THURSDAY. DEC. 20. 1872. Var Time at Illdgway. Erie Express East 2:04 a. m. do do West 2:28 a. m. do Mail East 6:00 p. m. do do West. 2:28 a. tn. Renovo Accommodation EA 8:60 a tn. do do do . West....- 0:15 p. m. Bates of Advertising.; One column, one year $75 00 i ' " 40 00 f " " 25 00 I ' " 15 00 Transient advertising per square of eight lines or less 8 times or less 2 00 Business cards, ten lines or less, per year.... 6 00 Marriages and Death notices inserted gratis. Elk Lodgo, A- Y. K. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be held at their hall on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. O. L. MoCRACKEN, Sco'y. Temple of Honor and Temoerance. Elkton Temple No. 81, meets on ea:h alternate Thursday, at their Lodge Room, on Main street, over J. V. Honk's store. S. A. ROTE. .V. R. Grace Ciiuuch. Hours of service, 11:00 A. M, and 7 P. M. Sunday School 9 45 A. M . Seats free. Th Co mmissioners of Elk County will meet at their office in Rig way, on Monday January 6th, 1873. C. II. McCaulet, Clerk. Some thity persons were killed on the night of the 24th, on what is called the Cross Cut Railroad between Corry and Brochtou, near Goose Creek, ten of whom were so badly charred as to make it impossible to recognize ' them. The accident was caused by a broken rail. The coaches were thrown from the tack and capsised' As usual, fire completing the work of death. Messrs. Brown & Struthcrs, &t their machine works in Warren, are building an immense gang and circular saw mill for the Perdido Bay Lumber Company , Florida, which will rank among the heaviest saw mill maceinery ever con structed in North western Pennsylvania- A Sad Acoident. We have jus1 learned that while the people of New bery (a Ward of it the city of Williams port) were engaged in the woik of a Christmas Tree, the floor of the build ing in which they were assembled gave way, precipitating the entire assembly to the story below. How many were killed and wounded we are not able to state. Our lstet information is that ten bodies had been taken from the ruins. A Cummihgs of the Ridgway Bakery is now ready to fill orders for bread and all kinds of cake for balls, weding par ties and social parties. Let all concern ed give him a call, and thereby save time and money. -v HAEBIED. At the Thayer House in this Village, b Charles Mend Esq., Mr. Joseph Habtskll, of Clarion County, Pa., to Miss Anna Ricb ards of "Armstrong Co., Pa. No Cards. At the Hjde House, in this village, Dec. 25th by Rev. J. W. Davis, Ma. J. M. Schbam, to Miss M. E. Reman, all of Ridg way. Pa, At the same time and place, by the same. Ma- Dudley B. Dat, to M:ss Llct A. Schbam, both of Ridgway. We wish both these partes much joy in life, and a great many Mejry Chistmasse. The last one no less merry than yesterday DIED- At Brockville, Jefferson Co., Pa., Deo. 1872, of typhoid fever William Henry Wood cdest son of William Wood, of Kersey Elk JO. ra, aged zt years. William was a young man of good moral charcter, beloved by all who had the pleas ure of his acquaintance. The funeral services were held at Centerville, and at tended by a large number of friends who witnessed in deep sorrow the consignment of his remains to ttieir kindred duty. May he come forth in the Morning. Com. Court Proclamation. Notice is hereby given that the several Courts of Common Pleas, General Quartet Sefsions of the Peace, and Orphans Court, of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De livery, in and for the Connty of Elk, will eommence at the Couit House, in the Bor. ongh of Ridgway, at 10 o'clock A. M-, on MONDAY JANUARY the 13th next, and will continue one week. The Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Constables in and for the county of Elk are requested to be then and there in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other rememberances, to do those things to their several offices ap pertaining to be done. Aud all witnesses proseouting in behalf of the Commouweath against any prisoner.are requested and com. manded to be then aud there attending in their proper person to prosecute against him as shall be just aud not to depart without leave at their peril. Juors are re quested to be punctual in their attendance at the time appointed, agreeably to their notices. Given under my hand at Ridgway, the Ut day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy two. I). C. OYSTER, Sheriff. T OST. At Wilcx a note of 30,00 given Ji by Fred Eli, to Wm. Sturdvant, aud an ortior of ten dollars from the same party. Any one returning or giving information where the same may De found will be suita ble rewarded by leaving the same with the ubseriber, or at this office. WILLIAM 8TURDIVANT, .Beiette, Elk Co. Pa. J 1ST of Traverse Jurors in ntttenu 1 niiee ut January Term, , 1873. o1 Quarter Sessions of Elk County (the 2d Monday, in January being the 13th day.) Uenzqtte allace II. Johnson. Benzinger Peter Reedcrer, Wolf gang Weigol, John M. Meyer, Casper Wegenicr, John Swartzfisher, Andrew Kaul- Fox Andrea Crouse, II. B. Shons, N- G. Bundy, Robert Thompson, Peter Bonzart. IIorton Jacob Ilaitman.John Win- klcbleeh, Reuben Keller Thomas Birch- field. Jay John Turley, Jr., Mathias Ile- ofT, Joseph Uhl, William M. Webb, Zcnas Webb. Jones Horace Stark, George Bre- chtel, Jr., Joseph Ilctzmicker, Theodore Cook. Millstone John Greenwalt. IIidqway L. C. Horton, George Overholtzer. St. Marys John Waohtel, George Weigel, Jr., Henry Fey, Michael Fitn tnctt. SrRiNa Creek niram Corman, Jer emiah Elliott, Martin Perrin. LIST of Graud Jurors in attendance at January Term, 1873, of Quarter Sessions of Elk County. BnNEZETTE--John Murray. Erasmus B. Moroy, Martin Enz. Benzinoek Chnalcs Kronenaetter, Andrew Meisel, Anton Bille. Fox Lawranco Mohan, Jr., Peter Ilollobouwh, Jacob McCaulby. Jay A. B. Robinson, John Thomas, Patrich II. Burke, Jacob A. Spanglcr. Jones G. O. Garlick. Millstone Hiram Raught. Ridoway Thomas Noon, B. F. Ely, G. t. Messenger, G. I). Messenger Jer ry Thompson, Joseph M. Heard, E. Cook. St. Marys John Friudlev. New Advertisements. Manhood: How Lost, How Eestored. Just published; a new edi tion Of Da. ClILVERWgl.L's Celkbratbd ESSAT on the radical aire (with out medicine) of Spermatorrhea or Senu- nnl weaKness, involuntary ceuimui iuskj, Impotenct, Mental and Physical Incapac ity, Impediments to Marriage, etc; also, Consumption, Epili:pT an ! Fits, induceii by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. CjPrice iu a sealed envolope, only G pent . , ( The celebrated nullior. ibis iidmiviib e essay, clearly demons' rules from a thirty years' pinciicc, that the alarmini'ig cons" quenccs of sclf-abiwe may be radically cured without the dingerom use of inter nal medicine or Iheapplicalion of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and eireciual, by menus of whic'" every sufferer, no matui what hiscundiliu .nay be cm cure liiruselt' cheaply, private ly, and radical;. tfc-tfThis Lecture should be n th hand-, of every youili and every tuna hi ihe land. Sent, mider seal, in a plain envelope, to iny address. postpard 0 1 ei'Pinl of six ceni . 0 two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwcll': ' A'lir a e 'it uc, pries 50 cents. hlr 'as the Publisher clLAS. .1. C. KLIXK &CO. 1 7 Bownr,-, New York, Post Ofiice Box,' o&H. 43 in T II E rstan Co. MANUFACTUKE TUB CLLEIlit atkd Jubilee and Temple ORGANS. These Orgaus are unsurpassed iu quality of tone, s'yle of finish, simplicty of con struction, and durability. Also MELODEONS in various syle, and unequaled in tone. Send for Illustrated Catalogue Address NEW HAVEN 0110 AN CO., New Haven, Conn. Agents V, anted. deo 19 Sni THE "VICTOR" S. M. GO'S NEW SEWING MACHINE "TICTO R P.uns very Easy, Iluus very Fast, ituns very Still. Has a New Shuttle superior to all others. Defies Competition. Great improvements iu Needle. Cannot bo Set Wron. Agents Wanted. Address "THE VICTOT S. M- CO. 802 Broadway, N. V. ' deo 19 3ra STRAUSS' FAVORITE WALTZES.-We have just j-i-ed Sienna t., ..... volunis. price Hi each in hnnr,L r. i. :.. - ' - VHW. IU ctolh. Ihe two volumes contain over Forty Beautiful Waltzes, w.iwh .1 1....... oi sheet form. Iu ordering from other dealers .... p".uarnj asu ror 1'eters' Editions of Strauss' Waltzes, as it i ti, ,.!.,. . ....1 complete ediition. Address, J. L PErras Music Publisher, 599Broadway. N. Y J..- in AGENTS WANTED! The unnaralellad Sewing Machine," Eist aul West, opensa good opDortunitv for S and responsible mea to lake tLe agcucy for For Circulars, samnles nf wnvV n,l address, ' THE 10101? Sewing Machine Company, J. L. FEIIGUSON. MANAGER, No. 1227 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, nov. 27 lm. .-.V ; ft 1 M in iM si tjfl ii ti - Lva: i;G;u;in:xT.s that CO.'.". POSH UOPADAl.lS arc p'il.lhdiul on eory packnjre, thcro ia,o it is not a secret preparation consequently iriiTSICIAXSrRKSCr.lBK IT It is a certain euro for Scrofula, Syphilis in nil its forms, Kliouma- li.sin, Skin Diseases, -.ifcr Loin- plaint and nil diseases r llio liltiod. f OSS E07TL3 07 EOSAEALIS will do moro pood tlinn ten bottles of tho Syrups of Sirs;ipanlla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS liave ucd Rosndnlis in their practieo lor 1 is tin st thrcn venrs and tree V endorso it ns a reliable Alterative and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. PUG TT, of Baltimore. DR. T. J. llOYKIX. " DR. R. W.CA1IR. " DR. F. O. DANNKLLT. ' DR. J. S. SPARKS. -of Nicholasvllla Ky. DR. J. L. McCARTHA. Columbi s c. DR. A. B., F.dgecomb, N.C. USED AND END0ESED BT J. B. FRENCH It SONS, Fall River, Mass. , F. V. SIITH, JseTtson, Mirh. A. F. WHF.ELF.R, Lima, Ohio. B. HALL, Limn, Ohio. CRAVEN & CO., Gnrdonsvllln, Vs. SAM'L. G. McFADDEN, Slurfrees. boro, Tcnn. Our space will not allow ot any cr tended remarks tn relation to the rirtliesof Rusadalis. Tothc Kcdical Profession we guarantee a Fluid Ex tract superior to any they have ever used in the treatment of diseased Blood ; and to the amieted we say try Rosatlalis, and you will be restored to health. Rosadalls Is sold by all Drucctstl, price 8 1. SO per Bottle. AddreJ 13. CLEMENTS & COL v Manufacturing Chemsi Bi.iTiMo A P. W. HAYS, DEAL-:a in Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Eirlcy r. (f. vlnl'tf. asenxs WAsrsa "INSECTS AT HOKE." 700 pages: upsv.inls of 700 cits; i full page engravincs. '.Just the Book for iu telligen rural homes." "The drawings nre faithful representations of Insect and Plant." Send for Circular. Address Gro. BnouKs, 121 North Seventh St., Philadel phia. d,st'; LUTION NOTICE. The co-par nership herclnfor exist ing under i lie firm name of S. Jackson & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. The books and accounts are in the hnnds of AV. S. Service, who a'ono is em powered to collect and settle the saiuo. The business will be continued in future bv W. S. Service, & Co. W. S. SKKVICK. SALYEH JACKSON. Bi lgwiiv, Pa. Oci. 17th, 1872. F OH SALK. splendid yoke of c.t'" lui)iii e o ' . S. Service & Co. 4 MIXlSTlUrjIfiJ .NOTICE Not ice J is hereby given that Idlers of Admin imrntion on tho estate of Oliver P. Kelts, deceased, l.ito of Erie City, Pennsylvania, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted tn said citato will phaso make inunedia'e piynient, and those having claims or demands willprcsuit theni properly authenticated for settlement wi.'i ont delay, at ItidttTiiy. .1. K. WIimrOMG, Admr. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICH Not ice A is hereby jriven that letters of A dm in- 1st ration on the estate of Ailelphus Kyi ileceased, late ut' Fox township, Elk Conn er, 'v. t einHy lvatna, luiving I'cecn prantcd 10 lie utuiersigiic'I, all persons indebted o said estate will please make innneriW ? paymenl, and those having claims or dr mauds will present them properly an In cuttd for settlement without delay. PETER 1'IiOMPSOV, 1 , , . FLO RETT A KYLE II, ) A' ' K' STRAY. 2j Found on the prmnises of tho sub- ' scriber, October 1 lit li iSi'J. A dark bay Horse, said hoise is of medium size; l.ob niled, white strip in face and one fore foot wnne. j ne owner thereof is requested to come forward prove property, pay charges .and l ike him nv. Otherwise he will be disposed if J'm to law. LLUS MOYER. Kjler's Cor.iers, 1.1k Co.. Pa. jT GENTS. S10 to $20 PER DAY GUARANTEED. Specimens and ful l-ariiciilars free. Aildress WOODS LITER ARY.AXD ART AGENCY. Ntiwburgh, N. Y. Tlkual 1 Catharine J. Buwen, ) In Common Pleas of vs. V Llk County. James Bowen. J No. 2 April T. 1ST1. Libel in Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To Jamcf Jiowen, respondent above tumid: You are hereby notified that the subpoena and alias subpoena in the above case having been returned non est imenius, you are re quired to appear on the FIRST MONDAY OF NOVEMBER next, being the 4ih day of the month, to answer the complaint in the anove case. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. SlIEIUn's Ol'FICK, 1 Ridgway, July Cth, 1871. nl8to. By MAIL, as CENTS 4 GEO.R KQVJELLCO. 1 44. PARK ROW I Tnewyork JLj ADVERTISE NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, AND f.HOUSEFURlTISHING GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blactesmilhs Tools, . Farmers Tools, Lumbermens Tools. In fact everything usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store. a fcbst-s lass tin shop, iSmgiloying none but lirst-class Workmen and nothing but first- cSa&fg inateriaS used. OPPOSITE THE COURT W- Ss -tf. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN ITAIIt RENEWEE. Every year increases tho popu larity of this valuable Hair Prep aration, which is due to merit alone. We can assure our aid patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Gray or Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, bv its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic proper ties, prevents the - hair from falling Qut, as it stimulates aud nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, tho hair prows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It h the most economical IIair-Dhessixg ever vtsecl, as it requires fewer applica tions, and gives the hair a splendid,, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachu setts, says, "The constituents aro pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparation lor its intended purposes." SiU by all Drugijisis and Dealers in Medicines. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOR tfHE WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many casos requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we hav prepared this dye, in one preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & C0.( NASHUA. N .KOTC TO GO WSST. This is au inquiry which every one should have'jutiVy answered before he starts on his journey, and a little care taken iu examination of Routes will in many cusses save much trouble, time aud moooy. The"C, B. & Q. R. It.," rutiuius; fiotu Chicago, through Galcsburg to Burlington, and the "I.. B. &V. Route,' running from Indianapolis, through R'.oomiiigton to Burlington, have achiev ed a splendid reputation in tho last two years us the lending Passengers Uoutes to the West. At Burlington they cod uect with the B ifc M. U. It. and from the ;re:t Burlington Route, which runs diract through Southern Iowa to Nebras ka and Kansas, with close connections to California and tho Territories; aud passengers starting from Klk Couuty, on their way westward, cannot do better than to take the Burlington Route. This! jine has published a pamphlet oalled "How to go West," which con tains much valuaoio information; a large correct map of the Grea'- West, which can be obtained free of charge by ad dressing the Genoral Passenger Ageu' ol the B. Si M. R., BurliDgton, Iowa HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. SERVICE & CO- N TEW STAGE ROUTE. J. C. BURNS, Proprietor. Tho subscriber having secured the con tract for carrying the U. S. Mail between REYXOLDSVILLE & BROCKWAY VILLE. has placed on that road a line of hocks. Hacks leave the Exchange Hotel in Reynoltlville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday on the ai rival of the Broosville singe, and return the same day. These hacks connect at Brockwayville with the Ridgway stages, making connection with trains on the 1. & E. Road, both east and west. Every attention to the comfort of patrons of tins line will be giveD, anu a liberal palronage solicited. Aug. 13-720. Music for the Campaign. THE RIDGWAY SILVER CORNET BAND will furnish musio for all political meetings during the campaign. NEW INSTRUMENTS AND MEW MUSIC. Terms moderate. 1 I DAY 1 : . Ridgwny, Pa., Aug. 13. 1872. Presidential Campaign, Caps, Capes & Torches Send forlllustrated Cir cular and Price List. CUNNINGHAM & HILL, MANUFACTURERS. No. ZU Church Street, PHILADELPHIA 1-23113. F RED. SCHOEXING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IK PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, nnd MUSIC BOOKS. Pianos and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. Prolhonotary's Office, Ridgway, Pa. v2nj(ltf. LEGAL. j I In Common Pleas of Elk County. J 21 April T., '72. Juineb II. Wilber, vs. Kate II. Wilber. Libel iu Divoroe, a vinculo matrimonii. To Kate II. W ilier, respondent above named: You aie hereby notified that the subpocn and alias Bubpoena in the above case hav ing been returned non est inventus, you are required to appear on tho FIRST MONDAY OE NOVEM. next, being tho Cth day of the month, to answer the complaint in the above case. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Offick, Ridgway, July 4th, 1872. f lte. legal. I Catharine J. Bowen, ) In Common Pleas of vs- L Elk Countv. Jumes Bowen. J No. 2 April T. "71. Libel in Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To James Bowen, respondent above named: You are hereby notiScd that the suhpeena and alias subpoena in the above case having been returned non est inventus, you are re quired to appear on the THIRD MONDAY OF OCTOBER next, being the 6tb day of the month, to answer the complaint in the above cme. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. SuEiirr's Offick, Ridgway, Aug. 4tb, 1872. I nl8to J D. PARSONS, Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots and Shoes. Maio at., opposi te the II tel, Wilcox Pa. POWELL & KIME. Powell & Khne Having erected large and well arranged new Store House on the old site, since the fire, and filled it from cillar to garret with the choicest goods of all descriptions, that can be found in any market, are fully pre pared to receivethclr old customers, and supply their wants at bottom figures WHOLESALE OS RETAIL." Their assortment is now oomplete, com prising , DRY GOODS GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, I1ATS AND CAPS, NOnONS,.et., etc. POEK. FLOUH. SALT. Feed.Beans, Butter, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, Canned rOods, In short everything'wsnted in the.Country by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERS, LABORING MEN, EVERYBODY Alsa full stock f MANILLA ROPE of the best manufacture, of suitable sites for rafting and running purposes. C&M Mill um Ridgway, Pa., Mareh.W, 1871 NE MIL LION OF LIVES 8 A Is one of the most remarVable fft this remarkable age, not that so many persons are the victims of dyspepsia or in digestion, but its willing victims. Now we would not be understood to say that any one regards dyspepsia with favor, or feels disposed to rank it among the luxuries of life. Far from It. Those who have ex perienced its torments would sooul suoh as idea. All dread it, and would gladly " pense with its unpleasant familiarities. Mark Tapley, who was jolly under all tnt trying oircumstances in which be wm placed, never had an attack of dyspepsia, or his jolity would have speedily forsaken him. Of all the multifarious diseases to whielr the human system is liable, there is perhaps no one generally prevalent as dyspepsia. There are diseises more acute and painful, and which more frequently prove fatal, put none the effects of which are so depressing to the mind and so positively distressing to ihe body. If there is a wretched being In the world it is A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC. We have said that dvspepsia is perhaps the most univereal of human diseases. This is imphntically the case In the United States. Whether this general prevalenco is due to the character of the food, tho method of its preparation, or the hasty manner in which it is usually swallowed, is not our province to explain. The great foot with which we are called to deal this: DYSPEPSIA PREVAILS almost univet sally. pearly every other person you meetl victim, an apparently willing one; were this not tho case, why so many sufferers, when a certain, speedy and safe remedy is within the easy reach of all who will avail themselves of it? But says ft dyspeptic- What is this remedy? to which we reply: This great allevator of human suffering is almost as widely known as the bngnsn language. It bas allayefl tho agonies of thousands, and is to-day carry comfort and encouragement to thousands of others. This acknowledged panacea! s none other than Dr. HOOFLANDS GERMAN BITTERS. Would you know more of the merits of this wonderful prepatation than -can be learned from the experience of others? try it yourself, and when it has failed to until the assurance of its efficacy given by the proprietor, t hen abandon faith in it. LET IT BE REMEMBERED. first of all, that HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BIllEliS is rum beverage. They are composed wholly of the pure juice cr vital principle of roots. This Is noi a mere assertion. The extracts from which they ore compounded are prepared by one of the ablest of German chemists. Their cHecls cau bo beneficial only in all cases of the billiary system. Hoofland's German Bitters stand without an equal, acting promptly and vigorously upon the liver; they remove its torpidity and cause health ful sccretiou of bile thereby supplying tho stomach with the most indispensable elements of sound digestion in proper pro portions. They purify the blood, cleansing tho vital fluid j.'all hurtful impurities and su planting them with the elements of genuine bcalthfulncss. Now, there are certain classes of per sons to whom extreme Bitters are not only unpalalablo, but who find it impossible to take them without positive discomfort. For such Dr. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC hag been specially prepared. It is intended for use where a slight alcoholio stimulant is require 1 in connection with the well known Tonic properties of the pure Ger man Bitters. HOOFLAND'S TONIC acts with almost marvelous effeot, It not only stimulates the flagging and wasting energies, but invigorates and permanently strengthens its action upon the Liver and Stomnch thorough, perhaps less prompt thau the Bitters, when the same quantity is taken is no-.e the less certain. Indigestion, Billiousness, Physical or Ner vous prostration, yield readily to its po tent influence. It gives the invalid a new and stronger hold upon life, removes de pression of spirit, and inspires cheerful ness. But Dr. Hoofland's benefactions to the human race are not confined to his celebrated GERMAN BITTERS, or his invaluable Tome. He has prepared an other mcdioine, which is rapidly winning its way to popular favor because of its in trinsic mctits. This ii HOOFLAND'S I'ODOPHYLLIN PILLS, a perfect eubsti tuto for mercury without any of mercury's evil qualities. These wonderful Pills, which are Intend ed to act upon the Liver, are mainly com posed of I'odophyllin, or the vital princi ple of ihe mandrake root. It is the medi cinal virtues of this health-giving plant in a perfectly pure nnd highly concentrated form. The Podophyllin acts directly on the Liver, stimulating its functions and causing it to make its billiary secretions in regular and proper quantities. The Inju rious results which invariably follow the use of mercury is entirely avoided br their use. But it is not upon the Liver only that their powers are exerted. The extract of Mandrake contained in them is skillfully combined with four other ex tracts, one of which acts upon the stomach, one upon the upper bowels, one upon the lower boweh. and prevents any griping effect, thus producing a pill that influences 4he entire digestive aud alimentary system, In an equal and barmonioa manner, and I'm action entirely tree fromwausea, vomit ing or griping pains common to all other purgatives. Possessing these much desirable qualities tho Podophyllin becomes invaluable as a ' FAMILY MEDICINE. No household should be without them They are perfectly safe, require but two for an ordinary dose, are prompt and effi cient iu action, and when used in oonneo ttou with Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, or Tonic, may be regarded as certain spe cifics mall cases of Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, or any of the disorders to which the system is ordidarly subject. The PODOPHYLLIN PILLS act upon the stomach and bowels, carryintr oft improper obstructions, while the Bitters or Tomo purify the blood, strengthen and invigorate the fnme, give tone and appe. tite to the stomach, aud thus build ud the invalid anew. r Dr. Hoofland, haviog provided internal remedies for disease, has given the world oue mainly for external applioation, in the wonderful preparation known as Dr. HOOFLAND'S GREEK OIL Tin, Oil is a sovereign remedy for pains and aches of all kinds. " Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Toothache, Chi ltlaius Sprains, Bums, Pain in the Back and Loins, Ringworms, etc, etc. all yield to its external application. Taken internally, it is a cure for Heart burns, Kidney Diseases, Sick Headaches. Coho, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps Pains in the Stomach. Colds, Athma, ito These remedies will be Bent by express iVKiffMrWifiiS CUAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor. Formerly C. M. JACKSON & CO These Remedies an for salt by Vrumult Storekeepers, and Medicine Dtaltn tveru vihtre. vlu24yl 9 O