if Al .. J?ZVT COUffTY-TIIlt RKrVBLlCAN PAR TT. VOL II. RIDGWAY, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1872. NO. 40. wis. ffltfli roETR r. TOM'S THANKSGIVING. " Piny, nro you Ihnnknil," JfarpuFet n-kcd. " For all the blessings of your life " Said Tem, " Ah I ono thinn yet I wnnt The blenflnn of a loTlnn wife j And till I find Unit preclons gift I can not nlve thanks qnitc itnccrc." " Ah, wicked Tom I" the maiden lKliod, " Yonr cue i Uopelc-, then, I fear !' " Nt o I" cried he ; "It yon, my friend, Will only try to find forms - . A maiden fair, whose heart is mine, Devoutly thankful I shall be : But she must have well, let me think Eyes liko your own, at soft and blue, And hair as golden, lips as red lu short, she must referable you !" " That which you ask," she answered then, " I really dare not undertake." " What !' answered Tom, " have yon the heart Thns poor mortal to forsake f" Low dropped her head before his Raze : " Oh, Tom I" said she, " what shall I dot" Paid Tom," I think mdocd I m pure I could be thank ml, dear tor yon !" TUB STOKY-TELLER. TOM BROWNE'S FIRST t FOOT-BALL. GAUE OF Foot ana eye opposed In dubious strife. And now that the two sides have fairly sun dered and each occupies its own ground and fF1 P?0fl look. at em, what absurdity lstlnsr loll don't niran tn ,. fifty or sixty hoys in white trowsors, many of them quite small, are Koinf? to play that hujre opposite r indeed, I do, gentlemen: they re going to try nt any rate, and won't make such a bad light of it, either, mark my word; for hasn't old Brooke won the toss with bis lucky halfpenny, and got choice ef 6""1","1"! kick-out me new ball you may see ne tncro quite bv itself in tlin tni.l.ll.. '"""""s luiviiiiis ino scnooi or island goal. In another minute it will be on its w ay there I sc that minute in remarking how the school house side is drilled. You will see in the first place that the sixth-form boy who lias tho charge of goal, has spread his force, (the goal keepers) so as to occupy the whole space behind the goal posts, at "distances of about five yards apart. A safe and well kept goal is the foundation of all good play. Did ISrookc is talking to the captain of quarters and now ho moves away. Fee how that youngster spreads his men (the light brigade) carefully oyer the ground, half way between their own goal and the body of their owu p avers up (the heavy brigade). These again play in several bodies. There is young ISrooke and tho bull-dogs mark them well; they are "the fighting brigade," the "die hards." larking about at leap frog to keep themselves warm and plaving tricks on one another. And on each side of old Krooke, who is now standing in the middle of the ground, and just going to kick off, you see a separate wing of players up, each with a bov of acknowledged prowess to look to here nrner. and there Heriin: lint m oil i.i Brooke absolute as he of Russia, but wisely nnH li.(iml.. ..1! ,i . . . J u.n.i-ijr luinig over wining ana worship ping subjects, a true football king. His face is earnest and careful as he glances a last time over bin array, but full of pluck and bope.thc sort of look I hope to see in my general when I go out to fight. Tho school side is not organized in the same way. The goal-keepers are all in lumps, any how and nohow. You can't distinguish be tween the players-up, and the bovs in quart ers, and there is divided leadership; but with Mich odds in strength and weight, it must take more than that to hinder them from winning, and so their leaders seem to think, for they let tho players up manage them selves. But now look, there is a slight move for ward of the school-house wings. Old Brooke takes half a dozen quick steps, and away goes the ball spinning towards the school goal; s eventy yards belore it touches ground and at no point above twelve or fifteen feet high., A model kick-off, and the school-house dicer ami rusn on. i lie ball is returned and they meet it and drive it back amongst the masses of the school already in motion, hen the two sides close, and you can see nothing for minutes out a swaying crowd of boys at one point violently agitated. That is where the nan is and tliore are the keen players to be met anil tno glory and hard knocks to be got. ou hear the dull thud, thud of the bull, and tlie shouts of " Of your side," " Down with him," "Put him over," "Bravo." This is wnat we call a scrummage, gentlemen, and tne first scrummage in a school-house match was no joKe In the consulship of Plancus. But see ! It has broken, the ball in driven out on tne school-house side, and a rush of rue school carries it past the school-house flayers up. "Look out in quarters," Brooke's ana twenty other voices ring out; no need to call, though; the school-house captain in quarters has caught it on the bound, 'dodge ii-b loremoBi schoolboys who are leading the rush, and sends it back with a good dr p kick well into the enemy's country, and then iollows rush upon rufh, and scrummage upon scrummage, the ball now driven through the school house quartern and now into the school goal, for the school house have not lost the advantage which the kick off and a slight wind gave them at the outset and are slightly "penning" their adversaries. You can't be expected to appreciate the delicate strokes of play the turns by which a game is lost and won; it takes an old player to do that, but the broad nhilosonhv of foot-hn!l if you will. Come along with mo "a little nearer ana let us considcrit again. ine bail lias just fallen again where the two sides are thickest, and they close rapidly around it in a scrummage. It must be driven through now by force or skill, tilt it flies out on ono siue or tne otker. . Look how differ ently the boys face it. Here come two of the uuu cogs nursling through the outsiders; in they go straight to the heart of the scrum mage, bent on driving that ball out on the opposite side. That is what they mean to do. My sons, my sons, you are too hot; you have Kunu yuai. me mm ana must struggle now right through the scrummage and get round and back again to your own side before you can be of any further use; here com vminr Brooke; he goes in straight as vnn i,t. l his head.and backs and bends, holding him self still behind tho ball and driving it furi ously when he gets a chance. Here comes Speedicut, and Flashman the school-house bully, with shouts, and great aetion. Won't you two come up to young Brooke after lock ing up by the school-house tire, with " Old fellow, wasn't that a splendid scrummage by the three trees ?" But he knows you, and so do we. You don't really want to drive that ball through that scrummage, chancing all hurt for the glory of the school house, but to make us think that'g what you want a vast ly d liferent thing and fellows of your kidney will never go through more than the skirts of a scrummage, where it's all push and no -kicking. We respect boys who keep out of it, and don't sham going in; b'if you we had onj, nuu, we uuhk oi you. J hen the boys who are bending and watch- iu8 uu me outside, mark them. Thev are mot t useful players, the dodgers, who "seize on the ball the moment it rolls out from amongst the chargers, and away with it across to the opposite goal. They seldom go into the scrummage. Three quarters of an hour are gone; first winds are falling and weighU and numbers beginning to tell. Yard by yard the school house have been driven back contesting every little Inch of ground. The school-houM are being penned In their turn, and now the ball is Dcmna the coal under the rinctnr'a wnll. Old Brookes kicks out and ho gives tho word to piny strongly for touch by the three trees. Away goes the ball and the bull dogs after it, and in another minute there is a shout of "in touch," "our ball." Now's your time old Brooke, while your men are still fresh. He stands with the ball in hi-j ban! while the two sides form in deep lines opposite one another; ho must strike it straight be tween them. The lines are thickest close to bi n. Old Brooke strikes it straight and strong and It falls opposite his brother. That rush has taken it right through the school line and away past tho three trees far into their quarters, and young Brooke and the bull dogs are close upon it. Tho school leaders rush back shouting 'Look out In goal' and strain every nerve to catch him, but they arc after the fleetest foot in Rugby. There they go, straight for the goal posts, qiprters scattering before them. One after another the bull dogs go down, but young Brooke holds on. "Ho is down!" Sol A long stagger but the danger is past; that was the shock of Crew, the most dangerous of dodgers. And now he is close to the school goal, the lwill not three yards before him. There is a hurried rush of the Bchool fags to the spot, but no one throws himself on the ball, tho only chance, and young Brooke has touched it ri;ht under the school goal post. The school leaders come up furious and administer toco to tho wretched fags nearest at hand. They may well be angry, for it is all Lombard street to a China orange that the school house kick a goal with the ball touched in such a KOod nlace. Old Brooke. of course, will kick it out. but who shall f catch and place ? Call Crab Jones. Here he comes sauntering along with a straw in his mouth, the queerest, coolest fish in Rugby. Old Brooke stands with the ball under his arm, motioning tho school back. They are all edging forward to get nearer for tho "rush at Crab Jones. The ball is kicked out and caught beautifully. Crab strikes his heel into the ground to mark the spot where the ball was caught beyond which the school inn not advance. "Now!'' Crab places tho ball at. tno word, Old Urooko kicks, and it rise slowly and truly as the school rush forward. 1 hen a moment s pause, while both side look up at the spinning ball. There it flics. straight between tho two posts, some rive feet above the cross bar, an unquestioned goal and a shout of real, genuine, loy rings out Irom the school house plavers on. and u faint echo of it comes over the close from the goal keepers. A goal in tho first hour Such a thing hasn't been done iu the school house match these five years. Fearful Destruction of Brood Marcs. The first sensation of the present week was the painful news of tho burning at Maribyrnong, on Sunday lust, of three valuable mares and loals. viz.. Gilder mere, Lady Heron, aad Agitation. Sev eral gentlemen had visited the stud farm during the afternoon, and later towards evening Mr. Petty went his usual rounds and saw the mares and their foals put into the wooden boxes standing in the paddock. Somewhere about eiirht o' clock ho was roused by cries of "firo" across the river, and rushing out of his house he at once saw the blaze. By the time na ana some ot his men could reach the spot it was too late to render any as sistance, and he had to witness the heart rending sight of the costly equine moth ers and offspring being roasted alive. The only feasible way to account for the sad mishap is that a box of matches must have fallen from a shelf iu me of the boxes where a lantern was kept and that me occupunt being restless over her foal had trodden on it and thus ignited the contents. In figures, the loss may be estimated as fully .3,000, but in reality it is much greater, for there is no know ing how many and how valuable the pro duce of each dam might have been. For instance, only two-thtrds of a year since, ijaay neron s yearling fetched over i'GOO; and as both she and Gildorinero hadiust given birth to the first of the famous Marquis s gets in Australia, it is highly probable these aristocratic young 'uns might have realized 700 or 800 guineas npiece. j. ne latter mare, which ran a dead heat with Governess for the Epsom Oaks, might be considered almost invaluable in such a breeding establishment as Mr. Petty's ; whilst Agitation, as the dam of itoniula, has also secured a claim to high value. The utmost sympathy has been declared on all hands for our Victorian Blenkiron; and we beg to add our fullest tribute to the general expressions, for we personally know that Mr. Petty feels the loss far more in a mental than in a moneytary sense. His heart is'wrapped up in his stud j and he feels an affection towards each and all of the old and young stock which compose it that is second only to the love he entertains for his own family. A ustralian l'aper. Moles. Ladies havo a horror of those black eminences on the tace called moles. Even homely men dislike thein, but there they ordinarily remain as s-uidea in giving a description of an applicant for a passport. A mole is a thickening of the eoider- uiiB, or outer sain, proDublv induced hv an obstruction in the outward ends of a cluster of sudorific ducts or sweat tubes. To be clear of them readily, run a fine needle through one of them from one side to the other. Let an assistant take hold of both ends of the needle and pull so as to make a neck of clear skin at the base. It is neither painful, difficult, nor attended with hardly a tinge of blood. Next ligate that neck behind the out dragged mole with a delicate, strong, waxed silk thread, that cuts off the cir culation; clip away the unused thread and wait the result. A slight local in flammation ensues, which is the gluing together the new surface of the stretched skin. In a few days the old offence drops off, deprived of nutrition, leaving no scar. If a little reddish by the remains of a subsiding: inflammation. wt tho spot occasionally with cold water. Pro ceed to the next, and the next, seriatim lietora aware of it any mole-disfigured nice may Deconie as good as new. A KELIC Another historical rnlin claims our most resnectful attention. This is its story: "In 1781 Gen. Wash ington presented a gold watch to Lafay ette as a token of esteem, etc. In 1824 Lafayette made a visit to this country, and in the course of his iournv somn light-fingered wretch took a fancy to that same bauble of a watch and artnrn- priated it. Its history thereafter is un known until a very recent date, when a New Orleans man discovered it amid ig nominious surroundings in a Louisville junk-shop, and rescued it from such dis grace. The honest citizen of New Or leans proposes to return it t the Lafay ette family, and in the meantime it is on exhibition in a jewelry store, and has been seen by many. i Flrc-Mlnute Cliats tvilh Boys. Just before the final dismissal, says Dio Lewis, the chairman of our school committee made a little speeoh to the boys. It was the game " few remarks " heard on all such occasions. Of course he told them that this is a free country. that here there is no king, that we are all sovereigns, that every boy in America nas a chance at the Presidency, etc., etc He alluded to the Fourth of July, the Star-Spangled Banner, and the Ameri can eagle. But his special point was the glorious opening-for young America. There was tho office of Governor, if one was dis posed to aim rather low ; and if any un fortunate boy huppened to miss being President or Governor by some lnexphc able accident, ho could then fall back on Congross. But to be serious, the speech was full ot a Kind or nonsehso and poison which is too common, and which we wish might tie lett out ot speeches to boys. One of our best educators, in making an address to another school, said some thing which it was a gonuine pleasure to hear. His " few remarks " wore about the following : " Boys, you are fitting yourselves here tor the duties ot .hie. Yon should cul tivate the plain, substantial branches. because most of you will pursue plain sunsianuai occupations. Home ot you will have to bear the trials, vexations and disappointments of political and professional life, but the great mass of you will, I trust, enjoy tho health and independence of carpenters, blacksmith: ami otuer BKiiied laborers. ineBe are our truly independent citizens. You never catch them currying favors seeking influence. They stand on their own two foot, and with their own arms command the respect and support which from this time on must, in America, be heartily conceded to all the useful in dustries. Of all the men with whom we deal none are so strong, self-contained, and independent as " skilled Itlorcm." They have everything pretty much their own way. ith a few exceptions, our doc tow and lawyers are comparatively poor and hard pushed. It is so distressing to oo cauea upon to pay rent and grocery bills and then sit down with vour small ledger and try to pick out the patrons ironi wnom you can urge payment with out loss of business. It is so humiliating vj uu uungea to maintain a certain stvlo. on account of your being a professional man, wnen you Know vou can t alien! it. and when you are obliged to turn away the importunate tradesman or market man with a " Can t pay you now ; you musi can again. a. gooa macninest is a prince anions: k i . . . . men. e have the honor to know two young men in Boston who. with nlentv ot money, are learning the business of the machinist. They are learning that business because thev know that everv man must nave some regular occupation and they are disgusted with the mad rush into the professions. Wo reckon it one ot the truest honors of our life that we enjoy tho intimate friendship of those young men. A Fight with a Shark. A reporter of the Bulletin lecentlv. whilst walking along the Sau Francisco city Iront, perceived a stalwart Italian fisherman engaged iu reparing his boat i me ioot oi oacramcnto at. lie was stalwart, brawny fellow, and, with the exception of a slight lameness, presented a most perfect specimen of his class. The reporter, observing that he took a manifest pride in his craft, remarked that tne nsherman s lite on this coast was at tended with many hardships. The fish erman answered that, with all its perils, usmiig ou me uaiitornia coast was lux urious occupation comnared with hi labors elsewhere. He had a few months before his arrival here 'been wrecked on the bouth American coast, and all the crew of the lost barque, hailing from were compelled to take to a raft. Alter lour days' existence on a few bis cuits saturated with brine, and whilst sufrring from agonizing thirst, he fell asleep on the forward part of tho raft, and incautiously hung his legs within a iew lucues or tuu surface of the water. ADOUt midnight he felt snmethin grasp him by the leg, and he was drag god down to the lower Tiortinn of tho raft, which was a couple of feet under water. ZIo threw out his hands and felt a slippery body, for it was a shark that nad attacked the unconscious slepner. A terrible struggle ensued. The fish was not full grown, and his strength was about equally matched with the victim he had chosen for sunner. Thev rolWl over and over, the sailor getting his hands into tne, monster s jaws, and the sharp rows of teeth lacerating them fearfully. At one time the assailnnt was within a few feet of deep water and almost no. ceeded in dragging his prey with him, but the man though sorely exhausted rallied, and withone vigerous effort haul ed the shark on the dry portion of the raft. Here his comrades were able to assist him for, though awakened by his cries at the out set, they became too panic stricken to lift a hand to help him. Now with pieces of a broken oar they assulted the intruder and soon dispatched him. The fisherman had the muscles of his left leg torn away, and he fainted from loss of blood, at the end of the struggle. His companions bound up the wound with strips of their clothing, and then made a good supper off the carcass of the man eater. About two hours afterward the raft grounded on the beach, and the unfor tunate waifs landed. They made a large fire of brush, and durina- the four fol lowing days subsisted on nuts and shell fish. At night the jaguars surrounded the camp and howled dismally. One of the party who had some knowledge of herbs, bound up the wounded limbs with leaves, which much relieved the A coasting schooner at last picked them up, but all were attacked with the yellow fever. The schooner put in at Eio daneno, and there the sick men were put into a little wooden cabin omtside the town, au with the exception of the hero of the shark, have died, and he, after his recovery, shipped for San Fran cisco. Now he is settled down to fishing and never cares about venturing on blue water again. The richest man in Melbourne . yearly income of a million. off the cheapest dishes at the cheapest restaurants. He was never troubled with the gout, and has thus saved him- eu jrom a world i misery. Hens. Society does not appreciate its obliga tions to the hen until the general well being of that useful biped is put in peril. Normally tho hen is a robust bird which needs no demulcent sanitary gruel liko the pulmonary horse, or pungent purga tive powder like the bilious or., but sur vives vigorously without any dietio coddling whatsoever. It endures with equal mind all vicissitudes of climate. Without regard to the state of the weath er it deposits its punctual diurnal egg, and cackles about it with sober exulata tation afterward. In its infancy it is sometimes pestered with an obscure and virulent malady known as pip ; but in its maturity it is a creature of iron con stitution, consuming pebble-stones with out visible emotion, and rarely dying, except to pamper the gluttony of the passing evening owl, or meet the human requirements of holiday potpie. Dick ens says that nobody ever saw a dead donkey or a dead post-boy; and the spectacle of a hen voluntarily deceased is almost as rare. Left to themselves, they survive to an exceedingly tough and stringy old age, and contribute to the world with great constancy the basis of the current egg nogg and tho cote'mporary custard. The mere surmise, therefore, of an extensive and perilous hen-epidemic is fraught with alarm. It confronts us with a pas sive phrase of destitution which we have never contemplated. We could got along without butter and milk almost as well as without eggs and Spring chickens. Life without its omelettes land, .whipped syllabubs, its Savte a la Marengo and Su preme lc la VolaiUe, would be a much InsB interesting pilgrimage than the thought less and the inconsiderate imagine. It is true that, so far as we know, the tur key is not. yet threatened, and in any event we might fall back upon the solid 1 and nutritious eooso. But neither of these useful birds could adequately sub serve tne many utilities to which the modest hen and her valuable egg are applied. If it be true that her tribes are smitten with the pestilence that walketh in darkness, the communitv win lor tne nrst time Keenly appre ciate its incomputable obligations to that harmless, diligent, and unobtrusive fowl. Inspired evidently bv the poulterers. whose craft is in danger, or rendered fu rious and incoherent by an undigested omelet sovfflc, one of our contemporaries screamingly denies that there is any thing whatever the matter with the hens. We sincerely trust that there is not, and would much rather believe that this po litic and wary bird had itself spread abroad the illusory report of its infirmi ty in order to cast the onus of the ensu ing Thanksgiving upon the ducks and the turkeys. But while we have great respect for the statement of our contem porary, it does not seem to have exhaust ed inquiry upon the subject, and surely the poulterers themselves can be consid ered competent witnesses only in the case of the birds whose carcasses repose in attitudes of straddling and posthu mous discontent upon their stalls. We should liko to print authentic reports from the barn-yards of many States and counties, if we could get them, and shall be glad to hoar from our farming friends on the subject. If there is nothing the matter with tho cnickens all will be thankful. If there is, it is well that it should be known, that Science may take the hen in hand as it has taken the horse, and institute a rational inquiry int the causes of the malady. Volun teer practitioners are already bursting into print, each with an imaginary diag nosis and an experimental remedy. So that the hen world is threatened with the prophylactic administration of physic whether it is needed or not. One diring and imaginative person, plunging reck lessly into publicity., lecommends to holdeis of chickens to dip their heads in tar, paint their legs with iodine, and hold them over a slow fire till they stop cackling. This vaporizes the iodine, vo- itilizes the. tar, and silences the chicken. whether it cures it or not. This tho pre scriber considers a great point gained in any event, and to those who like a ouiet life perhaps it is. It must not be supposed because we have alluded to the hen with some levi ty that wo are therefore unmindful ef tho intrinsic, gravity and importance of all that concerns its health and well be ing. Irankhn recommended that, in stead of the predatory and rapacious eagle, the useful turkey should be imaged upon our national coins and ensigns. If an emblem of utility instead of majesty and potency had been chosen, it should have been the barn-vard henrather than the turkey, the rooster rather than the gobbler. If it be attacked by epidemic malady, we will give the widest circula tion to any intelligent directions for its relief, and in all ways promote its culture Bnd ameliorate its condition to the ex tent of our power. N. Y. Tribune. Something All Should Know. A knowledge of simnio remedies to ha used in cases of suddeu illness dent is very valuable. It is well for every one to understand what are the readiest antidotes to various kinds of poison 8, what applications will soothe a burn, how a severe cut should be bound up, how croup should bo treated until the physician arrives, and other thin of a similar nature. Without sonio such Knowledge one is indeed helpless and useless in the emergencies which are constantly arising in the family. There are many remedies lor scalds and burna? one which we have -lately seen highly lowmuiBuueu is an emurocation ot lime- water and Imseed-oiL These simple agents combined form a thick, cream-like substance, which effectually excludes the air from the injured parts and allavs tho inflammation almost instantly. This remedy leaves no hard coat to dry on the sores,- dux sottens the parte and aids na ture to repair the injury in the readiest and most expeditious manner. The mix ture may be procured in the drug stores j but if not thus accessible, slack a lump of quicklime in water, and as soon as the water is clear mix it with the oil and shake well. If the case is urgent, use boiling water over the lime, and it will become clear in five minutes. The prep aration may be kept ready bottled in the house, and it will be as good when six months old as when first made. A dispatch from Stralsund rennrtu that eighty vessels were totally wrecked in the late gale. The town wag consid erably damaged by inundation. Locked Out. It's all very well to laugh at, now it's all over, but if you wish to know what a pleasant effect tho wrong side the door nas, at nait-past two in the morning, lose your key and trv it. I arrived at my apartments (I live ten or twolve miles out of town) at half-past two last Thursday morning, and, lking up smilingly at my windows, I felt for my key. Those who carry latch-kevs can read ily realize my sensations when I found I had left it in town. To wake the in mates was a matter of disturbing the whole neighborhood ; I therefore deter mined (after waiting thirty minutes for a policeman) to effect an entrance by the staircase window. I must mention that my house is one ot a snort row, in which there live butcher, baker, and chemist each of whpm keeps a dog or dogs, more or less vicious, according to the amiableness of its owner. Having determined to attempt the great window feat, I went round to the back of the house and looked over the paling. Scarcely had I raised my head, than " Boo-woo-woo !" went a dog with whom I had some slight acquaintance. I addressed it soothingly by its Christian name, " Gip." The sound of my voice sot the remain der ot the dogs oft, and in less than a minute there was arow only equalled by a pack in full cry. This naturally woke soms of the nobler animals ; and one gentle female with a a shrieky voice put her head out of the window and asked, in a hysterioal tene, wno was there r The ever-ready answer. " Me." burst lortn, regardless ot grammar. " V here are the police V continued the screech. " Precisely what I have been asking .nnnlf J.I.- 1L- A ... ijjj 11,11 iui uuu last, tnirty minutes, an swered i. At this juncture I attempted a laugh, and nearly overbalanced myself, and, in regaining my position, I kicked the palings, on which I was seated, so vigor ously, that off weni the dogs louder than before, and several more windows went up. At the chemist s appeared something mm luuxeu hko itooinson tjrusoo. ablv i.l 1 -r r. . buijui ieu uy i,a isonnan buia m nightcap. " V hat s the matter i" sensibly asked a third window. Matter 1"' shrieked all tho windows together ; but their explanation was loBt in tne general nowl ot doss. " You shall hear of this in the morn ing, said one irrepressible female. " It strikes me I am hearing of it very mucn ot it in the morning; you mean later in the day. Call to lunch," said I, " and let's have it out. Tho windows went down with a bang, and I went off the palings with another, falling within a yard of a beautiful bull- mastiff, who showed me the perfect order in wmcn ne Kept nis teett ; after a very satisfactory inspection thereof, I de scribed a circle round him, and reached the wash-house. One foot on the window-sill and one hand on tho leaden spout, 1 prepared for the great feat, but at that instant (owing to tho dog's vio lent effort to strangle itself), the staple holding the chain gave way, and, with out a word of apology, he seized me by that portion of my clothes unknown o angels. I held on to the spout, the dog held on to me. One derisive laugh ranr through the air. A lapse of several seconds, each of which seemed an hour. Lvery moment I expected would bo my last, when, within reach, I saw a broom-handle ; to seize it. and deal mv- self a fearful blow, was the work of an instant. Horror 1 the snout is eivinac way. A second fearful blow proved more fortunate I broke the wash-house win dow ; one more, and I landed the stick on his nose, in a way that sounded liko cracking an egg-shell. . A. dreadful howl followed ; he let go. Windows again up general howling, shouting, and a rally all round. During the melee I disappeared in at the window, and peeped round the blind ; row grad ually subsided. An interval of five minutes. Every thing quiet. An interval of five more minutes. A policeman ! composed, unruilied, dig nified. In British Columbia. While not a few in California are com plaining that numerous murderers are escaping their desorts, the authorities in untisii Columbia last week carried out the extreme penalty of the law upon a uiau named uou, wno had committed murder, connected with which there were some mitigating circumstances. Bell wag married to a half-caste woman, who proved unfuithful during his ab sence from home, and upon learning of ii on ms return, ne started in pursuit ot the man who had destroyed his peace, and, coming suddenly upon him, killed him. There was no disputing the facts, and there are many in British Columbia who declare that he was justified in what he did. It may be safely asserted that it would bo difficult to find an American jury who would convict of the capital offence under such circumstances, and no one can deny but that some extenuation should be accorded in such a case. A long controversy took place in the Vic toria papers on the subject. A. strong effort was made to obtain a commutation of the sentence to imprisonment for life, but without avail, and Bell has paid with his life the penalty for his deed. Lake Erie Dryixq Up. It is pre dicted that Lake Erie, now the pathway of a mighty commeree, will, in time, dry up and become the home of a teeming population. Careful surveys have shown that while Lake Michigan has an aver age depth of 1.800 feet, Lake Superior of 900, Lake Ontario of 500 feet, Lake Erie hag an average depth of 120 feet, which is said to be constantly decreasing. The bottom of the lake is quite level and composed of soft clay. Thig clay is cou gtfcaSly accumulating from sediment car ried down by tributary streams.- The south shore is composed of easily disin tegrating blue, gray and olive shoals and gray sandstone. The western and north ern coast are made up of limestone of the Helderberg group, which auieklv yields to the action of the waves. Con sequently both ghoreg constantly are con tributing t fill up the bed of the lake. The work ia not rapid, but it is said to ha as certain as fate. Birth of a Hippopotamus. The well-known naturalist, Mr. Frank Auckland, writes to Land and Water, saying : " I am dolighted to be able to issue a bulletin that tho ' little stranger 1 u.wc uu kmu miucu, juuiMULt, resi dent superintendent of the Zoological raruens, nas Deen good onougn to in -form me that this interesting event took placo this morning, November 5, at fif teen minutes past seven A. sr. Both mother and child are doing well. This, the third baby of our old friend Madam Hippo, is born with more sense than its late brother and sister, for it does not as yet require the services of the wet nurses, the goats, which have been in attendance tor some days past. It will be recollected that the last two young hippopotami wouia not taKe tneir proper nourishment. The little animal born to-dav. for Whom the name of ' Guy Fawkes ' has therefore been proposed, has discovered and readily makes use of its mother's milk. The littlo thing generally lies sleeping by the biub ui us gigantic mamma, put some- iimes it gets up ana taKes a tour of in spection round its den. when its familv likeness can be immediately perceived. Every now and then the mother rolls hor great eyes, listens attentively with iier norse-iiKe ears, and grunts loudly with a deep organ-like note ; the young one instantly answers in the same note, out in an infantine Key. Its color ap pears to be that of a polished malmmnv dining-room table : it is about three font, six inches long, and its weight about 100 pounds. Eleven hippopotami have been bom in Europe six at Amsterdam, two at I'aris, and three in England, but hith erto they have died in their infancy. Immense care is therefore taken of the now precious infant. The hipopotamiis nouse is Kept perlectly quiet, and every precaution is taken by Mr. Bartlett; to whom the greatest credit is due for his able management and his endless care in this matter to prevent the mother be ing disturbed by people moving about, doors opened, etc.; for if she were once put out, the poor old thine, who looks exhausted and anxious, would probably, in ner alarm, get up, rush about, and possibly not suckle her child, or else tramp e by accident upon it. Therefore the public, I understand, cannot possibly be admitted to see the young one until the doctors pronounce that it is quite safe to do so. They will, in the mean time, wish this little hippo ' a long life and a merry one.' " Hints About Dresses. Sleeves closely fitted to the arm. like the old-time tight sleeves, are more sty lish than easy-fitting sleeves. When sleeves are slightly open at the wrist they should show an inner lining of white silk, instead of being faced with silk like the dress. White Bilk serge is used bv the best modistes for dress linings. An inner belt of ordinary belt ribbon is placed in side all basques, polonaises, and even round waists. It is simply tacked to the back and side seams, is hooked in front as soon as the dress is put on. and serves to hold the back in place. The fichu-collar is a very stylish trim ming for dress waists. This is a bias band of velvet, or any material with which the dress is trimmed, lined with stiff foundation, untrimmed. and slisht- ly shaped to fit over the bust. It passes around the back of the corsage just be low the collar, laps like a fichu in front, and is fastened just abovo the belt bv hooks and loops. It is a simple and sty lish addition to a silk costume, and is made of English crape, and worn with mourning dresses. Velvet belts are worn with dresses of all styles, even accompanvinsr short basques. In many cases they are in the front of the basque only, beginning at the seam under the arms, and fastened on the left side by a small bow, or else in front by a buckle of jet or oxidized sil ver. If a sash is added, it is merely two loops and two streamers of different lengths with diagonal ends. Theso are attached under the belt, toward the lett side of t he back. Dressy waistcoats for dinner toilettes are of black velvet, with the front form ed of alternato cross bands of white gui pure insertion and velvet. The velvet back has the seams outlined by a band of guipure, and a ruille of the same laco edges the garment. The best protection for dress skirts that drag on the floor is a box-pleating three inches wid. made of wise-ins? doubled. It is pleated into a binding, and is basted inside tho faciug of tho dress, just at tho edge, to keep the dress from touching tue ground, xnis is sold ready-made for 2 j cents. Fine muslin pleatings are placed inside skirts of evening dresses. Fatally Shot. A party consisting of two ladies, ac companied by two young men named Masonheimcr and Hesson, were return ing to their homes from a prayer-ineet-ing in the town of Frizzleburg, Carrol Co., Md., when Masonheimer started a conversation about fire-arms. The young ladies expressed their fear of weapons, whereupon Masonheimer, to give them a scare, as he alleges, drew a small revolver from his pocket, and fired a barrel. By some horrible mischance, Hesson stepped within range, and received the bullet fairly between the eyei; and fell, mortul ly wounded. It is supposed that it was his intention to have prevented Mason heimer firing the pistol, but was too slow. The affair is causing a sensation. The accidental nature of the homicide is admitted on all hands. Cool About It. The Lumberton (N. C.) Ilolesonian tolls us that Stephen Low ery was present at a Justice's Court, in Eurnt Swamp township, in the Scuttle town District, a short time since. He was armed to the teeth, holding in his hand all of the tini6 a Spencer rifle, and having hig belt stuck full of revolvers. There was on the ground a large number of mulattoes and half a dozen whites. He geemed entirely at ease, and during the progress of the trial manifested con siderable interest in it. The trial was held in the church, a close log building, from which it would have been ble for him to escape otherwise than by the door, yet he geemed to feel no appre hension, and but for the fact that he con stantly kept his rifle in his hands, a stranger would not have seen anything in hig manner to betray the peculiar rela tion in which he stood to society. Hort e-cliestuut trees will not flourish in the Western States. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. At a recent Georgia county fair a Miss Stern took tho first premium in a cook ing match and a Miss Eadcliff the sec ond. . : Tho twin calamities of Chicago and Boston have endeared the cities to each other more than long. lustrums unbroken prosperity. . ' In Turkestan, a traveler relates-, if the " husband of any woman go away upon a journey and remain away for more than twenty days, as soon as that time is past the woman may marry another man, and' the husband also may then marry whom he pleases. A man once went to a lawyer's office and told the legal gentleman that he ' had been insulted by a man who told . him to go to , and desired to know what ho should do. Che lawyer suavely 1 said : " I wouldn't advise you to go ; the law doesn't compel you." To color furs black or brown, take ten grains of gallio acid, ten of tincture of iron, And one oz.of acetic acid. ; Dissolve the gallic acid in the tincture of iron, add , the acetic acid, and apply with ' fine comb. If black is desired the furs ' must be moist, not wet j if brown, thay must be dry. Nearly all the submarine cables hith- , ei to laid having been made in England, it is gratifying to learn that one, for the . first time, has been manufactured in San Francisco. It is intended for the Gov-, ernment of British Columbia, and is to ' he laid across Bosario Straits, connecting . Victoria with the main land. A woman in Springfield had her face spoiled the other day by an umbrella. One of those old nuisances who perain- ; bulate the streets with a vicious looking weapon of that kincirojecting backward from under the left arm, suddenly stopped in front of her, her face came in contact , with the ugly point, and was seriously , damaged. ' M. Carn, a Frenchman, who has made -' investigation into the breaking of iron , rails during frosty weather, considers tbat good iron is not affected bv frost. but' that poor iron does suffer loss of ' strength. He holds, however, that the extreme rigidity of the earth beneath the rails iii cold weather offers a better explanation of breaks than tho effect of mere frost upon iron. In purchasing furs, a sura test of what dealers call a " prime " fur is tho length and density of the down next the skin. This can be readily determined by blow ing a brisk current of air from the mouth against the " set of the fur." If the fibre opens readily, exposing the skin to tho view, reject the article ; but if the down is so dense tkat the breath cannot penetrate it, or at most Bhows but a small portion of skin, the article may be accepted. Mrs. Fair is determined to keep her self before the public ns long as possible. A few days ago she made a very demon strative demand on the Clerk of the Court in San Francisco for the pistol ' which had been a witness against her on her trial. It was the implement with which she slew Mr. Crittenden, and she probably wishes to koep it as a precious souvenir of that exploit. She may also have further use for it in the future. It has been given vip to her, and the mar ried men of San Francisco would do well to be on their guard. The soldiers of Floyd county, Ga.. are to have a reunion soon, and the Commer cial says, eloquently, upon this subject : " It is believed that out ot twenty-one companies who entered service from this county there are now near 400 surviving residents. Of these 400 every one has a tale of service and suffering to tell. What a gathering it would bo if thev were all bivouacked around old-fashioned camp-fires for a night, what smiles, what tears, what jokes, what epitaphs, what hair-breadth escapes, what glorious vic tories, what various memories would be revived and rehearsed !" A writer in the Pall Mall Gazette advo cates the substitution of a galvanic bat tery as a means of punishing criminals, in place of the bungling and barbarous " cat." This civilized gentleman profers the battery, because, while a current may be caused to run through the human frame suffieiently strong to "resemble the breaking of bones " or to " simulate the touch of hot iron," the person under-. going such punishment could be liber ated from it at a moment's warning, and all pain would instantly disappear, leav- ing no " lacerated uesn, or " livid weals " to shock the feelings of the hu manitarian. Never fill a stove more than half or two-thirds full of coal, even in the cold est weather. When the fire is low, never shake the grate er disturb the ashes, but add from ten to fifteen small lumps of ooal and set the draft open. When these are heated through, andomewhat ig nited, add the amount necessary for a new fire, but do not disturb the ashes yet. Let the draft be open half an hour. Now shake out the ashes. The coal will be thoroughly ignited, and will keep the stove at a high heat from bix to twelve hours, according to the coldness of the weather. In very cold weather, after the tire is made, add coal every hour. A recently employed local editor on an Indianapolis paper was annoyed by a " seedy-looking fellow who sat by the steve one cold night last week and warm ed himself. See here, old fellow," said he, finally, "hadn't you better go home j"' The "old fellow" glared at him, but said nothing.- After a few minutes the edi tor took the old fellow by the shoulders t lead him out, remarking that it wag no place for loafers. " See here, young man," roared the old fellow, " you evi dently don't know yho you're taking to. My name is , and I am one of the proprietors of thig paper." The aston ished editor plunged headlong into a gimlet hole. Few articles of food are so readily at tainable, so attractive in appearance, and so quickly cooked, aa omelets. A good and economical omelet is made with four eggg well beaten and added to one cup of milk, into which hag been stirred one tablespoonful of powdered cracker and one small teaspoonful of flour. Stir the mixture well together just before pour ing it on the well-buttered griddle, which should not be too hot, lest the omelet should have a strong flavor of scorched butter. Turn it, as soon as it begins to "set" around the edge, .with a wide bladed knife, fold it over once, and then again, and at once lift the griddle and tura the omelet upon a warm plate. It T