The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 16, 1873, Image 2
& flfountg gidtoiptc. II. A. Pattison, - Editor. THURSDAY, JAN. JO. 1873. Gov. Geary's Mcssagg. Our thanks are due Gov. Geary font printed copy of his excellent Message to the Ledgislature at the opening of its session on Tuesday 7th int. The fol lowing extracts from the Governors Mrs. Bge will give us some idea of the pres ent healthy condition of our State Gnati ees, and a most stiikinj; illustration of the difference between Republican and Democratic rule. The Governor pays: The credit of the State remains un questioned abroad, became her public faith has been iuviolably maintained at home. The following condensed state ment of the receipts, expenditures and indebtedness of the Commonwealth is respectfully submitted: Receipt. Bui. in Treasury Nov. 30, 1871 $1,470. 808.50. Ordinary receipts during tho fiscal year ending Nov. 80, 1872, $7,148,637,45 Total in Treasury diirinj; year ending Nov. 30, 1872, 8,023,440 C4. Disbursement. Ordinary expenses paid during the year ending Nov. 30, 1872, S2,S)()0,C31,.r5 Loaus, &e., redeemed 82.470,320,00 Interest on loans paid 81.70(5.032,88 Total disbursmcnts 8,7,142.!)!0,43 Balance in Treasury Nov. 30, 1872, SI, 482,455,01. Fuhlic Dcht. The public debt on Nov. 30, 1871, was $28,080,071.73. Add Chambersburg certificates $209,748, 01. Add Agri cultural College Land Scrip fund, held in trust, as per Act approved April 3, 1872, $500,000 00. Total, $20,770,- 820,04. Deduct amount paid by Commissioners of the Sinking Fund during the year ending Nov. 30, 1872 S2.470.326 00. Public debt, Nov. 30, 1872 827.30S.- 404 04. Deduct assets in Sinking; Fund , 89,300,000 00. And cash balance in Treasnrv 81.4S-M55 111. Air.nimt if assets and cash 810.782,455 01. Balance of public debt unprovided for, 810.521,030 03, which can bo ex tinguished in ten years by the annual payment of $1,000,000. During the last six years payments on the State debt have amounted to 810,- 092,002 54. Being a little over tieenri- mne per cent, on the debt duo Decern ber 1. 1S00, which was theu $37,704,- 400 77. This reduction of State debt has been going on without a State tax levied on the real estate of the State, while other burdens in the form of taxes have been lifted from the people. Is it wouderful that farmers, mechanics labor ing men, and professional rjen should adhear so tenaceously to the Republican I'unjr ui 1C1UIUI, I'tillef, n...l honesty in collecting, and wisdom in dis bursing the Revenues of the State. The Vallejo Indcpemhnt tells the fol lowing good story: A laughable incident occurred one evening, recently, on the up traiu to Sacramento. There were two stats in tho car turned so as to face each other. One was occupied by a lady and the other by a Chinaman. Evidently the lady did not relish the prefcuee uf the Chinaman and act her wits to work to oust him out. She succeeded about ns follows: Motioning the Chinaman to rise, she explained to him that she wanted to take the cushions and their frames, and place them lengthwise across from seat to scat. John said "all rightee," and got out in the aisle while she placed the seats as aboAe described, and then pro ceded to lid down on tho bed thus im provised, with her head resting on her valise She supposed that the Chinaman would at once take the hint that the lady wanted to take a little rest, iu the space usually occupied by four persons. But John hadn't heard of the woman's rights movement, and at once proceeded to crawl in and stretch himself by her side, with hfs head on a little buudle of his own. The Chinecse ore on imitative race, oud like to do as others do, you know. Tho lady, a? soon as she discovered that she had a bedfellow, got up a little wildly, oud started for the next car, to tho infinite amusement of the passen gers, who had been watching the little scene with some interest. John took no notice of the fun he had created, but went to sleep with the whole bed to himself. A Generous act is always worthy of note ana commendation, especially when done in such a way as not to let the left hand know what the right hand docth. Such was the act of our worthy towns man, G. L. McCrackin, the other day in presenting the JI. E. Society of this f lace with a ton of the best bituminou9 coah George keeps nothing but the best hard and soft coal. The attention of capitalists is invited to the advertisement headed 10 per cent, investments. Election Proclamation' Whereas, in and by tho 1st Section of the Act ot the General Assembly ol I'etinsylynnta passed the 17th day of March, 1872, entitled, "An Act to per mit the voters of this Commonwealth to vote every three years upon the question of granting licenses (o sell intoxicating liquors," it is enjoined up m the Sheriff of every county to uive notioo of such election to be held, and in pursuance thereof, I. 1). C. OYSTKR, High Slier iff of the county of Klk, do therefore make known and give this puliliu notice to the electors of the said county of Klk, that, a special election will be liold in the said county on TUKvSiUY FICI51UTAKY. 11th, 1873, ot which time the qualified electors ol said county will vote ' for lioutiso," or "against license" in tho manner provid ed by the 1st section ot tho aforesaid Act, hereinafter recited: Suction 1. lie. it nmctr,!. dV, That on the third Friday in March, one thous and eight hundred and seventy-three, in every city aud county in this Common wealth, and at tho annual municipal elections every third venr thereafiei, in cvory such city and shnll be the duty of the Inspectors and Judges ol elections in the cities and counties, to re ceive tickets, cither written or printed, from the legal voters ol said cit its und counties, labelled on the outside ' licen se," nnd ou the inside, "for liccuse," or "against license," and to deposit said ticket in a box provided tor that pur pose by said inspectors and judges, as is required by law in the case ol other tickets received at said clcctiuu; and the tickets so received shall be counted, and u return made to the clerk ol the Courf, ot Quarter Sessions of the peace of the proper county, duly certified as is required by law, which certificate shall be laid before the judges of the said court ot the first meeting of the paid court ut ter said election shall be held, aud shall be filed with the other records ot said court; and it shall be the duty of mayors of cities and sheriffs of counties, ot any other officer whose duty it may be to perform such service, to give due public notice of such special election provided for three weeks previous to the time of holdiug the same, and also three weeks before such election every third year thereafter: Ri-ocidcd t That this act shall not be construed to repeal or effect any special law prohib.tinr the sale of iutoxieating liquors, or prohibit ing the granting of licenses: l'rm itnl, That when the municipal aud tuwthip elections in any county or city do not occur on the third Friday in Match, the election provided for in this section .-.hall be held on the day fixed lor the munic ipal elections in said county, Ami jii-n-vulixf further, That all licenses granted after the first day of January, one thous and eight hnudred and seventy-three, shall cease, determine aud become void on the first day of April, one thousani eight hundred and sevrnty-tliree, if the destrict for which they shall be granted determines against the gianting of licen se; and the treasurer of the proper coun ty shall then refund to the holder ol such license the moneys so paid there for, for which the said treasurer shall be entitled to credit iu his accounts with .uw vuuinionwealtti. Skc. 2. That in resolving and count ing, and iu making returns of the votes cast, tho inspectors and judges, and clerks of said election shall be governed by the laws of this commonwealth regu lating general elections; and all the pen alties of said election laws are hereby extended to, and shall apply to the voters inspectors, judges and clerks, voting at and in attendance upon the electiors held under the provisions of this act. And the qualified eh ctors of the coun ty o' Klk will hold their elections iu the several districts as follows: Benezette township, at the house i f Elizabeth Wiuslow. Bcnziugcr township, at the school house on Michael St., near the Kik creek bridge. Fox township, at the Ceutrevilie school house. lilighlaud towuship, at the house of Levi Kllithorpe. Horton township, at the school house near D. C. Oyster's hotel. Ridgway township, at the Court House. St. Mary's Boro., at tho Town Hull. Spring Creek township, at the house of Stockdale, Downer k Co. Jay township at the house of Alfred Pcarsall. Jones township, at the Wilcox Tan- niug and Lumber Co s office in Wilcox. Mill Stone township, at the house of Henry Heir, at Bam Dam. Given under my baud at Riduwnv. the 13th day of January, in the year ot our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, and ol the Independ ence of the United States the ninety seventh. D. C. OYSTKR. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office Jan. 13, 187.'!. Tut. Nkw Ykak Wo have now fairly entered upon that period of time designated as the year 1873. The samp sun shines upon us as before, and the same influences aro felt in every avenue of life. Money is scarce, if not scarcer. Business is dull, if not duller. Rut while evtry body stops to contemplate the sc riousnes, of the general aspect, IIouton aud Miller, at the Kast End, stand ready and willing to satisfy the demands of all who may honor them with a call. They have on hand a large and well select ed stock of Cry Goods, Clothing, Huts, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries aud Provisions of quality, stylo aud price to suit all purchasers. 'A hint to the wise H sufficient-" Important to School Dirkctors. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, at Pittsburg delivered an opinion which, in effect, declares that school directors hove the right to enter upon improved prop erty for school purposes. Tho school di rectors of tho Sixth ward, Allegheny, have made several attempts to negotiate for a houso and lot which odjoned the school property, but the oncr refused to sell. The Board, os a last resort, had viewers Appointed and then look posses sion of it for school purposes. The case was brought in tho Court of Common L'lcas to recover the property mid a ver dict for tho dclendant rendered, An appeal w.ts taken to tho Supreme Court, which sustained tho judgmeut ot the lower court- Kpitoniest. J. S. LORD WELL, M. D, " Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, tins remov ed liis ollicc from Ccntro street, to Main .. Kiiljitrny, l'a,. iu tlie second story of t lie new brick building of John O. Hull, oppo site Hyde's store. Ofiice hours: 8 to 0 a m: 1 to 2 p. m. -7 to 8 p. m. jnn 9 73 TAVERN LICENSE. Notick is hereby given that the fol lowing persons hnvfc filed petitions to the court ot Quarter Sessions of Klk Co , fur tavern and eating house licenses, and that the same will presented to tho said court at Jan. term, 173, (commenc ing January 13, 1873) TAVERN. 1 ft. L. Winslow, Benzette Tp. 2 Lewis & Co. " 3 Lorana K. Chase, " " 4 Frank Sorg, Betiz'mger " 5 Jacob llerhstrift, " " 0 llcnjamiii Buyea, Fox " 7 John Collins, ' " 8. O. R. Clark, ITorton. " !) B- Broncleo, Jay, " 10 A. J Rummer, " " 11 William II. Schram, Ridgway," 12 Robert Warner, " " 13 Riiey Rother, " ' 14 Anton Fochtman, St. Marys " 15 Elizabeth Yolk, " " 10 Joseph Witidleldcr " 17 Thomas Zimmctt, " " IS William Zelt, " 1 S A ndrew Rognn " " 20 James Rogan, " " 21 Jno Wacbtl & Son " " k ati mi house. 22 Edward W. lirenen. " " 23 Milton Winslow Benezette, " 24 James Balemnn Jay " 25 John Gardner ; 20 Charles L. Cody, Uidzwny '27 John Lamb " 2 Anthony Sehaucrs St Marys 2! I Win. fteis " ."0 Jacob Kraus " 31 John W. Fox STORE 32 Hartley & Young Ridgway '.)' ft. G. Messsenger " 34 Russ - MeYean St Marys- 35 Juseph Wiihelui Catharine J. liowen, In Common fleas ot No. Ji April' t'r. 1871 ... uunun. To the above named Defendant. Take notice, that tiie undersigned Exami nfr appointed to take testiinuucv in tiie above entitled ease, will attend at his olliee in the Horoug'u of Emporium, on the Jlsi day of December IS72, for that purpose. V. D. Lkkt, Examiner. Geo A. liATiiitL-iiX. Atty. rlST of Cau-e set down fr Trial in .1 .11 j uary Term 187;!. Ell; Comity Conn i Pleas. Commencing Monday, January 1:1th, is 7.3. K W rtuslilcy for user Allen (Silos' ' .lo::'n Koynton' A. C. l'hiiuiey K n: Henry 11. Voore, " A. A. Carrier ef. nl. .1 C, h'urns et. til. ' Knpland ,y lirowii. John Springst .end " Isaac Kucfer. U. (.. Mcliill " Louis A. ijaincr. lU iij, John'on et, al." John Jolimou ei. at. L. C. WyuUoop " George D. Donah.jy. V. K. Finch " J. S. liordwc'l. lien). Johnson et. al. " John Johnson et. al. James Currv " r.. .v t,. 1 nine. W'm. J. Nict'arty I!. E. Wellendorf K. i:. Wi!!ard E. . Wiilard ' Klk i: McKean r rco ' Jo.siah Bard well et al I'ltLD. SCIKLNINC, J'rotkonotar;. IOST At Wilux n note of :JO.fM given j by l'red Eli, lo Wm. Sturdvaut, and an ordor of uii dollars from the same party. Any one returning or giving information where the sameniaytie found will be suila ble rewirded by leaving the same wiih the eobsei'ibcr, or at this olhec, WILLIAM .SITKDIYANT, liezette, Elk Co. l'a. GREAT IHlUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STTE.S; 1300 Pages and 500 Engravings Writeiil:7 23 Sminsnt JOIIF li. CiUUUII & IIOItACE GHEELEVi This work is a complulo history of all branches of industry, processes of Miami l'aciure, etc., in all ages. It is u complete encyclopedia of arts and manufaclurcb, and in I ho most etitertnining and vuluable work of infornmtiou on subjects of general int erest ever oU'ered to the public. Wo waul Agent in every town in tin; United Spates, ami no Agent can fail to do well with this book. One agent sold 1113 copies in eight days ami an other sold lititf in two weeks. Our Agent in I Inn ford sold oli7 in one week. Specimen sent tree ou receipt of stamp. AGENTS WANTED for tho I'TWY SI DK OP PHYSIC. N'O J'wc, 250 Enyraviuji. An interesting nnd niuiising treatise on the Medical Humbugs of I lie past ami pres ent. It exposes Quncks, Impostors, Trav elling Doctors, l'lilent .Medicine Vend ;rs, Noted Female Cheats. Fortune Tellers and Mediums, und gives interesting accounts of Noted l'hysiciaus aud Narrative of their lives. It reveals Blurtliug vecrets and in structs all how to avoid the ills which flesh is heir to. We give exclusive tcrriiory and liberal commissions. For circulars aud terms address the publishers J. D. BURR Si HYDE, IIAUTFOHD, CONN., oe CHICAGO, ILL. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving tho hair. It soon restores faded or gray hair to it original color, with tin gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the bair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, aud stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it cleaa and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to tho scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, tho Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and vet lasts I long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping j. Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, 1 and Consumption. Among the prefct discoveries of modern science, few are of more real value to mankind than this ef fectual remedy for all diseases of tho Throat nnd Lungs. A vast trial of its virtues, throughout this nnd other countries, lias shown that it does surclv nnd ctTectunllv control them. The testimony of our best citi zens, of all classes, establishes the fart, that Chekrt Pectoral will and does relievo and ttire the afflicting disorders of the Throat and Lungs beyond any other medicine. Tho most dangerous affections of the Pulmonary Orpins yield to its power; and cases of Consump tion, cured by this preparation, aro public ly known, so remarkable as hardly to be be lieved, were they not proven beyond dispute. As a remedy it is adequate, on which the public may rely for full protection. By curing Coughs, the forerunners of more serious disease, it saves unnumbered lives, and Vn""'rit of f v t,uuipMkv;u. It challenges trial, nnd con vinces tho most sceptical. Every family should keep it on hand as a protection against the early and unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections, which are easily met at first, but wliich become j incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected. Tcn- uci juiis iicuu una uciciltt); U11U li IS unwise lO bo without it. As a safeguard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of childhood, Cherrt Pectoral is invaluable; for, by its timely use, multi tudes are rescued from premature graves, nnd saved to the love and affection centred on them. It acts speedily and surclv against ordinary colds, securing sound and health-restoring sleep. No one will suffer troublesome Intluenzn and pain ful Bronchilbs when they know how easily thev can be cured. Originally the product of long, laborious, ond successful chemical investigation, no cost or toil is spared in making every bottle in the utmost Jiossible perfection. It may be confidently re ied upon as possessing all the virtues it has ever exhibited, and capable of producing cures as memorable as the greatest it has ever effectad. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. BOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS EVSUrWHEUK NEW LIVE II Y STABL E IN RIDGWAY. DAX SClllBNEIl WISHES TO IX fonu the Cittzens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has started a Liv cry Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES au l Buggies, to let upon the most reasona ble terms. K&Jlo will also do job teaming. Stable in tho Brooks Barn, near the PostOllioe, on Mil' street. AH orders left at tho Tost Ofiice will meet prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. Its Rulers and Institutions, THE NATION, L EXGLISII AXD GERMAN Nothing like if Ktribaa just the book they need. It is an Encvclo ... i;a r i.n "i ..... jv. . i.m vjuyi-riiiueni. single pagoi in it. are of themselves worth the price of the book over 500 paget and only $2.60. A ICH II All VEST, for Canvassers ladies and irentlpinpn fn m- . .... i a and students. One ayent took 75 order in a few dnui, with circular nl,, h,fnr, ,),. hnr.i Wpeared. $20 A DAY can be cleared in tan- territory. Write at once for circular and information. NEW WOULD PUB- LISHl-Na CO., Cor. 7thand Market Streets, Philadelphia. vln37yl. THE ELK ADVOCATE. THE OLDEST PAPER IN TIIE COUNTY, HAVING TIIE LARGEST CIRCU- ATION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY" Sn-olcd to the 2fttterr$t:si of the gcopU of 1U County.. TERMS:$2.00 PER. YE AH. BRING ALONG YOUR ADVER TISEMENTS AND GET THEM INSERTED IN TIIE ADVOCATE, AT LOW HATES. If you want to sill anything, let the people know it through the Advocate, the great advertising medium. She (Bid Mmwk Job Printing Ofiice, In the Court nouseRiJgway, Pa. The best work done, and at the very lowest prices. Blanks kept constantly on hand at this office. Hand bills printed at the shortest notice Call in and get our prices for advertis ing aud jobbing. Satisfaction warranted Orders by mail promptly attended to Address, II. PATTISON, Eidoway, Pa. JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMES H- IIAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Ta. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND "WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS ot FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTY. The Improved Gerard Oroid Gold Watches, S9.00 $12.00 815.00 818.00 WE have recently brought our Oroide Gold metal to such perfection that it is difficult for the best judges to distin. quish it from gold. The $'J watches are with patent escapement movements; in ap pearance and for time equaling a gold one costing $100. The 12 nre full jeweled patent lever, equal to $150 gold watch. The $16 are the same as the laat but a finer fiuih, nickle movements, equal to one cost, ing $175. And the $18 watches are of a fine finish with full jeweled American lever movement, equaling a gold one costing $200. They nre all in hunting cases, gent's and ladies sizes, and guaranteed for time and wear by special certificate. Also elegant designsof gent's and ladies chains from $1 to $4, nnd jewelry of all kinds. Goods sent C. O. D. Customers per mitted to examine what they order before paying bill, on payment of express e barges. When six watches are ordered at one time we will send an extra watch of the same quality free. For further particulars send for circular. Address JAMES GERARD & CO., 85 Nassau Street, New York, P. O. Box 8,301 Nov. .10, 1872.-vln37mO. RAILROADS- PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE EAILHOAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after SUNDAY. OCT. 27 1872, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows: WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadclphia.,11.10 p. m. " " " Ridgway 2.128 p. m. " ' arrive at Erie 7.55 p. m. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12. 40 p. m. " " " Ridgway 2.39 a. m. " " arrive at Erie 7.45 a. m. Accomodation, leaves Renova,...2.10 p. m " " Ridgway, ,.G. 20p. m. " arr at Kane 7. 30 p. in. EASTWARD. Ma'.l Train leaves Erie 11.35 a. m. " " " Ridgway 5.00 p. m. " " arrive at Philud'a... 0.55 a. m. Erie Express leaves Erie K.05 p. m. " " " Pidgwny... 2.04 a. ni. " " ar"at Philadelphia.. 3.30 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane 7.55 a. in. " " Ridgway... 8.55 a.m. " arr at Renovo 12.30 p.m. Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L S & M S R W and at Corry ami Irvinelon with Oil Creek and Allegheny R Mail nest with westbound trains on L. S. & M. S. R. W., and at Irvineton with Oi 1 1 I 11 egheny R. R. W. Warren Accommodation East and West with trains on L. S. & M. S. R. W. cast and west and at Corry with (). C. & A. R. R. V. Erie Accommodation East at Corry and West at Corry and Irvine ton with O. C- A A. R. R. W. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Stip't. NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing Nov. :ld,, 1872. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS BURGH AND POINTS ON TIIE PHIL'A. & ERIE R. R. G01XO SOUTH. Bay Express leaves Corry at 11 00 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 8 30 p m Night Express leaves Corry 5 10 p ui Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 30 a m Parker's Accom. leaves Oil City 7 15am Arrives at Parkej's 10 15 am Oil City Accom. leaves Oil City 4 30 p m Arrives at Brady's Bend 8 30 p in G01NQ NOUTll. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at 8 00 a j Arrives at Corry liOOpra " " Irvineton 5 00 pm Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 9 30 p in Arrives at Corry 8 ,0 m " " Irveuton 11 38 p in Parker's Accom leaves Parker ti 20 p m Arrives at Oil City 9 00 p m Oil City Accom. leaves B. Bend ti 50 a m Arrives at Oil City 11 00a m Connections made at Corry and Irvine' tou for points on the Oil Crock and the Allegheny Valley Rtil Road. Pullman Pallace Drawing Room Sleep, ing Cars on Nighl Express Traius between Corry and Pittsburgh. Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley U. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Supt. DR. WHITTIERI ARKOULAR GHADl'ATK OF tlF.DIClNlC, AS DIP toot ( tac aiiow, feu turn longer tuted in iha iruttKnk or Venereal, fcnuul and 1'rirtUa Diseases tbso uj other pbyticUQ in Puuburg. hypliilis. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Si ictnre. Orchitis. Hernia or Kupture all I rinary Disease and hyphllltic or Alercurial Aiec "una of the Throat, bkia or lionet ttMtS WUD UBpftratlld CUCCHI. Spermatorrhea, Sexual Debility and Im potence, tstba rgiult of t'lf-thu In youib, sexual 1a luftturvr yean, or otter csuaoa, and wbich ro4uct soma of tha following arlVr-ts, nocturuiil emissions, blotches, debility, dizziness, dimness of tight, confusion of Ideas, evil forebodings, aversion to sotiety of females, loss of memory and sexual power rendering marriage lmproper,srerirmfiaUT eurod. Sealed pamphioL rclatlug to above soot fur t iati Call or writ, s friendly talk eoau SjotblBg. attxllcliia ent vurjr wber It aelf avlde that ft rbjratciaa, bo trcxts tbouaaadtof e.aea every year ftctjuirce aiill. Country phyaiclaua koowiofttbta troqaantW roumiB.nA partem t Wff-SWSBSBStaVBBBSSSSSSBSBSBBBBI MAA1IOOU I Yr O.UAM1UOU Whs Stay Marry, wh sol, why. BeoAMeonta. Fullaymp. lotus Ctiromu Dlarakea, 1U0 paica attcuraly asalotf. Adlraa( Pr. Wmittis, XMPobb Biroet, Piiuburt:. Fa. Ajttorsaas UlllS ssoro tfaas, war and peatUenoa cnmhlaed. BUSINESS CARDS. i t tTHT.B' Attorney-at-W, wayElk county Ta. mar'22'661 A "ILL' Psiclan nd Surgeon JL, Kersey, Elk Co. Pa. 6 J O. W. BAILEY, ATTORXEV-ATLAW. vlnioyl. Ridgway, Elk County. P. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aeol dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. jjEVNOLOS HOUSE, BSTO0LBBV1L1Z, JEFFEESON.CO, H. S. BELNAP, Proprietor , JS. Bordwell, M. D. Eclectio Thysican a Ofiice and residence opposite tha Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Promnt nttpntinn will K. n -1 1 1 : " iu cans, umcf hours: 7 to 8 A. M- : 12n9P u . j 6 lo 7 P. M. Mar. 22. 60-tf. DR. G. WHIPPLE, Dentbl Snrcrl.nti Olliee at thh Drug Store of Harley k lhint)le. Walkor'a nnm V...:u: i. i ' w vr " 1. 1 1 u i ii i" t main street, Ridgway, Pa. Will visit Kane. nncox, ana St. Mary's. vln2yl. GO. MESSENGER, Druggist and Parma t0 Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment nf rnrnfi.ll,. u . ccicbiCU ror eign and Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all Lours, day er J rp HA RTLEV, M. D., I Phvsician mm Rni-onm Ridgway, pa. Office in Walker's Building' hpecial attention given to Surgery. Office house lrom 8 a. in. to 10 p, m. Residence on corner of South and Court streets, op posite tho new School House. All calls promptly attended to. vln2yl. (1HARLES HOLES, " J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, done with he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis action guaranteed. vlnly. rpiIAYER HOUSE. X D. D. COOK, Proprietor, Cor. Mill and Centre Sts., Ridgway, Pa. The proprietor takes this method of an. nounciug to the public that he hasreBtted revised, and improved, this we'd known hotel, and is prepared to entertain all who favor him wilh their patronage, in the best stvle and at low rates. vln30tf. W. C. HEALY. DEALER IN BUY GOODS, GS05S&ES, P20VISI0N3 l'lJODUCE, FRUITS, &o. vlnStf. West Knd, Ridgway, Pa. HYDE HOUSE, , Ridowat, Elk Co., Px. W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict al tendon to the comfort and convenience ef guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct 30 18C0. rnilE OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, X Kane, McKeau Co., Pa R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attentiem to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. Tho only stables for horses in Kane and well kept night or day. Hall attached to tho Hotel. vln23yl. HALL & 13 HO Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY PNNSYLTAKLjL JO.INO. It ALL JA8. K. p. BAL, KERSEY HOUSE, " ' Centreville, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberilly bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, t merit a continuance of the same. S. A. ROTE, PHOTOGRAPHER, AND DEALER IS Chrouios, Stereoscopio Views, Picture Frames, &o. WEST END, RIDGWAY, ELK CO. PA v2n2tf. J." WILBER, Ono Ioor East of tho Post Office, Main St., Ridgway, Pa. Vegetables of all kinds re ceived daily. Choice oranges and lemons. vlnltf. Wood's New Iron Mower. AGENTS WANTED. For Circulars, particulars, etc, addres RELLEW, ADAMS & CO., Gowanda, N. Y. Manufacturers of the Gowanda Plow, the best made. For sale in Ridgwaj by POWELL & KIME. April 18th, '72-3m.