8lh 0ounl2 rotate. THURSDAY. NOV. 14. 1872. Var Time at Ilidgway. Brie Express East 12:88 ft. m. do do West 2:25 a. m. do Mail East.,' 4:50 p. m. do do West..... 2:05 a. m. Renovo Accommodation East 8:40 ft m. do do do West. fi:14 p. m. Sates of Advertising. One oolumn, one year $75 00 " ...... 4000 I " 25 00 " " " 15 00 Transient Advertising per square of eight. lines or less 8 times or less 2 00 Business cards, ten lines or less, per year 6 00 Marriages and Death notices inserted gratis. Elk Lodge, A. T. M Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will he held at their hall on tin second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Q. h MoCRACKEN, Seo'y. Temple of Honor and Temoeranoe. Elkton Temple No. 81, meets, on ea:h ftlternat e Thursday, at their Lodge Room, en Main street, over J. V. Houk's store. 8. A. ROTE. W. R. (track Church. ( Hours of service, 10:30 A. M. and 7 I M. Sunday School 2 P. M- Seats, free. The Commissioners will meet at tfieir office in Ridgway, Nov-25, 1872. Hartley's Drug Store is the place to find the Elixer of lifo, to-wit : Pure Drugs. Arrested for Murder. Messrs Grundly and Ludwig Berk wero arrested and held for trial in Brooklyn this morning, charged by Mrs Mere with linving murdered her husband last Jane. Go TO Dr. Hartley's if you want a pure article in the Drug, Oil, and Paint line, and yoi are sure to find what you want. Charged with Murder. The coronnr'a jury to-day returned a verdict that Thomas Donohue was killed by Joh Scanned. The prisoner was then remanded to jail to await the action of the grand jury. Daua Store. Dr. T. S. Hartley, of our village constantly keeps on hand a large and carefully selected assortmen of pure drugs, oils, paints, bill heads, letter .heads, envelopes, &c, in fact everything that constitutes a first class Drug Score, which he sells at whole sale and retail upon the most reasonable terms. Morton House, Krie. Tt may be laid that there are better houses in Krie than the Morton House, but the "Mor fcm" com say wo are always full to over flow, and all who stop her! come back gain. Buffalo, Nov. 8. The barge Forest Qteen. from saiuaw, laden with lumber while in tow of the tug Burlington, dur ing a gale last night, was cut loose two miles outside of the breakwater, and is lost with all hands. Quarterly Meeting. The Quiter. ly Meeting of the M. E. Conference will meet in the Court House at this place, on next Saturday. Services at 1 o'clock p. m. oo Saturday also on Sunday morning and eveniag. Rev. N. Norton, Presiding elder, will be in attendance, in place of Rev. Burgess, deceased. $75,000 IN CASH FOR $1. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisment in another column of tho Nebraska State Orphan Asylum. Here is a chance to win a fottune in a Public Legal Drawing, and at tho aiaie time help a noble and worthy institution. The Great Fire in Boston, This destroying element has invaded another of our principal cit.es, and the business portion of Boston is a heap of smolder ing ruins. The buildings destroyed were among the very best in the United States. The loss is estimated at $200, 000,000. Scarcely are we dooe think ing and talking of the burning of Chi cago, and the loss of ?100,COO,000 of property, till we are compelled to chron icle another national disaster. Boston is the great Boot and Shoe, and wool market of our country, and it is said that there is not a wholesa le woolen establishment loft in the city, and already does the country feel the effect of the fire, in the Boot, Shoe, and Woolen trade. Nebraska is to Have a Stete Orphan Asylum. $230,505 is offered in Cash Prizes. The appeal is made on the grounds of humanity, from a new State, where the tide of immigration is immense, and where such an Institution is greatly needed. The highest Prize is $75,000. The tickets are $1 each, or six for $5. J. M, Pattee, of Omaha, has been chosen the General Manager of this legal and humane undertaking, which is endorsed by the Governor and best business men of the State. Tinware . Housekeepi ug never goes smoothly without a well selected assortment of tinware, so at least we have heard more than mere international in our brief pilgrimage thus far through this vale of conveniences and incon venience!. Now there is no longer any necessity for trouble on this branch of domestic felicity, for W. S. Service & Co. No. 42, Main street, have anticipa ted the wants ot the most fastidious housekeeper in their large assoitment of tho very best tinware ever offered in this market. Now that the tin plate manufacturers seriously contemplate stopping their works entirely for a time would it not be advisable to lay in a supply without delay, as tinware will most unquestionably be higher before the year closes. Our National Debt. Notwith standing the excitement of the cam paign the work of reducing our national debt has gone steadily on, and from September 1st, to October 1st, 1872, it was reduced $10,327,343,09. The monthly interest charge during - the month of September, was reduced $1, 966,311.25. The reduction of national debt, and monthly interest charge for the month of October 1972, is, debt $5, 228,417, 32, decrease of monthly interest 82, 015, 651.25. Total decrease ot debt from March 1st, 1869, to November 1st, 1872, is $363,696,999.87. decrease of interest on debt during the same period is $24,187,551.00. Total reduction of debt, and interest in 3 years and 8 months $387,884,850.87. How is this for corruption and squan dering the public money ? M. Ernest Renan, the author of The Life of , now on a visit to Home, has been entertained there by the Cavour Club. In the course of gone remarks to a large audience, he declared that Italy had nothing to fear lrom France, even though the Comte de Chambord himself were to become King. I.kisal Decisions . Surrogate Hutching's to-day decided that the bequest of all his real and 'personal estate, to tho society for the prevention of cruelty to animals by a Frenchman, James Banard, which was contested on the ground (hat the testator was insaue as a believer in transmigration of souls is valid, as regards the devise of per sonality, but void as regards the real eptnte. Washinoton, Nov. 8. There was a most brilliant display at the Executive Mansion to-day at nonn by the represent atives of the crowned heads ot Europe and South America, who appeared in full court dress, headed by Sir Edward Thornton and Count de. Naollies, the French Minister, to extend their con gratulations to President Grant on his re-election. All the cabinet who were iujtown, ac companied by the ladies of their families were present. There was no formal speech-making, but each member of the Diplomatic Corps took the President warmly by the hand, and on behalf of their respective governments and for themselves personally extended their congratulations. The President was quite overcome by the unexpected de monstration, but thanked eaoh oue briefly. The reception took place in the Blue room. State Journal. Lewiist own, Nov. 6 Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who was cited by Mrs. Woodhull as authority for some of her charges against Henry Ward Beecher, was in this eity to-day, and having her attention called to the matter, emphatic ally denied the allegation, and declared her conviction that Mrs. Woodbull'g statements are untrue in every particu lar. Singular, But True. We read, in the Norristown Daily Herald, of yesterday, the following paragraph: "A gentleman who has just returned from a deer hunt on the frontier, brings news of an epidemio prevailing among these animals which threatens to serious ly affect the supply of venison. He says that herds were frequently seen in which there would be dozens scarcely able to travel." Later in the day we met two hunters of this city, both gentlemen of veracity wbo had just returned from a gunning excursion into Cumberland County, a few miles south of Bridgepqrt. They found, in passing through a clover field, two dead rabbits, and about half a mile further on another rabbit, all having died from some lingular disease. There was a green offensive matter oozing out of the nose, and the animals seemed to be mere skeletons. Who can explain the disease? State Journal. Paris, Not. 6. -Frauce willl pay to Germany this week 200,000,000 francs, and will continue to make similar in stalments until the end of the year, so that on the 1st of January only two milliards of the war indemnity will re main unpaid. A report, which first appeared in Gaulois, that the derman ambassador had demanded Thiers' disavowal of General Ducrot's order of the day, is ptonounccd untrue. m Rsadsng Rooms In Russia. An cx trahrdinary sitting has just taken place in Tt. Petersbuagh the Committee on Primary Instruction, the object of whioh was to ooncider the report on the establishment of opular reading rooms. The project proposes 1,230 roubles (3 francs 75 centimes each) as the costs of instaallation, and 2,700 roubles for the expense of maintenance The expected rcceiptes are 400 roubles, therelore ev idently, gifts or subscriptions will be required. The order ol advocates has already offered 1,000 roubles. The plan has two peculiarities; reading out loud is to be introd need for those per sons who are instructed; children are t be admitted tree. Adults enter on pay ment of oue copeck (equal to four cent imes. Hew Advertisements. $5000.00. Bonds for sale. The Statu Road Commissioners under l ii e Act of Assembly, approved April 17, 185!; entitled, '-an Act appointing Com missioners to lay out a Mate Road from Knnn in (limiihi'lls Mill, in MuKeau t.'ounty, Penn'a." Will sell five thousand dollars in bonis in sums to suit purchasers For nil y infovmation scspecting saij hands itc, apply personally, or by letter to W. S, OVIATTE. Mnetlipoit, l'a. By order nf the Commissioners. O. D. COLEMAN, Treasurer. AOEltrS WANTED "INSECTS AT HOME " 700 pages: upwards of 700 cits; i full pnpe engravines. '..lust the Rook for in telligen rural homes." "The drawings nru faithful representations ot Inject and I'lant." Send for Circular. Address Geo. Brooks, 1:M North Seventh St., Philadel phia. DISOLL'TION NOTICE. The co-par: nership heretofore exist ing under the firm name of S. Jackson & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual con. sent. The hooks aud accounts are in the hands of W. S. Service, who alone is em powered to collect and .ot tie the same. The business will he continued in future by W. S. Service, & Co. W. S. SERVICE, SALTER .TACK-ON. Ridgwny, Pa. Oct. 17th, 1872. IOR SALE. ' A splendid joke of cattle. Inquire of W. S. Service & Co. i DM IN 1ST Ii AT .Mi'." NOTICE Nonce is hereby given that letley) of Admin KiiHlio i on the estate of Oliver P. Kelts, decease I, late of Erie City, Pennsylvania, having bven granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate will please make immedia'e paymout, and tli jso having claims or demands will present tliem properly authenticated for settlement with out delay, at Ridgway. J. K. WI11TMORF. Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that letters of Admin istration on the estate of Adelnhus Kyler, deceased, Win of Pox nwnship, Elk County, Pennsylvania, having heecn granted to the undersigned, all persons imluhtcd lo siid estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims or de mands will present them properly authenti cated lor settlement without ucluy PPTEIt THOMPSON, i) FLOUETTA KVLElt Vilmr's. 23-t;. 1 STRAY. Found on the premises of the. nib- j senber, October I'Jth 1872. A dark hay HoiKe, said horse is of medium size; bob tailed, white strip in face and one fore foot while. The owner thereof is requested to come forward prove property, pay charges and take him away. Otherwise he will be dispostd of according to law. ELI AS MOYER. Kyler's Corners, Elk Co., Pa. AGENTS. $10 to SO PER DAY GUARANTEED. Specimens aud full particulars free. Address WOODS LITER ARY AND ART AGENCY. Newburgh. V. Y. flKOAL 1 Catbariue J. Co v. en, ) In Common Pleas of vs. blk County. James Bowen. J No. 2 April T. 1871. Libel in Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To Jamei Howrn, retpondent above named; You are hereby notified that the subpoena and alias subpoena in the above case having been returned non eet inventus, you are re quired to appear on the FIRST MONDAY OF NOVEMBER next, being the 4th day of tht, month, to answer the complaint in the above ease. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Suiairr's Officii, 1 Ridgway, July 5th, 1871. nl8to. APVERTISE Br MAIL 25 CENTS 1 44. PAftK WOW I (NEWY0BO nsSpv IthI5 yyA II; NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, AND HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Tools, Lumbermens Tools. In fact everything usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store. A-FIRST-BLASS IB SHOP, Employing none but first-class Workmen, and nothing but first class material used. jr. OPPOSITE THE COURT W. S Oct. 24-tf. ST. MARY'S FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. ST. MARY'S, ELK CO., PA. MaxufactKbkhs or STEAM ENGINES. Machinery for SAW and GRIST MILS. TANNERIES, AND MUCK YARDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Such as Plows, Tlireshiug Machines, Stump Machines, &c. SASH WEIGHTS, CELLAR GUARDS, CARPET STRIPS, 13017 F.AILIXT3 FOB VERANDAS AND CEMETERYS. FARM BELLS, IRON KETTLES OF ALL SIZES." HEATERS AND STOVES . Car wheels all sizes lor Railroad con tractors, mill men, and all who are in want ot them, solid or with arms, chilled or not. In short everything made out of iron. We solicit the trade of hik and adjoining counties. Give us a trial is all we ask. Foundry cor. Mill and St. Mary's Sis. St. Mary's, Elk Co., Pa. L. II. GARNER & BRO. v2-23tf. SOW TO 00 VtZZT. This is an inquiry which every one should have truthfully answered before he starts on his journey, and a little care taken in examination of Routes will in many casses save much trouble, time and money. The "C, B. & Q. R. R.," running from Chicago, through Galesburg to Burlington, and the ''I., B.iW. Route,' running from Indianapolis, through Bloomington to Burlington, have achiev ed a splendid reputation in the last tvto years as the leading Passengers Routes to the West. At Burlington they con. ncct with the B M. R. R. and from the great Buriington Route, which runs direct through Southern Iowa to Nebras ka and Kansas, with close connections to California and the Territories; and passengers starting lrom Elk County, on their way westward, cannot do better than to take the Bublijioton RoCTB. This Line bus published a pamphlet called "How to West," which eon tains much valuaoie information; ajarge correct map ot the Grea' West, which can be obtalued free of charge by ad dressing the Genoral Passenger Agent B . &M.R. R. Burlington, Iowa. 2-2 'it 4 HOUSE, RIDGWA7, PA. SERVICE & CO- N JEW ST A J E ROUTE. I .. v. lfL .Xix, 1'ropnetor. Tho subscriber- having secured the con tract for carrying the U. b. Mail between REYNOLDSVILLE & BROCKWAY VILLE. has placed on thai road a line of hacks. Hacks leave the Exchange Hotel in Reynnldville every Tuesday. Thursday an I Saturday on I lie ni rival of the Broosville stage, and return the same day. These hacks connect at lirockway ville with the Hidgway stages, making connection with trains on Ihu P. & E. ltond, both east and west. Every attention to the comfort of patrons of this line will be given, and a liberal patronage solicited. Aug. 13-7tf. Music for the Campaign. THE RIDGWAY SILVER CORNHT KAN ti will furnish muclo for all political meeting" during the campaign. NEW INSTRUMENTS AND MEW MUSIC. Terms moderate. D. B. DAY, Leader. .T. O. W.JB MLEY, Sct'y. Kideway, Pa., Aug. M. 18"J.5 Presidential Campaign. Cups, Capes & Torchev. Send for Illustrated Cir cular and Price List. CUNNINGHAM 4 HILT.. MANUFACTURERS. iXO. ZUk Uliurcli Nreet. PHILADELPHIA l-8StM. "pit ED. sC HO EX IXC, WHOI.ESAI.R AND BKT.UL PBtLIB IS PI ANO-F ) liTKS, O RG ANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOKS. Pianos and organ to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. Prothonotnry'i Office, Ridgway, Pa. v2ni(Hf. lkhal. J a met II Wilber, 1 In Common Pleas vs. of Elk Cqunty. Kate H. Wilber. J 21 April T., '72. Libel in Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To Kate It. filter, reepondent above namfdl You are hereby notified that the subpteoi and alias subpoena in the above case hav ing been returned non tit inventus, you are required to appear on the FIRST MONDAY OF NOVEM. next, being the 6th day of the month, to answer the complaint in the above case. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Biiaairr's Orrica, Ridgway, Jaly 4tu, 1872. 18te. LtOAb.J Catharine J. Bowen, In Common Pleas of vs- I Elk County. James Bowen. J No. 2 April T. '71. Libel in Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To Jamct Soteen, rttpondent above named: You are herehv notified that ilm and alias subposua In the above ease having oeen reiurne J non ttt inventus, you are re auired to annear nn lh THtun UnKniv OF OCTOBER net, being the 5th day of the month, to answer the complaint in the above case. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Saiairr's Orrici, Ridgway, Aug. 4th, 1872. f nl8te. For Sale. lots to suit buyers. Large or small, on long time, one-fourth cash, balance on ten years. Inquire of H. Little, Ridgway, or C. R. McNulty, No. 850 Broadway, New ork. 2-20ml. POWELL & KIME. Powell & Kime Having erected a large and well arrstiged new Store House on the old site, since the Are, and filled it from eiMartn gtirretwith the choicest goods of all descriptions, that can be found in any market, are fully pro- i pared to receivelhelr old customers, and supply their. wants at bottom figures WII0L3SAL2 OH RETAIL. Their assortment is now complete, com prising DRV GOODS GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, II ATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, etc., etc, POPK. FLOUR. SALT. Feed, Beans, Butter, DRIED A 1 PLUS, DRIED PEACHES, Canned Qooils, la short evrythin,;wantedin the'Couhtry by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN ERS, LABORING MEN, EVERYBODY Alsn fall stock ot MANILLA ROPE of the best manufacture, of suitable sixes for rafting and running purposes. mm Ams gn, Ridgway, P.., Mrh2,4 i671 kNE MILLION OF LIVES SAVED f - f s one of the most temarrsble facts o this remarkable age, not that so many persons are the viotims of dyspepsia or in digestion, bnt its willing victims. Now, we would not be understood to say that any one regards dyspepsia with ravor. or feels disposed to rank It among the luxuries of life. Far from H. Those who have ex perienced its torments would so out such at idea. All dread it, and would gladly dis pense with its unpleasant familiarities. Mark Tepley. who was jolly under all the trying clrcumetnnces in whioh he was placed, never had on attnek of dyspepsia, or his jolity would have spoedily forsaken him. Of all the multifarious diseases to which the human system ' is liable, there is perhaps no one so generally prevalent as dyspepsia. There are diSe ises more acute and painful, and which more frequently prove fatal, but none the effects of which are so depressing to the mind and so positively distressing to the body. If there is a wretched being in the world it is A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC. Wo have said that dyspepsia is perhaps the most universal of human diseases. This is imphntically the case in the United Slates. Whether this general prevalence is due to the character of the food, the method of its preparation, or the hasty manner in whioh It is usually swallowed, is not our province to explain. The great fact, with which we nre called- to deal is this: DYSPEPSIA PREVAILS almost univei sally. Nearly every other person you meet is a victim, an apparently willing one; were this not tho ease, why so many sufferers, when a certain, speedy and safe remedy is within tho easy reach of all who will avail themselves of ill But says a dys peptic: What is this remedy? to whioh we reply: This great allevator of human MiHering is almost as widely known as the English language. It has allayed the agonies of thousnnds, and is to-day carry comfort and encouragement to thousands of others. This acknowledged panacea is noi.e other thnn Dr. IIOOKLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Would you know more of the merits of this wonderful prepaiation than can be learned irom the experience of others? Try it yourself, and when it has failed to fulfil the assurance of its efficacy given by the proprietor, then abandon faith in it. LET IT HE REMEMBERED, first of all, that IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN 3ITTERS is j a rum beverage. They are composed wholly of the pure juice er vital principle of roots. This is not mere assertion The extracts from which th(y nre compounded are prepared by one of the ablest of German chemists. Their effects can be beneficial only in all cases of ine miliary system. Iloofland's German Bitters stand without, nn equal, acting piomptly and vigorously upon the liver; they remove iis torpidity and cause health ful secretion of bile thereby supplying tho stomach with the most indispensable elements of sound digestion in proper pro portions. They purify the blood, cleansing the vital fluid i.'all hurtful impurities and su plnuting them with the elomouta of genuino hcallhfiilucss. Now, there are certain classes ot per sons to whom extreme. Hitters are not only unpalatable, but who find it impossible to tuko thorn without positive discomfort. For such Dr. IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC has been specially prepared. It is intended for use where a slight n'.coholio stimulant is require! in connection with the well- known Tonic properties of the pure Ger man Bitters. HOOFLAND'S TONIC acts with almost marvelous effect. It not only stimulates the flagging and wasting energies, but invigorates and permanently 8t reilPthcn ita nntinn nn.n l,a T; - c - ...... ,u J I Y f and Stomach thorough, perhaps less prumpi. man rue uitters. when the same quantitj is taken is none the loss certain. Indigestion, Milliousness, Physical or Ner vous prostration, yield readily to its po tent influence. It gives the invalid a new and stronger hold upon life, removes de pression of spirit, and inspires cheerful ness. But Dr. Iloofland's bencfnctlons to the human raco aro not confinod to his celebrated GERMAN BITTERS, or his invaluable Tonic. He has prepared an other medicine, which is rapidly winning its way to popular favor because of its in trinsic mctits. This U H00FLAVIV.4 PODOPHYLLIN PILLS, a perfect substi tute for mercury without any of mercury's evil qualities. These wonderful Pilln. wt,i,.i. n.aii i ed to act upon the Liver, are mainly com. p.ioru ui i-uuopuviun, or tne vital princi ple of the mandrake rnnt Tt i 1 1, i: , - - "J vua mem- cinal virtues of this health-giving plant, in jjorieuiiy pure nnu iiigniy concentrated form. The Podophyllin acts directly on the Liver, stimulmi causing it to make Us billinry secretions in regular an i proper quantities. Tho inju rious results whioh invariably follow Vie use of mtiroury is entirely avoided by their use. But it is not upon the Liver only that their powers are exerted. The extract of Mandrake contained in them is skillfully combined with fmn. n.- tracts, one of whioh acts Upon the stomaoh, uue upou ine upper ooweis, one upon the lower boweh. and prevents any griping effect, thus producing a pill that influences the entire digestivoand alimentary system, in an equal and harmonious manner, and its aotion entirely fran from n0,.0 "-.unu.ug, , U III 1 L- ing or griping pains common to all other pui-guuves. Possessing these much desirable qualities the Podophyllin becomes invaluable as a FAMILY MEDICINE. No household should be without them. They are perfeotly safe, require but two for an ordinary dose, are prompt and effi cient in action, and when Usea in connec tion with Dr. Iloofland's German Bitters, or Tonio, may be regarded as oertain spe cifics in all cases of Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, br any of the disorders to which the system is ordtdarly subject. The PODOPHYLLIN PILLS act upon the stomach and bowels, carrying off imnrODerobstruntiona hiu n, n;..' , - n "... .ua uiiKrs or Tonid purify the blood, strengthen and invigorate the frime, give tone and app. tite to the stomaoh, and thus build up the invalid anew. Dr. Hoofland, having provided internal remedies for disease, has given the world one mainly for external application, in the wonderful preparation known as Da. HOOFLAND'S GREEK OIL. This Oil is a sovereign remedy for pains and aches of all kinds. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, - Toothaohe, Chilblains, Sprains, Burns, Pain in the Back and Loins, Ringworms, eto., eto., all yield to its external application. Taken internally, it is a cure for Heart burns, Kidney Diseases, Sick Headaches Colio, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps'. Pains in the Stomaoh, Colds, At' hma, eto. These remedies will be sent by express to any locality, upon application to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 631 ARCH ST PHILADELPHIA . ' CHA8. M. EVANS. Proprietor. Formerly C. M. JACKSON & CO Thete Remtdie are for tale by Uruggutt Storekeeper!, and Mediciiu Denltrt eoeru wkcr. vlnSlyl