
tra'iod his method of teaching language to
primary pupils, w' ich was followed by an
csercisw in numbers by L. A. Fowler, of
Wilcox. Scliool organization was the next
subject before :'.e Institute and was ably
illustrated hy P. -.f. Allen.
Evening a. The first exercise was
a discussion ct compulsory education, by
members of tl; r Institute, which was fol
lowed l'j fl'i . jlo lecture on "The School
Syttein" bj. I'.'jf. Allen, after musio by
the band, adjourned-
lUtk. Inst:, .te opened by musie, and
devotional exc- jises, by Prof. Allen. Prof.
A'.len then rPKimedhis exercise in Primary
(Jcograpjy, t. licjj ws interesting and in
s'ructivc. T lis was followed by an cxe.--oise
in Menti.i Arithmetic conducted by F.
11. Umholtz. Miss Martin then condueto 1
a vlass exercise in reading and elocution,
followed by exercises in spelling test words,
conducted by Prof. Allen.
Afternoon Session. Opened with seventy-ty-ihrcc
members present, who listened
with interest to a practical lecture on letter
writing by L A. Fowler. Prof. Allen then
resumed his treatise on language lessons
for primary pupils, after whick he resumed
tlie subject oT school organization, which
was ably nftd practically treated. Ad
journed. Evening Session. Opened by vocal
tiins'e, followed by seloct reading by Miss
lleluu Martin. Capt. C J. Arms of Lewis
towi. was then introduced who delivered
an :!it cresting -and amusing lecture on
"Roys." Adjourned.
-Oth. Institute opened by musio nd
prayer. Advanced Geography, and method
of teaching ilia same was tnkrn up and
t'.ioi-oughiy illusir.ited by Prof. Allen, which
' was followed by L. A. Fowler who con
ducted a class exorcise in elocution, giving
iiia method of teaching reading, etc.
Afternoon Session. Supt. Lucore ap
pointed a committee of five, on resolutious.
i'rof. Allen by request gave an exercise in
fractious, which was clear and practical, and
was fully indorsed by tho teachers. Prof.
Allen also explained the best methods of
inducing pupils to Ktudy, which consisted iu
appealing to tiieir pride, courtesy, etc.
Exercise iu Grammar by L. A. Fowler.
Evening Session. Opened by recitation
by L. A. Fowler, after which Capt. C. J
Arms delivered an able lecture on "Honor.'1
-1st. Instituo opened with the usual de
votional exercises, after wliicli by request
Prof. Allen took up the subject of history,
illustraiing fully tlio benefits of that neg
lected, but important branch of educaliou.
F. H. Umholtz occupied a few minutes
with the subject of writing, showiug the
objects and requisities of penmanship.
The committee ou resolutions reported the
following which were adopted:
PuKAMiiLE. In consideration of the
profitablo and interesting time we have
spent together, we tho members of the Elk
County Teacher's Institute do offer the
JiriolurJ That our thanks be tendered to
our Co fcup't. for his efforts and tho in
terest he has manifested in making thia
Institute a success.
lietolved. That in Prof. Allen we rocog.
nize a true friend of the the teacher and
the cause of education, and that we, as
teachers, will cudeavor to carry out in our
schools the ideas and principles, he has so
pleasantly aud lorcibly presentei.
Jtetolvtd, That we tender our thanks to
the citizens of this village fur the kind
ness they have ihown us during the ses
sion; to the school directors iu allowing us
the free use of the school building; to Capt
C. J. Arms tor his eutertaiuiug aud instruc
tive lectures; to tlio baud lor furnishing
us iiuric, aud to the P. & li. H. R. lor
graining excursion tickets over their road.
Prof. Allen then explained the difference
between school teaching and school keep
ing after class exercises in spelling, ad
journed. Afternoon Session. Opened by, a brief
ecture on civil government.
The question "Is there a probabilit y of
being too rigid in school discipline?" was
then aiscuieel by Messrs. Umholtz, Bailey,
Fowler, and others, followed hy Prof. Alleu.
Prof. Allen gave all present the privilege
of asking questions on any subject in re
lation to important school matters, and
the afternoon was nearly spent iu answer
ing them.
Mr. Johnson, Co. Sup't. of Cameron
Co,, was introduced and occupied a short
time in speaking of the Soldier's Orphan
School at Mansfield, Pa. Adjourned.
livening Session. Lecture on "Training
Chillreu" by Prof. F. A- Allen. Adjourned
to rieet at the call of the Co. Sup't.
J. C. Wuaetos, Sec'y.
Emma Uarbett, Ass't Seo'y,
6uiPi'iN0 Taos, bill heads, letter
heads, enveolpes, business, visiting and
wedding cards, doue in a neat and supe
rior manner at the Advocate office.
Give us a trial and be couviuced that
we do good work,
a MM
Klk oouuty retains its license, by a
majority of 715. That Elk is deter
mined to have its "horos"- - Rafts
man's Journal.
Beautiful Chili.
The author of this poem is the same who
wrote "Beautiful Snow," claimed to have
been composed by J. W. Watson. His name
was W. A. H. Sigoutney, a nephew of Mrs
Sigourney, the ptetess. By reading this
beautiful poera and comparing it olesely
with"Beautiful Snow," a close resemblanoe
will be observed throughout:
Beautiful child by the mother's kBe,
In the mystitf future what wilt thou be!
A demon of sin, or an angel suolyne
A poisoa Upas, or innocent thyme
A spirit of avil flashing down
With, the lurid light of a fiery crown-
Or gliding up with a shining track,
Like the morning star that ne'er lojks back.
Daintiest dreamer that ever smiled,
Which wilt thou be my beautiful child?
Beautiful child is my garden bowers,
Friend of the butterflies, birds and flowers,
Pure as the sparkling ohrystaline stream,
Jewels of truth in thy fairy eyes beam,
Was there ever a whiter soul than thine
Worshiped by love in a mortal shrine?
My heart thou hast gladdened for two sweet
With rainbows of hope through mists of
Mists beyond which the sunny smile,
With its halo of glory beams all the while.
Beautiful child,' to thy look is given
A gleam eeicnc not of earth but of heaven;
With thy tell tale eyes and prattling tongue,
Would thou could'st ever thus be young.
I.iko the liquid strain of the mocking bird,
From stair to hall thy voice is heard;
How o."l in the garden nooks thour't found,
With flowers thy curly head aroumf,
And kncelirg besido me with figure so
0! who would not dote on my infant saint!
'Beautiful child, what thy fate shall be,
Perchance is wisely hidden from me:
A talleu star thou umy'sl leave my side,
And of sorrow and shame become the brido
Shivering, quivering, througu the cold
street, ,
With a curse behind and before thy feet,
Ashamed to live, and afraid to die;
No home, no friends, and a pitiless sky.
Merciful Father tuy brain grows wild
Oh! keep from evil my beautiful child!
Beautiful child, ruiy'st thou soar nhovo,
A warbling cherub of juy and love;
A drop on eternities mighty sea.
A bljssom on life's immortal tree
Floating, flowering evermore,
In the blessed light of the golden sfrore.
And as I guze ou the sinless bloom
And thy raidiant face, they dispell my
I feci Ho will keep thee undefiled,
And his love protect my beautiful child.
Tue Oluest Man in the World.
The oldest man in tho world bas at
length been dfceovored. His name is
Joa Mortin Continhc, a resident of
Care Frio, in the Province ot Rio
Jnnerio, Brazil, who was born on tho
20th ot May, 1094, aud is therefore
nearly one hundred and seventy. nine
years old! It is said that he has forty
two children by six wives, and that he
can count one hundred nnd twenty-three
k'raud children, eighty-sis great graud
ctiildreu, eighty-six grand children, and
twentv children of the last.
A Kentucky editor received the fel
lowing note li'oui a subscriber, asking
that a false notice of bis death might be
corrected : "Sir, i notis a few crors iu
the obituary of myself wieh appeered. in
our paper of last Wednesday,, i Has born
iu grtenup co, not Caldwell, and uiy re
tirement frotu.bisnes in 18(5!) was not
owin to ii beltl but tu a littlo trubel i
had in connection with a horcc, aud the
curs of my death was uot snail pox.
please make corrections for whitch i en
close you 50 cents.
N&tv IIampsiuue holds the fi st
spring elc-clion this year, and the can
didates for Governor are Kzekial A.
Straw, Republican, and Jame A. W 8
ton, Democrat. The election is held
March 11, but the canvass is very lau,
guid. The next ' election will be in
Rhode Island, April 2, and the third in
Connecticut, April 7. In the latter
State, Hentj P. Haven, Republican,
and Charles K. Ingersoll, Democrat,
havo been nominated for Governor.
Both in New Hampshire and Connecti
cut 'members of Congress ate to be
chosen at these elections, the former
having t'ireo and the latter four mem
bers. At the Presidential eleetiou the
majorities for Grant were, in New
Hampshire, 0,ill; Rhode Island, b,
5o6, nod Connecticut. 4,7-jS. At the
Governor's eleetiou iu these States in
the spring of last year, the Kepublioaris
carried New (Hampshire by 2,107,
lihode Islaud by l.tni.j, and Connecticut
by 2,001. The politicians arc uot ac
tive this year in either ot these States,
aud whilst only a light vote will be
polled, the probability is that the Re
publicans will carry theiu as usual
Young men! let the oobleuess of your
iniod in) pell you to its improvement.
You are too Btiong to be defeated, save
by yourselves.. Refuse to live meroly
to eat and sleep. Brutes can do this;
but you are men. Act the part of men.
Prepare yourselves to endure toil. Re
solve to rise; you have but to resolve.
Nothing can hinder your suoeess if you
are determined to succeed. Do not
waste your time by wishing and drcaci
ing, but go earnestly to work. Let
nothing dioourage you. If you have
but little time, improve that little; if
you have no books, borrow tlieui; it you
have uo teachers, teach yoursclt, it your
early education has been ueglected, by
the greater diligence repair the defect.
Let not a craven heart or a love for ease
rob you of the inestimable benefit ot
self-culture. Labor faithfully, labor
fearlessly, and look to God, who givctn
wisdom and upbraideth not, and you
shall reap a harvest more valuable than
gold or jewels.
Their Fobtune. It is said that
each of Mr. Greeley's daughter will
have $100,000 alter all obligations are
paid, including, wo suppose, the $10,000
claimed by the Childreus Aid Society,
Tho statement will give general satisfac
tion. The amount is bj no uieaos
rioceJj, but it is ample.
Carpenters Tools,
Blacksmiths Tools,
Farmers Tools,
Lumbermens Tools
In fact everything usually kept
in a first-class Hardware Store.
Employing none but first-class
Workmen and nothing but first
class material used.
W. S
Every year increases the popu
larity of thia valuable Hair l'rep
aration, which is due to went
alone. We can assure our old
patrons that it is kept fully up to
its high standard ; and it is the on
ly reliable and perfected prepara
tion for restoring Geay oe Faded
Hair to its youthful color, making
it soft, lustrous, and silken. The
scalp, by its use, becomes white and
clean. It removes all eruptions and
dandruff, and, by its tonic proper-,
ties, prevents the hair from falling
out, as it stimulates and nourishes
the hair-glands. By its use, the
hair grows thicker and stronger.
In baldness, it restores the capillary
glands to their normal vigor, and
will create a new growth, except in
extreme 'old age. It is the most
economical IlAia-DKESsiNa ever
used, as it reauires fewer applica
tions, and gives the hair a splendid.
ossy appearance. A. A. Jaayes,
.D., State Assayer of Massachu
setts, says, "The constituents aro
pure, and carefully selected for ex
cellent quality; and I consider it
the Best Peeparation for. its
intended purposes."
Soli by all Drugjuti and Dealwi to Ittdicinf,
Price One Dollar.
Buckingham's Dye.
A our Renewer in many cases
requires too long a time, and too
much care, to restore gray or faded
"Whiskers, we hav prepared this
dye, in one preparation, which will
quickly and effectually accomplish
this result. It is easily applied,
and produces a color which will
neither rub nor wash off. Sold by
all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents.
Manufactired by R. P. kfALL & CO
This is an ioquiry which every one
should bave'JruthfuUy answered ! before
he starts ou -his journey, aud a little
cure tukeu in examination of Routes will
in many casses save much trouble, time
and money.
The "0., B. & Q. R. R-," runuin
fiom Chicago, through Galesburg tp
Burlington, and Jte '-I., B. &V. Route,'
runuing from Indianapolis, through
Bloomingtoo to Burlington, have achiev
ed a splendid reputation in the last two
years as the leading Passengers Routes
to the West. At Burlington they con
nect with the B- dc M. R. R. and from
the great Burlington Route, whioh runs
direct through Southern Jowa to Nebras
ka and Kansas, with close connections
to California and the Territories ; and
passengers starting from Elk County, on
their way westward, cannot do better
than to take the Burlington Route.
This Line has published a pamphlet
called 'How to go West," which con
tains much valuaoie information; a large
correct map ot the Grea NVest, whioh
can be obtained tree ot cnatge by ad
dressing the Geooral Passenger Agent
ot tho B & Jf- R Burlington, Iowa.
Hiaii- Tir i ,
Steal (Estate SHorth
Interact Payable Semi-AnnuaUy.
At the Ranking House of
In New York City, or at any Bank de
signated by the lender.
parties numy thousands of dollar
per month in flrit mortgajet on improved
property in Illinois, aud sncli has been tlie
demrnd for tlu-se desirable securities, rhat
we have, during the last fifteen months,
plaeed in them nearly ome million dollars,
tlie seuii-nunual interest on which has, iu
each and every case, been promptly paid.
These mortgages aro in the form of Trust
Deeds, aud can be; closed iu 20 days should
there he a failure to pay interest or taxes
when due.
We invest any sum, be it large er sraall.
and collect and reint interest and principal
ns it matures, all without expense to the
lender. Can refer to parties for whom we
have loaned large amounts, and who have
never lost a dollar either of principal or mt
erevt in this class of securities during tho
l:it fifutn year. Send for tour pamphlet.
"Jllinoit as a place of Jnveitinenl," mailed
Dealers in Real Estate Ten Per
Cest. Securities and School
jau 10 '71 yl
ManhoodiHow Lost, How
njMJust published; a new edi-
A-liv VTra tion of Da. Culverwii's
Celebrated EssATonthe radical enre (with
out medicine) of SpkbatoBbhe or Semi
nal weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses,
Imi'otkkct. Mental and Physical Incapac
ity. Impediments to Marriage, etc; alsa.
Consumption. Ei'ii.trsT and Fits, induced
kv self indulgence or sexual extravagance.
fUrrioe in a sealed envelope, only 6
The celebrated author, in this admirable
essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty
Years' oraotice. that the alarmininz oonse.
quences of self-abuse may be radically
cured without the dangerous use of inter
nal medicine or the application of tne unite;
Duimine out a mode of oure at once simple,
certain and effectual, by meaas of which
every sufferer, no matter what his condition
may be can cure himself cneapty, private
lv. and radically.
IrtTTiiiB Lecture should be in the hands
of every vouth and every aian in tne lana
Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to
any address, pottparH oa receipt of six cents
or two post stamps.
Also, Dr. CulverweU's 'Marriage Guide,"
price 60 cents.
Address the Publishers-
CHAS. J. C. KLIUte 4C0..
127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box, 4,
oeO. m-o
TS. Bordwell, M. D. Eolectio Pbysiean
J ail, ou Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt
attention will be given to all calls. Office
hours: 7 to 8 A. M' ; 12t2P. M. ; aai
to 7 P. M,. Mar. 3i, 6 tf.
Powell & Kime
Having reeled a large aid wall arranged
new 6Ur Hattse tie eld aite, ainea the
fire, aad filled it fron cellar to garret with
the Aoiceit goods of all descriptions, that
aaa be found la any market, are fully pre
pared, ta receivathelr eld eastomert, and
supply their waei ai batten Cgaree
Tkelr assortment it nwoplet, com
prising DBY GOODS
NOTIONS,to., etc.
Feod, Beans, Butter,
Canned Goods.
In short every thlngwanttd in tliaJCountry
Use full steek f
of the best manufacture, of suitable aises
for rafting and running purposes.
00 TO
Maia Street, P.Mgway, Pa.
A Large Stock of
Groceries and Provisions.
Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap
as the CHEAPEST.
form the Cittcens of Ridgway, and the
publio generally, that he has started a Liv
ery Stable and will keep
and Buggies, to let upen the most rcasona
ble terms.
B(gIie will also do job tea&ing.
Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the
PostOffioo, on Mil' street. All orders left
at the Post Office will meet prompt atten
tion. Aug 20 1870. tf.
ON and after SUNDAY. OCT. 27 1872,
the trains on the Philadelphia &
Erie Railroad will run as follows :
Mail Train leaves Philadelphia-!!. 40 p. m.
" Ridgway m .8 p. m.
" arrive at Erie 7.65 p. m.
rie Exp leaves Philadelphia.. 12. 40 p. m.
" Ridgway 2.39 a. m.
" arrive at Erie 7.45 a. m.
Accomodation, leaves Renova,...2.10 p. m
" Kidgway,..B. "Op. ra.
" arr at Kano 7.30p. m.
Mc'.l Train leaves Erie
,11.3ft a,
.. 5.09 p. iii.
. 6.55 a. iu.
.. 9.05 p. r...
" " Ridgway
" arrive at Philad'a..
rie Express leaves Erie
" Ridgway... 2.04 a.
" arrat Philadelphia.. 3.H0 p.
Accomodation, leaves Kane
7.65 a. in.
" " Ridgway..
" arr at Renovo
8.55 a. iu.
!2.a0p. iu.
Mail East connects east and west at Eri
with L S & M S R W and at Corry aud
Irvinetoa with Oil Creek and Allegheny R
ii an u est with west bound trains on L.
S. & M.'S. R. W.. and at Irvineton with
Pi uklkiUij R. R. W.
Warren Accommodation East and West
with trains on L. S. & M. S. R. W. east and
west and at Corry with O. C. & A. R. R. W.
I-rie AccommodstionLast at Corry and
West at Corry and Irvineton with 0. C-
It. U. W.
Gcn'l Sup't.
(Commencing Nov. 3d,, 1872.
GOI.NO south.
Day Express leaves Corry at 11 00 a m
Leaves Irvineton, 11 68 a m
Arrives at Pittsburgh 8 80 p in
Leave Irvineton, 5 20 p m
Night Express leaves Corry 6 10 p m
Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 80am
Parker's Accom. leaves Oil City 7 15am
Arrives at Parkej's 10 15 a ni
UU tJity Accom. leaves UilCity 4 30 p m
Arrives at Brady's Bend 8 30 p m
goino soRtn.
Day Express leaves Pittsbure at 8 00 a .2
Arrives at Corry 6 00 p m
" " Irvineton 5 00 p m
Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 0 30 p m
Arrives at Corry 8 60 m
" " trventon 11 38 p m
Parker's Accom leaves Parker 6 20 p m
ArrtTi.. at. Oil Pit v o rii ...
. - j Ul
Oil City Accom. leaves B. Bend 6 60 a m
arrives at un uity HUUau
Connections miLiiA m.t. Pni-rv .ml Ti-nin..
- J vuu .... V
tou for points on the Oil Creek and the
anegneny vauey run Koad.
Pullman Pallace Drawing Room Sleep,
ing Cars on Night Exprees Trains between
Corry and Pittsburgh.
as tor Tickets via Allegheny Valley R.
J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Suet.
From and after Monday, Feb . 6th 1871.
Trains will run on this Road as follows
Leaves Earlev 7 30 a. m Arrives of;
Daguscahonda Junction 8 10 a. m., con
necting with Accom. east 8 14 a. m., aexl
wuu ni an west at y 10 a. m.
Leaves Daguscahonda at 9 20 a. m.,
arrivee at Earley 10 04 a. m. Leaves
Earley 3 30 p. m., and arrives at Dagus-
I 1 A C . . .
cauouua at u oo p. m., connecting with
Mail east at 5 09 p. nr, and Accommo
dation west at 5 40 p. m.
In case P. & E. trains are late, Dagus
cahonda train holds twenty minutes be
yond the above time.
Tickets should always be procured
before leaving stations.
C. . E&.REY, Lfe,